• Merge rows, columns and cells in Excel. Combining Rows in Microsoft Excel

    In Excel, you can merge cells either by rows or columns. When merging cells in Excel, you need to consider some nuances:

    • When merging cells in Excel, the data written in the cells will be deleted except for the data written in the upper left cell. When merging text cells in Excel, you must first copy the text from the cells, for example, to Notepad.
    • When you merge multiple cells across rows and columns, you can only merge the same number of cells in a row and column. For example, you cannot merge 2 cells in one column and 1 cell in another column, or 2 cells in one row and 1 cell in another row.

    Merging cells via cell format

    To merge cells in Excel, you need to hover the cursor over one of the cells to be merged, click left button mouse and without releasing it, select all the cells that need to be merged. Release the left button and press the right mouse button. A context menu will open in which you need to select Format Cells.

    Combining rows in Excel

    A window called Format Cells will open. You can also use hotkeys to open this window to merge cells in Excel. Press on the keyboard Alt key and while holding it, press and release the following keys I, Ш, I one by one, after which a window will open and you can release the Alt key. In this window, you need to go to the Alignment tab and on this tab check the box for merging cells.

    Window in which you can combine rows in Excel

    By clicking on the OK button, the Format Cells window will immediately close and Excel will merge the cells you selected. If some data was recorded in the cells you selected, then after closing the Format Cells window, a warning from Microsoft will appear with the following text: The selected area contains several data values. Merging cells will result in the loss of all values ​​except the top left one.

    Values ​​are lost when merging cells in Excel 2010

    By clicking the OK button in this warning, it will immediately close, and your cells will be merged, but the data from them will be deleted and only the data that was recorded in the selected upper left cell will remain.

    You can split a cell in Excel that has been merged

    You can split merged cells in Excel like this: hover the cursor over this cell and press the right mouse button. A context menu will open in which you select Format Cells. A window will open in which you can split cells in Excel that were previously merged. In this window, you need to go to the Alignment tab and on this tab, uncheck the Merge Cells option and click OK. After this, the Format Cells window will close and the cells will be separated.

    Merging cells via the toolbar

    You can separate and merge cells in Excel using the Excel toolbar. To merge cells in Excel, you need to hover over one of the cells to be merged. Press the left mouse button and without releasing it, select all the cells that need to be combined and only then release the left mouse button.

    In Excel, merging cells is done through the toolbar.

    In the Excel panel, click on Merge and Place in Center. After this, all selected cells will be merged. To split a cell in Excel, you need to hover the cursor over the merged cell and press the left mouse button.

    With one click you can split a cell into two or more in Excel.

    Then click on Merge and place in the center or on the pop-up menu next to this item and select Unmerge Cells. This way you can split cells in Excel.

    Merging values ​​from cells

    You can merge text in excel cells without losing data, but the data will be placed in a new cell. Merging cells in Excel without losing data is done using the formula = cell name & » » & cell name. For example, if you need to combine text in Excel cells B3 and C3, then the formula will look like this =B3 & » » & C3.

    Using a formula, you combine data in cells in Excel

    Merging the contents of cells in Excel will occur in any cell you select, for example A3. You need to place a formula in this cell, and to do this, move the mouse cursor over cell A3 and press the left mouse button. Then insert =B3 & » » & C3 into the formula bar and press the Enter key on your keyboard and the cell values ​​will immediately be merged in Excel. Don't forget to put an equal sign = before the formula.


    This video shows how to combine values ​​from Excel in different cells into one.

    Here we will consider, how to merge cells in Excel, cell text, cells without losing data, columns, rows, lists, tables, etc.
    How to merge cells intoExcel.
    Select the cells you want to merge. On the “Home” tab, in the “Alignment” section, click on the “Merge” button.You can also call the “Merge” function from the context menu - “ Excel functions. Context menu".
    Select the cells that need to be merged. Click on the cell of the selected range with the right mouse. From the context menu that appears, select the “Format Cells” function. In the dialog box that appears, go to the “Alignment” tab and check the “merge cells” function.

    Let's see right away - here you can check the boxes to wrap the text in the cell so that all the long text is visible in the cell.

    Was. It has become.
    Aligning text and numbers horizontally – adjusts the location of cell data relative to its borders - left, center, right.

    Vertical alignment – ​​adjusts the vertical position of data - at the top of the cell, in the center, at the bottom of the cell.
    You can combine these functions in one cell.For example: vertically centered and horizontally centered. The text will be located in the middle of the cell.
    In the “Orientation” section, you can rotate the text in a cell by moving the red diamond, or by setting the number of degrees of text rotation.On the “Home” tab in the “Alignment” section there are buttons for these functions.
    There are also two more buttons here.These buttons adjust the indentation of text and numbers in a cell.Sometimes the search does not find anything, but perhaps the reason is that the cell is indented, and we are in search bar Enter what you are looking for without indentation.
    To remove indentation in Excel cells, select them and click the “Decrease indent” button.
    Can transfer large text from one Excel cells in several cells. This is the "Wrap Text" button.Some functions are not displayed by buttons on the tab, e.g. you need to open the cell format window by clicking the small arrow button in the lower right corner of the “Alignment” section.
    If the text is not included in the cell, you can put " Wrap according to words». In the table it may be necessary expand text in Excel - adjust the orientation.
    When we merge filled cells, the contents only from the first cell are saved, and the contents in other cells are lost. The following warning window will appear.
    But, Excel gives us the ability to merge both cells and data in cells.
    How to merge cells in Excel without losing data.
    To do this, you need to use the “CONNECT” function. For example, we have such a table. We need to merge cells A and B.
    1. Since when merging cells, only the data in the first left cell is saved, we will insert a column into the table between columns A and B.
    2. In this column we will write a formula that will combine the data from the cells of columns A and B. In cell B2 we will write such a formula. =CONCATENATE(A7,",";D7)

    3. Copy the formula by column.
    4. Now, if we want to leave only the column with merged cells (B2) in the table, and delete columns A and C (with the original data), then first copy the column with the merged data as VALUE (copy - special insert- value - press at the end not “Enter”, but “Esc”). We copied the value of column B to the new column C.

    5. Now we combine columns C and D, and delete column A with the original data and column B with the formula. The result is the same table, only cells A and B are combined and the data in them is combined.

    If you don’t need to delete cells with the original data, then you don’t need to copy the value of the column with the formula (step 4 doesn’t need to be done). And combine the column with the formula with the second column.

    You can simply hide column A so that it doesn’t interfere.
    To find all merged cells in a table, read the article "How to find merged cells in Excel". For example, when we copy data from another program, the numbers in Excel are not processed and the formulas do not work. For everything to work, you need to change the format of the values.
    How to remove merged cells in Excel.
    To separate merged cells, you need to select these cells and click the “Merge and Place in Center” button. The cells will be separated and the contents of the cell will be placed in the first top cell.
    In Excel, you can combine not only cells into one, but much more.
    Can combine content from different cells into one cell. For example, combine words or words and numbers from different cells into one sentence. How to do this, see the article “How to combine words from different cells into Excel text”.
    Can combine words, other data not only in the sentence, but also through signs, for example - a slash, other signs. Example: sour cream/milk.
    Can compose a sentence not only from cells located in a row, but also in a column. To do this you need to write a formula. How to write such a formula, read the article “Concatenate function in Excel.”
    Can combine lists in Excel into one. For example, there are several separate lists. We need to make one of them. Read about this in the article “How to make a list of two in Excel”.
    Can merge tables in Excel. Excel has a Consolidation feature that can combine data from multiple tables into one. Read “How to merge tables in Excel.”
    You can manage and merge pivot tables in excel. Excel doesn't have a feature to merge PivotTables, but there is a way to do it. Everything is described in the article “ Pivot table in Excel from several tables".
    The number format is very important when working with some formulas, for example, counting hours, minutes, etc.How to correctly apply number formats, see the article “

    Program Microsoft Excel used for working with spreadsheets in many offices. The application has wide functionality, but is far from the most friendly interface. New users of the app find it difficult to understand how to perform even basic actions in the app, such as merging cells. Often, when working with tables, users have to deal with the need to merge two or more cells horizontally or vertically. Let's look at how to do this in Microsoft Excel as conveniently as possible.

    Please note: Depending on the program versionMicrosoftExcel, the instructions below may vary slightly.

    Table of contents:

    How to Easily Merge Cells in Microsoft Excel

    First of all, let's look at the basic tools of the program designed for merging cells. The program provides a separate tool for converting several cells into one, while it boasts wide functionality.

    To simply merge multiple cells into one horizontally or vertically, you need to select the cells, then click in top menu in the “Home” section to the “Merge and place in center” item. IN in this case all selected cells will be merged into one; note that information in it will be saved only from the top left cell of the selected array. At the same time this information after merging, it will be placed in the center of the resulting line.

    To merge cells, but the information from the cells does not move to the center, you need to click on the down arrow of the cell merging tool, and select the “Merge cells” option from the presented tools. After this, the default entry (the top left one from the array, or the only one that is available) will be located in the merged cell, according to the existing cell formatting.

    Another opportunity that standard tools provide is to combine an array of selected cells into MicrosoftExcel by row. To merge selected cells row by row, you need to click on the “Merge by rows” button in the list additional features cell merging tool on the dashboard.

    How to merge cells in Microsoft Excel using the context menu

    Word also has a separate context menu that contains options for merging cells. If there is a specific task of merging cells that cannot be solved by the above tools, it is recommended to use this menu.

    Before calling the context menu to merge cells, you need to select the data array on which you will work. Next, right-click on any place in the selected array and select "Cell Format".

    A menu will open in which you need to switch to the item at the top "Alignment". Here, to merge cells, check the option "Merging Cells", after which you can make other text formatting settings - set the vertical and horizontal alignment options, enable the word wrap function, and so on. When all the necessary settings have been made, click “OK” to complete the specified actions.

    How to merge cells in Microsoft Word without losing data

    As noted above, when merging multiple cells containing data, only the information from the top left cell is retained. Let's look at how to merge cells without losing data:

    As you can see, there remains a cell that contains the combined information. If necessary, you can now merge several cells so that this data is present in them.

    IN office suite MS Excel can combine several horizontally or vertically adjacent fields into one large one. This can be done in several ways.

    Using the context menu

    Calling right key mouse context menu, having previously selected the fields that require merging, select Format.

    We are interested in the tab Alignment.

    In property Display mark with a tick Association and press OK.

    Should be taken into account that only the top left value will be saved in the combined field.

    Ribbon button for excel 2007 and higher

    You can also use the button on the ribbon to merge.

    IN Office versions 2013 it is located on the tab Home and it looks like this.

    Default button unites and produces leveling text in the center. In the drop-down list, among the proposed options there is also merging by rows, without alignment and cancellation, if you change your mind. With the same button you can divide them back.

    Before clicking this button, you should highlight range of vertical or horizontal cells.

    In Office 2010, the button has almost the same appearance with a similar drop-down list.

    In Office 2003, a merge button with a similar function is located on the toolbar Formatting.

    You can glue cells together using copy-paste, that is copy(Ctrl+C) merged, after which insert(Ctrl+V) it to the required location.

    Using the “CONNECT” function

    Excel has a function Couple. Concatenates multiple lines into one.

    In the function itself CONNECT We should indicate the cells or range we need, separated by semicolons:

    =CONCATENATE (cell1;cell2;…) from 1 to 255 function arguments.

    A similar coupling procedure can be performed as follows:

    Writing macros

    You can write a simple macro (or use macro recorder) and assign him some convenient for you hotkey combination. Possible options The code for such a macro is presented below.

    The second option will ensure the merging of all combined fields while preserving the original data.

    Select the required fields and run the macro. Editor VBA opens with a combination Alt+F11.

    We contribute program code We execute the macro.

    To run the created macro, click Alt+F8. A window will open Macro(Macro). On the list Macro name(Macro name) select the required one and click Execute(Run).

    How to merge columns

    You can combine values ​​in Excel two columns in one line by line. For example, we want to combine a document and information about it.

    This can be done as follows. We highlight first column then on tab HomeEditing click on the field Find and highlight, the command of interest is in the list " Select a group of cells...«:

    In the window that opens, put a tick - Empty cells, after which OK.

    There are empty columns in the second column - select them.

    After the equal sign we enter formula values ​​of the corresponding field of the desired column:

    After which Ctrl+Enter and the values ​​will only be inserted into empty cells in the second column.

    How to merge cells using hotkeys

    By default this combination doesn't exist, however, you can do this: select the required cells, merge them using the button on the ribbon.

    For any subsequent selection, press F4 (repeat the last command!).

    Also in the settings you can assign the required combination for the desired command at your discretion, or write a macro for these purposes (for more advanced users).

    There are times when you need to combine several cells, for example, when creating table headers. Microsoft Excel 2013 allows you to do this. In this case, the following condition must be met: only the left cell of the selected range can be filled, and the remaining cells must be empty. To merge several cells into one, select them and then click on the button Merge tabs Home. The selected cells will be merged into one, and the data in the merged cell will be placed with center alignment (Fig. 1.14).

    You can use other options for merging cells, as well as cancel merging, by clicking on the arrow on the right side of the button and selecting the appropriate command in the menu that appears. You can cancel a merge in one of two ways.

    Click the merged cell and then click the arrow on the right side of the button Merge. In the menu that appears, select Unmerge Cells. Right-click on the merged cell and in the appeared context menu select the item with the left mouse button Cell Format. In the dialog box that appears, go to the tab Alignment and uncheck the box Merging cells(there should be no check mark in the box). Click the button OK.

    Aligning cell contents

    For any single cell or for a group of selected cells, you can set the content alignment both horizontally and vertically. To set the horizontal alignment you need, use the buttons on the Home tab. There are buttons on the same tab to select vertical alignment.