• Batteries: Li-ion, Li-Pol, Li-ion-pol and rules of their operation. What are the features of lithium polymer batteries

    A polymer battery is a modernized version of lithium power sources. A special gel with certain characteristics is used as a filler for a lithium polymer battery.

    In order to decide whether it is worth using li pol advanced batteries, you need to study certain information and take into account the advantages and disadvantages.

    The performance of equipment, a portable device or installation largely depends on how correctly the power source is selected. Thus, a lithium ion or lithium ion polymer battery is used to complete portable chargers. In order to make the right choice, you need to know what the difference is. It is mandatory to take into account the pros and cons of power sources.

    Interesting video about lithium polymer batteries.

    Lithium-ion batteries

    The demonstration of the first ion batteries occurred in the last century. Then the developers presented models in which the electrodes were prepared from lithium metal. They were characterized by a low level of safety and short operation. Therefore, lithium metal was replaced with li ions.

    The upgraded lithium-ion battery has the following advantages:

    • Increased capacity, electrolyte density.
    • Possibility of operation at higher voltage.
    • Easy to maintain due to lack of memory effect.
    • Minimum self-discharge.

    The service life of an ion battery also depends on whether the disadvantages are taken into account:

    • Constant monitoring of voltage, current and temperature levels is required. This requires a special controller. This is exactly what distinguishes ionic batteries from polymer ones.
    • Gradual reduction in capacity.
    • The composition must include a proven protective circuit, a controller with the necessary components. Such work requires certain materials and tools. The procedure for manufacturing a protective circuit takes some time. All this leads to an increase in the cost of li ion po batteries by 1.5–2 times.

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    Lithium polymer batteries

    The development of a high-quality lithium polymer battery began due to the fact that the safety level of ion power sources was low. As a result, manufacturers received batteries that have special advantages in contrast to li.

    Instead of the standard electrolytic composition, a dry polymer electrolyte is used, presented in the form of a film. It does not conduct current and does not interfere with the exchange of charged particles. Unlike an ion power source, a porous separator is not included in the polymer battery device.

    Due to the fact that this design is used, the level of safety of li pol household batteries is higher. After all, the likelihood of ignition is reduced to zero.

    Polymer electrolyte is easy to process. Therefore, manufacturers can easily create a li ion polymer battery of the required shape and optimal configuration. Therefore, such power supplies are used in phones, laptops, portable equipment, and video cameras.

    Unfortunately, lithium ion polymer batteries have low electrical conductivity. Its level increases only when heated. But such an effect is not always acceptable. For example, heating the battery is not allowed if there is no cooling system.

    The resistance level of li ion polymer batteries is high, so it is quite difficult to obtain the required current value. Because of this, modern devices cannot be equipped with such power sources.

    But the above problems are inherent only in those li ion poly power sources in which the electrolyte is presented in dry form.

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    Upgraded lithium polymer batteries

    The problem associated with the lack of electrical conductivity was solved by introducing certain components into the electrolyte. Now they produce polymer batteries, the electrolyte in which is presented in the form of a gel. These power sources are called lithium ion polymer batteries. They are equipped with the best mobile phones, chargers and portable devices.

    Rechargeable polymer batteries are found everywhere, no matter what kind of technology is presented.

    Fundamental differences

    What to choose: li ion or li polymer battery? Both designs have similar characteristics and parameters. The difference lies in the presence of solid electrolyte in li ion pol batteries.

    The upgraded li-ion polymer battery does not come with a porous separator. It is distinguished by increased capacity, long service life, and increased electrical conductivity.

    When deciding which battery is best for a phone, manufacturers take into account design features, as well as the difference between pol and li types. Moreover, most often they use ion li polymer batteries, which have all the advantages.

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    Features of using lithium batteries

    The use of li ion and li ion pol follows a similar principle. To prevent problems you need:

    • Maintain a voltage of 4.2–2.7 V throughout the entire period of operation. These indicators correspond to the maximum and minimum charge.
    • Taking into account voltage restrictions introduced by manufacturers. For careful control, the use of proven schemes is allowed.
    • The service life of batteries charged up to 45–46% pol or li is the longest.
    • The introduction of controllers into ion polymer batteries helps maintain an acceptable voltage level.

    Rules for charging lithium polymer batteries

    To increase the operating time of the battery without additional recharging, you need to take into account the charging operating rules.

    1. Full discharge is not allowed. Polymer batteries do not have a memory effect. Therefore, the use of the charger is acceptable even with a small discharge. To extend the life of the li ion po battery, you need to charge it more often. In this case, you need to use a “native” charger.
    2. Constantly using a battery that is fully charged is harmful. Therefore, the power source must be discharged to zero at certain intervals. Caused by charging instability and the use of different circuits and devices. With periodic discharge, the possibility of the formation of lower and upper thresholds is eliminated.
    3. Unused li ion po power supplies are stored at a temperature of 15–20 degrees. The charge level should be 40%. A fully charged power source should not be stored. After all, this is fraught with loss of capacity and deterioration of performance.
    4. Original chargers are used to charge lithium-ion polymer batteries. Some mobile phones have built-in chargers. An external adapter is supplied separately to help stabilize the voltage. Some equipment is not equipped with such devices. Therefore, the battery is removed for charging.
    5. Polymer batteries must not be overheated. Even an excess of 1–2 degrees has a detrimental effect on the condition of the power source. Low temperatures also have a negative impact. Therefore, you need to use the battery only in an acceptable mode.
    6. It is prohibited to operate power sources in close proximity to heaters. The battery should not be exposed to direct sunlight. After all, all this helps to reduce the period of use.
    7. It is unsafe to use chargers that have not been certified. So how do you charge a battery? The best solution is to use tested and certified chargers recommended by manufacturers.
    8. All connectors used must be the same size. This is the only way to eliminate the possibility of shorting the battery.
    9. The temperature of the power supply must be constantly monitored. This is especially important if there is no cooling system.
    10. Mechanical loads are prohibited. This can cause the formation of microcracks and other damage.

    Video about the restoration of lithium-polymer batteries.

    Before using the universal charger you must:

    • Compare technical parameters.
    • Check capacity indicators. If you use limited chargers, it will be difficult to charge the power source.
    • Make sure the charger is working properly. After all, Chinese products may have defects.

    If necessary, you can check how the old battery will charge.

    Storage and disposal of polymer batteries

    The service life of ion polymer batteries depends on compliance with storage rules.

    1. Primary power sources do not require special storage conditions. It is enough to follow the manufacturers' recommendations.
    2. The battery removed from the device is placed on a dry surface. In this case, it is necessary to minimize the likelihood of sunlight hitting the surface of the power source.
    3. The likelihood of freezing increases if the battery is discharged. Therefore, premises with the required conditions are selected for storage.
    4. Polymer batteries should be stored with a small charge (40–50%).
    5. It is not worth using and storing lithium polymer batteries, whose voltage constantly decreases. Such devices must be recycled.
    6. After long-term storage, the energy source must be inspected. Damaged or swollen batteries should be replaced.

    The electrochemical system of polymer batteries is harmless. After all, during the preparation, environmental standards and requirements were taken into account. But the disposal of failed devices is mandatory. Such actions help preserve the environment. Failed sources are transferred to the appropriate organizations in the prescribed manner.

    Modernized lithium polymer batteries are gradually replacing traditional power sources. And this is due to considerable capabilities, technical characteristics and an increased level of safety.

    Portable chargers have become an integral element of modern everyday life. The quality of batteries is the main condition for their performance, efficiency and safety. Manufacturers of chargers use two types of batteries in their designs - lithium-ion and lithium-polymer. For the average consumer, unfamiliar with the features of different types, it often becomes a problem to choose one or another type of battery.

    What is the difference between these varieties, which one would be more correct to choose - all these questions require detailed knowledge about each type. In this article we will reveal the features of lithium-ion and lithium-polymer batteries, introduce them to their technical properties, charging methods, and service life.

    Differences between lithium-ion and lithium-polymer batteries

    Battery models produced using different technologies perform the same energy supply function. The design features of each type affect the reported power, service life, and degree of explosion protection. It cannot be stated unequivocally that a more modern type of battery is better than an outdated one. There are practical advantages and disadvantages to both technologies. The Li-pol and Li-ion models have similar operating schemes, but differ in configuration and technical parameters.

    To understand which is better - Li-polymer or Li-ion, let’s take a closer look at each type separately. You should compare battery types and make a choice in favor of one type or another based on the following indicators:

    • price;
    • weight to capacity ratio;
    • safety;
    • intended use in a device for a specific purpose;
    • temperature operating conditions.

    When choosing one of the two types, consider the scope of application and financial capabilities.

    Lithium-ion batteries: features and specifications

    Initially, lithium-based models were produced using manganese and cobalt as the main element (active electrolyte). Modern lithium-ion batteries have undergone design changes. Their productivity depends not on the substance used, but on the order in which the elements are placed in the block. The components of a modern Li-Ion battery are electrodes and a separator. Materials – aluminum and copper (copper anodes and aluminum foil as a cathode base).

    Special current collector terminals provide internal connection between the anode and cathode, and the electrolyte impregnation of the separator mass creates a favorable environment for charge maintenance. The positive charges of lithium ions trigger chemical reactions, form bonds, and provide energy output. The principle of operation of a lithium-ion based power supply is reminiscent of the operation of a full-size gel battery.

    Lithium polymer batteries

    Since lithium-ion models cannot cope with many modern tasks, they are gradually being replaced by polymer elements. Li-ion batteries did not have a high level of safety and were quite expensive. To eliminate these shortcomings and operational problems, and make the batteries more efficient, the developers decided to change the electrolyte. Instead of impregnating the porous separator, polymer electrolytes were used in the battery design.

    The lithium polymer cell has a thickness of 1 mm, which allows the battery to be compact in size. Replacing liquid electrolytes with polymer films eliminated the high risk of battery ignition and made it safe. The comparison table below will help you clearly determine how Li-ion differs from Li-Pol.




    Energy intensity

    low, the number of charge and discharge cycles is less

    Standard size

    small selection

    high choice, independence from standard cell format

    slightly heavier

    almost twice as high for the same size

    Service life

    approximately the same

    approximately the same

    Risk of explosion and fire


    built-in protection against electrolyte leakage and overcharging

    Charging time

    up to 0.1% monthly

    less active

    The design of polymer lithium battery devices completely eliminates the presence of electrolyte in the form of liquid or gel. You can clearly imagine the difference in technology when considering the operating principle of modern automotive power supply devices. Safety concerns have led to the exclusion of liquid electrolytes from everyday practice. But until recently, impregnated porous structures were used in car batteries.

    The introduction of polymer-lithium elements presupposed a solid-state basis. A characteristic difference from lithium-ion batteries is the process of contact action of the active substance plate with lithium and the prevention of the formation of dendrites during cycling. It is this feature that protects the battery cells from fire or explosion.

    Service life

    Both lithium-ion and lithium-polymer batteries are subject to intensive aging. They provide about nine hundred full charge cycles before they become unusable. It does not matter how active the device was used. If the battery has not been used at all for a long time, a reduction in service life will nevertheless occur.

    After just a year, the capacity becomes significantly reduced in service life, and after two or three years it can be stated that the battery has completely failed. This is a common drawback of lithium batteries, and you should choose a more durable model only depending on the reputation of the manufacturer and reviews of specific models.

    Additional protection

    If we consider the question of what is the difference between Li-ion and Li-Pol batteries, it is worth paying attention to the built-in protective systems. Lithium polymer models require additional internal protection features. They are characterized by cases of burnout due to overheating of the elements. Such consequences are caused by the internal stress of various work areas.

    In order to protect the device from unauthorized overcharging, overheating of parts and burnout, the design uses a special stabilizing system and a current limiting mechanism. This increases the safety of lithium-polymer models, but significantly increases the cost of the battery due to the use of protective elements.

    Part of the design involves electrolytic components in the gel formation. Composite batteries are used in many portable devices. They are extremely sensitive to temperature changes and require strict adherence to operating rules. The polymer-based battery can be used in devices with heating in the range of 60-100 degrees.

    Manufacturers enclose the internal part in a housing with heat-insulating properties - it is convenient to use such batteries in hot climates. In conditions where the temperature regime does not meet operating requirements, elements with a polymer component are used as backup.

    Features of battery charging

    The lithium polymer battery will require at least three hours of charging to recharge. In this case, the block does not heat up. There are two stages of filling. The first occurs until peak mode is established, which is maintained until charging reaches 70%. Under normal voltage conditions, a residual charge of 30% is accumulated. Recharging must be performed according to a strict schedule, waiting for complete discharge and carrying out the procedure every 500 hours of use of the device. This mode maintains a constant filling volume.

    The battery must only be connected to a stable power supply, without voltage surges or interference. You should only use appropriate chargers that match the characteristics stated in the description. An important point: during the charging process, all connectors must be connected correctly; disconnection must not be allowed. Li-Pol elements are extremely sensitive to all kinds of overloads, excessive current levels, mechanical shock and hypothermia. The tightness of solid elements should be ensured.

    Li-ion cells charge on roughly the same principles as polymer cells, but are more sensitive and less reliable in terms of safety. The charging time for both types is approximately the same, but the polymer element is more capricious in terms of the quality of the power supply point.

    The better lithium-ion battery

    Lithium-ion batteries are more familiar to consumers; they have a number of operational advantages:

    • the price is lower than a lithium polymer battery;
    • standardized standard sizes allow you not to make mistakes when choosing a model;
    • widespread scope of application.

    Powerful lithium batteries are effectively used for devices that require short-term high current consumption. The temperature regime, as with polymer-based devices, is of key importance during operation.

    The average user does not feel a noticeable difference, but, from the point of view of the rationality of the scope of application, this type of battery is convenient in chargers for the following equipment:

    • cordless tools (screwdrivers, saws, grinders);
    • laptops;
    • mobile phones;
    • electric cars;
    • home robots;
    • wheelchairs.

    Before choosing the optimal type of charging, you need to know exactly what device it will be used for. This is especially important if you plan to universally use and service several portable devices at once.

    It is rational to use lithium polymer batteries where weight and temperature are important factors. They are “afraid” of frost and are not very convenient for portable tools and gadgets. Therefore the main area of ​​use:

    • quadcopters;
    • airsoft guns;
    • toys;
    • CCTV cameras.

    When choosing the appropriate type of charger, pay attention to the scope of use, cost and level of safety. Read user reviews about products from different manufacturers and make a choice.

    Lithium polymer batteries represent an improved design of the world famous lithium-ion batteries. It is planned that these devices will soon completely displace nickel-metal hydride and nickel-cadmium devices from the market. batteries. Lithium polymer cells are increasingly used in a wide variety of electronic devices as a power source. With the same weight, their energy capacity is several times higher than nickel-metal hydride and nickel-cadmium structures.

    Potentially, lithium polymer cells will cost less than lithium-ion batteries. However, at the moment they are still quite expensive. At the moment, only a few large companies are engaged in their production. In terms of design, they are similar to lithium-ion cells, but they use helium electrolyte. As a result, they are distinguished by a low discharge current, significant energy density and a significant number of charge and discharge cycles. Their shape can be very different, and they themselves stand out for their light weight and compactness.


    Currently, lithium-polymer batteries can be of several types, which differ in the structure of the electrolyte:

    • Items having gel-like homogeneous electrolyte , which is created by introducing lithium salts into the composition of polymers.
    • Items having dry polymer electrolyte . This type is produced on the basis of polyethylene oxide using a variety of lithium salts.
    • Having polymer matrix electrolyte , having a microporous structure. It contains non-aqueous components of lithium salts.

    Due to the fact that a liquid electrolyte is used in the polymer element, their operational safety is an order of magnitude higher. In addition, they can be manufactured in various shapes and configurations.

    Some lithium polymer cells are made from a metallic polymer. However, at low temperatures, the parameters of such batteries are significantly reduced due to polymer crystallization.

    There are developments of polymer batteries that use a metal anode. Some companies have managed to significantly expand the operating temperature range and current density. These types of batteries can be used in various household appliances and electronics.

    At the same time, different manufacturers use different electrode materials, electrolyte structure and assembly technology. As a result, manufactured batteries may have completely different parameters. But all companies producing such batteries note that the stable operation of lithium-polymer batteries is ensured by the homogeneity of the polymer electrolyte. This in turn depends on the number of components, as well as the polymerization temperature.

    Battery options are already being produced with a thickness of only 1 millimeter. Thanks to this, manufacturers can produce very compact mobile devices.

    Also, lithium polymer batteries that are commercially available are divided into:

    • Regular.
    • Fast-discharge.


    Lithium polymer batteries work on the principle of moving a number of polymer elements into semiconductor substances, provided that electrolyte ions are included in them. As a result, a significant increase in conductivity occurs. According to the design, these batteries are distinguished by their electrolytic composition.

    The essence of polymer technology is that an electrolyte is applied to a plastic film. It does not allow the conduction of electricity, but allows the exchange of ions. In other words, the polymer electrolyte replaces the standard porous separator impregnated with liquid electrolyte. Thanks to the dry polymer design, it is possible to ensure a minimum cell thickness of about 1 mm, safety of use and ease of production. Thanks to this design, developers have the opportunity to implement such batteries in shoes, clothing, miniature equipment and other devices.

    But a dry polymer battery has disadvantages in the form of reduced conductivity and internal resistance of polymers, which is unacceptable for a number of powerful mobile devices. To make a small polymer battery more advanced, a certain percentage of gel cells is added to the electrolyte. Most commercial batteries currently used in cell phones are polymer-gel hybrids. Hybrid batteries are currently the most popular.

    Operating principle

    Lithium polymer batteries operate on a principle similar to lithium-ion cells, meaning they operate on a reversible chemical reaction. Here, the anode is a carbon material into which lithium ions are introduced. Vanadium, manganese or cobalt oxides are used in the cathode. The operation of such a battery is based on the ability of polymers to transform into a semiconductor state due to the inclusion of electrolytic ions in them.

    Lithium salts are still used as the chemical basis of the electrolyte. However, they are located in a corresponding polymer spacer, which is located between the cathode and anode. Thanks to this, lithium polymer batteries can be made in any arbitrary shape. They can be placed in a variety of inaccessible locations, opening up new possibilities for electronics manufacturers.


    Lithium polymer batteries are increasingly used. Such batteries can significantly increase the operating time of the device with a reduced battery weight. Thanks to this, it is possible to obtain an energy carrier that will have several times greater capacity. Using fast-discharging batteries will provide even greater performance. Therefore, such batteries become an excellent option for radio-controlled models of airplanes and helicopters, including other radio-controlled devices.

    Application Li-Pol batteries makes it possible to reduce the weight of the battery and increase the operating period of devices. Lithium polymer batteries have proven their worth in small helicopters such as the Piccolo. Such devices are capable of flying on such batteries for 30 minutes or more. These elements are a good option for small flying structures.

    Typical lithium polymer batteries are used as power sources, which are required for electronic devices that consume relatively little current. These could be laptops, smartphones, and so on. Fast-discharging batteries are used in devices where high current consumption is required. Similar batteries are used in modern, portable electric tools and radio-controlled devices.

    Limitations of use

    These batteries will be widely used in the automotive industry in the future. Today they are used to create new technologies and test electric vehicles. However, there are certain restrictions that prevent the use of these batteries everywhere.

    • Lithium polymer batteries require a special charging mode. In principle, this is not difficult, but the usual cannot be used for this. This is due to the fact that they are a fire hazard during the period of overdischarge. To combat this phenomenon, all such batteries have an electronic system that prevents overdischarge and overheating.
    • If the lithium polymer battery is not used correctly, it may cause a fire.
    • The lithium polymer battery should not be used immediately after charging. First, it should be cooled to ambient temperature. Otherwise, the battery may be damaged.
    • Short circuit is not allowed.
    • Depressurization of the battery is not allowed.
    • Battery discharge is below 3 volts.
    • Do not heat above 60 degrees.
    • Batteries should not be exposed to microwaves or pressure. This can lead to smoke, fire and more serious consequences.
    • It is necessary to protect the battery from damage and shock. Strong mechanical stress can lead to damage to the internal structure.

    However, these disadvantages do not prevent them from being used in a wide variety of areas. In the future, all these shortcomings will be leveled out by the introduction of new technologies and developments.

    Benefits of Lithium Polymer Batteries
    • Quite high energy density.
    • Small self-discharge parameter.
    • There is no memory effect.
    • Lithium polymer batteries are slightly superior to their lithium counterparts in terms of battery capacity and duration of use.
    • Manufacturing batteries only one millimeter thick.
    • Applications in a fairly wide temperature range: from minus 20 to plus 40 degrees Celsius.
    • Possibility of giving the battery different shapes.
    • Slight voltage drop during discharge.

    Are you wondering: “What to choose: Li-Ion or Li-Po battery?” We will explain in detail the differences between these two types of batteries.

    As we all know, the power of a portable charger largely depends on the quality of the batteries inside the device. There are two types of batteries on the market today that are used to produce portable chargers: Li-Ion and Li-Po battery cells.

    Li-Ion or Li-Po: What is the difference and what to choose

    For the information of users, one of the frequently asked questions regarding portable chargers is: what is the difference between Li-Ion and Li-Po batteries, and also which one is better. Let's figure it out.

    What are Li-Ion and Li-Po?

    Li-Ion is short for lithium-ion, and Li-Po is short for lithium-polymer. The endings “ionic” and “polymer” are an indication of the cathode. A lithium polymer battery consists of a polymer cathode and a solid electrolyte, while a lithium ion battery consists of carbon and a liquid electrolyte. Both batteries are rechargeable, and then, in one sense or another, they both perform the same function. In general, lithium-ion batteries are older than lithium polymer batteries, but they are still widely used due to their low cost and low maintenance. Lithium-polymer batteries are considered more advanced, with improved characteristics that provide a higher level of safety, therefore, such batteries are more expensive than lithium-ion batteries.

    There are many configurations of Li-Ion batteries. The most common lithium-ion batteries for portable chargers are 18650 batteries with a diameter of 18mm and a length of 65mm, in which 0 indicates a cylindrical configuration. More than 60% of portable chargers are made from 18650 battery cells. The size and weight of such cells easily allows them to be used in many electronic devices. Manufacturing technologies also do not stand still.

    As consumers increasingly demand lighter, smaller portable chargers, the limitations of lithium-ion batteries become increasingly apparent. So manufacturers are turning to lighter, flatter modular lithium-polymer batteries for new portable chargers. Moreover, lithium-polymer batteries are not as susceptible to explosion, and therefore portable chargers no longer need to have a protective layer built in, whereas most 18650 lithium-ion batteries only need to be installed with a protective layer.

    Let's summarize the differences between lithium ion and lithium polymer in the form of a table.

    Key Features Li-Ion Li-Po
    Energy density High Low, with fewer cycles compared to Li-Ion
    Versatility Low High, manufacturers are not tied to the standard cell format
    Weight A little heavier Lungs
    Capacity Below The same volume of Li-Po battery is almost twice as large as Li-Ion
    Life cycle Big Big
    Explosion hazard Higher Improved safety reduces the risk of overcharging as well as electrolyte leakage
    Charging time A little longer shorter
    Wearability Loses less than 0.1% of its effectiveness every month Slower than Li-Ion batteries
    Price Cheaper More expensive

    After studying all the advantages, disadvantages and characteristics of the two types of batteries, you can be sure that there is no strong competition between them. Although the lithium-ion battery is thinner and sleeker, lithium-ion batteries have a higher energy density and are much cheaper to produce.

    Therefore, you should not pay much attention to the type of battery, just choose a branded portable charger that meets your requirements. After all, there are a lot of chemicals added to these batteries, so it remains to be seen which ones will last the longest.

    Without proper battery life, the whole point of a mobile device is lost. The user finds himself tied to the power grid and cannot be in touch while moving. In the company "Magazin-Details.RU" you can buy a lithium-polymer battery and solve problems with the rapid discharge of the device.

    How to order a lithium-polymer battery at Magazin-Details.RU

    Do you want to quickly buy Li-Pol batteries and not wait for spare parts to be delivered? Contact our store. We are suppliers to leading service centers and spare parts stores, and we are also preferred by retail customers from all over the country.

    Our company has been selling and collaborating directly with equipment manufacturers for several years. We specialize in supplying high quality original spare parts. This guarantees the customer uninterrupted battery life.

    Also here you will find Li-Ion batteries for laptops, smartphones, phones and tablets.

    Our company strives to simplify the ordering procedure as much as possible. To buy a polymer lithium-ion battery, the client does not need to waste time and come to our office. All issues will be quickly resolved via the website, email or phone.

    You can find out the exact cost of parts on our website. Store managers constantly update the assortment, information on prices and balances.

    The company "Magazin-Details.RU" cooperates with legal entities and individuals. Payment for your order can be made through popular services and payment systems without leaving your home.

    Delivery of lithium-polymer batteries for smartphones is carried out through courier services, transport companies or Russian Post. You can also pick up the goods at a convenient time yourself from our warehouse.