• How to charge a phone battery directly using wires. How to properly charge a new phone battery

    At least once in their life, the need for emergency charging of a mobile phone worried and puzzled every second person. How could it be otherwise, because in the modern world without communication it’s like without hands. What to do if there is no charging cable, socket, or suitable conditions near you to increase the power of your phone? How can you “revive” a mobile device, at least for a couple of calls?

    Safe methods to charge a mobile phone without charging

    If you unexpectedly stayed overnight with a friend, were late at work, or in any other situation when, as luck would have it, your “native” charger is not nearby, you can use some tricks:

    • Firstly, a simple USB cable will always help you. It can be found in almost every apartment, any office, and even in some public or entertainment venues. Connect it to your phone, and then to your existing gadget (laptop, tablet, etc.). Voila, your mobile device is charging!
    • Secondly, it is necessary to discard embarrassment. In situations where having a connection is a matter of life and death, you can turn to others for help. Today, almost everywhere you can meet young people with chargers and portable batteries. Guaranteed, in the end, someone will not refuse you the desired service.
    • Thirdly, in all mobile phone stores you can purchase an additional portable battery suitable for your mobile device. This way, you will forever forget about the problem of emergency phone charging. In addition, such gadgets are quite easy to use. Made from almost weightless materials, they will not take up much space in your bag. However, do not forget that such a device also needs to be pre-charged!
    • Fourthly, if you drive a car, then you are familiar with such a device as a cigarette lighter. With its help, “revitalizing” a mobile phone will not be difficult. The main thing is to have a car charging cable, which can be bought at any cellular service office at a reasonable price. Remember that the phone will charge slower from the cigarette lighter than from a standard 220 V socket. If you want to speed up this process, then enable the “airplane mode” function on your device, remembering to disable additional options such as GPS, Bluetooth, etc. If you turn off the phone while charging, the energy will accumulate a hundred times faster.

    Emergency measures for charging a cellular device

    There are times when there is no civilization around, no conditions for searching, for example, a USB cable, a large shopping center or a cell phone store. This happens, for example, when going into the forest to pick mushrooms, going for a picnic with friends, etc. But staying in touch 24 hours a day requires a modern person to be in constant contact with his usual hectic lifestyle: work, business acquaintances, etc. What to do under these circumstances? It should be noted right away that the methods below are unsafe and can lead to disastrous consequences. These are extreme measures dictated more by desperation than by common sense:

    • It is possible to charge your phone using someone else's device, even if its connector does not fit your gadget. To do this, just cut the cable so that the blue and red parts come out. Then, you need to carefully remove the battery from your phone and determine which side is “+” and which is “-“. After all this, you should very carefully attach the blue thin wire to the “+” sign, and the red one to the “-” sign. If you do everything correctly, then the phone will start charging.
    • The next option is for the most desperate, suitable for those who are stuck in the lap of nature. You must have a steel knife and fire on hand. First of all, you need to warm up the knife blade and apply the battery contacts to the metal. Thus, there will be a slight accumulation of energy, which will be enough for several emergency calls. Please note Do not heat the knife too much!
    • If you have adhesive tape or insulating tape in your arsenal, you can try sealing the contacts of the telephone battery with sticky material, and then putting it in its “native” place. This will also contribute to a slight accumulation of energy.
      Once again, pay attention to the fact, that all the methods of recharging a cellular device presented in this section are extreme and dangerous both for the phone and for your health.

    The best way to charge a mobile phone without a “native” cable

    Whatever one may say, the best way to “feed” a mobile phone without a “native” charger is to buy a portable solar battery. Such a gadget does not require additional attention, it is easy to use, easy to carry, and most importantly, it is always ready to come to the rescue of you and your cellular device, no matter where you are!

    Over the past two decades, they have made a real evolution, going from simple “dialers” to mini-computers. But many convenient features require a lot of power consumption, which drains the battery quickly. And according to the law of meanness, the phone tends to completely discharge precisely when it is vitally needed, and there is no charger at hand. You can find out how you can quickly charge your phone battery without charging from our article.

    Is it possible to charge a phone without a charger?

    First, let's figure out whether it is possible to charge a phone without using it? Like any other battery, a mobile phone battery can be charged using available means. But this should be done only in the most extreme cases, since the use of non-rated currents can lead to significant damage to the battery. Therefore, we recommend using the methods below only in the most urgent cases.

    How to charge your phone without charging - method one

    The easiest and safest way to give your phone some energy is to charge it from the USB port of your computer or laptop. Let’s make a reservation right away that this method is only available for more or less modern phones, the charger of which is connected via a mini-USB connector.

    How to charge your phone without charging - method two

    For this method, we will need any charger that is at hand - from a phone, player or other equipment. For this charger, you need to carefully cut off the plug, peel off the insulation from the wire and connect the wires directly to the battery connectors, while observing the polarity. To make your life easier while charging, you can attach the wires to the battery using electrical tape.

    How to charge your phone without charging - method three

    The previous two methods can be called a light version of the solution to the problem, which are suitable for use at home. But what to do if you are cut off from civilization, for example, left without a charger on a hike or in the country? Alternatively, you can build a charger from scrap materials. To do this, you will need metal plates (for example, saw blades), copper wire and salt water. We dig the plates into the ground, wrap them with copper wire and water them with saline solution - the improvised battery is ready. If you don’t have iron at hand, you can get the energy your mobile phone needs from food. For example, if you take several lemons, stick a metal pin into each, and then connect the pins with a wire, you will get an excellent charger that will give your phone as much as 5% of its life.

    How to charge your phone without charging - method four

    An ordinary knife can also help revive a dead mobile phone for a short time. It should be heated over a fire and briefly applied to the battery. Due to the increase in temperature, the battery will briefly return to life. In this case, you need to follow several rules: do not overheat the battery, otherwise it may swell and act quickly. We recommend using this method only if the need to make a call is higher than the continued performance of the battery.

    How to charge your phone without charging - method five

    The last method in this review to charge a mobile phone is classified as extreme, but it allows you to return the phone to functionality without any improvised means, as they say, with your bare hands. To do this, you will need to remove the battery from the phone and forcefully hit it on any hard surface, for example, throw it on stones. A battery that has received such a shock will make it possible to make one or two calls, but after a second shake it will most likely lose its functionality forever.

    There are several ways to charge your phone battery without a charger. A similar need may arise when it is not possible to connect the gadget to the network or the charger was damaged for some reason.

    The problem is especially acute with Chinese drives, which are discharged within a short period of time. Despite the fact that it takes less than an hour to fill the charge, in fact during this time only about 70% of the total volume is filled.

    If a person does not have any devices to use them to replenish electricity, he will have to charge the phone battery directly. There are several ways to do this:

    Another charging option is direct connection to the network. If you use this advice without proper skill and preparation, you can literally explode your battery. To begin with, you will need any two wires, for example, from third-party power supplies, which need to be exposed.

    An important step is the correct connection, for which you need to determine where the positive and where the negative charge is. To do this, the wire is lowered into a glass filled with salt water; whichever wire starts to “blow” bubbles is negative. Now you need to lean the minus against the minus, and the plus against the plus.

    In exactly the same way, ordinary batteries can be used as a source of electricity.

    Via usb

    You can use USB to charge the battery. This is how all modern smartphones are charged, and an adapter is used to connect to the network. If you lose the adapter, the gadget can be charged directly to a USB port, which can be found in a computer, car, or next to an outlet. This trend is increasingly found in advanced European hotels.

    From car charger

    In some situations, you will need to know how to charge the battery without a phone directly in the car. If a person is often in his vehicle, then the question of ways to replenish the level of tension is relevant for him. To do this, you need to connect it to the cigarette lighter using an adapter.

    Using power bank

    Power Bank is a popular and very simple way to replenish the charge. Chinese products that work with any phone model are considered universal. Using a Power Bank, you can charge your smartphone several times, depending on its volume. But such assistants have disadvantages:

    • Takes up space. It needs to be stored somewhere, and it is often larger than a phone.
    • Heavy weight, which does not allow you to comfortably carry the PB in your pocket.
    • The need to charge the Power Bank.

    With the help of a frog

    By “frog” we mean a universal charger for mobile phone batteries that will fit any model. The name was received due to its external resemblance to an amphibian. To use this method you will need:

    1. Remove the battery.
    2. Determine the poles of the contacts. Usually there are “+” and “-” symbols next to the metal inserts.
    3. Open the frog.
    4. Lean the battery so that the frog contacts coincide with the battery contacts.
    5. Plug the device into a power outlet.
    6. A specific light will light up as a signal to start charging.

    The good thing about this method is that it allows you to replenish electricity without a cable. The downside is that the properties of the charged item may be lost.


    There are plenty of ways to charge your phone battery directly. Everyone just has to choose the option that suits their situation. It should be noted that all the proposed alternatives harm the drive in one way or another, so you should not constantly charge using a frog, a cigarette lighter, or a homemade device.


    Manufacturers use lithium-ion batteries in popular phone models. Their main feature is increased capacity and reliability. But despite this, energy consumption is increased. You have to exercise several times a day. Sometimes this situation forces you to purchase a new battery. It would be a good idea to charge your phone battery without the phone. Especially when the charging socket is broken.

    Is it possible to charge a phone battery without a phone?

    Let's say there are 2 batteries and 1 phone. In this case, alternately filling the batteries with energy is not convenient. And it will take a lot of time. In addition, constantly removing and putting on the cover leads to damage to the latches. After a while it may not close and the battery will fall out.

    It is best to charge additional batteries separately from the phone. There are several ways to charge your phone battery without a phone. These include specialized and homemade methods. It is advisable that the smartphone's battery be removable.

    Attention! If you plan to frequently charge additional batteries, take a special device. Homemade recharging methods are best used in extreme cases.

    What do you need to know when performing direct charging of your phone battery?

    Before charging your phone battery without your phone, consider the following:

    1. Only a factory device will give a good charge. Homemade can be harmful.
    2. When charging at home, take into account the current, voltage, and resistance. If you do not adjust the parameters, the current will not flow to the battery. If you twist the battery, it may deteriorate.
    3. You should monitor the process. When heating, disconnect the charging element.
    4. Strictly observe the current characteristics.
    5. Improper charging methods can damage the batteries.

    It is recommended to use homemade methods at home for those who can distinguish plus from minus and are able to control voltage and current.

    Ways to charge your phone battery without a phone

    The best way to charge a battery with energy is to use a factory charger. You can also use a direct connection via a phone charger or charge from a PowerBank.

    With the help of a frog

    This is an industrial charger that got its name because of its specific appearance. It can be used to recharge removable batteries.

    Algorithm for charging a phone battery without a phone using a frog:

    • Turn off the power to the smartphone and take the battery out.
    • Clarify where the positive and negative contacts are. Usually there are inscriptions “+” and “-”. If not, then determine the polarity with a multimeter.
    • Lift the lid of the Frog Memory. Pay attention to where the plus and minus are.
    • Place the battery into the device. To do this, move the sliders with the contacts so that their poles coincide with the battery.
    • Close the cover; it will secure the power source.
    • Connect the device to a power outlet. The red light will come on. If the reaction is different, then the connection is incorrect.
    • When you see a green light, you can disconnect the battery from the charger. This indicates that it is charged.

    The main advantage of the frog is its safety. If the battery is connected to the contacts incorrectly, the battery will not charge. But the battery will be completely safe.

    Direct connection to power supply

    There are 2 ways:

    • Take an old adapter with the required characteristics. Strip the plug and cut off the wiring. Find out the polarity using a tester and connect directly. The best power supply will be a five-volt power supply with a current of 2 A. You can also use a device with a voltage of 9-20 volts and a current of up to 5 amperes. For example, from a laptop computer. But there is a risk of damaging the battery. To prevent this from happening, you need to connect a resistor to the positive contact. And through it, transmit current to the wire.
    • Connect two wires to the plug. Observing the polarity, connect them to the battery and wrap everything with tape.

    Attention! The battery has a controller that controls charging. It does not allow the battery to be recharged and does not start a battery with a voltage of more than 5 v. If it does, turn off the heating.

    From AA batteries or rechargeable batteriesPowerBank

    You can recharge using regular batteries or batteries. To do this, take a box for 4 batteries. The output should be 6 volts. Check with a multimeter. The capacity of each individual energy source should be 1.5 volts. Observing the correct polarity, connect the wires from the assembled power bank to the phone battery and charge without the phone. Whether or not the battery is charged depends on the capacity of the energy sources.

    The circuit uses a 2 ohm resistor. This is required so that a voltage of 5 volts drops across the battery. But if you don’t install such a resistance, nothing will happen to the battery, since there is a controller.

    How to squeeze the last charge out of your phone battery without a phone?

    Sometimes it happens that you need to make one single call or go into the phone for a couple of minutes to look at some data. In this case, emergency measures will come to the rescue.

    Transparent tape for battery labels

    This method is simple and safe. It will help you squeeze out a charge for a couple of calls at home.

    Algorithm of actions:

    1. Turn off your mobile device.
    2. Remove the battery.
    3. Cover the battery contacts with tape.
    4. Reinstall the battery.

    This approach allows you to squeeze out a little charge and do the bare essentials.

    Heat and pressure

    These methods are suitable if there is a very extreme case. Most often, such methods damage the battery.

    • You take out the battery, heat the metal plate and place the battery on it. You can also use a stove, but it is too dangerous.
    • Deformation. The battery needs to be squeezed a little. For example, throw it on the floor or squeeze it with your hands.

    Attention! Refer to the operating instructions. It states what can be done with the battery and what is prohibited.

    What effect do these methods have on the phone's battery?

    The simplest and safest method is to charge through a frog. The option where regular batteries are used is also not harmful, but it is not very reliable. If the battery is already discharged initially, then nothing may come out. In addition, you will have to make a special case with protruding wires.

    Direct connection via a power supply is quite risky. If you neglect the parameters, you can damage the battery.

    Emergency methods are all dangerous, except for the adhesive tape method. Heating is harmful, but deformation is even worse. Too much force and you can damage the battery and not make a call.

    It is best to carry a charger or Power Bank with you.

    Many of us are familiar with the situation when the phone is discharged at such an inopportune moment that there is not even a charger at hand. Very often this can happen during a trip or a country picnic, when the charger is forgotten at home or for some reason it breaks down.

    Is it possible to charge a phone without a charger? Certainly! There are several simple ways, including using additional devices, with which you can “wake up” a dead phone.

    Method 1: Charge your phone via USB

    The easiest way is if you have a computer or laptop at hand, which can become a source of energy for a mobile gadget. Any smartphone comes with a USB cable. Keep it close to you, and in case your phone is left without charging, connect one end to the charger connector and the other to the USB port of your laptop or computer.

    Once connected, the USB connection menu will appear on the smartphone screen. Ignore it, the smartphone will still charge in any mode.

    Method 2: Charge your phone using a car charger

    This method is suitable for those who spend a lot of time on the road driving their car. Be sure to take care of purchasing a special car charger that powers the phone through the car cigarette lighter.

    Method 3: Charge your phone using Power Bank

    Power Bank is an external battery for charging mobile gadgets. It is a portable device with two connectors: a smartphone is charged via micro-USB, and the Power Bank itself is charged via a regular USB connector.

    Nowadays you can find a variety of Power Bank devices on the market. First of all, the user must select the capacity of the external battery. For example, with a 20,000 mAh Power Bank you can charge your phone at least five times.

    The price of such devices depends on capacity, compactness, as well as additional “chips”. This could be a charge indicator or a built-in solar panel that charges the Power Bank.

    Other Fly smartphones
    On our website you can find a catalog with other Fly smartphones on Android.

    Method 4: Charge your phone using the frog

    You can charge your phone without charging using a special “frog”. To do this, you need to remove the battery from the phone and connect it to the contacts of the device. If the indicator lights up, the polarity is correct. It can take about 2-3 hours to fully charge the battery through the frog. In this case, the “frog” itself automatically stops powering the battery when it is fully charged. After this, the indicator on the device should turn green.

    Method 5: Charge your phone without charging using X-life phone

    Some push-button phones have the X-life function, thanks to which such a phone can be used to charge a smartphone or other mobile gadget. X-life phones have a large battery capacity and are quite cheap. An example of such phones is available.

    We talked about the most common ways to charge a smartphone without a charger. Do you know any other similar tricks? Tell us about it in the comments to this article.