• What is copy-to-buffer where to look. Clipboard: what is it, where is it and how to see it? How to launch the tracking tool in Punto Switcher

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    First, let's understand what a clipboard is. So, in a situation where something needs to be copied, the information necessary for this, whether it be text, a photo, a folder, or any other file, is moved to the computer's temporary storage. This is the clipboard.

    Ways to open the clipboard on Windows 7?

    If you simultaneously hold down the "Ctrl + A" keys, you can select the text for copying. The combination "Ctrl + C" copies the text. To paste the copied, use the combination "Ctrl + V", and to delete "Ctrl + X".

    However, if you want to copy a folder, picture or something else, then you will need to right-click on the object and select "Copy" from the menu.

    In order to paste the copied object somewhere in the future, you need to click on the right mouse button again in the selected area (for example, on an empty spot on the PC desktop, etc.) and select "Paste".

    It is worth noting that the copied data must be pasted in the appropriate format. That is, for example, when copying text from Word, it must be pasted into a similar text document or other window that supports text.

    The clipboard does not require periodic cleaning. It operates on the principle of interchangeability. If something has been copied, the previous copy will be replaced with the new one.

    There are several options in total, to solve the question of how to open the clipboard on Windows 7, this is:

    1. With the help of some manipulations on the PC;
    2. Using the programs designed for this.

    Let's take a closer look at each of the options.

    This article will discuss each option in more detail.

    Where is?

    To find the clipboard, you will need to go to the drive where the system folder with Windows 7 is located, as a rule, drive C is used for this purpose. But the drive may have a different name, since it all depends on the preferences of the PC owner.

    So, the easiest way to use the system window is "Run" while holding "Win + R". After that, a small window will appear in the lower left corner of the desktop, where you need to write the line "C: / WINDOWS / system32".

    Programs to open the clipboard

    If you are faced with a situation where it was not possible to open the required file in the OS system folder, then you can use special programs that are installed on the PC.

    The most popular among them are:

    1. Punto Switcher;
    2. clipdiary;
    3. CLCL 1.1.2.;
    4. Comfort Clipboard.

    Let's take a closer look at each of them.

    How to work with Punto Switcher?

    Immediately I want to note this availability of Punto Switcher, because it is absolutely free. Of course, initially, it has a slightly different purpose.

    With its help, the keyboard is automatically switched (for example, if by mistake, the Russian-language text is typed in English letters). However, Punto Switcher has the ability to run the clipboard tracking feature. To run this feature, after downloading and installing Punto Switcher, you will need to do the following:

    1. In the taskbar, right-click on the Punto Switcher icon and select "Settings" from the menu;
    2. In the "General" section, select "Additional";
    3. In the "Additional" section, you will need to find the item "Monitor the clipboard" and tick it.

    After the done manipulation, you can set hot keys to more conveniently call the clipboard. To do this, in the "Hot Keys" section, you will need to find "Show clipboard history" and click on the "Assign" button.


    If the question arises, how to open the clipboard on Windows 7, there is another, fairly easy-to-use free program, Clipdiary.

    To get started, you need to download it from the official website and install it on your computer. However, it is worth noting such a moment, it is automatically added to the startup programs list when you turn on the PC.

    That is, with each new boot or reboot of the OS, it will turn on with all programs, and this may affect the download speed. Therefore, if desired, Clipdiary can be removed from the startup list.

    As with Punto Switcher, you will need to create hotkeys through the settings to bring up the clipboard. In addition, you can view up to 50 recent files using Clipdiary.

    However, for convenience, the program has a page turning function so that you can view earlier entries. She is downstairs.

    How to use CLCL 1.1.2?

    Another convenient way to open the clipboard is CLCL 1.1.2. I’ll make a reservation right away, this is for an archived file, which is an additional extension for the OS.

    All you need to do is simply download the file to your PC and unzip it. When unpacking the folder, you will need to select a file called CLCL.

    After its launch, CLCL 1.1.2 will automatically be added to the panel where the hidden icons are located.

    To work with the program, click on its icon. The "Journal" section will contain the information you are interested in.

    Comfort Clipboard

    A program like Comfort Clipboard is just as easy to use for opening the clipboard. After downloading and installing Comfort Clipboard, you can assign hotkeys through the "Shortcuts" section.

    You can also make certain settings through the "Clipboard Manager". This program is quite simple and convenient to work with.

    If you are interested in how to open the clipboard on Windows 7, then this is not so difficult. You can also choose the most convenient program for you and create hot keys that will allow you to view files from its history at any convenient time and, if necessary, restore them.


    Today we looked at how to open the clipboard on 7, as you can see, it's quite simple. Take a few more minutes of your time to read the following helpful articles.

    Clipboard- an area of ​​RAM that the software allocates for temporary storage of data. Needed to copy or move information between applications or parts of an application using copy, cut, and paste commands.
    Most often, applications use this storage, which is provided by Windows or others, some programs have their own clipboard, which is available only to them.

    You can write the same information to the clipboard in various formats. For example, if you select text on a browser page, copy it, then transfer it to a text notebook, only the text will be available. If you paste it into a text editor (let's say Microsoft Word), it will be transferred with images, markup tables.

    The copied text will be on the clipboard until another text is copied, it can be pasted into any other text document. To remove this information, you will need to copy something else. The operation can be used with text, pictures, files. When you turn off your computer, the file storage is cleared.

    The main keyboard shortcuts needed to work with the clipboard:
    Ctrl+A – select everything (folders, files, text);
    Ctrl+C - copy;

    Ctrl + X - cut;
    Ctrl+V - paste everything copied or cut.

    Clipboard how to see?

    In the Windows XP operating system, you can enter the C drive, then the Documents and Settings folder, then System 32. On the specified path: "C: / Documents and Settings / System 32" there is a file (special program) clipbrd.exe, after launching which, you can see the contents, find the clipboard with recently used information.

    Later versions of Windows, such as Windows 10, do not come with the standard clipbrd.exe program. There is an application called clip.exe that is responsible for the clipboard. It is located in the Windows/system32 folder. You can’t enter this application, if you hover over it with the mouse cursor, then a description will appear: “Clip - copying data to the clipboard”.

    You can't view the content. If this function becomes necessary, you need to find the necessary information, the question arises, how to open the data? To do this, you can use widgets that are available for free download. With their help, you can see not only the last copied text or file to the clipboard, but a whole list for a certain period of time.

    How to clear the Windows clipboard?

    Used files, data are stored temporarily until they are changed. The concept of "temporarily" is very loose, this time can stretch for a couple of minutes, or for several hours. During this time, various viruses can easily steal your information. What to do if the data is important or secret, how to clear the windows 10 clipboard? The answer is very simple, you need to copy another file, text, folder, after that the old data will be replaced by new, unnecessary ones.

    You can also take a screenshot of the screen with the PrtScr key by simply pressing it. Thanks to this method, you will send a photo of your monitor to temporary storage. The option may not work if programs are installed on the PC that intercept information and save the photo in another folder without filling the buffer. In this case, this option will not work, and cleaning will fail.

    Clean up using the command line.

    You can start the line by right-clicking on the Start menu and selecting the desired item.

    It may take several minutes to complete, and files saved to temporary storage will be permanently deleted.
    If you frequently use the command, you can create a shortcut on the desktop. In the location of the shortcut, indicate the same as in the screenshot. Next, set a name and save, so you can create quick access to clearing temporary storage.

    Cleaning with additional programs.

    A typical program that greatly enhances the clipboard has approximately 30 copied entries. They can be removed by clicking on the appropriate button in this utility.
    If you have sensitive data (such as passwords), you should not copy it on someone else's computer. Suddenly, the same "interceptor" is installed there, which saves a huge number of records in temporary storage. Some programs retain information even after you restart your computer. If you suddenly copied important information, then it is better to clear the storage immediately.

    Clipboard programs

    CLCL 1.1.2 for Windows is very easy to use, does not require installation, takes up little space on your hard drive. After downloading, unzip the archive and run the "CLCL" file.

    After launch, it minimizes to tray

    By clicking on the icon in the window that opens, you can see what is there.

    In these ways on windows 10 you can clear the clipboard in a few clicks.

    But not all users know why it is needed. In fact, when you work at a computer, you regularly use this tool, you just never pay attention to it.

    In principle, it is not necessary to know all the subtleties. However, if you are still wondering where the clipboard is located in Windows 7, then the information below will be useful to you.

    What is a clipboard?

    Almost every day you move files from one place on your computer to another. By selecting the “Copy” item in the context menu, you place the file (text, photo, video) in temporary storage, which is called the clipboard.

    This program functions at the expense of allocated RAM. How much specific memory does it consume? Depends on what you put on the clipboard. For example, if we are talking about a small text document, then it will take very little "RAM". If you buffer an HD movie, then the result will be quite different.

    How to find clipboard?

    In order to find the file that is used by the clipboard, you need to open the drive where you have the operating system installed (usually it is the "C" drive) and go to the "Windows" folder. Here, find the "System32" folder.

    In Windows XP, the clipboard file is called clipbrd.exe. By opening it, you can see what is currently in the vault.

    As for Windows 7, the file will have a different name - clip. Unfortunately, you won't be able to open it and see the contents. It is not known for what reasons the developers did not provide for this possibility. However, there are programs that allow you to find out what is stored on the clipboard. One of them will be discussed further.

    Program Punto Switcher

    So, you already know where the clipboard is located in Windows 7. But how do you see the files you put there? This feature is provided by the free Punto Switcher program. You can find it on the Internet.

    In fact, this application is designed to automatically switch keyboard layouts. There are situations when you write a text in Russian, and then you need to write a few words in English. Sometimes a person forgets to return the Russian layout, but Punto Switcher does it for him.

    By enabling the clipboard history tracking function in this program, you can see the files that have been added to the storage.

    How to launch tracking tool in Punto Switcher?

    If you have Windows 7, and you cannot view the clipboard history, then after which it is written above, the problem will be solved.

    On the taskbar, right-click on the Punto Switcher icon and go to settings. In the "General" section, open the "Advanced" tab. Find the item "Watch clipboard" and check the box next to it.

    Now go to the "Hotkeys" section, find the "Show clipboard history" item and click the "Assign" button. Set convenient for you to call history buffer.

    You can use another option. Right click on the program icon on the taskbar. In select "Clipboard". Click "View History".

    So, now you know where the clipboard is located in Windows 7 and how to view its history.

    Clipdiary Program

    Another program that allows you to track your clipboard history is Clipdiary. You can download it for free from the official website. There should be no problems with installing Clipdiary, since this process does not imply anything complicated. The program starts automatically every time the operating system is loaded. At the same time, if there is a desire, it can be removed from startup.

    In order to call a window with the history of the buffer, you must press the button that you must specify in the settings. By the way, the window shows the last 50 files placed in the storage. But at the bottom there is a page scrolling function. This way, you can view older files added to the clipboard.

    How to copy to clipboard?

    In order to send information to the clipboard, there are two options:

    • Right-click on the file and select "Copy" from the drop-down list of actions. As a result, it will be placed in temporary storage. Now select the location where you want to paste it and bring up the drop down menu again. Click Paste. The file has been moved.
    • Select a file or, for example, a piece of text and press the key combination Ctrl + C. The material will be copied. The Ctrl + V key combination pastes the copied information in the selected location.

    In order to cut a file to the clipboard, you must use the keyboard buttons Ctrl + X.

    How to clear the clipboard?

    Clearing the clipboard allows you to remove files from storage that consume RAM. Of course, if we are talking about small information, then this is not critical. However, if there is a large file in the buffer, it is recommended to delete it.

    The easiest way to clear the clipboard is to replace the large file that is there with a smaller one. For example, you can take a screenshot of the screen ("Prt Sc" button) or send a small text document to the clipboard. Only one file can be in storage at a time, so the old one will be squeezed out by the new one.

    It is worth remembering that when you turn off or restart the computer, information from the buffer is also deleted, so if you cut and do not copy an important file, then do not forget to immediately paste it into the selected location.

    You have learned how to find the clipboard and clear it on a regular computer or tablet. Next, we will talk about tablets.

    clipboard in tablets

    There are many people who do not know how to add information to the clipboard on the tablet. In fact, there is nothing complicated here. Hold your finger for some time on a piece of text so that the limiters appear. They must be installed at the beginning and at the end of the copied article passage. Now touch the selected fragment once with your finger - and it will move to the clipboard.

    In order to paste text, you need to hold your finger for a few seconds in the place where you want to paste the file. In the context menu that appears, select the Paste option.

    If the menu does not appear, just touch the screen again.


    Now you know where the clipboard is located in Windows 7, which means you can clear it if necessary. After all, sometimes files placed in this temporary storage significantly slow down the operation of the operating system.

    By installing one of the programs, you will be able to view the clipboard history. At the same time, remember that it is undesirable to have two programs on the same computer aimed at performing the same task.

    Also, do not forget about the unexpected. Therefore, if you cut out information to transfer it to another place, then perform the action without delay, because no one is immune from trouble.

    Hello, dear readers of the blog site. I have already described in some detail almost all the programs that I constantly use and without which I can no longer imagine full-fledged work in Windows. This is wonderful and very simple, irreplaceable, as well as becoming a permanent resident of my computer -.

    Today I want to tell you about a very simple program that brings a lot of convenience to the work of a webmaster, and any other more or less active PC user. Our today's hero belongs to the cast of clipboard managers and is able to significantly expand the potential inherent in this basic Windows tool, as well as add new features to it. His name is Clipdiary.

    A little earlier, I already wrote about a very useful utility for, which also knows how to conjure a bit with the clipboard, but our today's hero does it much better, in my opinion.

    What is missing from the clipboard in Windows

    In general, the clipboard in Windows is good for everyone, except for the fact that it is often not enough. Well, in the sense that something big doesn’t fit into it, but in the sense that by adding a new record to the buffer, you thereby erase the existing one.

    A trifle for those who do not work much with a computer, but at the same time a huge problem for those who do not get out because of it and are busy not with games, but with some kind of work with texts, files, etc. things. In general, for those who pretend that they are doing something, i.e. for you and me, dear webmasters.

    The clipboard itself was invented and is used to transfer data from one application to another. Absolutely all programs written under Windows can work with it and absolutely all of them understand those Hotkeys, which we usually use to copy, paste or cut a piece of text, file, image or Html code.

    1. Copy to clipboard: Ctrl+C or Ctrl+Ins.
    2. Cut, i.e. remove text fragment or file(s) and store them in the clipboard: Ctrl+X or Shift+Del .
    3. Paste from clipboard: Ctrl+V or Shift+Ins

    In general, I hung the operations of copying and pasting into the clipboard on the side buttons of the mouse, because these are really the most frequently performed operations by me when working with a computer.

    It is clear that you can work with the clipboard using the context menu commands (right-clicking on a selected piece of text or selected files), as well as using the menu that the vast majority of Windows programs have.

    All this is great, but the new entry in the clipboard overwrites the previous one, which means that operations that require repeated copying and pasting of text fragments or files between different applications become not very convenient, to put it mildly. There is simply a catastrophic lack of opportunity to see clipboard history.

    It would be quite logical to assume at the same time that in Windows some file can be used for this purpose, as a database for storing the history of records in the clipboard. Therefore, you just need to know where physically there is a clipboard. Of course, the information copied into it hangs in RAM, but there is also a special file where it is duplicated, possibly in case of a failure.

    In Windows XP it was called clipbrd.exe and lived in the system folder (C:\WINDOWS\system32\). In modern versions of Windows, the backup data storage file from the clipboard is located approximately in the same place, but it is called differently - clip.exe. True, there will not be much sense from him, but the very fact of his existence (a hard copy of the clipboard) can be considered confirmed.

    Unfortunately, it does not store all previous inserts, i.e. Windows does not maintain a history of records in clipboard. It is possible that this is due to some security issues. Don't know. By the way, the same applies to the question of how to clear clipboard? Yes, very simple.

    At the same time, you don’t need to know where the file mentioned just above is located, but you just need to copy into it (Ctrl + C or from the context menu) any word from any program currently open (browser, text editor or file manager). The new entry will erase the previous one, which could be very large and take up a lot of space in your computer's RAM.

    Those. the only thing that remains unsolved is the task of preserving and viewing everything that we have ever copied to a clipboard. It is desirable that at the same time there was the possibility of searching through the saved data, scrolling through the contents of the buffer using hot keys, the ability to clear the history, well, and something else so useful.

    Without this, the standard Windows clipboard can be compared to shopping in a supermarket without the ability to use a basket or cart - with each individual item (product) you have to run to the checkout. This greatly slows down the work and causes severe irritation. Not everyone, of course, but most active PC users.

    It is clear that I did not discover America and this lack of clipboard has been known for a long time, third-party developers have written and successfully used a huge number of different clipboard managers, which differ from each other both in functionality and ease of use. Even the developers of Microsoft have added a buffer expander to their office suite.

    Over the past fifteen years, I have tried, probably, a dozen of these programs, and almost always something in them did not suit me. It is possible that somewhere I simply could not get to the bottom of how the actions I needed were performed, somewhere I could not understand how to turn off what I did not need and interfere with my daily work in Windows.

    Therefore, I'm not saying that today's hero named Clipdiary is an ideal clipboard manager with the ability to store the pasting history for an arbitrarily long period of time. Of course not. To each his own, but for me this program has been the ideal in this area for the last five years.

    What is nice, it is distributed free of charge if you plan to use it for non-commercial purposes. There is also a portable version of it, which will work successfully from a USB flash drive. It stores the history of the buffer in a database, which is a regular file on your computer's hard drive, and to reduce its size, Clipdiary compresses all records into an archive.

    A few years ago, I had an unpleasant moment in which this particular manager played a key saving role. I was writing another article for the blog site, everything was going great and most of the work had already been done. I felt a pleasant feeling from a job well done and I was ready to finalize it, i.e. publish an article.

    I worked in my favorite (at that time), where the WordPress admin panel was open. I don’t remember exactly, whether my computer rebooted spontaneously, or the Ups could not withstand the power surge, because the batteries had not been replaced in them for a long time, but I lost everything that I had been working on for five long hours before.

    The feeling was indescribable. Ready to tear and throw. Opera, the infection, did not save the text entered in the admin panel (by the way, Google Chrome, which I use now to work with the site, can restore everything when the system or the browser itself crashes, and therefore, when writing articles, I only use it now).

    Because this was my first such sad experience, then according to the established tradition (until the thunder breaks out - the Russian does not cross itself) I did not make backup copies of the already written text. I had practically no hopes for recovery, and only mechanically I began to sort through everything that could help me not to start working on the article again.

    It turned out that not long before the sad event, for some reason I copied the entire text of the article to the clipboard (it is convenient to do this by pressing the key combination Ctrl + A to select all the text in the editing window in the WordPress admin panel, and then Ctrl + C to copy it to the clipboard ). Naturally, Clipdiary saved this data, because it immediately writes it to its database file. My joy then knew no bounds.

    Clipdiary - expanding the possibilities of the clipboard

    In general, the program is wonderful and now I will try to briefly describe its capabilities. As I mentioned download clipdiary can be completely free.

    If you prefer portable versions of programs, you can download the portable clipboard manager.

    During installation, you will be prompted to select the interface language and what is nice, Russian is one of the available options:

    Immediately after installation, Clipdiary will begin to live in your tray and be loaded along with Windows. As soon as there are clipboard copies, this program will receive a notification and immediately save this information from the clipboard to its database. In this regard, her work will be virtually invisible to you.

    If you find that for some reason it does not intercept information placed on the clipboard, then right-click on its tray icon and make sure there is a checkmark in the box "Watch clipboard":

    At the first launch, you will also be asked to share information about the existence of such a wonderful program as Clipdiary to your Twitter and Facebook accounts. Personally, I did just that after a recent update to the latest up-to-date version.

    All. Now the history of all clipboard operations in your OS will be available to you. By default, to open the window, you will need to press Ctrl + D on the keyboard or left-click on the program icon in the tray.

    As I said, Clipdiary stores everything that you have copied to the clipboard since you installed this program. By default, only the last 50 saves are shown, and to access the rest, you can use the buttons to go to the previous page, located at the bottom of the window on the right.

    In the lines of the window that opens, only the beginning of a fragment of text or the name of the file is displayed, and you can observe its more expanded version by clicking once on it with the mouse - a pop-up window will appear, which can be seen in the screenshot shown above. double click line by line will paste the information stored there at the location where you currently have the mouse cursor.

    Actually, this is the main way to use Clipdiary to pull out from its database what you once copied to the clipboard. By default, after inserting the fragment you need, the program window will automatically be minimized to tray so as not to disturb you.

    But if you need to paste several fragments or files from this clipboard manager into the same place at once, then opening its window (Ctrl + D), it will be enough press Ctrl+F2 so that it doesn't close on the next insertion. When you get bored, then press Ctrl + F2 again.

    Remarkably, one can move to Windows clipboard any of the records saved in Clipdiary or a file without even opening the window of this program. To do this, just use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Shift + up or down arrow. A little more.

    It doesn't matter where you currently have the mouse cursor. Just press the key combination Ctrl+Shift+Up Arrow and you will start scrolling the clipboard history in the opposite direction (retrospective). This is hard to show on a screenshot, but in the middle of the screen there will be an area with the text (or file name) once placed on the clipboard and the contents of this area, as well as its size, will change as you press the up arrow on the keyboard.

    When you find the desired fragment, then just release the keys. That's it - it will be placed on the clipboard and to insert it you will now have to put the cursor in the required place and use ctrl+v or context menu.

    At the very bottom of the window with the history of clipboard operations there will be an area for database search Clipdiary something that you can't find visually looking through all the records. I often have such a need and, for example, to search for links, it will be enough to enter “http://” in the search box.

    To return to viewing the entire history of the clipboard, click on the "Reset" button located to the right.

    Possible and group operations with fragments stored in this program. To do this, while holding Ctrl or Shift, select several lines in the Clipdiary window and select the option you need from the context menu (you can also use the top menu of the Clip item or the top toolbar).

    The selected fragments can be deleted from the database of this program, or you can paste them all at once into the clipboard or wherever you want. Moreover, it is possible clear text from formatting on insertion if needed.

    Clipdiary's clipboard manager settings

    That's actually all the features of this wonderful program, and we just have to consider its settings, some of which can add a bit of convenience.

    On the "General" tab, you are free to change the interface language, but everything else hardly makes sense to touch. On the next tab "Hotkeys" you are free to override what Clipdiary offers you by default:

    Personally, I reassigned only the call to the window with the clipboard history, because this keyboard shortcut seemed to me more convenient for everyday use.

    On the tab "Appearance" you can set the method for selecting those fragments that have already been inserted from the window of this program. These fragments from the history of the clipboard they call clips. You can highlight them with text color or background color.

    In fact, the thing is quite convenient, because when writing an article, for example, I constantly insert the names of a program, service, or something else (in Latin) that I am writing about now. But besides this, a lot of other stuff constantly gets into the clipboard, as a result of which my frequently inserted fragments would be difficult to find if not for their highlighting.

    tab "Database" allows you to change where it is stored if necessary (or find out if you want to transfer it to another computer).

    There you can also set the number of clips stored in it, and if you need to clear its contents after closing the program (turning off Windows), for example, so that your roommate in the computer space cannot dig into it, then put a zero in this field.

    tab "Paste Setting" designed to solve possible problems. They occur to me when working with Opera - not the clip that I need is inserted, but the one that currently lives in the clipboard.

    Increasing the delay time did not help me, so I unchecked "Restore clipboard contents after pasting a clip."

    In area "Additionally" you can leave everything by default, but I, for example, increased the number of clips displayed on one page to 300 (the default was 50). Why? Yes, because during the writing of one article, those clips that I constantly used for insertion crawled to the second page, and there the highlighting did not work.

    By the way, by default, Clipdiary keeps the last five copies to the clipboard in memory, and if you try to copy something duplicate from this five again, this clip will not be re-recorded in the history. Here you can adjust it all the way you want.

    By default, this clipboard history manager will not intercept passwords passing through the clipboard from various specialized programs (password managers, like Kipas, the link to which I cited at the beginning of this post) that use the "Clipboard Viewer Ignore" sending method. If you want to cancel this, then uncheck the box.

    Well, the program can also start searching immediately after you enter a few characters (similar to what is used in Google when you enter a query there - I just recently wrote). In the settings you can set their exact number.

    P.S. I reported through the feedback form on the page of this program that I wrote an article about Clipdiary. After a while, the developer himself answered me. It turned out that I misunderstood a couple of things in the clipboard algorithm in Windows.

    Firstly, Clipbrd.exe turned out to be not a file where the content of the clipboard is stored (the latter lives exclusively in RAM), but a program that can simply read this content. The purpose of Clipbrd.ex for the developer himself is a mystery.

    Secondly, it is very difficult to imagine the contents of the buffer, which could eat off any significant amount of RAM, especially in modern computers. No matter how big the file you put into the clipboard, it will store only the path to this file itself and information that it was copied. All.

    But the truth is that part of my publication that was devoted directly to the buffer history manager was marked by rather flattering comments, and as a token of gratitude I received named version of the program(I was given a key for her), which I will not fail to boast about now:

    Good luck to you! See you soon on the blog pages site

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    All users of the Windows operating system use the clipboard, even if they don't know about it. Since the copied text goes to the clipboard, and from there it is already pasted to the right place.

    Therefore, in this article we will talk about how to view the Windows 10 clipboard, as well as how to clear the Windows 10 clipboard yourself. Actually, the operating system itself does not allow built-in tools to view data in the clipboard, for this we will use third-party software.

    The clipboard itself was created in order to simplify the use of the computer and save you time. Since with the help of the clipboard you can copy and save not only text, but also other objects, such as images.

    To use the clipboard you only need to copy text or any other object. To do this, you can use Windows 10 hotkeys.

    The clipboard app itself since Windows XP located along the way C:\Windows\system32 and called clipbrd.exe. After switching to Windows 7 active users could notice changes in the name, which became clip.exe.

    The main difference between clipbrd.exe And clip.exe was that in Windows XP you could easily open the application clipbrd.exe and see the data in the clipboard. In new versions of the Windows operating system, this feature has already disappeared.

    Since now Windows 10 users cannot use the built-in clipboard application, we will have to download a small utility. We offer two clipboard viewing utilities CLCL and Clipdiary. And also you can take advantage of the additional features of the office software package.

    Windows 10 version 1809 and later

    Windows 10 version 1809 has the ability to use the built-in clipboard history. Now it is possible to save multiple items to the clipboard for later use. You just need to press the key combination Win + V to view the clipboard history and paste an item from it.

    And also it became possible not only to go to the clipboard and paste a previously copied element, but also to enable synchronization between devices. If this feature is enabled, Microsoft will receive clipboard data to sync with other devices.

    CLCL - clipboard caching utility

    The advantage of this utility is the presence of the Russian language and a really simple interface.

    Clipdiary - View Clipboard History

    Here, the minus of this utility is the need to activate the program and a trial period for 30 days. And the plus is the presence of a more convenient interface and the possibility of free activation of the program.

    Microsoft Office Word

    Although few people know, Microsoft Word has the ability to look at the clipboard and see what was in it until the last. For this you need:

    How to Clear Clipboard Windows 10

    To clear the clipboard in Windows 10, you can use just one command. Be careful, because with this command you will completely clear the clipboard. And with the help of previous programs, you can clear the clipboard in any order.

    1. Paste and run the command: echo off | clip.


    In this article, we learned how to view the Windows 10 clipboard and how to clean it if necessary. All these utilities are very convenient and it is possible to download a portable version of the programs, but Microsoft Office is installed on every computer with the Windows operating system.

    After updating to version 1809 of the Windows 10 operating system, the user receives additional functionality for working with the clipboard. Therefore, to take advantage of the new built-in clipboard history, we recommend that you upgrade to the latest version of the Windows 10 operating system.