• Yandex updates - what are they? Types, when they take place and how to find out when an update is happening? What are updates and types of Yandex updates

    The term “update” comes from the English word “update”, which means “update”. When this word is applied to a search engine, it means updating the content of the results.

    In this article we will talk about the types of Yandex updates. You will learn what updates occur periodically in this search engine and will be able to better understand how Yandex indexes the site. In addition, we will tell you how often this happens, which will allow us to predict changes in search results.

    This is the most frequent update of Yandex, which is performed on average once a week. It updates the text content of search results.

    Thus, if any changes were made to the text of the page, for example, meta tags were added to the snippet, then it is the text update of the search engine that will enter these innovations into the Yandex database. Also, after a text update, you can wait for the appearance of new pages in search results that were published recently.

    Beginners are often disappointed when making changes to the text of pages and not seeing these innovations in search results. However, as has already become clear, you just need to wait for the text update.

    Link update

    Link updates occur less frequently than text updates. On average, practice shows that this happens 1-2 times a month.

    With this recalculation, Yandex updates the anchor lists. Thus, if an external link was placed on the site, then you can see it in the webmaster’s account only after the link update. Of course, the link update may also change.

    Practice also shows that updates for external and internal links can occur at different times. But their frequency is approximately the same.

    Behavioral factors update

    The types of Yandex updates continue to be those that recalculate . In total, the search engine has two PF updates – micro and macro:

    • Micro – Occurs frequently and recalculates small statistics.
    • Macro - occurs approximately once every six months, and recalculates all static data that relates to behavioral factors. After this recalculation, the ranking may change significantly.

    Recalculation of behavioral factors will allow you to understand how much it was improved if it was optimized. It is the macro update that will give the maximum understanding of this.

    Statistical data update

    First of all, this is a change in the TIC, which everyone is waiting for (or rather, waiting for). Yandex has not changed the TIC for a long time, and, probably, this indicator will soon be removed from the search engine and will no longer be taken into account.

    In addition to the TIC, other data is updated with this recalculation, such as HostRank, BrowseRank and TIC. To recalculate all this data, Yandex requires significant resources and time, since it takes into account a large number of statistics. Therefore, statistical updates occur rarely - on average, once every six months.

    Classification update

    Yandex classifies sites according to various parameters. And this data is updated during the classification update.

    So, the search engine takes into account the following classification parameters:

    • Geography.
    • Language affiliation.
    • Topics – news, information, commercial, adult, etc.
    • And much more.

    Updates occur on average once every 1-2 months.

    Thus, if the site’s region has changed (or another indicator that is classified by Yandex), then it will take 1-2 months to wait for changes in the search.

    Filter updates

    They are waiting for millions of webmasters who, with their sites, fell under certain filters. The frequency is different for each filter and can vary significantly, up to six months.

    Thus, if Yandex imposed automatic sanctions for something, then updating the filters will remove them (if, of course, the reasons for imposing the filter are eliminated). However, sometimes you may not expect this, and it makes sense to write to Yandex Webmaster support with a request to manually remove the sanctions. In some situations this helps.

    Other updates

    Yandex is a huge machine, and its updates are not limited to those described above. However, they are the most important for traffic and long-awaited by webmasters.

    There are other updates that are one way or another expected:

    • Search by images.
    • Icon (favicon).
    • Unsticking and gluing mirrors.
    • Indexing video content.
    • Indexing comments to articles.
    • Validity of page code.
    • Mobile services.
    • Yandex Direct, if advertising is used.
    • And many others.

    So, now you know what types of Yandex updates there are. It should be noted that all changes on the site are taken into account by the search engine, but this takes some time.

    Hello friends! This is the last article in a series of my experimental articles (test article for Baden 6). Literally in 2 months I will sum up the results and write about my observations! I'm sure it will be interesting

    Today we’ll talk about one of the key concepts of SEO promotion and internet promotion in general. This magical phenomenon in a split second lifts some sites to the skies and also quickly brings them down to the distant pages of search results. Its name is Yandex Updates.

    The word has English roots and implies updating the search engine. What exactly changes with each update? In fact, there are several types of updates, and you will read about each of them in detail below.

    Now let's give a simple example. You upload a new article to your website or create a completely new correct resource and it already has a couple of texts. After some time they appear online. This means that the Yandex Up has already touched your site.

    In fact, we are talking about the appearance of new pages or entire sites in the search engine. But in fact, everything is much more interesting than it seems. Therefore, I advise you to continue reading if you want to get to the heart of the work of the No. 1 search engine in the entire post-Soviet space.

    You can learn more about Google and Yandex search algorithms, their development and features. For proper website promotion, it is also useful to know about ways to help improve the search visibility of a resource through optimization.

    How is the Yandex search engine updated?

    At its core, search engine optimization is characterized as a never-ending process based on regular periodic updates. Even at night or during weekends, search robots and algorithms work tirelessly on all sorts of updates, adjustments, bans, permissions and relocations.

    Therefore, many webmasters and promotion specialists often do not get enough sleep at night to constantly monitor the level of traffic on the site. If a resource crashes from the first search page, problems with customers immediately begin because the project suffers losses. With profit, the situation is repeated exactly the opposite. And again, fateful ups are to blame.

    What is an update from an SEO point of view?

    This phrase should be understood as the appearance of new sites or web pages in the databases of a particular search engine. As a result, not only new data is added to the system, but the order of arrangement of Internet resources on the search results pages also changes. This is how the search engine updates its cache. This process can also be called changing the indexing results.

    In practice it looks like this. Today your site ranks first for the query “rose-colored glasses Moscow price”, tomorrow it moves to ninth, and a week later to 37th place. Moreover, such a movement is possible in both directions and can be explained only on the basis of subjective hypotheses. With the exception of gross errors, which are immediately visible and obvious. But most often in SEO, everything is far from so simple. Often, some pages that are optimized according to all the rules are in lower positions than similar, less well-organized sections of competitors.

    The main task of search robots is to constantly monitor any, even minor, changes in the network. They pay special attention to the emergence of new pages or entire sites. Every change, be it edits in the old version of the page or the appearance of a new element, is recorded by the search engine in its own cache. This continues until the next update, after which a kind of castling occurs. Some pages leave the cache forever, others appear in it and take their places on the search engine results pages.

    Which elements need to be updated first:

    1. New link addresses.
    2. All new text parts of pages.
    3. Changes to previously created pages.

    In most cases, links and text are updated in Yandex at the same time. But it is not a fact that an address added to Webmaster at 22.00 Moscow time will appear in search results 10-12 hours later. No one knows or can predict the exact time when this will happen. After the first update, a new one is not always available, and if you believe the rules, the next update will occur no earlier than in 3-10 days. You need to focus on this time when analyzing the effectiveness of SEO promotion for each individual page.

    The update is more loyal to some types of sites. Blogs and news resources have the luckiest of all. Resources that often publish new materials with a large number of views, likes and comments are also a priority. Everyone else is patiently, with the humility of African tribes waiting for rain, while away the time until the next update.

    Main types of Yandex Update - what, why and how

    Search results update

    Let's imagine that you want to buy a hookah. Go to the search engine and enter the desired query. Follow the link to the site that interests you and immediately find the information you need. But you don’t have the opportunity to order a hookah today. You calmly close the page and go about your business. Do not save anything to bookmarks.

    A week passes and you search, but do not find a familiar site on the first page of Yandex, which a week ago was the leader in its segment. This means that during the update, search robots decided to reformat the ten most relevant resources to the request.

    It’s good if your hookah only made it to the second or third page. Otherwise, you will have to waste time and delve into history.

    Why is this happening? There may be several reasons:

    1. A new algorithm for calculating bad and good texts has been launched.
    2. More relevant and high-quality materials from competitors appeared.
    3. When developing the page, you made mistakes that became noticeable to robots only over time.
    4. Technical failure and dozens of other similar reasons.

    Text content update

    Takes into account all changes that affect the text part of blogs, news portals, online stores, forums, bulletin boards, social networks and other important resources. Important! Indexed articles are also periodically scanned by robots to quickly record possible changes. New text material is given a special consideration - it is also closely monitored, checked for uniqueness, overspam, nausea and other indicators in order to assign an appropriate place in the search results.

    Link mass update

    By the way, all of the listed types of updates intersect with each other at different points. It happens like this. Imagine that, in parallel with the ordered articles, you purchased several promising links for the site.

    During the update process, Yandex robots index the link mass and text content. This is how the system determines what position in the search results to place each specific page. Usually all this happens at the same time, but exceptions to the rules also happen.

    Types of Yandex Updates that not everyone knows about

    TIC update

    A very useful Yandex parameter that shows the level of authority and expertise of a site in its niche. Webmasters often use sites with high TICs to further monetize the resource by selling links. But over time, this practice becomes a thing of the past and gives way to classic content marketing with.

    Yandex Catalog Update

    New sites get into it, and old, inactive or completely lost trust leave their homes. This type of update is important for everyone who strives to make their resource part of a prestigious catalog or is afraid of losing their place in this list.

    Updating images in the search database

    A separate robot is responsible for this. Images are indexed gradually, although the nature of the update has the same clear boundaries as in the case of updating text content. This type of update will be of interest to everyone who aims to publish high-quality photographs and pictures and receive a significant part of the traffic from them. Observing the update of pictures will help to identify the most successful manipulations with the image from the point of view of attracting visitors.

    Favicons update. These are small icons tied to a specific site. They appear to the left of the main page title. If you work with information in one or several segments for a long time, then it is very easy to find the necessary information using the favicons of high-quality sites that have long been tested for the quality of content. \

    There is no need to suspect anything if your new and more beautiful graphic icon does not appear in searches for a long time. The thing is that favicon updates are among the rarest in the system.

    Mirrorer update

    A separate robot checks the mirror gluing work. Here is a simple example of mirror addresses: www.site and . Gluing with the definition of the main mirror is a prerequisite for the normal operation of the site. This can be done in two ways: through the webmaster panel, 301 redirect or using the robots.txt file.

    Often a situation arises when a site ends up on a different domain. The reasons can be very different - from a banal hit by a filter to a fundamental decision to change the domain name. To ensure that everything goes smoothly and without noise, the address of the new main mirror is written in the robots.txt file of the new and old domino. In parallel, the same manipulations are performed on the webmaster panel.

    Unfortunately, gluing does not happen immediately, but only after the next update with the participation of a specially trained robot.

    What does the update process look like from the inside?

    Every adequate site participates in the search and is clearly visible to the visitor. But in order for people to know about the existence of a resource, the system must record this fact. The spider robot is engaged in such similar tasks. It regularly scans the Internet and places the sites it finds in its database. But new resources are not added immediately.

    First comes the information collection stage. This is similar to how a copywriter collects interesting facts to later present them in his article. When an asset has the required amount of information, it moves to the database. But this is no ordinary movement. In parallel with this, the database itself is undergoing changes, taking into account the new data that has now become part of it.

    This is called the ranking process. It is based on a complex algorithm that analyzes a wide range of different factors. Therefore, the participation of a new site in the updated version of the search requires a thorough restructuring of old and new Internet resources.

    Do you know when the last update is?

    The average article for a site ends up in the Yandex cache after two updates. This usually takes from one to two weeks. After the first text update, the content is taken into account. If no major changes are recorded during the second update, the text takes its place in the search results. Speed ​​also depends on the volume of new text and the structural features of each individual site.

    If a “thick” site that occupies a leading position in a niche updates a longread with a bunch of photos, tables and diagrams, the process of re-indexing such material will take longer.

    It is much easier to predict how the citation index in a topic is updated. The overall TIC value in the value search engine is stable and accurate. It almost never changes, with rare exceptions. Therefore, the update itself implies a process of redistribution. It happens, usually once or twice in one or two months.

    But even for this type of update, as for all others, no one can give exact dates. You can only make assumptions based on events in retrospect. There are even special resources for this on RuNet:

    • tools.promosite.ru is an update indicator that provides a wide range of analytical information after updates. All changes are clearly shown in the form of graphs. It is considered the most accurate resource that reports about the next update. Mandatory checks take place every three minutes.

    • seobudget.ru is an update indicator that offers a report in the form of a table, which shows the dates of updates in the search engine for past periods. Below they publish the dates of expected updates in the context of two popular search engines.

    Using these services, you can fairly accurately predict when new texts, links, pictures and other information will next appear in the database.

    Features of Google updates

    The largest search engine in the world has only two types of updates - search results and PageRank. Let's talk about each of them in more detail.

    Search update

    Google search results are not like Yandex. There is no update process as such. Everything happens almost online. As soon as new changes appear, the system immediately adapts to them. There are no numerous types of updates, transfers to the database and back. All algorithms are simplified to the limit.


    Google's analogue of the TIC indicator in Yandex. In simple words, it determines the authority of the page. Depends on the weight and number of links that lead to a specific section of the site. Data is updated approximately every three to four months. Toolbar PR is no longer updated!

    When was the last Google update?

    New data appears in the system daily. Therefore, those who promote on Google do not “live” from update to update, but monitor changes as necessary. As a rule, texts and links are added to the search at the same time.

    PageRank parameters are also constantly recalculated. The system monitors the quality and quantity of links that lead to a particular document. But a global update of the entire rating is carried out once every 3-4 months.

    How to quickly find out about the latest accurate Yandex Updates?

    The main data update procedures start approximately after 12 am Moscow time. A special informer from promosite promptly provides the necessary information. But even after installing the widget, you should not immediately waste time checking the changes. The Yandex search database is huge and takes at least several hours to update. Therefore, any update checks in the dark are a waste of time. It is more convenient to track changes in the morning, when all changes have already been recorded and sorted.

    There are a number of other services on the RuNet that also monitor updates of the domestic search engine. In fact, the information you need is easy to find on any website that has other search engine optimization analysis tools. The RDS bar, well known among webmasters, also reports on recent changes. Therefore, problems with timely receipt of information, as a rule, do not arise.

    After each update of the citation index or search results, the activity of sites, forums and groups on social networks where optimizers with different skill levels communicate is activated. They exchange experiences, talk about their successes and failures. It is there that new theories and hypotheses are born about how to increase the TCI of a particular site and what methods help in this. Of course, the main secrets remain behind the scenes, but there is still a lot of useful information.

    There is a nice bonus from Yandex itself. A message about a new update may come to you by email from the search engine itself. In the depths of the Webmaster service menu there is a section where you can select news and other information that you want to receive by email or directly in the service interface.

    But if you get information directly from a search engine, then you will be among the last to know the news. The next update begins to be discussed immediately after the procedure is launched. And the message comes when work on all the changes has already been completed. The advantage of a message from Yandex is that at the time of receiving it, you can safely double-check the change in positions.

    Why do you need to analyze the correct Yandex updates?

    Imagine that you are promoting your own or a client’s resource. Monitoring updates will help you quickly determine the results of optimization, make the necessary changes, and minimize the impact of mistakes.

    A specific example. You have written texts of a certain structure according to a clear, pre-thought-out new template. But after the update, the pages did not even enter the TOP 100. At the same time, articles written according to the structure that was used previously significantly improved their positions. This means that you need to bring the texts into the most preferred form for Yandex and wait for the next update. The main question is how to achieve this? Each SEO specialist has his own signature recipes.

    Working with links works in a similar way. If one strategy fails and traffic volumes drop, you urgently need to change your tactics for interacting with links.

    To analyze the results of an update, webmasters use all available RuNet tools. Google Analytics and Yandex Webmaster are just the main ones. When analyzing data, try to remember that there are very few 100% reliable facts and figures in SEO. Everything is learned by comparison through personal experience. And dramatic changes happen every day.

    All the features described above relate only to text and link updates. Analyzing authority metrics is much more difficult, and we will look at these points in future articles.

    One thing can be said for sure: without analyzing the Yandex Update, it is very difficult to find out the characteristics of the audience that comes to the site. And information about it is necessary to increase traffic volumes, as well as to increase the number of visitors to the resource every day.

    Snack video:

    The promotion of Internet projects directly depends on updates to search results, the results of which are made up of additional updates of the Yandex search engine, analyzed, and the final result is expressed in the position occupied by the promoted resource.

    Yandex uses various “robots” that analyze a certain part of the site) to collect information about sites, which ultimately transmit the received information for processing to the main server, and during its update, new positions of sites are determined for certain requests.

    What updates does Yandex have?

    The promotion and attitude of search engines towards the site can be easily assessed by the results of a search engine update, and the process itself, translated from English, update means update. Upgrades are divided into four groups, and each of them plays its own role in the search engine, but together they determine the state of the site, its position in search results and the attitude of the search engine to the project as a whole.

    There are 4 types of Yandex updates:

    1. Updating the link mass and content on
    2. Update TCI of Internet resources.
    3. Updating Yandex search results.
    4. Upgrade of the Yandex website catalog.

    Yandex link and text updates

    The text update occurs simultaneously with the link update and transfers the found texts and links to the search database, which determines the place occupied in the search for a specific key query. A text update is a planned action, and if text is added to the site today, and the update occurs the next day, then the new article will not appear in the search, since the robot searching for content and links simply will not have time to view the new text. If the owner of a resource adds new content to the site and the speed of getting into search results is very important, you need to calculate the approximate date of the next update and find out whether the robot will have time to view the new page.

    This type of upgrade takes on average 6 days, but these times are not constant; you won’t be able to check the exact updates of Yandex, so you should just use free services that calculate the approximate update date.

    Update of TCI indicators

    The TCI indicator depends on the number of links to the site, as well as the total mention of the domain (for example: www.help.ru) on other Internet resources; as a result of the analysis of these indicators, the resource is gaining popularity.

    Owners of popular resources, endowed with huge indicators of this parameter, diligently monitor its growth and constantly monitor the correct Yandex updates so that their income grows, but if the TCI declines, the cost of links from their resource will decrease.

    Updating the TCI of a website is an important event for all owners of Internet projects, since this event shows the popularity of the resource among the entire Internet. This event is the least predictable, and if any site optimizer can expect a text update once a week, then this will never happen with the TCI, so you should not even try to guess the date.

    Accurate search results updates

    Each update of the search results changes a lot, and if a resource after the last upgrade got to the first line for a certain query, this does not mean that with the next update it will not slide down to 5th or 10th place.

    Search update is the most important process during which Yandex fully analyzes the project, uses data from other types of updates (link, text, etc.), scans each site into a cinematic core and produces a search result. The described process of site analysis allows the main one to decide which of the sites should be in the first position, and which of them will be in the twenty-fifth for the same request.

    Yandex does not hide the update process and, if desired, can notify the webmaster about the start of an update of the search results, for which you simply need to configure this action in the site control panel. In addition to the system itself, you can turn to other services that are common on the Internet and will notify customers free of charge about updates to search results, catalogs and other Yandex services.

    Updating the Yandex catalog

    Yandex has a directory and allows only selected sites into it, and the rest, if they could not get in on a free basis, can try to pay, however, even if they are in the directory, the resource does not receive much of an advantage over other projects in getting into the first position.

    Search engines divide sites depending on the region where the company is located (that is, a resident of Surgut will not see an organization from Novosibirsk in the first position), but those companies that are engaged in trade or services throughout Russia turn to the Yandex catalog to assign several search regions to the site .

    For non-commercial projects, getting into the directory will be important due to the increase in the cost of links from their sites to customer resources and, even more so, will increase the cost of the site when selling.

    If we consider the catalog of Yandex sites, then an update is an update of the positions of sites within the catalog system, where the first place goes to the project with the highest TCI, and the rest are smoothly placed among all other positions based on the value of the site’s citation index.

    Methods for determining Yandex updates

    There are various services that will show for free past updates to search results, catalogue, TCI, PR on Google and other changes in the operation of search engines, but most importantly, they can notify you if the correct Yandex updates have begun.

    The update begins at midnight and can last for ten or twenty hours, so you can start checking positions at least in the morning, and preferably in the late afternoon.

    The update system does not work as many Internet users believe, for example: on the 1st, the search results are updated, but this update includes pages that were found before the 20th of the previous month.

    What to do after Yandex updates

    Any update is a change, and changes can be either good or bad, so you need to react quickly and check how the search engine treats the project at the moment.

    SEOs remember everything about their site that they do with it: they change, delete or add something, and all these changes affect the attitude of the search engine either positively or negatively. The optimizer then analyzes the changes and decides what to do next: continue actions or change tactics.

    Example. The optimizer began placing links from the internal pages of the site to the main page, Yandex underwent an update, and as a result, the main page did not reach the first position for the selected query, and the subpages began to bring in fewer visitors. The optimizer can only decide: return everything back and choose another method, or continue and display the main page of the site in the chosen way.

    Of course, the correct Yandex updates should be constantly monitored, and it does not matter exactly how this is done, the main thing is to understand the result and decide how to further promote the site.

    Good afternoon, dear site owners.

    Today there will be a theoretical article that will help you understand another concept in the SEO area.

    On the knife's edge is the concept of search engine results updates. Let's look at a lot of small points that will make this article the most detailed material on the web. I hope this will happen.

    What is issuance ap

    In the future I will use 2 concepts of admittance:

    1. Update - complete concept (translation from English - update);
    2. Ap is short for updet.

    So, as you already understand, this concept implies updating something. If we take our topic (SEO, website promotion), then in this case it means updating the search database.

    By updating the search database, in turn, we mean its change, during which certain parameters of each site and the entire search results as a whole are rearranged, increased or decreased.

    Webmasters are always very impatiently waiting for search engine updates, as they expect to see the fruits in the form of increased numbers (TIC and PR), traffic, and therefore high rankings in search results. Site owners work very long and hard so that during the up-and-down their site rises to the top and begins to bring them more visitors, and, accordingly, profit.

    But it doesn't always end that way. An update is a very unstable thing, since it depends on the work of the algorithms, on the basis of which positions in the search results are distributed. Some will be lucky and their site will rise to the top, but others will not and the resource, on the contrary, will slide to the very zeros.

    This is due to the fact that algorithms are constantly being improved and, if some promotion methods worked before, then in the next update a new algorithm may work, which will demote sites using such methods.

    For example, in the case of purchasing links or . Previously, you could buy as many links of any quality as you wanted, and the site grew by leaps and bounds. But now it doesn’t work like that anymore. Yandex developers improved this algorithm and after the next update, sites that had low-quality links fell sharply in positions.

    And this happens very often. Now everything is moving towards the fact that only really good sites are at the top of the search results. You can try to buy them links. But what is the guarantee that the algorithm will not be improved in the coming months and these links will not only not work, but, on the contrary, will have a detrimental effect on the resource? Then the next update will be a disaster.

    So, we found out that a search engine update is an update of search results based on developed algorithms, which can either raise a site or lower it, making it less authoritative.

    Plus, you should understand that the concept of an update applies specifically to the Yandex search engine, since it is what is most often awaited. Google is a very powerful search engine that updates its search database in real time. Google can immediately take into account this or that page in its ranking algorithms and therefore such a page in Google can be seen in the first positions literally in the very first days, which cannot be said about Yandex.

    Yandex has to resort to some tricks, since there is not yet enough hardware power to process all the new indexed pages several times every day, analyze the link mass and other indicators. Actually, we will talk about these tricks and principles of work of ads in Yandex in the third paragraph of the material about the differences between ads in both search engines.

    For now, let’s look at the main types of ups.

    Types of updates

    The main types of Yandex search updates that webmasters monitor are:

    Now I want to give some clarification about the work of updates in the Yandex search engine, since due to the presence of rather low hardware power (compared to Google), there are some nuances in the work.

    Yandex, like Google, constantly indexes new pages, finds links leading to them, etc., but unlike the second search engine, it does not immediately take them into account when generating search results.

    If you take a period during which 30 texts were published, then not all of them will be taken into account when ranking search results during the next update. Only a portion of them that were posted on the resource before a certain date will be taken into account.

    For example, from February 1st to February 30th, 30 texts were posted on the resource. On the last day of the year, Yandex issuance ap occurs. The PS will not take into account all pages so that they participate in the ranking, but will take into account only some that were included in the index before a certain date, for example, February 26th.

    This means that the pages were included in the index (with the help of a fast robot), but such documents have not yet been taken into account when building search results. That is, you will not see them in the search yet, although they will already be in the index. And only during the next update will these documents be included in the search and will play their role in building search results, participating in ranking algorithms.

    The same applies to the link update. We posted 20 links throughout the entire period, but only a few that were included in the index before a certain number will be taken into account. The rest will be ranked in 1 update.

    We can conclude that some of the new documents (pages, texts, links) begin to be taken into account when constructing the search results only after 1 update.

    How then does Yandex generate a list of sites during the next update? The fact is that between updates we see a list of sites that is given to us from the cache. The list of sites in the search results after the next update of the Yandex search database is formed after the first user request for a specific request.

    That is, the first user requested some information for the first time immediately after the app. It generates a list of sites, which for this request is stored in the cache, so that when other visitors access the request, it does not create a colossal load. Now, until the next update, the output will be taken from the cache (saved copies of pages).

    During this period, Yandex collects all the necessary information on the pages included in the accounting: links, texts, behavioral factors, and so on. And during the next update of the search results, all these indicators are taken into account in the ranking algorithm.

    This is why some sites sag after an update. It’s just that the indicators between search updates are not very good. Conclusion: it is necessary to do better.

    It’s easier with Google, since the search engine is very powerful and recalculates all indicators in real time. The page can be indexed instantly, the link can be taken into account the next day, and so on.

    In the case of the algorithm for updating search results in Yandex, the question may arise:

    How, then, will indicators be collected on my site if it is still new and after it gets into the index, the pages do not occupy high positions?

    The answer is quite simple and obvious:

    It is necessary to work comprehensively on the site. In the initial stages, the minimum actions will be:

    1. attract traffic to pages so that you can make an assessment based on the behavior of visitors and take it into account when ranking;
    2. engage in link building so that as many links as possible link to us. The main criterion is their quality. 5 quality links are better than 100 not so good ones.

    All this will help Yandex track the activity regarding your resource and raise it in positions.

    You can even do an experiment. Create a very high-quality article with good design and presentation, reveal the essence of the user’s problem and provide a comprehensive solution. Then drive a lot of traffic to it. You will see how the page quickly rises in the search results after 2-3 ups and will be in the first positions. The pages I drove traffic to always produced results faster.

    Differences between Yandex and Google apps

    In principle, in the previous paragraph I already considered the most important difference between both search engines in terms of updating. But to make everything clearer for you, I will duplicate everything in a more condensed form. So, let's go.

    The most important difference is the speed of updates to the search database.

    • Google grasps all changes instantly and can take them into account in the construction of search results, also in real time;
    • Yandex takes time to evaluate the site’s performance and only then take them into account when building search results. This is exactly what happens during every update.

    Yandex acts differently, since it does not have the same power as the first search engine to change everything in real time:

    I gave an algorithm based on a text update. The same applies to reference, which, as a rule, occurs together with text.

    The algorithm is similar:

    • First, the link will be indexed;
    • During the next update it will be taken into account when ranking.

    You should also understand that after the update there is some shaking in the search results, during which everything settles down. Positions jump, then rise, then fall. Everything cannot happen at once in one minute. This process can last a couple of days and is called differently “dance” (dancing), and on forums it is often called “dancing with tambourines.”

    This is why you can see in some site visibility tracking services that at first the site is visible for fewer requests, but the next day there are 5 times more requests and their positions have increased sharply, or vice versa. The same applies to the site as a whole, when a page occupies either the 60th position or the 20th.

    This settling down continues all the time and not only during updates. This process may take up to a month. This is a kind of A-B testing to determine which page will be more suitable for being in the TOP of search results.

    First, your site is placed in higher positions, then another. And it is assessed how each resource performs in a particular position. If your site is more clickable, attracts more traffic and retains visitors better, then this position can be assigned to it, and then improve.

    There is also a concept called “storm” - the degree of change in search results during the update of the search database.

    The storm indicator can give us an idea of ​​how much change has occurred in search results:

    • 5-15% - weak update;
    • 15-25% - average;
    • 25-40% - strong up:
    • over 40% - there is a high probability that the algorithms were updated, due to which the search results were rebuilt.

    I provided these indicators for the update date tracking service - Seopult. For other services, the standards may be completely different. In the last paragraph of the article you will see an example of a service where the values ​​reach 80% and above.

    The higher the indicator, the greater the chance that our site will begin to occupy higher positions or, on the contrary, will fall further. The smaller the storm, the fewer changes in terms of your site and search results in general.

    Update dates

    Since Google does not have search results updates, we will look at the dates for Yandex. There are a lot of services where you can watch changes in search results. There are services purely for viewing update dates, and there are services for viewing changes in output without updates. This is very good, since changes to search pages happen all the time, and not just during ups.

    Personally, I constantly find out about an update using the service Xtool. After registration, you will receive emails informing you about the next update.

    As I said above, these are the large storm values. During updates they are very significant.

    You can also look up dates on a website analysis service cy-pr. There will be a corresponding block in the left column of the resource.

    A pretty good service with detailed Yandex update schedules is seobudget, where you can see the dates of the last update and all previous ones, as well as updates to the Yandex catalog.

    It comes down to the fact that first the spider robot goes to Internet sites and downloads the viewed pages into its database, then indexing occurs in it (the “importance of each page is assigned) and the received information is structured according to the appropriate algorithm.

    It is important to understand that when a user types a query, the search engine does not look for the answer across the entire Internet, but only in its database, which was collected by the spider robot.

    The search engine searches for documents, i.e. web pages within its collected database. At some point, the indexing program makes a decision to create a new database (that is, new information has appeared and it needs to be structured - new pages, new texts, new links). The old database is replaced with a new one - this is a Yandex update. Update (from English update - update) is also called simply “up”.

    The search engine also, in addition to the main spider robot, has a so-called “fast robot”, which creates a database that is updated several times a day. This robot is fast and visits resources that are updated quickly, for example, frequently commented blogs.

    This search engine produces several types of updates.

    How and where to find out the exact Yandex updates

    I would rather not be mistaken if I say that the best service where you can find out the latest information on this issue is the service.

    So, today is August 26, 2015 and what do we see.

    The last ups were on August 8, 10 and 25. Consider, for example, up on August 25th. The search engine posted the index until August 9, which means that on August 25, only those documents that were published no later than August 9 will appear in the search. Those. if you published an article on August 10, then it will not be in the search results on the 25th - wait for the next update.

    Search engine ups can also be viewed on the service. If you look, the data here is delayed (screenshot taken on August 26, 2015).

    Yandex issue

    Let's consider the situation. Your blog occupies some position in the search results (for each request, each blog page has its own place in the search results). And the spider robot at this time found a bunch of similar blogs on your topic, and even with a bunch of good links to them, and entered all the data into the database. Now the situation has changed - the search engine must place the best blog in high positions in the search results. It replaces the old database with a new one - it produces an up, and your blog becomes lower in the search results. That. After each update, the positions of sites in search results change. The frequency of updates for this search engine is approximately 2 to 7 days (and Google is almost every day). So compare which search engine is better!

    Yandex TCI

    Yandex recalculates each site, taking into account the links leading to the site and the weight of these links.

    You can view Titz's aps on the same service. Just click on the appropriate link.

    Strictly speaking, with Yandex everything is more complicated. This is how they distinguish between a Yandex text update (the texts of documents found by the robot are taken into account), and a link update (which takes into account found and “broken” links in documents). The frequency of Yandex updates can be viewed on the website. By the way, here you can clearly see the time delay with which both text and links are taken into account.

    There are also toolbar and button TCI updates, but these are subtleties that are needed by very cool SEO specialists.