• YouTube fitness bloggers. Review of fitness and healthy lifestyle blogs that I read. Blog of Alexandra Pavlova

    These fitness bloggers are true sports fanatics. If you follow their advice, you will easily become fit and slim, like the famous Victoria's Secret Angels!

    (233 thousand)

    Sarah posts videos every Tuesday and Thursday. Each new issue has its own topic: “How to enjoy exercise”, “How to find time for sports even on vacation” or “How to choose the right products for a slim menu”.

    Our favorite video: Sarah shows you how fun it is to train with your baby so that mom stays slim and baby doesn't get bored.

    (1.4 million)

    The main goal of her channel is to help everyone accept their body and believe that you can be perfect! Whitney loves sports and delicious food (by the way, if she eats something forbidden, she immediately shoots a new video on how to burn extra calories). And she also has a cute dog, for which you can watch those videos in which Simmons does not work out in the gym, but, for example, talks about his favorite cosmetics.

    Our favorite video: Whitney advises squatting every day (!), not a couple of times a week, to train the buttocks, and, of course, shows how to properly perform other exercises for a firm buttocks.

    Heidi Simers (691k)

    Perhaps, not a single girl would refuse such an elastic press and inflated buttocks as Heidi's. Heidi, by the way, does not want to be envied, so she gladly tells how and what to do, moving towards her goal. With her, you can easily pump your body and at the same time remain feminine.

    Our favorite video: about Heidi's diet, she supplements her story with funny video inserts.

    (415 thousand)

    Carly talks about the main mistakes of those who lose weight and those who want to achieve "cubes" on the press, and also shares useful life hacks on how to run, squat and do push-ups correctly. In addition to sports, she sometimes uploads videos from travels, tells what she eats for the holidays and how then she actively burns everything she eats.

    Our favorite video: how to run properly. Here is a complete instruction on the choice of equipment, the rules of breathing and, of course, the run itself.

    (444 thousand)

    Jen knows what needs to be done to bring her body to perfection (in short, without sports and proper nutrition, nowhere!). She is happy to tell subscribers why we are not losing weight, what is better to choose - weight training or cardio, what is better to wear for exercising in the gym and outdoors.

    Our favorite video: the best cardio workout to burn everything off. Watching this video again and again, you get energized and you don’t even notice how you yourself start moving to the beat of Jen and repeat the exercises after her.

    (318 thousand)

    Tara's channel is dedicated to yoga and everything connected with it. Here you will find videos about proper stretching, meditation, breathing and nutrition tips. Watching her videos, you begin to believe that enjoying life and staying in shape is easy and simple.

    Our favorite video: 10-minute yoga with a baby will be loved by all moms - a great opportunity to have fun with your child.

    (188 thousand)

    Katya clearly and understandably talks about sports, but most importantly, she shows the most effective exercises for quick weight loss, against cellulite, to create a beautiful shape of the buttocks, hips and legs. For those who are especially lazy, she gives advice on how to train without getting out of bed and during the morning shower. In general, she has a lot of useful micro-instructions on her channel that will definitely come in handy for you!

    Our favorite video: training for the inner thigh - everything is clear, clear and visual. And most importantly - it works (we checked)!

    Katerina Bunda (214 thousand)

    Katya's channel is all about yoga! She talks so cheerfully about splits and stretching that you involuntarily begin to understand: sooner or later you can do it! And she also showed by personal example how to deal with pregnant women, so that immediately after childbirth, without any problems, return to shape.

    Our favorite video: Seven Minutes Against Maternity Breeches is a cute video of Katya exercising while pregnant and being kept company (or rather distracted) by her beloved dog.

    (856 thousand)

    Three years ago, Tatyana launched her online project TGYM, in which she talks about her fitness successes, shares the secrets of proper nutrition, training in the gym and at home. In general, there are a lot of useful motivational videos on her channel!

    It seems that Katya has collected all the secrets for losing weight. There are also sports videos: how to quickly remove the sides, make the stomach flat, tighten the hips and buttocks. As well as culinary videos on how and what dishes should be prepared for everyone who wants to lose extra pounds. And more recently, Katya launched individual training and nutrition programs into development. You just need to fill out a questionnaire, and you will receive personal instructions for use. Very helpful and practical!

    Our favorite video: Standing 15-minute ab workout is just as effective as lying down.

    Well, are you ready for sports records?

    For those mentioned in the review: I took all the photos from open sources, but if you suddenly have objections about their use, tell me - I'll remove it.

    Part one. Fitness.

    In this section ahead of the rest mjonaus

    Blog content: fitness, proper nutrition, motivation, as well as posts on abstract topics, such as cats and travel. Marina is a very pleasant, friendly blogger, she writes easily and interestingly, she answers comments - I always read her posts with pleasure. Recently I participated in competitions for the first time and took 4th place in my category as a soap judge. I definitely recommend.


    Blog content: a huge amount of useful information on topics that interest me, useful links and reposts. By the way, it was Yulina's exercise program from the title post ("Women's Primer of Bodybuilding") that I took as the basis for my workouts. She also conducts online trainings with the notorious olegtern (about him later) and is the bearer and embodiment of the IIFYM idea, which is extremely close to me with my love for sweets.


    A thin petite girl Anya, who squats with a huge shabby barbell and surprisingly has not grown herself "footballer squares" with which she loves to scare everyone lena-miro.ru (more on that below). In addition to fitness, the magazine has a lot of fluff, but it is pleasant and readable.

    Author and collector of useful articles on training, nutrition, calorie counting and other vitals - including a lot of information about home exercises from Jillian Michaels and other trainers. Open directly the top post and read in order or as you please. Maria is also close to me in that she is an ordinary girl who, like me, is still in the process of struggling with her own imperfections, unlike Marina, for example, or Yulia, who are still inaccessible. In general, somehow "their man."

    I didn’t find a single photo that my work browser wouldn’t ban (I can’t upload photos at all, so I paste links), but you go and see for yourself. Waist - 52 cm, beautiful muscles and everything else is also included. Yulia has motivation for those who like it harder, as well as good healthy lifestyle recipes, which are often impossible to read without laughter.

    Part two. Food.

    Favorite healthy lifestyle food blogger - tasty diet (although everyone probably already knows it).

    Be sure: if you cook something according to a recipe from Sony's magazine, then the food will be as healthy and tasty as possible, but at the same time minimal in calories. Also, sometimes Sonia writes great interesting articles about healthy eating and is happy to suggest in the comments how you can modify this or that recipe for yourself. And, of course, great photos.

    Then there are blogs with a less orthodox diet (Sony quote) approach to nutrition, but the choice of recipes is just as huge, there is plenty to choose from.



    In the photo - my favorite, by the way, whole grain biscotti. It's easy to prepare and the taste is mmm!

    Is there some more alenakogotkova , but I rarely read it, usually aimingly, because in addition to healthy recipes, she also bakes incredible and completely unhealthy cakes. I am afraid to see them in my friend feed, being mentally unprepared for this.

    And I want to highlight Yulia in a separate line glycyrrhza . Yulia is not a popular food blogger, but she regularly opens up new horizons for me in healthy lifestyle. She is an aspiring vegetarian, interested in Ayurvedic nutrition and writes (sorry, less and less lately) wonderful meal of the week posts, in which I regularly draw something new for myself.

    Part three. Miscellaneous. Short.
    olegtern - the author of "Three Fists" and "Fifteen" and in general a storehouse of information and motivation.
    jukkyyy - a beautiful bright girl, beautiful bright pictures. Leads group programs in a fitness club, prefers simple meals, so if you are too lazy to bother with stevioside and "whisk proteins to stable peaks", Yulia is for you. True, he writes less and less lately.
    rinatlevi - no offense be said, but for me Rinat is a light version of Lena Miro in a good way. Mountains of motivation (Rinat turned from a classic mochi aunt into a slender young woman in six months), simple quick recipes and a bonus - information on aesthetic cosmetology (look at what permanent makeup should really be!).
    myaka_na_dite , whiskey_ole4ka , nutrunner_diet - for those who like to look at daily (or almost daily) nutrition and training reports. I personally love it!
    From my "new acquisitions" recently:

    I must admit that not everyone can afford to hire a personal trainer. Sometimes we work so much or, conversely, we rest so violently that there simply isn’t time for regular workouts. Going in for sports on your own at least a couple of times a week is not as easy as it might seem: in order for the exercises not to be harmful, you need to have at least minimal skill. Then fitness blogs come to the rescue, in which professionals in their field show how to most effectively spend the precious hour freed up for exercise. While you're still undecided about whether or not to start exercising, we've put together 10 compelling pros.


    Victoria's Secret Angels are not born perfect, and a toned athletic figure and killer abs are not just winning the genetic lottery, but also the result of hard training. Don't believe? Then go to the Instagram profile of the model Isabelle Gular. The girl regularly shares her fitness routine with subscribers and records useful video tutorials with exercises that prove that in order to become a Victoria's Secret "angel", you need to work like hell.


    Sisters Felicia and Diana are personal trainers from Australia who set themselves the global task of helping women accept their body, believe in themselves, and then do their best to bring this body to perfection. Looking at the vital photos of the sisters, including not only dumbbells, but also healthy breakfasts with recipes, you begin to believe that enjoying life is very easy.


    When it comes to fitness bloggers, one cannot fail to mention Emily Skye: she is a real pro in this business. The girl created her own fitness program FIT, which in an instant made her an Internet star. Emily's account as a whole is dedicated to her steel abs and fitness tutorials, in which the girl clearly shows how to achieve the same figure as hers. In addition, Emily has a pretty competent blog where you can find a lot of useful tips for yourself.


    Australian Amanda Beaks is a former Olympic pole vaulter who turned professional yoga and stretching instructor, fitness psychologist, and inspirational fitness blogger. On her Instagram, the girl shares video tutorials on stretching against the backdrop of evergreen Australian landscapes, healthy desserts and photos of her charming dachshund. When you look at the cheerful Amanda, even the Moscow winter seems sunnier.


    Jennet is an experienced Hollywood trainer and nutritionist. For 25 years now, she has been helping celebrities get in shape, and invites everyone to join her sports and diet club, The Hollywood Trainer Club. Fortunately, in the era of Instagram, to become Jennet's ward, you can simply subscribe to her account and follow nutrition tips and repeat after video tutorials. Serena Williams and Alicia Keys' personal trainer can be trusted.


    Jasmine Chong is an adidas ambassador from Singapore and a yoga instructor who will literally show you on the diagrams how to do a back stretch or stand in a falling angel pose. Among other things, the girl shares with subscribers her own achievements in before and after photos, which gives hope that sooner or later everyone will be able to sit on the twine.


    At first glance, the life of the Californian blogger and model Alana looks like a dream: palm trees, the ocean, perfect, moderately pumped sports uniforms and a snow-white smile. However, everything is not so simple - in her Instagram stories, the girl regularly shows that she has to pay for a beautiful figure by training at 7 in the morning. We suggest following the example of the girl and adopting several exercises.


    Have you ever met a yoga instructor, a tanned surfer and an astrophysicist all rolled into one? Seemingly incompatible things turned out to be in harmony with each other in the face of Russian fitness blogger Masha Muller. We do not know how the girl does it, and she is not particularly eager to show us this in video tutorials, but for the sake of daily inspiration, we advise you to subscribe.


    Brazilian fitness model Camila Gooper practices martial arts and tightrope walking, and her husband Diego helps her in training. In addition to photos in sports underwear and selfies with her dogs, the girl shows subscribers how to effectively pump up the press during cardio.


    The Russian blogger, who simply calls herself Zhenya, is a certified yoga instructor who treats her practice as a whole philosophical direction. In her Instagram, the girl uploads sensible video lessons that will help beginners get started. In addition, it is simply impossible to look away from Zhenya's videos and photos: the girl takes all the lessons while in the Alps or on the ocean.

    They constantly ask where I get information on how to build workouts, how to eat right, which vitamins to choose, how to exercise, where to find motivation, how to cook chicken breast in an unusual way, and so on. I share!

    An important note. Never take the information of a single blog, community, youtube channel as a guide to action. Always compare, comprehend, analyze, try the most, in your opinion, suitable, listen to the body, observe the reaction. A thinking person always gets what he wants.

    So let's go.

    1. Definitely and unconditionally - the best fitness channel on Russian-language youtube - yougiftedrussia
    In principle, if you watch all the videos twice, then in theory you can immediately go from a beginner to the category of advanced users. Cool channel! And technique, and training, and nutrition, and sports nutrition, and recipes. Space! In order not to look for a long time to start - here is the technique.

    2. As we have already found out, it is best to start with nutrition. The best video blog on this topic is led by Tanya Rybakova. The girl is very famous in Russia, a frequent guest of television projects. author of a weight loss book. Her result is minus 55 kg. She does not train very actively, but she eats exceptionally well. And here is the result! By the way, her blog has a lot of beautiful and delicious recipes.

    And here is Tanya herself:

    3. Another well-known healthy lifestyle blogger is the funny Tanya Fedorishcheva from Ukraine. She was developing websites, and then she spat and went to study as a coach. Do not watch old videos - they are terrible. But then Tanya learned to shoot better and got rid of the trademark "ge". But she can find a million workouts for home, for the gym, tips on nutrition and weight loss. Do not forget to analyze and comprehend all the information. I give a link to a page with thematic playlists. Tanya has 170 thousand subscribers and 17 million views ... We look.

    4. Russian bodybuilder Denis Seminihin also shoots an unusual nutrition video blog.

    5. A very interesting blog is shot by Andrey and Arina Skoromny. For girls - rubric "Girls". Arina has a great story of getting back in shape after giving birth. The rest is for boys.

    10. A rich blog by Dar Karelina "Life in the style of fitness": http://daryakarelina.com/

    11. Another smart blog about fitness and nutrition: http://calipsodellmar.livejournal.com/

    12. I highly recommend downloading and printing on a color printer the pdf version of Frederic Delavier's book "The Anatomy of Strength Exercises". Humanity has not yet invented a more visual aid with descriptions and pictures. I literally took it apart into pages and took the necessary ones with me to training. They look like this:

    14. Read Lena Miro only by the tags "fitness" and "nutrition". It will not be superfluous to download her book "I'll lose weight for you."

    15. Well, do not forget to use the encyclopedia of sports - sportwiki

    I've looked at it all and respected it. And some items and more than once. Now I am interested in sports literature. If you are interested - write in the comments. I will give links to books.

    Use on health! My pleasure:)

    Meet beauties and beauties, each of which has an interesting story of creating a beautiful body. They publish photos and videos of their workouts, and also share the secrets of healthy and proper nutrition with subscribers.

    Paige Hathaway

    Dec 8 2016 at 6:54 pm PST

    What is interesting: Paige is a 28 year old fitness model and one of the most popular sports bloggers in the US. She came to the sport only in 2011, and before that she was an ordinary thin girl, for whom health did not come first. Today Paige is a multiple winner of international competitions in the fitness bikini category.

    On her blog, she regularly demonstrates a sports figure, uploads videos, backs, arms and abs, telling subscribers about the principles of proper nutrition. Now the blogger is promoting a personal training program and sharing the results of his students.

    Instagram - 3.9 million subscribers, YouTube - 107.33 thousand

    Heidi Somers

    Jul 6, 2016 at 3:32 PDT

    What is interesting: despite her cute appearance, this blonde is a real fighter when it comes to training. She advises novice athletes to give up fitness entertainment and devote time to iron and. Heidi developed a six-week training program. This system, by the way, is very popular - it allows you to achieve a sculpted and toned body in record time.

    In her video blog, Heidi publishes instructions for doing exercises in the gym,. The second option is suitable for those who do not have enough time to go to a fitness club, and the dream of a beautiful figure does not let go.

    Instagram - 1.3 million subscribers, YouTube - 433.47 thousand

    Carly Rowena

    Dec 30 2016 at 1:59 PST

    What is interesting: British Carly - ardent in any manifestation. In her blog, the girl explains how to properly perform strength and cardio training, and most importantly, how to switch to a healthy diet. Carly takes the camera and leads the viewer to the supermarket, where she shows which products should be put in the basket and which should be left on the counter.

    Her blog has many delicious healthy recipes. And to keep her subscribers interested, Carly comes up with tasks for them every week. For example, suggest or spend a week without buns and see what happens.

    Instagram - 102 thousand subscribers, YouTube - 331.74 thousand

    Diana and Felicia

    Jan 15 2017 at 2:18 PST

    What are interesting: these sisters are inseparable both in life and in sports. Felicia began to train so that, then Diana supported her - and now the girls are already conducting specialized courses for young mothers! Based on their own experience, they developed a system of exercises that allow you to lose weight, strengthen muscles and tighten your body.

    In a joint blog, Diana and Felicia post photos and videos of their workouts. Along the way, they talk about the technique of performing exercises and how to modify them. Girls love tasty and healthy food, and don't forget to share mouth-watering recipes with their followers.

    Instagram - 627.83 thousand subscribers, YouTube - 764 thousand

    Lydia Millen

    Dec 12 2016 at 1:33 PST

    What is interesting: Lydia Millen cannot be attributed to ordinary fitness bloggers: this girl surprisingly combines. In her blog, she equally successfully talks about her workouts and trendy sports outfits. Lydia often goes out, where she demonstrates a chiseled figure and impeccable taste in clothes.

    In her video files, Lydia shares exercises with her followers that help her stay in great shape. In addition, the blog has a choice of evening dresses, as well as recipes for delicious and healthy dishes.

    Instagram - 467.66 thousand subscribers, YouTube - 356.37 thousand

    Ekaterina Usmanova

    Jan 23 2017 at 11:32 PST

    What is interesting: the pride of the Russian sports blogosphere, Ekaterina is a multiple champion of international competitions in the fitness bikini category. She often appears on the air of popular sports programs.

    Ekaterina maintains a blog where she reveals the secrets of fitness training and proper nutrition. Recently, the athlete launched a series of videos where she answers common questions from beginners: “Is it possible to practice without a coach?”, “How to remove a dimple in the pope?”, And many others.

    Instagram - 1.064 million subscribers, YouTube - 166.57 thousand

    Andrey Skoromny

    Sep 15 2016 at 1:41 PDT

    What is interesting: the only male blogger on our list is Andrey Skoromny, master of sports in bodybuilding, champion of Russia in bodybuilding among juniors, winner of many international tournaments. Andrey proudly bears the name "Russian Hulk" due to his athletic figure and pumped up arms. Today, he successfully blogs on many social networks, where he gives novice athletes professional advice on training and nutrition.

    His wife Arina helps him in his work. Together they record video tutorials on how to follow and create exercise programs designed for both men and women.

    Instagram - 268.04 thousand subscribers, YouTube - 112.37 thousand