• Which tablet is better? When tablets were exotic... For those who think the iPad was the first What is a tablet and how to use it

    The last five years have seen a new trend in the development of electronics. Modern mobile devices with wide functionality and multidisciplinary scope of application have come to the fore. Based on the size of these gadgets, they can be divided into two “camps”: smartphones and tablets. Often, the only difference between the two specified types of devices is the screen size, while all other technical characteristics and software may be identical.

    Smartphone vs tablet

    The first type of device is used mainly as a telephone for making calls and receiving SMS messages. But if we consider a tablet with the function of a cell phone, the difference between the devices almost disappears. And then the only main advantages of smartphones over tablets are their light weight and small size, allowing them to easily fit into clothing pockets.

    At the same time, a display with a larger diagonal and better resolution opens up broad perspectives for the user. The larger the screen of a tablet device, the easier it is to work with images and correct photos, watch movies and TV series in good quality, and it is much more pleasant to play games when it is possible to consider all the nuances of high-quality graphics. Also, do not forget that a tablet with an e-reader function is much preferable to a smartphone.

    That's how the stars aligned

    As many of you have already guessed, this article will talk about what functions a tablet has that make this type of gadget so popular. But first I would like to say a few words about its internal structure and configuration. Many factors coincided for this device in its current form to come into being - the development of computer technology, mobile phones, reducing the energy consumption of components and increasing battery capacity. We will try to consider what a tablet is, and we will also describe its functions. Let’s identify the main source of pricing and consider promising development vectors for the coming years.

    Is a tablet an evolved laptop?

    No matter how strange it may sound, both tablets and smartphones are a logical evolution of an entire class of electronic computers. In order not to delve into the history of the term, let's draw some analogy with conventional computers.

    As part of the system unit, using the motherboard, a processor, RAM cells, video, sound and network cards, sources of permanent memory, etc. are assembled into a single system. With the development of microelectronics, some of them no longer needed to be connected as separate components. Controllers have appeared built directly into motherboard chipsets, performing tasks that were previously handled by separately connected cards. In most modern laptops this is implemented exactly this way, which has made it possible to significantly reduce the dimensions of the devices.

    With the advent of touch-sensitive screens, laptops were transformed into tablet computers, but the first models were quite expensive. In parallel with this, mobile phones became more complex; the miniaturization of electronics allowed them to increase functionality without a significant increase in weight and size. But something completely different has brought computer and mobile equipment to different shores.

    Impact of cell phone development

    The answer to the question of what a tablet is and what its functions are is not so simple. It is worth noting that in addition to the development of computer technology, mobile phones have had a great influence on these gadgets.

    Earlier models coped well only with the direct functions of receiving/making calls and SMS messages. But the cell phones produced in the early 2000s became the closest to modern analogues. They had color screens, high-quality sound and the first built-in cameras. New technologies were gradually integrated; towards the end of the 2000s, pocket personal computers became widespread. Often their functionality was expanded through the introduction of a GPS module, support for Wi-Fi and Bluetooth.

    New communication standards appeared and increased accordingly; cellular networks supporting 3G connections emerged. The growth of mobile Internet traffic has revealed the need for a larger screen to view email and news feeds. But the only drawback was the inconvenient management and scattering of operating systems. Sometimes each device had its own special axis with a limited set of built-in functions. And attempts to expand the scope of application by installing third-party programs sometimes encountered conflicts between settings and equipment.

    Is a tablet a logical continuation of a smartphone?

    One of the answers to the request that existed at that time was the first iPhone from Apple - convenient finger control on a capacitive screen, various operating options depending on the position of the device. There is no need for a keyboard, only a small number of function keys remain. All other controls were solved by software through the implementation of multi-touch gestures on the touch-sensitive screen. These and many other advanced technologies were controlled by the proprietary iOS operating system. Naturally, the iPhone quickly gained popularity, but again the problem of cost arose.

    Other manufacturers wanted to repeat this success. They only lacked a single platform that would allow them to realize the full potential inherent in the hardware.

    Microsoft did not want to lose its leading position in the industry, and promoted its operating system - Windows mobile - in the mobile segment.

    But when Google released Android OS, there was a quantum leap in the budget smartphone segment. This mobile operating system is distributed absolutely free of charge; the only thing left for equipment manufacturers to do is to create firmware that matches the configuration of the equipment used in the device.

    Thus, everything was ready for the advent of tablets, the only problem remaining was energy consumption. Even now, a tablet is inferior to a smartphone in terms of operating time on a single battery charge when performing tasks of a similar class. The thing is that increasing the display, accordingly, led to faster battery consumption.

    The birth of the tablet

    Finally, in 2010, technological development reached the limit that allowed the birth of tablets in their modern form of presentation. It was then that the concept was determined, along the development path of which all current devices of this type are moving.

    In the spring of 2010, the 9-inch iPad from Apple was released. And already in the fall, Samsung tablets were hot on its heels, the functions of which were in no way inferior to their competitors due to being based on the Android operating system version 2.2. In many ways, the first Galaxy Tab was interesting because it was a tablet with a cell phone function, while the first Apple tablet had this feature cut out at the software level. Only a subsequent jailbreak made it possible to unblock receiving calls and SMS, and only after installing the appropriate application.

    Of course, these features are typical only for tablets that support 3G data transfer technology. While the Wi-Fi-only models of both devices were suitable for performing a similar class of tasks: watching videos, listening to music, surfing the Internet, reading books, working with documents, playing exciting games.

    Otherwise, the functions of the Samsung tablet were not inferior to those of the Apple gadget. Pragmatic application developers often duplicated their products for devices on different platforms, for example, the same games about angry birds and the like.

    What is a tablet and its functions

    We tried to figure out what ideas formed the basis of modern tablets and what technological basis they are based on. To summarize all of the above, the tablet is the result of adapting the evolutionary achievements of hardware components with a wide implementation of the software part. As can be seen from the history of technology development, there has long been a demand for devices that operate on the “all-in-one” principle. And the affordable price for electronic components and the intuitive interface between humans and technology have made tablets so widespread.

    What determines the functions of a gadget

    All devices have mandatory hardware that is directly or indirectly responsible for the direct operation of the tablet, and additional modules that expand the scope of their application. The presence of the latter is rather a pleasant bonus than a vital necessity. But they have an important function of attracting buyers, promising multidisciplinary use of the device without any significant additional payment.

    There is an obvious need for a processor, RAM and other system-critical equipment for the tablet to function properly. But the GPS module, which allows you to use the device as a navigator, is not available everywhere. A symbiosis manifests itself here, in which the presence of technical capabilities is used to operate applications such as navigators (Navitel or Yandex.Navigator), area maps (for example, from Google) or a combined function of a help system (2GIS).

    Also, a slot for a SIM card of a mobile cellular operator in networks using 3G UMTS or 4G LTE technology is not provided in all devices. But it depends on whether you purchased a tablet with a call function or without it.

    Other data transmission technologies are also important. The ability to connect to the Internet via Wi-Fi has become practically basic. This was partly facilitated by the spread of free wireless access points in public places: cafes, restaurants, subways and parks.

    Bluetooth is now rarely used to directly transfer files between devices, only in extreme cases, in the absence of a wired connection to a computer or the impossibility of connecting to wireless networks. But as a method of wirelessly connecting headphones or a headset, it is also very popular. And these are just the most common connected devices. Sometimes it comes to exotic things like scales that transmit information to a smartphone or tablet about how much a person weighs.

    Whether the camera has a flash or not determines whether the gadget can be used as a flashlight.

    How is a tablet with an e-reader function implemented? Applications take on the main task. Some of them are already installed by the equipment manufacturer along with the firmware, while others can be installed from the application store.

    What depends on the type of OS

    The number of applications available to you depends on the mobile operating system. Modern tablets are implemented on three platforms; at first glance they may look similar, but they all have their own nuances that determine the differences and advantages. Let's look at them in more detail.

    • Android is perhaps the most common. The number of Market applications that expand the functions of the Android tablet is simply enormous.
    • iOS is also quite popular among mobile program developers. But there is a natural limitation: the Apple Store is intended only for Apple devices.
    • Windows RT, by its architecture, has nothing to do with the desktop operating system from Microsoft. The number of devices running on it is not so large, and accordingly, developers are not so actively seeking to transfer their programs to this platform.

    Tablets now and in the future

    We looked at it, and its functions were also not ignored. I would also like to characterize the current technological level of these gadgets, the features of their pricing, and outline development trends.

    To consider the first two points, let's take Lenovo brand products. Currently, there is a conditional division between tablets with a screen diagonal of about 6-8 inches and their larger counterparts with a display of 9-11 inches.

    If we talk about the first type of gadgets, they are mainly intended for constant wear (like, for example, the Lenovo tablet). Functions, as usual, depend on the hardware configuration and the use of applications from the Android Market. It is possible to make calls both in third generation cellular networks and via Skype. The latter are implemented when connecting to the Internet through a mobile operator or wireless data transfer technology.

    Check email, search for necessary information, listen to music, play games, work with text documents, read e-books, create and process photos and videos - all this can be done by tablet owners. As a rule, such devices do not have a separate keyboard, only some The screen is enclosed in a frame for comfortable holding. The price, as a rule, is directly proportional to the screen size and the amount of built-in memory.

    Tablets with a larger matrix can be of two types, depending on the architecture of the processor used. The first ones, running on Android, are no different from smaller devices, except for the screen size, which dictates pricing.

    The functions of a Lenovo tablet running on full-fledged Windows are much more diverse, and they are even more widely used. In fact, these are not exactly tablets; here the analogy is closer with netbooks that support displays with touchscreen function. This is a very promising direction of development, in which the most advantageous combinations of mobile and computer technology merge. This is a good solution for travel, when both size and functionality matter, but the price is comparable to an average laptop. The configuration and cost of the pre-installed operating system affect the final price tag.

    If you want to save money first of all, they usually advise you to take a closer look at devices from mobile operators. They are interested in selling you a tablet at the lowest price, often even slightly below their cost. Their benefit is that together with the gadget you enter into an agreement for communication services. Sometimes this is expressed in the fact that the subscriber’s account is automatically replenished with the amount of the discount; this is how the mechanism for purchasing such a device as the Megafon tablet is implemented. Its functions are somewhat limited, there is no camera, but the low price and stable communication reception more than compensate for all the disadvantages. After installing the appropriate applications, its capabilities are significantly expanded.

    Tablets are well suited for the following tasks: online communication, mobile games and content consumption (reading books, viewing websites, videos, TV series and films). Some devices are also very convenient for office work.

    The best tablet is the one that best suits your needs. You need to build on them so as not to make a mistake. Think about what exactly you are going to do on your tablet. This will help you choose the right characteristics of your future gadget.

    Select operating system


    Among Android devices, the easiest way to find an inexpensive, but at the same time productive and high-quality tablet. In addition, users have access to a huge number of services, games and programs for a variety of tasks. And enthusiasts have a lot of opportunities to customize the system for themselves.

    However, most gadgets on this platform do not receive timely updates. As a result, the latest features and bug fixes appear on devices with a delay or do not reach them at all.


    All new iOS devices are in the upper price segment. But these are always premium-class devices with up-to-date characteristics and trend-setting design. Owners of iOS tablets, to put it mildly, are not deprived of programs, games and services. Devices based on this system receive regular updates for several years after they appear on the market.

    Windows 10

    Windows hasn't caught on on smartphones, but it's doing much better on tablets. The tenth version of this system turns the tablet into a full-fledged laptop replacement. Especially if you connect a keyboard and mouse to it.

    Owners of Windows 10 tablets have fewer apps available than users of other platforms. But they can install full-fledged desktop games and programs, including the Microsoft Office suite. And this is a huge plus for those who need a tablet for work.

    If you use, you will quickly figure out how to use a tablet on the same OS.

    Windows 10 + Android

    There are also tablets that have two operating systems installed at once. By purchasing, you can switch between Windows 10 and Android at any convenient time.

    Decide on display size

    Based on the length of the screen diagonal, tablets can be divided into three categories: compact (7–8 inches), medium (9–10 inches) and large (11–12 inches).

    1. Compact tablets Great for communication, most games, reading books and surfing the web outside the home. They're more convenient than smartphones for these tasks when you're not on the go. But still, a 7-8-inch display diagonal is not always enough to view PDF documents or enjoy TV series and movies.
    2. Medium tablets- the optimal combination between mobility and accessible capabilities. Such devices cannot be put in your pocket, but they are often more powerful than their smaller counterparts and are more convenient for viewing multimedia content and playing games. They can also be used when the laptop is not at hand.
    3. Large tablets not much yet. They are the most productive and also best suited for business tasks due to their screen size and accessories. But at the same time, it’s difficult to call them portable. In addition, such devices are the most expensive.

    Choose a form factor

    Classic tablets are monolithic devices with no moving parts. Many of them can be connected to accessories such as keyboards and mice. An indicative example is on iOS, for which they sell a keyboard case with a stand. Once you purchase such a device, you can use it for most business tasks.

    In addition, there are hybrids of tablets and laptops. They are also called transformers. An example is the Lenovo Yoga Book on Windows 10 or Android. The device looks like an ultrabook. But if you move the panel with the keys to the back wall of the screen, the gadget will become a tablet.

    Hybrid owners can easily switch between work and entertainment functions, but classic tablets usually cost less.

    Understand the characteristics

    Resolution and screen matrix

    Screen resolution is measured by the number of pixels it consists of. The higher this parameter, the sharper the image. Therefore, it is very important for a tablet.

    You definitely shouldn’t take a device with a resolution of less than 1,920 × 1,080 (or Full HD) pixels. And if you are interested in tablets with a display diagonal of 9 inches or larger, then it is very advisable to choose an even higher resolution. But remember that the cost of the gadget greatly depends on this indicator.

    The matrix is ​​the technology on which the screen is based. The overall image quality depends on it, so it is better not to neglect this parameter. Take a closer look at tablets with IPS (PLS) or OLED (AMOLED, Super AMOLED) matrices. They provide a better picture. The other options are cheaper, but are much inferior in quality.

    The pixels of a working OLED display can be turned off completely. In this way, they transmit images with true black color. In this regard, the OLED matrix has no equal, and in addition, it consumes less energy than IPS. On the other hand, OLED displays are more expensive.

    The best way to choose between IPS and OLED is to place two tablets side by side and view the same images on them. If you notice a difference, choose the type of matrix that you think will do the job better.


    The speed of the tablet largely depends on the architecture and frequency of the processor, as well as the amount of RAM. But if you are not going to use the gadget for 3D games or professional graphics work, then do not get hung up on these components.

    Even average hardware by modern standards is sufficient for most user tasks. In addition, if the manufacturer has poorly optimized the software, the tablet can slow down even with a top-end processor and a large amount of RAM on board. This is especially true for Android devices.

    To determine whether the device is powerful enough for your needs, it is best to pick it up before purchasing and test it: feel the interface, open several sites, launch a video or game.

    As a last resort, you can see how the tablet reacts to these actions in video reviews.

    Wireless technology support

    The more wireless technologies a gadget supports, the more capabilities it has for transmitting and receiving data.

    If you plan to use the device mainly in the office and at home, then most likely the Wi-Fi module, which is present in all tablets, will be enough for you. If you plan to use network functions on the road, then buy a device that supports LTE (4G) networks.

    You may be connecting headphones, keyboards, mice, and other wireless devices to your tablet. In this case, choose a device that supports the Bluetooth wireless standard no lower than version 4.0. This will ensure fast data exchange with accessories with minimal load on the battery.

    Storage size

    Storage capacity determines the amount of data the tablet can hold. If you are buying a device for web surfing, communication, etc., then 16 GB of internal memory will be enough for you.

    But to store music and movies on your gadget, install games and many programs, you will need much more free space. The required size depends only on your appetite.

    The size of the storage significantly affects the cost of the tablet. To save money, you can choose a device with a small amount of built-in memory, but with a slot for a large SD card. It is convenient to store music and video files, as well as data from some programs. But keep in mind that iOS gadgets do not support memory cards.

    Battery capacity

    The battery life of the tablet depends on the battery capacity. But based on the value of this parameter, it is difficult to judge how often you will have to charge the device.

    At the same time, on manufacturers’ websites you can often read how many hours a device can withstand in a particular operating mode. Take this indicator as a guide. For example, Apple traditionally indicates in the specifications of its iPads that they are designed for 10 hours of web surfing, watching videos or listening to music. A very good indicator for a tablet.

    Don’t forget to check the manufacturer’s statements with, which are often present in reviews of gadgets from independent publications.

    Camera options

    Manufacturers and sellers focus on the number of megapixels of a camera, as if this indicator entirely determines the quality of videos and pictures. This is not true, so don't be fooled by the big numbers.

    In addition, cameras in tablets are not as important as in smartphones. Due to its size, the tablet is simply inconvenient to use as a video camera or photo camera.

    What you need to pay attention to is the presence of a front camera. Without it, you will not be able to communicate via video. And to at least roughly assess the quality of the camera on the selected tablet, look for samples of photographs and videos taken by it on the Internet. If the device is popular, it will not be difficult to find such information.

    Hello, dear readers of the Start-Luck blog. Not all that glitters is gold. Just like not all technological products that many people use are useful. Do we need to look far for examples? Surely everyone can name two or three products that, even though they are used everywhere, you would not buy for yourself.

    “A spinner, a toaster, a sandwich maker - even if others use them and call them at least 1000 times useful, personally they are not suitable for me. I wouldn't spend even a penny on them." However, today we will not talk about them.

    In this article I want to tell you about what tablets are for. I will tell you why and for whom they are needed, whether the tablet is suitable for working on the Internet, and much more that will definitely be useful to you. By the end of the publication, you will be able to decide whether you really need a tablet or whether it is better to save yourself from unnecessary expenses.

    What is a tablet really?

    To be honest, I've owned a variety of tablets ranging from the most expensive to the incredibly cheap. Despite this, don’t expect me to start talking about their necessity, importance and usefulness right now. I tend to admit my mistakes and try to be objective.

    For starters. What is a tablet? This is a large smartphone, the main task of which is not making calls, but all other functions - games, applications, e-reader, and so on. You can view news and publish your own photos.

    Through a tablet, as a rule, you can also communicate via telephony, but you can also use Skype to communicate with friends and acquaintances via the Internet using a camera. The main thing is that there is a slot for a SIM card inside the device. Pay attention to this when choosing a gadget, otherwise you will only be able to connect to the Internet via Wi-Fi. This is extremely inconvenient. The tablet is no longer 100% mobile.

    Samsung tablets are considered very good. Please note Galaxy Tab A 7.0″ 8Gb . It is not very big, but comfortable and functional. Naturally with a SIM card slot.

    Alternative to PC and smartphone

    If you're thinking about buying a tablet to use instead of a phone, as I once did, I'll tell you right away that it's not a good idea.

    The tablet is still larger than a regular phone, and it is not very convenient to carry it with you. After a week or two, you will get tired of it and either buy yourself a regular smartphone, or stop constantly taking your tablet with you. In my opinion, this gadget is not suitable as an alternative to a telephone.

    There are also those who want to use a tablet as an alternative to a laptop. For example, at one time I wanted to write articles, taking with me not a heavy PC, but a small gadget. I think many people have thought about this too. And again, the tablet itself does not perform well in this matter.

    The on-screen keyboard does not allow you to type quickly, your work slows down, and you begin to lose your temper. Fortunately, ordering a wireless keyboard for your tablet will not be a problem. It turns the gadget into a quite decent small laptop that is convenient to carry with you. For copywriters who like to work outside the home, this is a good solution.

    However, you should not forget about the specifics of the tablet. There are versions of special programs for PC that will not be installed on Android or iOS. You will have to use which ones to install instead of the usual Office, Photoshop, and so on.

    A tablet cannot 100 percent be called a good alternative to a computer. This is an independent thing that is needed if you need, excuse the tautology, a tablet.

    When and who needs a tablet?

    If you have small children, then a tablet is an irreplaceable thing. You can turn on cartoons and all sorts of videos from YouTube, but at the same time you don’t have to worry too much about the baby’s eyesight, or the fact that he will somehow break something in it.

    On a laptop, a child finds a thousand buttons that are so wonderful to press. This doesn't happen with a tablet. By the age when the baby begins to figure out where and why to press, his interest in destruction fades a little. He already understands that this thing is quite important and should not be broken.

    How to choose a tablet for a child? I recommend paying attention to exhibits at a low price, since the risk of breakage still exists, because we are talking about a child. Another important point is the large screen. By the way, there are special tablets for children, for example, Turbo MonsterPad 7 .

    When is a tablet necessary for an adult? If you can't live without a phone. If you often play games and use applications, you need a tablet. If you like to watch movies or read books from a mobile device, consider purchasing this gadget. The screen is much larger, and therefore it will be more convenient for you to use it. This item will not disappoint you.

    It may also be suitable for work if you show some presentations, often work with email via phone, and so on. There is a whole layer of people who really need a tablet. I've been really liking Lenovo lately, so I can offer them to you Tab 3 Plus for 16,500. A very profitable purchase.

    I hope this article was helpful to you. Don't forget to subscribe to the blog newsletter and group Start-Luck VKontakte . See you again and good luck in your endeavors.

    It is impossible for a modern person to hide from technology. Newfangled gadgets are coming at us from all sides, designed to make life easier. The tablet is one of them. This device has a touch screen, is characterized by high performance and wide functionality. A huge advantage of these products is their portability - you can easily take it on the road by placing it in a small bag. Many people know that this device allows you to read documents, watch videos, listen to music. But what else might you need a tablet for? Let's try to figure it out!

    Using a Tablet PC can make many tasks much easier

    Experts highlight a lot of advantages of this portable gadget. Let's take a closer look at the most important of them.


    With this miracle of technology, you can conveniently use various multimedia files. We are talking about videos, photographs, pictures, music. Having a graphics tablet allows you to easily and conveniently show your photos to friends. In addition, this option will be useful in your work, especially if you are a seller, insurance agent, architect, artist or decorator. Such people often have to give important presentations to a small audience, and with the help of a graphics tablet they can show their portfolio without lugging around a stack of paper or a heavy laptop.

    In addition, these products often come in handy on the road to keep a bored child occupied - show him a funny cartoon on YouTube or download an educational game.


    Another advantage of tablets is ease of reading. Of course, it is very difficult to replace books, because their smell and touch feel are priceless. But by using gadgets, you can solve many practical issues, regardless of the “aesthetics” of the process. One device can fit a huge amount of printed materials, and this, you see, is a significant advantage.

    Planning, work

    A graphic tablet computer makes it possible to distribute plans and various tasks, draw up a schedule, work with mailers, etc. Today, a mobile phone can also act as a personal assistant, but it is tablets that provide real comfort in this area.

    The device is also a great help at work - in particular, at various kinds of meetings. Its participants will pay more attention to you with such an assistant; any question can be described more interestingly and demonstrated clearly. By using various programs, you can greatly simplify your work.

    To understand why you still need a tablet, you can ask designers and architects - such equipment is simply irreplaceable for them. Using a stylus (a special pen for touch screens), you can draw a real masterpiece! It is used to create layouts, sketches, cartoons, to make calculations and create drawings.

    Parameters and price

    Many users claim that a graphics tablet is a more profitable device than laptops (the latter look very bulky compared to compact gadgets). In addition, tablet computers allow you to work with a large amount of information and make it possible to use the latest games and utilities.

    In terms of cost, such equipment is cheaper than a laptop. To purchase a modern, powerful graphics tablet, $500 is enough (for the same amount you are unlikely to find a laptop with similar characteristics).


    Why do you need a tablet besides all this? You can take it with you on trips without worrying about its safety. Even after a fall, the device often does not lose its characteristics; the main thing is to buy a case in time so as not to break the screen.

    When traveling, such an assistant will provide the opportunity to use 3G, Wi-Fi, many dictionaries, guidebooks, and detailed maps. And the presence of a slot for a microSD card allows you to upload an almost unlimited amount of useful data!

    Terrain orientation is an undoubted advantage of using graphic tablet computers. Many people, due to their profession (courier service, for example), have made their lives significantly easier by using navigation maps on a tablet.

    Tablet PCs are one of the most striking evidence of the rapid development of mobile technologies. These devices combine all the capabilities of a computer in a compact size. This allows you to always keep your tablet with you, while having easy and quick access to a huge range of features. The functions of a tablet have no limits, just like the capabilities of a computer, because in essence it is a computer, only in a more compact and lightweight “package”.

    In the modern pace of life, a tablet is an indispensable assistant for every business person, and also allows you to relax in a moment of relaxation and have fun with friends and family. As mentioned above, the capabilities and functions of tablets have no limits. For business people, this is a huge range of useful functions and tools with which you can solve almost any problem. At the same time, a tablet is a whole world of entertainment. Movies, music, modern 3D games with high graphics, all kinds of entertainment, communication with friends and family. The Tablet PC combines all this.

    1. Tablets and their functions and capabilities

    As already mentioned, a Tablet PC is an indispensable assistant in the life of every business person. With its help you can solve a wide variety of problems. In addition, the tablet allows you to stay connected always and everywhere, so you can create a video conference, call or send a letter to your business partner or colleagues at any time.

    In addition, tablets are equipped with digital cameras that allow you to take pictures or record personal videos. This allows you to capture all the memorable moments and create your own photo albums.

    As you know, tablet PCs run on an operating system. This could be Android OS or another system. However, any operating system allows you to install special programs (applications) on the device that expand the capabilities of tablets. So, to solve non-standard problems, you just need to install the necessary application that can perform the required functions.

    Today we can see a huge proliferation of tablets all over the world. The Russian market is no exception. On store shelves and in online store catalogs you can find a wide variety of types of tablets that are capable of performing different tasks and are designed for certain situations.

    1.1. Types of tablets and their functions

    It is worth noting that all functions of a tablet computer, regardless of model and manufacturer, are aimed solely at making everyday tasks easier.

    However, the type of activity of people may differ, and quite strongly. Taking this into account, manufacturers produce different models of Tablet PCs, which are aimed at performing the functions of specific people. For example, if you need to constantly have free access to the Internet, while you travel a lot, then you need a tablet with a built-in 3G/4G modem. If you work in a place where there are open Wi-Fi points, then you should give preference to a device equipped with a Wi-Fi module.

    Of course, there are also universal tablets that combine almost all the functions and capabilities of modern tablets, but they are much more expensive. And due to the fact that all mobile modules, modems and additional devices take up space inside the device, the tablet itself is quite large in size and weight. So here you have to choose - a narrow focus and limited capabilities or large sizes, high cost and heavy weight.

    Whichever device you prefer, they all have common advantages. The first thing worth noting is the touch display, which takes up most of the device. This screen allows you to use the tablet as conveniently and quickly as possible. And thanks to the optimization of web browsers, surfing the Internet has become even more convenient and enjoyable. But all the functions of the tablet do not end there.

    As already mentioned, most tablets are equipped with built-in 3G modems. But what is it and what benefits does it give us?

    1.2. 3G function in the tablet

    A 3G/4G modem provides users with Internet access. Moreover, anywhere in the country. This is especially important for people who are constantly on the go, who often go on business trips, travel, and so on. It is difficult to find open access to high-speed Internet via Wi-Fi while on the go, so a 3G modem is the ideal solution. Of course, the speed of such a connection is not high, but it is quite sufficient for solving everyday tasks, such as sending emails, checking email, making Skype calls, browsing websites, and so on.

    Don't be upset if you have already purchased a tablet without a built-in 3G modem. If you are planning a trip and need mobile Internet, an external USB 3G/4G modem may be a way out of this situation. It connects to a USB port and gives you easy and fast access to the Internet.

    1.3. Wi-Fi module in the tablet

    In the vast majority of cases, tablet PCs are equipped with a Wi-Fi module. It takes up very little space in the device, so it does not affect its size at all. In addition, such a module does not require a lot of energy, practically without affecting the operating time without recharging. Taking into account all these advantages, manufacturers equip absolutely all tablets and smartphones with Wi-Fi modules.

    Why is this necessary? Firstly, if you have an open Wi-Fi hotspot, which today is available in almost any shopping center, cafe and most parks, you get free access to high-speed Internet. The main advantage of this connection is high speed and a fairly large range.

    In addition to accessing the Internet, the Wi-Fi module allows you to connect to other tablets, smartphones, laptops and other devices that have such a module. This achieves high data transfer rates. In addition, the Wi-Fi module allows you to use mobile routers to access the Internet. If your tablet is not equipped with a 3G/4G modem, then you can purchase a mobile Wi-Fi router that will connect to the mobile Internet and distribute it to all surrounding devices. This is extremely convenient if you have more than one device, or if you are traveling with a group.

    1.4. Tablet with call function

    Many tablet models have a call function. This means that the device has a SIM card slot and that you can use the tablet as a phone. As a rule, such tablets have a relatively small screen – 7”. Thus, the tablet is maximally optimized - it is convenient for Internet surfing, and is also compact enough to be used as a phone.

    To increase convenience and comfort, you should pay attention to an additional wireless headset, which will save users from having to take the tablet out of their pocket to answer a call. You also don't have to hold the rather large device near your ear.

    Of course, if the tablet is equipped with a built-in 3G/4G modem, it also has a slot for a regular SIM card, but in this case the card is used exclusively for accessing the Internet. In this case, calls can be made via Skype or another Internet service. However, to make such calls, for example, through Skype, the subscriber you want to call must also open the program and remain constantly online.

    1.5. Internet functions in the tablet

    Today, manufacturers have perfected their devices, and now a tablet is one of the most convenient tools for accessing the Internet. In addition, as mentioned above, all web browsers are fully optimized for touch screens. This means that to enter the desired section of the site you just need to touch the required area on the screen.

    The advantage of tablets over computers is that they are the most convenient mobile devices, thanks to which access to the Internet is possible anywhere in the country. Of course, laptops have similar capabilities, but they are bulkier and heavier, which makes them not so convenient to carry with you, and in terms of comfort and convenience of working on the Internet, laptops are inferior to tablets in all respects except typing. However, here too, there are tablets that have a removable keyboard. Such devices are called “transformers”. They combine all the advantages of laptops and PCs, as well as maximum mobility and ease of use.

    Modern progress is doing everything to improve people's comfort. The main functions of the tablet are clear proof of this. After all, all the tasks that a personal computer can perform can also be performed by a Tablet PC.

    1.6. Tablet computer, its functions and capabilities

    As already mentioned, on the Russian market you can find a wide variety of models of tablets and tablet PCs. As you may have guessed, these are two different subtypes of tablets. A tablet computer is the same tablet that is characterized by high performance. In terms of performance and functionality, such devices are practically not inferior to desktop computers, but they do not have a hardware keyboard. Because of this, typing is not the most convenient activity.

    However, such tablets cope with any other tasks no worse than the same PC. This tablet is an excellent combination of portability and high power.

    2. Why and who needs a tablet computer: Video

    2.1. Graphics tablet functions

    A graphics tablet is a special development for those who work with drawings and photographs. All its functions and capabilities are aimed at increasing comfort when processing images, as well as for freehand drawing. In other words, it is a tablet with a drawing function. Of course, any other tablet allows you to install drawing applications, but only graphics devices allow you to perform such tasks with maximum comfort.

    In addition, in graphics tablets you will find a number of useful additional tools for working with images. However, to unlock all the benefits of such tablets, it is necessary to install full licensed software on them. Only official programs allow you to fully use all the advantages and functions of a graphics tablet.

    So, to summarize, we can say what a tablet is and its functions - it is a convenient mobile device that allows you to perform all the functions that a personal computer can perform. A tablet is a convenient tool for accessing the Internet, as well as for solving most everyday tasks. What features does the tablet have? Depending on the model, the tablet is capable of performing certain tasks.

    However, it is worth noting that any tablet is capable of performing almost any function, regardless of the model. To do this, you just need to install the required software. Although, of course, a specialized tablet copes with its tasks better. That is, any tablet is capable of working with photographs and images, but a graphics tablet allows you to do this as conveniently as possible.

    What other functions can the tablet perform? Yes, almost any. Thanks to universal software, today it is Android or iOS, you can install a wide variety of programs on your tablet that allow you to carry out almost any task. The smart function in the tablet makes the device even more convenient to use.

    Games, music, video and photos, Internet, communications, what functions do you still need from tablets? The possibilities are limited only by your imagination. Modern tablets are capable of performing any task, and they allow you to do it as conveniently as possible, anywhere and at any time.