• How to register a login and password. What is login and password? Why do you need a login, how to come up with one

    The longer we are on the Internet, the more passwords we have. People get “overgrown” with passwords when registering on different sites, which is why novice users have “simple” questions. How many passwords are needed, or maybe one password is enough? And if you need a lot of passwords, then among this mass of passwords is there the most important one and which one?

    Let's start with the fact that registration is usually required to gain access to additional services on any site or even to basic services, such as on sites with government services. And sometimes the webmaster just decided that all users should register on his site. So, in two sentences, I retold the essence of the article on the sites.

    What is the main password?

    As you know, when registering (e-mail address), you must provide a login and password. For clarity, let’s take as an example (but in reality you need to come up with your own password)

    The password here is given as an example, you definitely need your own password, at least 6 characters.

    Registration on all sites takes place once. Next, go to your Facebook page by entering your e-mail and password in field 8 in Fig. 1.

    Registration on government websites

    It’s not an easy story to register on a government website, because it starts with an unconfirmed account, and then you will need a confirmed one. For example, let’s take the State Services website, details about registration on this site. This article is only about a small important part when registering – about passwords.

    To register on the State Services website, enter your real first name, last name, and email (1, 2, 3 in Fig. 2).

    Rice. 2. The first step when registering on the State Services website

    Next, you need to open your email and find a letter in which you will need to click on a link to confirm that you are the owner of the mail. After this, you will need to come up with a password for the State Services website, and it is also advisable that this password be different from the password for your email.

    For example, enter for registration on the State Services website

    As you can see, the password for the State Services website is different from the password for email. You will have to come up with your own password, the password specified above cannot be used, it is known to everyone who reads this article.

    Password in your personal account on the website

    As an example, consider the third site, which has a personal account. Those who have a home phone from Rostelecom can register on the Rostelecom website. There in your personal account you can

    • receive invoices to your e-mail,
    • pay them
    • use bonuses for free calls,
    • call a technician for repairs
    • etc.

    But to access this, you must first register on the site so that you can have a personal account there. And to register, you will again need an e-mail and password. You can enter

    • [email protected]– in field 1 in Fig. 3,
    • new password Telefon!56 – in field 2 in Fig. 3:

    Rice. 3. Registration on the Rostelecom website

    • You can find out more about your personal account in Rostelecom.
    • If you decide to give up your home phone temporarily or completely, take a look.

    One password for e-mail and all other sites?

    Some users enter the same password everywhere. However, if you use the same password everywhere, it simplifies everything. Usually, by email it is easy to track all the sites where a person has registered.

    And then a fraudster who has gained access to such confidential information can use all this wealth to send spam, to access funds, to personal pages on social networks and to everything else that is possible. After all, it’s enough to just enter the same email address and the same password everywhere - just a gift even for an inexperienced hacker...

    To register on the site you need to create a password

    Before coming up with a password, let me allow myself a little humor:

    Rice. 4. Humor: how to come up with a password to register on the site

    The password really must contain numbers, letters (capital and uppercase), punctuation marks (more precisely, those characters that can be typed in English case by clicking on the number and holding down the Shift key).

    This article already provides examples of such passwords (don’t use them, come up with others):

    • ParoL9!
    • Pogoda8)
    • Zdorovo!7
    • Telefon!56

    I don’t remember my login and password, but I need to restore or delete everything

    A few minutes before the publication of this article, I received a comment with a question from a user:

    How can I delete old accounts from Facebook that are registered under my first and last name? I don't know the accounts and passwords.
    And there is also an unnecessary VKontakte account, I don’t remember anything either.
    Is it possible to leave Google forever? I would be fine without the Internet. Who should I contact?

    Such questions, when users do not remember either their login or password, but want to recover again or, on the contrary, completely delete, are asked quite often. What can you answer here?

    You need to remember at least your e-mail, then you can try to recover your password, and then delete it or, on the contrary, recover it. And if there is neither a login (e-mail) nor a password, then the simplest thing is to forget about it and not remember what is essentially forgotten anyway. If you need to recover, then sometimes you can just try to start all over again, register “from scratch,” if possible.

    In general, passwords are your keys to the locks on all sites where there is registration and login using a password. Therefore, write down your passwords or save them in a way convenient for you. You shouldn't count on memory, it's a utopia.

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    The Internet has become an integral part of our lives. It provides us with the opportunity to find answers to all questions, exchange information and communicate with friends on social networks.

    For frequent use of one site, there is a need to save information on it or create a page. This can be done in your account, which you need to log in using your username and password. How to make them reliable and thereby protect your data, read the article.

    How to create a secure login

    Login is the name of a person on the World Wide Web, which is necessary for identification on it. It usually consists of a series of characters or email. To secure the entered information, you need to create a . To do this, follow the following recommendations.

    • Often the login is visible to other Internet users, so you should not type characters randomly. Come up with a beautiful combination of letters and numbers by which site visitors can identify you. Here the case of letters does not matter. It makes no difference if you choose a login with the name Vera, VerA or vERa.
    • Also use additional words, symbols, dashes and other signs for the name on the site. For example, $VERA$ or Ledi_Vera.
    • It is not recommended to use the same login and password to register on the site. They will lead to a quick hack of the page.
    • Your date of birth or relatives is a bad option for a login.
    • Many sites offer their users to use an email address instead of a login. This option is safe, you will definitely remember it.
    • If you want to register on several similar sites, then choose the same login for them. This makes it easier to remember for all pages.

    How to create a strong password

    If the login is a name, then the password is protection. His choice must be taken seriously. It will become the main obstacle to account hacking.

    • Do not use only numbers or small letters for your password.
    • Names with the surnames of relatives and friends, dates of birth, are a weak way to protect your profile. They are primarily selected to enter someone else’s page.
    • consists of a combination of numbers, symbols and letters with different case. Also use letters in different languages.
    • Create protection with a long name. Most sites will tell you how strong your password is. Be sure to take advantage of this feature.
    • Many browsers offer to remember your login password. This makes it easier to log into your profile, but reduces hacking protection. Therefore, it is better to manually enter authorization data each time.
    • Create a password that you can remember. Writing it down or saving registration letters to your email is a bad idea. Burglars are ready to take advantage of them.

    It's easy to secure your personal information on the site. To do this, follow these simple tips and be sure to put them into practice when creating your username and password.

    For more information about reliable account protection, watch the video:

    Whenever you register on the Internet, you must come up with a login (also called login, username, nickname) and a password (password) for subsequent authentication in the system and login to your personal account. It is extremely important to create combinations that meet two important requirements:

    • Login - easy to remember;
    • Password is a very difficult combination of characters, numbers and letters for an outsider.

    The login can be used everywhere the same, as a kind of brand, and the passwords certainly had to be completely different in order to make hacking it as long and difficult as possible. There are no “unhackable” options, since competent specialists can do almost everything in computers, the Internet and programming. Hacking the password for an ordinary social network account is a trivial matter for them. Therefore, it is important to make a complex version of the code so that a hacker does not have the patience to break into your profile and do something nasty there.

    Many people think that creating a good personal password and nickname (login) is a completely simple matter, however, such a misconception often leads to very sad consequences in the form of the loss of their favorite account. In this case, it is possible to lose everything - friends, your community, important records, personal photos, contact information, correspondence, and much more. etc. To prevent this from happening to you, we will make your identification data as reliable and beautiful as possible, observing special rules.

    Why come up with a beautiful login?

    Login (nickname, also known as login) is a reflection of you as a person, presented in the form of an alphanumeric combination (maybe some other characters). Of course, it’s not difficult to come up with an arbitrary combination of symbols and make a super complex abra-kadabra.

    People care about you, and not some name on the site. This is true, but...

    1. If the combination is complex, then for sure at some right moment you will forget your nickname, and the sheet where it was written down for safety reasons will simply not be found. Such records have the ability to get lost at times of extreme need. In any case, it will take a long time to enter characters correctly, switch between upper and lowercase writing, check for errors, etc. These are all additional difficulties.
    2. Friends, relatives and simple strangers will be more willing to contact you when the login is well-remembered and immediately points to a specific person. If your login immediately comes to mind, it’s easy to type it into the address bar and contact you or write a message (email).
    3. For online earnings, a solid nickname is extremely important, because often customers or partners only see this nickname. Based on it, they form their own initial impression of you. It is difficult to achieve success and earn substantial sums as a specialist if the login line says, for example, “Svetik-semitsvetik22” or “Terminator_1994”. In serious matters, sometimes it is login that plays a decisive role.
    4. You need to work scrupulously on your brand, that is, on your nickname, from the moment you register on any web project. All steps should be thought through in advance, since under such a virtual name you will go down in history.
    5. Some unusual areas of activity select performers solely by login. This nickname clearly demonstrates the creativity, originality and mental abilities of a person. This approach is especially relevant for services where you can earn money online (copywriting, naming, rewriting, freelancing, etc.).

    All the above factors should be taken into account!

    An example of creating a good password

    You will create an amazing password if you follow these instructions:

    • take any word you know well and remember well. Let it be Siemens2017; - go through all the points (instructions from specialists) of the manual from the previous paragraph. It will look like this: Siemens2017 -> SieMenS2017 -> 5ieMenS2O17 -> 5ie,Men.S2O17. The last dot does not apply to the password;
    • It turned out to be an original combination. Using this method, you can easily and quickly create a code that is very difficult for hackers, but quite easy for you to remember.

    Bad password options

    • children's names, animal names, your famous nickname;
    • any variations of the first and last name. Even attaching numbers does not complicate such a password;
    • special dates and events from your life, known to a large number of people or noted on public resources (social networks, forums, open competitions, photographs, etc.);
    • words in reverse alphabetic keyboard layout. You write, for example, the familiar word “Yaroslavl”, but with the English layout it will turn out to be “Zhjckfdkm”. Special programs can easily solve such passwords;
    • any complex words from dictionaries, for example, “synchrophasotron”. Hackers have software that recognizes such words.

    Remember! Any information that is easy to obtain is definitely an unacceptable password solution!

    How and where to store passwords

    Coming up with complex code and an original login is half the battle. Now it is important not to forget or lose this data. It is very difficult to remember combinations of characters, numbers and letters, especially when there are more than two or three such codes and logins. For this reason, it is extremely important to create a special place in which this vital information will be stored. If anything, you will always open the required page in your notebook (notebook) and enter the required data correctly.

    Not long ago, security experts noted that creating complex passwords facilitates hacking. Since people are not able to remember complex passwords, they began to write them down directly on computers and phones, from where hackers steal the treasured password.

    The basic rules for storing passwords and nicknames are as follows:

    • Make a note on paper (notebook, diary, notebook, regular sheet, etc.) and keep it close to you. It is not advisable to indicate what your login and password are for, but if you need to do this, then somehow encrypt the purpose of the data;
    • You can also save it on your PC, but first mask it. Write information in a text editor, take a screenshot and save it in a separate place (HDD or flash drive). In principle, it is acceptable to leave the data in text format, but you should change its format - change DOC, DOCX or TXT to JPG. The computer system will now display the file as a picture. These are the documents that hackers look at last, if they decide to study them at all. The nuance here is important. Now, in order to see the masked information again, you need to change the format back from JPG to TXT, DOCX or DOC - depending on what you used;
    • use special virtual password storages from well-known antivirus software manufacturers (Kaspersky, Dr.WEB, AVAST). In them, the data is securely encrypted and access to it is possible only by entering a special cipher. Ultimately, you only need to remember one password well. This is a good, reliable and convenient way;

    Warning! On many sites, in order to restore access to your personal account if you lose your password, you are asked to additionally use the answer to a strictly secret (security) question during registration. This is also a good thing, but you need to take it seriously. Do not use questions suggested by the system. Always come up with your own question and indicate the answer to it. It is better to use very personal information for this!

    Any person who deals with the Internet knows that when registering on a new site, and sometimes logging into an already established resource, he will definitely be asked to enter a login and password. Most of us don’t think much about the content of the password and very often put four ones or our date of birth. IT security specialists strongly advise against using such passwords. They are very easy to pick up. Of course, you can argue that hackers will not gain any valuable information by cracking your password. Even if this is so, it is still extremely unpleasant when someone else reads your personal correspondence. And if attackers have invaded your email account or gained access to your webmoney wallet, this is a disaster. Therefore, you need to take the choice of a password very seriously so that it really is a valiant guardian of your life in the virtual space. But besides reliability, a password must have one more irreplaceable property: you must remember it. Of course, you can have the same password on all sites, but this is extremely unsafe. You can write down all the passwords in a special notebook and, if necessary, take passwords from there (and store the book in a safe so that it does not fall into the hands of enemies), but this is extremely inconvenient. Therefore, I offer you some simple tips that will allow you to create a strong password and at the same time easily remember it.:f:

    • title or line from a favorite song or poem
    • your favorite saying
    • a little imagination and two or three minutes of time
    • First. Never take password creation lightly. Don't rush to type the first word that comes to your mind, expecting to change your password in the future. Indeed, according to statistics, only 10% of people actually change their passwords periodically, as recommended by security rules for the safety of passwords.
    • A few words about what not to do. Do not choose your name, your spouse's or child's name, your favorite cat's name, your date of birth, or any other word based on information that is known to many people as your password. Do not use passwords that represent a word, including Russian words typed in Latin. Currently, there are a bunch of programs that select passwords using the method of enumerating words from dictionaries. Standard passwords (123456, 3333, qwerty, admin, olechka, apple) are revealed in a matter of minutes. But they can be easily improved, then passwords will become a “hard nut to crack” for crackers.
    • The password must also be different from your login, longer than 8 characters (preferably 10-14), include characters of different case (capital and uppercase letters), punctuation marks, and numbers. The more ridiculous your password is (i.e. similar to Abru-Kadabra), the higher the confidence in its safety.
    • If you definitely want to enter your name as a password, then you should make it tricky, for example, replacing the letters “ch” with the number 4, that is, instead of “olechka”, make at least “ole4ka”. But it’s still better to diversify the password by entering capital letters and numbers, i.e. “Ole4ka85”. Then hackers will have to work hard if they get anything at all out of their attempt to crack your password.
    • Another good way is to choose a title or phrase from your favorite poem or song, such as the Boston Waltz. And enter these words through some punctuation mark, being in the English layout. Those. it turns out dfkmc_,jcnjy.
    • You can also make a password from your favorite saying, your life credo, so to speak. For example, measure seven times, cut once, or the road to hell is paved with good intentions. Take the first letters of each word and write them down in Latin transcription; in the middle (after the first two letters) add a couple of numbers (for example, your date of birth or the number of words in a phrase). That is, for the first option you get Sr5ooo, and for the second - Bn6udva.
    • If you have firmly decided that you will have a separate password for each site (and this is what is recommended by experts), then come up with a specific scheme for yourself, using the names of the sites as a basis. First, enter a small code word that is the same for all sites, for example, frjn. Add the name of the site (or the first word from this name) using the “_” or “-” sign. And at the end put a number equal to the number of letters in the name of the site. Moreover, start the site name with a capital letter. Those. for vsezdorovo.com it will be frjn_Vsezdorovo10. You may say that such a password takes a long time to enter, but it is almost impossible to crack it. And if you take this method as a rule, you will never forget what password you have on this or that site, because the name of the site is always before your eyes.
    • The previous example can be simplified slightly. And the password for each site should be made according to the scheme “hello_my_site name”, i.e. helloy_my_vsezdorovo, helloy_my_yandex, helloy_my_second. And if you diversify these phrases with at least one number, it will be absolutely great.
    • The security question required to recover your password if you lose it is an important part of protecting your account. After all, even if your password is almost impossible to hack, but you gave an absolutely truthful answer to a standard question about your mother’s maiden name or favorite dish, this means that there is always a chance that attackers will find a way to find out this information, for example, through social networks or correspondence on forums. There is no need to hack your password. So come up with your own unique question.
    • When entering your password, be aware that many systems are case sensitive. Those. The character set “RTASEW” is not always equal to “Rtasew” or “rtasew”. Therefore, immediately see if the Caps Lock button is pressed. Also, do not forget to pay attention to the keyboard layout. Make sure that you enter the password in Latin letters, not Russian.
    • Today there are special programs that select passwords (for example, Password Generator XP). Well, so you don’t even have to rack your brains. Moreover, these programs do not write down the password anywhere, i.e. they generate it once and just for you.
    • Never write down passwords in a separate file on your computer or in the memory of your mobile phone.

    Login is user ID to log into Internet services (mailboxes, forums, social networks, etc.). The name comes from the English words " log", which translates as " logbook", And " in", which means "in", "inside". The login is used in conjunction with a password, a special secret word. This is a couple necessary to gain access to personal data that should be hidden from outsiders. The security password changes periodically.

    Depending on the specific service, the identifier may coincide or not with a username that displayed inside the service and visible to other people. If there is no match, then enter carried out by entering a login and password, and communication is carried out under a name. This name could be real or fictional, whether to include the last name or not. Typically used on the Internet pseudonyms(nicknames, nicknames). For example, the qip.ru portal requires you to enter a separate login and username (with last name) when registering:

    In social networks it is often used for access E-mail or phone number. Here is an example of logging into facebook.com:

    Rules for creating a login

    Traditionally, identifiers for logging into the service consist of a set Latin letters and numbers (plus the underscore “_”). This has been the case since the days of the Unix operating system, when this method of protecting users was invented. The use of the Cyrillic alphabet is possible for some systems operating on the Runet.

    Also allowed use of special icons. The aforementioned qip.ru favors the symbols “-” and “.”, but swears at the underscore “_”. Rambler.ru accepts all three of these characters, but limits their use. Special characters must not appear at the beginning or end of the identifier, and must not follow each other. Examples correct names for rambler.ru: “vasya1996”, “katerina.sidorova”, “ya-svobodnyi”.

    Rules for creating a password

    Reliable Passwords are considered to be length at least 8 characters, consisting of Latin letters (necessarily lowercase and uppercase mixed!) and numbers. Example: "frt67hG438", "Hjd521Yjk". Categorically not recommended use secret words consisting of a set of identical letters or numbers, phone numbers, first names, last names, addresses. Verbal experiments like “1234567”, “iloveyou”, “privet” are a real gift for attackers.

    Cyrillic in passwords banned. Special characters are used to a limited extent, this depends from a specific service. The same rambler.ru allows you to use the set “!@$%^&*()_-+”, this increases the complexity of the secret word. To make your password more complex, replace the letter “i” with “!”, “a” with “@”, and so on. If your imagination is completely impoverished, launch a special generator, like pasw.ru: