• An easy way to reset your account password for any version of Windows! What to do if you've lost your Windows administrator password

    First, let's look at how to reset the administrator password in Windows 7 without using third-party programs. However, you will need an installation disk with Windows 7 of the same language version as installed on the PC (and the same bit depth, 32/64).

    You can resort to this method, for example, if you have lost the password for the only account you know (it’s simply not possible to log into the system normally). However, in another case, you can use more standard reset methods (they are still simpler than this method).

    So: boot from the Windows 7 installation DVD in recovery mode:

    First, a language selection window will appear - click “Next” -> click on “System Restore” -> then, “Next” -> and “Command Prompt”.

    After launching the command line, type the word regedit on the keyboard (then “Enter”). Immediately, the Registry Editor will open.

    It turns out that using this method you can edit the registry of the local machine, you can, in general, do anything with it (but now we are only interested in one “section”: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE).

    Select it (with your mouse). Then, from the File menu, you select Load Hive.

    Then, you need to go to the drive where Windows 7 was installed (your letter may differ from C), open the file here: \Windows\System32\config\SYSTEM, as in the figure below.

    Note. If the OS disk is “not visible” in the recovery environment, you must use a driver when initially loading the installation disk (which was already used when installing this OS, maybe a RAID driver, etc.).

    Now, enter a custom section name.

    In our example, this is 888. Click “OK”, go to the section: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\888\Setup.

    In this section, we will change 2 parameters:

    CmdLine (type cmd.exe, click OK);

    SetupType (replace 0 with 2, click OK).

    Changing the parameter is activated by double clicking.

    In conclusion: after all the changes, in the “File” menu, click “Unload Hive”. This must be done without removing the current selection (dark blue text background) from the “Setup” branch.

    After that, remove the installation DVD, exit the “Registry Editor” program and from the command line, click “Restart”:

    Actually, password reset

    Oddly enough, the password has not yet been reset. When the system boots from the "hard drive", the "command prompt" will appear first. This is exactly what we need:

    To reset your windows administrator password, simply enter: net user username newpassword.

    Confirm execution with the Enter key.

    In this example, we knew the administrator’s name: “Adm7”. The password was something we came up with ourselves: tL942G8dWp.

    If you don’t know the account name, you can enter the net user command (without parameters) to see the names of all accounts on this machine.

    Note: If the login (account name) contains a space, you must enter it in quotes!

    You can also create an account

    If now there is not a single entry with administrator rights, it can also be easily created under the console. The commands shown below are applied sequentially (the “Enter” key is after each).

    For the “Russian” version of Windows 7:

    • net user admin_name his_password /add
    • net localgroup Administrators admin_name /add
    • net localgroup Users admin_name /delete

    We took it and created a new user (with administrator rights).

    To set a password to never expire (for all accounts at once), after creating users and changing passwords, enter:

    net accounts /maxpwage:unlimited


    Close the command prompt. Now there is an account in Windows, already with a new password and administrator rights:

    Another way

    Do you have a boot disk or flash drive with ERD Commander? Great! In this case, resetting the Windows administrator password (both 7 and vista) can be done easier.

    Loading into ERD Commander. First, you need to select the bitness of Windows 7 or Vista from the list below:

    The ERD commander will load, and you need to select the operating system (at least one, at least there will be one), then click “Next” and “OK”:

    Note: if no system is still detected, restart the computer, select a different system capacity (most likely, this is the only error).

    Then, select the inscription in the line (utility), which is responsible for software reset of Win7 passwords: “Wizard for changing passwords (Locksmith).”

    After that, in the window in the top line, select the desired user (for example: Administrator), and at the bottom - a new password for him.

    Take out the flash drive and boot into Windows. The “Administrator” account will have a new password.

    Note: where can I download ERD-commander? Actually, the program is paid (more details here: http://www.xakep.ru/post/25965/, but you can search on the Internet/torrents.

    "Standard" methods

    Easier ways to reset your password include: logging into the user account editing window (Control Panel), or creating a Password Reset Disk.

    Both methods require an administrator password (a user with administrator rights). It turns out that you cannot reset the administrator password using any of these (standard) methods (unless you know the existing one).

    Using third party software

    Of course, it would be strange if there were no specialized software that allows you to reset the password for any existing account (including the administrator).

    For example, Windows Key from the Passware package. You will also need to create a boot disk (live-CD) from the image provided in this program.

    You can easily reset the administrator password not only for the local machine, but also for a workstation in the domain. There is only one problem: the program is paid. In the trial version, you can reset only one password: Demo12345.

    In general, among the special Unfortunately, we did not find software that allows you to reset the Windows administrator password, including free versions (or cheap ones).

    Very expensive: Elcomsoft, CIA Commander.

    Cheaper: Active Password Changer.

    A free “program” that allows you to boot from a CD and work with admin privileges is DreamPackPL (http://www.shareup.com/DreamPackPL-download-19123.html). Although, this version is for Windows XP.

    In general, when trying to change the Windows administrator password without knowing the existing one, remember that it will no longer be possible to restore “everything as it was.” Think twice - is this even necessary?

    If you have a CD with Windows CE

    If you have a bootable CD with the Windows CE operating system, then boot it:

    And go to the “run” line. You have a command line, and the actions will be no different from those when booting from the installation DVD (type “regedit”, and so on).

    What if Windows is XP?

    In principle, the operation is similar to the one with Windows 7. But it’s simpler (and there are more possibilities).

    You must first boot from the CD (for which you use not only the installation CD, live-CD, but also any “bootable” device, even with MS-DOS!), then, in the Windows/System32 folder, you need to change Logon.scr to Cmd.exe (that is, on Command Prompt). Thus, when loading an installed copy of Windows XP, we will call the “console” before the user logs in. And in order:

    Go to the Windows/System32 folder:

    cd /windows/system32

    Rename the Logon.scr file to any other one, then create a copy of Cmd.exe, giving it a new name (Logon.scr):

    ren logon.scr logon.old

    copy cmd.exe logon.scr

    You can change user passwords after loading XP (in the console that appears) using the same command as in Windows 7:

    net user adminisrator 4sx5$Uq

    (or – net user admin 4sx5$Uq).

    In general, as you might have guessed, the net user utility is here too. Therefore, you can also look at user names, for example, if we don’t know the account name...

    After such an action - changing the password, you can also “return everything as it was.” Why – reboot the PC again from the “live” CD and return Logon.scr “to its place”:

    ren logon.old logon.scr

    Not bad, isn't it? After all, resetting the Windows xp administrator password could not be more difficult than in Windows 7. This is what we were able to verify.

    What's the end result?

    It turns out that if you don’t know the password, then it’s impossible to find it out “from the computer.” In Windows 7 this is indeed true. Windows XP has a SAM file where the passwords of all users are stored.

    They are stored in encrypted form, you can copy the SAM file to a storage device “to your home”, then trying to “unravel” the administrator password (which is done using special programs).

    But this action, and all those discussed above, require one thing - booting from CD/USB. By the way, in Windows xp first look, do you need to “break” something? When booting the PC, press “Space” several times. We select “Safe Mode”, if it lets us in without a password - that’s it, you can change anything (including the administrator password in “Control Panel” - “Users”). It also happens...

    Well, if booting from a CD or USB devices is prohibited, you need to go to the BIOS (on new PCs, press “F8”) before loading the OS to change the priority of boot devices (priority of boot devices). But if the BIOS itself was password protected, it would be more fun. The BIOS password is also reset. Theoretically. What is done when the power cable is turned off, and - “hardware” (the case must be opened). Think twice about whether you need this - after all, it will be clear that something has “changed” in the computer (at least the BIOS password itself). And in general, it’s better not to mess with hardware jumpers (as well as “getting out” the battery) without qualifications... In general, all of the above is the personal choice (and responsibility) of the user.

    And traces remain in any case. In “7” - unambiguously (this is a different password), in XP, if you used the “overwrite” of the logon file - in fact, it’s similar (namely, in the date the file was written). It is possible to prove the fact of interference.

    In conclusion, perhaps, you can consider programs for decrypting the password (from copies of the Windows XP SAM file). If it works, resetting the Windows xp administrator password will not be necessary.

    Password from SAM file

    The Windows XP SAM file (one of its copies SAM.SAV) is located in the Windows/system32config folder, another copy can sometimes be taken in the Windows/repair folder (but there is definitely a packaged SAM._ there, which can be unpacked with the “expand SAM. _ SAM").

    And now - a surprise: from under Windows itself, even if you are an administrator, it is simply impossible to access this file (sometimes even a backup copy).

    Well, take the live-cd, boot, copy the file onto the media. For the SAMInside program, you need this file itself, and also the SYSTEM file (registry file): \system32\config\system (without extension). Which also needs to be copied.

    The program is here: http://www.insidepro.com/saminside_r.shtml. Working with her is not difficult.

    As you can see, you need either a SAM file (encrypted password file) and registry files, or a SAM and a SYSKEY file. SYSKEY.EXE is a utility that is involved in SAM encryption (it can also be “copied”). But the first method (using a registry file) is 100 times preferable.

    The demo version of this program has limitations: except for the “dictionary attack”, nothing is used. Which, however, is enough for a password of 6-8 characters. But it takes a long time to wait.

    Another “utility” with similar functionality is l0phtcrack (it has its own website, http://www.l0phtcrack.com/). It works only with a sam file, uses a dictionary search, and various other methods (including dumb “brute force” of characters). In general, hacking is in its purest form.

    You can estimate the selection time (if you “sort through” one character at a time): on a Pentium-3,900 MHz, selecting 6 characters on average takes two days.

    Of course, if you find the password, you will be able to use it (without leaving any “traces” in the system), however, the feature will “work” only in Windows XP. And the probability of success for this “hacking” is not very high.

    Resetting your account password in Windows XP

    Working every day at a personal computer, we remember and enter dozens of passwords. These could be codes for games or a mailbox, logging into the OS and many other data that you need to keep in mind. If you went on vacation, and when you returned a month later, you suddenly discovered that you forgot the password for your computer, then this article is for you. So, you have Windows 7 installed on your PC. How do you reset your administrator password?


    First of all, think about how well you understand computers. If all you can do is start your PC and open a browser/solitaire game, then believe me, it’s better not to get into the weeds and leave the matter to the professionals. Any damage you cause to your computer or laptop will automatically void its warranty, and in the event of a more serious breakdown, you may well be denied free service. Also keep in mind that if you are going to hack into someone else’s computer, this is a criminal offense, so everything you do is at your own peril and risk.

    The simplest method

    Let's say you have one running on Windows 7. How to reset the administrator password? In some cases, the following option helps. You need to disconnect your PC from the network. Then you should unscrew the cover of the system unit. You need to find the coin-cell battery on the motherboard and remove it for a few seconds, and then put it back. What will this give? Many temporary settings of the personal computer, such as time and date, will be reset. Internet, BIOS and user account passwords may disappear. Unfortunately, this method does not always work, and physical penetration into the depths of the computer is 100% the option that will void the warranty.

    Installation disk

    If the previous method did not help you or you decided not to use it, then the installation disk with the operating system will help you reset the Windows 7 administrator password on your laptop. The fact is that, according to Microsoft's logic, if you have such a disk, then you are a programmer. Therefore, you will have advanced management rights. So, there are two ways for Windows 7. How to reset the administrator password? Read on.

    In any Windows operating system, especially on home computers, there is a hidden administrator entry that does not have a password by default. Our task is to connect to it and from there edit other “accounts” and passwords for them. The first way could be like this.

    1. We insert the installation disk into the computer, and when you turn it on, go to the OS installation.
    2. On the very first screen, press the combination Shift+F10 to enable the command line.
    3. We launch the registry with the regedit command.
    4. In the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE section, select the "Unload hive" item from the menu and specify the path to the SAM file - /Windows/System32/config. We enter any name of the branch being created.
    5. In the “hive” that appears, we find SAM/Domains/Account/Users/000001F4. We need to fix the F key.
    6. Double-click on it, and a table of memory cells will open in front of us. In line 0038, in the first column, you need to change the value 11 -> 10.
    7. Without touching anything else, we exit and save.
    8. Select our “hive” in the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE branch and select “file” - “unload hive”. We confirm.

    You can now restart your computer by removing the installation disk first. You should have an administrator account, by logging into which you will be able to edit any passwords on your accounts.


    This is the second way to “hack” Windows 7. How to reset the administrator password with the installation disk in hand? To do this, we repeat the first two points described in the previous method. But instead of logging into the registry, we do the following.

    1. We hope you remember which drive you have your operating system installed on. If not, enter the command "dir C:\". A table with folders on the disk will appear in front of you. If you see Windows among them, then this is what we need.
    2. Now we need to copy the file - "copy C:\windows\system32\sethc.exe C:\".
    3. Instead, create another one that opens the command line - “copy C:\windows\system32\cmd.exe C:\windows\system32\sethc.exe”.
    4. Now we restart the computer. In the user selection menu, when you need to enter a password, quickly and repeatedly press the “Ctrl/Alt/Shift” keys.
    5. As planned, the function should have been enabled, but due to the fact that we changed the code in the file, the command line will start.
    6. Enter the command "net user username new_password".

    This way we can change the password at any time. This method is good because once you change the specified file, you can no longer use the installation disk. But what if you didn’t have it in the first place? How to reset Windows 7 administrator password without disk?

    Third party utility

    Typically, sellers of computers and laptops do not supply disks with operating systems. We overpay to buy a computer with Windows pre-installed, but they never give us the disk. What to do? There is another way to reset the Windows 7 administrator password. The program that allows you to do this is called Offline NT Password and Registry Editor. To use it, burn the image to a CD or USB drive.

    To install Windows 7 via a USB flash drive, first make sure that your computer supports booting from external media. This can be done by going into the “BIOS” and checking (changing) the order of boot media.

    1. First, boot from your flash drive with the program installed.
    2. A control menu will appear in front of you. You will be able to see a table showing the disk partitions and their sizes. Using them, you need to determine exactly where the OS is installed.
    3. Specify the disk number.
    4. Enter the path to the SAM file. Typically this is "X:/Windows/System32/config".
    5. Enter "1" to reset the password.
    6. Type "1" to select account management. A sign with user names and their RIDs will appear in front of us.
    7. Select the required account. To do this, enter either the user name or identifier in 0x format.
    8. Enter "1" again. This will completely reset the password for the account. By specifying "2", you can change the current password to a new one.
    9. Enter the sequence "q"-Enter-"y"-Enter-"n"-Enter. This will complete the work and save the changes.
    10. Alt+Ctrl+Del to reboot.
    11. You can log in to the account you need.

    Bottom line

    This article is intended for advanced users who will not be confused when they see a black window and the absence of a mouse cursor. Most of the methods described here are easy to learn, since all interfaces are understandable to anyone who can read carefully and speak English. It is also worth noting that they are intended exclusively for working with home computers, since they use data that only the owner can know. Hacking other people's laptops and PCs is punishable by law, even if it was an innocent joke towards a friend.

    A simple way to access a computer with Windows 7 (8) to reset the admin password. To gain access to a locked computer, we will perform several steps.

    Method one

    Create a bootable USB flash drive and remove the password using it. (all data on the flash drive will be destroyed)

    Download the program and image. Unpack the contents and run the file rufus_v1.4.1

    In the open program window, click on the disk icon, select the image in the unpacked folder called BootPass and press the start button.

    We are waiting for the bootable flash drive to be created.

    Now we insert the USB flash drive to reset the password into the password-protected computer and select “boot from USB” when booting.

    For complete instructions, watch the video

    Method two(This method is suitable for advanced users.)

    1. We gain access to windows with administrator rights.

    rename the file c:/windows/system32/sethc.exe to sethc.ex_
    rename the file c:/windows/system32/cmd.exe to sethc.exe

    (If you can’t rename the file, use the Unlocker program, it is in the boot disk, you can download it here)

    reboot the computer.

    A login window appears before us, requiring you to enter a password.
    On the keyboard, press the right SHIFT button and do not release (10 seconds) until the command prompt window appears.

    We are in the system command prompt with administrator rights. This means that we can do whatever we want with the computer.

    Create a new user hacker

    write on the command line
    net user hacker /add press Enter

    Now we give him administrator rights
    net localgroup administrators hacker /add press Enter

    That's it, we have a hacker user with administrator rights.
    We restart the computer and see the hacker account in the login window, click on it and get into the system.

    2. Change the Windows user password

    Go to the settings of the user for whom you need to change the password and click reset password. Windows 7 administrator password recovery completed successfully.

    Then, if necessary, you can delete the hacker user, enter in the command line:
    net user hacker /delete or delete in windows users.

    Don't forget to return the file names to what they were originally.

    Unlike Windows 10, where you can reset your account ID over the Internet, Windows 7 only allows local accounts that are not connected to the Internet. In this article, we will describe methods for resetting a password on Windows 7. Standard methods for resetting a password require using pre-recorded reset data on a floppy disk or flash drive; we will not consider them, since almost no one makes a backup of the password. Unlike most articles where you need to perform actions with the registry or enter long commands into the command line, we will describe it in simpler and easier ways. These methods are suitable for any computer and will also be relevant on a laptop (with Secure Boot preferably disabled).

    How to reset a user account password on a Windows 7 computer if you have access to the system

    Option 1, let’s say you have 2 accounts on your computer with administrator rights, and you have lost access to one of them. The main feature is the Administrator rights on the account from which the recovery will be performed. If you do not have Administrator rights, proceed to the next option.

    Follow these steps:

    • Try logging into your profile with a new password (or without it).

    As we can see, there is nothing complicated, but if there is no access to the system, this complicates this situation a little, so we move on to the next option.

    How to recover a password on a Windows 7 computer without access to the system

    2nd option, to access the command line, we need to access the system data, but we cannot log in, so we will need Windows installation media (Windows 7, 8 or 10 doesn't matter) Live CD, to access the environment recovery.
    Previously, there was a way to perform a restore without installation media, but the problem was fixed with system updates. Only a small part of users still have this option, so we will not consider it.


    • Boot from installation media or Live CD

    • Select System Restore

    • Open Command Prompt
    • We are greeted by a command line sent to X:\Sources - this is data from the installation media. To access system data, type notepad and press Enter.
    • Notepad will open, where you need to click File - Open

    • Explorer will open, where we need to set the File type to All files and go to the system drive, in the case of the example this is the drive marked with the letter D

    • We go through Windows - System32 and need to do the following: Find the cmd (Command Line) and osk (On-Screen Keyboard) files and rename them as follows - osk - osk.old and cmd - osk. Thus, we will replace the On-Screen Keyboard with the Command Prompt, which can be called through the login window.

    • We restart the computer and get to the login screen. In the lower left corner, click on the Accessibility button and check the box for Entering text without a keyboard (on-screen keyboard) and click OK.
    • A Command Prompt window will open.

    • Now we repeat the points from the previous version:
    Net user [name]

    Net user [name] “”

    How to reset Windows 7 administrator password

    On Windows, it is possible to enable the built-in administrator account with the following command:

    Net user Administrator /active:yes

    This command can be entered at point 10 of the 2nd stage, then in addition to the user profile, the Administrator profile will also appear.

    In some cases, it may already have a specified password. Therefore, if you were wondering how to recover the administrator password on Windows 7, then the following commands will help you:

    Net user Administrator (Administrator for English version)

    Net user Administrator (Administrator for English version) “”

    Have a great day!