• Quick startup windows 10. How fast startup works in Windows. Using Power Options

    This article will describe how to disable Windows 10 fast startup or even turn it off. Fast Boot was introduced in Windows 10 and allows the system to boot faster after turning on the computer.

    This technology is somewhat similar to hibernation, because, when you turn on fast startup, some files, drivers, and the system kernel are saved in, and when you turn on the computer, it loads them into memory.

    How to disable fast startup Windows 10

    Sometimes, when this feature is enabled, you may experience problems turning the computer itself on and off. Most often this applies to laptops.

    To disable fast loading, you need to go to the control panel. In Windows 10, right-click on Start, and then "Control Panel". Switch to icons and go to "Power".

    On the left we are looking for an item "Power Button Actions". We click on it.

    A window will open where we need to click the button "Change settings that are currently unavailable".

    After that, you must uncheck the box "Turn on fast startup". Click the Save button. That's all.

    By the way, this option can also be disabled through the Windows 10 registry. Then we need to follow the branch: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\ SYSTEM\ CurrentControlSet\ Control\ Session Manager\ Power. If there is a parameter HiberbootEnabled is 0, then fast start is disabled, if 1, it is enabled.

    How to enable fast startup

    If there is a need to enable Windows 10 fast boot, then you can do this in the same way as we turned it off - through the control panel or the registry. What if the option is not available?

    Most often, the problem lies in the fact that hibernation is disabled, in order for fast startup to work, you need to enable hibernation. To do this, open a command prompt as an administrator and enter the following command there:
    powercfg -h on

    Or is there a team powercfg /hibernate on.

    Now you can go to Power Options and follow the same instructions as we did when turning offquick start.

    Windows Fast Startup is a special operating system startup mode that allows you to boot the system faster than with a normal startup. This feature is built into the Windows 10 operating system and can be enabled or disabled on your computer.

    For many users, it is important that the system boots up as soon as possible, the Desktop opens to start working on the computer. You need to speed up your computer. You can solve the problem by using Windows Fast Boot.

    Windows has various technologies for recovering from a disabled state of the computer: sleep, hibernation, fast startup. The methods differ in implementation from each other, the user independently chooses the most suitable mode for shutting down and starting the computer.

    Fast Startup only works after the computer is physically turned off. In other words, the fast startup mode does not work when the PC goes to sleep or hibernation, the computer must be completely turned off. Fast Startup does not work when the operating system is restarted.

    Windows 10 Fast Boot uses hibernation technology but differs in implementation from hibernation itself. During hibernation, the operating system and all running applications that were running at the time of entering hibernation mode are loaded on the computer, and during fast startup, only the operating system is loaded, the user will launch the necessary programs on his own.

    In this manual, we will look at the fast startup of Windows 10: enabling this mode on the computer (2 ways), and disabling the fast startup of Windows 10 in three different ways.

    How to enable fast startup Windows 10 - 1 way

    To enable fast startup in Windows 10, you must have hibernation enabled on your computer, or this feature will not work. There will be no corresponding item in the operating system settings to enable the quick launch mode.

    Enabling hibernation in Windows:

    1. Run the command prompt as an administrator in one of the ways.
    2. Enter the command in the command line interpreter window, and then press the "Enter" key:
    powercfg /h on

    Enabling fast startup in the settings of the Windows operating system:

    1. Enter the Start menu, launch the Settings app.
    2. Open the "System" section, enter the "Power and sleep" settings, in the "Related settings" option, click on the "Advanced power settings" link.
    1. In the "Power Options" window, in the left column, click on "What the power button does".

    1. In the System Settings window, click on Change system settings that are currently unavailable.

    1. After that, the settings of the Shutdown Options mode will be displayed in the window. Check the box next to "Turn on fast startup (recommended)", and then click on the "Save changes" button.

    Enable Windows 10 Fast Startup - Method 2

    The Windows 10 Fast Startup feature can be enabled using the Registry Editor.

    1. Run the Registry Editor, for example, enter the expression "regedit" (without quotes) in the "Search in Windows" field, run the command.
    2. In the "Registry Editor" window, follow the path:
    1. Right-click on the "HiberbootEnabled" value, select "Change...".
    2. In the "Change DWORD (32-bit) Value" window, in the "Value" field, set the value to "1" (without quotes), and then click on the "OK" button.

    How to disable fast startup Windows 10 - 1 way

    You can turn off hibernation on your computer to disable fast startup in Windows. After disabling the hibernation mode, the quick start function will stop working.

    Run the command prompt as an administrator, and then run the command:

    Powercfg -h off

    Disabling Windows 10 Fast Startup - Method 2

    An easy way to turn off fast startup is to disable the mode in the shutdown options settings.

    1. From the Start menu, launch Settings.
    2. Enter the "System" section, go sequentially along the path: "Power and sleep mode" => "Related settings" => "Advanced power settings".
    3. In the "Select or configure a power plan" settings, click on "What the power button does".
    4. In the "Set up the power buttons and turn on password protection" options, click on the "Change settings that are currently unavailable" option.
    5. Uncheck "Turn on fast startup (recommended)" and then change.

    Turning off Windows 10 Fast Startup in the Registry Editor - Method 3

    Using the Registry Editor, you can disable Windows Fast Startup.

    1. After starting the Registry Editor, follow the path:
    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Power
    1. Double-click the left mouse button on the "HiberbootEnabled" option.
    2. In the "Change DWORD (32-bit) Value" window, enter the value "0" (without quotes), click on the "OK" button.

    Article Conclusions

    Windows 10 has a fast startup mode that makes your computer boot up faster. You can enable fast boot in the operating system settings, or, conversely, disable fast startup on your computer in various ways.

    Many users are afraid to use optimizers to speed up their operating system, the principle of which is unknown. Therefore, to improve the performance of the OS, we recommend using the built-in tools. Among them, it is worth highlighting the fast launch of Windows 10. This feature allows you to speed up the loading of the initial window several times.

    How to enable fast start in Windows 10?

    To enable fast boot OS Windows 10, you should follow these steps:

    • Click "Start", "Control Panel". Set the view mode to "Large Icons" and select the "Power Options" section.
    • In the left menu, select "What the power buttons do".

    • In the next window, click on the "Change settings that are currently unavailable" button.

    • In the new window, lower the scroll bar down and in the "Shutdown Options" check the box "Enable fast startup (recommended)".

    • We save the changes.

    IMPORTANT! If there is no “Quick Startup” item in the “Control Panel” section or you cannot enable it, this means that hibernation mode is disabled in the OS. It needs to be turned on. To do this, at the command prompt with administrator rights, you should enter the command "powercfg / hibernate on". Only then will the desired item appear.

    How to disable fast startup in Windows 10?

    If you are satisfied with the boot speed of your operating system or this feature causes errors, prevents the normal operation of some applications, you should disable it. There are several ways to do this.

    Method number 1

    • We perform all the same actions as when turning on the quick start. We remove the mark from the desired item.

    • Click "Save Changes".

    Method number 2

    • Press "Win + R" and enter "regedit".

    • We go along the branch "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Power" and find the parameter "HiberbootEnabled". Its value must be "0" for the Fast Boot feature to be disabled. To enable it, set the parameter to "1".

    After that, we reboot the computer.

    If you often have to turn off and on your computer, you should pay attention to the "Quick Startup" function. The Windows 10 operating system uses it by default, but under some circumstances it can be disabled. There are also times when fast startup needs to be deactivated.

    How fast startup affects the Windows 10 system

    If fast startup (hereinafter referred to as "BZ" for short) is disabled, the computer turns off and on in normal mode: when disabled, all applications are closed and ongoing processes are terminated, and at startup only applications that are in the autorun list are automatically loaded.

    If the KB is activated, the hibernation technology is applied: upon shutdown, information about the running user applications and system processes is saved to a file on the hard drive, and when turned on, it is retrieved from it. At the same time, you log out of the system, if a password is set on your account, when you turn it on again, you will have to enter it again.

    The diagram shows the time it takes to start in different modes

    KB reduces the time it takes to fully boot the operating system. Of course, there is a "Sleep" mode that allows you to quickly stop and resume your computer. But it is not suitable if the task is to disconnect the computer from the network or restart it.

    Mode activation and deactivation

    KB mode is enabled by default. Going into System Preferences, you can see that Windows recommends leaving it enabled. But some user actions can cause this mode to be turned off. Therefore, if you need an accelerated start, you need to check its status.

    There are situations when the KB interferes with the conduct of a particular operation. In this case, it must be disabled. You have to do this usually because the hibernation file takes up too much space on your hard drive, but such cases are extremely rare.

    Using Power Options

    The operating system allows you to configure the settings for turning on, turning off and operating the computer. For this, a special section "Power supply" is intended:

    1. Using the system search bar, find the control panel and open it. Opening the control panel
    2. Find the "Power" block and go to it. If it is not on the main page of the window, use the built-in search bar.
      Open the section "Power"
    3. Click on the line "Actions of power buttons".
      Click on the line "Actions of the power buttons"
    4. Click on the suggestion "Change settings that are currently unavailable." You will need administrator rights to access the shutdown settings.
      Click on the line "Change settings that are currently unavailable"
    5. Check or uncheck the "Quick Launch" checkbox. Done, depending on your action, the mode is activated or deactivated.
      Check the box next to "Quick Launch"

    Using the registry

    The registry stores information about all system settings. You need to work with it carefully, since changing the wrong values ​​\u200b\u200bwill lead to a breakdown of Windows or individual functions.

    Video: Setting up fast startup in Windows 10

    What to do if the mode button is missing

    Going to the power settings in the control panel, you may encounter the fact that the “Quick Startup” line is missing, which makes it impossible to activate the mode. This happens due to the fact that hibernation is disabled - without it, it is impossible to turn on the mode. You need to activate hibernation manually:

    Done, after a few seconds hibernation is activated. Open the control panel again and follow the steps to enable the KB. This time, the item "Quick Startup" will appear in the power options.

    Quick Start is useful for those who want to reduce the time it takes to boot the system. You can enable or disable it through the control panel and registry editor. If there is no option to control the state of the mode, you must manually enable hibernation.

    One built-in feature that can help us achieve this goal is "fast startup", which combines hibernation and shutdown, skipping several computer boot steps.

    Fast startup is similar to blackouts - when fast startup is enabled, Windows will store the computer's important system files in a hibernation file when it shuts down (or rather "shuts down"). Then, when you need to turn on the computer again, Windows will use these saved files to load faster, loading into RAM from the Hibernate file instead of starting from scratch.

    For obvious reasons, fast launch will only work if you have enabled hibernation (you can find out how to enable / disable hibernation in). Also, fast startup only affects shutdown, not reboot.

    Here's how to enable (or disable) fast boot.

    1. Open the Settings menu by clicking the "Start" button and selecting "Settings". In the "Settings" menu, select "System > Power and sleep" and click on the "Advanced power settings" link.

    2. The Power Options window will open. On the left side of the screen, click "What the power button does".

    3. At the bottom of the window, you should see a section called Shutdown Options. In this section, you will see an option labeled "Turn on fast startup (recommended)". To enable fast startup, check the box next to this option.

    If you can't check or uncheck this option (if the option is not available), look up and click the "Change settings that are currently unavailable" link. You may be prompted to confirm your choice using the User Account Control (UAC) pop-up - click the "Yes" button. You should now be able to check the box next to the "Fast Load" option.

    4.Click the Save Changes button to save all changes and exit the Power Options window. To see how your changes affected the startup of the computer, shut down the computer (reboot does not allow fast startup) and boot it up again.