• What to do if the graphics tablet writes an error. Graphic tablet not working - what to do? Wacom tablet, driver not responding or not working, problem solving

    A graphics tablet has long become for me the same need for granted as a "mouse" or keyboard. In my work I use Wacom tablets. And although Wacom has been a leader in this area throughout the history of use, I constantly stumble upon a number of annoying problems. Versions of operating systems change, drivers are updated, new tablet models are released, but alas, a file is constantly needed to finish and fix jambs. Below I will talk about solving problems with the Wacom graphics tablet driver

    Let's start with the most unpleasant - the problem of Wacom drivers. During operation, the driver can, let's say, glitch, as a result of which the tablet stops working in pen mode. The operating system has a built-in driver for working with touch panels, which starts working with the tablet. This usually happens in silent mode without issuing warnings. And although the tablet continues to transmit commands from the pen to move the cursor, it is no longer possible to call the work adequate. When you try to open the tablet settings panel, you will see a message that the tablet driver cannot be found.

    There are several ways to solve problems with the Wacom graphics tablet driver. First, you can simply restart Windows and if that does not help, then reinstall the tablet driver. However, this method takes a lot of time and is of little use when the problem catches in the middle of the workflow. Fortunately, there is an alternative, faster and easier solution - to restart the tablet service.

    1. We go into the Task Manager (in any way, for example, I right-click on the Taskbar).

    2. Select the Services tab.

    3. In the lower right corner of the window, click on the Services link.

    4. In the list that appears, we find WTabletServicePro (the Bamboo version of the service is called WTabletServiceCon)

    5. Right click on it and select "Restart".

    6. We love the restart.

    7. To check if everything worked out successfully, go to the Start menu, find the tablet section there and click on "Wacom Tablet Properties"

    8. If everything is done correctly, then the setup program will start ... which means the tablet is working.

    In most cases this will help. However, all these actions can be simplified to a double click of the mouse. To do this, you need to create a text document. Write to it:

    Net stop WTabletServiceCon
    Net stop WTabletServicePro
    Net start WTabletServiceCon
    Net start WTabletServicePro

    Then save and change the extension from ".txt" to ".bat". Now double clicking on the file will run this script which will restart the required service on your Wacom tablet. If you are too lazy to make such a file or you didn’t succeed, you can download it by clicking on - download Wacom tablet driver restart script

    Another common problem. When using Adobe Photoshop CC 2015 \ Adobe Photoshop CC 2017, the tablet stops working in pen mode. This manifests itself in the fact that pen pressure stops working (on those tablets that support it), "circles on the water" appear on the screen at the point where the pen touches, and it also becomes problematic to work with various "sliders" in dialog boxes with the pen. Let's leave aside who is more to blame for Wacom, Phtoshop or Windows, but the solution is quite simple.

    1. Create an empty text file with the name PSUserConfig.txt

    2. Insert a line into the file - UseSystemStylus 0

    3. Place the resulting file along the path:

      • For Adobe Photoshop CC 2015 - C:\Users\\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop CC 2015\Adobe Photoshop CC 2015 Settings.

      • For Adobe Photoshop CC 2017 version - C:\Users\\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop CC 2017\Adobe Photoshop CC 2017 Settings.

    Of course, alas, these are not all problems, but these are the most common. I hope this information was useful to you. By the way, what problems have you encountered in working with graphic tablets? And how did you solve them?


    recruit October 29, 2018 at 07:07 pm

    Wacom tablet, driver not responding or not working, problem solving

    I recently got a tablet One by Wacom (CTL-671), installed the driver from the disk, did everything according to the instructions and nothing starts.

    Writes the following: "The tablet driver is not responding."

    We open the control center, but the tablet is not in the list.

    We look at how the tablet is recognized by the computer and we see that the Wacom Tablet is normally recognized.

    After spending 18 hours trying to run the driver, I heard a rumor that it should be installed in the default directory. For me, it was changed through the registry to drive D so that the system partition would not be clogged.

    But even after installing it in the "Program Files (x86)" directory, it did not start. And then I turned to the program from Microsoft "Process Monitor" and began to monitor the behavior of the driver, and then a very curious thing turned out ... (besides the fact that there are a lot of non-existent files and errors associated with this in the installation logs)

    The driver suddenly tried to find two files. One does not exist, and the other is located in a completely different "Program Files" directory, from which I conclude that the developers of this driver directly indicated where to access the driver, but did not affect the installation process itself. In confirmation, I later noticed calls to another file also on a strictly specified path.

    From this it follows that The Wacom driver must be located strictly at: C:\Program Files\Tablet and nowhere else.

    What to do?

    1. Disable tablet.
    2. Delete the driver and the folder with the driver (if the folder has not been deleted).
    3. To restart a computer.
    4. By pressing the command " win+r"enter" regedit", you will open the registry editor.
    5. Press command " ctrl+f" in the search box specify " Wacom" and start searching. Every time you see a line or section related to wacom, delete it. Press F3 and look further. Of particular importance are the sections "Wacom" and links to driver files. All this must be deleted.
    6. When finished with the registry, download the program " Process Hacker 2", go to the "Services" tab and use the search to delete the Wacom services. (see image below)
    7. Also using the search you need to find and disable "". (see image below)
    8. Download the program ViziblrFixMyPen", open and click on the "Make everything GOOD" button, it will disable the rest of the Windows services.
    9. Go to the address in the registry " HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion"and change" ProgramFilesDir"by setting the value" C:\Program Files".
    10. Reboot and, without connecting the tablet, reinstall the driver. If he asks in which folder, then you already know where, new versions are installed without any questions, which is why the value was corrected in the registry.

    I also advise you to open the "Wacom Tablet File Utility" and delete the settings of all users.

    Now the tablet can be connected, it will install and the Wacom welcome window will open!

    Somehow the driver keeps accessing the file " Tablet\Wacom\WTabletServicePro.ilk", which does not exist and what role it plays, I do not understand, if anyone has this file - let me know.

    Additional issues:
    The tablet may stop working - the driver is covered again. It must be rebooted without turning off the tablet.

    On the Internet, it is proposed to create a file " any name.cmd"

    And write in it:

    (For Bamboo series)

    Net stop WTabletServiceCon Net start WTabletServiceCon

    (For others)

    Net stop WTabletServicePro Net start WTabletServicePro

    This is such a quick way to restart the driver. The tablet will be recognized again and the control window will open. But I think it is necessary for the service to create a start / restart event when the tablet is connected to the computer.

    Tags: Wacom, graphics tablet, driver, windows 7

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    Articles and Lifehacks

    The acquisition of such a device is always associated with obtaining a huge amount of information, new skills, and often with training.

    But what if the graphics tablet does not work, or there are any failures in its operation? Let's try to figure this out.

    Frequently Encountered Problems

    Let's start by describing some common problems that users face.
    • Quite often there is a situation where the digital pen does not work too well.
    • You can try to remove the button from the pen and tighten the resistor (it is best to entrust this procedure to specialists).
    • It happens that the settings go astray. This issue is specific to Genius graphics tablets.
    • Sometimes it happens that the pen does not respond to touching the device. It's most likely just set to power saving mode.
    • Sometimes certain pressing modes do not work. It is recommended to check the installation of all necessary drivers. In addition, applications (particularly Photoshop) should only be opened after connecting a graphics tablet.
    • By the way, those who actively use Adobe products should be aware that they can adjust a variety of parameters, including brush diameter and transparency level.
    • If the device does not work at all, it is possible that we simply did not install the driver.
    • In the event that there really is any problem, you should contact the service center. It is very convenient if we can still count on the repair of the device under warranty.
    • A very common situation is when we connect a tablet and the Windows OS starts to “slow down” a lot (most often found on Windows 7).
    • Sometimes the problem is solved by reinstalling the drivers. Before doing this, you can try to disable all unused services. We go to the Control Panel, we find the item "Pen and touch devices".
    • We uncheck items such as "Gestures", "Pen buttons" and "Auto learning". The same can be done in the input options menu.

    Other problems at work

    If the light at the top of the device does not blink, but it is connected to a computer, then there is some kind of failure.

    Problems with drivers most often arise if we install them on the C drive. If we use Genius tablets, it is best to download them from the official site Geniusnet.com. Even the sensitivity of the pen depends on the correct installation of the driver.