• What harm from phones. All known data on the harmful effects of a mobile phone on a person

    The Research Center for Bioelectromagnetic Effects of the University Hospital in Aachen (Germany) today has accumulated the results of more than 10,000 controversial studies on the impact of mobile phones on human health, we will talk about them in this article.

    • Since the end of May 2011, the World Health Organization has recognized the radio frequency radiation of mobile intercoms as a potential carcinogen.
    • But then, since 2013, the WHO position on this issue has changed dramatically and radio frequency radiation has been removed from the list of oncology risks.

    RF radiation is no longer on the list of cancer risks. Why?

    Repeatedly, WHO and the International Agency for Research on Cancer have been subjected to severe pressure (even from the US Air Force) or lobbying for the interests of mobile phone manufacturers. Several major scandals are associated with these facts:

    • With Prof. Anders Ahlbom, head of the IARC experts involved in the preparation of materials on the carcinogenicity of radiofrequency radiation
    • Also proved in court was the fact of writing by Canadian scientists (Mulder, Krewski, Relaholi) custom articles on mobile security.

    Meanwhile, countries such as Switzerland, Luxembourg, Italy, and Belgium have introduced quite severe restrictions on the standards for high-frequency electromagnetic radiation. For Switzerland, the limit for electromagnetic radiation from mobile phones is only one tenth of the norms adopted for other countries by the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP).

    • From 2000 to 2013, the main news on the impact of electromagnetic radiation on human health was published on the website of the Basel (Switzerland) Elmar Public Health Institute.
    • These publications have not been renewed since 2013!!!
    • Currently, all the latest news from this area, including the conclusions of the BERENIS expert group, are published under the heading Electrosmog on the website of the Swiss Federal Society for the Environment.
    • And that's it!

    The approximate number of mobile communication users in the world is seven billion subscribers. Subscription fees, imposed services, annual updates of branded phone models - a multi-billion dollar business. Does anyone else believe that mobile communications are recognized as the culprit of cancer?

    The influence of electromagnetic radiation on the body

    Electromagnetic radiation used for telephone communication in mobile devices does not have the properties of ionizing radiation, BUT:

    • More sluggishly, it triggers a cascade of free radical formation and peroxidation that directly damages our cells (see).
    • Radio frequency radiation can increase the local temperature of living tissues and provoke chromosomal aberrations of cells.

    In general, all the effects of such radiation can be divided into thermal and non-thermal. The degree of their severity depends on the power of the radiation and the time of its exposure.

    • Thermal effects - an increase in body temperature, an increase in the number of heartbeats, a drop in the immune response,.
    • Non-thermal effects today are diverse, but have varying degrees of evidence.

    Impact on the human ear

    As a rule, the head area is irradiated to the maximum with a mobile phone or smartphone. At the same time, the impact on the ear attached to the phone and the superficial areas adjacent to it is 100,000 times greater than on the opposite ear or deep layers of the brain. This often causes tinnitus, not severe headaches.

    Effect on sleep

    Interesting facts were established by the BERENIS group in a 2015 study of the effects of high-frequency electromagnetic radiation on human sleep. The experiment involved 20 healthy young men who, on encephalograms during sleep, gave disturbances in the sleepy rhythm of the cerebral cortex (see).

    brain tumors

    In the same 2015, based on data from hospitals in New Zealand and Sweden, a relationship was established between the incidence of brain cancer and mobile telephony. An unprecedented growth of tumors of this localization was noted in the last 20 years, in the absence of other reliable environmental factors as prerequisites for such cancer:

    • In Swedish hospitals, the number of patients increased by 4.5% between 2007 and 2013,
    • and mortality from CNS cancer by 23%.

    Nevertheless, in conclusion, the experts point out the errors of both this statistical study and a similar one for 2010, referring to the increase in the average age of patients and the aging of the population, insufficiently correct coding and the possible inclusion of one patient in several groups, etc. And again, they are inclined to believe that there is no direct evidence of a connection between brain cancer and mobile phones.

    Effect on offspring

    June 2015 was marked by the announcement that in an experiment on rats exposed to high-frequency electromagnetic radiation for 28 days, data were obtained on the violation of the permeability of the blood-brain barrier and violation of spatial memory. The blood-brain barrier protects the brain from toxins circulating in the blood, microorganisms, immune defense factors and maintains the constancy of the CNS environment, protecting it. This is especially important at the stage of intrauterine development, when the fetal central nervous system is carefully protected from the food or drug addictions of the mother, part of her infections.

    However, the Swiss did not find direct evidence of the effect of mobile phones on the fetus during pregnancy or the germ cells of parents before conception.

    Although in 2014 the same group did not reject the effects of radiation with an absorption coefficient of 2W per kg. and higher within 24 hours on the development of the central nervous system in children and degenerative-dystrophic changes in nerve cells in mice.

    For mobile phone radiation, the exposure threshold is in the SAR10 range of 20 MW/kg and 2 W/kg. Under these conditions, a temporary or permanent change in the hereditary material of the cell and gene expression is possible.

    And some more reports

    The specific absorption coefficient for high-frequency electromagnetic radiation is safe at the level of 2 W/kg (according to the standards accepted in most countries). Most mobile phones and communication cells between towers in model experiments seem to meet this threshold. However, BERENIS in September 2015 published data from an experiment that actually exceeded this threshold in most cases.

    In the March 2016 BERENIS Bulletin, there is evidence that high-frequency electromagnetic radiation doubles the number of spontaneous DNA mutations, though only at high exposures. In general, the bulletins of this society, since 2014, have been increasingly concerned with low-frequency radiation, since high-frequency mobile communication devices have somehow quietly fallen out of the field of interest of scientists (they were not even included in the 2015 study of the appearance of physical discomfort in the inhabitants of the Netherlands associated with electromagnetic emitters in everyday life). Small additions to the bulletins are the comments of the group of experts about their agreement with the research of prof. Michael Hässig on the POTENTIAL impact of mobile base stations on cow health.

    In 2015, BERENIS refutes the teratogenic effect of high-frequency electromagnetic radiation proven in 2010 by Tilman on the liver, lungs and blood vessels in mice, but again recognizes the potential risk of this type of radiation for genetic material.

    The main point that is emphasized in proving the safety of mobile intercoms of the latest models is that with a modern decrease in the radiation power of telephones (within 125 mW on average), a balance is achieved between their thermal effect on the subscriber's body and the dissipation of thermal energy into the external environment.

    Electromagnetic hypersensitivity

    • decrease in working capacity
    • irritability
    • nervousness and sleep disturbances in people using mobile phones.

    There is another report covering the period from 2002 to 2006. He dealt mainly with mobile phones and their impact on human and animal health. Most of the results relate to experiments on living people, that is, they are quite reliable and as close to reality as possible. The report begins with the fact that although not all the effects of high-frequency electromagnetic radiation have been studied (except for thermal radiation), the fact of the presence of electromagnetically sensitive citizens is already indisputable, and even if everyone else is in perfect order, this category of citizens suffers and has every right to protect their interests. In 2004, in tiny Switzerland, there were about 5% of those.

    The summary of this report is that the problem is not so much in mobile communications, but in the exposure to high-frequency electromagnetic radiation (frequency, intensity, duration, frequency of exposure).

    Soldiers of the invisible front

    A primitive scheme of mobile communication - two telephones and a row of towers.

    The tower is an intermediate link. It receives a signal and itself emits it in a continuous mode. It is connected to other towers and telephones. In a city or countryside, the signal does not pass through buildings or trees. All communication is carried out on the principle of direct visibility. The more obstacles, the more towers you need. The tower emits a signal in the form of separate blades with a long main beam (for a long distance and several small ones for the near ones.

    The phone has a signal receiver and a transmitter. The phone acts like a transceiver, but its power is many times lower than that of the tower. It allows users to talk to each other. Towers also connect different subscribers, which may be located in different cities or countries. The phone emits a radio signal at the time of calling a subscriber, establishing a connection (maximum power) and during periods of active traffic (talk, SMS or mms). Outside of these moments, the “sleeping” phone sends only a periodic short “beacon” signal to the nearest tower.

    • The damage from the tower is many times greater, but it is farther directly from the person.
    • From the tower, the body is irradiated approximately evenly.
    • The weak power of the telephone emitter affects us, but not on the body, but directly in the head area.
    • That is, we can hide behind a headset or speakerphone from a mobile phone, but hiding from a tower is much more problematic.

    A bit of fiction

    Some time ago, the equipment of cellular operators began to appear on the top floor of hostels for students. Such things a simple person notices by chance, as something new, on which the eye stumbles. Something that didn't exist before. A sequence of thoughts immediately popped into my head:

    • Saved on a repeater tower
    • Do students know that just above the windows and right behind their wall there is a powerful electromagnetic emitter.
    • What does the person who received the money by agreeing to place powerful repeaters at the head of the bed of young people look like, and what will he spend it on?
    • Well, in conclusion, a visual sequence from the intro to the Universl Pictures films, where the light of the sun leaving the horizon fades, and the whole earth is illuminated and encircled by a massive golden belt in the form of the inscription Universal. Say, the power of money over the world of people, who did not understand, he will understand ...

    I have a friend (not paranoid) who, when a cell phone rings, turns on the speakerphone to keep the receiver away from his ear. To my unspoken question, he explained:

    • "I would use a headset if I called more often on my cell phone. But with two to four calls a day, these precautions are enough."
    • "Is it really that harmful?" I asked.
    • "Holding the phone near my ear makes me feel almost physical discomfort, and I later attribute this to a mild headache that prevents me from focusing on anything other than myself."

    The expressed concern can be attributed to a purely subjective assessment of my friend on this issue, but there is also statistics that not directly, but indirectly tells us a lot about electromagnetic radiation.

    Power lines near dwellings and houses made of radiation asbestos

    For example, many general practitioners are faced with such a phenomenon as a significant (at times) increase in the number of cancer patients in homes that are closer than others to power lines (power lines). You have probably seen such tall metal structures running along the avenues and resembling Christmas trees in shape.

    There are also similar centers of acute oncological morbidity observed by district doctors - these are houses, it seems, and far from power lines, but they are united only by the date of construction and the type of houses. Trying to answer this question for myself, in order to find an explanation for the mass cases of cancer patients, I accidentally drew attention to the fact of the destruction in the late 80s of all building mixtures containing European asbestos. Of course, we are talking about banning it on the territory of Europe, and not the USSR. In the explanation to the article, it was said that asbestos mined in Europe is many times more toxic than that mined in Russia. The last doubts were dispelled after a conversation with a patient who is at the last stage of oncology. She, complaining of constant pain, said that she knew how it would all end, referring to her illness. Everyone who worked with me at the construction site died of cancer, and I can be said to be a long-liver. Later we learned how harmful plasters and other materials containing this toxic asbestos were.

    So, when choosing a permanent place of residence, I would advise you to get to know some talkative grandmother better, who has good relations with neighbors and bring the conversation to someone who lived and died from what. Or at least such a house, near which there are many old women, and even better old men.

    I think that then it will be possible to avoid one diagnosis for all family members living together.

    Disappearance of cockroaches

    As for cockroaches, it is absolutely certain that the reason for their disappearance is not associated with the presence of asbestos of any origin, but is associated with electromagnetic radiation. Everyone remembers the abundance of cockroaches in canteens, apartments in the mid-eighties. None of the cooks paid their attention to them and did not try to make an apologetic face. Now cockroaches in the house or in catering places are a rarity.

    Similarities and differences in the health effects of cell towers and power lines

    Comparison of the impact of power lines and panel antennas of cellular operators is appropriate from the point of view of the nature of the phenomena - electromagnetic radiation.

    • In the case of power lines, we are talking about an industrial frequency of 50 hertz (50 oscillations per second) and the impact on a person depends, in the simplest case, on two factors, this is the distance and the average transmitted power.
    • Cellular operators use a much higher carrier frequency, but this does not negate the harmful effects on the human body.

    The fact is that the human nervous system has an electrochemical nature. The electromagnetic field excites an electric current in the zone of its action. The stronger the field, the stronger the electric current.

    It is on this principle that electromagnetic weapons are based, designed to disable enemy electronic devices in their area of ​​\u200b\u200boperation. Of course, we are mainly talking about the excitation of interference that leads to software failure and reboot of microprocessor systems, but in some cases - at the epicenter of the action, the electronic filling will be destroyed forever.

    Similarly, an extraneous factor interferes with the work of the human nervous system. And how such an impact will affect well-being and health can only be guessed at. Most often it is about:

    • insomnia or vice versa
    • headaches that don't go away
    • causeless fatigue and rapid fatigue.

    We know that all organs are controlled and communicate through the nervous system. It is logical to assume that , and a broken rhythm can also be a consequence of external electromagnetic influence. As far as studies are concerned, they are regarding the impact of power lines and the connection with oncology has been established with long-term exposure.

    What to do

    If we really try to give a qualitative answer to the two main questions: “who is to blame and what to do?”, then it’s better to go straight to the second part of it:

    • Firstly, if you have a dacha, then, if possible, love it, if this has not yet been done.
    • Secondly, if you live in the country, then reconsider your plans and dreams of moving to the city. As it was in the good old days, the medal has two sides, and so it remains to this day. If technological progress brings positive aspects, then, consequently, it brought at least half of the negative factors.
    • To minimize the impact of a cell phone on health, talk only on the speakerphone or through a headset.
    • Pay attention to the towers of mobile operators nearby when choosing housing, do not buy such real estate.

    The cell phone, like other technological devices, has firmly entered our lives. And we have even forgotten how 20 years ago we managed without such a convenient, such a necessary thing. Every year, the number of cellular users around the world is increasing. The phone is constantly next to us, hanging on the belt of trousers or on the chest, lies quietly in the pocket or on the desktop, even going to bed, we put it near the bed or even on the bed. And if we accidentally left the phone at home, then we feel insecure, nervous, and walk all day with a spoiled mood. No phone, no hands.

    It’s convenient for us, you can always contact the right person, and it’s easy for the children, dialed the number and found out where your child is. The phone replaced our clock and alarm clock, player and camera. And it no longer seems incredible to us that such a small box is capable of performing so many functions, because you can not only call and send a message, but also watch videos, listen to music, play your favorite game. And in the morning the phone will wake you up instead of an alarm clock.

    Impact on human health

    A mobile phone is undoubtedly a very useful and necessary thing. Phone manufacturers claim that mobile phones are absolutely harmless to the human body, and modern new models do not have any negative impact on health.

    But many scientists argue that cellular communication poses a real threat to human health and life. In many countries, studies are being conducted on the impact of a cell phone on our body, on internal organs - the heart, brain, reproductive organs. Russian scientists are also conducting research to study the influence of a mobile phone on human health. We are afraid that electromagnetic radiation contributes to the occurrence of cancers, but there is no exact evidence that it is the cell phone that contributes to this.

    After all, electromagnetic waves come not only from telephones, but also from wires, transmitting devices, antennas, which entangle all our cities, houses, and apartments are full of devices and technical devices that emit these same electromagnetic waves. Electromagnetic waves are invisible, without color and smell, a person cannot feel them, and he cannot protect himself from the effects of these waves either.

    Sources of electromagnetic radiation in addition to cell phones are microwave ovens, televisions and computers and almost all household appliances that help us make our lives easier, but worsen our well-being and health, as they create electromagnetic fields that adversely affect the human body.

    Each person reacts differently to electromagnetic radiation, someone simply does not notice it, and some note weakness, headache, drowsiness, fatigue and even allergic reactions in the form of itching, burning, skin rashes after talking on the cell phone.

    Experiments conducted on animals show that electromagnetic radiation is harmful to animals. So frogs placed in an electromagnetic field for only 10 minutes died of cardiac arrest, and the survivors had a low heart rate. Yes, and in rats, radiation emanating from a mobile phone led to changes in the activity of the heart, as well as in the brain, led to damage to blood vessels and death of neurons.

    It is assumed that in the future, cellular users may encounter Parkinson's and Alzheimer's diseases at an earlier age.

    Parkinson's disease manifests itself in people of senile age, is caused by a change and destruction in the brain and disorders in the central nervous system. A person's coordination of movements is disturbed, trembling of the limbs and head appears at rest. A person can freeze without moving for several hours. A shuffling gait is noted, the patient moves in small steps, placing the feet parallel to each other, the arms are pressed to the body when walking.

    Alzheimer's disease is manifested by a memory disorder, confusion of speech, a violation of the ability to pronounce and understand speech, and, as a result, a complete loss of memory.

    And it was also revealed as a result of experiments that in humans, radiation from a phone, even when it is simply in a trouser pocket, has a harmful effect on sperm, worsens the quality and quantity of spermatozoa. So get your phones out of your pants pockets if you want to be parents in the future.

    There is an opinion that mobile phones can be conductors of electrical discharges, or rather electromagnetic waves emitted by phones, and it is not recommended to use phones during a thunderstorm, as you can get struck by lightning.

    Such a case occurred in China, with a group of tourists who were struck by lightning that hit the cell phone of one of the tourists who decided to call during a thunderstorm. There were no casualties, although tourists were injured and were taken to hospital with burns. But in the same China, there were also cases with a fatal outcome.

    Some scientists believe that a cell phone is not capable of attracting lightning, and what happened to tourists is just an accident. But anyway, it's better not to use a mobile phone during a thunderstorm, as they say, "be careful - God saves."

    And sometimes cell phones, or rather batteries, if they are made in violation of technology, ignite and even explode. And a person can get injured and burns the body. So when buying a phone, ask the seller for a certificate of quality and do not buy from random people.

    How to protect yourself from exposure to harmful radiation

    So that a cell phone does not harm your health, you do not need to have long conversations, many hours of showdown. Yes, and many people do not communicate on a cell phone for too long, long chatter costs a pretty penny.

    Use a headset for conversations, this contributes to less exposure to electromagnetic waves on the head. It is advised to use headphones or turn on the speakerphone. From the harmful effects of electromagnetic fields, your immune system may suffer, and you will experience headaches, drowsiness, your body will be prone to colds, will not be able to resist the effects of viruses, microbes, and vision may be damaged.

    Do not use the phone when you are in a metal garage and in the back of a car, while driving a car, it is believed that electromagnetic rays are reflected from the metal body and increase the harmful effects on the body, and talking on a mobile phone distracts attention from the road, which can lead to an accident and injury and even death. So talking on the phone while driving can be deadly.

    You should choose a cell phone with an output power of -0.2-0.4W, the output power must be indicated in the documentation for the phone, in the passport. Such a device will emit the least amount of energy and will be less hazardous to health.

    The phone should not lie on your desktop, on the bed or near the bed, it also has a harmful effect on the nervous system with its radiation, disrupts sleep phases.

    Do not wear the phone on your belt, on your chest, in the pockets of trousers and jackets. Electromagnetic waves have a harmful effect on internal organs.

    It is not recommended to hold the phone to your ear during a call, because for the first second of the call, the phone will increase its power to detect and connect you to the called device.

    It is necessary to teach children how to use phones correctly, and explain to them that the radiation from the phone has a harmful effect on the fragile children's body.

    As mentioned above, you should not use your phone during a thunderstorm.

    So what to do, is it worth it to be wary of a cell phone? Of course not. All over the world, studies are being conducted on the dangers of cell phones, but there are no exact results, it is only assumed that the electromagnetic radiation of mobile phones is harmful and has a negative impact on human health, but there are no specific examples that a person fell ill with a particular disease precisely from exposure to a cell phone .

    A person eats a lot of harmful things and poisons his body with poisons that are present in alcohol and cigarettes. Yes, and the environment itself is polluted with all kinds of chemicals, exhaust gases from cars, and the air we breathe and the water we drink also negatively affect our health and blaming the cell phone for all troubles is simply ridiculous.

    And if a person wants to be healthy, then he will definitely listen to the recommendations of doctors and scientists, and will limit the time of his conversations on a cell phone, and will keep him at a safe distance.

    This article is a collection of ways to protect against the harmful effects of a cell phone from various sources of information. You don't have to try to follow all the tips. The degree of application of advice depends on the degree of your desire to protect yourself. If you try to use at least a few tips from this article, then you will already help yourself.

    "Voluntary irradiation of the brain with microwaves from a mobile phone is the largest biological experiment on a person."

    Professor Leif Salford.

    At present, almost the entire population, scientists, doctors, physicists are very concerned about this problem - the impact of a mobile phone on the human body. This is due to the fact that, firstly, the number of cellular users is growing exponentially daily and hourly, and secondly, the number of base stations is growing, and they are also a direct source of radiation. And, finally, the proximity of the phone to the head and the recorded increase in cases of brain tumors also make us wary and link the phone and the deterioration of human health together.

    Some may object: "To live is generally harmful, people die from it, whatever you take - everything in our life is destructive (faster or slower)!" Maybe, but as they say, he who is warned is armed. It is better to know what leads to what and what consequences await in the future. And then it’s up to everyone personally to listen to advice or leave everything as it is, especially since a person does not immediately become adult and smart, usually this is preceded by a stage of childhood, and a child is not only possible, but also needs to be protected from all kinds of influences, at least for his prosperous future.

    (Techniques, in descending order of effect)

    * Call outside.

    When the weather permits, it is better to go out for a walk while talking - the phone is mobile.

    The walls of the room delay radio waves in the range of 1-2 GHz quite strongly, reducing the signal power by 10-20 dB, i.e. 10-100 times. Due to the peculiarities of communication standards, not all of the extra power may become available when the phone is taken outside, nevertheless, the advantage is obvious.

    If you can’t go outside, then at least turn around so that your head does not block the view of the phone through the window to the street - this should give an additional 5 dB.

    * Keep the handset away from your ear.

    The attenuation of radio waves is proportional to the square of the distance travelled.

    Suppose the distance from the antenna of a tube tightly pressed to the ear to the cerebral cortex is 1 cm. Then, moving the tube away from the ear by only 1 cm, you will double the distance to the brain (2 cm), and the power radiated to the brain will decrease by 4 times!

    * Hold the phone in your hand by the bottom part.

    At the top of the device is an antenna, which, when covered with a hand, loses its effectiveness by 5-10 dB, forcing the phone's transmitter to increase its power by at least 3 times.

    This is especially true for phones with an internal antenna (people say "no antenna"). The internal antenna is the same external antenna lowered a couple of centimeters deep into the case. Beautiful and leaves less room for grip (double vulnerability from robbers).

    * Hold the handset vertically.

    Radio waves, even as short as 1800 MHz (half-wavelength 8 cm) are polarized, so it is desirable that the transmitting and receiving antennas be oriented in the same way (traditionally and for other reasons - vertically).

    Experience shows that with a simple change in the orientation of the GSM handset from vertical to horizontal, the level of the signal received from the BS decreases by an average of 5 dB (3 times).

    * Switch your phone to the 1800 MHz band.

    The GSM standard provides different levels of maximum power for handheld equipment: 1 W for 1800 and 1900, 2 W for 900 and 850.

    Typically, range selection is automatic and transparent to the subscriber.

    Blocking the lower 900 MHz band reduces RF exposure by half.

    Do not forget to only turn on the dual-band machine when leaving the city, otherwise you can easily be left without a connection.

    * Bring the phone to your ear after the other end answers.

    Why listen to the long beeps of the checkpoint, what's new?

    In addition, at the moment the call is started, the mobile phone operates at its maximum capacity, regardless of the quality of coverage in a given location.

    20 seconds after pressing the "Call" button - just in time for the beginning of the conversation - the radiated power is reduced to the minimum allowable level.

    Also note: the first long beep only appears around the 10th second, so listen to the call if you like, but it's pointless to immediately put the phone to your head after dialing.

    And yet, do not flatter yourself - in large cities with a dense cellular network, the phone can often switch between base stations during a call (sometimes 10 times per minute!). With each such switch, the power jumps to a maximum and then slowly drops.

    *Choose a phone with a lower SAR (Specific Absorption Rate).

    SAR can differ by 2-3 times for different phone models (as a rule, from 0.3 to 0.9 W/kg) - accordingly, the effect on the user's body also differs proportionally.

    1. Do not use cell phones for children and adolescents under 16 years of age.

    2. Do not use cell phones for pregnant women, starting from the moment the fact of pregnancy is established and during the entire period of pregnancy.

    3. Do not use a cell phone for people suffering from neurological diseases, including neurasthenia, psychopathy, neurosis, the clinic of which is characterized by asthenic, obsessive, hysterical disorders, as well as a decrease in mental and physical performance, memory loss, sleep disorders, epilepsy and epileptic syndrome, epileptic predisposition.

    4. When using a cell phone, take measures to limit the impact of the electromagnetic field, namely, to limit the duration of conversations (the duration of a single conversation is up to 3 minutes), to maximize the period between two conversations (the minimum recommended is 15 minutes), to mainly use cell phones with headsets and "hands free" systems.

    In fact, today there are several really working methods for protecting the natural electromagnetic field of a person from the pathogenic effects of EMR of artificial and geopathogenic origin:

    1. eliminate any electromagnetic fields of technogenic origin according to the principle of fiber-optic communication;

    2. reduce the intensity of electromagnetic radiation to values ​​below the threshold;

    3. to screen the human body, i.e. to remove it from the band of technogenic radiation;

    4. reduce the natural level of human sensitivity to man-made EMR;

    5. to carry out the process of adaptation of the human body to the existing level of electromagnetic radiation by increasing the body's natural defense systems, which neutralize the radiation by modifying the body's own biofield status.

    To date, various types of such devices are presented on the international market. All of them can be divided into several categories:

    1. Absorbent materials (synthetic films, wax, felt, paper, etc.).

    2. Reflective materials (metal foil on synthetic insulating bases).

    3. Protective clothing (from technological fabrics with the inclusion of metallized threads).

    4. Conductor devices with antenna properties (bracelets, belts, necklaces, key rings, etc.).

    5. Different types of diffraction gratings.

    6. Deflecting devices (metal products without coatings and in insulators).

    7. Different types of resonators (spirals, cones, pyramids).

    For the most part, these devices are passive re-emitters, or modulators of the existing impact. It must also be said that any measures aimed at strengthening one's own biofield and strengthening the immune system, no less contribute to increasing the body's resistance to the negative radiation of electromagnetic devices.

    When using a speakerphone or headphones, the radiation dose is reduced. True, in the latter case, the radiation will be concentrated in the place where the mobile phone is currently located. Moreover, regardless of whether a person uses a phone or not, when the phone establishes contact with the base station (and this happens several times a day), radiation is still present, albeit small. If the phone just lies next to the user, then there is practically no need to talk about exposure.

    Unfortunately, in recent years, with the increase in terrorism against children, the means of cellular communication between parents and children have become necessary, and often vital. At the same time, gradually and as if by chance, the mobile phone has replaced toys for children. Both children and teenagers invariably ask for a mobile phone for their birthday, New Year, September 1, the end of the year with fives. With regard to limiting the use of a mobile phone by children, some operators offer services that allow you to limit the time of a child's calls, the number of subscribers. In addition, especially for children, phones are put on sale from which you can’t call anyone except mom and dad.

    What does the modern industry offer to protect against the harmful effects of a mobile phone? The protection of the human body from the harmful effects of EMF is based on the creation of devices that change a weak external electromagnetic signal in the form of a vector directed towards the damaging signal, so this signal is abruptly attenuated. With the introduction of powerful attenuation near a living organism in the form of a protective device that responds to certain frequencies of an external signal (electrically conductive applicators of strictly defined sizes are used for this), the electromagnetic component of the signal is significantly reduced, and, consequently, the equipotential fields and the level of their influence on the body are redistributed. This is the basis for the creation of application protective devices. Manufacturers currently offer various types of protective devices:

    1. absorbent materials (synthetic films, wax, felt, paper, etc.);

    2. reflective materials (metal foil on insulating substrates made of synthetic materials);

    3. protective clothing (fabrics with the inclusion of metal threads);

    4. conductors of various shapes with antenna properties (bracelets, belts, necklaces, key rings, etc.);

    5. diffraction gratings of various types;

    6. deflecting devices (metal products without coatings and in insulators);

    7. various resonators (spirals, cones, pyramids);

    8. generators of electromagnetic pulses.

    Among the protective devices currently offered are the following:

    1. Wave Guard - a device designed to replace and protect against adverse electromagnetic radiation. Made from Wave Guard absorbent ceramic and highly conductive, high temperature treated materials. This product has been tested by the National Institute of Technology and certified by the Japanese Ministry of Science and Technology. Wave Guard is used in antennas to protect mobile phone users from direct electromagnetic radiation.

    2. Development of a bioenergy device - an energy map that completely neutralizes the harmful effects of electromagnetic waves and converts it into positive energy for the body. According to the manufacturers, the energy card not only protects against harmful electromagnetic radiation while using a mobile phone, but also nourishes the brain and the body as a whole with bioenergy: it restores clarity of thinking, stops headaches, normalizes intracranial pressure - waves of ultra-fine fields of the energy card completely restore the human biosystem. The energy card is inserted under the battery of the mobile phone with the front side to the keyboard. The action of the device begins immediately from the moment you bring the telephone to your ear.

    3. The use of traditional protective filters (give a slight positive effect).

    4. Since an electromagnetic device creates a very complex field around itself during operation, a three-dimensional device is necessary to protect against this field. This can be achieved by installing several local devices on the source body. When these devices are placed close to each other in a certain order, they are able to begin to interact with each other, creating a kind of spiral network that does not allow the rays of the source of negative radiation to pass. Negative radiations, getting into such a network, change their orientation, obeying certain laws of physics. Joint radiation takes the form of a ball, which ultimately gives a reorientation of the total form of radiation emanating from a specific source of radiation (radio telephone). With certain settings of this protective network, changes are possible, in which case a harmonizing effect that is positive for the human body can be obtained. Thus, the localization and neutralization of negative radiation takes place. According to this principle of radiation of thin physical fields, protection for computers (Super Armor) works. The protection kit includes nine neutralizer devices. Each of the devices is a multi-level display matrix, which is a collection of thin fields. Devices are located according to a special scheme. The scheme was selected experimentally and provides maximum localization of the negative impact of computers and protection of users. Another advantage of this protection system is that it can be placed on a monitor screen with a diagonal of any size, regardless of geometric dimensions. Currently, similar protective devices have been developed for mobile phones. Neutralization devices are multilevel, i.e., in addition to neutralizing the negative electromagnetic component, they are able to significantly weaken the fields of psi-impact. The practical use of these protective equipment, according to their creators, allows you to create a comfortable, harmonious and safe working environment. These funds ("Russian Shield") lead to a decrease in the level of ultraviolet radiation by 100%; electromagnetic field - by 99.4% and electrostatic field - by 99.1%. Calculations of the absorbed energy of the electromagnetic field in the human brain show that when using a 0.6 W radiotelephone with an operating frequency of 900 MHz, the specific field energy in the brain can be from 120 to 230 μW / cm2 (and the standard in Russia for cell phone users is 100 µW/cm2). The improvement of radiotelephones, as well as providing users with clear, constructive information about the best use of this intercom, will certainly reduce the harmful effects of EMF, psi-fields on the body of a mobile communication user.

    5. The use of "Mini Hands Free" kits (reradiating antenna) reduces head exposure and redistributes it to the whole body.

    6. Devices of the "Astra" series ("supertablets").

    7. Electromagnetic field protection device "FORPOST-1". The operation of the device is based on the laws of interaction of torsion fields. Said device contains generators of static torsion fields and a biopolymer. The protective action of the device is based on the 180° deviation of the left torsion field generated by a mobile phone or personal computer monitor, and the interaction of this field with the right torsion field of the back wall of the monitor or mobile phone, which leads to compensation of these fields. Negative air ions remain in the operator's breathing zone, which disappear from it after 1.5 hours if the monitor or mobile phone is operated without this protective device. The use of a protective device, according to manufacturers, provides medical and biological protection of a person and prevents the negative impact of the above-mentioned torsion fields on the immune, endocrine, reproductive systems and the genetic apparatus of disorders of the nervous and cardiovascular systems, impaired brain activity, pathology of the visual analyzer, upper respiratory tract, prevents fatigue when working on a computer and using a mobile phone for a long time.

    So, here are some practical tips on how to avoid the effects of cell phone exposure.

    Firstly, in order to avoid the constant influence of the electric field of a mobile phone, which can have a negative impact on the functioning of your body, you should either completely eliminate or reduce long-term communication on a mobile phone. Even if 1 minute of your conversation costs 1 penny, say as little as possible at a time. For all kinds of medical examinations will have to pay much more. The period between conversations should be at least 15 minutes, and the duration of the conversation itself should not exceed 2 - 3 minutes. It seems that during this time it is quite possible to provide the necessary information. Some mobile operators have put a special limiter on the conversation. If it lasts more than half an hour, the connection is automatically terminated. The mobile companies that introduced this limiter were guided by purely mercantile considerations, but additionally help to maintain the health of the nation.

    Secondly, as we have already found out, in a car, electromagnetic radiation can be reflected from a metal case and acts several times stronger, since it accumulates in the cabin. Therefore, you should not conduct intensive negotiations while driving a car. Moreover, by doing so, you endanger the lives of other people.

    Thirdly, if you are in a zone of unstable reception, then you should not try to get through this very second. Wait for a stable connection. When the phone "does not catch", its power rises to the maximum value, and what is dangerous, we found out earlier. In addition, communication interference and all sorts of crackling instead of a normal conversation will not bring pleasure to either you or your interlocutor.

    Fourthly, if you are in the country or in a country house, then the best way out is to use a stationary external circular (for example, car) or directional antenna. Outside the city, the connection is poor, so the mobile phone works at its full capacity, trying to contact the base station.

    A couple more tips. If you live near the base station or on the top floor next to the located antennas, then if possible it is better to move either to the lower floors or away from the base station area. Moreover, it is better to live in a panel house, because the supporting metal structures of the panels are able to somewhat block and screen the apartment. The antenna radiates such a powerful signal in all directions that its radiation is enough for everyone.

    Tips for limiting mobile phone EMF exposure:

    1. do not put mobile phones near the place where you usually sleep;

    2. do not talk on it without special need;

    3. do not use a cell phone for persons who are predisposed to the occurrence of various mental illnesses, as well as for persons suffering from sleep disorders, decreased mental and physical activity and activity;

    4. refrain from using the mobile device for pregnant women;

    6. do not wear a cell phone for a long time on the chest, belt or breast (or inner) pocket;

    7. use models of radiotelephones with a smaller value of UPM;

    8. when talking on a radiotelephone, it is recommended to remove glasses with a metal frame, since the presence of such a frame can lead to an increase in the intensity of the electromagnetic field affecting some parts of the user's head;

    9. constantly use the "hands free" system;

    10. make sure that the distance from the radiotelephone to the surrounding people is not less than 50 - 80 cm;

    11. in conditions of unstable reception, the power of the device automatically increases to the maximum value, therefore it is recommended to either limit or completely abandon long-term negotiations, or use a place for negotiations with favorable (stable) reception;

    12. in the country or in a country house it is more expedient to use a stationary external antenna with a circular orientation (for example, a car) or a special directional antenna;

    13. Repeaters of providers also pose a certain danger. The repeater antenna regularly emits a very strong signal in all directions. The best way to avoid exposure to EMF repeaters is to change your place of residence or work, or change your house to a panel one. The fact is that the panel reinforcement shields the apartment somewhat. Helps to protect against the harmful effects of EMF metal mesh on windows with a cell size of not more than 10 cm;

    14. do not damage the telephone antenna, as a change (violation of the structure) of its geometric parameters (dimensions, bends, torsion, etc.) worsens communication (changes reception conditions, increases transmitter power);

    15. when purchasing a new phone model, opt for mobile phones equipped with an external antenna, as well as a good sensitivity declared in the specifications;

    16. adhere to a balanced diet, lead a healthy lifestyle.

    The use of shungite for protection against electromagnetic fields

    Today, many people know about the existence of shungite, but 10 years ago this mineral was known only to narrow specialists in the construction industry and was used only as a gravel mixture. In the course of one of the studies, which confirmed the unusual chemical composition of shungite, assumptions were made about its healing properties. Subsequently, clinical trials confirmed the effectiveness of shungite in some disorders. For us, at the moment, the most interesting is the property of shungite to neutralize the negative effects of electromagnetic radiation. Interestingly, even the discovery of the healing properties of this nondescript ash-black mineral did not lead to any changes in its use. So he remained a building material, except that from the category of gravel and crushed stone he moved into the category of all kinds of additives to cement mixtures and paints. It was only by chance that shungite fell into the sphere of interests of those people who rediscovered its properties for the rest.

    Now few people know something about the real properties and origin of shungite. Modern scientists believe that shungite (as a geological rock) was formed about 2 billion years ago. One of the common misconceptions is that shungite is a type of coal. In fact, these two minerals are similar only in appearance, but shungite occurs in deeper layers of the earth's crust, the age of formation of which is much older.

    The origin of this mineral remains largely a mystery. It is hard to imagine how a rock rich in carbon compounds could have formed at a time when there were no forests and rich vegetation on the planet. At the moment, there are several theories that more or less likely explain the origin of shungite. The most likely version is that shungite was formed from sedimentary marine rocks, which, in turn, were formed from marine sediments saturated with dead microscopic organisms. Some researchers argue that the shape and structure of shungite rocks have features and characteristics of volcanic substances. Thus, there are some grounds for assuming the volcanic origin of this mineral. There is also a more exotic hypothesis of the origin of shungite. According to this version, shungite is part of a huge meteorite, which was a piece of the decayed planet Phaeton, on which life once existed. A shungite deposit was formed at the place where the giant fragment fell. One way or another, but today there is only one known deposit of shungite - in Karelia, and there is no analogue to it yet. The mineral has no equal in its healing qualities and variety of properties.

    One of the most interesting qualities of shungite is the ability to eliminate the negative effects of electromagnetic radiation. Before giving a description of the healing properties of shungite, you should get a little familiar with the history of this mineral. At the end of the XVI century. in a deaf monastery on the shores of Lake Onega, a nun of noble birth, Marfa, known to the world as the noblewoman Xenia Ivanovna Romanova, was seriously ill. Due to her health and the severity of her illness, she was soon to die; it would not have saved even the fact that after the death of Boris Godunov, the royal disgrace was removed from the Romanov family. Yes, only the local peasants liked the kind-hearted nun, and they told her that in these places there is a life-giving spring, which is known for its miraculous healing power. Later, her son - Mikhail Fedorovich Romanov - became the founder of the ruling dynasty, which was in power for 300 years, and the healing spring received the name "Princess Key" in memory of the nun. By the name of the key and the surrounding villages began to be called Small and Big Tsaritsyno. Despite their amazing properties, those springs never became widely known, and only local peasants used their power. And no one has ever associated the properties of the Onega springs with the fact that a strange rock lies in those places - the "slate stone", currently known under the name "shungite" (after the nearby village of Shunga).

    The rebirth of healing springs (and in fact their new discovery) occurred almost 100 years later, during the Petrovsky transformations and the construction of mining plants and factories in the Urals and northern lands. Fame came to the sources after the accidental healing of a simple factory worker, who thus got rid of "heart disease". This strange incident was told to Peter I, who ordered to examine the water of the source, and then even tried it on himself. Convinced of its medicinal properties, the emperor ordered to organize the first resort in Russia "Marcial Waters". The name of the resort was given by the name of the god of war - Mars, since, first of all, crippled and weak warriors were treated by the waters of the spring by order of Peter. And besides, the marching equipment of Peter's soldiers began to include the "slate stone", which was worn in knapsacks in order to disinfect water during campaigns and give it spring freshness. For some time, the source of medicinal waters developed rapidly and became very popular, but, like many of Peter's plans, it was abandoned after the death of the founder. Several centuries had to pass for the healing water and the strange black stone to be remembered again.

    The properties of shungite still continue to pose various riddles to scientists. Now only one thing is clear: shungite makes water healing. Moreover, its healing properties are not selective, that is, the mineral neutralizes everything that negatively affects a person, and concentrates and restores everything that is useful. As already mentioned, a unique deposit of shungite has been found only in Karelia. It is also important that this mineral is currently the only one whose composition includes fullerenes (this is a recently discovered form of the existence of carbon in the form of spherical ions). Coming into contact with water, shungite begins to release fullerene complexes, which combine with water molecules. As a result, mineral water is formed, which has pronounced medicinal properties. Shungite waters are now being tried to treat allergies, skin diseases, wounds, burns, diabetes, stomatitis, periodontal disease, hair loss, and cosmetic defects. Shungite can not only have a positive effect on ordinary water, but in itself has no less pronounced properties. For example, a study of the effect of shungite on electromagnetic fields convincingly proved that it is a very effective protection against the negative influence of electromagnetic fields of cell phones, TVs, monitors and the so-called geopathogenic zones.

    Today, there are several options for using shungite: shungite water filters, shungite additives in building materials (paints, cement, etc.), the use of shungite to create protective screens to neutralize EMF. Approximately in 1991, for the first time, it was proposed to produce filter devices for water purification from shungite. The result of the test was very impressive. The use of water purified by shungite had a healing effect on the course of such diseases as chronic gastritis, stomach ulcers, kidney stones, periodontal disease, and various allergies. So far, the medicinal effect of shungite has not been fully explained. Shungite proved to be no less effective as a filler for filtration disinfecting devices for cleaning wastewater and car washes. Most often, a shungite filter is made from natural minerals: shungite and zeolite. It is they who purify the water and endow it with healing properties. Shungite compounds have pronounced bactericidal properties, which helps to purify water from E. coli and many organic pollutants. The second filter component (zeolite) adsorbs inorganic contaminants very well. Water passed through such a shungite-zeolite filter contains 9-12 times less microbes than water purified using other filters. Not so long ago, studies conducted by the US Environmental Safety Commission helped to find out that it is extremely dangerous to combine water disinfection by chlorination with the use of activated carbon as a sorbent filter filler. That being said, our tap water is still chlorinated and most of our filters are carbon. Under such conditions, all carbon filters emit activated carbon dust into the water, as a result of which, when boiled, a toxic compound is formed - dioxin, which not only negatively affects the person himself, but when accumulated can cause genetic disorders. It is believed that a few molecules of dioxin are enough to cause the development of a cancerous tumor. Thus, for filtering chlorinated water, it is better to use shungite filters, which do not interact with bleach and toxic substances and not only do not emit, but also bind all kinds of foreign impurities with the help of fullerenes.

    Another extremely important property of shungite is the combination of electrical conductivity and protection against magnetic fields. Our industry is already using shungite with might and main as an additive to various building materials, which makes it possible to screen electromagnetic radiation of high and ultrahigh frequencies during construction. Such materials are used most often in individual construction, for premises that require the protection of confidential information. In addition to additives, shungite plates themselves are also used to decorate the walls of the room, which not only helps to shield the room from all types of magnetic fields, but also simply improves the well-being of a person staying there for a long time. For example, rooms painted with shungite paint have found an interesting use for lovers of strong drinks. It turned out that when a hangover syndrome occurs, a half-hour stay in a room trimmed with shungite is enough for all the negative consequences of immoderate libations to pass without a trace. Special shungite-based additives are now also being introduced into plastic housings of household and computer equipment. This will reduce the negative impact on humans of electromagnetic radiation.

    The so-called macrolite plates for cell phones and computer monitors are made from shungite. Small plates cut from shungite are now sold in mobile phone shops. They are attached directly to the base of the phone's antenna, which is how they achieve a reduction in scattered electromagnetic radiation, that is, the quality of the directional signal does not deteriorate, but the "side" rays are successfully extinguished. Such a plate is inexpensive, but its effectiveness has already been fully proven.

    Smartphones have become an integral part of our lives, it is already difficult to imagine our existence without them. Not only a media hub through which we consume most of the content, but also a means of work for many. And today we will learn not about how wonderful our smartphones are, but about how they harm us.

    Thanks to smartphones, we waste too much time, just think how many times you go to social networks, instagrammers, vkontakte, tweeters and facebooks just devour your time with wagons. In fact, 90% of the content on social media is completely useless. You give the best years of your life to a tape with funny faces.

    Despite the constant growth of the diagonal of the screens, their size still forces the user to keep the display quite close to the eyes. The influence of smartphones on visual impairment has been scientifically proven. Studies have found that people's overall vision has deteriorated by 35% compared to 1997, when smartphones first began to enter our lives. At us now more often began to develop a myopia.

    When reading from a smartphone for a long time, the eyes get tired, because the backlight is located behind the screen and is directed straight into the eyes. For long and comfortable reading, it is better to use electronic readers with special screens, the so-called E Ink electronic paper.

    Pay attention to the behavior of people in companies. Often you can see how groups of people sitting at a table in a cafe or on a bench in the park, instead of communicating live with each other, stare at their smartphones. I do not consider the loss of communication culture a big problem among young people and I will not say that it used to be better.

    Rather, our communication online only remotely resembles us in real life. In real life, we don’t have time to prepare, we can’t answer a question for 10-15 minutes and seem smarter than we really are using Google. Our real life can be radically different from what we lead online. The most avid Instagram users show signs of narcissistic personality disorder, expressed in an overestimated sense of their own importance, a constant need to post about themselves and the need for others' approval and admiration.

    People become addicted to likes, the absence of which causes stress, however, beautiful photos often hide fragile self-esteem and many complexes.

    Mental disorders from smartphone

    Phantom vibrating phone syndrome, that's what it's called. If you have ever felt this, then know that medicine regards this as one of the branches of obsessive-compulsive disorder. You can also safely enter the syndrome of an imaginary call there, when users supposedly hear their own ringtone or a signal about an incoming message. But dependence on a smartphone, the so-called namophobia, that is, the fear of being left without a mobile phone, is also considered the top of the roof.

    This is not the worst harm that a smartphone can bring you. Modern mobile phones are up to their ears with wireless communication modules. This is Wi-Fi, bluetooth, and many other stray things. And all this is essentially a radio wave.

    The Internet is full of articles that both refute the harm of radio waves and confirm it. Perhaps this is paranoia, but I adhere to this position: mobile operators and smartphone manufacturers around the world are quite a powerful force that, in theory, could influence the results of research on the dangers of mobile phones and lobby their interests financially, and it is better to be wary of smartphone radiation.

    And here's a fun fact for you, most microwaves use 2450MHz radio waves to heat food. Now let's remember at what frequencies most telecom operators work in 3G and 4G standards. In the CIS, frequencies from 1800MHz to 2700MHz are most popular with operators, but most often it is just 2400MHz. We are simply irradiated from everywhere.

    Our heads do not explode from talking on the phone for one simple reason, because of the radiation power of mobile phones. If a microwave oven uses radiation up to 800 W, then in a smartphone it is several hundred times less.

    There is an indicator by which the harmfulness of smartphone radiation is determined, it is measured in watts per kilogram of weight, it is called SAR. This is deciphered as the specific coefficient of absorption of electromagnetic radiation by the human body. In the European Union, radiation at the level of two W / Kg is considered acceptable, and in the USA 1.6 W / Kg. Smartphone manufacturers specify SAR in their smartphones and you can easily find it in the specifications of the device. In fact, almost all modern smartphones emit very little, about 0.2 W / Kg, which is about 10 times lower than normal. But I repeat, the safety of even such a small radiation for decades has not yet been clearly proven.

    The screen of a smartphone can have a bad effect not only on vision, the light emitted by it can lead to a malfunction in a person’s biological clock. The body has a mechanism called the circadian rhythm, it is sensitive to the temperature of the surrounding clarification. At sunset, the light has a warm red tint, this color commands the circadian rhythm and it starts the sleep process in the body. At dawn, cold or blue shades of light predominate, according to which the body understands that it is time to switch to wakefulness mode.

    Smartphones with constant light from their screens disable our biorhythm and this leads not only to insomnia. There is a risk of diabetes, obesity, heart disease, kidney disease and even cancer. In fact, the problem is very underestimated and few people know about it.

    But it's good that manufacturers have begun to realize it and introduce a mode into their firmware, in which the screens smoothly switch to warm shades in the evening. Thus, simulating natural lighting at sunset.

    But the last danger that awaits you is bacteria. Did you know that there are 18 times more bacteria living on the body of your smartphone than in a public toilet. Researchers at the University of Surrey have found that the surface of an average smartphone is inhabited by quite dangerous organisms, ranging from ordinary E. coli to dangerous Staphylococcus aureus.

    This pathogen is very dangerous, as it is resistant to many antibiotics, it can cause furunculosis, pneumonia, meningitis and even sepsis. Tests have shown that, on average, a mobile phone carries 18 times more bacteria than a public toilet flush handle. But even toilets are washed and disinfected several times a day.

    Have you ever cleaned your smartphone with a saline solution? Remember that even if your gadget looks clean, it does not mean that there are no bacteria on it, because you use your smartphone everywhere and always. That's all, take care of yourself and your gadgets and, most importantly, watch your health.

    Indeed, a cell phone is a useful and irreplaceable thing. Manufacturers of modern mobile devices claim that the units do not harm human health, but scientists who study the effects of electromagnetic study from a mobile phone say the opposite.

    Recent studies have proven that there is electromagnetic radiation from cell phones, and it affects the nervous system, heart and reproductive organs of a person.

    The harm of a mobile phone is difficult to quantify, because there is not enough data, and the market is constantly replenished with new mobile gadgets.

    How mobile phones affect the human brain?

    There is an assumption that during a long conversation on a cell phone, human brain tissue heats up, cells mutate, and in especially serious cases, a brain tumor may occur. But the evidence for such a theory is not enough, and telephone conversations in this case should be long and continuous over a long period of time. However, frequent use of the phone can lead to headaches, malfunctions of the immune system, and a decrease in resistance to viral and cold diseases.

    Can children use cell phones?

    According to WHO recommendations, should a child buy a cell phone earlier than when the child reaches 10 years of age. Electromagnetic radiation from a cell phone can adversely affect the development of the brain and internal organs of a child, lead to the development of autism, meningitis or oncology. A mobile phone can have a negative impact not only on the health of a child, but also harm his psychological and mental development, causing restless sleep, constant drowsiness and lethargy, reduced immunity, and memory impairment. Long games or communication in instant messengers can lead to a deterioration in the child's vision.

    Should I give up my cell phone?

    Despite the fact that studies of the harm from cell phones do not stop, there are no clear conclusions that certain diseases are associated with the use of a cell phone. In addition to the telephone, electromagnetic radiation is present from the TV and computer, all household appliances, the highest rates are from microwave ovens. The state of the environment also leaves much to be desired, especially in giant cities, so blaming a cell phone for the appearance of a particular disease is simply stupid.

    How to reduce exposure to electromagnetic radiation?

    To minimize the negative impact of electromagnetic radiation, certain conditions must be observed.

    Many experts involved in the study of electromagnetic radiation from cell phones advise against talking on the phone in cars and metal garages, believing that electromagnetic waves are reflected from the metal case and increase their effect on the human body. In addition, a person talking on the phone while driving a car can cause a traffic accident.