• Cover for conversation in VK. The best photo for a conversation on VK. Funny pictures for conversations

    A conversation on VKontakte is a conference-type correspondence with the participation of several interlocutors. Correspondence resembles a conference in the WhatsApp and Skype applications. This type of communication on a social network is a very convenient tool, both for business conversations with business partners, and for ordinary discussions of gossip with friends and acquaintances. In the article, I selected the most striking and unusual pictures and photos for conversations on VK, with the help of which the dialogue will be more interesting.

    Conversation on VKontakte

    How to create a conversation on VK

    1. To start a conversation from your computer, open the “My Messages” link on your page and select one participant for the conversation.
    2. Next, in the upper right corner, find the “Actions” button. Click on it and a menu should appear. Select “Add person”.
    3. From the list of your friends, select your interlocutors. To delete the wrongly selected one, click it again in the column on the right.
    4. And in order to complete the process, click “Create conversation”.

    How to set a conversation cover

    There are a couple of ways to do this. Each participant can change or set the picture of the conversation in VK. One of them is to open “Actions” in the menu item and select “Change conversation photo”. You can do it a little faster if you have images that have already been used for conversations in this chat. At the bottom of these photos there is a link “Set as the cover of the conversation”, select the appropriate picture and put it on the cover.

    When adding a cover photo, you will be asked, as with an avatar, to select the area that will be displayed. You can delete it using the menu in the “Actions” item.

    Funny pictures for conversations on VK

    What a funny way to name a conversation

    In order to diversify communication, there are ready-made funny pictures that contain popular answers to certain situations in the conversation of participants.

    They can be used instead of all known emoticons, which are sometimes not as appropriate as ready-made pictures.

    At a certain moment, in a conversation, instead of responding to ridiculous jokes from friends or interlocutors, you can insert a similar picture with the genius of humor - Evgeny Petrosyan.

    Or show the annoying participant from the picture that his comments and remarks are not appropriate here.

    For comrades who fully understand jokes and are not offended by them, you can respond with the following picture in your conversation.

    Conversations can drag on for a long time; the subject of discussion can be various objects or subjects. In some cases, such funny pictures help us express a special mood that is almost impossible to express in words. Using pictures with humorous overtones, you can cheer up everyone you are talking to. Such pictures can be well-known demotivators, cool animations, frames from famous cartoons or movies with humorous comments. You can make similar pictures and insert them into the conversation yourself.

    Insert a picture into a conversation on VKontakte

    You can add a photo or image from your computer as follows:

    1. Go to the conversation page.
    2. There are 2 icons in the message input window that you can use to add a photo. One of them to the left of the window, by clicking on it, you can add photos from photos already uploaded to your page.
    3. The second icon is located to the right of the message window. Using it, you can add images from your computer by selecting the path to the photo in the window and clicking “Open”.

    To our surprise, few users of the social network Vk know what a photo of a conversation is, and even more so, how to install it. This is exactly what our article today will be devoted to.

    What is a conversation?

    A conversation is a chat in which dozens of users of the VKontakte social network can take part (limit - a maximum of thirty people). It is very convenient if you have your own friendly company with whom you should discuss, for example, plans for the New Year holidays. Or, if you decide to have a conversation with people who work with you in the same office.

    How to create a conversation?

    It's very easy to do this:

    • Go to the social network VKontakte, to your page;
    • Next, go to the “My Messages” section;
    • Notice the blue button on the right side of the “Write a message” interface. This is exactly what we need, click on it;
    • A new page will open in front of you, in which there will be a special field where you can enter user names. You enter there the name of the first participant in the conversation, the second, the third, and so on. There is no need to enter your name;
    • In the “Message” field, enter the first message so that people understand what the created conversation is about.
    In general, there is nothing complicated. By the way, in our other article we talked about how to enter a multi-user chat if you have left it.

    How to set a photo

    And now directly about what a photo of a VKontakte conversation is. In this kind of multi-user chat, any of the participants can set a thematic photo uploaded from the computer.

    How is this done? Open the "Actions" menu, then select "Update conversation photo" and upload a photo from your computer. So, you will have to save it there before that. But rest assured that finding photos for a conversation on VK, literally for anyone, through search engines will not be difficult.

    How to delete a photo

    Removing, in principle, is as simple as installing. Go to the same “Actions” menu, select “Update conversation photo” and load another one, more relevant to the situation or more relevant.

    Now you know not only what a photo of a conversation on VK is, but also how to upload it, and, if necessary, even change it to another one. Continue to follow the updates of our website, we, in turn, promise to continue to tell you about all the new functions of the Vk social network.

    If a regular dialogue involves the participation of only two users, then you can invite several friends to the conversation. This function is convenient if you need to discuss an issue that concerns several people. Some conversations are created to discuss a certain topic, after which they cease to exist, and some are active for many months, or even years. In addition, this is a very interesting activity. To make the conference different from others, you can set a cover for it. Do you want just a bright picture, or do you want an image based on the topic. If you don’t know how to set a photo for a conversation on VK, then this is the place for you.

    What is a conversation on VKontakte?

    A conversation on VKontakte is a correspondence between several participants. You can invite up to 500 users. The only condition is that this person be your friend. Any topic for discussion can be chosen: work moments, a fan club of a star, discussions of an upcoming or past event, family conversations, etc. You need to start group communication by creating a general chat.

    Create a conversation

    The action involves performing several steps:

    • go to your VK page;
    • open the “My Messages” tab;
    • select your first friend;

    • then click on the “Actions” button, which is located at the top right;
    • in the pop-up menu, click on the “Add person” link;
    • from the list of friends, select the desired personalities;
    • complete the process by clicking on the “Create conversation” button.

    Set the conversation cover

    Any participant can add or change a conference photo. This can be done both from a computer and from a phone.

    From computer

    • Log in to the network.
    • Go to the chat where you will change the cover.
    • Click on “...” at the top right. The “Advanced” section will open.
    • In the window that appears, click on “Conversation Information”.
    • Click on the round image that is located on the left side with the inscription “Photo”. You can upload a new illustration here.

    From phone

    • Decide on the conference where you will change your avatar.
    • Click on the arrow on the right side next to the dialogue title.
    • From the context menu, select “Conversation Settings.”
    • Tap on the round frame with the image and upload a new one.

    Remove the cover image of a conversation

    If for some reason you need to remove a photo, this can also be done from different devices.

    From computer

    • Log in to your VKontakte account.
    • Select the desired conversation.
    • Go to the “Advanced” section.
    • Click on “Conversation Information”.
    • Hover your mouse over the round avatar.
    • Click on the cross that appears at the top, which means “Delete photo”.

    From phone

    • Open the desired dialog.
    • Select the “Advanced” section.
    • Go to “Conversation Settings”.
    • Now click on the current picture.
    • In the window that appears, click “Delete photo”.

    Funny pictures for conversations

    To make communication more interesting, add pictures to it. There are sites with ready-made templates that need to be selected to suit the current situation. They may well replace emoticons. By answering a question with a cheerful comment, you will cheer up your interlocutors and convey to them your mood.