• Programs for creating mental maps. Programs for creating mind maps. Creating mind maps

    Anyone who has used mind-mapping technology at least once knows how convenient, multitasking and simple it is. Apparently this is why the compilation of intelligence maps (or mental maps) is beginning to enjoy such popularity. Mind maps are used to record ideas and associations; They help to brainstorm, plan work within the project, create a short business analysis of the situation, and are also used for making notes, recording theses from books and magazines read.

    We offer a fresh selection of 8 excellent programs for creating mind maps. We are confident that these programs will help you use mind-mapping technology 100%. In the selection you will find many free applications and you can easily choose the best option for yourself.

    And if you haven’t used the mind mapping method in your work until today, it’s time to try it!


    Coggle is a free online application that supports collaboration on projects. In this program you can develop convenient, beautiful mental maps. The program's interface is simple, but at the same time it has many functions that make the process of creating a mind map incredibly simple. The program supports the use of images, custom color schemes and the ability to view document history. Keeping a history of changes allows you to revert to earlier versions of the map you created if you get stuck in the current version. Mind-maps created in Coggle can be exported in PNG or PDF format.


    XMind is a popular cross-platform mind mapping program that runs on Windows/Mac/Linux platforms. The program has several versions: free with reduced capabilities and paid with expanded functionality. One of the main advantages of the program is its support and compatibility with the Microsoft Office suite. And a nice addition is the program’s ability to work with Gantt charts.


    The program is an open-source, free application that runs on any platform that supports Java. In general, the program has all the necessary set of functions to create high-quality mind maps. The only drawback of the program is the outdated design of intelligence cards.

    — paid application for creating mind maps on Mac/IOS. The program has a modern minimalistic design and is very easy to use. It supports integration with all Apple devices and works well on both iPad and mobile versions. The application allows you to export created mind maps in the following formats: JPG, PDF, TIFF, text formats, and also supports exporting mind maps to the format of the competing program Freemind.

    For users unfamiliar with the program, a trial version of the program with a limited set of MindNode Lite functions is available.


    Bubble.us is a free web application for online mind mapping. The application allows you to create simple mind-maps and export them in image format. The functionality of the program in comparison with the simple solutions MindNode and Coggle seems a little sophisticated, but still the program solves the problem and creates good mind maps. The program runs on flash and will not work on smartphones.

    The program is a paid online application for compiling mind maps. Provides several options for subscription fees, and also provides the opportunity to use the program for free. For free, you can build 3 mind maps with limited export capabilities. The application has a user-friendly interface and the entire necessary set of functions, which allows you to understand the simplicity and convenience of smart card technology. The downside of the program is that it can only be fully used with regular payments, so it is more suitable for those who use mind maps regularly. The program is Russified.


    Mapul is a paid online application for creating mind maps. Like MindMeister, Mapul operates on a monthly subscription basis. The program stands out among all other applications with its fancy mind map design.

    The program is a free online application for creating mind maps, running on open source HTML5. The program can be used directly on the developers’ website, or you can download the open source code of the program and install it on your own web server. The application has a full range of functions for working with smart map technology.

    There are various ways to record your thoughts or convey them to an audience. You can write, underline and highlight text in different colors, draw, draw tables, diagrams and graphs. The human brain is designed in such a way that it wants to perceive information visually. Psychologists have been thinking about this for a long time and have developed the concept of a mind map, which can also be called a mind map, mind map, etc. (English mind map). Such a connection diagram is based on a central idea, from which a number of branches branch off and continue to diverge further. The central idea can be a question, task, problem or area of ​​knowledge, and the branches can be solutions.

    The inventor of the technique is considered to be psychologist Tony Buzan, although, of course, the authorship of the idea cannot be attributed to one person. He wrote a lot of books about the development of thinking and memory, contributing a lot to the popularization of mental maps. And in 2006, under his leadership, mind mapping software called iMindMap was developed. Thus, the technique of visualizing thinking was transferred from paper to a computer, gaining a lot of additional possibilities.

    ⇡ About the program

    iMindMap is far from the only program on the list of mind map editors. And although it is inferior in functionality and prevalence to Mindjet MindManager and ConceptDraw Office MindMap, it is an application with “the most human face.” iMindMap is cross-platform - there are versions for desktop systems Windows, Mac and Linux, and for mobile devices iPhone, iPad and Android, as well as a “cloud” version. The program has a visually pleasing interface and supports the Russian language. It doesn’t take a long time to understand - an untrained user can immediately understand what this technique is. But most importantly, mind maps turn out to be more “live” and interesting than in similar editors, where they have a somewhat scientific appearance. However, it’s better to take a look at the screenshot and decide for yourself which type of cards you like best.

    On the left is a map made in iMindMap, on the right is in Mindjet MindManager

    The program is available in three editions: Basic, Home&Student and Ultimate, differing in the available functionality. The basic version is free, the educational version costs $67, and the basic version costs $256. There is also a version for mobile devices with access to the “cloud” for $13.99 per year. To get a free edition, you should register on the official ThinkBuzan website. Despite the large number of limitations, you can quite use the main function - creating a map and exporting it as an image.

    ⇡ Creating a map in the program

    iMindMap has a familiar office interface and a Ribbon-style menu design. The open map is displayed in the main information window; on the right there is a panel for inserting additional objects, which can be docked. Switching between maps is done on the tab bar under the main window.

    iMindMap Interface

    Creating a new map begins with choosing an image for the central idea. If the existing pictures do not suit you, you can open your own. Then change the name of this object and begin to draw branches from it in different directions to any length. From the tips of those branches - new branches, and so on ad infinitum. Each branch is given a name that extends along its length and can be aligned along one side, like text on a page. The shape of the branch can be changed by bending it in different ways at several key points. The location changes in the same way - just grab the branch by the tip and move it to any place, while the other branches will automatically move. Branches at any level can be collapsed and expanded, various actions can be performed on them - delete, cut and paste, recolor, change the font of the name.

    Adding new branches

    The essence of this process is to find all the options for solving the problem, ways to complete the task, etc. For example, you are going to launch a website - this will be the central idea. One branch will branch off from it: “development”, others – “filling”, “optimization”, “promotion”. From the last branch, in turn, “banner exchange”, “contextual advertising”, “promotion on social networks” will emerge. From “promotion in social networks” - Facebook, VKontakte, Twitter and so on. In this way, all the points related to the implementation of this task will be thought out and clearly presented.

    It is worth saying that additional central ideas can be added to the map. The branches extending from it will not intersect with the main tree. This is more of a visual convenience associated with the unlimited nature of the canvas. There is also the ability to create child maps at any part of the branch - in this case, the selected branch will become the central idea from which all subsequent branches will depart.

    You can attach various objects to each branch that complement its information value: icons, pictures, notes, audio recordings and links. The icons are divided into groups, each symbolizing something different - a trip, a document, a person, a calendar month. They appear near the tip of the branch, as do the images that are also attached to branches. But notes, audio recordings and links are created and viewed/listened to/opened in the sidebar - only the designating symbol will be visible on the branches. You can attach several different objects: for example, add a screenshot of a website to a thread along with a description and a link to it.

    Adding a note to a thread

    You can assign objects to branches, or you can add pictures, tables and flowcharts, which are created here using simple editors. These elements will be displayed under the branches, like pictures. You can resize them, unpin them, and drag them to empty space or other branches. Floating text and pictures are also inserted into the empty space to indicate information not tied to the tree. All added objects can be moved to the background and foreground if they overlap each other.

    Adding branches is carried out in several modes. You can draw standard branches by hand, giving them any shape - in this case, the number of geometric points can be unlimited. Branches are also inserted with a frame at the end, and the text is placed inside the frame rather than along the length of the entire branch. You can add connections between the branches using arrows - this allows you to visually loop your tree and connect individual elements with each other. True, with a large number of arrows, it becomes difficult to make out where they all lead. A cloud-shaped frame is applied to the branches, which extends to the child branches - but the bad thing is that it is not removed back.

    Framing branches

    As you place branches on the screen, they can be pinned in place to maintain their shape and location. If you don't want to create the layout manually, there is a "magic" Tidying up function that will automatically arrange your tree, giving it the most compressed look. By the way, compression can be done every time you collapse and delete branches, or generally every time you change the map, if you configure it accordingly in the “SmartLayout Options”. The style of the tree also changes there - the degree of “roundness” of the branches is selected (you can make them completely straight) and their “spreading”, that is, the minimum distance from each other.

    Map before and after “cleaning”

    If you don't like the color scheme and branch structure of the map, you can choose different tones and tree style (curvature type and line thickness), as well as fonts and background color of the canvas. The card can be given either a strict corporate or a cheerful childish look, and if you like the result, then add the specified style to the standard ones. You can save the entire map as a template. When creating a new card, it is possible to use ready-made educational, personal and business templates.

    iMindMap uses its own IMX format to save maps, and allows exporting to many formats: raster and vector images, documents, presentations, web pages, projects, audio recordings, tables, archives and OPML markup. In the free and trial versions, saving is available only in JPEG and PNG formats, but the resolution can be quite high.

    ⇡ Map display modes

    Mind maps in iMindMap can be viewed in different display modes. If you want to show the map to an audience (primarily using a projector), then there are two modes for this: 3D and presentation. The three-dimensional view is quite spectacular, and also allows you to move through the branches interactively.

    Displaying the map in 3D

    The presentation mode will show you how to create a map step by step. A mouse click brings up the next slide.

    Displaying the map as a presentation

    In addition, you can view the map in the form of a classic catalog, where instead of branches their names are displayed, which can be collapsed and expanded. But of particular interest to users who plan their time may be the display of the map in the form of a project, where there is a connection with a Gantt chart.

    Displaying the map as a project

    What you should know here is that each added branch is by default a task, which has a start and end date, as well as a status (completed or not completed). Initially, both date fields are set to the day the task was created, and these parameters can only be changed for final branches that do not have a continuation. In this case, changes in child branches automatically shift the date range and percentage of completion for the parent branch, which is the merging task; that, in turn, has its own, and so on until the “global” task - the central idea. It is convenient to indicate the percentage of completion by attaching icons with project completion shares to branches, as well as on a Gantt chart. This is a scale that clearly shows the time periods during which various tasks are performed (it has its own characteristics, but we will not delve into them within the framework of this article). It is also very convenient to change the duration and execution time of tasks. Finally, branches that are not tasks can be disabled from use in project management.

    ⇡ Synchronization with the cloud

    As mentioned earlier, the program is cross-platform and also available in the cloud. The web version is intended primarily for synchronizing maps between different devices, but also allows you to edit them in a browser window. To use the service, you must have an account with ThinkBuzan. And although 1 GB of server space is provided, in free mode synchronization of only five cards is available, and it occurs only once every 24 hours. For money these restrictions will be lifted. This service is paid separately from the purchase of the program, and you can download the version of iMindMap for your mobile device on the iOS/Android platform. The package is called iMindMap Freedom and the subscription costs $13.99 per year.

    Managing cards in ThinkBuzan Cloud

    You can view and edit maps in the cloud in the same way as local ones. You can rename, delete, sort them into folders both through the application interface and in the web version. To add a map to the cloud, you need to select “Save to ThinkBuzan Cloud” in save mode and specify the appropriate folder. On the service website this is done using the “Import” button. The function of exporting to various formats is only available in paid mode.

    Cloud editor ThinkBuzan Cloud

    The “cloud” map editor is based on the Flash platform. Its functionality is greatly reduced compared to the desktop version, and only English is available in languages. The process of adding branches remains the same, and their appearance is also preserved. It is still possible to add branches and links. You can change colors, fonts, and text alignment. Icons, notes, and links are attached to branches, and you can place pictures and floating text on the canvas. Actually, that’s all there is to it, but the main thing is that the cards do not lose their attractiveness online.

    ⇡ Conclusion

    iMindMap was created under the direction of the author of the idea of ​​mental maps, and is sometimes called the official software for this technique. The program was made for mass users who are not experienced in complex conceptual applications. It is inferior in functionality to many other editors, but superior to all analogues in terms of style, ease of use and cross-platform. iMindMap can be an extremely useful tool for students, office workers and generally all people who are inclined to plan and analyze data. It can be used for a variety of purposes: organizing projects and various aspects of life, taking notes from books and lectures, structuring knowledge. Thanks to the presence of iMindMap on all major platforms and the synchronization of maps with the cloud, they will always be with you, no matter where you are and no matter what device you are currently using.

    Mind maps(also called mind maps, mind maps, and mind maps) are a way to visualize ideas and show the connections between them using diagrams.

    The technique of creating such a mind map emerged long before the online tools listed in this article appeared.

    Now there are dozens of services that allow you to create mind maps that include not only text, but also other elements such as images, links and videos. You can also work on maps with other users, share maps on social networks, and embed them in websites.

    How can a teacher use mind maps in his work?

    • When explaining new material, to organize and visualize the material.
    • For brainstorming - both when discussing new material and for solving organizational issues.

    How can students use mind maps in their learning?

    • To write a draft of a written paper to organize your ideas.
    • When studying a complex topic to better understand the material.
    • As an independent task, as an alternative to a presentation, poster or report.

    This article lists 3 free and easy to use tools - Bubbl.us, Coggle and Popplet. If you have never created mind maps before, then it is advisable to start with them. If you need more advanced features, you should pay attention to paid programs such as Lucidchart, Mind42, MindMeister, SpiderScribe and Stormboard.


    Bubbl.us is a very simple online tool. Well suited for those who need only text to create a memory card, and who do not need elements such as images or attached files (the paid version allows you to add images, the free version only allows text).

    Coggle is a free service that allows you to create beautiful online maps. Here you can create any number of branches, bend them, change colors, and move elements.

    To use Coggle you need a Gmail account. A good option for educational institutions where they are already actively using .

    At first glance, Popplet seems like a very simple tool, but in fact it has a number of interesting features that allow you to create beautiful multimedia mind maps.

    Popplet cards can consist of many elements containing text, uploaded images, drawings, or videos. Elements can be highlighted in different colors, changed their size and moved. You can zoom in on an element to see it in detail, or zoom out to see the entire map.

    You can work on the map together with other users, who can either add comments to map elements or create their own elements. The finished map can be printed, shared on Facebook or Twitter, or exported in PDF or PNG format. The interface is in English. There is an online version and applications for iPhone and iPad. You can create up to 5 cards for free. For $3 per month you can create an unlimited number of cards. Group discounts are available for schools.

    Discussion: 9 comments

      Mind maps can be used in many different ways, depending on the experience with them and the creativity of the teacher and students. For example, my students drew the tense system of the French language. The most important thing is that mind maps are a good motivator for studying.

      1. I also used similar tasks, only I did not have the French tense system, but ways of expressing the future tense in English and different meanings of modal verbs.

        On the Internet you can also find many ready-made mind maps dedicated to learning English, which is quite convenient for both students and teachers.

        I myself often build mind maps, but not for work, but, as they say, for myself, in order to structure my own ideas.

        1. But it seems to me that students can and should make these maps. When compiling, they reflect on new material.

          1. But teachers also sometimes need to make a mind map - not for students, but for themselves.

            1. This can be done by different people with different goals, I just shared my view on the place of cards in the learning process.

      To create mind maps, I recommend mindmeister.net. In my opinion, this is the best software for mind mapping. There is everything you need - cloud storage, card sharing, mobile applications for Android and iOS, as well as many other features.

      There is also mind42 com - I’ve been using it for a long time

      Coggle looks nice, I like it. Tell me how convenient it is?

      1. It's hard to say, convenience is a subjective thing :).

        I find Google to be a simple and intuitive tool. But if you need advanced features, then you should choose a different solution.

    An intelligence map, or mental maps (mind-maps) is a display of an effective way to think, memorize, recall, solve creative problems, as well as the ability to present and visually express your internal information processing processes, make changes to them, and improve them. Mind maps - This is a tool that allows you to:

    • It’s easier to work with information: remember, understand, restore logic.
    • convenient to use for presenting material and visually explaining your position to interlocutors
    • makes it easier to make decisions, create plans, develop projects.
    offers a fresh selection of 8 great mind mapping programs. We are confident that these programs will help you use mind-mapping technology 100%. In the selection you will find many free applications and you can easily choose the best option for yourself.

    1. Google

    Coggle is a free online application that supports collaboration on projects. In this program you can develop convenient, beautiful mental maps. The program's interface is simple, but at the same time it has many functions that make the process of creating a mind map incredibly simple. The program supports the use of images, custom color schemes and the ability to view document history. Keeping a history of changes allows you to revert to earlier versions of the map you created if you get stuck in the current version. Mind-maps created in Coggle can be exported in PNG or PDF format.

    2. Xmind

    XMind is a popular cross-platform mind mapping program that runs on Windows/Mac/Linux platforms. The program has several versions: free with reduced capabilities and paid with expanded functionality. One of the main advantages of the program is its support and compatibility with the Microsoft Office suite. And a nice addition is the program’s ability to work with Gantt charts.

    3. Freemind

    The program is an open-source, free application that runs on any platform that supports Java. In general, the program has all the necessary set of functions to create high-quality mind maps. The only drawback of the program is the outdated design of intelligence cards.

    4. MindNode

    MindNode is a paid application for creating mind maps on Mac / IOS. The program has a modern minimalistic design and is very easy to use. It supports integration with all Apple devices and works well on both iPad and mobile versions. The application allows you to export created mind maps in the following formats: JPG, PDF, TIFF, text formats, and also supports exporting mind maps to the format of the competing program Freemind. For users unfamiliar with the program, a trial version of the program with a limited set of MindNode Lite functions is available.

    5. BubblUs

    Bubble.us is a free web application for online mind mapping. The application allows you to create simple mind-maps and export them in image format. The functionality of the program in comparison with the simple solutions MindNode and Coggle seems a little sophisticated, but still the program solves the problem and creates good mind maps. The program runs on flash and will not work on smartphones.

    6. Mind Meister

    MindMeister is a paid online mind mapping application. Provides several options for subscription fees, and also provides the opportunity to use the program for free. For free, you can build 3 mind maps with limited export capabilities. The application has a user-friendly interface and the entire necessary set of functions, which allows you to understand the simplicity and convenience of smart card technology. The downside of the program is that it can only be fully used with regular payments, so it is more suitable for those who use mind maps regularly. The program is Russified.

    7. Mapul

    Mapul is a paid online application for creating mind maps. Like MindMeister, Mapul operates on a monthly subscription basis. The program stands out among all other applications with its fancy mind map design.

    8. WiseMapping

    WiseMapping is a free online mind mapping application running on HTML5 open source code. The program can be used directly on the developers’ website, or you can download the open source code of the program and install it on your own web server. The application has a full range of functions for working with smart card technology.