• Why is there not enough memory on android. How to deal with the "Not enough free memory" error on Android

    One of the weak points of the Android OS is the system memory, especially if the technical characteristics of the device preclude the possibility of adding it. The situation is further complicated by the fact that over time, all kinds of installation modules and files accumulate, which significantly affects the speed of the gadget. Therefore, many users are beginning to wonder - how to free up system memory on Android?

    There are several effective ways, which will be discussed in this guide.

    Modern phones (tablets) have system (built-in) memory and additional memory cards. And, if (if there is nothing valuable on it), then with system memory everything is a little more complicated.

    Cleaning through the built-in explorer

    Memory full? You can use a special conductor that is in the device itself (the name may vary in different devices):

    Open the utility, select the category that needs cleaning. It can be applications or documents, archives or images, videos or music. At the top, find the image of a pencil (edit) and click on it:

    In the window that opens, the contents of the folder of the selected category will appear, mark unnecessary files. Delete them by clicking on the trash can icon:

    Cleaning with Clean Master

    The next way is to use the Clean Master utility, which is considered one of the most popular, significantly speeding up the work of mobile devices. Applications running on the device not only “eat up” the memory, but also the battery charge. The new task killer implemented in the program will be able to terminate unwanted applications, which will free up a significant amount of memory and increase the speed of the device. You won't need "superuser" permissions, but if you have them, the task killer will function better.

    The algorithm of work is quite simple:

    Run Clean Master - a window opens with two circles, where the larger one characterizes the system memory, and the smaller one characterizes the RAM:

    Select "Memory" (maybe "Device" or something else) - the scanning process starts. As a result of the check, it becomes clear what exactly will help free up memory.

    A table opens where you need to select those files that can be deleted or compressed, confirm their deletion by clicking on "Save":

    The cleaning process may take some time, after which the message "Free space" will pop up.

    Cleanup with Task Manager

    You can clear memory using the built-in task manager:

    • Go to the "Settings" menu.
    • Select the Applications submenu.
    • Clear memory by selecting a utility (one or more applications) and clicking "Delete".

    Move apps to SD card

    There are situations when the memory has disappeared somewhere, although the user has not had time to install anything yet. This can be explained:

    • the presence of viruses - you will have to run an extraordinary (thorough) scan by one of the many antiviruses;
    • updating previously installed programs that take up more and more free space.

    If the problem with viruses disappears, then you need to configure the storage (memory on Android). Simply put, any application can be transferred to a memory card. Most importantly, follow these steps:

    • Enter the "Settings" menu.
    • Click on the program (icon) to be moved.
    • Transfer it to a memory card by selecting the appropriate button.

    Unfortunately, this method is only suitable for those programs that are not system.

    Saving data on external media

    Among the installed applications, there are likely to be those that store data received from the network in the device. The simplest example is readers and online players. To prevent overflow of the internal memory of the phone (tablet), it is necessary to configure them in such a way that all data is written to an external card.

    Use of cloud services

    A modern user does not need to store information on Android that may never be useful. It is necessary to leave in memory only what is important at the moment. All other data can be safely uploaded to the cloud storage, where they will wait in the wings.

    As can be seen from our material, even not the most advanced user will be able to optimize his "Andryukha". Well, for clarity of the procedure - video

    Often faced with the problem of memory overflow. Probably, there is no universal recipe for solving this trouble, although you can look for some practical advice, however, they are not systematized. Let's try to understand this issue and find out how to free up internal memory on Android.

    Varieties of storage devices

    So, first you need to understand what are in devices with the Android operating system. You need to know this in order to better understand the essence of the problem and what to do with it.

    RAM, RandomAccessMemory or RAM

    This is the so-called working memory. It is here that the operating system and the Android system software record all the necessary data for the smooth operation of the application, by the way, they are calculated quite quickly. It should be borne in mind that when the device is turned off or rebooted, the RAM is quickly cleared, the RAM necessarily requires constant power.

    And, accordingly, the more memory, the more services and applications can be simultaneously run on the device. The amount of memory also determines which resource-intensive applications you can run on your phone. When all the amount of RAM is exhausted and there is not enough space for the new application you are trying to launch, the “Phone memory is full” error can occur. In principle, technologies do not stand still, and already from Android 2.2 and higher, the operating system itself determines what needs to be removed from memory, which applications can be closed in order to free up space. Today, many flagship devices have sufficient memory of 1 GB. There are even 2 gigabytes. Therefore, the question of how to free up internal memory on "Android 4.1.2" is less common than in relation to earlier versions. If we consider more on Android, tablets and smartphones, then they basically have 512 MB or a little more than 768 MB (rather non-standard size).

    In fact, progress does not stand still, everything is improving, because a couple of years ago, most Android devices had only 256 MB of RAM and instructions on how to free up internal memory on Android 2 were quite in demand.

    ROM, ReadOnlyMemory or ROM

    It is read-only. What is stored in it does not change and is recorded at the factory or when the operating system is reinstalled, when flashing. The ROM is divided into sections to perform various internal functions.

    Interal Storage (Interal Phone Storage)

    The internal storage itself. It is here that all data and applications that the user of a smartphone and tablet computer enters are stored. An internal drive is an analogue of a hard drive in a personal computer. Of course, when we write various applications to the device, the memory decreases, and it is not difficult to increase it - just delete the unnecessary. You can find out how much built-in storage and free space you have by seeing them in the device settings. Thus, often the answer to the question of how to free up the internal memory of Android is to clear the internal drive.

    or ExternalStorage

    This is the so-called removable memory. The size of the memory card depends on the card you choose, however, you need to consider whether your device has the necessary spot and whether the device supports it. ExternalStorage can be compared to an external hard drive for a personal computer. And the amount of free space and occupied can also be seen in the settings of your gadget. It is good to store multimedia data on such a card: music, movies, photos, pictures. By the way, already with Android 2.2 and higher, you can transfer all applications installed by the user to a memory card, this significantly saves space on the internal drive. If you decide to replace the memory card, then do not forget to unmount it first, and only then remove it.

    Smartphones "Android": how to free up internal memory?

    Many users, after they are more or less accustomed to their gadget, begin to install, stuff their device with various applications, scripts, and modify programs in every possible way. And someday, the message “Phone memory is full” will still appear, especially if the model is not the most expensive, and there is not much internal memory in it. Part of the problem lies in the RAM. It is very easy to clean it - through the device settings or download an additional utility. So, when the internal memory of the gadget is full, a message will appear stating that there is not enough memory. In principle, you can constantly clear the internal drive, delete applications that you no longer use, but the time will come when this message will appear more and more often. Quite a lot of space is occupied by various updates that come for GooglePlay. By the way, you can transfer some programs to a memory card using a special Link2SD program. Access to InternalStorage is obtained by having Root rights. These actions are also good at clearing memory. You also need to clean up the so-called they have the .rm extension, are stored in the datalocalmp folder and constantly accumulate. For this action, you also need to have Root access and resort to the help of RootExplorer, plus files with the log extension often accumulate in the same folder and contain error in their name - these are application errors, they also take up a lot of space. All these unnecessary files must be deleted.

    What are the best measures to take?

    But this is all a temporary cleaning of the device. What is a more thorough way to free up internal memory on Android? When installed on a tablet computer or smartphone with an Android device, each program creates a file with the .dex extension in the datadalvik-cache directory. True, it happens that some system applications do not have such files.

    It may seem strange that this program does not take up space. However, the reason is that along with these files in the phone's memory there are files of the same name, but with the .odex extension. In principle, such files can be created, then it is not required to leave .dex files. To do this, you can install an additional application, for example, LuckyPatcher.

    Now let's proceed directly to the steps that help answer the question of how to free up internal memory on Android 2.3.6 and newer versions.

    We look at how much space the application takes up - the "Properties" menu.

    For example, this is 1.68 MB, and, accordingly, the dex-file takes up the same amount of memory, and the odex-file that we created will "weigh" the same amount. Now you need to launch the LuckyPatcher application, select the desired application from the list. We clamp (hold, not just click). It turns out You need to select the first or second item. The program itself will create the necessary odex files for us. Then we delete dex from the datadalvik-cache folder. Now the application works fine and takes 0 MB. So you can free up memory for all system applications. Thus, an instruction is executed on how to free up internal memory on Android 4.0 and other distributions.

    A slightly different method is suitable for cleaning user applications. We chose the application, went to its folder on the memory card, we see the free space of this application. For example, there are 1.56 MB of free space left, and the dex file is 1.68 MB. You can, in principle, move the desired application to the system directory and do the same as mentioned above, or simply select another application, and leave it as it is. By the way, if you still move this application to user memory and create an odex file, and then delete the dex file, then the application will work fine. But if you transfer it to a flash drive, then the odex file will be deleted, and the program will not work, then you will either have to install it again or do a complete cleanup of dalvik-cache. Please note that in general, not every program will work without dex-files. This is typical for games or applications with dex up to 1.5 megabytes. This method is suitable only for those applications that have dex-files smaller than the available memory space. As you can see, the steps to help answer the question of how to free up internal memory on Android are not particularly difficult.

    So, you, or rather your phone, do not have enough memory. This, unlike the human one, is solved, only you need to find out all the nuances of why this happens and what to do next.

    Therefore, I foresee that this entry will not work out small (although I am writing with optimization), but having familiarized myself with all aspects of why there is always not enough free space in the memory of an android device when downloading applications or updating, it should be enough in the future.

    More than once I received a letter like downloading an application, and the android writes not enough memory, although there is memory.

    This is not the fault of the phone, but the android OS, or rather the developers. The bottom line is that the system determines the public memory, and it is in turn divided into specific categories.

    ATTENTION: here you must remember that in some versions of android, in the memory where files (documents, music, videos) are stored, you cannot install applications and vice versa.

    I think already from this one sentence above it becomes clear why the android writes that there is no free memory, when it is - you see it.

    In order to have fewer questions in the future, I recommend remembering what four folders are for.

    The system files are stored in the “system” folder (there is nothing for you to do there), the cache or temporary files are stored in the “cache” (you can clean the contents - the memory will definitely increase).

    Programs are installed in the “data” folder and system settings are saved. The fourth folder is “Sdcard”, which stores music, photos, videos, and more.

    Let's stop a little on the "Sdcrad" folder. Usually it is stored in the internal memory of the device, but if you insert a USB flash drive, it will move to it.

    IMPORTANT: Android allocates a certain amount of memory for each folder (section). So, if the “data” folder is completely filled, and even 6 GB of free space remains in “Sdcrad”, you will not be able to download and install applications alone, but you will see that there is free memory.

    That is why your android writes insufficient memory space, although you noticed that there is memory, and there is no way to increase the memory of the “data” folder due to “Sdcrad” (hacker manipulations are possible). What to do then? There is a solution. Let's consider.

    Do you know that there is a trick that turns a flash drive (memory card) into the internal memory of the phone -

    What to do if the android constantly writes there is no memory although there is enough free

    The first option suggests itself - just remove unnecessary applications, if any - it is known that almost everyone has five of them.

    Option two: if there is, and if not, then purchase a USB flash drive and transfer installed applications to it - accordingly, the internal space will be freed up.

    Option three: make the default location for installing and storing applications not internal memory, but a USB flash drive.

    Advanced option: expand the memory, only this will require root rights, then install the "Link2SD" program.

    That's only if your android 5.0 and above get root rights is not as easy as in older versions and even risky, so as not to get a "brick".

    What to do if the android phone writes not enough free space - my story

    I have been a Samsung Galaxy owner for a long time. Until now, I couldn't complain, but recently there was a message saying that the app can't be updated because the phone doesn't have enough space for the process.

    All applications are installed by default in the built-in memory of the phone.

    In most owners, it is small - only recently it has begun to appear much more in devices.

    The development of mobile software has led to a situation where it has become normal that programs have tens of megabytes, and some of them are close to 100 MB.

    There are games that have more than 1 GB, but in their case, additional files of the application itself are placed on a USB flash drive.

    Each manufacturer can customize the system to their own version. If it is not possible to transfer the application to the sd card, it is worth looking for a program that will offer such a function.

    How much free space is not enough

    My problems started when I only had 250 MB free. Theoretically, this should be enough, but to update the Facebook application, this amount was not enough.

    Other apps didn't report the issue, but it was only a matter of time before it got delayed.

    How to get more memory

    The easiest way to remove applications that are not in use. It started with this, but still the available memory did not make a good impression.

    At this point, I decided to take the opportunity to transfer installed applications to a memory card (android 4 has a built-in function and you do not need to install anything).

    What applications are installed on the memory card

    When deciding which applications to move to a memory card, you should always ask yourself how often they are used and under what circumstances.

    In my case, the games were the least important, so I decided to move them to a flash drive, based on the assumption that programs are more important to me.

    Move apps to memory card

    Moving applications to a flash drive with a built-in one is very simple. Just go to the application settings and select the option to transfer to the card.

    After a few seconds or a few minutes of waiting, the programs will be moved.

    In general, the problem of a small amount of memory in the phone affects every user sooner or later.

    The best solution to this situation is to get rid of applications that are still not used, and move rarely used ones to a less strategic sd card.

    Over time, the problem I have described may become larger as applications become more complex and take up more and more space.

    Thus, when replacing a phone, attention should be paid to the available memory of the phone, its division, and whether a memory card can be used. That's all, and who wants more. Good luck.

    How to clear android internal memory when android internal memory is full. In this article, you will learn effective ways to clear the internal ROM (internal) memory of an android device and get rid of the "phone internal memory is full" message.

    When using a mobile device, sooner or later the question arises: how to clear memory on android. This problem can occur when you want to install an application, download something from the Internet, receive files via bluetooth, or just your phone or tablet displays a message: the phone's internal memory is full - we will tell you what to do. Cleaning your phone of debris has a positive effect on the speed of the entire device and applications.

    After you moved the necessary files to the memory card, you managed to partially clear the internal memory of the android. But that's not all, and if you want to free up even more space and forget about the error: android internal memory is full, read the article to the end.

    2. How to transfer applications to a memory card

    How to transfer applications to a memory card in order to clear the internal memory of an android is a rather difficult task, since such an operation has some limitations. For its full implementation, you need to get administrator rights (root) by installing the necessary software, but at the same time you lose the warranty on your android device, and some wrong actions can turn it into a brick. If you already have root access, install the application, with its help you can transfer applications to a memory card, even some pre-installed ones, but this may affect the correct operation of these applications and the system as a whole.

    Most applications are automatically installed on the internal memory of the device, and without administrator (root) rights, they will not be transferred. This can be done in "Settings" - "Applications", but this method is not the most convenient. In the Play Market app store, there are quite a few programs with which you can transfer applications to a memory card. We suggest using a multifunctional application Android Assistant, which includes 18 essential tools to manage android. You can download Android Assistant, as well as familiarize yourself with its capabilities in the article:.

    Launch Android Assistant, go to the tab " Tools" and choose the item App2Sd.
    The tab opens a list of applications that can be transferred to a memory card. After selecting applications, you are thrown into "Application Details" click here "To SD memory card".

    You can clean up android internal memory if you uninstall unnecessary applications. For convenience, we recommend a tool in Android Assistant - "Batch Delete"- it allows you to select multiple applications to uninstall at the same time and will show in which memory it is installed.

    3. How to clean your phone or tablet from debris

    Unlike the previous tasks, where, with the correct settings and performing the described actions, you will not have to repeat them someday, you will need to use your knowledge on how to clean the android from garbage quite often. The good news is that when installing the necessary software, this process is very simple and fast.

    You need to understand that garbage appears constantly: this is a cache from open pages on the Internet, running applications or their remains after deletion, etc., therefore, if you periodically clean the android from garbage, this will not only allow you to clear the internal memory of the android, but also positively affects the speed of applications and devices.

    To solve the problem: how to clear the internal memory of an android from garbage, we suggest using the application Clean Master. This is not only a very convenient, simple and functional tool for cleaning internal memory, but also the best cleaner for android.

    Launch the Clean Master application, select "Garbage" And "Clear". After that, the application offers to do another advanced cleaning and warns that this section may contain the necessary data, so carefully choose the files to delete.

    Now you know how to clean your android phone from junk, how to transfer applications to a memory card (if possible) and how to move files on android when the android internal memory is full. In addition to a memory card, there is another way - storing files on the Internet.

    4. Storing files online

    Storing files on the Internet, thanks to various cloud storages, allows you not only to clear the internal memory and free up the memory card, but also to access your files from any device with the Internet through a browser or special applications, you just need to enter your username and password. If you are interested in this topic, we have analyzed it in detail using the example of the most advanced cloud storage - Google Drive in the article:.

    So, in this article, you have learned how to clear the internal memory of your android phone when the internal memory is full. We solved this problem by analyzing the questions: how to move files on android (pictures, videos, music, documents), how to transfer applications to a memory card, how to clean your device from garbage and learned about storing files on the Internet - Cloud storage.

    There is also a way for the "lazy", if you urgently need to clear all personal data and delete applications with their settings - try it. This will clean the device completely and format it.

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    Android OS has deservedly won its market share and the hearts of users. But, despite the advantages, this system has a number of flaws. So, the most common problem that users face is the “not enough space in the memory of the Android device” error. This problem, as a rule, appears over time, although sometimes it occurs on the first day of use.

    Solving the problem of insufficient memory on Android: Video

    Causes and solutions to the problem

    There is no single solution, because there can be several causes of the problem. Let's look at the main causes and how to eliminate them.

    The memory on the device is full

    Let's first analyze the case when there is really not enough free Android memory. You can find out the status of the memory by viewing the corresponding category in the "Parameters".

    Of course, in the above case, there is still plenty of memory, but if your numbers and situation are different, then it's time to clean up the internal storage:

    • uninstall unnecessary apps/games;
    • clear the unnecessary contents of the "Download / Downloads" and TEMP directories;
    • delete old SMS;
    • you can delete the logs in the DATA folder, but, however, you will need Root rights;
    • Move apps to SD card (Settings/Apps).

    This is the simplest solution. For more advanced cleaning, you need to use special utilities.

    How to free up system memory on Android: Video

    Special applications

    So, if you install and run Clean Master, you will be prompted to first remove junk, cache, etc., and then you can select the "Advanced Cleanup" option. Be careful here: delete only what you really do not need. By the way, with Clean Master you can also move applications.

    The Link2SD utility is even more interesting. It coordinates the work of the external memory with the internal one in such a way that they seem to merge into one memory. True, you need to have Root-rights. Before installation, make a backup of the system and files. The external memory itself must be pre-formatted. The file system type is Ext3. To do this, use standard tools or specialized tools such as EaseUS Partition Master Home or Partition Magic.

    Install Link2SD on the gadget itself. The menu is intuitive, even a novice user can cope with the program.

    There is memory, but applications are not installed

    Why does Android write that there is not enough memory, although there is plenty of it? This question is very popular. There may also be several reasons. As experience shows, the case is most often in Google Play. So, go through "Options" in the "Applications" menu and select Google Play. Clear the settings cache.

    The same must be done with the Google Service Framework, after stopping the application. If the error “Not enough free Android memory” has not disappeared, you need to do something more radical.

    Uninstall all Google Play and Google Services updates. You can do this in the same place where you cleared the cache.

    After all these steps, a reboot is required. Try again to see if the programs are downloading. It happens that the tablet gives an error "No connections". Wait 3-4 minutes and try again.

    How to clean internal memory on Android: Video

    hard way

    Why does an Android device write that there is not enough memory, but there is still a lot of it? Why didn't the first two methods help? Perhaps the problem is in the system.

    For some users, the method below will seem intimidating, but it is better than a factory reset.

    Reset Android to factory settings: Video