• What is a VPN, what is it for and how to use it? VPN: setup. VPN connections in Windows, Android

    Every day the Internet is growing rapidly, the number of users is increasing. Then providers begin to offer us to use VPN technology. Indeed, this connection has a lot of advantages, but there are practically no disadvantages, we will talk about this below. In this article we will look at how to set up a VPN connection and why it is needed.

    What is a VPN server

    VPN is an acronym in English that translates to “Private Virtual Network”. It is important to know that VPN technologies are used on top of an already installed local or Internet network. They easily connect all computers into one single system. The most important and important advantage of VPN is the excellent protection of transmitted data, which is ensured through code encryption.

    If computers have physical access to each other, which is provided through a connection via a network cable or wi-fi, then a vpn server must be installed. Don’t worry, a regular computer or laptop is perfect for this role. However, you will have to install the necessary software.

    The task of the vpn server is to manage and configure the connection between the virtual network and the child machine.

    On computers or, more simply put, machines, you will need to install a VPN Connection. This process can be simplified and written like this: setting up and setting the name of the vpn server, recording the address and password, which will be useful for a successful connection. The trouble is that there are many different operating systems, and, accordingly, the settings are different everywhere. Let's look at the most popular options in more detail.

    How to set up a VPN connection in Win XP

    How to set up a VPN connection

    Follow these instructions:

    1. Click on the “Start” button, which is located in the lower left corner of the screen. Go to “Settings”, then “Control Panel” and click on the “Network Connections” shortcut.
    2. You need to find the “Network tasks” section, here select “Create a connection”
    3. You can read the setup assistant’s greeting and click “Next”.
    4. Here, select “Connect to a network at your workplace” and click “Next”.
    5. The item “Connect to virtual. networks”, and again “Next”.
    6. It's time to write a little, come up with and enter a name for the future network.
    7. Now it's time to use the phone. Dial your provider's number and find out the VPN server address. After this, put the phone aside and write down the data received.
    8. Finish the work, it is advisable to select the item where the installer offers to create a shortcut on the desktop.

    After creating the network, the computer should automatically connect you to it. If this does not happen, then do it manually. Don't forget that the created connection can be completely edited and changed.

    How to set up VPN on Win 7

    More and more people are switching from win xp to win 7, and only the most faithful remain. This is not surprising, time passes, technologies change, and people are drawn to something more advanced and simpler.

    To create a connection on this operating system, you only need to follow the instructions below. The main part of the process is practically the same as the previous version, but there are still some minor changes.

    vpn server

    1. Go to Network and Sharing Center. To do this, click on the “Start” button, then select “Control Panel”.
    2. Select "Connection setup".
    3. You are interested in the “Connect to a workplace” item, click “Next”.
    4. The system will ask you a question that you must answer as follows: “No, create a new network,” click on the “Next” link.
    5. Select the "Use my connection" section. We will have to work with the connection itself later, so click on the “postpone decision” button.
    6. In the address field we enter the relevant information that we learned from our provider in advance. After this, call the connection by any name you like.
    7. Pay special attention to the next paragraph, which configures access for other users. If you want to allow other people to use this connection, select “Allow”, otherwise select “Deny”.
    8. Click "Create".

    That's all, now you know how to set up a VPN server on Win 7. For convenience, you can install a shortcut with the connection in the quick launch panel or on the desktop. To do this, right-click on the shortcut and click on “Create shortcut”, then select it and move it to the desired location.

    To connect to a new connection, double-click on the shortcut, or right-click on it and select “Open”.

    You can also simplify your future work and select the “Save password and login” option. This way you won't have to enter your personal information all the time.

    When you first start the VPN connection system, you can select your location. If you click on the “Public Place” item, you will receive additional protection from the win 7 system.

    Similar to the win xp system, the seven offers you to make any settings and changes to the system. You can change your password, name and other settings. To do this, right-click on the connection shortcut and select “Properties”.

    How to set up VPN and Android OS

    Perhaps one article is not enough to describe all the advantages of this operating system. But in our lesson we are discussing a completely different topic, so we will not deviate from the course. So, to make all the settings, you need to do the following:

    1. Open the settings tab, then select “Manage wireless networks”. Here, pay attention to the VPN settings and click on “Add VPN”.
    2. Confirm your actions and add “PPTP VPN”.
    3. As usual, you will have to give the new connection a name, then specify the server address (we found it out from the provider) and save all changes.
    4. All that remains is to connect to the network; to do this, double-click on the shortcut.
    5. In the window that appears, enter your personal data - password and login.

    Now you know how to set up VPN on Android. It is worth mentioning that here you can make any settings and changes. You can also create a shortcut for convenience, save your personal data and autoload this connection.


    How to use a VPN on iPhone, iPad and iPod touch

    VPN is a feature available on iPhone, iPad and iPod touch that allows you to replace the device's IP address when accessing the Internet. There are several ways to use it.

    Why do you need a VPN?

    Using a VPN leads to the fact that when you access the Internet, all sites and other objects requesting your IP will receive not your individual number, which records from which location you are accessing the network, but another one, tied to another location or another country .

    This function can be useful in cases where you need to access a site that is blocked in your country, or log into any resource blocked by the settings of the Wi-Fi network through which the connection is made. VPN provides anonymity, that is, no one will know that it was from your device that you entered a particular Internet resource.

    That is, if you are, for example, in Russia, then with the help of a VPN you can set an IP for your connection, thanks to which it will be displayed everywhere that you are, for example, in Italy.

    The use of VPN is officially prohibited in Russia.

    How to use a VPN

    On iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch, there are two ways to use VPN services: through the device's built-in settings or through a third-party application.

    Using VPN through built-in settings

    To use this method, you will have to find a site that provides VPN services in advance and create an account on it.

    Video: setting up a VPN using the system

    Using a VPN through a third-party app

    There are many programs that provide a VPN connection. One of the best is Betternet, which can be installed for free from the App Store. To connect and disconnect a VPN you only need to press one button, and the time you can use the VPN is not limited. That is, you don’t have to manually enter settings, create accounts or use any other additional services. Just install the application, go into it and press the Connect button to connect and Disconnect to disconnect.

    Connecting or disconnecting from a VPN via Betternet

    You can also choose which country the VPN will link you to.

    Choosing a VPN server via Betternet

    Video: Setting up a VPN with Betternet

    What to do if the VPN icon disappears

    If the device is connected to the network via VPN, an icon in the top notification bar will indicate this. The disappearance of this icon means that you are still connected to the Internet, but redirection via the VPN has ended. That is, the VPN connection is interrupted; it may deactivate on its own due to an unstable Internet connection or problems with the server providing VPN services. In this case, you must manually reconnect to the VPN using one of the methods described above. You may need to reboot your device first before reconnecting.

    VPN icon in notification bar

    What to do if VPN doesn't work

    A VPN connection may not work for two reasons: an unstable Internet connection or a problem with the server that provides VPN services. First, check whether your connection to the mobile Internet or Wi-Fi network is stable. Secondly, check the correctness of the entered settings if you used the first method described above, or install any other application other than the one described above in the second method, if you used it.

    The best way to get rid of the VPN connection problem is to choose a different service or application. The main thing is to choose a VPN that will work in your area.

    A VPN allows you to use services that are blocked in your area. You can use it through the settings of your Apple device or a third-party application.


    VPN - what is it, how to create a connection to a free virtual server and configure the connection

    A Virtual Private Network is a virtual private network that is used to provide secure connections within corporate connections and Internet access. The main advantage of a VPN is high security due to the encryption of internal traffic, which is important when transferring data.

    What is a VPN connection

    Many people, when they come across this abbreviation, ask: VPN – what is it and why is it needed? This technology opens up the possibility of creating a network connection on top of another. VPN works in several modes:

    • node-network;
    • network-network;
    • node-node.

    Organization of a private virtual network at network levels allows the use of TCP and UDP protocols. All data that passes through computers is encrypted. This is additional protection for your connection. There are many examples that explain what a VPN connection is and why you should use it. This issue will be discussed in detail below.

    Each provider is able to provide user activity logs upon request from the relevant authorities. Your internet company records every activity you do online. This helps relieve the provider of any responsibility for the actions carried out by the client. There are many situations in which you need to protect your data and gain freedom, for example:

    1. The VPN service is used to send confidential company data between branches. This helps protect important information from being intercepted.
    2. If you need to bypass the service's geographic location. For example, the Yandex Music service is available only to residents of Russia and residents of the former CIS countries. If you are a Russian-speaking resident of the United States, then you will not be able to listen to the recordings. A VPN service will help you circumvent this ban by replacing the network address with a Russian one.
    3. Hide website visits from your provider. Not every person is ready to share their activities on the Internet, so they will protect their visits using a VPN.

    How VPN works

    When you use another VPN channel, your IP will belong to the country where this secure network is located. When connected, a tunnel will be created between the VPN server and your computer. After this, the provider’s logs (records) will contain a set of incomprehensible characters. Analyzing the data with a special program will not produce results. If you do not use this technology, the HTTP protocol will immediately indicate which site you are connecting to.

    VPN structure

    This connection consists of two parts. The first is called an “internal” network; you can create several of these. The second is the “external” one, through which an encapsulated connection occurs; as a rule, the Internet is used. It is also possible to connect to the network of a separate computer. The user is connected to a specific VPN through an access server connected simultaneously to the external and internal networks.

    When a VPN program connects a remote user, the server requires two important processes to go through: first identification, then authentication. This is necessary to obtain the rights to use this connection. If you have fully completed these two steps, your network is endowed with powers that open up the possibility of work. In essence, this is an authorization process.

    VPN classification

    There are several types of virtual private networks. There are options for the degree of security, implementation method, level of operation according to the ISO/OSI model, and the protocol involved. You can use a paid access or a free VPN service from Google. Based on the degree of security, channels can be “secure” or “trusted”. The latter are needed if the connection itself has the required level of protection. To organize the first option, the following technologies should be used:

    How to create a VPN server

    For all computer users, there is a way to connect a VPN yourself. Below we will consider the option on the Windows operating system. This instruction does not provide for the use of additional software. The setup is carried out as follows:

    1. To make a new connection, you need to open the network access viewing panel. Start typing the words “Network connections” into the search.
    2. Press the “Alt” button, click on the “File” section in the menu and select “New incoming connection”.
    3. Then set up a user who will be given a connection to this computer via VPN (if you only have one account on your PC, you will need to create a password for it). Check the box and click “Next”.
    4. Next, you will be asked to select the connection type; you can leave a checkmark next to “Internet”.
    5. The next step is to enable network protocols that will work on this VPN. Check all the boxes except the second one. If desired, you can set a specific IP, DNS gateways and ports in the IPv4 protocol, but it is easier to leave the assignment automatic.
    6. When you click on the “Allow access” button, the operating system will automatically create a server and display a window with the computer name. You will need it for connection.
    7. This completes the creation of a home VPN server.

    How to set up a VPN on Android

    The method described above is how to create a VPN connection on a personal computer. However, many have long been doing everything using their phone. If you don’t know what a VPN is on Android, then all the facts described above about this type of connection are also true for a smartphone. The configuration of modern devices ensures comfortable use of the Internet at high speed. In some cases (to run games, open websites), proxy substitutions or anonymizers are used, but for a stable and fast connection, a VPN is better suited.

    If you already understand what a VPN on a phone is, then you can proceed directly to creating a tunnel. You can do this on any device that supports Android. The connection is made as follows:

    1. Go to the settings section, click on the “Network” section.
    2. Find the item called “Advanced Settings” and go to the “VPN” section. Next, you will need a PIN code or password that will unlock the ability to create a network.
    3. The next step is to add a VPN connection. Specify the name in the “Server” field, the name in the “username” field, set the connection type. Click on the “Save” button.
    4. After this, a new connection will appear in the list, which you can use to change your standard connection.
    5. An icon will appear on the screen indicating that there is a connection. If you tap on it, you will be provided with statistics of received/transmitted data. You can also disable the VPN connection here.

    Video: Free VPN service


    How to enable Opera VPN: instructions for PC and smartphones (2017)

    Let's look at how to quickly enable VPN mode in the Opera browser to remain anonymous online.

    This technology allows you not only to hide your location, but also to protect all data that is transmitted and processed during the session.

    Only after connecting to a private network is it better to log in to social networks, enter logins and passwords and make transactions via the Internet. Most often, technology is important for users not so much for data protection as for opening access to blocked sites and services.


    Browser developers have created a built-in system for protecting user data. The network can now be activated without downloading additional programs and browser extensions.

    The user simply needs to activate the mode and continue to use sites as usual.

    Before using the mode, make sure that the following requirements are met:

    • Opera 40 or a newer version of the browser is installed on your computer. Older versions of the program do not support the built-in VPN mode. You can download the latest version of Opera for free on the developer’s official website;
    • All programs that create a private data exchange network are disabled in the operating system and other browsers. Enabling several VPNs at once does not make sense and may cause traffic failure.

    To enable it in the desktop version, follow the instructions:

    • Open the browser and click on the “Settings” item in the main menu tab or press the key combination Alt+P;

    Fig. 2 – main browser window

    • In the window that opens, find the security settings tab and select it;
    • On the right side of the window, check the “VPN” checkbox to activate the virtual private network.

    Fig. 3 - activating a private network using built-in browser functions

    After enabling the option, the Internet connection speed may drop by an average of 20%-30%. This is due to the fact that all user requests are first sent not to the provider, but to a remote server, which requires additional time.

    The provider of the proxy server for the built-in VPN is SurfEasy Inc.

    Modern technologies are improving at tremendous speed, opening up an amazing breadth of new opportunities for us. Not long ago, Internet users began to use a private network - VPN. It allows you to create a secure connection between remote PCs, providing:

    • anonymity of work on the World Wide Web;
    • the ability to download applications when the IP address is located in a different regional zone;
    • high safety of work in a corporate environment;
    • high transfer speed without interruptions;
    • the ability to create a channel protected from hackers.

    Let's look at how to connect to the Internet via VPN on different OSes.

    The OS is more complex than previous versions. But setting up a connection via VPN turns out to be very simple. Follow the step by step instructions below.

    Open Start. From the drop-down list, go to “Settings”. This subsection may be called "Options".

    Where can I find “Options”?

    When the Windows Settings window appears, you will see the Network and Internet option. Open the content. There is a “VPN” item here. Make one click. Click "Add VPN connection". In the new window, set the following parameters in order:

    • Windows (embedded);
    • Business Communication;
    • L2TP protocol;
    • . The necessary information is specified in your agreement for the provision of Internet services.

    Check that the fields are filled in correctly and click “Save”.

    Setting up a VPN on Windows 7

    Here the phasing has no fundamental distinctive features. The only difference is the location of the sections that interest us. Proceed to the "Control Panel".

    Where is the Control Panel located?

    We will need “Network and Internet”.

    We need a control center. From here you can manage networks and access. You will need to configure the connection. This will be a new direction.

    You will need an active “Connect to workplace” button. Let's move on. “Use my Internet connection” will appear at the top of the form. Let's make a selection. A form will appear where you enter in the stated sequence:

    • Business Communication;
    • Check the "Don't connect now" checkbox. You will be prompted to simultaneously check for future connections;
    • move on.

    On the page that opens, enter your username and password. This information is provided when signing an agreement for the provision of communication services. Place a marker in the box that asks you to remember your password. Next, a working connection will be displayed. The form can be closed.

    While in Control Center, continue working with custom metrics. In the form, click on “Change adapter settings”. The active and passive connections will be highlighted. Click on the configured option and select Properties. This is done through the right key.

    You will be on the General form. Here the address information regarding the VPN server is checked. Correct view: inter.net.

    In the “Security” form, you also need to make certain settings. Put VPN type here. There is no need to register anything. It is enough to use the drop-down list. Select the item: L2TP/IPsec. In the “data encryption” line, enter: optional. Click OK.

    Stay in the connections tab. Here you will need to create a shortcut for “Business Connection”.

    When you see a message that an icon cannot be created in this folder, agree to move it to your desktop.

    Go to the main screen. Here you will find the corresponding label. Double-click with the left mouse button. A window will appear where you should select “Connection”.

    You can check this point by following this path:

    • go to “Network and Internet”;
    • specify the section you are interested in. This is the control center;
    • you need to check the configured indicators. Go to the form where the adapter settings are changed;
    • Before finding the information you are interested in, read the sections. You will need “Network Connections”;
    • we require “Local Area Connection”;
    • go to “Properties”, open “Network” and select “TCP/IPv4”;
    • click on “Properties”;
    • The item about obtaining an IP address automatically must be activated, click on OK.

    Now we can say with confidence that the connection to the VPN is complete.

    How to connect a VPN on Windows XP

    Getting started is exactly the same as in version 7 of the OS. After activating the creation of a connection, the Connection Wizard will automatically launch. With it you will resolve the issue faster and more conveniently. After following “Next”, find the second item. It will allow you to connect to the network on your desktop.

    Keep tuning. You will see the “Connection name” window. Specify Business Connection. Proceed to the second stage.

    Stop at “Select VPN Server”.

    You will be taken to the last page of the wizard. Check the box where you are offered to display a shortcut on the desktop. Complete the procedure.

    Confirming settings and creating a shortcut on the desktop

    Click the right mouse button on the window that appears. Go to "Properties". In the first tab, check the VPN server address. It should be written here: inter.net. Go to "Options". Mark with the marker “Call back when connection is lost.” Then open “Security”. Remove the checkbox from “Data encryption required.”

    The connection window appears. It asks for a username and password. Enter the information provided by your Internet service provider when completing the contract. Place a marker next to the prompt to save passwords. Start connecting.

    As in the option discussed above, double-check that you received the IP address. It should be done automatically. This is done through Start. Find "Network and Internet Connections". From the suggested sub-items, select “Network connections”. Find “Local Area Connection”, right-click to get to Properties. Here you need to highlight TCP/IPv4. Then you need to go to Properties again. Now check for the checkbox next to the offer to register your IP address automatically.

    Setting up mobile equipment on Android OS

    If you need to set up a VPN on mobile devices, use the step-by-step instructions below. It will create a secure channel connecting separate networks and providing access to them for people who regularly change their location.

    Important! For the setup to be successful, you need to know the address of the server to which you will connect, your login and password.

    Open the Settings menu on your device.

    In the “Wireless Network” column, click on the “More” sub-item and select “VPN”.

    Check the box to add a VPN connection. It may be called that or designated as “+”.

    A form will open in front of you where you need to enter the settings:

    • “Network name” - any name. You decide what name to give your new VPN connection;
    • "Type" - "PPTP";
    • “Address”—VPN server address;
    • click on the “Save” button.

    Find out detailed instructions for setting up home Internet in the article -

    When you first start, the system will ask for your username and password. To avoid entering them again next time, check the box next to the offer to remember user data.

    The VPN connection is configured and ready to use. You will learn about this thanks to the corresponding notification. By clicking on the icon that appears, you will see detailed information on the connection.

    In this article you will read everything you need to know about a VPN connection to the Internet: what it is and why a VPN was created.

    Almost all users have heard or encountered this concept at least once. However, too small a percentage of all users know what this is or have tried to understand this issue.

    Decoding the definition

    The abbreviation stands for Virtual Private Network. This phrase translated into Russian means virtual private network. Let's take a closer look at what these words mean:

    • “network” is understandable to everyone. These are two or more devices that are connected to each other via the Internet;
    • “virtual” means that the connection is established via the Internet and does not exist in material terms (cables, wires, etc.);
    • “private” means that data transmission over this tunnel is strictly accessible to participants. Virtual Private Network uses encryption for security.

    What is a Virtual Private Network connection?

    This type of connection guarantees all network participants complete confidentiality of transmitted data from one point to another. At the same time, the network is organized on top of the public Internet. That is, all processes and data transfer occur in public view, but only participants have access. very useful and common in large companies, server rooms and so on. This method gained popularity due to its simplicity. If for a local connection it is necessary to establish a system of wires and cables between computers, then in this case you only need access to the World Wide Web.

    What does the VPN connection function on your phone mean?

    It is also possible to connect modern smartphones to the Virtual Private Network. To do this, you must enter the server address and type, password and encryption type. You can save multiple points on your mobile device. This allows you to avoid having to re-enter data each time.

    What does a VPN network provide?

    Connections of this type allow you to establish communications between remote offices and company departments that are located in different places. Without this, it is simply impossible to establish communication in such conditions. You can also remain anonymous through the Virtual Private Network when surfing the Internet. This can be done both from a computer and from a mobile device.

    They have become commonplace. True, no one really thinks about what is behind the concept like “VPN, setup, use, etc.” Most users prefer not to delve into the jungle of computer terminology and use standard templates. But in vain. From knowledge about such connections, you can derive a lot of benefits, for example, increase traffic or connection speed, etc. Let's see what a connection to a virtual network actually is, using the example of the interaction of Windows operating systems on a desktop computer terminal and Android on a mobile device

    What is VPN

    Let's start with the fact that VPN setup is impossible without the general principle of understanding the essence of the connection being created or used.

    To explain in simple words, such a network necessarily contains a so-called router (the same router), which provides computers or mobile devices trying to connect to an existing network with standard additional IP addresses for access to the local network or the Internet.

    In this case, a virtual network in which there is an activated VPN connection setting accepts any device connected to it and is assigned a unique internal IP address. The range of such addresses in the usual standard is from zero to the value 255.

    What’s most interesting is that even when accessing the Internet, the external IP address of the device from which the request is made is not so easy to determine. There are several reasons for this, which will be discussed below.

    The simplest VPN setup for Android

    Almost all virtual networks using a wireless connection like Wi-Fi work on the same principle - assigning free IP addresses from the available range. It is not surprising that any mobile device can easily be connected to them (but only if it supports the appropriate connection protocols).

    However, today any smartphones or tablets based on the Android OS have in their functionality the option of connecting the same Wi-Fi. The network is detected automatically if the device is within its coverage area. The only thing that may be needed is to enter a password. The so-called “shared” ones do not require a password at all.

    In this case, you need to go to the main settings on your smartphone or tablet and activate the Wi-Fi connection. The system itself will determine the presence of radio modules at a distance of 100-300 meters from the device (it all depends on the model of the distribution router). Once the network is identified, a menu will appear with all available connections and their blocking indication. If the network has a padlock icon, it is password protected (however, this will be indicated initially in the message). If you know the password, enter it.

    In public networks, where login using a password is not provided, it is even simpler. Has the network been determined? All. Click on connection and use it. As is already clear, VPN configuration in this case is not required at all. It’s another matter when you need to use the settings of Windows or another operating system (even a mobile one) to create a connection or assign the status of a VPN distribution server to a computer terminal or laptop.

    Creation on Windows

    With operating systems of the Windows family, not everything is as simple as most users think. Of course, they automatically recognize a network or connection via Wi-Fi, ADSL, or even a direct connection via an Ethernet network card (subject to the presence of installed equipment). The question is different: if the distributor is not a router, but a laptop or desktop computer, how to get out of this situation?

    Basic parameters

    Here you will have to delve into the VPN settings. Windows as an operating system is considered first.

    First you need to pay attention not even to the settings of the system itself, but to its accompanying components. True, when creating a connection or using it to the maximum, you will have to configure some protocols such as TCP/IP (IPv4, IPv6).

    If the provider does not provide such services automatically, you will have to make settings indicating previously received parameters. For example, when connecting automatically, the fields in the Internet browser properties for filling will be inactive (there will be a dot on the item “Obtain an IP address automatically”). That is why you do not have to enter the values ​​of the subnet mask, gateway, DNS or WINS servers manually (especially for proxy servers).

    Router settings

    Regardless of whether the VPN is configured on an ASUS laptop or terminal (or any other device), access to the network is still common.

    To do it correctly, you need to go to its own menu. This can be done using any Internet browser, provided that the router is directly connected to a computer or laptop.

    In the address field, enter the value (this corresponds to most models), after which you should activate the enable function (using the router parameters in advanced mode). Typically this line looks like WLAN Connection Type.

    Using VPN Clients

    VPN clients are quite specific programs that work like anonymous proxy servers that hide the true IP address of the user's computer when accessing a local network or the Internet.

    Actually, the use of programs of this type is reduced to almost complete automation. The VPN setting in this case, in general, is not important, since the application itself redirects requests from one server (mirror) to another.

    True, you will have to tinker a little with setting up such a client, especially if you want to make the maximum number of available connections in your home virtual network. Here you will have to choose between software products. And it should be noted that some applications, even the smallest in size, sometimes surpass the commercial products of many well-known brands, for which you also have to pay (by the way, a lot of money).

    What about TCP/IP?

    It goes without saying that almost all of the above settings affect the TCP/IP protocol to one degree or another. Today nothing better has been invented for comfort. Even remote anonymous proxy servers or local data stores still use these settings. But you need to be careful with him.

    It is best to contact your provider or system administrator before changing settings. But one thing must be clearly remembered: even when setting the values ​​manually, as a rule, the subnet mask has the sequence (it can change), and all IP addresses begin with the values ​​192.168.0.X (the last letter can have from one to three characters ).


    However, all these are subtleties of computer technology. The same VPN client for Android can provide communication between multiple smart devices. But the biggest snag is whether it’s worth using such a connection on a mobile gadget.

    If you noticed, we didn’t go into too much technical detail. This is rather a descriptive instruction about general concepts. But even that simple example, I think, will help, so to speak, to understand the very essence of the issue. Moreover, with a clear understanding of it, the whole problem will be reduced only to the system settings, which will not affect a specific user in any way.

    But here you need to be very careful. Actually, for those who do not know what a VPN connection is, this will not help much. For more advanced users, it is worth saying that creating a virtual network using Windows OS’s own tools is not recommended. You can, of course, use the initial settings, however, as practice shows, it is better to have some additional client in stock, which will always be like an ace in the hole.

    The use of VPN networks in our time has become an integral part of working with the Internet. A variety of virtual private network technologies and specifications are used by both huge international corporations and individual users. Some providers even provide Internet services based on VPN servers. One way or another, connecting to existing ones or setting up your own VPNs is not difficult, but very necessary. Everything connected with it is clearly examined using the example of the Windows 7 system.

    What is a VPN connection

    VPN (English acronym for “virtual private network”) is the common name for several technologies that allow you to create network connections on top of existing ones. VPNs are often used in closely held corporations to restrict access to the corporate network. Thus, an internal network is created on the basis of an existing external network (most often the Internet).

    A simplified diagram-icon symbolizing a VPN connection

    Thus, data exchange is carried out using Internet technologies, while the corporate network (VPN) has closed access only for employees. Moreover, employees may be located in different parts of the world. “Closed” access is achieved through cryptographic technologies such as encryption, authentication and/or public key infrastructure.

    The general structure of a VPN is shown in the figure below.

    The diagram shows what a VPN structure typically looks like using lines and icons

    So, two regional branches, the main office, as well as individual employees are connected to a common network. At the same time, the connection between them is carried out through Internet technologies, and information security tools make it possible to limit the access of unauthorized users or completely close it.

    For an individual user, VPN technology can also be useful for personal purposes. For example, if you connect to a remote VPN server, you can bypass the geographic restrictions of some web resources. That is, pretend that you are in another country. In addition, the user's location is hidden in the same way. These actions are not limited by law, but access to some sites is prohibited for such networks.

    In addition to the examples above, VPN is now used by some providers to connect users into groups. This allows you to connect multiple computers to the same IP address. Thus, savings are made on renting Internet addresses, which means the cost of connection services drops. At the same time, data transmitted by users remains encrypted.

    How to connect and configure VPN services on Windows 7

    Setting up a VPN connection on Windows 7 is quite simple. You don't need any additional software. Just follow the instructions.

    1. First of all, go to the Network and Sharing Center: open Start and select Control Panel. In the open window you will see a button to enter the “Center...”. Select "Set up a new connection...".
      In the Network and Sharing Center, click "Set up a new connection or network"
    2. From the list, select “Connect to a workplace.” This paragraph contains settings for the VPN connection.
      Select “Workplace Connection” from the list of network connection options
    3. The program will ask: “How to connect?” In our case, we need to choose the first option. Then click Next. By the way, in this window you can view Microsoft's VPN data (click the link at the bottom of the screen).
      When asked how to connect, select "Use my Internet connection (VPN)"
    4. A window will appear in front of you to fill in your connection information. In the “Internet address” line, you must specify a link to the VPN server. You can find this out from your provider and/or administrator. You can enter any “Destination Name”. In addition, you need to check the box next to “Don’t connect now...”. When everything is ready, click “Next”.
      Enter the required VPN connection information: Internet address, destination name. These can be obtained from your provider.
    5. Now you need to enter your username and password to connect to the VPN network. If you are not sure if they are correct, contact your administrator (provider). In addition, for easy access to the VPN server, you can specify its domain. If you are simply setting up an Internet connection to an ISP, leave the field blank. Now click the “Create” button.
      Enter your username and password in the appropriate fields when connecting to your workplace

      A message appears indicating that the connection is ready. Just click "Close".

      Close the VPN Ready message box

      In the “Center…” window that opened earlier, click on “Change adapter settings.”

      In the Network and Sharing Center, click on “Change adapter settings”

      A window will open in front of you, which contains information about available connections. The newly created connection is named as the “Destination Name” you specified earlier. Right-click on it. If you want, you can create a shortcut for this connection on your desktop. This will make it easier to access the network. Then select Properties: There are a few things you need to change before you can start using the VPN.

      Create a connection shortcut if you want and then go into its properties

      Now be careful. In the small “Properties” window of your connection, switch to the “Security” tab. Select the type of VPN network, which depends on the specifics of it. Contact your administrator or provider for this information. For example, if you want to connect to some remote server, the connection type is usually “PPTP”. But this is just an example. Be sure to check the correct choice.

      Select the appropriate VPN network type; if you don't know it, contact your ISP or administrator

      Please note that on the same tab there is a drop-down list “Data encryption”. You can choose the item that suits you personally. But this does not guarantee uninterrupted operation of the connection. Such data should also be clarified with the administrator.

    6. Go to the Network tab. Here, uncheck the “Internet Protocol Version 6...” option to increase data transfer speeds, because most likely it is not used on your VPN server (unless specified otherwise). Now single-click on “Internet Protocol Version 4...” and select its “Properties”. Click "Properties" with the cursor over "Internet Protocol Version 4..."
    7. In the window that opens, select “Advanced...” You should not change the DNS server addresses here, as we will set them next to match your VPN. Click “Advanced...” to go to additional. menu
    8. In the “Advanced TCP/IP Settings” window, on the “IP Settings” tab, uncheck the words “Use the default gateway on the remote network.” If this is not done, Internet traffic will pass through the VPN server, which will reduce the data transfer speed. Uncheck "Use the default gateway on the remote network" to increase connection speed

      If you are just connecting to a remote server, go to the DNS tab. In the “DNS connection suffix” column, enter the suffix provided by the administrator. This way, you don't have to enter it every time to go to a specific site.

    9. In all previously opened windows, click “OK”. The VPN connection is ready to use! You can launch it from the “Desktop” if you created a shortcut earlier.

    Video: how to install and connect to a VPN in Windows 7

    Possible connection problems

    There are a number of bugs that can cause your VPN connection to fail or function incorrectly. But before we move on to their descriptions, let’s take a look at the most common problem: when you turn on the VPN, the Internet connection disappears.

    What to do if the Internet connection disappears after startup

    This problem is relevant if you are connecting to a certain server, and not to the provider. It doesn’t matter how you are connected to the Internet (cord, Wi-Fi, another VPN), the connection drops for the same reason. And restoring it is quite simple.

    As we indicated above, enabling this option may slow down the speed of your Internet connection, since traffic will pass through the VPN server. If the connection is completely lost, it means that the gateway for remote connections is closed on the server. After unchecking the box, the Internet will work again.

    VPN connection problems and their solutions

    Errors when trying to automatically connect to a VPN connection are numbered with a three-digit number - an error code. This code appears in a separate window as shown in the screenshot.

    VPN connection error window; in this case, error 807 popped up

    Here are ways to correct the most common errors.

    400 Bad Request

    This error means that the request from your computer contains some information incorrectly.

    1. Try turning off all additional network programs.
    2. Refresh your browser and reset its settings.

    Error 624

    Error 691

    This error can have many causes, but they are all similar to some extent. So, it appears if you have not paid for the services to the provider, entered an incorrect login or password, incorrectly specified any VPN connection settings, or the connection has already been established. One way or another, check all the entered data in the connection properties or simply create it again, as we did above.

    Error 800

    This error indicates that there are problems with the VPN server itself. Perhaps it receives too many requests that it does not have time to process, or there is a load directly on your virtual network segment. In this case, you can only report the problem to the server provider/administrator and wait for a solution from them.

    Error 800 means the VPN server is overloaded

    Error 650

    If this error occurs, you need to check the health of your equipment: network card and cable. To do this, it is better to call a specialist. Before doing this, go to “Properties: Internet Protocol Version 4...” (see the item “What should I do if the Internet connection is lost after turning on the VPN?”) and set the switch to “Obtain an IP address automatically.”

    Enable automatic IP address selection

    Thus, the server itself will provide you with an IP address from the list of available ones with each new connection.

    Error 735

    The appearance of error 735 indicates that the VPN connection is configured incorrectly. Most likely, a specific IP address is specified. Set it to be selected automatically, as in the case of error 650.

    Error 789

    In this case, you need to enter the properties of the VPN connection and go to the “Security” tab (we have already described how to do this earlier). From the VPN Type drop-down list, select Automatic. This will solve the problem.

    Set VPN type to auto-select to check network health

    Other errors

    In addition to the above, there are many other local errors. If you are an advanced user, sometimes you can solve them yourself (for example, open some ports in the firewall so that the server works), but most often they must be resolved by your ISP or server administrator. The only thing you can do is to go through all the points we suggested and check that the VPN connection is configured correctly. If the connection worked before, but is now lost, the problem is definitely on the server side.

    How to disable automatic VPN connection

    Sometimes you may need to disable your VPN connection for a while. For example, to connect to another network or check the possibility of reconnection. To do this, go to Control Panel from the Start menu. Open the list of settings “Network and Internet” -> “Network Center...”. Click on "Change adapter settings" on the left. Your connection will be displayed in the window. Right-click on it and select Disable.

    To disable VPN, select the appropriate context menu item

    Additionally, once disconnected, you can remove the VPN connection completely. This is necessary if you have configured it incorrectly or you no longer need it. Just click "Delete" in the same context menu.

    Creating and masking your own connection

    In this section we will talk about the possibilities of masking a VPN connection for the average user. This may be needed in different cases. For example, if you want to create your own small server to control your home computer from a work computer, which would be maximally protected from outsiders. Or you need to mask your IP address through a remote VPN server to gain access to online sites and stores in other countries.

    How to create a VPN network using the OpenVPN client

    If you want to create a personal small VPN network or connect to a geographically distant server, you will need the OpenVPN program and configuration files from your provider. These files should be selected according to your purposes. Please note that the VPN provider may have nothing to do with your Internet Service Provider. VPN services are paid.

    1. Download the OpenVPN installer from the developer's website. After downloading, run the installer (all actions on the computer must be performed as an administrator) and click Next.

      A program downloaded from other sites may turn out to be a fake or even a dangerous virus.

      Click "Next" to begin the OpenVPN installation

    2. Read the user agreement and click I Agree.
      Click the I agree button after reading the documentation
    3. A list of components to be installed will appear in the installer window. Without changing anything in it, click Next.

      Without changing anything in the list of installed components, click Next

      Specify the desired path to the OpenVPN program and click Install to begin installation.

      Select the desired path to the program and click Install

      When installing the program, Windows will ask for permission to install the driver because OpenVPN creates a virtual device. Just click “Install” in the window that appears.

      Install the virtual device driver, without it OpenVPN will not work

      Once the installation is complete, click Next and then Finish.
      Once the installation is complete, click Next, then Finish

      Now you need to copy the files provided by your VPN provider to a special folder in the OpenVPN program. Follow the path […]OpenVPN\config (here “[…]” is the program path you selected during installation), right-click and click on “Paste”.

      Paste the provider files into the config folder

      Go to the Start menu and find OpenVPN under All Programs. Right-click on the OpenVPN GUI file and select its Properties.

      Enter OpenVPN GUI properties

      Switch to the “Compatibility” tab and make sure that the “Run this program as an administrator” checkbox is checked. Otherwise it won't work.

      Make sure that the OpenVPN GUI program will be run as administrator

      After clicking OK, launch OpenVPN GUI from the Start menu. The program icon will appear in the notification area on the taskbar. Right-click on it and select Connect.

      Right-click on the program icon and click Connect to launch

      The program will start and a log of connection data will appear on the screen.

      This window provides information about the VPN server startup

      Now you can click the Hide button to hide this window. A message will appear on the taskbar indicating a successful connection and the IP address assigned to you.

      Successful connection message

      Your VPN connection is ready to use!

    Video: detailed OpenVPN setup for advanced users

    Masking a VPN Connection with Obfsproxy

    Now your VPN connection is ready to use. Now let's move on directly to his disguise. The Obfsproxy program will help you cope with this task best.

    The steps involved in installing Obfsproxy require basic programming and administration knowledge.

    This program is created on the basis of Linux systems for multi-level encryption of transmitted data. The full cryptographic algorithms are, of course, kept secret, however, Obfsproxy has proven itself to be excellent among both advanced administrators and ordinary users. Therefore, its use guarantees complete isolation and protection of information transmitted over the VPN network.

    As we already said, Obfsproxy is developed on Linux. Therefore, to use it on Windows 7, you will need a Python compiler. You can download it from the official website of the Python Software Foundation. The recommended version is 2.7.13.

  • Run the installation file and when choosing the installation path, specify C:\Python27\.
    Install Python on your computer
  • In addition, you will need a Visual C++ compiler for Python. You can download it from the Microsoft website. It is called something like this: Microsoft Visual C++ Compiler for Python 2.7. Please note that the compiler version (2.7) must be the same as the Python version (2.7.13). Install the program to any folder on the C:\ drive.

    Install Microsoft Visual C++ Compiler for Python 2.7

    Install OpenSSL Light v1.0.2d

    Then it's a matter of little things. Run Command Prompt as an administrator: From the Start menu, type cmd in the search bar, right-click and select Run as administrator.
    Run Command Prompt as Administrator

    Enter the following commands into the command line window in the given sequence (press Enter after entering each command):

  • cd C:\Python27\Scripts
  • pip install --upgrade pip
  • pip install obfsproxy
  • obfsproxy.exe --log-min-severity debug obfs3 socks
  • After that, without closing the command line, run OpenVPN as an administrator, click Connect (as we did earlier) and enter the login and password provided by the provider or server administrator.
    Run OpenVPN as administrator
  • You must run the first and fourth commands from the list before each launch of OpenVPN. In this case, you do not need to close the command line, otherwise obfsproxy will not work.

    Your VPN connection is now secure and camouflaged!

    As you can see, working with a VPN is not that difficult. Any user with minimal knowledge can not only connect to an existing network, but even create his own. In addition, cryptographic protection of personal data, it turns out, is also available to everyone. The main thing is to be vigilant when connecting to the traffic of foreign servers. After all, any actions performed by their administrators will be governed by the laws of the country in which the server is located.