• What means can be used to wipe the monitor screen and how to do it correctly? What is the best way to wipe the screen of a home laptop

    As part of this article, I will tell you how to wipe the laptop screen, as well as provide a number of useful tips.

    If you have a laptop and you often use it, then you probably never once thought about the idea - if only you could clean the monitor from dust and grease stains. However, not everyone knows how to do it correctly, which, in principle, often becomes a stumbling block in this matter. After all, complex technology is always complex technology, and even more so in the case of a laptop, where changing the screen is not five minutes and not always possible at all.

    However, it turns out not everything is so complicated, which will be discussed in this article.

    Note: By the way, I also advise you to read the article How to clean a laptop from dust on your own, since you are going to clean it.

    What should not be used?

    And the first thing I will start my story with is what should not be used to immediately protect you from problems.

    So you can't use:

    1. Alcohol and alcohol-containing detergents (this item also includes solvents, etc.). Unlike CRT screens, where a small amount of alcohol was perfectly acceptable, the structure of today's screens includes an anti-reflective surface, which is corroded by alcohol.

    2. Sponges, terry towels and other hard pile fabrics. The point is not that after them there may be stains, but for the most part that scratches may occur corny

    3. Nails and in general any devices for scraping off dirt. Otherwise, you are simply scratching the surface of the screen.

    4. Ordinary paper napkins, toilet paper, etc., as their structure is rigid. The problems are similar to point 2. It is also possible that small particles will clog into hard-to-reach places.

    What can not be done when wiping the monitor?

    The following is a list of what not to do when wiping a laptop monitor:

    1. Do not press on the screen, you should only lightly touch. Remember that the screen is a large number of relatively fragile elements. Any excessive pressure can lead to problems such as dead pixels.

    2. Do not use dirty cloths and napkins (special). Dirt can contain hard, particulate matter that can easily scratch the screen.

    3. Do not use any powders. Any powder may not completely dissolve in water, as a result of which there will always be a risk of crystals that will readily scratch the monitor.

    4. Do not wipe the switched on device! In addition, it is advisable to wait until the screen has completely cooled down.

    5. If you use special products, be sure to check whether the screen surface to be cleaned is suitable. For example, matte and glossy monitors differ in the requirement for the amount of liquid (glossy ones need to be wiped more gently).

    6. Do not spray or apply gels directly onto the monitor screen. Since too thick concentration for a couple of seconds can affect the quality of the surface of the laptop and computer screen.

    How can I clean the screen of a laptop or computer?

    Now, consider how you can wipe the screen of a laptop or computer:

    1. Soft, lint-free cloths and cotton swabs (discs). They can be found anywhere.

    2. Cleaning gels and sprays.

    3. Specialized wet wipes that already contain fast-evaporating cleaning agents. I remind you that such wipes must contain water and must not contain alcohol or acetone (solvent).

    4. Napkins and microfiber fabrics. They not only gently remove dust from LCD screens, but also contain special fibers that allow you to remove some of the bacteria.

    5. Special brushes with very soft bristles for removing dust. Of course, they are less effective than the same wipes, but they are reusable.

    Standard Methods for Wiping a Laptop or Computer Screen

    Now, let's look at two standard methods for wiping a laptop or computer screen. Of course, there are more of them, but these are among the most common.

    Note: Be sure to read cleaning products or tissue labels as they may have specific cleaning instructions.

    Method one - at home

    This option is suitable for almost everyone. You will need:

    1. Two bowls. One with warm water. The second with soapy water. Soap should be used specifically for children, as it practically does not contain harmful chemicals. And it also has a softer alkaline environment, compared to the usual one.

    2. Cotton pads and microfiber cloths. You can get by with only microfiber cloths.

    The process of cleaning the laptop screen:

    1. Gently remove dust from the screen. This item must be done with dry rags or discs (you can use a brush with a very soft bristle). The bottom line is that otherwise any dispersed particles can get stuck in the fabric when wiping.

    2. Slightly dampen a cloth (cotton pads) and wipe the monitor.

    3. Now, lightly dampen another cloth with soapy water and gently clean off greasy fingerprints and just stains.

    4. Take another cloth and dampen it slightly. Wipe the screen.

    5. Now, use a dry rag to wipe off any excess liquid.

    Note: Be sure to keep an eye on the amount of moisture, as water that has rolled down may seep inside.

    Note: Turn on your laptop or monitor only after the screen is completely dry.

    Method two - special tools

    By and large, this method does not differ much from the previous one, except that a gel or spray will be used instead of a soap solution. Therefore, here I will talk about some precautions and nuances.

    1. After carrying out the entire cleaning procedure, it is worth walking with a cotton swab over all hard-to-reach places in order to collect the remnants of special equipment. But, you need to be careful, as cotton wool can get inside the laptop or monitor.

    2. Be sure to read the instructions. In the case of a gel, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the dosage so that in the end you do not apply too alkaline or acidic medium. In the case of a spray, it must be applied only on a rag, in no case on the monitor screen! When doing this, be sure to follow the instructions for the distance so that the spray is distributed more evenly on a rag or napkin.

    While using a computer or laptop, dust particles settle on its plane, greasy spots or even insect remains appear. Therefore, it must be periodically cleaned using specially designed tools.

    How to wipe a laptop screen at home

    If the laptop screen is dirty, it needs to be cleaned with suitable products.

    To wipe the laptop display at home, the following devices are recommended:

    • Wet wipes. Should be designed only to clean the monitor from dirt particles, do not have lint and do not contain alcohol impregnations. It is better to choose soaked in ordinary water, they do not leave marks. Glossy surfaces are more finicky, they need to be cleaned with special care, without immediately covering a large area. It is necessary to carefully wipe the corners of the screen - a lot of dust usually accumulates there.
    • Dry wipes. Use after a damp cloth to get rid of streaks and dust residue. They can also be used as an independent tool. However, in a specialized store it is better to buy a set of dry and wet at once.
    • Computer Screen Cleaning Kit. It includes a spray to remove dirt from the display, a few dry wipes. It is forbidden to spray the liquid directly onto the computer, it is better to soak a piece of cloth with it, and then wipe the plane with it. This method is recommended to avoid staining and reduce the risk of short circuits. Another napkin is used dry.
    • Textile. Microfiber is considered an ideal material for wiping a monitor. It collects dust, removes stains and grease stains without damaging the surface, thanks to its structure. It is better to use two pieces of cloth at once: the first - wet washes, and the second - dry removes stains. You can also use cotton fabric. In any case, the cuts of matter should be damp, not wet, so that there are no streaks after them.
    • Good quality cotton pads. High quality is important so as not to leave cotton particles on the screen that will be difficult to remove.
    • The material for washing the monitor should not be electrified. Also, before cleaning, make sure that it is clean.

      What tools can be used

      Often, to wipe a laptop, they use a piece of ordinary material moistened with water. However, this method will not cope with serious pollution, in this case it is better to use special tools:

      • gels: Profiline flat clean, Buro bu-gscreen;
      • sprays: Buro bu Sscreen, Cactus CS-S3002;
      • wipes impregnated with the composition: Buro bu - Tscrl, Fellowers FS-99703.

      It is better to give preference to specialized fabrics sold in computer accessories stores, whose action is aimed at removing stains. Due to their special structure, they are able to cope with pollution of any degree of complexity.

      Folk ways to clean a laptop display

      Hard-to-reach places can be cleaned with a cotton swab

      If there is a need, and there is no special tool for cleaning a laptop or computer at hand, you can apply folk methods.

      You can wash the monitor ordinary soap solution. To prepare it, you need 2-3 tbsp. l. liquid soap and a glass of warm water. Moisten a cotton pad in the prepared mixture and treat the screen, then wipe dry with a dry cloth or other disc.

      Similar properties to soap vinegar, it is better to use table with a concentration of 5%. It is necessary to prepare a solution containing 0.1 l of water from the filter and 10 ml of vinegar. Dip a cosmetic disc into this mixture and clean the surface of dirt, then get rid of residual moisture with a dry cloth.

      To remove dust from the monitor, you can use plastic bag which, thanks to static electricity, will attract dirt particles. Polyethylene should be put on the hand and run over the desired surface. It is possible to enhance the effect by first rubbing the bag with a synthetic cloth. Applies similarly balloon, just rub it on wool or hair.

      By mixing 100-120 ml of warm water with a third or a quarter of a teaspoon citric acid, You can also effectively clean the laptop from dust.

      To remove dirt from hard-to-reach places, you can use cotton buds. With their help, it is easy to access the corners of the screen.

      Traces of ink on the screen can be removed using a regular school eraser. Scrub the stain with a little force, then clean the screen with a tissue or use another product to remove the eraser stains.

      How to wipe the monitor so as not to damage it

      In order not to be mistaken in the choice of means for cleaning the laptop screen, it is better to buy a special kit

      There are a few rules to follow when cleaning the display:

      • You need to start washing by first turning off the computer and waiting for it to cool down.
      • The use of terry towels is not recommended. They are very rough for an LCD panel and can cause damage and leave lint particles that are difficult to get rid of.
      • Do not use sponges for washing dishes, they leave a lot of streaks.
      • You need to be careful when using paper napkins and not let them get wet. Otherwise, the paper will begin to dissolve, and its remnants will clog the corners of the monitor and microcracks.
      • It is strictly forbidden to try to scrub the dirt with nails or any hard devices. Doing so may cause minor scratches, cracks, and abrasion of the anti-reflective coating.
      • Do not forcefully press the surface of the screen when washing it.
      • After cleaning, you must wait until the matrix is ​​completely dry and only then turn on the PC.

      If food, drinks, paint or varnish gets on the monitor, they should be removed immediately before they dry out, and the surface should be washed thoroughly.

      Preventing laptop screen pollution

      Protective film will protect the laptop screen from dirt

      In order to avoid contamination, you can use a protective film. This device is one of the best tools that can keep the display clean and get rid of scratches on it. It can be used both on touch screens and on conventional ones. In addition, the film will minimize contact with a surface that is not intended for this.

      A tablet or phone can be protected from excessive contamination by using a case.

      At home, it is important to wipe the laptop monitor regularly. It is enough to wash the device every week and, if necessary, wipe the dust every 2-3 days. Otherwise, there is a chance even with special materials and means to harm and scratch or erase the special coating of the screen, which protects it from damage, and the eyes from glare.

    Every owner of a computer or laptop at least once wondered how to wipe the laptop screen so that there are no streaks and dirt left. In addition to the fact that dust settles on the computer screen, there are more significant contaminants, for example, greasy stains. It is not possible to qualitatively clean dirt from the display using only a damp cloth or napkins. It is advisable to use special cleaning or proven improvised means. In addition, on the shelves of stores you can find various types of liquids for cleaning the monitor.

    How can you wipe a computer monitor?

    Consider two types of materials for cleaning a computer monitor:

    1. Soft rags made from lint-free fabric and cotton pads or sticks can be easily found in any store.
    2. Cleaning sprays and gels are more expensive in cost, but very effective. It is better to purchase such funds in specialized stores.

    Despite the wide range of cleaning products, there are two ways to clean the display from dirt.

    Method 1

    The first method is available to everyone, as it does not require serious costs and efforts. It is necessary to make a soapy solution and stock up on microfiber rags. Then prepare two bowls - with warm water and soapy water.

    After that, you need to perform the following algorithm of actions:

    Method 2

    The second method involves the use of special store tools. The principle of operation is the same as in the previous version. The only difference is that it will be necessary to use not a soap solution, but a spray or gel.

    Important! As for the spray, you should spray it on a rag at a certain distance from the screen (usually the instructions are written on the spray package).

    When cleaning dirt from hard-to-reach places using cotton buds, you need to be very careful, as cotton wool can get under the computer display. This can significantly degrade the performance of the device.

    How to wipe a computer monitor at home?

    Owners of computers or laptops who are not able to buy a special detergent often wonder how to wipe the screen at home? Ordinary baby soap is considered the most effective and proven remedy, since it does not contain harmful chemicals. You should stock up on several dense cotton pads and a bar of soap. We rub the slightly damp disks with soap and wipe the screen. From such manipulations, of course, there will be divorces. Removing them is easy, you need to use wet cotton pads, and then a dry cloth. The result of cleaning is noticeable almost immediately, because the monitor dries very quickly.

    What is the best way to clean the screen of a home laptop?

    There are several effective ways to clean a laptop display. Let's look at a few commonly used methods:

    • Wet wipes from the computer store are very effective at removing various types of dirt on the monitor. The main thing - pay attention to the impregnation of napkins, it is very important that they are saturated with water. Impregnation must not contain alcohol or acetone.
    • Laptop display cleaning kit. It includes a special spray, wipes and a dust brush. When cleaning the screen, never spray. It is recommended that you first apply it on a napkin, and only then start wiping the monitor.
    • When cleaning the screen, the soap solution mentioned above is very effective.

    What should not be used?

    It is necessary to exclude the use of the following compositions and materials:

    1. Cloth with a hard pile, sponges, terry towels - when they are used, lint and streaks will remain on the laptop screen. In addition, there is a very high risk of scratches.
    2. Do not buy detergents containing alcohol, as they will dissolve the structure of the monitor. When using alcohol-containing products, the service life of the device is reduced.
    3. Do not scrape the dirt off the monitor with your fingernails as this will scratch the surface.
    4. It is not recommended to use ordinary paper napkins. They get very wet when in contact with water and get into hard-to-reach places.

    If you remember these rules every time you clean the screen, you will keep the aesthetic appearance of your monitor for many years, as well as extend its life.

    Dust cleaning

    To maintain the cleanliness of equipment, it is always necessary to clean up contaminants in a timely manner:

    • Dust can be removed using dry cotton pads or a lint-free cloth.
    • One of the best options are microfiber cloths. They carefully remove dust not only from LCD screens, but also from glasses, cameras and discs. The main advantage of such wipes is that their structure contains special fibers that pull not only dust, but also bacteria from surfaces.
    • Some use brushes with very soft bristles to remove dust from a laptop or computer display. This method is less effective than using special computer wipes.

    Folk remedies for cleaning the screen

    In addition to soap solution, you can use vinegar solution. To prepare it, you need:

    • About 100 ml of filtered water.
    • 10 ml of six percent vinegar.
    • Mix everything carefully.

    Next, you should dip a cotton pad into the solution, squeeze it well and wipe the display. Remove stains with dry microfiber cloths. Using this method, you can easily clean the laptop screen at home.

    For quality care, the following recommendations should be considered:

    1. When cleaning, it is not recommended to use strong pressure on the screen.
    2. Use only clean napkins and rags.
    3. Remove dirt from hard-to-reach places with cotton swabs.
    4. Do not use powders or solvents when removing dirt from the display.
    5. Before washing the monitor, be sure to unplug the device from the mains.

    From the article you will learn: How to wipe the screen at home, is it possible to do it with a damp cloth, how to avoid streaks and keep the monitor clean. + a couple of tips.

    Before wiping the screen, please do not be too lazy to turn it off! And after the procedure is completed, let it dry.

    The choice of material.

    Microfiber. That is what should be used. Not KhBeshka, nor cotton, nor even a holey sock (alas) will not work. A microfiber cloth costs 50 rubles maximum. Sold in all hardware stores, grocery stores (such as "Pyaterochka"). As a last resort, wet sanitary napkins can be used, but make sure they do not contain alcohol.

    This fabric is extremely effective due to its structure.

    Sometimes, these wipes already come in sets, along with a cleansing spray - a useful thing, and relatively inexpensive. I did not notice any special differences in manufacturers, buy the one that is cheaper.

    Please note that when wiping the screen, applying the spray directly to the monitor surface is strictly prohibited! They need to splash on a napkin, exclusively on it!

    To wipe without streaks, it is enough to observe a couple of nuances:

    1. After cleaning with a damp cloth, use a dry one. In a circular motion, covering as much area as possible.

    2. If you use not a spray, but ordinary water or another liquid (most importantly, without alcohol, white spirit and other solvents, for obvious reasons, are also not suitable). So, using water, you should not wet the napkin abundantly. It is enough just to moisten it a little.

    (in red box) If you ignore this, you risk that water drops will fall into the junction between the matrix and the frame. In this case, all your movements should go from the bottom up, and not vice versa, again because of this.

    What we DO NOT use:

    Partially mentioned, but I repeat: 1. avoid using toilet paper or paper towels (the fact is that they can contain particles of wood, and this threatens to scratch.

    2. Glass cleaners - leave it for glasses, for all the apparent similarity, the monitor surface requires much more delicate handling.

    Interesting on the blog:

    The more often the device is used, the more dust, dirt and insect marks accumulate on the monitor. This may have a negative impact on the operation of the computer. Therefore, the display must be cleaned regularly. This can be done at home, however, in order not to harm the laptop screen, certain rules must be followed.

    When cleaning the screen or monitor, it is strictly forbidden to use:

    • terry towels;
    • ordinary paper napkins;
    • foam sponge;
    • rough cloth.

    Towels and paper napkins leave fluff and paper particles on the screen, and a rough cloth scratches the surface. Foam sponges guarantee the appearance of streaks after cleaning the monitor.

    Also, be sure to familiarize yourself with the list of actions that will help to avoid unpleasant consequences:

    1. Do not wipe the display while the device is in operation. The fact is that the screen heats up, and liquids instantly dry on it: water, soap suds, etc. As a result, moisture seeps into the internal parts of the laptop, reducing the life of the equipment.
    2. Never use dishwashing detergent or window cleaner. These substances corrode the coating of the monitor.
    3. Do not try to wipe off dirt with a knife, blade or rough cloth. At best, the screen will be scratched. At worst, the monitor will fail.
    4. Glossy screens require a more delicate approach than matte ones. Therefore, when wiping a glossy display, a damp cloth needs to be squeezed out more carefully, and at one time try to cover the maximum area.
    5. Do not use alcohol-based solutions as they will destroy the anti-reflective film.

    By avoiding these mistakes, you can clean your monitor without harming your computer.

    Here are some helpful tips to help you clean your laptop screen effectively and safely:

    1. Microfiber cloths work well for removing dust.
    2. When wiping the monitor, you should make movements in different directions, without applying force.
    3. The more often a computer is used, the more often the need arises.
    4. To remove dust and dirt from hard-to-reach places, you can use cotton swabs. It is important not to press them on the screen, otherwise the cotton wool may remain in the corners of the display, which will greatly reduce the performance of the laptop.
    5. The materials used to clean the monitor must be clean, not too damp, and must not contain alcohol.
    6. Before you start washing the screen, you need to make sure that the computer is turned off. You can wipe the display only after the device has completely cooled down.

    You can turn on the laptop only when the monitor is completely dry.

    Types of pollution

    The method of cleaning the screen will depend on the type of contamination.

    Most often, dust accumulates on the monitor, greasy fingerprints and traces of insects remain.


    The easiest way to deal with ordinary dust. To do this, wipe the display with a dry or slightly damp microfiber cloth. In addition, you can use flannel or napkins purchased from a specialized store.

    You can also clean the monitor with cling film. Dust sticks to it, getting off the screen.

    You can remove dust from the processor with a brush or even a vacuum cleaner with low power. The main thing is to act very carefully and make sure that the device has completely cooled down.

    Grease stains and traces of insects

    Often, unpleasant spots appear on the screen - traces of flies. You can try to wash them off with a damp microfiber cloth. Be sure to squeeze out excess moisture. Do not put pressure on the display by wiping it with a cloth.

    A computer monitor cleaning kit can be purchased from a specialized store. This kit includes: a special spray, napkins and brushes. But if there is no desire to spend a lot of money on a purchase, then you can resort to folk recipes that allow you to effectively wipe the laptop screen at home.

    A soapy solution helps with greasy stains and fingerprints on the monitor. It is best to use baby soap. For this:

    1. Soak a flannel or microfiber cloth in water. Then lather it up and wring it out thoroughly. If there is too much moisture, then soap suds can seep around the corners of the monitor onto the internal parts of the laptop. This threatens to short circuit.
    2. Gently wipe the screen without applying pressure.
    3. Rinse the cloth well and wring it out again.
    4. Rinse the monitor a few more times until the soap solution is completely removed.

    Do not splash water on the screen. It can get on the matrix housing located under the monitor. As a result, stripes will appear on the screen.

    Instead of soap, you can use vinegar:

    • mix 10 ml of 6% vinegar and 100 ml of pure water;
    • moisten a microfiber cloth in the prepared solution and wring it out thoroughly;
    • wipe the screen without applying force;
    • clean dirt in hard-to-reach places with cotton swabs.

    This method makes it easy to clean the monitor from dirt.


    Equipment must be handled with care and delicacy. For cleaning, use suitable lint-free materials and liquids that do not contain aggressive substances. Regular care helps to improve the performance of the device and extend its life.