• Computer software. Notebook programs. Programs to speed up your computer

    The demand for a variety of PC software exists constantly, and it is incredibly high. For this reason, software download sites multiply very, very quickly, but finding the really best resources turns out to be unexpectedly difficult. Do you need to download various programs to your computer? Especially for you, we have made a list of the best software sites on the web.

    Softok- https://softok.info/

    The SoftOk resource is one of the youngest, but already gaining popularity resources. It features a modern design and a rich selection of programs for almost any need. Programs are grouped into convenient collections that allow you to choose a program according to a whole set of parameters. Versions for iOS and Android operating systems are also present.

    Softobase - http://softobase.com/en/

    The most convenient and largest site where you can download programs for free on your laptop or PC. The database is constantly updated, so even the latest versions will always be available to you. All programs are divided into categories so that you can easily and quickly find and download the one you need. The site is also interesting because it has reviews, videos, articles and answers to user questions.

    Free Programs - http://www.besplatnyeprogrammy.ru/

    Free Programs Ru - a site for downloading programs for free with a primitive division into categories. It is easy to navigate on it, traditionally there is a search by name, as well as a list of recommendations. Overall, this is a great resource for finding and downloading a basic set of applications.

    Softportal - http://www.softportal.com/

    Another of the major sites where a huge amount of software for various devices is presented is SoftPortal. The assortment includes options for a computer and a phone, sections for various operating systems (Android, Macintosh, IOS, Windows family), more than 20 categories of software by purpose. Audio, graphics, design, education, various desktop utilities - this is an incomplete list of what you can download, and what is important - for free and without entering codes and SMS. This resource is constantly updated and promptly uploads all the latest industry news.


    In the next place is the site for downloading programs for the Freesoft computer. The main focus here is on software for Windows, but there are also programs for Android, MAC, Linux, and Apple gadgets. It is important that this is a safe site on which the posted content is carefully filtered and checked for malicious components.


    Next, the site for downloading programs is Soft-File. A rich software component, a lot of articles, reviews, reviews - all this makes it very popular among users. You can find almost everything here - from mobile programs to office software. Hundreds of offers are categorized for easy searching, and the intuitive interface will save you time.

    TopDownloads - http://topdownloads.ru/

    TopDownloads is a simple and solid resource with daily updates that can be viewed as a separate list. Hundreds of new products and already familiar offers are divided into categories in a convenient catalog. Like many other freeware sites, TopDownloads also offers reviews, news, and popularity rankings. In addition to software, there is also music, videos, documents and much more.

    As you can see, popular sites for downloading various software are a fairly extensive topic, because electronic devices have long become an integral part of our lives. Do you want to download a new game, drivers, or just need to update old software versions? We have collected for you the best sites for downloading programs, choose one of them - and find everything you need! Share this article with your friends on social networks, rate it high below and leave a comment if your favorite software site is not listed here! We also suggest that you definitely and right now look at our article about, which has become one of the most read in recent months! Maybe there you will find useful resources for yourself ๐Ÿ™‚

    Still, I finally decided to write this long-awaited article by many readers. As you understand from its name, below we will talk about the best free software for computer, without which I personally cannot imagine my digital life, which are installed on all my computers for many years and which have never let me down.

    There will be few pictures and a lot of different links, but I hope that all of them will be useful to you, so, as they say, do not switch ...

    I want to say right away that absolutely all the programs described on the site I like (hundreds of them) and I personally checked (run in) them all - this is the main principle of the site.

    First place is free f.lux computer program, which helps me to preserve my vision for many years when working at the monitor in long evenings and nights. I can't even imagine what would have happened to my eyes without her help. It eliminates the welding effect of the night screen - automatically adjusts the color temperature of the monitor (not to be confused with brightness).

    This indispensable program works wonderfully in all versions of the operating system, up to Windows 10.

    There are also excellent alternatives - also free programs SunsetScreen and (the second is generally a "bomb").

    You will find a few more and no less useful computer programs for maintaining health while working at a computer in the corresponding section of the site. "Health and computer" I urge you to pay attention to them.

    Computer Security

    Virus protection now provides my computer completely free antivirus 360 Total Security, which is equipped with five (!) Protection algorithms. In addition, it has an excellent digital garbage cleaner and a system optimizer built into it - the original solution of the manufacturers, I should note.

    I draw your attention to the fact that with proper fine-tuning, any antivirus can be the best for you. For example, I used the paid ESET Nod32 and the free Avast! for a long time! Free Antivirus - both of them saved me many times from the invasion of malware.

    I can't keep silent about the free anti-virus scanner Dr.Web CureIt, which brought hundreds of computers of my friends and acquaintances back to life.

    I advise you not to forget about a good firewall(firewall) - it also plays a huge role in ensuring the security of your operating system.

    You will find descriptions of other free and effective means of protecting your computer from viruses in the Security section of the site.

    Programs to speed up your computer

    There will be multiple winners in this category...

    Let's start by speeding up the computer. Here my leader will be AnVir Task Manager - a powerful manager of tasks, processes, startup, services and services, a virus and spyware detector and destroyer. It was thanks to this magical program (and a couple of other tricks) that I was able to speed up computer startup up to 9.2 seconds- this is my personal record at this point in time (with Windows 7).

    The site has a section in which I came across a lot of useful articles on this topic.

    What acceleration of a computer can be without periodically cleaning it from digital garbage (logs, "tails" of once deleted programs, etc.). Here my reliable and trusted assistant is the legendary "cleaner" CCleaner. This is the most "long-playing" program on my computers - I have been using it from the very beginning of my computer life.

    In addition to her, there a whole bunch of great "cleaners", but CCleaner is my favorite.

    After cleaning the system, let's optimize its work - I consider the Advanced SystemCare program to be the leader in this matter. This is a whole combine that has collected a bunch of useful tweaks and utilities under its roof.

    Very convenient and understandable program. It can fully optimize the performance of your computer. There is also a manual mode - you yourself indicate what and where to improve in the system.

    Described on the website other great optimizers, such as ToolWiz Care .

    I continue to list the best free computer programs that I have been using for many years ...

    Programs for convenient work at the computer

    There are also a couple of leaders in the nomination ...

    The most amazing free computer program that has incredibly speeded up and improved my computer work is StrokesPlus. It allows you to control your computer with mouse gestures.

    Just a magical free program, I'll tell you - it monstrously optimizes the interaction with Windows Explorer. I can't imagine my computer life without it.

    There is an alternative to this program - gMote , but I like the first one much more.

    The second best free program that greatly improves the convenience of working at a computer, I think Clover. It adds tab functionality to Windows Explorer (remember browsers). As in the previous case, this greatly increases the speed of navigating through folders.

    This program works fine in Windows 7, but there are a number of questions for it in the top ten - a similar (but not so simple) utility called QTTabBar helped me out. With its help, I implemented tabs at the bottom of the window and enjoy the convenience.

    my favorite browser

    I clearly feel how many readers have tensed up and are already stretching their fingers to start chilling on this topic in the comments to the article. Therefore, I emphasize PERSONALLY MY FAVORITE BROWSER is Mozilla Firefox.

    I โ€œsatโ€ on Google Chrome for a couple of years, I really liked the version of Opera called Vivaldi ..., but the Fire Fox suits me best for its flexibility, functionality and the presence of add-ons for all occasions. In terms of speed, today all browsers are like rockets.

    Whatever Internet browser you use - do not forget about. It will save your nerve cells, speed up surfing the net and protect you from clicking on fake links.

    Program for automatic driver installation

    It is no secret that the fast and high-quality operation of all computer components depends on the availability of up-to-date drivers in the system.

    The most convenient, simple, safe and high-quality free computer program that automatically scans your system with lightning speed, finds the best driver versions suitable for your long-suffering computer and updates them, is Snappy Driver Installer (SDI).

    Unique Anti-Check

    Rounding out the list of the best free computer programs is a unique and inimitable utility called Unchecky. This is a real killer of various cunning and subtle checkboxes for installing additional "useful" software that unscrupulous software manufacturers introduce into their installers.

    Analogues of this computer program simply does not exist. Its charm is in simplicity, automatic background work and focus on our market. Just imagine - she herself finds and removes most (not absolutely all) nasty jackdaws when installing programs on a computer!

    Many software authors are just mad at her - constantly improving their installers and trying to outwit Unchecky, but she also fights with them, updating often. This is the eternal struggle between good and evil.

    That's all for today. Of course, these are not all the best free programs for the computer. I haven't mentioned audio players yet, video players,

    Each of us has repeatedly faced the need to download a program from the Internet, but not everyone thought that along with the downloaded program, various malicious programs can get into your computer, which can significantly complicate your life. That is why downloading any kind of programs from the network should be treated very carefully, not relying on "maybe".

    Today we will tell you about the three most reliable and convenient ways to download programs from the worldwide web.

    Official website of the developer

    The most reliable way is to download the program directly from its developer's website. For example, Opera has https://www.opera.com/ru/computer . In this case, you can be sure that you will download the latest version of the program and nothing else. Usually, when searching for a particular program on the Internet, the developer's site appears immediately on the first page of the search. You just need to make sure that this is not a page that copies the style of the developer's site - such copying is quite common on the web.

    Soft portals

    Today, there are many sites on the net that offer a whole catalog of various programs for computers. Usually these directories are conveniently structured, and you can easily find and immediately download from it a browser, an antivirus, and any other program. But here again the question of the reliability of a resource arises. It's no secret that some sites try to impose on you, in addition to the selected program, a couple of unnecessary utilities, and you won't even understand where these programs came from on your computer. It's good if these are ordinary harmless programs, but sometimes they can also be programs containing malicious code. Therefore, be careful when choosing a softportal from which you want to download something. We advise you to use only the most popular and already well-established resources, such as BesplatnyeProgrammy.Ru, a cult and authoritative free software resource with a classic old-school interface and up-to-date versions of programs, or SoftoBase.com, which, in addition to a huge database of programs for Windows, Android and iOS contains a lot of useful information: thematic collections of software, answers to questions, video tutorials, etc.

    Multi installer

    Another reliable and convenient way is to download programs using the multi-installer of programs. A great example is InstallPack . This is a small utility that facilitates the process of finding and installing the necessary programs for Windows on a PC (more than 700 titles). To find the program you need, you can use the built-in search or thematic collections. The installation files in InstallPack are distributed on a zero-touch basis. That is, in the form in which they are given by the developers, and only the latest versions. The application alternately downloads and starts the installation of the selected programs and does not create its own files in the system.

    How do you most often download programs to your computer?

    This set provides a list of the most necessary programs that are perfect for installing on a new laptop or device with a new Windows operating system.

    Good antivirus protection

    1 The first thing to install is, of course, good protection. Without a good antivirus, visiting any pages on the Internet, using third-party applications or devices, can lead to the infection of your computer with dangerous viruses and Trojans. To do this, we suggest you use the new, free antivirus solution 360 Total Security, which you can download from a special page of our website.

    Feature rich browser

    2 Further, to visit sites on the Internet, you must have an installed, modern browser. There are many applications, but each of them is unique in its own way. If you want to spend your time as efficiently and safely as possible while visiting Internet resources and using various services on the network, then we recommend that you download and install the free Yandex browser. This program has all the necessary tools for efficient and safe work on the Internet.

    Good file archiver

    3 Then you can install a shareware archiver. Most files on the Internet are distributed in archived form, and in order to extract the contents from them, you need a special program. We recommend that you download the very good WinRAR application and install it as your main archive tool. You can learn more about it and download it by clicking on the button below.


    4 For playing music and watching videos, we recommend that you pay attention to the KMPlayer player and the AIMP player. By downloading and installing the proposed programs for working with multimedia files, you can easily listen to music and watch any video without having to install additional codecs.


    5 During the use and installation of additional programs on a laptop, various unnecessary information and records accumulate in the system, which load your computer and significantly slow it down. For such cases, we recommend downloading the special utility CCleaner, a program for cleaning and optimizing the system. With this application, you can easily delete all unnecessary entries and junk files that accumulate during active use of the laptop.

    Here are 5 essential programs that should be installed on your laptop. If this list does not meet your needs, then you can always visit our website and select from the list all those applications that you want to download to your computer.

    Hello! Here I will post the most useful programs for a Windows 7, 8, 10 computer that I use myself, and which you can download to your computer for free without any SMS, displaying ads, entering captchas, etc. by direct link!

    Often, to find the right program, especially if you are a beginner, it takes a lot of time to search for this program on the Internet. Now there are a lot of so-called โ€œfile dumpsโ€ on the network, from which I do not recommend you to download various programs. Not only do you watch a lot of ads before downloading any program from these sites and lose your time, but you also download โ€œleftโ€ and unnecessary programs along with the program you need, or even some kind of Trojan or virus.

    You need to download programs only from the official sites of these programs!

    But not always, even on the official website of the program, you can quickly find a link to download the program. After all, developers of programs, especially free ones, also have to somehow earn money and also show their ads or impose other paid software.

    Therefore, I decided to place the most necessary and interesting programs in my opinion on this page so that you can download for free without the above problems, in one click!

    Basically, all the programs presented are free or shareware.

    If you are interested in any program, and you want me to tell you more about it on the pages of this blog, then write about it in the comments, maybe I will review this program.

    I will try to update all programs in this section once every 3 months. So stay tuned for updates to these programs,.

    Total 87 files, total size 2.9 GiB Total number of downloads: 122 343

    Shown since 1 before 87 from 87 files.

    AdwCleaner is an easy-to-use OS security utility that allows you to get rid of adware on your computer in seconds with a quick system scan.
    ยป 7.1 MiB - downloaded: 3,009 times - Updated: 07/06/2018

    The HitmanPro antivirus scanner works in conjunction with the main antivirus. The utility is able to conduct a deep analysis of the system and identify threats that other antiviruses could not detect. Uses SophosLabs, Kaspersky and Bitdefender cloud base.
    ยป 10.5 MiB - downloaded: 1,300 times - Updated: 07/06/2018

    A cloud-based antivirus scanner that uses multiple engines and detection technologies to remove advanced threats. Additional protection compatible with your antivirus, antispyware or firewall. Trial 14-day version.
    ยป 6.3 MiB - downloaded: 1,328 times - Updated: 07/06/2018

    One solution for PC security and optimization. One of the best free antivirus.
    ยป 74.7 MiB - downloaded: 1,541 times - Updated: 07/06/2018

    Intuitive and lightweight free antivirus with all the features you need to keep your computer, home network and data secure.
    ยป 7.1 MiB - downloaded: 1,061 times - Updated: 09.10.2018

    AVZ anti-virus utility is designed to detect and remove SpyWare and AdWare spyware, Trojans and network and email worms
    ยป 9.6 MiB - downloaded: 1,186 times - Updated: 07/06/2018

    Bitdefender Antivirus Free Edition is a free antivirus. Real-time protection, active virus control, cloud, proactive technologies. Interface in English.
    ยป 9.5 MiB - downloaded: 414 times - Updated: 07/06/2018

    Bitdefender Antivirus has protected over 500 million users without missing a single ransomware attack.
    ยป 10.4 MiB - downloaded: 366 times - Updated: 07/06/2018

    Antivirus ESET Smart Security Business Edition 10.1 (for 32 bit)
    ยป 126.1 MiB - downloaded: 3,799 times - Updated: 07/06/2018

    Antivirus ESET Smart Security Business Edition 10.1 (for 64 bit)
    ยป 131.6 MiB - downloaded: 2,998 times - Updated: 07/06/2018

    Kaspersky Anti-Virus - free version
    ยป 2.3 MiB - downloaded: 1,329 times - Updated: 07/06/2018

    The archiver is free. For Windows (64 bit)
    ยป 1.4 MiB - downloaded: 1,872 times - Updated: 07/06/2018

    The archiver is free. For Windows (32 bit)
    ยป 1.1 MiB - downloaded: 5,336 times - Updated: 07/06/2018

    Winrar. A powerful utility for creating and managing archives, containing a whole range of additional useful functions. For Windows (32 bit). Trial. 40 days.
    ยป 3.0 MiB - downloaded: 903 times - Updated: 07/06/2018

    Winrar. A powerful utility for creating and managing archives, containing a whole range of additional useful functions. For Windows (64 bit). Trial. 40 days.
    ยป 3.2 MiB - downloaded: 1,229 times - Updated: 07/06/2018

    Download Master is a free download manager.
    ยป 7.4 MiB - downloaded: 1,283 times - Updated: 07/06/2018

    Evernote is a web service and program for creating and storing notes. A note can be a piece of rich text, an entire web page, a photo, an audio file, or a handwritten note. Notes can also contain attachments with other types of files. Notes can be sorted into notebooks, labeled, edited, and exported.
    ยป 130.0 MiB - downloaded: 843 times - Updated: 07/06/2018

    FileZilla FTP client (for 32 bit)
    ยป 7.3 MiB - downloaded: 1,127 times - Updated: 07/06/2018

    FileZilla FTP client (for 64 bit)
    ยป 7.6 MiB - downloaded: 769 times - Updated: 07/06/2018

    Isendsms - a program for sending free SMS and MMS to mobile phones of mobile operators in Russia and CIS countries.
    ยป 2.0 MiB - downloaded: 1,786 times - Updated: 07/06/2018

    ยป 68.5 MiB - downloaded: 5,976 times - Updated: 07/06/2018

    Skype - communication without restrictions. Call, text, share any file - and it's all free
    ยป 55.8 MiB - downloaded: 1,842 times - Updated: 07/06/2018

    Telegram is a cross-platform messenger that allows you to exchange messages and media files in many formats. Telegram messages are securely encrypted and can self-destruct.
    ยป 22.0 MiB - downloaded: 374 times - Updated: 07/06/2018

    Thunderbird mail program
    ยป 38.9 MiB - downloaded: 1,184 times - Updated: 07/06/2018

    uTorrent torrent client. Archive password: free-pc
    ยป 4.1 MiB - downloaded: 1,609 times - Updated: 07/06/2018

    Viber for Windows allows you to send messages and call other Viber users for free on any device, in any network and country! Viber syncs your contacts, messages and call history with your mobile phone.
    ยป 87.1 MiB - downloaded: 1,514 times - Updated: 07/06/2018

    WhatsApp Messenger is a cross-platform smartphone application that allows you to exchange messages without paying like SMS. (for windows 8 and above) (32 bit)
    ยป 124.5 MiB - downloaded: 875 times - Updated: 07/06/2018

    WhatsApp Messenger is a cross-platform smartphone application that allows you to exchange messages without paying like SMS. (for windows 8 and above) (64 bit)
    ยป 131.8 MiB - downloaded: 931 times - Updated: 07/06/2018

    Aimp is one of the best free Audio Players.
    ยป 10.2 MiB - downloaded: 1,931 times - Updated: 07/06/2018

    ComboPlayer is a free program for watching TV online. Supports watching Torrent video without waiting for download, listening to Internet radio, and playing any audio and video file on the computer.
    ยป unknown - downloaded: 1,765 times - Updated: 07/06/2018

    FileOptimizer is a small utility designed for additional compression of graphic files using a special algorithm
    ยป 77.3 MiB - downloaded: 444 times - Updated: 07/06/2018

    K-Lite_Codec_Pack - a universal set of codecs for viewing and processing audio and video files. The package includes a video player Media Player Classic
    ยป 52.8 MiB - downloaded: 1,953 times - Updated: 07/06/2018

    Mp3DirectCut is a small MP3 file editor that allows you to cut or copy parts of files without decompression
    ยป 287.6 KiB - downloaded: 991 times - Updated: 07/06/2018

    Media Player Classic Home Cinema (MPC-HC) (for 64 bit) is a multimedia player built on the basis of the Media Player Classic player, which has one of the best integrated sets of media codecs. Thanks to this, MPC HC can play many video and audio file formats without installing third-party tools.
    ยป 13.5 MiB - downloaded: 1,364 times - Updated: 07/06/2018

    Media Player Classic Home Cinema (MPC-HC) (for 32 bit) is a multimedia player built on the basis of the Media Player Classic player, which has one of the best integrated sets of media codecs. Thanks to this, MPC HC can play many video and audio file formats without installing third-party tools.
    ยป 12.7 MiB - downloaded: 1,072 times - Updated: 07/06/2018

    PicPick - full featured screen capture, intuitive image editor, color picker, color palette, pixel ruler, protractor, crosshair, slate board and more
    ยป 14.8 MiB - downloaded: 800 times - Updated: 07/06/2018

    Radiotochka is a stylish and convenient program for listening and recording radio on your computer
    ยป 13.1 MiB - downloaded: 1,771 times - Updated: 07/06/2018

    A program for editing compressed video while maintaining quality. Editor for MPEG-2, AVI, WMV, ASF, MP4, MKV, MOV, AVCHD, WEBM, FLV, MP3, WMA files. The intuitive interface allows you to edit video files with just a few mouse clicks. Trial version.
    ยป 51.1 MiB - downloaded: 1,061 times - Updated: 07/06/2018

    XnView is a cross-platform free image viewer that supports viewing over 400 and saving (converting) up to 50 different graphic and multimedia file formats
    ยป 19.4 MiB - downloaded: 1,398 times - Updated: 07/06/2018

    XviD4PSP is a program for convenient and high-quality video and audio conversion. It does not depend on the codecs installed in the system. Does not require installation. For Windows (32 bit)
    ยป 19.2 MiB - downloaded: 568 times - Updated: 07/06/2018

    XviD4PSP is a program for convenient and high-quality video and audio conversion. It does not depend on the codecs installed in the system. Does not require installation. For Windows (64 bit)
    ยป 22.5 MiB - downloaded: 760 times - Updated: 07/06/2018

    Adobe Reader - a program for reading and printing documents in PDF format
    ยป 115.1 MiB - downloaded: 1,604 times - Updated: 07/06/2018

    LibreOffice is a free alternative to Microsoft Office. The program includes the Writer text editor, the Calc spreadsheet processor, the Impress presentation wizard, the Draw vector graphics editor, the Math formula editor, and the Base database management module. For Windows (64 bit).
    ยป 261.5 MiB - downloaded: 1,115 times - Updated: 07/06/2018

    LibreOffice is a free alternative to Microsoft Office. The program includes the Writer text editor, the Calc spreadsheet processor, the Impress presentation wizard, the Draw vector graphics editor, the Math formula editor, and the Base database management module. For Windows (32 bit).
    ยป 240.5 MiB - downloaded: 872 times - Updated: 07/06/2018

    Notepad++ is a free text editor with syntax highlighting for most programming and markup languages. Supports opening more than 100 formats. For Windows (32 bit).
    ยป 4.1 MiB - downloaded: 735 times - Updated: 07/06/2018

    Notepad++ is a free text editor with syntax highlighting for most programming and markup languages. Supports opening more than 100 formats. For Windows (64 bit).
    ยป 4.4 MiB - downloaded: 1,134 times - Updated: 07/06/2018

    STDU Viewer - small size viewer for PDF, DjVu, Comic Book Archive (CBR or CBZ), FB2, ePub, XPS, TCR, multipage TIFF, TXT, GIF, JPG, JPEG, PNG, PSD, PCX, PalmDoc, EMF, WMF , BMP, DCX, MOBI, AZW for Microsoft Windows, free for non-commercial use.
    ยป 2.5 MiB - downloaded: 2,092 times - Updated: 07/06/2018

    Ashampoo Burning Studio Free 1.14.5 - a free version of a multifunctional program for working with CD, DVD and Blu-Ray discs
    ยป 31.3 MiB - downloaded: 1,422 times - Updated: 07/06/2018

    CDBurnerXP is a free CD, DVD, HD-DVD and Blu-Ray disc burning software. Archive password: free-pc
    ยป 5.9 MiB - downloaded: 772 times - Updated: 07/06/2018

    Classic Shell is a utility that allows you to enable the classic design of the Start menu in Windows 8, 10
    ยป 6.9 MiB - downloaded: 1,427 times - Updated: 07/06/2018

    DriverHub is a free driver installation software. It has a driver rollback feature.
    ยป 976.6 KiB - downloaded: 465 times - Updated: 07/06/2018

    DAEMON Tools Lite is a small but powerful CD/DVD drive emulator
    ยป 773.2 KiB - downloaded: 1,191 times - Updated: 07/06/2018

    ToolWiz Time Freeze is a useful free program that will allow you to "freeze" the operating system and return it to its original state after installing malware, unwanted adware, etc. Old version (works without rebooting the system)
    ยป 2.5 MiB - downloaded: 1,436 times - Updated: 07/06/2018

    XPTweaker. Tweaker for Windows XP
    ยป 802.5 KiB - downloaded: 2,091 times - Updated: 07/06/2018

    AOMEI Backupper Standard. An excellent program for creating a backup copy or restoring the system. It also works with disks and partitions. The program works with Microsoft VSS technology, which will allow you to create a backup copy without interrupting your work on your computer.
    ยป 89.7 MiB - downloaded: 1,197 times - Updated: 07/06/2018

    AOMEI Partition Assistant Standard. An effective program for simple and reliable disk partition management on your computer without data loss. The multifunctional program is free for home and commercial use.
    ยป 10.5 MiB - downloaded: 1,129 times - Updated: 07/06/2018

    Aomei PE Builder helps you create a Windows PE bootable environment for FREE without installing the Windows Automated Installation Kit (WAIK), which contains a set of tools and allows you to boot your computer for maintenance and quick recovery when the Windows operating system is damaged and cannot be used.
    ยป 146.8 MiB - downloaded: 1,171 times - Updated: 07/06/2018

    Defraggler is a free defragmenter from Piriform Ltd., known for its CCleaner and Recuva programs. Can work both with the whole disk and with individual folders and files
    ยป 6.1 MiB - downloaded: 1,108 times - Updated: 07/06/2018

    Puran File Recovery is a unique free program for recovering deleted or damaged files on a hard drive, flash drive, memory card, mobile phone, CD/DVD and other storage media regardless of the file system. Portable version.
    ยป 1.4 MiB - downloaded: 775 times - Updated: 07/06/2018

    Recuva is a free utility for recovering lost (due to software failure) or deleted data
    ยป 5.3 MiB - downloaded: 1,129 times - Updated: 07/06/2018

    Scanner - a program for analyzing the contents of hard drives, CD / DVD, floppy disks and other media
    ยป 213.8 KiB - downloaded: 955 times - Updated: 07/06/2018

    Victoria - designed to evaluate the health, testing and minor repairs of hard drives
    ยป 533.3 KiB - downloaded: 1,447 times - Updated: 07/06/2018

    Auslogics BoostSpeed โ€‹โ€‹is a powerful and free tool for cleaning, fixing and speeding up your computer. Archive password: free-pc
    ยป 20.2 MiB - downloaded: 4,131 times - Updated: 07/06/2018

    CCleaner removes unused files, frees up space on hard drives, allowing Windows to run faster
    ยป 15.2 MiB - downloaded: 1,591 times - Updated: 07/06/2018

    PrivaZer is a powerful and free tool for cleaning your computer of accumulated junk and destroying any remnants of visited websites and other activity on your computer
    ยป 7.1 MiB - downloaded: 1,700 times - Updated: 07/06/2018

    Cobian Backup is a free program that allows you to schedule backups of individual files or directories, transferring them to a specific directory to other folders / drives on the same computer or on a remote server on the network