• E. Korotkov, Yu.T. Shestopal, V.D. Dorofeev. Competitive positions of business: Monograph. Anti-crisis management. Belyaev A.A., Korotkov E.M.

    Anti-crisis management. Belyaev A.A., Korotkov E.M.

    2nd ed. - M.: 2011. - 311 p.

    The textbook discusses the need, relevance of crisis management, its subject, functions and principles. The role of crises in the development and functioning of socio-economic systems is noted, methodological problems in the development and application of methods and means of crisis management are analyzed. Much attention is paid to forecasting and assessing crises in management processes and developing an anti-crisis management strategy. An analysis of enterprise bankruptcy procedures and foreign experience in anti-crisis management are provided.

    For distance learning students of management specialties, business school students, and entrepreneurs. The book may be useful for individuals independently studying the problems of crisis management.

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    From the authors 3
    Section I Crises in macro- and microdevelopment trends 4
    Chapter 1. Crisis management as a scientific and educational discipline 5
    1.1. The need and relevance of crisis management 5
    1.2. Anti-crisis management as a special type of management 8
    Chapter 2. The role of crises in the development of socio-economic systems 15
    2.1. The concept of “crisis” in the development of socio-economic systems 15
    2.2. Causes and typology of crises 17
    2.3. Human factor and crises 21
    Chapter 3. Socio-political crises 24
    3.1. The essence and content of the socio-political crisis 24
    3.2. Stages of development of the socio-political crisis 25
    Chapter 4. Crises and development security 30
    4.1. Economic component in the structure of national security 30
    4.2. Indicators (indicators) of economic security in relation to a manufacturing enterprise 34
    4.3. The main directions for improving the management of the country's economic security. 36
    Chapter 5. Crises in the development of an organization 41
    5.1. Organization as a structural element of the social system 41
    5.2. The emergence and recognition of organizational crises 43
    5.3. Stages of cyclical development of an organization 46
    Section II Formation and manifestations of crisis management 51
    Chapter 6. Main problems in the development and application of crisis management tools 52
    6.1. Methodological problems in the development, application of methods and means of crisis management 52
    6.2. Organizational and managerial problems of preventing and overcoming the crisis 54
    Chapter 7. Main factors for increasing the effectiveness of crisis management 57
    7.1. Concept and criteria for the effectiveness of crisis management 57
    7.2. Ways and factors for increasing the effectiveness of crisis management 58
    Chapter 8. Forecasting and assessing crises in the management process 63
    8.1. Forecasting and classification of forecasts 63
    8.2. Stages of forecasting crisis situations 67
    8.3. Principles and methods of crisis forecasting 70
    Chapter 9. Restructuring of organizations as an anti-crisis measure 75
    9.1. Concept and types of restructuring 75
    9.2. Restructuring of organization management systems 78
    Chapter 10. Crisis management strategy 82
    10.1. Methodological approaches to determining management strategy 82
    10.2. Development of an anti-crisis management strategy 84
    Chapter 11. Bankruptcy procedures 92
    11.1. Bankruptcy and its main features 92
    11.2. Basic bankruptcy procedures 95
    11.3. Bankruptcy of city-forming and agricultural organizations 104
    Section III Crisis management mechanism 109
    Chapter 12. Innovations in crisis management 110
    12.1. The concept of “anti-crisis innovation” 110
    12.2. Determining innovation priorities with the company's environment 113
    12.3. Process anti-crisis innovations 116
    12.4. Innovations in personnel management 118
    12.5. Anti-crisis innovations in organizing work with customers and suppliers 122
    12.6. Product innovations 126
    Chapter 13. Improving organizational structures in crisis management 132
    13.1. Trends in the development of organizational structures 132
    13.2. Forms of organizational recovery of enterprises in the process of crisis management 137
    Chapter 14. Crisis management under risk conditions 149
    14.1. Crisis management and risks 149
    14.2. Classification of risks in crisis management processes 152
    14.3. Ways to minimize losses and damages in crisis management processes 156
    Chapter 15. Controlling as a system for preventing and preventing crises in an organization 164
    15.1. Formation of a controlling system 164
    15.2. Principles of controlling 166
    15.3. Specific Controlling Functions 168
    15.4. Controlling service in the organization management system 172
    Section IV Human factor of cooperation in crisis management 177
    Chapter 16. Human capital of crisis management 178
    16.1. Scientific content of the concept of “human capital” 178
    16.2. Human capital and management of socio-economic processes 184
    16.3. The role of human capital in the anti-crisis management system 190
    16.4. Managing the development of human capital as a factor in the anti-crisis development of an organization 192
    Chapter 17. Arbitration manager: requirements, duties, rights and responsibilities 196
    17.1. Professional and social and moral requirements for an arbitration manager 196
    17.2. Basic rights, duties and responsibilities of the arbitration manager 198
    17.3. Requirements for the professional abilities of arbitration managers 205
    Chapter 18. Corporate governance as a factor in the sustainable development of an organization 208
    18.1. Corporation as an object of management 208
    18.2. Basic conditions for effective corporate governance 213
    18.3. Corporate culture as a need for crisis management 217
    18.4. Factors of manifestation and change in corporate culture 219
    18.5. Principles of corporate culture formation 222
    Section V Anti-crisis management and social development processes 227
    Chapter 19. Government regulation and crisis management 228
    19.1. Social state as a subject of regulation of socio-economic processes 228
    19.2. State regulation of environmental and social processes 231
    19.3. State activities to improve the legal aspects of crisis management 238
    Chapter 20. Social and moral responsibility of crisis management 246
    20.1. Features of management as a social and moral institution 246
    20.2. The concept of “social responsibility” of organization management 248
    20.3. Moral responsibility in crisis management 253
    20.4. Ways to increase the social and moral responsibility of management 256
    Chapter 21. F.D. Roosevelt’s “New Deal” - a program to bring the American economy out of the crisis 259
    Chapter 22. Anti-crisis orientation of L. Erhard’s reforms 266
    Chapter 23. Anti-crisis economic policy of Japan in the post-war period (1945-1952) 271
    Chapter 24. Anti-crisis aspects of public administration in countries with developed market economies 284
    Chapter 25. Experience of effective management in leading foreign companies 291
    25.1. Management principles used in IBM 291
    25.2. Lee Iacocca's activities in creating an anti-crisis team 300

    This textbook is dedicated to one of the most important disciplines in the educational program for training modern managers - the study of management systems. It examines such issues as the methodology for researching management systems, planning and organizing research, diversified methods for researching management systems, and the effectiveness of research. The text is illustrated with a large number of diagrams, which are not just demonstration material or an application, but also an addition to the material presented. An important component of the textbook is the glossary - a system of definitions of key categories that will help the student master the terminology of the course.

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    2. E.M.Korotkov

      Control systems research

      Publishing and consulting company "DeKA"

      The textbook "Research of Management Systems" covers issues of one of the most important disciplines in the educational program for training modern managers. The textbook is accompanied by a multimedia computer training program on CD. The development of creative approaches to management and managerial research thinking reflects the most pressing needs of practice. The content of the textbook corresponds to the didactic units of a similar discipline of the State Standard for specialty 0611-management. An important feature of the textbook is its focus on the following new principles of methodological support of the educational process - conceptual logic, visualization, glossary, test assessment of the quality of material mastery, multimedia computer support.

      The textbook can be used by students, trainees, graduate students and teachers, as well as for self-education. It is also very convenient in organizing distance education, the principles of which correspond to all the attributes of its construction - diagrams, test, disk, topics for independent work.

      All rights reserved! No part of this book may be published, reproduced or otherwise duplicated without the permission of the copyright owner.

      ISBN 5-89645-014-1

      © Korotkov E.M., 2000.

      © Publishing and consulting company "DeKA", 2000.

      Introduction 7

      Section I Research in modern management 8









      Section II. Methodology for researching control systems 14


      3.1. Research methodology: concept and practical content 14

      3.2. Problem in the methodology of control systems research 15

      3.3. Procedural and methodological schemes for studying management systems 18


      4.1. Dialectical approach in the study of control systems 20

      4.2. Principles of a dialectical approach to research 21

      4.3. Dialectical research methods 22

      4.4. Combination of different approaches in research 22


      5.1. Composition and use of general scientific research methods 23

      5.2. Constructing definitions 24

      5.3. A question as a method of posing a problem and a form of research thinking 25

      5.4. Methods of classification, generalization and typology 26

      5.5. Methods of morphological analysis 29

      5.6. Methods of proof 31

      5.7. Modeling methods in control systems research 33

      5.8. Controversy as a method of researching control systems 33

      5.9. General scientific method of experimentation 35

      Topic 6. Systematic approach in management research 35

      6.1. Concrete-real and subject-methodological content of the concept “system” 35

      6.2. Management system as an object of research 36

      6.3. Basic principles of the systems approach 38

      Topic 7. Specific methods for studying control systems 40

      7.1. Composition and classification of specific methods for studying control systems 40

      7.2. Methods for studying documents 41

      7.3. Methods of sociological research in management 41

      7.4. Experimentation method "business game" 41

      7.5. Test methods 43

      7.6. Methods of expert assessments and SWOT analysis in the study of management systems 44

      7.7. Method for studying the interaction of factors 46


      Topic 8. Research program and plan 47

      8.1. Research program: structure, development and content 47

      8.2. Planning control systems research 47

      Topic 9. Forms and factors of organizing research 49

      9.1. Organization of research: conditions, requirements, types 49

      9.2. Control systems research technologies 50

      9.3. Consulting as a form of organizing research into management systems 52

      9.4. Educational and research structures in the management system 53

      9.5. Formation of integral research intelligence 54

      9.6. Organizational and technological principles of integrated intelligence 57


      Topic 10. Diversification of research 59

      10.1. Research diversification processes: need, present, future 59

      10.2. Composition and system of diversified research methods 60

      Topic 11. Intuitive search methods in the study of control systems 60

      11.1. A variety of methods for creative search for solutions in problem research 61

      11.2. Intuition in human activity 61

      11.3. Strategies for intuitive search in research 62

      11.4. Choosing an intuitive search strategy 62

      Topic 12. Brainstorming method 63

      12.2. Using the Brainstorming Method 64

      12.3. Brainstorm group 66

      Topic 13. Synectics method in management research 67

      13.1. Concept and ideas of synectics 67

      13.2. Synectics Operators 68

      13.3. Formation and activities of synectic groups 71

      Topic 14. Concept Design Methods 73

      14.1. Concept design 73

      14.2. Methods of divergence, transformation and conversion 74

      14.3. Using Concept Design Methods and Research Thinking Strategy 75

      Topic 15. Matchett method in management research 76

      15.2. Modes of thinking 77


      Topic 16. Research potential and principles of efficiency of the research process 79

      16.1. The concept of research effectiveness and the main factors of its formation 79

      16.2. Management Research Capacity 79

      16.3. Principles for ensuring research effectiveness 81

      Topic 17. Factual support of the study 83

      17.1. The concept of fact and its role in research 83

      17.2. facts and information. Functions of facts in research. Composition of facts 84

      17.3. System of facts. Factology 85

      17.4. Factology and scientific substantiation of phenomena 85

      Topic 18. Assessments in control systems research 86

      18.1. The role of evaluation in management systems research 87

      18.2. Principles of assessment 87

      18.3. Types of control parameter assessment 88

      18.4. Construction and use of indicators 89

      18.5. Scorecard for Management Research 90

      Topic 19. Researcher's thinking 92

      19.1. Thinking in research and management 92

      19.2. Typology of thinking 93

      19.3. Effective Research Thinking 98

      Topic 20. Creative education of a modern manager 100

      20.2. Distinctive Features of Creative Education 101

      20.3 Manager education formulas 106

      20.4. Creative roles in the professional activities of a manager 106

      Conclusion 107

      Test for the course "Research of control systems" 109

      Course outlines "Control Systems Research" 112

      Glossary 176

      Questions for discussing problems in control systems research 180

      From the author

      Among the State Standard disciplines in the specialty "Management" one of the central places is occupied by the discipline "Research of control systems". It is included in the cycle of general professional training. This is a new discipline for which there are still not enough textbooks.

      Its purpose and purpose:

      awaken and develop the student and listener have creative abilities, forward thinking, a taste for research, motivate a scientific and innovative approach to management;

      give knowledge and skills practical management research, analysis of existing situations, based on foresight and understanding of the future.

      Such goals can and should be pursued by a textbook of a special type - a textbook that takes into account the entire set of trends in the development of modern education, all the possibilities for increasing its effectiveness and quality, all the factors of positive and negative changes occurring in socio-economic development.

      This is exactly how this textbook was intended. Does it meet these high requirements? You be the judge, dear Reader. But before moving on to the presentation of educational material, I would like to give some explanations and concretize my idea of ​​​​the modern and future textbook (Scheme 1,2).

      Firstly, the textbook must be limited to a certain volume. This is necessary for: a) a clearer vision of its logic, b) completeness of the problems, c) compliance with the volume of training hours provided for by the curriculum, d) ease of use in the educational process.

      Secondly, The style of presenting the material should be as simple and clear as possible, clear and rhythmic. But this style should not reduce the depth of knowledge and the problematic nature of the material. It is not a requirement to represent only established, and, therefore, largely outdated knowledge.

      Thirdly, it should expand the possibilities of perceiving the material. There are many ways to obtain educational information: listening to a classroom lecture, communicating and consulting with a teacher, reading educational literature, analyzing visualized information (diagrams, drawings, formulas, etc.), working with a computer training program or with consulting and assessment tests, discussing problems in group (case study), exchange of ideas, knowledge and experience in discussions and business games.

      Each of these methods has advantages. The learning effect is achieved by their organic connection and combination. And this connection is determined not only by the activities of the teacher, but also by all educational and methodological support for the learning process.

      A modern textbook, and even more so a textbook of the future, should have the qualities of variability in the presentation of material, motivate an individual search for the best option for acquiring knowledge: textual information or aggregated in diagrams and formulas, or, better, the integrated use of both; working with a book or with a computer training program, or using both in sequence. This gives rise to the possibility of individual choice of educational technology. This is a big advantage.

      Fourthly, a textbook should not just provide knowledge, but awaken thought, develop problem thinking, promote the formation of professional attitudes in the form of beliefs that are born only in the analysis of real problems and practical confirmation of knowledge that characterize practical knowledge and transform them into reflexive attitudes of professional consciousness and professional activities.

      According to these signs first part This textbook consists of a text that is presented in the traditional way. But here, too, a clear identification of the main provisions and definitions and argumentation is provided. A structured proposal of educational material disciplines thought, teaches you to think logically and clearly. Each chapter is preceded by a problem area, which is intended for a preliminary discussion of the practical problems of the topic. Mastering these problems at the level of common sense, awareness of their significance and relevance. This will best prepare the student for subsequent perception of the material. The learning process in many of its features will turn into systematization and deepening of knowledge, adjustment of common sense, understanding of the scientific approach to assessing the problem and revealing its content.

      The second part textbook is a set of schematic material. All provisions presented in the first part are systematized here according to the principles of information aggregation, systematization, logic, and justification. The diagrams contain links to the pages of the first part, just as the text provides links to the diagrams of the second part. Each chapter of the textbook is given in a schematic transformation. The diagrams are not just demonstration material or a schematic application, an addition to the material presented in the first part. They represent a different methodological key to mastering the course. All provisions are presented here in definitions, interrelated factors, a system of principles, classification of properties and parameters, trends in objective changes. Many diagrams are accompanied by a heading "Questions for Thought."

      You can study the course only according to the schemes, if you understand and master the methodology of such training. It can be very effective because it has many advantages. Among them, the main ones are the development of visual and figurative thinking abilities, the vision of integrity and the desire to highlight the main thing, understanding the connections in a holistic presentation of the concept. Such training fosters a sense of harmony and develops design thinking skills, allowing one to evaluate the combination and commensurability of factors.

      The third part textbook is glossary, system for defining key categories. They help the student master the terminology of the course. Of course, definitions are given in the text itself. Without this, it is impossible to construct a presentation of educational material. But often they get lost in reasoning and do not concentrate the student’s attention. And when they appear a second time, say in another topic, if they are not remembered, they cause uncertainty in the perception of the material. But it is already difficult to look for them when returning to the material covered. And by turning to the glossary, you can quickly restore the definition of this term and, thereby, eliminate the uncertainty.

      In addition, at the final stage of mastering the course, it can be very useful to “go through” the key categories. After all, they are the supporting structure of the entire course, the logical links in its construction.

      The fourth part textbook is computer program training. It is not a mechanical transfer of textbook text onto a computer screen. It is built according to its own principles, reflecting both the features and advantages of working with a computer in the learning process.

      In general, computer training has its advantages and disadvantages. Let us first consider the disadvantages that affect the forms, scales and methods of using computer learning in modern educational practice (Scheme 3).

      1. Lack of human communication and psychology of teacher perception. This deprives the educational process of an educational component and impoverishes it in human motivation. The student wants to imitate the teacher, to please the teacher with his successes, he needs a sense of responsibility towards the teacher.

      2. Emotional dryness and intellectual rigidity of the learning process. Effective perception of material always involves a combination of understanding and experiencing it. This is one of the practical components of the learning process.

      3. Absence of a group effect in the perception of the material. Social factors and behavior in a group also play an important role in professional development.

      4. Often, when teaching using computer programs, there is a loss of minor but necessary provisions of the concept. In most cases, the program emphasizes the main thing and cannot quickly take into account specifics and details.

      5. Control of knowledge on computer programs is strict. It, as a rule, excludes assessments of individual characteristics and, therefore, is not focused on the student’s self-knowledge. And this is an important component of the modern education process.

      6. Computer programs motivate a feeling of alienation and thereby influence the formation of certain professional qualities. For the specialty "Management" this is a very important factor. All managerial activities are built on the art of inclusion, adaptation, and inspiration of employees.

      7. Computer programs limit the possibilities of quickly adjusting the structure of knowledge, enriching the concept, and adapting it to the nature of the group of students.

      8. It is not always possible to use practical examples, polemical techniques of motivation and persuasion in computer programs.

      9. Excessive use of a computer poses a health risk.

      However, these shortcomings are compensated advantages of computer training programs. Let us consider them sequentially and in detail.

      1. Computer programs allow you to see and understand the logic of building a course, consistently deepening the material, and building a concept. This is achieved through animation in the construction of diagrams and all visualized material. The scheme does not appear in finished form, but is consistently built on the screen, taking into account its purpose and meaning. In this case, it is possible for the student to participate in the process of constructing the diagram. This is an important element of the job.

      2. A positive quality is the visual perception of the material. It has been noticed that the schematic form, or rather visual information, is easier, faster and more reliably absorbed during the learning process. Operating with images increases the efficiency of the learning process.

      3. The computer program teaches the student to clearly express thoughts, define categories, and logic of thinking.

      4. In teaching technology using computer programs, various operating modes can be used. For example, entrance, intermediate and exit testing, moving on to a new topic only with a positive assessment of knowledge of the previous topic, taking into account the time spent working with the material of each topic and the total time of continuous work on the computer, highlighting key provisions and the ability to refer to the glossary, selecting programs by purpose training.

      5. Motivating and developing systems thinking is also one of the features of computer programs. The student is constantly in the field of interactions of various factors and properties, and is forced to think about the nature of these interactions. The computer does not provide a list of principles, functions, etc., as is often done in a text textbook, but their system, interconnection, and completeness.

      6. The computer increases the efficiency and objectivity of monitoring the assimilation of educational material. This is helped by test programs that can be very flexible and carry out multi-criteria assessment: level of knowledge, completeness, stability, consistency, practical orientation, etc.

      7. An important factor in learning is the rhythm of the educational process. This is where computer programs can have a definite advantage. Assessment of the rhythm of work and recommendations for achieving it in the form of advisory advice. During long breaks, you can give additional intermediate tests and, based on their results, build further training technology.

      8. Computer training programs develop computer skills. And this is also a great benefit in modern conditions of human information existence, increasing the efficiency of intellectual activity.

      9. It cannot be discounted that computer educational programs, with their most serious goals, can also have game elements that attract the student.

      We tried to implement these advantages of computer training programs in the fourth part of the textbook.

      The fifth part of the textbook is a test, which can be used for self-assessment of course mastery. It is also given in the form of a computer program and this is not accidental. We believe that the computer version of the test allows for a more objective assessment of knowledge.

      The proposed test can be considered as a practical example of constructing a test, which is discussed in the chapter devoted to special methods for studying control systems.

      But the main purpose of this test is to help the student make a self-assessment of mastering the course. Practice shows that very often we develop a false impression of our own knowledge. Human psychology is such that he tends to be deluded by his own achievements, experience, and knowledge. But he doesn’t have sufficiently accurate assessment tools. If the exam results are not very high, he is often shocked. He exclaims: “I taught.” However, it happens that high results surprise him. In exams there is always an element of chance, a subjective factor, and the psychology of communication with the teacher. They often distort the assessment. In addition, the examination assessment does not show the completeness of knowledge, its consistency, stability, or creative use. Exams are usually focused on the reproduction of knowledge, and not on its use in the process of analysis and selection, taking into account certain nuances. A cheerful voice and confident behavior sometimes have a greater effect on the teacher than the content of the answer.

      The test has many advantages. The main ones are objectivity and the effect of self-esteem. That is why we decided to conclude the course with a test to assess its mastery. In a computer version, it allows you to make a multi-criteria assessment of knowledge and give recommendations of the consulting type “Pay attention to...”.

      The first three parts are alternative to a certain extent. But in teaching practice they should be used as complementary to each other. This increases the efficiency of mastering the course.

      The textbook is intended, of course, primarily for students and listeners preparing to major in Management. Training course “Research of Control Systems” is included in the State Standard for this specialty as a mandatory professional training course.

      But it will also be useful to working practitioners, who can find here many recommendations on the research basis for improving management.

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    3. Planning in Control Systems Research


      Region: LLC NPC "Wings", 2000. 2. Short EM. Study systems management: Textbook. - M.: publishing and consulting company "DeKa...

    4. Guidelines for course design for the course "Research of control systems" Department of Information Technologies in Economics and Business


      ... STUDY SYSTEMS MANAGEMENT METHODS OF SIMULATION MODELING Guidelines for course design for the course " Study systems management... letters, for example GENE, short names consisting of 5... come out of more short queue, then...

    5. Discipline program research of management systems for direction 521500 Management (second level of higher professional education bachelor's degree) Moscow 2000

      Discipline program

      Students in the form short control work during... research systems management 2 2 2 Topic 7 Logical apparatus research systems management Section III. Specific Methods research systems management 6 4 10 Topic 8. Study management ...

    6. This textbook uses a modern approach to presenting material for the “Management” course, differentiates knowledge, builds a new course structure, places appropriate emphasis, implements the logic of presenting knowledge and highlights fundamental provisions. The main issues in the structure of the textbook are the problems of the nature and genesis of management, the creation of communications in an organization, the construction of management technology, the formation of human capital in management, and modeling the management of the future. The textbook reflects a modern view of management, focusing on those provisions that are most relevant today both in practice and in the science of management. Much attention is paid to the dynamics of changes in management, trends in its development, and ideas about its future. In a systematized form, all material in the textbook is presented in a logical diagram, reflecting the sequence of consideration of problems and the multifaceted nature of their formulation.

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