• How to update Chrome to the latest version: complete instructions. Quick update Google Chrome on computer Update version of google chrome browser

    - Questions and Answers - Update Chrome.

    Greetings, dear readers!
    Today I will tell you how to update Google Chrome for free in a few easy steps. But first, a few words about what cannot be done categorically.

    • Never click on banners on "left" sites, which tell you that something is wrong with your browser.
    • Never send sms And do not enter your number!
      The update is always free!
    • Never open archive if you still managed to download it somewhere! The official version is installed without unpacking.

    If you follow these simple tips, you will never run into scammers and internet scams! Now I propose to go to the instructions.

    The easiest option- download the browser from the official site or update through the settings.


    To update Google Chrome to the latest version, follow my instructions.

    The update itself, in principle, is not so necessary to perform basic tasks. If you skip or forget to download the new version, nothing bad will happen. It is believed that later versions of the program have fewer bugs, fewer vulnerabilities, better speed and performance. Also, sometimes new options, new features and interesting features are added. Draw your own conclusions, friends!

    Google from time to time releases new versions of one of the most popular browsers - Chrome. Each time, developers review the functioning of the browser and fix errors and vulnerabilities identified during the time that has passed since the release of the latest version.

    Unfortunately, not everyone understands the importance of these updates as they are often invisible. Most often, they fix the internal content, not the appearance. Pay attention to a number of versions that were released in late 2017 - early 2018.

    Google Chrome VersionInnovations

    November 2017

    Fixed two bugs related to browser security. For identifying one of these problems, the specialist was paid $7,500. It can be concluded that it is important to correct this error

    December 2017

    Over 30 possible threats have been fixed. Innovations had little effect on the appearance and interface

    January 2018

    Fixed some bugs.

    Tougher policy on potentially dangerous links and pop-ups. Now, before redirecting you, the browser will notify you about this and require you to confirm your consent.

    The first thing you can do if you want is to check it for updates. It's very easy to do, just follow the instructions below.

    Step 1. Launch Google Chrome.

    Step 2 At the top right, click the More button, which might look like a series of dashes or dots, depending on your version of Chrome.

    Step 3 The button can be one of the following colors if you have a pending update for Chrome:

    • green: update available within 4 days;
    • orange: update available for more than 4 days;
    • Red: The update has been available for more than seven days.

    Note! Even if the button is not colored, you might have an update waiting for you.

    Step 4 At the bottom of the list, click Help, and then click About Google Chrome.

    You will be taken to a page where Chrome checks for updates. If the page says "Google Chrome is up to date", you are using the latest version of Chrome. If not, the browser will automatically download the latest version.

    Video - update the Google Chrome browser

    Automatic update

    Chrome updates automatically in the background. So it was at the very beginning, when the developers just launched the browser, and so it remains to this day. This is one of the main reasons that allowed it to become one of the most popular web browsers. Since its release, it has gradually convinced ordinary users, and then large companies, that it is a great replacement for Microsoft Explorer, once the leading browser.

    Since Chrome updates itself automatically, most users only need to restart it. The browser checks for updates from time to time. According to the developers, browsers check for updates every 23-odd hours. Once they are found, the browser will download them and prepare them for installation. They will take effect immediately after restarting the browser.

    Note! Not all updates reach all users as soon as they are released. For example, if the computer has not been used for a long time, or there was no Internet access on the computer, these updates may be skipped. Therefore, the company distributes updates for several days, and sometimes even weeks.

    Find out when updates will be released

    Google releases updated versions of its browser approximately every two months, but there are no special dates, it's always different. Google doesn't follow a strict schedule like Mozilla Firefox does.

    Many users do not even notice when Chrome updates itself automatically, since many of the innovations relate to internal working mechanisms. You can find all versions of the browser that have ever been released on the Internet, for example, on the my-chrome.ru blog. Also, information about innovations is published in the online blog about Chrome from Google.

    Moreover, Google allows ordinary people to download and test beta versions of new updates. This means that any user can get access to all innovations even before their release.

    This can be of interest to users and very useful to developers, as it is expected that you will not only use the latest version, but also notify developers of possible errors. Moreover, the company undertakes to provide you with the highest possible Internet speed for your assistance.

    Update Chrome manually

    Step 1. Open your browser.

    Step 2 Go to the official website of the browser.

    Step 3 Download the new version of the browser to your computer.

    Step 4 Accept all the terms and wait for the installation to complete.

    The updated browser will launch automatically. All released updates will be activated. Open tabs and windows will be saved in the browser and automatically loaded when you restart it.

    Video - How to update Google Chrome browser

    How to cancel an update or pause auto-update

    Sometimes, after an unsuccessful installation of a new version, you may need to uninstall it, or perhaps you liked the previous interface better. Whatever the reason, it is better not to do this because:

    • updates improve browser performance;
    • bugs of previous versions are fixed in each new update;
    • they increase your safety.

    Knowing the importance of updates, you can decide for yourself whether you need to roll back the browser to a previous version. However, you can stop automatic browser updates by taking personal control of them.

    Step 1. Open the folder that contains all the documents related to the operation of Google Chrome. On many computers, you can follow the path - "My Computer"\u003e "Drive C"\u003e "Program Files"\u003e "Google".

    It contains three folders, one of which contains all updates. It is into it that all files and new versions of Chrome are downloaded, which will later be automatically installed.

    Step 2 Rename this folder in any way, for example, as in the screenshot above, but do not delete it.

    That's all, nothing else needs to be done. Now Google will no longer be updated without your knowledge. From now on, this will have to be done manually.

    Updating the Google Chrome browser provides the user not only with security confidence, but also gives him new features and functionality not available in earlier versions. So, if you update Chrome, you will get a lot more features and functionality than in older versions of the program. It is also worth noting that developers are constantly trying to optimize the work of their offspring and reduce the amount of processor and RAM consumed. Another interesting thing is that if you update Chrome, then in any case you will get a bunch of new interesting and useful additions to make surfing the Internet more enjoyable and exciting. In addition, the number of errors and bugs that can pop up while working with the program is minimized. Therefore, we decided to write this article in which we will try to help newcomers update Google Chrome. And to do it not anyhow, but it’s good that all innovations are relevant and there are no shortcomings. Don't worry, it's actually a very simple process. Moreover, the browser updates itself, but if suddenly, for some reason, the update is not installed, or the browser auto-update does not work, then read this article and update it manually.

    Google Chrome browser update

    And so, as already mentioned, initially the program works in such a way that you do not need to do anything to update the version of chrome. Updates are downloaded automatically and absolutely no intervention is needed from the user. You may not even notice how they are installed and downloaded. This is very convenient and saves a significant amount of time and effort, as in some cases, it can pose some difficulties.

    We will not, as they say, litter with words, but will immediately get down to business, namely updating the browser to the current version.

    That's all, as you can see, in reality, everything is very simple. All you need is a couple of mouse clicks and nothing more.

    If your browser is set to automatically update, but you want to disable it, then follow the instructions described below. We want to say right away that Chrome auto updates cannot be disabled in the browser itself, but this is done through the registry.

    1. Opens the Registry Editor. To do this, press the Windows key + R. A window will open where you need to enter the following text: regedit . This command will open the registry editor.
    2. In the window of this very editor, we see the folders on the left. Open a folder called " HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE". Then you need to expand the folder " SOFTWARE”, where you can navigate to the “Policies” folder.
    3. Then you need to right-click on the folder “ Policies” and select an item Create» Section. The section can be called " Google”.

    4. We go to the newly created section and create another one in it according to the same principle, just call it “Update”.
    5. Now right-click on the “Update” section and select DWORD Value. We call our parameter " update default”.
    6. Open the created parameter by double-clicking the left mouse button, where in the value line we write “ 0 " (zero). Click OK.
    7. We close the registry. Now your browser will not be forced to update, but only when you want.

    To update Chrome manually, simply follow the instructions described above. If there are updates, then you can install them.

    How to turn on Chrome auto update

    If you want to return the automatic update of Google Chrome back, then go to the Registry Editor (regedit) and and delete the parameterDWORD the one you created. It is located at the address that you specified when disabling updates.

    Any program installed on a computer must be updated without fail with each release of a new update. Of course, this also applies to the Google Chrome browser.

    Google Chrome is a popular platform browser that is highly functional. The browser is the most popular web browser in the world, so a huge number of viruses are aimed specifically at influencing the Google Chrome browser.

    In turn, the developers of Google Chrome do not waste time and regularly release updates for the browser, which not only eliminate security flaws, but also bring new functionality.

    Below we will look at several effective ways that will allow you to update Google Chrome to the latest version.

    Method 1: Using the Secunia PSI program

    You can also update your browser using third-party software designed specifically for this purpose. Consider the further process of updating Google Chrome using the Secunia PSI program.

    Please note that in this way you can update not only the Google Chrome browser, but also any other programs installed on your computer.

    Method 2: Through the browser update check menu

    1. In the upper right corner of the web browser, click the menu button. In the pop-up menu, go to the item "Reference" and then open "About Google Chrome Browser" .

    2. In the window that appears, the Internet browser will immediately start checking for new updates. If you do not need to update your browser, you will see a message on the screen "You are using the latest version of Chrome" as shown in the screenshot below. If your browser needs an update, you will be prompted to install it.

    Method 3: Reinstalling the Google Chrome browser

    A radical method that is useful in cases where the built-in Chrome tools do not find the latest updates, and the use of third-party programs is unacceptable for you.

    The bottom line is that you will need to remove the current version of Google Chrome from your computer, and then download the latest distribution from the developer's official website and reinstall the browser on your computer. As a result, you will get the most up-to-date version of the browser.

    Earlier on our site, the process of reinstalling the browser was already considered in more detail, so we will not dwell on this issue in detail.

    As a rule, the Google Chrome Internet browser installs updates automatically. However, still do not forget to check for updates manually, and if their installation is required, install them on your computer.

    To stay protected with the latest security updates, Google Chrome is automatically updated when a new version of the browser is available. The update process takes place in the background.

    You don't need to take any action. Sometimes updates can slightly change the look of the browser.

    Checking for Chrome Updates

    Typically, the update is performed in the background when the browser is restarted. However, if you haven't closed it for a while, the Chrome menu icon may change color:

    To apply update, do the following:

    For Windows 8 Users: Make sure all Chrome windows and tabs on your computer are closed in the Windows 8 program. Restart Chrome to apply the updates.

    Checking Google Chrome Update Manually

    Click the Chrome menu on the browser toolbar and select About Google Chrome.

    The current version number is a series of numbers under the heading "Google Chrome". Chrome will check for updates when you are on this page.

    Click Restart to apply all available updates.

    Checking Google Chrome update on Android

    The Google Chrome browser is updated automatically according to your Play Market settings.

    Here's how you can check for updates:

    Checking Google Chrome update on iOS

    The Google Chrome browser updates automatically according to your App Store settings.

    Here's how to check for updates:

    If you don't already have the Chrome app, download it from iTunes.

    Features not available on iPhone and iPad

    Some Chrome features and settings are not currently available due to limitations in iOS. Uploaded files that require authentication may not work.

    Google Chrome developers also had to remove these features and settings:

    • Traffic saving
    • Cookie settings
    • Automatic encoding detection
    • Installation Without tracking
    • Google Enterprise support and multiple profiles

    If Apple introduces support for these features in WKWebView, these features will be brought back.