• Programs to improve the performance of windows 7. Adjustment of visual effects. To start the defragmentation process, you need to

    The Windows 7 operating system pleasantly pleased users with its speed. Compared to the previous version, Windows Vista, the new operating system from Microsoft shows better performance results. However, there is no limit to perfection - and many users under this slogan decided to further optimize Windows 7 and speed up its work. Let's try to figure out what Windows 7 optimization is.

    The performance of any operating system, as a complex software package consisting of many components, depends on a number of factors. It is impossible to turn off any one function or change a couple of settings and, thereby, seriously increase system performance. Setting up Windows 7 is a rather complex and multifaceted process, so if you want to optimize the operation of the operating system as much as possible, you need to approach this process comprehensively, from all sides.

    Windows Aero

    The Windows Aero GUI has been criticized more than once for wasting system resources. In fact, this is just a visual decoration of the system, which does not carry practically any useful functions, but simply serves as a treat for the user's eyes. However, Windows Aero can be optimized to significantly reduce the system resources it requires to run. As a rule, setting up the desktop in Windows 7 begins with this. First of all, you can disable the almost invisible elements of Windows Aero, which, nevertheless, create a load on your hardware. To do this, go to Control Panel - System - Advanced System Settings - Advanced - Settings.

    1. Menu fading after a command is invoked is a subtle feature that can still reduce the smoothness of the menu experience.
    2. Dropping shadows with icons on the table and Displaying a shadow under the mouse pointer - you hardly see them, but they take away system resources.
    3. Animated controls and elements inside the window - disabling will add smoothness when working with windows.
    4. Displaying the contents of the window while dragging is a resource-intensive feature, disabling it makes a significant contribution to optimization.

    If you have a rather weak computer, the performance gain will be noticeable after disabling the above functions. In addition to them, the effect of transparency has a very strong effect on performance, disabling it gives a tangible result. If you are indifferent to all the decorations and want to get the maximum speed, you need to select the setting item Ensure the best performance.

    Windows 7 Services

    As you know, Windows 7 is a complex multi-component system designed to perform a wide range of tasks. To implement various functions as part of the operating system, many services work, many of which are often simply not needed by the user. However, each of the services eats up precious resources on your computer. Accordingly, if you disable unnecessary functions, you can increase the overall performance of the system.

    To get access to work with services, you need to go to the following path: Start - Control Panel - Administrative Tools - Services. After that, select the service that is unnecessary for us in the list, click the Stop button, set the Startup type setting to Disabled. Please note that many services are vital for the smooth functioning of the operating system, so you should only disable them if you are confident in your actions and know exactly what you are doing. Here is a list of services that are recommended to be disabled:

    • Windows Card Space
    • Shadow Copy Software Provider (Microsoft)
    • Windows Search
    • Print Manager (if there are no printers)
    • Offline Files
    • Network Access Protection Agent
    • Network logon
    • Configuring a Remote Desktop Server
    • smart card
    • Adaptive brightness control
    • Windows Backup
    • IP Helper Service
    • Grouping network members
    • Performance counter library host
    • Tablet PC Input Service
    • Remote Access Automatic Connection Manager
    • Diagnostic System Assembly
    • Network Member Identity Manager
    • Performance Logs and Alerts
    • Secondary login
    • Secure storage
    • Smart Card Deletion Policy
    • Homegroup listener
    • Windows Defender
    • Windows Event Collector
    • Windows Media Center Scheduler Service
    • Diagnostic Service Host

    Windows 7 registry

    The Windows 7 registry is a database that contains information about operating system settings, startup options for programs and services. Windows 7 accesses the registry several hundred times per second, as do various installed programs. If the registry is littered, it contains many obsolete entries from once installed programs, then this can seriously slow down the operating system. Optimizing the Windows 7 registry consists of two stages: at the first stage, we will look at a number of important settings that speed up the system, and then we will give tips on removing unnecessary entries from the registry. Before performing any operations with the registry, it is highly recommended to make a backup copy of it, as the result of incorrect actions can cause serious system failures.

    Improving the performance of the NTFS file system
    Under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\FileSystem, set the NtfsDisableLastAccessUpdate and NtfsDisable8dot3NameCreation parameters to 1. This will disable the creation of the last file access time entry.

    Forced storage of kernel codes in RAM
    In the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management section, change the LargeSystemCache parameter to 1. This will allow the system not to unload the kernel from RAM.

    Forced storage of drivers in RAM
    In the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management section, change the DisablePagingExecutive parameter to 1. This will allow the operating system not to unload driver files from RAM.

    Forced unloading of unused libraries from RAM
    In the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer section, create the AlwaysUnloadDll DWORD parameter and assign it a value of 1. This will allow you to unload unused DLLs from RAM.

    The Windows 7 registry contains a wide range of settings, some of which seriously affect system performance. Above, we examined only some of them, which are the basis for optimizing the operation of the Windows 7 system using the registry. In addition, it is useful to periodically clean the registry of unnecessary and obsolete entries. Doing this manually is problematic, it is better to use special utilities for these purposes.

    Windows 7 startup

    It's no secret that when you start Windows 7, a number of programs automatically load. Many of them, such as antivirus, firewall, various device drivers, are useful and necessary. But, at the same time, some of these programs got into the startup list without your knowledge. We can see the shortcuts of some of these programs in the system tray, in the same place, as a rule, you can go to the utilities settings and disable the autorun function. At the same time, some programs are not visible to the user and work in a hidden mode, thereby consuming system resources.

    In order to see the full list of applications that run with Windows 7, you need to open the startup menu. You can do this using the command line, open it with the Win + R key combination, enter the msconfig command at the command line. The System Configuration window will appear on the screen, in which we are interested in the Startup tab. On this tab, we see a complete list of programs that run with Windows 7, and this list can be easily edited by yourself. Please note that the startup list contains a number of important applications, the disabling of which may cause problems with the operating system. Therefore, before disabling any program, make sure that you know exactly what it is responsible for.

    Temporary files and folders Windows 7

    During its operation, the operating system creates a number of temporary files and folders. In addition, the programs you work with often create temporary data and "forget" to delete it. Over time, this can slow down Windows 7, as well as take up a fairly large amount of space on your hard drive. You can fight this by regularly deleting temporary folders and files if you know exactly where they are and that they are no longer needed. However, for inexperienced users, there is another way that simplifies the cleaning process and minimizes the risk of deleting important files. Windows 7 has a built-in tool called Disk Cleanup. Thanks to it, you can clean up the operating system from temporary files and folders in a short time.

    To run this tool, you need to go along the path Start - All Programs - Accessories - System Tools - Disk Cleanup. With this utility, you can delete temporary Internet files, temporary system files, unused Windows components and a number of other unnecessary files. The program interface is intuitive, working with it will not cause difficulties even for a novice user.

    Windows 7 paging file

    The swap file or swap-file is necessary for the system to partially unload RAM. As the system works, some of the data contained in RAM becomes unnecessary, and Windows frees up computer resources by uploading this data to the paging file. If after some time these files are needed again, they are loaded into RAM.

    As a rule, Windows 7 adjusts the page file size automatically, depending on the needs of the system. However, for best performance, it's best to set the size manually. You can do this by going to Start - Control Panel - System - Advanced - Performance - Settings. Select the Change button in the Virtual memory sector and set the paging file size equal to the amount of RAM in the computer.

    Mar 03

    How to speed up your computer on Windows 7 (part 1)

    Hello, friends! As promised in, I'll tell you about how to speed up windows 7. If you're using an older version of Windows, you can still use some of the tips. For example, points 2 and 3. In general, it is better to keep up with the times and use new versions of the software. Since they are more reliable and improved. Shall we start?

    1. Disable visual effects.

    By itself, Windows 7 is very beautiful. Therefore, I personally turned off only a couple of visual effects. You disable the ones you don't need. How to do it? 1) Go to the section . To do this, click the button Start and select section Control Panel . In the search field, enter "Performance Counters and Tools" , and then from the list of results, select "Counters and performance tools". 2) Select item "Setting up visual effects" . 3) Uncheck the following effects (this is my opinion):
    • 1.Animation in start menu and taskbar
    • 2. Animation of windows when minimizing and expanding
    • 3.Display shadows cast by windows
    • 4.Effects of fading or sliding when hints appear
    I hope you figured this out. I repeat, you uncheck those items that you do not need. Don't forget to click "Apply" .

    2. Disabling autorun of unnecessary programs.

    When Windows 7 boots up, various programs start automatically. Of course, all of them are not needed. But many do not know how to disable their automatic launch. And to make it easier than ever. 1) Go to the "Start" menu, then to the "Control Panel".

    2) In the window that appears, select the item "Administration" :

    4) In the top menu of the window that appears, click on:

    Here we remove the checkmarks from those programs that we do not need. In principle, you can remove all the checkboxes. But I only have 4 programs marked, which I always need after the system boots.

    3. Disable unnecessary services.

    Our computer uses a lot of services that we don't need at all. Let's turn off some of them. But before that, launch all those programs that you usually use on your computer, also turn on a movie or music. Why is this needed? To identify the services that we need in daily life. After you have launched the programs, follow the 3 steps from point 2 (Disabling the autorun of unnecessary programs.). 4) In the top menu of the window that appears, click on "Services". 5) Uncheck those services where the Status is Stopped:

    4. Remove unnecessary gadgets.

    Windows 7 gadgets are undoubtedly easy to manage and greatly simplify our work at the computer. But on the other hand, they consume the resources of our system. Therefore, install only essential gadgets. For example, I generally have only 1 gadget - "Weather Forecast" and that's it. So clean up your desktop. For example, why do you need a gadget - "clock", if you can see the time in the lower right corner. Well, the calendar hasn't gone anywhere yet. All in all, act.

    5. Remove unnecessary programs.

    I don't think there is much to explain here. Just go to the "Control Panel", then "Programs and Features" and remove those programs that you do not use. You don't need them, they just waste resources. OK it's all over Now. Now you can easily increase computer performance. By the way, I almost forgot about the most important tip - DON'T CLUTTER YOUR DESKTOP WITH A LOT OF SHORTCUTS!. Now that's all for sure. See you!

    Even though Windows 7 boots and responds in many ways better than its predecessor, Vista, its default settings are far from optimal for the job. However, while speeding up the work of the "seven", it must be taken into account that some changes made to its settings lead to a deterioration in the functionality and appearance of the system. Your task is to choose a configuration that will give you the best balance between performance, functionality and appearance. Next, we will look at several ways to speed up a number of Windows 7 systems, as well as a number of its utilities.

    Windows 7: Optimize System Boot

    It is known that the user is most annoyed by the long loading of the operating system. Despite the fact that the "seven" is optimized by developers in such a way that it loads 10-20 seconds faster than Vista, users are always striving to make it even faster. Multi-core processors allow you to speed up system boot even more, for which you need to make a number of settings. Open the msconfig utility by typing its name in the Start menu bar. In the window that opens, we need the Download tab, where we need to click on the Advanced Options button. Check the box next to Number of processors and select the maximum number of your cores from the drop-down menu. After you click OK to save the settings, reboot the systems, and you will see how much faster the boot of Windows 7 has become. Windows. Therefore, having opened the msconfig utility again, let's go to its other Startup tab. Many Windows applications are written into the system startup without the user noticing. When there are too many such programs, the download starts to slow down significantly. Therefore, carefully analyze the list of applications presented in the startup tab and uncheck all programs that you do not need. Ideally, you should leave a checkmark only in front of the name of your antivirus. In the same way, Windows will speed up loading by disabling all unnecessary services that slow down not only startup, but also work. We will discuss how to disable them below.

    Optimizing Services in Windows 7

    Throughout the Windows OS family, there are many services designed to interact with internal hardware, drivers, and some system options. Many third-party programs also add their own services to the system. Running in the background, many services significantly reduce system performance, while not improving its functionality in any way. Moreover, a number of Windows 7 services are detrimental to the overall security of the system. These services, first of all, include the default Remote Registry, which allows an attacker to make any changes to the system. There are two ways to open the service management utility: go to Control Panel - Administrative Tools - Services or enter services.msc in the Start menu bar. After starting this application, a window with a list of all services will open in front of you. To disable a particular service, you need to left-click on it, after which a window will open. Click the Stop button to stop the service and change the startup type to Disabled to prevent it from being enabled again the next time the system starts. After that, click Apply and OK, the service will no longer interfere with your computer. When working with the list of services, you should be especially careful, since disabling the desired process can lead to a partial loss of system performance: certain equipment or applications may stop working. If you have made changes to the properties of several dozen services at the same time, it will not be easy to find the right service required for the operation of a particular program. Below we provide a list of services that can be disabled on almost any computer, whether it be a single machine or part of a local network.
    • The remote registry allows remote users to make changes to the system registry. For security reasons, this service should be disabled without fail.
    • Offline Files is responsible for implementing the Offline Files API. Not needed by the vast majority of users. Disable.
    • The Tablet PC Input Service is required for pen and similar input devices to work on tablets. Disable.
    • The Windows Error Logging Service is responsible for logging system errors. If you have a habit of analyzing the log entries in order to find the causes of errors in the event of problems with the PC, leave the service startup type in Auto. If you are almost never interested in what is recorded in the system log, the service can be disabled.
    • IPsec Key Exchange Key Modules… - Provides IKE key handling and authenticated IP operation. Disable.
    • Changed link tracking client. The service keeps track of file associations within an NTFS system. Once disabled, your computer will run faster.
    • Windows Search is required to index the files on your computer in order for the search to work. If you do not use the built-in system search, the service can be disabled.
    • parental control. This service came into Windows 7 from the version of Vista and is needed only for compatibility with it. Disable.
    On most home PCs that are not part of the local network, you can disable some more services.
    • IPSec Policy Agent. Almost never used on a home PC. Disable.
    • KtmRm for the distributed transaction coordinator. If you read the description of the service, it will become clear that it is not recommended to run it unless you are sure that you need it. Disable.
    • Helper service IP. Not used on home computer. Disable.
    • Print Manager. If you are not using a printer, disable this service. If you print documents from time to time, try setting the startup to Manual. If printing does not work in this case, change the startup type to Auto. Whether your printer will work or not with the Manual startup type depends only on its drivers.
    • A second login is required to run processes as a different user. Disabled for security reasons.
    • Fax machine. Disable if you are not sending or receiving faxes.
    • Windows Defender protects against spyware. Can be disabled if you plan to install an alternative protection system on your system.
    • Windows Firewall. Can be disabled if you have installed a third-party firewall on your system.
    • Smart card deletion policy. If you do not use smart cards, you do not need the service.
    • Microsoft iSCSI Initiator Service. If you are not using iSCSI devices, you can set the startup type of the service to Manual.
    • SSDP discovery is required for devices using the SSDP protocol. Can be disabled.
    • Adaptive brightness control is required only for PC owners with a built-in light sensor to automatically adjust the brightness of the monitor.
    • Computer Browser is required to discover work machines on the local network. A single computer does not need the service. Disable.
    • Server. The service is required only for computers that are used for file sharing or printer sharing. Disable.
    • Bluetooth support service. Disable if you don't have Bluetooth.
    You should not disable all services at once. It is better to disable them two or three at a time, and then reboot the system. If the computer and other hardware will work normally, disable the following services. Otherwise, you may encounter the fact that you don’t understand which service being disabled prevents the computer from working properly.

    Shutdown Time Reduction: Windows 7 Optimization

    The system shutdown time can also be reduced, but this can only be done using a somewhat barbaric method - reducing the time given to the process to complete running programs. If the system does not have time to complete their work, they will be stopped forcibly. Open the registry again and find the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE -> System -> CurrentControlSet -> Control branch there. Find the WaitToKillServiceTimeout parameter there and change its value from 12000 to 2000.

    ReadyBoost function

    Windows 7 has an option to use flash drives in addition to RAM for data caching. This speeds up data read and write operations and improves system performance. To use the ReadyBoost option, you must have USB drives or flash cards connected to the PC using a card reader. Insert the drive into the USB port of the computer and in the AutoPlay window select Speed ​​up the system using Windows ReadyBoost. Specify the space limit available for use. Click the Apply and OK buttons to save the settings. After that, the ReadyBoost.sfcache file will be created on the USB drive. Do not remove the flash drive from the computer under any circumstances!

    Optimizing your hard drive in Windows 7

    This function is valid in the Windows family of systems, starting with the XP version, it is also available in the "seven", however, if this option was enabled by default in XP, you must enable it yourself in Windows. Right-click on the My Computer icon and open Device Manager. Find Disk Drives in the list, right-click on the name of the HDD and select Properties. A window will appear where we need the Policy tab. Put a check in the box "Disable buffer clearing ...". Here, in the Device Manager, we find the IDE ATA / ATAPI controllers branch in the list, where in the properties of all ATA channels in the Advanced settings tab, check the box next to Enable / Enable DMA (Enable DMA).

    Speed ​​up copying and moving files

    One of the new options in Windows 7 is remote differential compression, which is designed to calculate differences between two objects, which reduces the amount of data transferred, but requires more time to calculate. You can disable this option in the Windows Components utility. Find the Programs and Features icon in the Control Panel and open Turn Windows features on or off from the list on the left. Uncheck the box next to Remote differential compression.

    Disable Driver Signature Verification

    This setting will significantly reduce the time required to install drivers. Search the Start menu for the gpedit.msc utility. Then, in the User Configuration item, go along the path Administrative Templates -> System -> Driver Installation. Click Digitally Sign Device Drivers and select Disable in the window that opens, click Apply and OK.

    Speed ​​up thumbnail view

    To increase the speed of viewing thumbnails, make the necessary settings in the registry. Open the branch HKEY_CURRENT_USER -> Control Panel -> Mouse. Change the MouseHoverTime setting to 100 or less.

    Speed ​​up the start menu

    When you open the Start menu, the system spends some time identifying and highlighting recently installed programs. If you do not need this option, you can turn it off, reducing the menu opening time. Right-click on the Start button and select Properties from the menu that appears. On the Menu tab, click the Customize button. In the window that appears with a list of settings, uncheck the item "Highlight recently installed programs." Before opening the Start menu, there is a short pause, which can be reduced by changing the corresponding registry setting. To do this, first start the registry by entering the word regedit in the Start menu bar and pressing Enter. In the registry editor that opens, find the key HKEY_CURRENT_USER -> Control Panel -> Desktop and change the value of the MenuShowDelay key from 400 to 50. After that, the pause when opening the menu will noticeably decrease.

    Turn off unnecessary visual effects

    If your computer is equipped with a less powerful graphics card or uses a graphics solution built into the motherboard card, then Aero visual effects can cause a noticeable decrease in performance. Especially often this problem is faced by owners of inexpensive laptops, mainly designed for office work. In the Control Panel, click on the System icon and in the window that opens, select Advanced system settings. You will see a window where you should go to the Advanced tab. Click the Options button under Performance. A window will open with a list of special effects, many of which significantly affect system performance. You have to configure the system so as to provide the optimal balance between appearance and performance. On weak computers, you can turn off all effects by selecting the "Ensure the best performance" item. By making the “Special Effects” item active, you can independently choose which effects you need. Most users prefer not to disable the "Smooth jagged screen fonts" option.

    It has long been no secret that performance in Windows 7 is sacrificed for beautiful animation. In your article Speeding up Windows 7, as I understand it, there was an attempt to solve the problem from the technical side, that is, by changing the system settings of the operating system. It seems to me that you need to optimize Windows 7 first of all by disabling visual effects, and only then experiment with the paging file, the registry, and so on. Sergey.

    Windows 7 optimization

    Optimization is the process of modifying a system to improve its efficiency. Wikipedia.

    There is no doubt that the Aero interface imposes a heavy load on the performance of Windows 7 and disabling some settings that directly affect the animation usually immediately affects a significant increase in speed in Windows 7. And of course Windows 7 optimization you need to start by turning off some visual effects. But what? Personally, at my work in Performance Options-> Visual Effects, there is a check mark in the item Provide the most best performance, why do I need a beautiful animation and a smooth disappearance at the workplace. Now, if you could smoothly disappear from work and so that no one would notice it, but unfortunately there is no such setting in Windows 7. But my friends at home turned off the Aero interface in Windows 7, the children did not allow me: "It's beautiful, Dad."

    Well, we talked a little, let's get down to business. What I propose, personally, I have long found a golden mean for myself in the settings of visual effects, which our readers have asked me about more than once, and here I am sharing my experience.
    I'm sure by the time you've read this article to the end, you'll turn off one-third of the visuals and be surprised, "Wow, I didn't even know this was all managed here."

    Start->Control Panel->System and Security->System->Advanced System Settings->Performance->Settings. Any visual effect can be disabled by unchecking it and clicking Apply.

    1)Animation in the start menu and panel whether tasks. This setting is responsible for the smooth appearance and fading of lists in the Start menu, as well as drop-down buttons on the Taskbar, for example, right-click on the Start menu and hover over the All Programs menu, then we can notice the effect of a smooth drop-down list of programs. Let's uncheck the item "Animation in the Start menu and taskbar" and do the same, as you can see in the illustration, the list of programs now does not drop out smoothly, but quickly, it's up to you to tick it back or not.

    2)Animating windows when minimizing and maximizing. The name speaks for itself. When opened, the window appears smoothly, and when closed, it sort of collapses. Let's open, for example, the Computer system folder window in the Control Panel, the effect is clearly noticeable, and now turn off this setting and open it again, no doubt the difference in the speed of the window's appearance will be noticeable.

    3)Animated controls and elements inside a window. Responsible for the soft highlight effect on buttons and scroll arrows in dialog boxes. For example, open the Computer system folder again and hover the mouse over the scroll arrow, notice the highlighting effect, now turn off this setting and do the same. It seems to me that this can be abandoned.

    4) Enable desktop composition. Responsible for the transparency effect of each open window in Windows 7, as well as the Taskbar. Windows 7 has to store information about open windows in memory and show us their silhouette when you hover your mouse over a button in the lower right corner of the desktop called Minimize All Windows. Many people think that Windows 7 optimization, you need to start by disabling this effect and the performance gain will not go unnoticed.

    5) Enable Aero Peek. In the lower right corner of the desktop, there is a button Minimize all windows, when you hover over it with the mouse, we will observe this effect.

    6) Enable eff transparency project. If you disable this effect, then the Windows 7 interface will lose a lot, the transparency effect will disappear in the windows, experiment, maybe your video card will pass this test, it's worth it.
    7) Smooth scrolling of lists. You can safely uncheck the box, the effect is not particularly noticeable.
    8) Fading menu after calling a command. Turn it off, as the difference is quite difficult to notice.
    9) Using display stylesniya for buttons and windows. When this setting is disabled, no one will distinguish the design of your operating system from Windows XP, with all visual effects disabled. If you, like me, can not forget XP, you can also choose a classic theme. Right-click on the desktop, select Personalization, then Basic Simplified Classic.

    10) Drop shadows on desktop icons. Personally, I don't see much difference whether there is a shadow behind the icons or not, you can disable
    11) Display window contents while dragging, it seems to me better to display, it won’t take much resources from you, as you can see in the second illustration, if you don’t display it, it won’t be very convenient.

    12) Display shadows cast by windows. The screenshot shows a shadow with an arrow, if it does not suit you, turn off the setting.

    13) Show thumbnails instead of icons. This visual effect consumes quite a lot of Windows 7 resources, and when it is disabled, folders will open noticeably faster. It displays all image files in Windows 7 Explorer in thumbnail, as well as video files and others. If you often deal with images, then using this effect is quite convenient, you can immediately notice the photo and picture you need, but many people working with video complained to me that Windows 7 generates all thumbnails of video files in Windows Explorer. in different ways and sometimes a video file is simply impossible to find in a folder with other types of files, so it takes bizarre forms. By the way, everything can be seen in our illustrations. The black rectangles in the folder are our films, next to them are graphic images, but this is how they look when the effect is off.

    14) Display pr transparent selection rectangle. When selecting several files with the mouse, you can notice a rectangular area moving after it, which does not particularly affect performance.

    15) Show shadow under mouse pointer. It practically does not consume computer resources.
    16) Smooth jagged screen fonts. The text on the screen, with this visual effect turned off, does not look very nice, let's leave it.

    17) Sliding when expanding lists. The effect of smooth drop-down lists, not very noticeable, can be turned off.
    18) Save Taskbar Thumbnail View. Feel free to experiment if you need to.
    19) when accessing the menu. It consumes a lot of resources and our time too, it is better to turn it off.
    20)Fade or slide effects when hints appear. Which is better for you, a hint with an effect or just a quick hint? Disable.

    Hello, friends!

    Today I will tell you about how to increase the performance (speed up) of the computer using the example of some settings (optimization) of the windows 7 operating system. I have been working on my computer for the fourth year, and by today's standards it is certainly outdated. Therefore, you have to deal with various Windows settings, disabling unnecessary components of this operating system.

    In this article, I will talk about the main steps that will significantly speed up the computer with the Windows 7 operating system. And I will also say a few words about a wonderful utility called "TuneUp Utilities", which I have been using for several years, and which greatly optimizes the operation of the Windows 7 operating system and speed up your computer.

    I want to draw your attention to the fact that it is not necessary to perform all the actions presented below. Some settings may not be valid for your daily tasks, and stopping some services may cause various problems. Therefore, before disabling and configuring anything, make sure that this action does not entail any restrictions.

    However, disabling just a few unnecessary features, or changing some of the settings, can help you significantly speed up the loading and operation of Windows 7.

    I also draw your attention to the fact that noticeable improvements in the speed of Windows 7 will be clearly visible only if you use "outdated" computers. If you have a new computer with great specs, you probably won't see much of a performance boost.

    We increase the performance (speed up) the computer. Windows 7 Boot and Speed ​​Optimization

    1. The very first and IMPORTANT advice will be an event related to cleaning the operating system from various debris

    Before performing the following steps for Windows optimizations and speed up your computer, remove all unnecessary programs (especially games) and files. Clear your desktop of shortcuts, files and folders, leaving only the essentials. The fact is that having a large number of any objects on the desktop is highly undesirable, since they consume a lot of system resources.

    The ideal Windows operating system desktop should look something like this:

    To remove unnecessary software and games, I recommend that you use some utility, for example, which I will discuss below. If you are not familiar with this program, be sure to read this article, TuneUp Utilities will help you not only correctly remove unnecessary software, but also clean the system of other debris, optimize Windows and speed up your computer.

    Every time you turn on the computer, certain programs are automatically loaded, which are very often not needed there. For example, some programs add a module that monitors for new updates and prompts us to download updates when they appear.

    We do not always need this, and if you decide to speed up your computer, then you need to remove the launch of such applications from startup.

    In order to get to the startup menu of programs, click "Start" - "Run".

    In the window that appears, type "msconfig" in the line and click the "OK" button. After that, the "System Configuration" window will appear, in which there is a "Startup" tab.

    If you do not have the "Run" item in the "Start" menu, then right-click on the Windows taskbar, and select "Properties" from the context menu. In the window that appears, in the "Start Menu" tab, click the "Settings" button. In the window that opens, find the item "Run command" and check it, then apply the changes.

    After you get to the startup menu of programs, then uncheck the boxes that are opposite unnecessary applications, and then apply the changes.

    Some changes may require you to restart your computer for the changes to take effect.

    I want to note that it is necessary to leave the operating system, drivers and antivirus in autoload, all other programs can be removed, but this is at your discretion.

    After removing unnecessary programs from startup, the system will boot faster, in some cases, Windows boot speed will increase significantly.

    3. Disable unnecessary Windows services

    One of the most effective ways to speed up your computer is to disable unused (unnecessary) operating system services. Windows OS has a huge number of services enabled by default, which require a large amount of system resources to run. Many of them can be disabled without losing functionality or compromising system security. For example, if your computer does not have a printer, you can disable the corresponding services responsible for its operation. Because we don't need them! Is not it?

    This event can significantly increase the performance of your OS! Be sure to pay attention to this.
    You can use the following method to disable services.

    Launch all the applications that you use in your daily work, go to the "Services" tab (it is located in the "System Configuration" menu, next to the "Startup" tab, which I wrote about a little higher), find in the list the services that have in the column "Status" has the status "Stopped".

    Then disable them. Just be careful, some services may be needed.

    What services can be disabled to optimize Windows 7?

    WWAN auto setup– in the event that you do not have CDMA or GSM modules, this service can be safely disabled
    Adaptive brightness control - this service adjusts the brightness of the screen in the presence of a light sensor, if there is no such sensor, disable it.

    Windows Firewall- Designed to protect your computer. It is recommended to use third-party applications for these purposes (for example, Comodo, KIS, DrWEB, etc.).

    Windows Defender- Disable, completely unnecessary service!

    Program Compatibility Assistant Service- this service can be disabled, only in case of program incompatibility, you will need to manually set the parameters, which happens not so often.

    WinHTTP Web Proxy Auto-Discovery Service- can be turned off.

    Diagnostic Policy Service- practically not needed.

    smart card- if you do not use such cards, then turn it off.

    Remote Registry- Be sure to turn it off for security reasons.

    Security Center- reminds you of various events such as lack of antivirus, outdated updates, etc. Turn it off if you don't want to see them.

    The list, of course, turned out to be not very capacious, in fact, there are much more services that can be disabled. I would be grateful if you add to this list in the comments to this article.

    In addition, among the standard services will appear additional services of third-party programs that are installed on your PC, you can also disable them.

    4. Increase the paging file

    The swap file is a space on your computer's hard drive where the system copies files that do not fit in RAM. The system accesses the paging file for prompt loading of data and constantly uses them. If this space is too small, then the computer will "slow down".

    In order to increase the size of the paging file, go to the "Start" menu and click "Control Panel", the view of which is better to switch to "Small Icons".

    Then select: system - advanced system settings. On the Advanced tab, under Performance, click Options. In the "Performance Options" window that appears, in the "Advanced" tab, click the "Change ..." button. The "Virtual memory" window will appear, in which uncheck the box "Automatically choose the size of the paging file" and specify the size manually for each disk (if there are several in the system).

    It is desirable to specify the same minimum and maximum sizes. The size of the paging file is more expedient to choose 2-4 times the amount of RAM installed on the computer.

    5. Change visual effects

    Windows 7 has an Aero interface that consumes a significant amount of computer resources and in some cases slows it down.

    By disabling Aero and other visual effects, you can achieve some increase in computer performance.
    Visual effects can be disabled in the "Performance Options" window, which I wrote about in the previous paragraph, in the "Visual Effects" tab.

    There are three settings here:

    - provide the best view;

    - ensure the best performance;

    — special effects (completely manual settings).

    Adjust these settings to your liking and apply the changes.

    6. Disable indexing of hard drives

    To do this, go to "My Computer", select any hard drive. Press the right mouse button, in the menu that appears, click "Properties".

    After that, a window will open in which uncheck the box "Allow the contents of files on this disk to be indexed in addition to file properties" and apply the changes.

    7. Use ReadyBoost Technology

    ReadyBoost technology, included with Windows 7, is designed to speed up your computer. As I noted above, if there is a shortage of RAM, the system uses the paging file, which is located on the hard disk (HDD). HDDs are mechanical, slow devices, ReadyBoost allows you to use USB flash drives or memory cards to store this temporary data.
    To activate the above technology, connect a USB flash drive or memory card, go to the “Properties” menu of this device. In the "ReadyBoost" tab, set the required amount of memory, and apply the changes.

    All these simple activities will help you significantly optimize Windows and speed up your computer.

    Here are a few more tips to help you keep your computer in top condition so it runs fast, lasts long, and doesn't let you down.

    How to take care of your computer?

    1. Regularly defragment your disk. Over time, the files on the computer's hard drive become fragmented (in simple words, they are written randomly on the surface of the disk), which slows down the speed of receiving data.

    The standard defragmenter is located among the utilities (Start - Programs - Utilities - Disk Defragmenter). I recommend using this tool from time to time.

    2. Occasionally clear disks of accumulated unnecessary information. The standard Disk Cleanup program is also located in the System Tools section.

    3. Regularly clean the registry. When deleting various files and applications, various garbage can accumulate in the Windows system registry, which slows down the performance of the system. To clean the registry, you can use third-party software, for example, CCleaner (you can download).

    4. Once every six months, clean the internal elements of the system blog from accumulated dust.

    This is especially true before the summer heat. If you do not clean the computer from dust, then its elements will overheat significantly, which can lead to a computer freeze and even damage to its devices.

    5. Use a quality anti-virus program for your computer, such as .

    In conclusion of this post, I want to say a few words about a cool program designed to increase the performance (acceleration) of a computer and keep it in excellent condition.

    A program that I have been using for several years. It allows you to find problems in the computer and fix them. Everything that I wrote in this article about increasing computer performance is implemented in TuneUp Utilities.

    This program is updated annually and today is called TuneUp Utilities 2012.

    Here are its main functions:

    - increase in computer performance;

    - Internet connection optimization;

    — removal of programs;

    - Disk Defragmenter;

    - Full configuration of the Windows operating system;

    - cleaning and defragmenting the system registry;

    — recovery of deleted files;

    - customizing the appearance of the operating system;

    - deleting files without the possibility of their recovery;

    - setting up hidden parameters of Windows OS and much more.

    The functionality of TuneUp Utilities is very rich in various possibilities!

    If you have not yet tried TuneUp Utilities in action, then I recommend that you install this program and start using it, and then the performance (speed) of your system will always be on top.

    Unfortunately, this software is not free, but finding a program on the Internet is not a problem.

    If you do not know where to download programs, then I recommend that you read my article "". You can find a lot of useful things on torrent trackers.

    How to optimize your computer?

    Very easy and simple! This guide will help you set up and optimize your computer, clean your computer of various debris, remove viruses and reliably protect your PC, speed up Windows and boot, get rid of errors and freezes, and much more...

    That's all for me. I hope my post was helpful to you. Love your computer, take care of it, optimize Windows performance and then he will delight you with flawless and fast work.

    Discussion: 83 comments

      A useful article, I didn’t know much, thanks 🙂 Alexander, can you explain point 6 in more detail, why is this being done?

      Good recipes!

      You can also use special programs, for example Auslogics Boot Speed ​​- in it all these parameters are clearly arranged in sections and configured in a few clicks without getting into the inside of the system

      What TuneUp Utilities, what Auslogics Boot Speed ​​- this software is not free. And not cheap! TuneUp Utilities for 3 computers costs $65. Both programs cost about the same.

      Well, there is also a FREE program similar to these: Advanced Sistem Care 7. I used it myself. She helped me personally

      The 2010 version of the program costs 50 euros, Sanya, but how much does 2012 cost?

      I use Auslogics BoostSpeed, I must say that TuneUp Utilities is pretty good, I used the magazine version for a while without updating the program itself - everything suited me, then I started experimenting, tried other products 😀 ...

      Thanks Sasha, the post is interesting - and I advise you to add Emsisoft Anti-Malware to Kasperych.

      There is another similar program called CCleaner. But TuneUp Utilities, on your recommendation, looks even more functional, I will definitely apply it on my XP system And damn it, it's time for me to get a new computer 😀

      And Casper does not slow down the computer? I once tried to put it, it was terrible. Now Doctor Web - I don’t notice him at all

      As it were, windows indexing is carried out in order to know where which file lies. Absolute analogy with search engines. Only if you disable indexing, the system will take longer to search for the file, as it will go through all the files. And if you turn it on, then periodically Windows will go through the system and “index” the files ... In principle, it does not create a special load, but maybe I often use the search, because there are thousands of thousands of files on my computer that are always needed .. .

      Although, they say that the first step in speeding up Windows is disabling search indexing... And often that's enough. 🙂

      thanks for the article - lately the laptop has become very slow

      Viktor Bochenkov, I also use the СCleaner program.

      Alexander, thanks for the great post.

      Svetlana, I can advise you to defragment your laptop. Only the built-in tool. If you haven't done it yet, you'll be happy with the results.

      Volodya, what do you mean by built-in tool. I know. that defragmentation speeds up the work of any computer, but I have no place for a regular built-in one. My daughter recently just reinstalled Windows on her laptop - it also helps a lot.

      By the way, they asked about Kaspersky - as a regular user I can say it doesn’t slow down - it was a very long time ago when it slowed down

      Cool. But sorry for PS only. I thought about buying myself a mac. 😈

      Victor, Siklisha is far behind the above program, CCleaner is a janitor (cleaner).

      Alexander (AKart), if you install Kaspersky, it's better than 2010, the 2011 version was being developed for a long time and now, to put it mildly, they don't like it 🙂

      Nice, informative and comprehensive article! Thanks for the advice - I'll definitely use it. In general, lately I have “scored” something on the computer ... We should fix it 🙄

      At my stationary computer today, the power supply burned out (I HOPE that it was the power supply. And not the whole computer), today I switched to a netbook ... oooh, horror !!! I will optimize according to the article. Even though I know all this, I can still miss something. and here everything is in front of your eyes!

      Alexander, another question: If the processor or mother burns out, would the computer react somehow when turned on? Now, when I press the button, I have zero emotions at all, which is why I sin on the power supply ...

      Alexander Bobrin

      ValeronVoronin I think that if the mother burns down, there will be no signs of life. My blog was on fire, you press the power button - silence. Once the mother bought a defective one, the computer turned on (the fans worked and the diode was on), but there was nothing on the screen, and there were no sounds. And so, if one of the devices does not work, then the sounds should be. Most likely you have a food blog, but I don’t exclude the mother either - write back later.

      I have a license at work, I haven’t earned a home license yet, I’m downloading the keys on the site. And so he is not broken. It's just that there are broken versions, so there may be problems with them. And if you just download the keys for a license, then everything will be fine.

      Yeah, tomorrow I’ll go to a store with a block, I’ll ask if they can check so that the money doesn’t burn empty, then I’ll write. It’s also a pity to spend money on antivirus software, but when I earn money on the Internet, then I’ll buy it.

      So I don’t understand, on which site are you downloading the license keys? In the same place, you download a demo version for 30 days and that's it, then it doesn't seem to be updated? Or am I missing something?

      Sasha, sometimes a kei lasts for months, sometimes a day doesn’t pass, as it is cut. It is best to download the archive of keys, there are about a thousand of them. 🙂

      I have been using the license for a long time - no problems

      I downloaded TuneUp Utilities 2012 in order to delete the folder (empty), which is restored every time after deletion after the system boots. I tried to remove the specified utility several times in different ways. It still recovers after a reboot. 🙁


      100% but Unlocker 1.9 will not help. The same will happen as with TuneUp Utilities. This is probably a virus imitating the system folder, and Windows restores it.

      Alexander please help me now the games do not start what to do thanks in advance.

      I do not quite agree with: “For example, if your computer does not have a printer, then you can disable the corresponding services responsible for its operation. Because we don't need them! Is not it?" The fact is that a printer may appear, and a virtual printer - I sometimes use it. Also other services, for example, I turned off everything that I don’t use now, and after half a year I’ll buy something, install it, but it won’t work and I don’t remember that I once turned off some services (try to find which one else you need to turn on) . It seems to me that the game is not worth the candle, which applies to services, in standby mode they consume very little memory and about zero processor resources, I dabbled with this - zero effect.

      With point 4. I do not just disagree - this is complete nonsense. Firstly, by default, Windows has a virtual memory value of quite a decent size, and I only once in ten years of work for a PC did not have this value, but even then Windows simply offers to increase the amount of memory and that's it. Moreover, I suggest you conduct an experiment - turn off virtual memory altogether, for me personally and for my sister, this doubled the speed of the entire system. My movie from an old 80GB IDE disk began to be copied at a speed of 70-30Mbps. On sat2 a little higher. Just think about what virtual memory is and it will become clear to you that this is the worst evil from microsoft, if you are interested in this topic, I can explain to you in more detail why.

      I did everything according to the points, I thought it would fly. Stupid, like stupid ((

      Please tell me, if I purchase a license for the tune up program, how many computers can I put it on?

      I installed an agt3-25sat-64g solid-state hard drive, a system with a bunch of programs loaded in 10 seconds. Installing windows 7 on a computer took 8 minutes. If you want your computer to work quickly, buy a 64 gig solid-state hard drive, put windu 7 on it and you will understand what speed is. Before switching to these disks, read the reviews on the Internet. The disks are now not expensive, less than 2 thousand, it is connected by a cable.

      Thank you very much helped a lot.

      An excellent article, it is indicated both about autoloading and about extra services. If you don’t invest in hardware, then everything you need is indicated, and if you have a budget, then I recommend buying an ssd, download speeds will increase significantly.

      Not bad! And everything is clear! But it's only written for W7... not... it will be easier in XP... but the article is still useful! If possible, I'll throw it on my site with a link to you!?

      Interesting tips, it will be necessary to increase your computer performance, I have windows 7 kokras, I will do everything like you.

      I think that in order to avoid various problems, for example, the slow speed of the computer, you need to initially buy (and not spare money on it) a computer with good performance. The miser pays twice, that's it.

      For a computer to be productive, you do not need to buy an expensive one. These are store myths. Previously, all programs worked fine on the Pentium 120.

      I understand that now the requirements for programs have become greater. But office work doesn't require a $200 gaming PC with a graphics card.

      The main thing is at least 4GB of RAM, and sit on the Internet less so that you don’t pick up viruses.

      I was pleased with the fan, it has not been cleaned for three years, no less.

      Yes, everything that a programmer needs is cool and to the point.

      Very good article.

      The only thing I would not advise is to clean the radiator every six months.

      This operation is very painful for the computer and any careless movement

      may damage the processor. And it costs the most in the system unit.

      Indexing by the way loads the processor by 30 percent when it starts

      and this service is started even when you do not search on the computer.

      Considering that everything is 100 percent in the processor, disabling indexing will greatly affect performance.

      8 minutes is a lot, just catastrophically long for a computer.

      My computer boots in half a minute.

      thanks good tips helped

      useful article, especially for noobs like me))) thanks to the Author

      Too bad I didn't read this earlier. Due to the fact that I did not know how to properly care for the computer, especially that it needs to be cleaned every six months, my laptop burned out after 3 years ...

      For fast computer work, I just disabled autoload and disabled several services, the computer is working fine. The main thing is not to litter the computer with a large number of programs.

      I downloaded TuneUp Utilities 2012 in order to delete the folder (empty), which is restored every time after deletion after the system boots. I tried to remove the specified utility several times in different ways. It still recovers after a reboot.

      I did as you advised, but after a while it ceased to be displayed when a 0.5 GB removable disk was connected. Tell me what can be done? I will follow the comments. Thank you.

      Disabling unnecessary services in Windows requires a certain literacy, which the vast majority do not have. Plus, it's a dangerous job. I get out of the situation by taking screenshots of all services, that's how they are in your photo. It turns out several screenshots. Then I turn off some services that seem unnecessary to me and also take screenshots. In case of failure, one by one, focusing on the screenshots, I connect the services.

      According to the mind, if you really need performance, then you first need to choose an OS. Windows itself is a braking system, no matter how you accelerate it. Windows is not used anywhere for scientific calculations: Linux is on the ISS. The best solution would be to install two operating systems on a computer to solve different problems.

      Great guide! Really helped))) Thank you friend

      This article helped a lot!

      Thanks a lot...

      Very helpful article, thanks a lot.

      I used your program, but it also has a minus - it also eats performance because it constantly works. There is an alternative to Win.Tools.net

      It cleans better, removes programs, startup and much more. After it, the computer flies. Respectfully Alexander

      Haven't visited your blog in a while. At one time, a couple of tips helped solve several problems, in particular, the HDD infection worked slowly, although time passes and most people change it to a fast SSD drive, they have now become more accessible))

      I myself am the owner of a laptop, a useful thing in the household, but if you decide to engage in complex calculations, video editing or image rendering, modeling in Cinema 4D without a good video card, it’s a disastrous business. Personally, I took mine in 2013 in the summer just in the midst of discounts, I bought an MSI CX70 ONF-230RU and in 2016 I decided to upgrade it, a crazy idea came up but it burned out. I assembled the MSI CX70 + GTX 1060 for myself and I will say that it became more comfortable to work in the above applications, and after that I bought a high-quality 27 "QHD monitor and the whole process played with new colors. True, there are limitations, as you know, in PC motherboards there is a slot for an x16 video card and connected through x1. The data flow rate is severely cut, but even what is enough for the eyes, I myself did not believe for a long time that it would turn out. In a word, such a budget assembly of a PC from a laptop turned out)))