• The wifi connection on the laptop is interrupted. Unstable Internet operation over Wi-Fi: some tips to solve the problem. Way to solve the problem

    Today we’ll talk about such a pressing problem as connection interruptions when working with wireless. Such problems can be expressed in completely different ways and are not necessarily a complete loss of communication. In some cases, this may be an abnormally low Internet speed.

    As practice has shown, the range of problems with wireless networks is so wide that even the users themselves find it difficult to correctly describe their specific problem, they are so similar. But we will try to give answers to the most common questions in this direction.

    To make it easier to understand the essence of the problem, we will describe several common problems.

    Problems associated with unstable Wi-Fi connection:

    • Connection drops occur constantly. You connect from any device to a wireless network and seem to work normally on the Internet for a while, but after a certain period you disconnect from the network. Then the device connects again. And this goes on all the time. This often causes great inconvenience, for example, if you are watching a movie online and it constantly slows down.
    • Suspiciously low internet speed. This can happen constantly, or maybe periodically. Even the time of day can play a role. At the same time, if you connect the Internet via cable, there are no interruptions.
    • Constant problems connecting to the network. Various problems that are associated with the Wi-Fi connection. You may not connect the first time, or there is a very weak signal from the router and many other problems.
    • Intermittent problems, which you may not even notice right away. You can use the Internet for a week and nothing will happen, but then, suddenly, various incomprehensible glitches begin to appear. After a while everything starts working as it should again.

    There are many other problems that can be added here. But in general, this is what most users may encounter. In this article we will not consider the following two problems, which need to be solved in their own way.

    • The “ ” status appears when there is a normal connection via Wi-Fi, but you cannot use the Internet.
    • Device-specific errors associated with an authentication problem and the status “Saved, WPA/WPA2 protected.”

    We have already discussed them in previous articles.

    Troubleshooting unstable Wi-Fi

    It is clear that there is no such technique that would solve all these problems. Nowhere can you immediately turn off an error. If something starts to work unstable, you will have to look for a solution in different ways. Now we will look at some useful tips that can help you.

    Reboot all devices

    As a rule, this is the very first step when any problems arise. Turn off and then turn on your router again. Do the same with the computer (phone, tablet) from which you tried to connect to the Internet. Perhaps this will be enough for everything to work fine.

    Looking for the source of the problem

    The next step will be to find the main culprit in all these troubles. First, let's check our router. Connect other devices to it and observe. If the story is the same with other devices, then, most likely, the problem is in the router.

    If all other devices work normally with this wireless Internet access point, then the reason may be related to the device from which they tried to connect to the Internet. The router, in this case, has nothing to do with it.

    Connect the network cable to the problematic device

    This means connecting the Internet to your computer without a router, directly from your provider. After all, you may not necessarily have problems; it is quite possible that it is the provider itself that provides a poor Internet connection.

    Change your network channel

    Quite an important point, make sure to take advantage of it. When several devices operate on the same frequency within the same range, they interfere with each other. Perhaps one of your neighbors has a router on the same channel. Quite often, changing the channel helps to instantly solve all the problems that arise with the Internet.

    Update your router software

    The router may have outdated firmware with various glitches. The new one may not have any of this. Therefore, everything can work much more stable after updating the firmware.

    A problem that occurs when downloading from torrents, using online games, and when many devices are connected to the network.

    This happens if the router you are using is very weak in power. Under heavy load, it will produce various glitches and interruptions in the Internet. He simply cannot cope with the tasks that fall on him. In this case, you will have to purchase a new, more powerful (and possibly more expensive) router. Well, or you will have to refrain from heavy loads on the old one, do not use torrents and online games. Which of course will cause discomfort.

    And finally

    Have you tried all these options and nothing helped? Share your problem in the comments to this article, we will definitely help!

    Routers and access points with Wi-Fi have been an integral attribute of home and mobile Internet users for 10 years now. One day, the speed of the Wi-Fi network can be greatly reduced, and sometimes the wireless connection disappears completely and for a long time.

    The main reasons for disruption of the Wi-Fi network

    Problems with wireless Internet access can be due to various reasons: router failures, incorrect computer or smartphone settings, interference from nearby equipment, etc. Viruses and even the actions of hackers can disrupt the operation. In all cases, you need to identify the cause of the malfunction and try to eliminate it - first yourself, and if that doesn’t work, then turn to professional computer specialists.

    The Wi-Fi network is visible to devices, but they do not connect to it

    There may be several reasons why there may be no connection to a Wi-Fi network.

    Wi-Fi network is not visible to devices

    There are several reasons why the Wi-Fi network is not visible from a gadget or PC.

    Wi-Fi on PC or tablet does not work after reinstalling Windows

    There are several reasons - from hardware to software.

    Video: WI-Fi does not work after Windows 10 update

    Laptop or tablet is connected to Wi-Fi, but there is no Internet

    The reasons are due to the fact that the router does not have Internet access.

    There is Internet via Wi-Fi, but it turns off on its own

    There may also be several reasons.

    1. Inadequate Internet connection quality. If the provider has an unreliable communication channel or, in the battle for first place in the list of the most popular operators, has gone too far with the number of clients, the speed of individual users will be very low, the connection will often reconnect due to equipment overload, and incoming traffic will freeze. Previously, cellular providers suffered from this - at the initial stages of development of the 2G/3G/4G coverage area, demand, in the context of a landslide reduction in the price of 1 MB of traffic, was far ahead of the construction and launch of new network facilities.
    2. The router's RAM freezes (data buffer overload). Restarting it will help.
    3. The device has overheated - any modern technology has protection against overheating of microcircuits. Both the CPU/RAM of the router or access point, as well as any of its microcontrollers that process data incoming/outgoing via LAN or Wi-Fi, can overheat. It is advisable to turn off the router for at least a few minutes.

    If the 3G/4G signal is poor and the Internet speed is high, the 4G modem used with the router may also overheat. Users of Android smartphones and tablets (Yota subscribers), who distributed up to 40 GB every day via Wi-Fi (in the 2000s, these were Nokia and Motorola mobile phones connected via cable or Bluetooth), talk about cases when the device got hot like a kettle and turned off every hour or two of downloading/distributing torrents on the PC. The same thing happens with routers.

    Wi-Fi does not work due to firmware glitches and viruses

    No matter how simple, friendly and secure the firmware (firmware) of the router is, the router itself is not protected from malfunctions and viruses. Virus technologies disrupted the operation of Apple, Android and Symbian gadgets. The virus code penetrated card machines, ATMs and access control systems at protected sites with the Internet, and disabled the firmware in USB modems. Routers are also not insured - neither purely wireless from Beeline or Yota, nor home ZyXEL and TP-Link, nor Cisco access points, nor purely cable equipment used in facilities where any wireless element is prohibited by security rules.

    Software failures can occur either due to inept flashing (by ignorance or accident, the power is reset during a firmware update in the router’s flash memory), or wear and tear of the flash memory chip itself (it’s impossible to even enter the router settings - underloading of the web pages). interface in the browser).

    Viral activity is expressed in reprogramming the router settings: changing the IP DNS to the values ​​of the malicious server, substituting primitive passwords or turning off Wi-Fi security settings, switching wired protocols and cellular network operating modes, etc. To fix this, do the following.

    Sometimes the virus changes the firmware file just before it is downloaded to the router. The solution is to remove viruses from the PC, using all means including formatting the drive (of course, transferring valuable data to other media before doing this) and downloading the official firmware version again from the manufacturer’s website.

    Slow Internet speed via Wi-Fi

    The reasons are related to both the quality of network access and Wi-Fi communication parameters.

    1. Low speed cable or cellular provider tariff. If the Rostelecom company and its dealers have unlimited speed, then in cellular networks, for example, in MegaFon or MTS, after a certain number of gigabytes of traffic per month, the speed drops to 64 (or 128) kbit/s. Change tariff and provider.

      MTS limits the connection speed on the “Hype” tariff after the subscriber uses up 7 GB of mobile traffic per month

    2. Unstable operation of LAN-Ethernet 10/100 networks. You can feel how the speed has dropped sharply due to a damaged provider cable coming from the optical terminal at the entrance to your apartment by watching movies in (Ultra)HD format online: movie playback, which was still stable yesterday, “slows down” every second , loading data. A few years ago, the provider himself was to blame, but now the speed of the same Rostelecom subscribers has increased so much that 95% of the time it will be normal, excluding evening hours, when the load is maximum. With constant “brakes” of online video, you can with 100% certainty suspect a malfunction of either the cable or the router itself.

      If the cable or router malfunctions, the connection speed drops sharply

    3. Router data buffer overload. Restart it.
    4. You are too far away from the device. In fact, the Wi-Fi speed, depending on the distance between the router and the gadget/PC, as well as the level of the Wi-Fi signal on the gadget itself, fluctuates hundreds of times - from 1 to 300 Mbit/s, this is how Wi-Fi technology works. If in one room the speed is 150–300 Mbit/s, then in the next room it can already be from 11 to 54 Mbit/s, and in the entrance or on the street it can drop to 1 Mbit/s. Wi-Fi interruptions will not affect your cable connection (LAN cable length up to 250 m).

      Choose auto speed switching using Wi-Fi technology

    The last point requires clarification. The fact is that the Wi-Fi speed is switched by the router and the gadget automatically. Even if you forcefully turn on the maximum (802.11n or 150 Mbit/s), then if you go into the next room, you may lose your connection to the Internet - incoming and outgoing traffic will freeze, websites will stop opening and messengers will stop working, even simple ones like ICQ , since the lower level speed (802.11g, or 54 Mbit/s) will not be enabled.

    Different types of Wi-Fi networks support different data transfer rates

    Check the auto speed selection in the router settings.

    Advice for experimenters: without highly directional antennas and amplifiers, do not be located far from the router.

    Video: how the provider’s speed is “cut” by the router via Wi-Fi

    Other Wi-Fi errors and their solutions

    The full list of errors in Wi-Fi operation is not limited to failures of the Wi-Fi repeater alone or problems on the provider’s side.

    Network cable is not connected

    The provider's network cable connected to the WAN socket may not be connected either to the router itself or to the entrance terminal. The reasons are as follows:

    • damaged cable wires;
    • broken RJ-45 connector retainer holding the cable in the LAN socket;
    • power outage (the terminal has no autonomous power supply);
    • malfunction of the LAN interface in the terminal and/or router (burnout of network equipment throughout the entire area from electrical interference, an accidentally dropped network wire, static discharge when touching materials or a lightning strike on external cables);
    • a faulty LAN network card in a PC or laptop (it happens that the adapter in Windows is detected as a working device, but the connection cannot be recognized);
    • viruses on PCs that overload Windows performance (displaying incorrect connection status or connecting with a delay of minutes or hours).

    The connection is already in use or not configured

    Error 651 indicates that the modem or dedicated one is already in use or has not been configured.

    If the router is not configured or is already in use by other processes, error 651 is displayed

    Your connection needs to be removed and reconfigured. The instructions are suitable for Windows 7/8/10 - working with the network connection setup wizard in the latest versions has not been enriched with anything special.

    1. Give the command “Start - Control Panel - Network and Sharing Center”.

      Network Preferences Center is ready to go (Windows 7/8/10)

    2. Select to create a new network connection.

      To create a new connection, select the network connection option

    3. Select to create a high-speed connection.

      At the step of selecting the connection type, set to work using the PPPoE protocol

    4. Enter the connection name, login, password, and check remember password. It is advisable to enable the use of this connection by other users (if the problem is common to everyone).

    After clicking the “Connect” button, a connection to the Internet will be established. If the problem persists, contact your provider's support. In the worst case scenario, reinstalling Windows helps.

    Infinitely obtaining an IP address from the router

    Without receiving at least a temporary IP address from the DHCP IP address numbering range of the router, the gadget or PC will not be able to access the network. And this is typical not only for Wi-Fi connections - the assignment of an IP to a computer or mobile device was established when TCP/IP was created.

    If the device freezes at the stage of obtaining an IP address, you need to check the router settings

    You need to check your router's IP settings.

    Checking Wi-Fi settings

    Do the following.

    1. Restart your router.

      To avoid unplugging the power adapter, press the power button twice

    2. Give the command “DHCP - DHCP settings”, check whether the DHCP function is enabled and what address range is assigned to third-party devices.

      Make sure WPA2/TKIP encryption is enabled and a key you know is assigned

    3. Go to the “MAC address filtering” item and check that the MAC address filter settings are disabled and the option “Accept requests from devices whose MAC addresses are not listed” (Allow the stations specified by any enabled entries in he list to access) - installed.

      The MAC address filter often causes confusion when Wi-Fi security requirements are not so stringent

    4. Save your settings by clicking the “Save” button on each page and try reconnecting.

    You may need to restart the router again.

    Checking services and connections in Windows

    Ensure that all services, addresses, and protocols critical to the network are enabled correctly. The following services are responsible for Windows networking capabilities:

    • DHCP client;
    • DNS client;
    • WLAN auto-configuration service;
    • web client;
    • IP auxiliary service;
    • routing and remote access;
    • server.

    Do the following.

    The connection of the router or cable modem to the network is broken

    ADSL modems, popular in the 2000s, are being actively replaced by ONT modems (optical network terminal) - these devices support Internet speeds of up to 1 Gbit/s (using GPON technology), which differs from the throughput of an ADSL modem by 10 times. Already, Rostelecom and local providers provide Internet speeds of about 35–100 Mbit/s.

    The reason for the decrease in Wi-Fi speed may be not only the reduced external speed at the cheapest available tariff, but also damage to the optical cables in the section ONT-modem - home rack-terminal - the nearest provider node. The LAN cable between the router and ONT modem may also be damaged.

    The router in access point mode acts as a LAN/Wi-Fi distributor

    The user can diagnose the entire subnet of the router (the router itself and its external cable). In case of damage to cables and equipment, including the ONT modem, telephone, IPTV set-top box and cables in the entrance, you should use the help of technical specialists from the same Rostelecom. This is also explained by the fact that if a twisted pair cable can be restored/replaced independently, then the subscriber simply may not have the tools to splice damaged fiber-optic lines.

    Video: Tablet does not connect to Wi-Fi - overview lecture

    Solving problems with Wi-Fi at home and at work is not particularly difficult. In many cases, the user will figure it out on his own. The help of a specialist is required only in cases where problems arise on the provider’s side.

    Recently I began to notice that the more people buy different equipment with WiFi - routers, modems, access points, TVs, tablets, etc. - the more problems arise with the wireless network: the signal disappears or it is very low, the data transfer speed jumps or it is very low, devices periodically fall off and can no longer connect. There are many reasons why Wi-Fi turns off, and it can be either software settings or a hardware malfunction. In general, a wireless network itself is a very capricious thing, the stability of which depends on many factors and conditions. Today I will talk about the most common problems and failures that can cause poor reception or the WiFi signal disappears altogether.

    The WiFi signal suddenly disappeared

    The router shut down. Try rebooting it by turning off the power for a couple of minutes and turning it on again.

    If you have a laptop or tablet, check the battery charge. On many mobile devices, the Wi-Fi module can be forcibly disabled to save energy. Moreover, on laptops with Windows 8 and Windows 10, this option is often enabled in the adapter properties.

    It is also worth checking the settings of the power supply circuit used.

    Approach the router at a distance of approximately 2 meters. No signal? Then for the test you need a known working device with a wireless network interface - a tablet, smartphone, phone, etc. If it works without problems, but your laptop cannot connect, then most likely there is a problem with the adapter driver. Try reinstalling or updating it.

    It didn’t help and WiFi still turns off on the laptop? Take it to the service center.
    By the way, on laptops and tablets there is often a case when, due to poor contact, the antenna turns off during shaking. In this case, you need to open the case and solder it back.

    If the test device also does not see the home network, then the problem is on the router’s side. Try resetting it to factory settings using the “Reset” button and setting it up again.

    If it doesn't help, take it in for repair.

    Poor or unstable Wi-Fi signal level

    The reason for the deterioration in the quality of a wireless home network is most often the presence of several more access points in the neighborhood. This is another common reason why Wi-Fi turns off. Lately in apartment buildings this has been some kind of punishment. Almost every apartment has a router and in every entrance there are a dozen or two networks. In this case, there are two options: the right one and the cheap one.
    -Correct option, but more expensive. Why? But because you will have to buy equipment operating at a frequency of 5 GHz, fortunately now it is already relatively inexpensive. An inexpensive dual-band router will cost about 3 thousand rubles. For example, Totolink A2004NS router.

    I think it’s clear that you will also need to buy additional adapters for a computer and laptop - that’s another couple of thousand. But with smartphones and tablets, things are worse - some already have support for the 5 GHz band, but simpler and cheaper ones will have to be left in the old range. But there will be no more problems with channel overlap and interference from neighbors.
    - The cheap option is labor-intensive and hemorrhoid-intensive. Firstly, you will need to constantly scan the range with the inSSIDer program in search of a free channel, and then set it in the router settings.

    Secondly, you will still have to drag most devices closer to the modem or router, since even if the selected channel is free, interference can come from busy neighboring ones. And there’s no getting around it. Just cover the house with 5 layers of foil.

    I don't have networks in my neighborhood, but WiFi still turns off. Why?

    In this case, the most common reason is the incorrect location of the access point in the apartment. To provide it with maximum coverage area, it must be located as close to the center of the home as possible. If you have points where Wi-Fi from the router still does not reach, then you need to install an additional device - a repeater.

    It happens that you seem to have configured it correctly Wi-Fi, and he sometimes disconnects on its own. On outdated laptop models, there was a mechanical lever on the side to turn on the Wi-Fi network, which users accidentally turned off and the Internet and the network disappeared. Most users did not even realize that this lever existed. Today, on modern laptops, these levers have been removed and the controls have been transferred to the keyboard, but no one dares to write instructions for laptops, relying on the user’s intuition. The average person, even when he is advanced, generally suffers for a long time trying to find a simple solution, only because there are no instructions for the keyboard control keys. A person believes that if he gets a new laptop with the OS already installed, then it will be configured and all functions will be enabled. Thus, we need to list the most common reasons why the connection seems to be established, but keeps getting interrupted.

    1. The signal source (router) is very far away and the signal is very weak. Install an antenna that will amplify the signal or make one yourself. Pay attention to the indicator in the lower right corner of the monitor, which looks like a ladder; it displays the signal level of the router.

    2. There is a powerful source of interference near your network. Install an amplifying antenna or make one yourself.

    3. On your old laptop, find the lever with the network icon and switch it to the “On” position.
    On modern laptops this can be done using the keyboard. Find the “Fn” key (usually in the bottom rows). Press and hold it, press the key with the Wi-Fi icon (looks like an antenna with diverging waves). Along with this, the power indicator with the same icon on the laptop body should light up.

    4. The most common reason on modern laptops is that the communication services of pre-installed operating systems are disabled by default. To check and activate services, you need to go to the “Start” menu - “Control Panel”, select “Programs and Features”. In the “Programs and Features” tab, click on “Turn Windows features on or off.”
    In the window that pops up, point the arrow at each item that is not checked in turn, and read the hints about what they refer to. Check the boxes next to all items that relate to the network, Internet, and TCP protocol. Click OK. Wait for everything to install and reboot.

    If you have a licensed Windows installed and it is not contaminated with viruses and experimental software, your connection interruptions will stop. In other situations, calling a specialist is required.

    As practice shows, it is not the connection process or even the setup process that causes the greatest problems for users when working with Wi-Fi and routers. The biggest problem is when, after setting up, the Internet regularly disappears, a message about an interrupted connection constantly pops up, or you simply cannot open a single site on the laptop. In this material we will try to find out what causes such problems and what to do if Wi-Fi on a laptop turns off.

    Reasons for automatic network shutdown are quite common.

    What could be more annoying than experiencing a connection dropout while working on a laptop? Just now everything was fine, and you were calmly watching a movie online, and now the playback has stopped, the movie has paused, and the Internet has completely disappeared. You may encounter a similar problem for a variety of reasons. The most common are the following:

    1. Your laptop has battery saving mode enabled. This leads to the fact that after set periods of complete inactivity of the device, the wireless connection is interrupted automatically, the Wi-Fi adapter stops exchanging packets with the router and thereby saves battery power.
    2. The router through which you access the network is too far away or there are obstacles between it and the laptop. The consequence may be a weak level of the received wireless signal, which leads to regular connection interruptions. This usually happens automatically and unnoticed by the user.
    3. The Internet signal received by the router via cable or cellular network and converted into a wireless Wi-Fi signal is too weak. At such moments, you can observe that the laptop is still connected to Wi-Fi, but the Internet refuses to work. Also, a weak signal transmitted through the cable may cause the wireless connection between the router and laptop to turn off automatically.

    1. The router through which you access the Internet is unstable, constantly freezes, and reboots spontaneously. In this case, Wi-Fi on your laptop is automatically turned off until the router is turned on again, its software is restored, or until a forced reboot.
    2. Your laptop has an inappropriate or outdated wireless adapter driver installed. As a result, the adapter becomes unstable, and it may spontaneously interrupt the connection or not find available networks at all.

    Here we have listed only the most common problems that users regularly encounter. But at the same time, many do not know what to do next and how to get rid of problems.

    Battery saving mode

    We definitely recommend that the first thing you do is check whether the power saving mode is activated on your computer. This is a built-in feature of the Windows operating system that monitors how you use (or do not use) certain system elements and certain PC components. If any of them is idle for a long time, it is switched off automatically by the system. Windows does this in order to save battery power, which is sometimes the only power source for a laptop.

    To disable battery saving by interrupting the wireless connection, you need to open the Control Panel of your PC, find the Power Options category and select Configure the power plan that is currently installed on your system by default. Everything you need can be found at the Change advanced power settings link. In the small system window that opens, go to the following path: Wireless network adapter settings > Power saving mode and change the values ​​to Maximum performance. Click Apply and close all windows. This procedure will help you get rid of the situation when the Internet is turned off at the request of the operating system.

    Weak router signal

    Typically, a weak signal coming from a Wi-Fi router can cause the network connection to drop out regularly. Since the router signal is a very ordinary radio wave, its power is influenced by a variety of factors, which may also affect the quality of the connection. The distance of the laptop from the router is not always the main reason for the decrease in signal strength. These may also be additional barriers located between the receiver and the wireless signal translator. For example, in a large room consisting of several rooms or offices, the walls separating the laptop and the router can significantly reduce the quality of the connection. In such cases, it is worth thinking about reconsidering the location of the router or expanding the network radius using special amplifiers.

    Also, the quality of the connection may be affected by the presence of electrical appliances that involuntarily interfere with the propagation of radio waves. As a result, the display regularly displays an error indicating that the connection has been lost.

    Metal objects located between the Wi-Fi router and the laptop also significantly reduce the stability of the connection in the wireless network through which you access the Internet. Take this into account when organizing your home local network.

    Weak network signal

    If the signal from your internet provider via cable or cellular network is too weak, the router may become unstable, turning off the access point and interrupting the connection with devices connected to it. In such a situation, it is better to contact the provider’s support service, describing in detail the essence of the problem. If we are talking about a mobile router and its operation in places where signal reception is uncertain, where a message about searching for a network is displayed on the display of the router or mobile device, an external antenna can improve the quality of reception. To clarify information about network coverage of specific settlements, you should also contact your provider’s representatives.

    Unstable operation of the router

    If you observe unstable operation of the router, which leads to regular disconnection of the wireless connection, we recommend rebooting the device several times and closely monitoring its further operation. Or go to its control panel, check for software updates and install them if necessary. Since the router runs a special operating system, it, like any other, can accumulate system errors, not work very stable and require periodic updates.

    Internet speed can be easily checked using an online service speedtest.net- after all, if the values ​​differ from those declared by the provider to a lesser extent, this is a reason to be puzzled by the quality and level of the signal.

    Reinstalling the driver

    Reinstalling the wireless adapter driver may also help. To do this you need to do the following:

    • go to the website of your laptop manufacturer;
    • enter the model of your device;
    • select the operating system;
    • download the latest version and install the new driver.

    The method for downloading software varies depending on the device manufacturer and model. Try to download the latest versions of drivers for your operating system and device.

    We have looked at the most popular reasons that lead to laptop WiFi constantly turning off. It’s good if the problem was solved by changing the power plan, and the performance of both the router and the laptop does not raise any questions. If the problem cannot be solved, it may be worth contacting a specialist.

    Hello friends. If you are having problems with the operation of a Wi-Fi router, or setting up Wi-Fi and you have already looked at the article, which by the way is the most popular on this site, then you probably noticed that the article has collected a lot of comments, or rather questions about various problems about setting up and the operation of the Wi-Fi network.

    The questions there are of course very different, we have already dealt with some of them, and I have written separate articles about their solution, for example. And I still can’t give a concrete answer to some questions. But after analyzing the comments a little, I noticed that there are a lot of questions of this type: the laptop and other devices have stopped connecting to the Internet via Wi-Fi, or the Internet via Wi-Fi often breaks out, and you have to reboot the router.

    In fact, there can be a lot of reasons that lead to such problems and almost always, and they are different for everyone. For example, I’m on my router TP-Link TL-WR841N I have never noticed a Wi-Fi network break, and judging by the comments, this happens to others very often.

    An even more interesting case, which I also came across in the comments, is when the Internet works, and at one point the Wi-Fi network stops working. Devices either do not connect at all, or connect but operate with the network status without Internet access, or limited access. Phones and tablets connect to Wi-Fi, but do not open websites.

    What to do if the Internet via Wi-Fi stops working?

    Problems with Wi-Fi Internet:

    • Internet connection via Wi-Fi stopped working
    • Wi-Fi network drops frequently
    • Internet via Wi-Fi began to work very slowly
    • Devices connect to the router once.
    • The device connects to Wi-Fi, but the sites do not work (the sites do not open).

    If you have one of the above problems, or a similar problem, then I have one piece of advice that may help solve it. Friends, I don’t guarantee anything, but it’s worth a try, in many cases it helps.

    Each Wi-Fi network operates on a dedicated channel. When setting up a router, the default is "Auto", and everyone advises, including me, to install the Channel (Channel:) on "Auto". This means that the router itself will look for a more suitable channel and use it. The thing is that there may be interference from a neighboring Wi-Fi router and then a variety of problems with Wi-Fi may appear. Refusal to connect to the network, network without Internet access, and frequent interruptions.

    You should try changing the value of the Channel: parameter to any number from the list, or if you have a specific value set, then try changing it to “Auto”.

    How to change the Channel on a Wi-Fi router?

    Everything is simple here, so you shouldn't have any problems. You need to go into the router settings, well, I hope you already know how to do this, I’ve written about this many times already. Apparently we will have to do it again, very briefly :). Connect the router to the computer via a network cable (at the time of setup) and enter the router address in the address bar of the browser. Enter your username and password and click “Submit”, log in, or whatever you have, it doesn’t matter.

    I will show an example on, but even if you have a different model, or even a different company, I think that the process of changing the Wi-Fi channel is not much different.

    Go to the “Wireless” tab and find the “Channel” item on the left.

    Next to it there is a drop-down menu in which you can select a channel. I advise you to try several channels, at your discretion, after each change of channel, do not forget save changes by clicking the “Save” button and reboot the router. If you already have a certain number set next to “Channel”, then try setting the value to “Auto”.

    There is a program that you can use to see which channel is already occupied by neighboring Wi-Fi and which is not, it’s called inSSlDer. But I won’t describe it here, because it is more suitable for setting up a Wi-Fi network for more stable operation. And this is a topic for another article. Although if your devices find a lot of neighboring networks, you can try this program.

    Try the method I described above, it definitely won’t get any worse. And judging by the reviews on this site, changing the Wi-Fi channel on the router really helps solve the problem with unstable Wi-Fi, or in general, solve the problem when no device wants to connect to the Internet via Wi-Fi, or connects, but the network does not have Internet access. Good luck.

    I bought a D-Link DIR-651 router, configured everything according to the instructions and ran into a problem that when the computer and power are turned off, the router resets the DNS server settings.

    Preface... For a solution to the problem with the router (router), see below ↓

    It all started with the fact that I first connected the router via LAN to a desktop computer. I wrote down everything I needed, the router turned on and started working, the Internet appeared, and I was happy. Then I thought I should check the Wi-Fi.

    I turned on the laptop, it found a wireless connection to the router, connected everything, the Internet started working, and sites began to open. Well, I also decided to check the wireless Wi-Fi connection from my phone and tablet. And everything turned out to be fine there, the connection was successful, and the Internet appeared.

    The next day, turn on the router, then a laptop, and ! Or rather, it says that the network is without access to the Internet. The wireless connection itself is there, Wi-Fi is working and the network is connected, and in the corner near the clock there is an icon that says “network without Internet access.”

    At first I thought there were problems with the provider. I think as a copywriter, logically, you need to turn on your desktop computer and see if there is Internet there! I turned on the computer, which is connected via LAN to the local network - the Internet works.

    Why on a laptop?Wi-Fi network disappears?

    I bought a D-Link DIR-651 router, configured everything according to the instructions and ran into a problem that when the computer and power are turned off, the router resets the DNS server settings. Preface... Solution...