• How to make a glowing frame for a number. Is license plate illumination necessary and what should it be like? Main room illumination

    Today, probably, almost every car owner strives to make his own car as beautiful and attractive as possible. Naturally, you want the car to stand out in everything, and this especially applies to the license plate. Many people think that a license plate cannot be modernized. But in fact, this is far from the case, since now there is everything to make a small but effective tuning of the number.

    Now let's talk about installing LED license plate lights. This solution not only looks very beautiful and attractive, but also significantly helps the vehicle owner to significantly save energy - this is especially true for classic models with their weak generators.

    Main features of preparatory work

    You can prepare and prepare frames for state license plates with backlight quite quickly, and at the same time, it all depends on the model and make of the car, as well as on the main tuning method. Naturally, you can simply carry out such work as replacing the license plate light bulb, but it is best to completely carry out a complete replacement.

    Installation process

    After using the vehicle for quite a long time, the main backlight lamps on the license plate burn out - at the same time, car owners quite often continue to encounter similar problems. The room is illuminated thanks to two lampshades, which are located at the bottom of the trunk itself. And at such a moment, many car owners ask themselves the question - how to change the license plate light bulb? From the beginning they are being dismantled. At the same time, This process can hardly be called very labor-intensive and complex. To completely dismantle them, you will need an ordinary screwdriver that has a flat blade.

    First, the trunk opens to make everything as convenient as possible. After this, the lampshade is pryed off from the left with a screwdriver so that it simply releases from the main latch.

    After this, we press on it on the right side, and also try to move it a little to the left, and after that it should immediately come out.

    After this, it is necessary to pull it out a little together with the main power wires directly for more convenient operation when replacing lighting lamps.

    After this, you also need to lift the main plastic clamp up a little, and also remove the power plug itself.

    With all this, it is possible to remove the base itself together with the main light bulb by turning the base of the white housing counterclockwise.

    At the same time, the light bulb is removed relatively simply - for this you will need to grab it and also pull it to the side, and after that it is removed directly from the base itself.

    After the main license plate illumination lamps are replaced directly with a new one, after which everything is installed in the reverse order on your own car. As you can see, all this is done elementary, quickly and extremely simply.

    Main room illumination

    It is important to note that a frame for a backlit license plate can be made from the most ordinary license plate, and at the same time, it is not difficult to carry out this work.
    To tune the license plate itself, you will definitely need:

    • LED strips available in white and red colors.
    • Oracle film, red in color.
    • Plexiglas
    • Wires
    • Tool
    • Transparent glue

    Further actions are described in the order of their execution. But the very first step is cutting out the logo itself. To do this, the logo is applied according to a standard template with a stationery knife or drawn with a pencil. Ultimately, the main outlines of the logo itself are visible. Holes are drilled using a drill and the letters are brought to perfection using a file or needle file.

    After this, a podium is cut out of the main plexiglass for the base of the entire frame, with a small protrusion so that the glow itself is also noticeable, and we also solder an oval from the main red LED strip along the overall diameter of the podium itself and the illumination of your car logo is already soldered in there. All the main parts are glued together to create an LED frame for the license plate along with the main logo. It is important to consider that connecting the license plate frame illumination to the brake light, but many argue that it would be much more aesthetically pleasing to reconnect the license plate illumination directly to the dimensions. In addition, you can experiment with LED color schemes.

    In this case, replacing the license plate light bulb on the network is possible both on the front license plate and on the rear license plate. At the same time, it should be taken into account that now the backlighting of the rear license plate is carried out as quickly as possible and much easier. One should especially take into account the fact that not every car owner can carry out a replacement in the rear.

    Particular attention should be paid to the fact that The rear view camera for license plate illumination can be designed in several basic types - closed, transparent and open. Each of the options is universal and at the same time, almost each of the options is the most suitable option and at the same time, they do not have any special differences. That is why almost everyone can afford to install license plate lights with their own hands.

    Spending time and money

    At the same time, some time after installation, many people ask the same question - how to replace the license plate light bulb. In fact, all this can be done in just a few minutes - 15-25 minutes. To do this, using a similar scheme, you simply need to disassemble the number itself and replace the backlight itself. It should be taken into account that today, almost everyone can afford to install this upgrade on their license plate. At the same time, the need for replacement occurs quite rarely - once or twice a year - everything directly depends on the frequency of use, on their power, the serviceability of the electrical wiring and, of course, on the quality of the LEDs themselves.

    As a result, I would like to note that the overall quality of the investment costs about 700 - 1000 rubles - in most cases it turns out cheaper, since a lot depends on the length of the LED strip itself, brands, volume of the strip, intensity, and so on.

    The requirement of the state traffic inspectorate provides for mandatory illumination of the rear license plate of the car. Doubts may arise as to whether such illumination is really necessary, since road safety does not depend on it? The answer is categorical - it is necessary. This measure is necessary to ensure that the vehicle license plate is clearly visible even in the dark.

    The license plate light is an external lighting device, and driving with faulty lighting devices is a violation and is subject to a fine. Partial failure is also a violation.

    Justification and amount of the fine

    It is worth noting that a fine for the lack of illumination of the rear license plate can be imposed only in the dark, when the license plate becomes unreadable. The sign must be easily readable at a distance of 20 meters, and if one bulb has burned out, but the others provide sufficient illumination of the number, then a fine cannot be imposed.

    This violation may, at best, result in a warning from the inspector, or a fine of 500 rubles. Most often, the violator receives only a verbal warning, because it is very difficult to prove that the driver knew about the malfunction before driving. It is also difficult to prove the opposite, so there is no point in taking unnecessary risks.

    Types of backlight

    Today's cars are equipped with rear license plate lighting already at the production stage, but many are not satisfied with the quality of the lighting. In Soviet-made cars this function is not provided at all. Or maybe there is a simple desire to update the appearance of your car? Then it’s worth familiarizing yourself with the types of lighting in more detail.

    Standard lighting is incandescent lamps installed in the ceiling. A modern solution is diodes, LED strips. There is another backlight option - complete with a rear view camera.

    How does a license plate light differ from LED lighting?

    1. The brightness of the lighting is much higher for diode lamps.
    2. Service life, on average, incandescent lamps last 2-3 times less.
    3. Color. For diodes, it is possible to set the backlight to any color.

    More and more car enthusiasts give preference to diode devices (as in the photo below). Replacing the license plate light bulb with such a device is very simple; just unscrew the lamp and replace one with the other.

    DIY installation

    How to replace the rear license plate light? Easily! And you don’t even have to contact the service. Let's look at all the necessary manipulations step by step.

    1. Prepare materials (frame for car license plate with backlight or separate lighting elements, heat shrink, scissors, silicone sealant, lighter).
    2. Remove all wires from old parts and remove the old frame.
    3. All visible joints with lighting elements and seams on the frame must be sealed to prevent possible contact with water. If this is not done, the backlight will last a maximum of 4-5 months, the contacts will rust, and the entire frame will have to be replaced.
    4. Twist the wires previously freed from the insulator on the frame and on the trunk of the car. To prevent short circuits, insulate them with heat shrink.
    5. Screw the frame onto the existing space on the back of the car.
    6. Put the number in place.

    This procedure will take a little time. If you plan to install the lighting fixtures yourself, it will take a little time to attach the diodes to the frame.

    An illuminated license plate frame can be designed similar to speaker lighting, from the inside. To do this, you will need a frame, a piece of plexiglass the size of the frame, 3 mm thick, LEDs from 8 pcs., foil. It will take a little more time, but the result will be more interesting.

    1. Grind the diodes down to glass size.
    2. Cover the back and end of the glass with foil.
    3. Connect the light elements to the glass, point them at the corners, and fill them with sealant.
    4. Take the wires out of the frame and connect to the car.
    5. Screw on the number, which in turn will hold the glass and diodes.

    You need to carefully seal all connections and wires with silicone so that you do not have to disassemble the structure every 2-3 months.

    You will find detailed instructions on how to install the backlight yourself in this video:

    Illuminated license plate frame

    Some people prefer to make a backlit frame on their own, while others prefer mass producers. And if the choice remains outside the ready-made framework, then you need to identify several criteria for choosing products:

    • durability - accidents on the roads happen quite often. The frame must be durable so as not to break in a minor accident, and also withstand temperature changes from summer to winter;
    • size accuracy - in most cases, all frames are of a standard size, but it’s still worth checking;
    • brightness and serviceability of the backlight - it is better to check the performance of all lighting elements when purchasing.

    Modern frames can accommodate not only a license plate, but also additional inscriptions, where the manufacturer, at the buyer’s request, will indicate any information.

    Colored backlight

    You can also highlight your car, make it brighter and more original in the dark by illuminating the rear license plate using colored diodes or tape.

    There are a lot of different colors, and such devices are not difficult to install. There is only one drawback - the installation of such devices does not comply with GOST, which means it is an offense. GOST 8769-75 speaks of the need to install one or more rear license plate lights, which should emit white or white-yellow color.

    Why such requirements for a small car part? The use of additional lighting colors may distract the attention of other drivers and thereby provoke an accident. The desire to stand out may cost a 100 ruble fine or a warning in accordance with the Code of Administrative Offenses 12.5 Part 1. Do not forget that a car is, first and foremost, a vehicle.

    Bottom line

    What is worth learning and remembering after reading all of the above:

    1. The license plate number of the vehicle must be illuminated at the rear.
    2. Failure to illuminate will result in a verbal warning from a traffic police officer or a fine of 500 rubles.
    3. Replacing or installing light elements for license plate lighting yourself is easy and quick.
    4. The use of any other colors other than white or white-yellow is prohibited and may result in a fine of 100 rubles.

    Do not neglect the installation of this lighting element. Yes, after installation, the car number will be clearly visible, and in case of violation, the inspector can easily read and write it down. But even in the event of a car theft, the availability of the number will only be beneficial, and may affect the speed of searches.

    Be attentive to the external lighting of your car and good luck on the roads.

    Illuminating the license plate with LED strips will add uniqueness to your car. Making such a backlight is very simple and will only take one evening at most.

    Nowadays you won’t surprise anyone with the production of shadow lighting. In order to give even more uniqueness to your car, you can highlight the name of the manufacturer located on the plate with the number.

    Tools and materials

    Set of needle files.
    Small diameter drills (depending on the size of the letters on the nameplate).
    Hacksaw blade with jigsaw.
    Super glue.
    Transparent film.
    Protected LED strip in red and white.

    We begin work by drilling out the letters in the inscription, followed by cleaning each letter flush. This work should be done slowly, carefully and carefully. It should be remembered that the appearance of the product in the future will depend on the result of this event. The next step is to cover both sides of the inscription with transparent film. This is done so that dirt does not get into the recesses, which will then be difficult to pull out.

    Considering that the license plate illumination is planned as an additional brake light, you should choose red LED strips. Pay attention to the performance of these tapes. Most of them are intended for indoor use; we are not interested in them. You should select a moisture-proof tape and appropriate connections to it. The next step is to cut out a window in the frame for future lighting.

    Plexiglas is glued into the formed window, followed by the application of red self-adhesive tape.

    The part under the letters is illuminated with a white LED strip, and the rest is illuminated in red.

    A frame is cut out of plexiglass, which will be located on the rear of the license plate. It is on this glass that the LED strip is placed. The best option for uniform lighting is to place the tape in the shape of an oval.

    In the process of installing the frame in its original place, it is necessary to connect the tapes to the corresponding contacts of the brake light.

    Of course, you can do more original things, for example, by making a finished profile on a waterjet cutting machine, but this option, although more interesting, will be much more expensive. This option for upgrading the standard lighting will add zest to your car, make it stand out from the crowd of the same type and bring pleasure to the owner.

    User Drugg posted his new Nissan creation in one of the communities. The idea is good and seems promising to me. To tune the license frame, he needed:

    1. LED strips in red and white.
    2. Oracal film, red
    3. Wires
    4. Plexiglas
    5. Transparent glue
    6. Tool

    The list of materials used is available to everyone.

    Further actions are described in the order of their execution. And the first stage is cutting out the logo. Why apply the logo according to the template using a stationery knife or draw it with a pencil. As a result, the contours of the logo are visible. We drill holes with a drill and bring the letters to perfection with files or needle files.

    At the back of the license frame, a cut is made in the form of a rectangle, slightly larger than the logo. Next, a rectangle of plexiglass is cut out slightly wider than the cut in the frame and glued in with transparent glue.

    We cut out a rectangle the size of the slot from the red Oracle film and glue it in so that there is no gap in the white LEDs.

    Now the area for illuminating the logo is ready; white LED strips will be located here.

    The front side will look like this

    From the back it looks like this

    Now we cut out a podium from plexiglass for the entire frame with a small protrusion so that the glow is noticeable and solder an oval from a red strip of LEDs along the entire diameter of the podium, and solder the logo backlight there too.

    We glue all the parts together and get an LED frame for the license plate with the Nissan logo.

    The author of the idea connected the backlight of the license plate frame to the brake light, but it seems to me that it would be more aesthetically pleasing to connect it to the dimensions. You can also experiment with the colors of the LEDs. Let's look at the final result:

    I’ve been carrying around in my head for a long time the idea of ​​making a license plate backlight. And as they say, in order to kill two birds with one stone, that is, not to make an additional stop sign, and therefore I decided to make the license plate illuminated in red. And following the old scheme, I decided to highlight the Nissan inscription itself (to do this, this inscription needs to be covered with transparent film on both sides), I already have such experience. Many will say that it was possible to come up with something more original, but I made it from what was, as they say, at hand, as well as what goes with the nameplate. I started work by cutting out the letters in the frame (I cut out the letters with a small file, Oh, and this turned out to be a tedious task).

    I decided to place strips of white LED light under the letters, and I will place a red LED strip under the rest of the frame. Then you need to cut a frame out of plexiglass; it will be located on the back side of the license plate. We will place an LED strip on the cut-out plexiglass, we will place it in the shape of an oval, so the light will evenly illuminate the frame. Next, everything needs to be soldered, glued and then connected.

    After this comes the installation itself. The frame needs to be attached to the stop and then it will light up when you press the pedal. That's all, you must agree, it looks impressive and incredibly beautiful.