• Automatic installation of dynamic libraries (DLL). Automatic installation of dynamic libraries (DLL) Dll files

    Often you may encounter a situation where a program or game requires the installation of various additional DLL files. This problem can be solved quite easily, it does not require special knowledge or skills.

    There are various ways to install a library on a system. There are special programs for performing this operation, and you can also do it manually. Simply put, this article will answer the question - "Where to throw dll files?" after downloading them. Let's consider each option separately.

    Method 1: DLL Suite

    DLL Suite is a program that can itself find the file you need on the Internet and install it on the system.

    To do this, you will need to perform the following steps:

    1. Select an item in the program menu "Load DLL".
    2. Enter the name of the desired file in the search bar and click on the button "Search".
    3. Select the appropriate option from the search results.
    4. In the next window, select the desired version of the DLL.
    5. Click on the button "Download".
    6. In the file description, the program will show you the path where this library is usually saved.

    7. Specify a save location and click the button OK.
    8. Everything, in case of successful download, the program will mark the downloaded file with a green mark.

      Method 2: DLL-Files.com Client

      DLL-Files.com Client is similar in many ways to the program discussed above, but has some differences.

      To install the library here you need to do the following:

      That's it, your DLL has been copied to the system.

      The program has an additional advanced view - this is a mode in which you can select different versions of the DLL to install. If a game or program requires a specific version of a file, you can find it by including this view in the DLL-Files.com Client.

      If you need to copy the file to a folder other than the default, you click on the button "Select Version" and get into the installation options window for an advanced user. Here you do the following:

      1. Specify the path where the installation will be performed.
      2. Click on the button "Install Now".

      The program will copy the file to the specified folder.

      Method 3: System Tools

      You can install the library manually. To do this, you will need to download the DLL file itself and then simply copy or move it to a folder at:


      In conclusion, it must be said that in most cases DLL files are installed along the path:


      But if you are dealing with Windows 95/98/Me operating systems, then the installation path will be as follows:


      For Windows NT/2000:


      64-bit systems may require their own installation path.

      There have already been many articles on the topic of errors related to DLLs. These errors are all corrected in the only way - by installing this very dll file on the computer. In this article I will write how to do it.

      Download and install DLL files

      When an error occurs, the name of the DLL file that is missing is usually indicated. You need to enter the name of this file in the search engine and download. For example, we need to download the d3dx9_27.dll file. We enter this name in Yandex or Google and download it from some site. The safest and most popular site from which I download DLL files myself is DLL-FILES.com. There is a field where you can enter the name of the file.

      Now you need to figure out where to throw this dll file. The location of these files varies from system to system, so I'll start with early OSes:

      • Windows 95/98- put the file in the C:\Windows\System folder;
      • Windows NT or 2000- put the file in the folder C:\WINNT\System32 ;
      • Windows XP, 7, 8, 10- put the file in a folder (for 32's bit systems in C:\Windows\System32 , and for 64's bit files in C:\Windows\SysWOW64 ).

      Sometimes when you try to place a file in the desired folder, you may receive a message that the file is already there. Then why does the error appear? It is possible that the file is corrupted, or it is some kind of virus, so you can replace it with a new file.

      Once you have transferred all the missing libraries, you must restart the computer for the changes to take effect, and then run those applications that did not work.

      But what if you put all the necessary files in a folder, but the program or game still does not start? Then you can try to register the library in the system, now I'll show you how to do it.

      How to register a DLL on Windows

      Registering DLLs in Windows is very simple and fast. You can do this if you have Windows 7, 8 or 10. I also want to note that you must have administrator rights. In this paragraph, I will show 3 ways to register dynamic libraries.

      First way

      It is the most popular and used by users.

      Open the "Run" window using the keys Win+R and enter the command regsvr32.exe filename there.

      In other words, the command may look like this (I will show it using the d3dx9_27.dll file as an example):

      regsvr32.exe d3dx9_27.dll

      If the method did not work, then you need to specify the full path to this file, that is, the path to the folder where you placed the DLL. For example, it might look like this:

      regsvr32.exe C:/Windows/system32/d3dx9_27.dll

      Upon successful registration, you should see a positive response, or an error message that module loaded... But I will talk about this a little later.

      Second way

      Here we will use the command line, but you need to open it as an administrator, I hope you know how to do this.

      regsvr32.exe path_to_dll_file

      That is, we do the same thing, only on the command line.

      A message should appear again that the library is registered, or an error.

      Third way

      The method is rarely used by anyone, but also working. Take your dll-file and right-click on it, in the context menu that appears, select the item "To open with" and go to the folder Windows/System32, and look for the regsvr32.exe program there, through which we will open the library.

      Error registering DLL files

      When you try to register a DLL, no matter how, you may get an error that the module of such and such a DLL is incompatible with the version of Windows, or is loaded. What to do?

      Such errors can occur for the following reasons:

      • The library does not need to be registered because it does not support this function, or it is already registered in the system;
      • The file you downloaded is broken or completely unrelated to libraries.

      How to solve a problem?

      • Advanced users can use regasm.exe;
      • Try to download the same file on the Internet, only from a different source. Or see what kind of file it is and use the special DLL file installers. Some libraries come with some software such as DirectX.
      • When downloading some application, the antivirus could delete important DLLs that were in the installer during the installation process, so you need to download the game from another source, or temporarily disable the antivirus and reinstall the application.

      On this I will finish describing the installation of DLL libraries and henceforth I will try to return to this topic as rarely as possible. If you still have any questions, I will try to answer them in the comments.

      DLL suite program.

      Before proceeding to the review of a new useful program, I want to thank my readers for their active support. My new book comes out on Monday. "Safe Freebie @ on the Internet". Recently, at the link I gave detailed information about the content of the new book and how to purchase it. Honestly, I did not expect such a hype. Of course, I understood that the book was relevant, but to such an extent ... Since then, after the announcement, pre-orders have arrived, almost half of the first print run! This makes me happy! So there will be a second and third additional editions. For those who are not yet in the subject, what the book is about and how it can be purchased, the link above.

      After this lyrical digression, we smoothly move on to an overview of a new interesting program called DLL Suite. This program allows you to automatically find problems in dynamic libraries and fix them.

      What are dynamic libraries? I will not load you with unnecessary information (do you need it?). Those who are interested can read information about them on Wikipedia at the link. I'll just say that they are necessary for the operation of a particular program or game you have installed. You have probably already encountered a periodically appearing window when starting some games or programs, “telling” that it is impossible to start the program or game due to the lack of one or another dynamic library (DLL). To fix this problem (download and install the necessary DLL), sometimes you need to "shovel" the entire Internet. The DLL Suite program, when launched, will automatically detect the missing dynamic libraries, download them and install them. The version of the program offered in this article is free. The paid version, extended and solves more problems, you can easily find it on torrents if you wish. We download the free version of DLL Suite from the official site at the link.

      We install.

      Let's get to work.

      After system scan, DLL problems will be shown. We eliminate them and, if there is a desire, download the “cracked” paid version of the program from torrents and fix the remaining problems.