• How to choose a gaming mouse? Computer mouse or how to choose it

    Friends, according to statistics, most people believe that all computer mice are the same, but this is not true! You have no idea how important it is in our computer business choose the right mouse, even if you spend only a couple of hours a day at the computer.

    A computer mouse is, in fact, an extension of the user's hand, its interface for convenient computer control. When working with a computer, the user should ideally forget about the mouse and fully concentrate on what is happening on the monitor screen, and if the mouse does not suit this person according to various parameters that I have voiced later in the article, the person simply will not be able to concentrate as much as possible on his business, and most importantly, he will not even immediately understand what is bothering him. Moreover, due to work with an unsuitable mouse, you may develop paresthesia of the hand - numbness and periodic severe pain in the hand arising from prolonged work or even simply being in an uncomfortable and unusual position for the hand.

    Sometimes watch your colleagues, if while working at a computer one of them periodically massages his right hand or shakes his right hand from time to time, then come up and advise changing the mouse. But of course, a lot still depends on the computer desk and keyboard, we will also talk about this in our articles.

    Friends, you need to choose everything correctly: a computer chair, a table, a monitor, a mouse, a keyboard and everything else, even the case of the system unit must be chosen correctly so as not to climb all the time under the table to connect USB flash drives.

    Professionals do not buy a mouse on a "come and take the first available" basis, as the wrong choice of mouse can cause physical discomfort while working with a computer.

    Low mouse sensitivity (measured in dpi) will make your work in graphic editors uncomfortable, and a low polling (response) rate will “set you up” in computer games, excessively loud key clicks can become annoying over time, by the way, the same applies to the keyboard .

    How to choose a computer mouse?

    Let's consider below what computer mice are, and also give some tips on how to choose the perfect computer mouse for yourself.

    Computer mouse - history and today's realities

    But first, some historical facts. The computer mouse was invented by Douglas Engelbart in 1963 and it was a device for the NASA space project. The first mouse consisted of two perpendicular wheels and a body. Only 10 years later, the mouse was introduced into the design of a personal computer and became more widespread.

    And its departure from the stage is not yet planned - neither touchpads, nor touch screens, nor any other devices for entering commands to computer devices are yet able to offer greater ease of use, greater accuracy in issuing commands that even the most ordinary computer mouse has.

    There is a huge variety of computer mice on the market today. How do they differ from each other?

    1. Mouse sensor type

    Optical and laser- these are two types of computer mice that differ in the type of sensor that can be seen on the shelves of retail outlets with computer products and on the Internet.

    About 10 years ago, you could still meet a ball mouse, users with a decent experience with a PC will probably remember it.

    I cannot forget it due to the huge drawback of such a mouse - this is a ball located at the bottom of the mouse body. Thanks to this ball, the mouse could move smoothly over the surface, but this ball was constantly dirty. It had to be cleaned at least once a week so that the mouse was comfortable to use, and it did not slow down while moving it. The ball mouse was heavy, and it could not move on any hard surface, therefore, along with the ball mouse, you always had to buy a special rug. Now a ball mouse can be purchased only in the assembly kit of some old PC as a makeweight.

    Optical mouse- the most common today, not least due to its affordable price.

    Compact wired optical mouse Oklick 404 USB, has a rubberized scroll wheel and buttons with recesses for fingers. The mouse compares favorably with other ergonomic shape. Rubberized side surfaces securely fix the mouse in your hand during normal work and games.

    For an optical mouse, in most cases, a pad is not needed; moving problems can only occur on metal or glass surfaces. The principle of operation of an optical mouse is determined by a tiny camera built inside. This camera, when moving on the surface of the table, takes thousands of shots every second, thanks to which the user sees the moving cursor on the monitor screen. The optical mouse is lightweight, it practically does not need to be cleaned.

    laser mouse works due to a semiconductor laser, which determines its movements to display the cursor on the monitor screen. The laser mouse works on any surface, even on the hand or knee. Its other advantage is that a laser mouse is more accurate and faster than an optical one. But, of course, it costs more than optical.

    Laser gaming mouse A4Tech XL-747H. Very ergonomic and comfortable, pleasantly and securely sits in the hand. I use it personally, I searched for it for a long time without any spiders, but I didn’t find it, I had to put up with it. Like the previous one, it has buttons with recesses for fingers and rubberized side surfaces.

    Why did I buy this mouse? Because it is perfect for a large hand, if you have a small hand, choose the mouse according to your size. Also pay attention to the two side buttons, they can also come in handy, there is also a double-click button on the front side.

    This mouse has a very high sensitivity or resolution, which is very important!

    Mouse sensitivity is directly related to the resolution of the sensor, measured in dots per inch (dpi). If the mouse has a resolution of 1000 dpi, then it is very convenient to work with it in graphic editors, such programs as Photoshop. This mouse has a resolution of 3600 dpi.

    The polling rate of the mouse is important in games, you need at least 1000 Hz., our mouse has just such a resolution.

    Click the left mouse to enlarge the image

    Pay attention to how she sits in my hand. The hand rests completely on the mouse. The index and middle fingers end where the mouse ends. The arrows show the two side buttons.

    There is a very convenient double-click button that can be easily reached with the index finger.

    But what happens if I use a small mouse for myself. You see my brush has acquired an unnatural position. I have to keep my index and middle fingers in constant tension, so my hand will quickly get tired.

    If I put my hand completely on the mouse, it will immediately become clear that the mouse is clearly not the right size for me.

    2. Buttons and mouse wheel

    Two mouse buttons and a scroll wheel for vertical scrolling is a standard that should be present in any model, even the most inexpensive one. Some mouse models have a third button (usually next to the wheel) - it plays a double click. A kind of innovation for the lazy, but personally I often use it.

    Slightly more expensive than ordinary mice are more functional computer mice with additional buttons - for example, the Windows button, buttons for opening mail, favorites, search, etc. For the convenience of web surfing and working with large documents, the mouse can be equipped with a special wheel, which can rotate up to 7 seconds by inertia, so that you can quickly flip through dozens of pages of documents or extremely long web pages.

    Special gaming mice are equipped with additional side buttons that gamers can assign individual actions in the game. Gaming mice may also have a second wheel, usually for horizontal scrolling.

    3. Mouse connection interface

    PS/2- This is a standard computer port, specially designed for connecting a mouse. It is better to connect a mouse through this port to old computers that do not detect USB ports before Windows boots. Otherwise, problems may occur during system reinstallation.

    USB- you can safely connect a mouse through this computer port if your computer detects connected USB devices in BIOS mode.

    There is no special choice of mice connected via the PS / 2 port at the points of sale of computer equipment. The reason for this is that store owners are trying to buy goods designed for as large a consumer audience as possible. So, laptops do not have a PS / 2 port, but via USB a mouse can be connected to a PC, a laptop, and even a tablet or smartphone (via a mini-USB adapter).

    Both PS/2 and USB- These are wired connections of a mouse to a computer.

    Bluetooth and radio interface - the most common wireless interfaces for connecting a mouse to computer and mobile devices

    Bluetooth - almost all laptops, tablets and smartphones are equipped with this module today. It is through the Bluetooth module that the battery-powered mouse connects to various computer and mobile devices. The advantage of this type of wireless connection is its versatility. But there is also a huge drawback - when a laptop, tablet or smartphone works offline, a Bluetooth mouse will quickly run out of battery life. As for the PC, it is obvious that for the sake of this interface it makes no sense to specially equip the assembly with a Bluetooth module if it is not needed in another case.

    It is much easier for a PC to purchase a wireless mouse with an air interface, and such mice are slightly cheaper than Bluetooth mice.

    The radio interface provides for connecting a mouse and a computer using a small receiver that is built into the USB port of a computer or laptop. The mouse inside itself already contains a receiver for radio communication. There should be no problems with connecting a radio mouse - as a rule, Windows automatically selects and installs drivers for the radio receiver.

    How to choose the perfect computer mouse for yourself?

    Of course, the choice of a computer mouse should be determined by its intended purpose - that is, it should be selected for those tasks that you mainly perform on a computer. The second criterion for choosing a mouse is a specific computer device (PC, laptop, tablet).

    When choosing a mouse, put your hand on it and make a few movements. You should not feel any discomfort, the mouse should lie comfortably in your hand. Press the buttons to appreciate the sound of a mouse click, it should not annoy you. Feel the surface of the mouse - if its surface is not rough, it will most likely slip out of your hands.

    For home and office use of a computer - working with programs, surfing the web, playing multimedia content - a regular optical mouse will be enough for you. In this case, the emphasis should be on its ergonomics. No more. If you want to speed up the process of working with mail or searching for information, you can pay for additional functional buttons.

    To work with a laptop or tablet, a small wireless mouse, preferably a laser one, is more suitable. This will ensure comfortable work with a portable device on any surface, in any "mobile" positions.

    For computer games, the most ideal option is a large laser mouse. Such a tool will allow you to carry out one or another trick with maximum efficiency - a jump, somersault, shot, etc. - at the most crucial moment. Since during computer games the mouse is subjected to a large number of mechanical influences (and this is not counting the lost nerves during the loss), it is better to choose a model with a special durable coating. Whether or not you need the aforementioned additional buttons on the sidebar of your gaming mouse is a question you should decide based on the specifics of the games you play. If necessary, be sure to test the convenience of working with them.

    And, finally, specify the specifics of the mouse connection interface. Ask the seller how long the battery life of a laptop or tablet will take connecting a wireless mouse so that you can turn it off in time if you do not have the opportunity to recharge your laptop or tablet.

    If your computer does not detect USB ports before loading the operating system, when buying a USB mouse, make sure that even the most seedy, nevertheless, working mouse with a PS / 2 connection connector is in the house in the right place. It can be useful for resuscitation or reinstallation of Windows.

    I will try to explain in an accessible language without all sorts of abstruse terms that are so rich in the descriptions of modern gaming mice, the main consumer characteristics, in my opinion, the most important for us - consumers (in particular, gamers). The article will describe to a greater extent the selection of a device for shooters, namely, the beloved world online shooter Counter-Strike and, accordingly, those mouse characteristics that are most important in these games. Let the admirers of other genres of games forgive me :), but in my opinion, the form itself, the presence of additional buttons and the convenience of working with the mouse are more important in them, which I will also describe below, but the speed and flawless operation of the sensor are not as critical as in shooters.

    To begin with, let's define the very concept of “gaming mouse” or “professional gaming mouse”, how does it differ from the usual “peaceful” office rodents that we are used to seeing at work or as standard when buying a PC.

    Gaming mice include the vast mass of models that have more expensive hardware that is 2+ times more expensive and more than their cheap office counterparts (I’m not talking about office mice of the middle and higher price range, they practically use the same sensors) before all designed for use in games by professional and avid gamers in order to achieve maximum accuracy of cursor / aim control, etc.

    So, you spend a lot of time in online computer shooters, hone your skills, perhaps participate in some network / Internet championships, but you begin to feel that your mouse does not allow you to fully realize your full potential in the game: then the button is stuck , then the cursor (sight) fell off, there was not enough accuracy in moving the sight 🙂 - it means you have grown to a more serious device of a gaming mouse.


    You can say the heart of our mouse, the quality and accuracy of which determines the overall impression of the product. One of the main characteristics of the sensor is considered to be its resolution - dpi (dots / inch), modern lasers have already reached simply unimaginable figures of 5600 dpi, but in practice, a resolution around 2000 is enough in a game with a head, playing with higher values, you may even you will not notice much difference, and such super high resolutions will be more useful for people working with various “artistic” as I call them =) applications (design, etc.)

    Next comes such a characteristic as maximum acceleration, in the specification it can be 10-50G. G- acceleration of free fall / or overload for pilots, racers, astronauts, in order to come to mind, what they taught us at school here is a brief explanation from Wikipedia =)

    In our case, these very numbers indicate at what maximum acceleration of the mouse the cursor will break.

    Cursor crash: probably every CS'er =) faced such a problem when, when playing at a low sense and moving the mouse sharply on the carpet, the sight fell off, you turned into the sky and made several turns around its axis - this is called the cursor/sight break. This happens due to the poor quality of the sensor and the pad, which does not have time to read the surface with the acceleration with which you move the mouse over the pad.

    For practical experience, after the purchase, you can pull your mouse from one edge of the mat to the other (naturally, all this should be done on a normal gaming mat, otherwise excuse G. that they shove us in any computer store), it is unlikely that you will be able to create the same acceleration G to break the cursor.

    Of course, one day I came across an article where the failure of the cursor in different models of mice was checked by installing this poor experimental rodent =) on a gramophone with a professional rug cut out to fit the record, all this miracle was turned on, and then, when it failed, by simple mathematical calculations, knowing the rotation speed plates calculated the stall acceleration G.

    Gaming mice currently being produced can be equipped with optical/laser sensor, I will immediately focus on this point: progress does not stand still and more and more manufacturers are consciously switching to a laser, because. it is more accurate, faster, well, in general, it surpasses optics in almost all respects, but the price of mice equipped with such a sensor immediately increases by 30-50%, depending on the brand's popularity and the technical features of this very sensor.

    For clarity, I will give the cost, taken from the price list of one Internet store, of almost identical mice of the same brand, but equipped with optical and, accordingly, laser sensors - SteelSeries Ikari Optical / SteelSeries Ikari Laser: 1990 rubles / 2555 rubles. The downside, again, if we consider the financial side of buying such mice, is some capriciousness of the laser on different surfaces, despite the fact that manufacturers unanimously declare that the sensor works on various surfaces even on a bare table :), therefore, it is included with such a rodent you will need to purchase a high-quality rug, but we will talk about this in more detail below.

    Therefore, if you have some financial restrictions on the purchase of a professional mouse, you can safely buy optics and there is nothing fatal in this :), since the sensors that such mice supply are superior to office rodents, and even such selectivity to the surface as lasers have they are not there, it is enough to purchase a face-to-face rag mat if at the moment there is no money to purchase a gaming surface.

    USB port polling frequency, connection method, availability of internal memory.

    Availability of internal memory the mouse is a very big plus because it allows you to save several different profiles configured for different tasks / games / people, and it just simply saves all your individual settings, and when you connect this mouse to another PC, for example, you don’t need to install drivers and reconfigure everything.

    Connection method Well, I won't go into too much detail here. At the moment, wireless, mobile, etc. (sometimes even primarily intended for use with computers such as samsung laptops) there are no gaming mice with stable operation and without all sorts of glitches, yes they are convenient and practical, but you should not trust them with your victory at any even the smallest clan war, so the wire is definitely, and desirable so that it is long (1.5 m or more) light elastic and durable at the same time.

    USB port polling rate and response speed: this seemingly ordinary and not very clear ha-ka polling rate (standard starts from 125 Hz) has a significant impact on the smoothness of the cursor / sight - i.e. the higher the polling rate, the smoother the cursor movements, now in modern mice it reaches 1000 Hz, but with the help of the supplied drivers it can be reduced according to your preferences.

    Mouse response time- for ordinary office this value is 8-16 Ms, for professional 1 Ms - i.e. in a time of 1 ms, the command from the mouse will be transmitted to the PC (the response time can be compared with ping when playing on the Internet - the less the better). This characteristic also applies to other devices connected via the USB port, such as headphones, keyboards.

    Mouse shape and ergonomics

    First of all, you need to decide on your specific type of mouse grip, they are conventionally divided into 3 types:

    "palm grip" (Palm grip)- “... the whole palm covers the mouse, leaning on its back. A mouse designed for such a grip should have an ergonomic shape, following all the contours of a folded handful of the palm. The forearm and wrist are involved in the movement of the mouse, such a grip is most natural, allowing you to reach max. travel speed with little loss of accuracy…”

    Claw grip- “... transitional grip, the back of the mouse is controlled by the palm, the front is held by the thumb and little finger, the index and middle fingers are bent like claws, thus clicking on the main buttons. For such a grip, large mice, flat in shape, with large buttons are more suitable. The advantages of this type of grip are high movement control and clicks per second.…”

    Finger grip- “... the rodent is held with the help of only the tips of 4 fingers. For this type of grip, small mice are suitable, with insignificant height and weight. Only the hand is involved in the movement, which provides excellent accuracy ... "

    That huge mass of gaming mice on the market from many manufacturers can be divided into 2 types depending on the shape: ergonomic / symmetrical. For clarity of my words, going into the Razer product section, their mice in the menu are just divided into these 2 classes.

    Ergonomic(anatomical) shape - close to the natural bend of the palm, i.e. has all sorts of lateral depressions for fingers, smooth transitional lines of the body, but to the great disappointment of left-handers, almost all models popular among the PROgaming world are sharpened for the right hand. It is not clear why manufacturers show such a disrespectful attitude towards left-handed gamers, and very rarely and reluctantly, under pressure from the public, they can release a rodent specifically designed for left-handers.

    symmetrical– mice, respectively, having symmetrical shapes suitable for use with both hands.

    Separately, I will dwell on the topic of the material itself, from which the mice are made, or rather the coating, namely, its very important property for us gamers - the exclusion of slipping fingers.

    Here, it is also conditionally possible to divide mice into 3 types:

    - an ordinary surface that does not have any anti-slip abilities, most often it is a glossy shiny plastic, on which the fingers or palm begin to fidget as soon as it sweats from excitement or hot weather;

    - matte, rough, pimply, etc. plastic / steel, which almost completely eliminates the slip of fingers and palms during long virtual battles;

    - special films, a rubber coating that completely excludes even wet fingers from sliding on the buttons (it is this rubber coating that Razer uses in its mice, but it has a big drawback: it simply has a magnetic ability to collect dirt from your hand, after cleaning which can damage it delicate coating.Therefore, if you are the owner of just such a mouse, then cleaning the buttons / surfaces that are covered with this rubber material should be done with a soft cloth or cotton wool and warm water, no detergents or alcohol-containing products should be used! and even more so do not scrape this dirt with your nails =)

    But of course, the main indicator is exactly your feelings when holding the mouse, first of all, ask the seller in the store to give you at least 3-5 minutes. feel / click on the model you like, and then make any decision.

    Basic and additional buttons

    I think a gamer with any experience and knowledge in the field of mice understands that not only convenience and comfort during the game, but also the speed and clarity of clicking depend on the quality of the main mouse buttons.

    When choosing and inspecting a mouse before buying, I advise you to carefully consider the quality of the buttons themselves, this also applies to additional ones. Are they securely fixed, smooth and distinct when pressed, are there any extraneous sounds other than a characteristic click, the button cover that I wrote about above. The presence of side buttons is a controversial thing, many consider a gaming mouse to be incomplete without them, others, on the contrary, but what you should pay special attention to is their location, sometimes you just wonder how poorly they are located and kill the initially wonderful mouse ergonomics with their location.

    I also don’t think you should chase the number of additional buttons, because this is a mouse primarily for shooters, and not a multifunctional one for RPG / MMOG like the Razer Naga, jokingly called a calculator by gamers because of the huge number of side buttons.

    Weight and Shape Adjustment

    The presence of a set of weights for the mouse to adjust the weight is undoubtedly a plus, it allows you to adjust the weight of the rodent to the individual preferences of the player - though a large mass is over 100 grams. not everyone will like it, or vice versa, a mouse that is too light will interfere with accurate aiming due to lack of inertia. In principle, the average gaming mouse should have a weight in the region of -90+ grams. But at the same time, it is a kind of distraction, because when playing, thoughts about experiments with weight will slip, although in fact the weight of the mouse is quite suitable for you ...

    Some manufacturers offer complete with a mouse and spare cases with different shapes and weights.

    In my opinion, an unjustified and superfluous fashionable feature, moreover, it significantly increases the overall cost of a generally competitive mouse with excellent technical performance.


    As promised, I will stop a little on the rugs. There was a very good comparison by one person regarding gaming mouse pads: “Using a gamer mouse on a regular mouse pad is like driving a Ferrari over country bumps =)” Great words and this time a strong piece of advice.

    If you've already bought an expensive gaming mouse, then don't be greedy and get a good gaming mousepad for it, and not the miserable semblance of mousepads found in every PC store. Then you will fully experience the full potential of the new purchase - the clarity of the sensor, the speed, the smoothness of movement. Well, with the choice of the material of the rug, it will be determined only by you whether it is rag plastic or combined.

    I can only say that the rag ones have a very pleasant tactile sensation and are not as fast as plastic, although there are models with a very fine fabric pattern, but they still lose in speed and minimal slip resistance to plastic carpets (if you are a fan of the speed and ease of moving the mouse - your choice of plastic).

    This article does not pretend to be the only correct one, and an incentive to action, but is only intended to help young gamers decide on the specific tasks and requirements that they place on their future professional gaming mouse, the final decision to purchase a particular model is up to you.

    Sophisticated and experienced gamers, I think, will not learn anything new here, because. everyone has already formed personal preferences and tastes for each individual model and a particular brand. But in any case, if at least one of the people who are thinking about buying a device of this kind, this small buying guide will help success =)

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    Enclosures or enclosures for right-handers. If there are strict requirements for the shape and weight of the mouse, you can pay attention to models that allow you to change the geometry of the case and the weight of the manipulator. Some units may include additional side panels with alternative finishes or thicknesses. The case can also be equipped with a mechanism for adjusting the angle or length of the top panel. The weight of gaming mice is usually adjusted within 20 - 40 g using weights from the kit. Players who use their entire palm to move the paddle will find it inconvenient to use miniature and some portable models.


    Too many buttons can interfere with confident mouse holding and result in unwanted clicks. Most players prefer buttons with good tactile feedback. This allows you not to waste time on visual control of the performance of a particular game action.

    Many gamers prefer to choose a mouse according to their favorite gaming genre. So, for example, multi-key devices will be more useful for fans of multiplayer RPGs and strategies, while fans of shooters will be much more comfortable using a mouse with a minimum number of operating elements.

    Software Features

    Most gaming mice in the middle and upper price segments are programmable. This means that when using the software, the user will have access to an extended set of functions. The software allows you to define the assignment of mouse keys and makes it possible to assign entire sequences of commands to the keys. Such sequences can include keyboard shortcuts and combinations, time intervals between commands, and commands to repeat actions.

    If the mouse allows you to change the resolution using individual keys, the software will help you set the DPI values ​​\u200b\u200bfor the preset modes. With controlled backlighting, you can programmatically change colors or glow modes, including depending on the game or even game actions.

    Memory and game profiles

    Some programmable mouse software can save and load settings profiles. This allows you to use different mouse settings and individual keymaps for each game or task. Mice equipped with non-volatile memory retain downloaded game profiles even when connected to another computer. These mice are also capable of switching profiles with a single key or key combination, and after the initial setup, they can work with saved data without software.

    If the user often changes the place of the game, for example, goes to a gaming club or to friends, then models with built-in memory should be considered when choosing a mouse. For playing at home, it is better to stay on devices that use the computer's hard drive to store profiles. This will remove the limit on the number of available presets, while mice with built-in memory are usually limited to three to five profiles. Some brands release software that can store profiles in the cloud and download them to another device over the Internet.


    Most players prefer wired mice. Only a cable connection can guarantee a constant and high sensor polling rate and a minimum delay in the reaction of the cursor to mouse movements. The presence of a wire also eliminates the influence of electromagnetic interference on the signal and eliminates the need to monitor the charge of the batteries.

    The market for gaming peripherals also offers reliable wireless solutions that are not inferior to wired ones in terms of stability and connection speed. Some wireless models retain the ability to connect via cable. Hybrid mice are represented only by premium-segment devices and are approximately 30% more expensive than their cable counterparts.

    To choose a good mouse, it is not enough to come to the store and poke your finger at the first one that comes across. It is necessary to take into account several important criteria that will determine the ease of use of the manipulator.

    • DPI. Optical sensor resolution, or DPI, is the first thing you need to consider before buying a gaming mouse. The larger this parameter, the faster the cursor moves across the screen. So, for example, when using a mouse with a resolution of 800 DPI, the cursor will move much slower than on a mouse with 12000 DPI. In shooters, a player with a high resolution optical mouse sensor will have an advantage.

      Modern manipulators are able to switch between different sensor resolutions on the fly: for example, in everyday use of the OS, the user can make cursor movements a little slower, and in games, speed them up. Therefore, it is worth choosing a mouse that contains a wide range of sensor resolution settings - for example, 800 - 10000 DPI, with small adjustment steps.

    • Response speed. To simplify, this indicator is responsible for the time it takes for the mouse to exchange information with the computer. The shorter this time, the better, so you should pay attention to this parameter when choosing a mouse for shooters. The response speed is measured in milliseconds or hertz (1ms = 1000Hz).
    • Additional keys. This criterion for choosing a mouse is individual for everyone: someone needs more auxiliary buttons, someone needs only the main ones. Of course, you can attach multi-command macros to additional buttons that perform a sequence of actions in one click, but in most shooters you can do without them.
    • Appearance and ergonomics. The mouse should lie comfortably in the hand - this is the main thing. Let it be technologically perfect, but if it is inconvenient for a gamer to use it, he will not get any pleasure from the game. Therefore, it is important to hold the mouse in your hand before buying, evaluate its weight, dimensions, shape, quality of the material, and the elasticity of the buttons when pressed. Regarding the appearance, everything is individual: someone does not like extra tinsel, the presence of backlighting, beautiful stickers and other embellishments is important for another.
    • Company software. Many mouse manufacturers release additional software for fine-tuning the mouse. With it, you can remap keys, record macros, save separate profiles for multiple users. Having quality software is a nice addition to a good gaming mouse for shooters.
    • Other options. LED or laser, wired or wireless, USB or PS / 2 - it all depends on the seriousness of the gamer's intentions. An esportsman will definitely choose a wired mouse (in a durable fabric sheath, with gold-plated connectors) with a laser optical sensor, regardless of the high cost of such models. For an unpretentious player, a more modest LED, and for convenience, also a wireless mouse will be enough: to take your soul away in some kind of shooter in a cozy home environment, it is not at all necessary to lay out a huge amount for a professional manipulator.

    What to buy: The best gaming mice for shooters

    The market of game manipulators presents a huge selection of models for every taste. It is very easy to get confused in this variety, so we have compiled a small list of mice that you should pay attention to in the store.

    A4Tech Bloody V8M

    Budget option, which, however, is not inferior to more expensive models. High-quality assembly, wire in a fabric braid, pleasant dim lighting, well-gliding metal legs, switches with a resource of 10 million clicks - this mouse will serve its owner for a very long time.

    Of the features of this model, we can note three additional buttons next to the wheel that switch firing modes: one, two and three shots, as well as functions that allow you to compensate for the recoil from weapons in games. There is also a wireless version of this mouse, the A4Tech Bloody R8 metal feet Skull design, with an aggressive design.

    Logitech G402 Hyperion Fury

    The world's fastest (according to the manufacturer) gaming mouse with a sensor that provides tracking speeds up to 500 inches per second. The manipulator is made of high-quality plastic with rubberized inserts that prevent your hand from slipping even in the hottest online battles.

    8 programmable buttons and proprietary software are available for customization. Also, a gyroscope and an accelerometer are built into the device, which prevent the sensor from losing contact with the surface.

    Logitech G502 Proteus Spectrum

    A gaming mouse with a wide range of features. The user can adjust the weight of the manipulator using weights, configure 11 programmable buttons, set the color mode and lighting effects (and synchronize it with other Logitech devices thanks to proprietary software), instantly switch between several levels of resolution of the optical sensor, save profiles for various games.

    As expected, the mouse is made of high-quality materials: slightly rough plastic, cable in a fabric braid, mechanical microswitches of keys.

    Corsair M65 Pro RGB

    The mouse is made from aircraft-grade aluminum, which makes it very light and at the same time strong. For additional weight adjustment, weights are used, with which you can change the position of the center of gravity of the manipulator, depending on the style of play.

    A high-precision optical sensor with a resolution of 100 to 12000 DPI, in conjunction with proprietary software, allows you to achieve high accuracy in tracking movements, regardless of the surface. A special sniper button is placed on the side of the mouse body, which instantly lowers the sensor resolution when the player needs ultra-precise aim control.

    Zalman ZM-GM4

    When looking at this model, first of all, the unusual design attracts attention. The futuristic appearance is combined with the excellent practicality of the mouse - the transforming design allows you to flexibly adjust the size of the case to any hand: just take the included screwdriver, tighten a few screws - and the gadget will become longer or shorter, wider or narrower, depending on the wishes of the owner.

    In addition to size and weight, mouse functions can also be configured: you can program buttons, change DPI, save profiles of different users, and so on.

    Mad Catz R.A.T. PRO S

    Another model with an unusual design. Here, the manufacturer has provided even more customization options than in the previous version of our list: you can change the size of the case, the angle of the backrest, replace sensors, add or remove additional pads like a platform for the little finger. Of course, software functions are also subject to flexible settings: the user can reassign buttons, create profiles for individual games, change the sensor resolution on the fly, and so on.

    Mad Catz positions the R.A.T. PRO S is like a mouse for eSports tournaments, which means that it is of high quality, reliability and ergonomics.

    SteelSeries Sensei RAW

    In developing this model, the engineers, apparently, were guided by the principle "simpler is better." Design without unnecessary "bells and whistles", a small number of buttons, a symmetrical shape - the SteelSeries Sensei RAW mouse is suitable for those who appreciate convenience and simplicity.

    At the same time, the model is made in a durable case with a soft-touch coating, is equipped with proprietary software that allows you to flexibly configure mouse functions, record macros and save separate profiles for different users and games, and also carries a high-quality sensor with a resolution of 90 to 5700. DPI, 1ms response time and tracking speed up to 150 inches per second.


    There is no perfect mouse for everyone. However, by using this selection, you can narrow down the selection to a few options that suit exactly your preferences, and find the model with which your gaming sessions will end only with victories.

    The main weapon of any gamer is the mouse and keyboard. These are one of the main attributes of every computer player, so such people choose a mouse for themselves very carefully.

    The range of gaming mice is extremely diverse: there are hundreds of options that differ from each other in characteristics, weight and ergonomics.

    The ideal gaming mouse should:

    • fit the palm in size;
    • comfortable to hold in the hand;
    • move smoothly.

    It should also match the genre of preferred games:

    • for fans of shooters, mice with high DPI are suitable: they have perfect accuracy;
    • for fans of MMORPG - a mouse with an increased number of buttons.

    Another very important, but seemingly unremarkable at first glance, parameter is which hand the mouse is intended for. It will be inconvenient for a left-handed person to play with a right-handed mouse, and vice versa.

    Before buying, you should also consider the following aspects:

    • Illumination type.
      If the backlight is defined as RGB, then it supports a large number of colors. They are configured through special software for the computer.
    • Mouse software.
      There are both mice that are used by simply inserting the wire into the USB channel, and those that can be customized. In the second case, you can customize the backlight and even the buttons in certain games.
    • DPI is the number of dots per inch.
      This setting determines the accuracy of the optical mouse sensor: the higher the DPI, the more accurate the mouse. When moving it, the cursor will more smoothly and accurately repeat the movement of the player.
      In the game, especially fast-paced shooters where precision is important, high DPI is a must. Often on gaming mice this parameter can be adjusted.

    If a person is not strong in choosing computer parts, but wants to make the right purchase, you should read this article. Desires and preferences will become clear, and the purchase of a gaming mouse will be successful.

    The best gaming mice of 2018

    The mouse has a very futuristic look. Aggressive design will please the gamer.
    The matte plastic coating helps not to slip in the hand, but picks up typos a little. The case is completely symmetrical, and the main buttons are made in the form of petals. Behind the rubberized wheel are two sensitivity increase buttons. Behind you can attach an additional block of buttons.

    One of the features of the mouse is that it can be connected to a computer both by wire and via Bluetooth.

    The battery lives up to 30 hours of continuous play. The USB cable has a length of 1.8 meters and has a fabric braid that will help not to fray the wire. Textile Velcro fastener on the wire will help to easily fold the cord if the gamer goes to the championship or meeting with friends.
    Included are removable keys to create a custom mouse and a receiver for wireless communication with a PC. Features G-shaped RGB backlighting (Logitech logo) and mouse battery indicator.


    • DPI: 200-12000
    • ergonomics: symmetrical;
    • number of buttons: 7-11 (replaceable keys);
    • connection type: wired and wireless.
    • weight: 107 g


    • interchangeable side keys;
    • The symmetrical design makes the mouse suitable for both right-handed and left-handed people.


    • no additional weights.

    Average price: 9000 rubles.

    Professional gamers review the Logitech G900:

    Razer DeathAdder Elite.

    This mouse is still the same DeathAdder, but improved.
    It has an ergonomic design for the right hand. The upper part is made of rough plastic, and the side faces are made of branded rubber. The hand does not slip off the mouse, and it is extremely comfortable to hold it. Behind the wheel are two DPI switching buttons. The click of all buttons on the mouse is elastic, the response is felt great.
    The cable is 2 meters long and is wrapped in fabric. The RGB backlight has 16.8 million colors.

    The kit comes with a mouse, instructions, a wish from Razer and 2 stickers with the company logo.


    • DPI: up to 16000;
    • ergonomics: right hand;
    • number of buttons: 5;
    • connection type: wired;
    • weight: 96 g.


    • high responsiveness;
    • comfortable for the right hand;
    • RGB backlight.


    • no free scroll mode;
    • the design from the previous version of the product has been preserved.

    Average price: 5500 rubles.

    Professional gamers review the Razer DeathAdder Elite:

    Logitech G502 Proteus Spectrum.

    This gaming mouse from a well-known company makes the extra weight, oddly enough, out of place. Its hexagonal core can be customized with six 3.6 gram weights, giving the user a light and heavy mouse all wrapped into one body. The provided ability to adjust the mass and transmission of the mouse is not just a trick of this model: the sensor on the surface with the ability to rotate using Logitech's Delta Zero technology allows you to use the mouse on any surface, except for the usual mouse pad. There is a fabric braided wire and an illuminated company logo. The box comes with a mouse and instructions: nothing more.


    • DPI: up to 16000;
    • ergonomics: right hand;
    • number of buttons: 11;
    • connection type: wired;
    • weight: adjustable weights.


    • backlight class RGB;
    • satisfactory scroll wheel.


    • weights are difficult to remove.

    Average price: 5000 rubles.

    Professional gamers review the Logitech G502 Proteus Spectrum:

    Corsair Harpoon RGB.

    The minimalist design of the mouse looks very good in the workplace. Leather texture allows you to confidently hold the mouse in your hand. The number of buttons is minimal, but that's what the mouse aims for. Suitable for small and large hands.

    A 1.8 meter long cable is enough for everyone. There is no fabric braid, and the RGB backlight is only in one place and shows the DPI value.

    There is nothing superfluous in the package, a mouse and instructions with a warranty card.


    • DPI: 250 to 6000;
    • ergonomics: for the right hand;
    • number of buttons: 6;
    • connection type: wired;
    • weight: 85 g.


    • affordable price;
    • lies comfortably in the hand.


    • the absence of a fabric braid of the wire;
    • the lack of the possibility of custom changing the color palette for highlighting.

    Average price: 2700 rubles.

    Professional gamers review Corsair Harpoon RGB:

    Cougar Minos X3.

    The futuristic design is reminiscent of a spaceship, and the streamlined shape of the mouse looks great. The mouse is covered with smooth plastic, and on the side faces there is a textured pattern that makes it comfortable to grip with the palm of your hand. The wheel spins easily, but without slips. There is also a backlight color change button on the back.

    The cord is 1.8 meters long and has a nylon coating. Illumination is eye-catching: the Cougar logo and the bottom edges of the mouse light up. Consequently, the table itself glows.


    • DPI: up to 3200;
    • ergonomics: right hand;
    • number of buttons: 7;
    • connection type: wired;
    • weight:94g;


    • affordable price;
    • optical accuracy of the mouse;
    • good RGB lighting.


    • wire without fabric braid;
    • in some instances there is a bad assembly.

    Average price: 1500 rubles.

    Professional players review Cougar Minos X3:

    Mad Catz R.A.T. Prox.

    Gaming mice from Mad Catz are some of the most unusual mice in terms of design.

    The user is given the opportunity to fully customize it for themselves: without any problems, you can change the laser sensor to an optical one. Buying this product is creating your own mouse to fit your palm and needs. Parts are screwed with a hex wrench or mounted on magnets.

    Bright yellow wire is presented without braid. There is no backlight, but even without it, the mouse looks aggressive.

    The kit comes with a lot of spare parts that help to create a mouse as conceived by the player.


    • connection type: wired.

    Everything else depends on the custom build of the mouse.


    • bold appearance;
    • long-term use;
    • the ability to make a mouse "for yourself."


    • difficult to fix;
    • price.

    Average price: 11500 rubles.

    Professional players review Mad Catz R.A.T. ProX:

    Steel Series Rival 500.

    The mouse is made in a somewhat aggressive style. It consists of soft-touch plastic and soft rubberized rims. At the top are the right and left mouse buttons, as well as the DPI switch button and 3 programmable buttons (2 on the right side and 1 on the left side). The wheel is rubberized and, in addition to scrolling, it responds to pressing and tilting.

    The user already has 9 buttons on the top side only. On the left side there are six more keys that are conveniently pressed with the thumb.

    The length of the wire is 2 meters, there is no fabric braid. There is RGB lighting in the form of a company logo.

    A unique design element is a rubber insert that has Rival written out of the box. But, thanks to the drawing, on the official website of Steelseries, the player can print his nickname or name on a 3D printer.

    Comes with mouse and instructions.


    • DPI: 10000-16000
    • ergonomics: right hand;
    • number of buttons: 14;
    • connection type: wired;
    • weight: 127 g.


    • backlight class RGB;
    • 14 buttons - ideal for MMORPG or MOBA games;
    • user-friendly software.


    • lack of onboard memory.

    Average price: 6000 rubles.

    Pros review SteelSeries Rival 500:

    G.Skill Ripjaws MX 780.

    The design of the mouse is unusual and immediately memorable. On the metal frame there are parts made of soft-touch plastic. The symmetrical body will satisfy the needs of any gamer. In special software, there is the ability to enable the "For left-handed" option. After that, all buttons will switch in mirror image.

    In total, the mouse has 8 programmable keys. Their location is not the most convenient, but over time the user gets used to it.

    The 1.8 length cable has a nylon braid. It is better to purchase a wire holder so as not to fray it. The junction of the wire with the mouse is raised and does not allow the wire to get tangled or interfere with the movement of the mouse.

    Independently adjustable lighting is provided in 4 places. The user is provided with 16.8 million colors for it.

    In addition to the mouse, the kit includes a warranty card, two interchangeable side pads, a hex key to adjust the back height and two additional weights weighing 4.5 g each.


    • DPI: 16000
    • ergonomics: symmetrical;
    • number of buttons: 8;
    • connection type: wired;
    • weight: 115 g.


    • lies comfortably in the hand;
    • independent setting;
    • the presence of RGB backlighting.


    • not the most convenient location of the buttons;
    • side buttons are loose.

    Average price: 6000 rubles.

    Professional players review G.Skill Ripjaws MX780:

    Roccat Kova is a mouse with a modernized design, versatile software and color backlight. The case is made of tenacious matte plastic, which almost does not collect fingerprints.

    The cost is low, almost the lowest of all the best gaming solutions. Has an attractive design. It is symmetrical and has the same number of buttons on each side. Suitable for both right-handed and left-handed people.

    The cord is 1.8 meters long and does not have a braid, but it is made with high quality. The advantage of this mouse over competitors in the budget segment is the backlight.

    Comes with mouse and instructions only.


    • DPI: 200 - 7,000;
    • ergonomics: symmetrical;
    • number of buttons: 10;
    • connection type: wired;
    • weight: 99 g.


    • decent value for money;
    • pleasant appearance;
    • RGB backlight.


    • material.

    Average price: 4000 rubles.

    Professionals review Roccat Kova:

    Razer Naga Hex Black V2.

    The main coating is a rough plastic that does not collect fingerprints. The size of the mouse is slightly larger than the standard, and it fits well in a medium to large hand.

    On the right there is a place for the ring finger and a rubber insert on which the little finger rests. On the left side there are 7 numbered keys that can be programmed to suit your needs. Inside the circle of buttons is a rubber insert for the thumb.

    At the junction of the cable and mouse there is protection against bending. The cord with a nylon braid is also protected from bending. The wire itself is very soft and flexible.

    RGB lighting is available in three places: on the wheel, the Razer logo, and near the rubber circle on the left side.

    The kit includes a mouse, a manual, a wish from Razer, and company logo stickers.


    • DPI: 100-16000
    • ergonomics: right hand;
    • number of buttons: 11;
    • connection type: Wired;
    • weight: 104 g.


    • a large number of side buttons;
    • Customizable RGB lighting.


    • unusual arrangement of buttons in a circle;
    • lack of onboard memory.

    Average price: 5500 rubles.

    The pros review the Razer Naga Hex Black V2:

    Razer Lancehead Tournament Edition.

    The Lancehead is symmetrical and made of nice textured plastic with excellent grip. Behind the rubberized wheel are two buttons for changing DPI settings. On the left side there is a rubber pad and two side buttons in a very convenient place. On the right side - everything is the same as on the left. This makes using the mouse convenient for both left-handed and right-handed people.

    The 2.1 meter long cable is kink-resistant and USB-connected, as well as fabric braided. The wire is thin and soft, does not retain its shape.

    The Razer logo, scroll wheel and two side panels are illuminated. The user has access to 16.8 million colors.

    The kit comes standard for Razer: a mouse, a manual, a wish from the company and stickers.


    • DPI: up to 16000;
    • ergonomics: symmetrical;
    • number of buttons: 9;
    • connection type: wired;
    • weight: 104 g.


    • backlight class RGB;
    • convenience for left-handed people.


    • price;
    • thin cable.

    Average price: 6500 rubles.

    Professional gamers review Razer Lancehead Tournament V2:

    Steel Series Rival 700.

    SteelSeries Rival 700 is a wired mouse, ergonomic for the right hand. It does not have wireless mode, batteries and other things. The product is made from premium materials. Has 7 programmable buttons.

    The mouse has a vibration motor and replaceable panels. Like the SteelSeries Rival 500, there is a rubber insert. RGB backlighting is also available.

    A distinctive feature of the mouse is the presence of the screen. In the menu items, you can select or edit the profile settings (there are 5 regular profiles in the mouse, which can be changed, but cannot be deleted), configure some system functions (select the tear-off distance, display brightness, display turn-off time when not using the mouse), and also find out technical information: installed sensor and firmware version.

    The kit comes with a mouse, instructions and two interchangeable cables: a smooth short one and a long braided one.