• The lightest modern browser. Which browser to choose for a weak computer

    Imagine that you are in a library with millions or even billions of books, large and small, consisting of a thousand pages or just one. These pages, even pictures, are encrypted in a special way. This library is nothing but the Internet with billions of books, that is, pages and sites. In order to parse at least something, and even more so to find the necessary information in this huge web of intertwined sites, you need a special device, or rather, an application or program that can read the code on which the pages of each book are encoded and show the user information in a format that is understandable to human perception.

    Browser for all occasions

    Such a program is a browser - from the English word browse- "browse". A more accurate translation of the word browser- "observer". There are both new free browsers on the Web, as well as paid ones, popular and not so popular. There are a lot of browsers, and an important task is to choose a browser that will meet the subjective requirements of each specific user. Someone sets for themselves a high page loading speed as a top priority, someone considers a high degree of confidentiality to be an important factor, and someone prefers maximum protection of their computer from hacks and hacker attacks.

    Popular browsers

    • "Yandex browser".
    • Opera.
    • Internet Explorer.
    • "Amigo".
    • Rambler Browser.

    Let's consider them in more detail.

    1. Google Chrome is the world's leading browser

    Even the CEO himself did not support the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bcreating his own build of the browser from Google for a long six years, appealing that the company was too small for browser wars. But after creating the beta version of Google Chrome, Eric Schmidt admitted that "it was so good that it made me change my mind."

    Which browser is better for Windows 7? Most Internet users will say that Google Chrome, because it occupies a leading position in the global market and in the Russian-speaking Internet, is simply in Runet. Why is it so good that, according to LiveInternet, it covers more than 300 million Internet users around the world?

    • Security - periodically the browser downloads updates from the so-called black lists. And when a user tries to go to a malicious site or a phishing page, he will be warned about this.
    • Chrome starts a separate process for each new tab, which prevents attackers from getting to another tab. Also, a running isolated tab cannot read or start a process itself, only calculations. So to say, the browser launches a tab in the sandbox. Any tab launched like this in isolation can be disabled (end the task) without losing data on other tabs.
    • The integration of the flash player into the browser made it possible to protect the user from vulnerabilities in separately installed plug-ins. Starting with version 42, Google Chrome specifically developed a new format Pepper API (PPAPI) plug-in that runs in a sandbox, providing maximum protection against threats.
    • Another degree of protection is confirmation of the executable file. When you try to run any EXE, .DLL, or .BAT file, you must click "Save", thereby preventing the possibility of automatically downloading malicious software to your computer.
    • The Google Chrome browser supports loading pages in incognito mode, in which all user actions in the browser are not recorded in the cache and cookies, and browsing history is not saved. After closing the incognito page, everything will be deleted, but all downloaded files will be saved.
    • High page loading speed.
    • Separately, it is worth mentioning the interface - it is simple, intuitive, not oversaturated with unnecessary buttons, in the top panel there are buttons "Forward", "Back", "Refresh", "Go to the main page" (by the way, you can specify any page in the settings of the main page), buttons for settings and account login.
    • The browser has a quick access page, it has 8 tiles of the last sites you visited.
    • The address bar is combined with the search bar and is called “Omnibox”, in the upper right corner of this line there is a button for saving bookmarks in the form of an asterisk, it is enough to click on this asterisk while on the page, as the page will be saved in bookmarks.
    • The Google Chrome Store has the largest library of plugins and extensions for the Google Chrome browser, both from Google and third-party developers.
    • The browser has an auto-translation function, foreign sites will be automatically translated into the default language. To do this, just click on the appropriate button in the upper right corner at the end of the address period. Provided, of course, that the language of the site is supported.

    2. "Yandex.Browser" in Runet

    "Yandex.Browser" really occupies the second place in the ranking among users in the post-Soviet countries. In fact, this is a copy of Google Chrome, only with a different appearance.

    The latest "Yandex.Browser" is built on the same Chromium engine as Google Chrome, identical settings menu, page test scores and much more. Why use a copy when you have the original? And if Yandex.Browser is just a copy of the famous browser, why is it so popular? It's all about an aggressive policy of introducing your product wherever possible. With almost every second application downloaded from the Internet, you can "bring" Yandex.Browser to your computer. And with it - a whole set of absolutely unnecessary applications and buttons. But in it, in addition to the standard library of functions, there are some "goodies". And regardless of the aggressive implementation policy, which is not the same as that of other browsers, the Yandex.Browser rating is on top.

    • Security is provided in the form of active protection. Protect is a set of measures that includes several levels of protection: encryption of data transmitted over a wireless network, anti-virus protection, password protection.
    • The browser's address bar is referred to as the "Smart Bar" and responds to both precise address requests and simple user requests. It also corrects queries, giving the correct result if the layout is incorrect.
    • Yandex.Browser has a turbo mode developed by the creators of the Opera browser, which will be discussed later. In turbo mode, even at very low connection speeds, pages load as quickly as possible due to traffic compression. The default turbo mode is set to automatically turn on when the Internet is weak.
    • There is also a quick access panel here, only it is called "Scoreboard". Initially, it is filled with links to various popular sites on the Web; during operation, the scoreboard will change, adapting to the user, showing the most frequently visited pages in tiles. Pages can be customized, pinned, unpinned, swapped.
    • "Yandex.Browser" supports the function of viewing PDF files, which is very convenient when reading books and documents in this format, as well as in doc, docx, rtf, ppt, pptx, pdf, ePub, fb2 and fb2.zip formats, in a word, "Yandex.Browser" can be used as a reader for books.
    • The browser supports extensions for both Chromium and Opera.

    3. "Opera" - stable and fast

    The third place in our hit parade among Russian-speaking users is occupied by Opera. Globally, Opera is the 5th most popular browser in the world. The history of the browser begins back in 1992, but August 30, 1995, when Opera Software was founded, can be considered a birthday. Over the years, Opera has undergone a number of improvements, changes and modifications. And since 2013, she switched to the Blink engine in the Chromium shell, for which she received a number of rather negative reviews. When switching to a new engine in conjunction with the Chromium project, Opera lost some of its functions. Users accused the developers of creating another clone of Google Chrome, and also expressed dissatisfaction with the loss of uniqueness and interface, which is not the same as other browsers, Opera's rating dropped significantly in this regard. Although the developers of Opera promise to return most of the functionality in the near future.

    • Opera is a browser that is positioned as the fastest on earth.
    • Unlike other browsers, Opera's strong point is working with JavaScript scripts.
    • Thanks to the TDI interface in Opera, it is possible to configure pop-up windows, the browser is protected from fraud, and there is a download manager.
    • Convenient customizable express panel.
    • Support for widgets - small web applications that can be run in a browser environment.
    • The browser supports extensions with built-in plugins, but the plugin library is limited and does not allow you to load third-party extensions, only those approved by Opera Software.
    • The browser has a setting for people with disabilities - voice control, the connection of "screen readers" and so on. Features can be customized to your liking.
    • Support for controlling the browser with keyboard shortcuts and so-called mouse gestures, customizable at the discretion of the user.
    • Page scaling, as well as customizing colors, styles, and fonts, can be useful on poorly designed pages or with unreadable fonts.
    • Support for a wide variety of standards, and besides, Opera was the very first to support the CSS standard.
    • Opera has several security settings available to the user, one of which is the ability to quickly clear history, cache and cookies.

    4. Mozilla Firefox - flexible settings structure

    The fourth place in our hit parade is occupied by Mozilla Firefox. In general, initially Firefox had the name Phoenix - "phoenix", but later the name was changed to Firebird - "firebird". And in the end, the browser got the name Firefox: the literal translation is "fire fox". Unlike previously described browsers, Mozilla Firefox does not have a standard set of fixed features. Instead, the browser is flexible and the user is free to install plug-ins, customize and modify it according to their preferences. Many highly rated browsers do not have this capability.

    The browser supports many features, some of them are:

    • Support for tabs and popups.
    • "Live" bookmarks and built-in search bar.
    • The browser has almost unlimited possibilities for changing the appearance and behavior settings, including through third-party extensions.
    • A huge number of extensions have been created for Firefox precisely because of its flexibility.
    • Convenient web developer tools.
    • The browser is automatically updated.
    • Display content on the page even when the page is not fully loaded. With a slow Internet, this is very important.
    • Thanks to the password wizard, theft of personal information is difficult even when physically interacting with a computer.

    5. "Amigo" - a browser that is convenient for social networks

    "Amigo" is a browser created by Russian developers Mail.Ru Group, on the same Chromium engine, which has an open source code. A distinctive feature of the browser is its close integration with social networks, mainly with networks from Mail.Ru Group.

    "Amigo" is a browser, the latest version of which has adopted the main functions of browsers created on the Chromium engine. But it also has its own unique features:

    • Social media feed on the right side of the browser, which allows you to keep up to date with friends on social networks without opening a separate tab.
    • The browser has a built-in web application for listening to music, mostly music is searched in social networks, and it is possible to listen to music in collections and playlists, as well as create your own collections.
    • The Quick Access Toolbar or "Remote", similar to the Express Dial, appears when you open a new tab.

    Thanks to the "unauthorized" installation of the browser with almost every second application on the computer, "Amigo" is actively criticized by users. If you inattentively install any application on the desktop, a number of applications from Mail.Ru Group appear. And the difficulty in uninstalling the browser is even more frustrating for users, since Amigo does not have a standard uninstaller. In addition, it is impossible to interrupt the installation process; when you try to close the window, the installation goes into hidden mode. And even if users have already learned how to uncheck the application's installation wizard, "Amigo" can still be installed on a computer. To avoid such situations, you must carefully read the license agreement for programs such as browsers for Windows and other applications that are freely distributed on the Internet, and also exclude unwanted browser installation on the site if you do not need it.

    "Amigo" uses Mail.ru as a search engine, it is impossible to set up another search engine. And also it is very difficult to disable the built-in services of Mail.ru.

    6. Built-in Default Internet Explorer

    In truth, Internet Explorer is used only by those who cannot install another due to ignorance or inability. Mostly these are users who are not computer savvy and do not know which browser is best for Windows 7, or use the Internet Explorer browser due to the fact that it was from ancient operating systems up to and including Windows 8 - built into the Windows operating system by default. Every year, support for this browser on various sites is getting smaller, already a huge number of sites are simply displayed incorrectly in Internet Explorer or do not work at all. Microsoft Edge has replaced Internet Explorer in Windows 10. The browser, improved both in style and feature set, still has a number of improvements and modifications, and perhaps Edge will someday become a leader, at least it shows promise. And the Internet Explorer browser remains in the background, outdated both morally and functionally.

    7. Rambler

    The Rambler company also decided to keep up with the world leaders - browser developers by releasing its own, and called it "Nichrom" or "Rambler Browser", so to speak, as opposed to "Chrome". The name was chosen from the name of an alloy of nickel and chromium. Now nichrome not only warms, but also shows pages. The engine was used all the same "Chromium" because of its availability (it has an open source code), and because of its popularity. In general, Rambler Browser is not much different from its counterparts in the engine, some changes regarding the search engine, of course, are Rambler, as well as numerous support for Rambler services.

    Summing up

    Naturally, these are not all browsers and their capabilities, here are only the most famous and alternative ones for Runet users.

    In general, summing up, we can come to a conclusion. The list describes various browsers for Windows and non-Windows operating systems and for different needs. If the computer is quite powerful and the Internet speed is high, you can use Google Chrome, if the speed is low, then Yandex or Opera would be preferable due to the turbo mode. If you care about privacy, then Mozilla Firefox collects and transmits the least data about the user. Fans of social networks and quick access to them may be interested in "Amigo", and if you prefer the services of "Rambler", then "Nichrom" gives good hopes to take a fairly high position among browsers. Some users are wondering? Which browser is right for Windows XP? Any is fine, but Google Chrome has stopped supporting Windows XP, as well as some other legacy operating systems. The Google Chrome browser will work on them, but will not be updated.

    Creating a new browser today is easier than ever - there is Chromium, which can be forked and added any functionality. Companies do this according to the same logic that toolbars were once created for - it's just an attempt to drive their brand into the user and force him to use other company products. But when it's done by independent developers, the product's purpose is to make its mark in a virtually static browser market. Don't think - I don't believe that you will switch to one of the indie browsers. But seeing what they offer is interesting, isn't it?

    To pass or not?

    When it seems that everything that is possible has already been said in some area, trying to do something differently is breathtaking: at first you think it’s wild and utopian, but as a result, you begin to look at market leaders in a new way. For the same reason, in the December issue of ][ we talked about such "weird" mobile operating systems as Tizen, Firefox OS or Maemo. Therefore, in my opinion, when talking about alternative browsers, it is incorrect to put the question squarely: to switch or not. No, you definitely won't. But you can try to repeat the functionality you are interested in in your favorite browser - for this, in each case, I tried to find the appropriate extensions.

    The idea of ​​creating a browser that interacts closely with popular social networks has long haunted the minds of developers. There were many attempts to create such a harvester, but, perhaps, Rockmelt did a better job. No wonder they were able to get serious financial investments.

    The project of the same name was launched in 2009 and immediately enlisted the support of one of the founders of Netscape. A year later, the first beta version was released, built on the Chromium source code, in a short time it managed to collect a decent number of fans. The main feature of Rockmelt was unobtrusiveness. Integration with Facebook and Twitter was implemented as an additional functionality, not an annoying addition.

    Rockmelt may have had a bright future, but in 2012 the developers abandoned the desktop version and focused on creating an iOS app. Despite the drastic changes, the mobile application was born quickly and turned out to be quite interesting.

    So, we are offered a solution that is interesting primarily for the interface. Browser control centers around a single line of input. It is both an address bar and a navigator for various content groups. For example, you can choose a certain topic and immediately get a pack of thumbnails of new posts that correspond to it. The presence of additional gestures allows you to perform a number of operations (sharing, likes) with a single click or swipe.

    Thus, together with the browser, we get a content generator. At the same time, we have the opportunity to quite easily influence the conditions for issuing materials. You just need to go to any site and click on the “Follow” pimp. The resource is added to the watch list (RSS feed is taken into account), and new materials will be added to the personal news feed.


    • Content generator. Plugin for Google Chrome Feedly;
    • New materials by category. Plugin for Google Chrome: StumbleUpon;
    • Interaction with social networks (publications, sharing, and so on). Plugin for Google Chrome: Buffer.

    S.R.Ware Iron

    Project audience: conspiracy theorists

    The first releases of Google Chrome (like Chromium, by the way) made a lot of noise. Users paid attention not only to the interesting interface and speed of work, but also to a couple of points in the license agreement that deal a blow to privacy.

    After that, a boom of articles on the topic “Big Brother is watching you” began, eventually forcing Google to reconsider its ambitions. Despite this, Chrome still has several features that somehow violate the user's personal space.

    For example, everyone knows that immediately after installation, Google Chrome generates a unique identifier that is transmitted to the company's server. The "suggestions" feature works in a similar way. All data entered is sent to Google for the purpose of issuing search suggestions. Approximately in the same vein, there is a discussion about other nightmares: the background update service, sending error reports, and so on.

    SRWare is ready to solve all the problems voiced. In fact, this is the same Google Chrome, but with the language cut off. It does not send any information to the Google server, but it also brings a few nice features:

    • offline installer;
    • built-in ad blocker;
    • the ability to change the User-Agent.

    Verdict: The solution is primarily for conspiracy theorists. The browser has few additional functions, and all of them are implemented using the appropriate extensions. As a result, it turns out that all the benefits come down to providing an additional level of privacy.


    Project audience: web developers, enthusiasts

    Another project that grew out of a fork of Chromium, CoolNovo compares favorably with similar alternatives. Firstly, developers from the Middle Kingdom set ambitious goals for themselves, and do not just create another clone with a couple of additional extensions. Secondly, they position their solution as a full replacement for Google Chrome. The idea of ​​such a solution managed to win the hearts of users, and the browser itself received a number of awards.

    One of the most interesting and useful features is IE Tab. My main activity is partly related to the development of web applications, and this implies the need to test whether the layout is displayed correctly in browsers using different rendering engines. IE Tab simplifies the process of testing in Internet Explorer. It eliminates the need to run a separate copy of IE, and allows you to change the engine used for rendering with one click.

    Gesture control also deserves special attention. At one time, I used to use this functionality in Opera, and I must say that the implementation in CoolNovo is just as good.

    About the inviolability of personal space, the developers adhere to the same views as the guys from the SRWare Iron project. All secret transfers of information to the company's servers are cut to the root.

    Of the other most interesting features, it is worth noting:

    • instant translation of pages into other languages ​​(via Google Translate);
    • creating screenshots of a page or a selected area;
    • quick clearing of history;
    • a separate side bar for frequently used widgets and extensions;
    • ad blocker.

    Verdict: CoolNovo has been a leader among alternative builds based on Chromium for a long time. Today, it continues to hold its ground and is still a good solution for users who want to get an upgraded browser out of the box. The only sad thing is that recently CoolNovo has become less frequently updated. If it goes on like this, then sooner or later a competitor in the face of Chrome will throw it out of the race.


    • Fast and flexible cleaning of history, cookies and other files of network activity. Plugin for Google Chrome Click&Clean Click&Clean ;
    • Link shortener. Plugin for Google Chrome URL Shortener;
    • Gesture control. Plugin for Google Chrome: CrxMouse or Gestures for Chrome;
    • Reading mode (without displaying pictures and extra layout elements). Plugin for Google Chrome: iReader or Clearly;
    • Button for quick subscription to RSS. Plugin for Google Chrome: RSS Subscription Extension ;
    • Super drag. Plugin for Google Chrome: Super Drag;
    • Translator. Plugin for Google Chrome: Google Translate.


    Project audience: All inclusive lovers

    Maxthon is one of those projects that have experienced a rebirth. He first saw the light at the beginning of the 2000s under the pseudonym MyIE. Then it was a convenient wrapper for the donkey IE and a number of useful functions. It had a built-in download manager, tabs instead of separate windows, and other goodies.

    When the Firefox boom began, and subsequently Google Chrome, MyIE was forced to go into the shadows for a major overhaul. Total straightening brought it back with a new name, updated feature set and a completely different face.

    Today, Maxthon is more like a powerful router than just a browser. As many as two engines are hosted under the hood of the rpg - WebKit and Trident (used in Internet Explorer). Moreover, unlike most similar solutions, Maxthon is able to independently determine the pages for which the use of Trident is more preferable (as a rule, these are old sites). I specifically took out one old project from the pantry, adapted for viewing in IE, and tried to look at it with Maxthon. Without thinking twice, the walker immediately switched the display to retro mode and rendered the page using Trident. In addition to working with two engines at the same time, Maxthon's biggest strengths are its own cloud and the availability of versions for mobile platforms (Android, iOS). Own cloud not only allows you to store various small information such as browsing history, a list of open pages and similar things, but it is also quite suitable for storing files.

    For example, I was very pleased with the ability to save files from a web page with one click to the cloud. This function looks most advantageous when working on a mobile phone / tablet. The usefulness of Maxthon does not end there, but rather just begins. Among them:

    • gesture support;
    • the SuperDrop function, which simplifies interaction with the browser interface in the absence of a mouse;
    • ad blocker;
    • completely redesigned application interface (not just another Chrome clone);
    • simultaneous processing of search results from several search servers;
    • view pages in reading mode (without unnecessary information);
    • saving videos from YouTube;
    • mute the sound on any page;
    • simultaneous viewing of several tabs in one window;
    • download manager;
    • own extension store;
    • setting an arbitrary refresh time for open pages;
    • night surf mode. When this mode is activated, Maxthon darkens the bright background of the pages, thereby reducing eye strain;
    • improved performance and more.

    Verdict: Maxthon will appeal to both casual users and hardcore geeks looking for new adventures. The presence of versions for mobile platforms and a full-fledged personal cloud are two key features that allow Maxthon to beat many competitors. Combine this with good performance, multiple wins in web standards compliance tests, and you have a near-perfect, but little-known browser.


    • Retromode (page rendering using the IE engine). Plugin for Google Chrome: IE Tab ;
    • Creation of screenshots. Plugin for Google Chrome: Webpage ScreenShot ;
    • Night mode. Plugin for Google Chrome: Hacker Vision or Turn Off the Lights for comfortable watching videos;
    • Password storage. Plugin for Google Chrome: LastPass;
    • Ad blocker. Plugin for Google Chrome: AdBlock;
    • Built-in notepad with the ability to store notes in the cloud. Plugin for Google Chrome: Memo Notepad;
    • Resource sniffer. Plugin for Google Chrome: Web Developer.

    Project audience: lovers of fresh

    Chromium is the father of many WebKit-based walkers. It forms the foundation of almost every new browser, and it is hardly possible to shake its dominant position.

    So, you probably already know that it is on this project that all new items are tested before they get into Google Chrome. Support for new HTML5 features, fixing terrible bugs, new interface - all this is primarily received by Chromium users. Alas, you have to pay for the frequency of updates with stability. Major problems that do not allow you to work normally with the browser are rare, but aptly.

    It is quite difficult to single out some original interface features or features, since they are more an implementation of new HTML5 features and are relevant for web developers, and not mere mortals.

    Nevertheless, Chromium still has a number of differences that can interest a simple user. For example:

    • no error reporting;
    • the RLZ identifier is not transferred to the company's servers;
    • there is no Updater hanging in the background;
    • only open and free media formats are supported;
    • performance is very high.

    Verdict: A special version of Google Chrome for enthusiasts and geeks. All the latest appears here, and the named user groups will definitely like it. Chromium is unlikely to be suitable for mere mortals, since this is a product primarily for testing. And there are few users eager to be the first to test, say, the Battery API.

    Avant Browser

    Project audience: web developers

    The primary goal of Avant Browser developers is to provide users with an easy way to combine the work of engines within one application. It would seem that the task is not easy, but looking at Avant Browser, you are convinced of the opposite. The developers were not only able to bring together all the popular engines under one wrapper, but also came up with an easy way to switch between them. Changing the rendering engine is done in a couple of mouse clicks.

    This is where the super-useful functions end, and remain typical for such solutions:

    • a simple cloud storage that can store RSS subscriptions, favorites, passwords and other information;
    • ad/pop-up blocker;
    • creating screenshots of pages;
    • simple implementation of gesture control;
    • creating aliases for pages, with which you can quickly go to frequently visited sites;
    • built-in RSS reader;
    • mail client.

    Verdict: Avant Browser cannot be considered as a complete application for everyday use. This is more of a specialized solution that can serve web developers well, but not the average user. There are simply no other interesting features in Avant Browser.

    Hi all. In this article, I decided to talk about browsers - programs with which users access the Internet. At the moment, their number exceeds dozens, so you need to figure out which is the best browser you can choose for Windows 10 in 2017. Naturally, as new information becomes available, the data in the article will be updated, so I advise you to keep the site bookmarked and follow the news.

    Choosing the best browser for Windows 10

    By the way, not necessarily for ten. The relevance of the topic is wide, so you can use any of these browsers on Windows 7 and 8. Also, these statistics do not encourage you to abandon your favorite tool, you can use absolutely any browser you like.

    1 - Google Chrome as the best browser

    This browser is probably the best of them all. Why? Now let's figure it out. Google Chrome is a fairly productive tool, it works correctly on weak PCs and is available for any operating system that currently exists. With each browser update, something new is added, but the main thing is that errors and bugs are fixed. For example, in one of the latest versions, the problem with the consumption of RAM was fixed, otherwise it is a significant plus for those who do not have much of it.

    If you take a closer look at the well-known and popular LiveInternet statistics, you can see a big gap between Google Chrome and other browsers. Do you also use Chrome?

    Google Chrome Browser Takes the Lead

    Interesting materials:

    And now we list the main advantages of Google Chrome:

    1. Work speed: no doubt the browser wins here. It works fast even with a bunch of plugins installed. The only drawback at startup, Chrome is so far second only to Microsoft Edge, which starts instantly on Windows 10, while Chrome starts somewhere in 1-3 seconds. If you are wondering about the speed of Chrome compared to other browsers, go to this resource, where various tests are provided.
    2. Safety: If you are trying to download a malicious file, the browser will not let you download it. Therefore, you will not have time to infect the computer. And all because the Chrome database has its own data on viruses. Also, the browser will warn you about the transition to resources that are suspected of placing malicious code on their pages.
    3. permanence: in other words, the program interface is very simple and convenient. All functions are located in their places and do not raise questions. You do not need to open a search engine to type the desired query, you can use the address bar to which a specific search engine is linked. By the way, you can change it in the settings.And Chrome very rarely slows down and crashes for unknown reasons, how much I use it, probably for six months, or even a year, something lagged only once.
    4. Extensions and plugins: in Google Chrome, or rather in the extension store, you can find plugins for every taste, do you need bookmarks? I can recommend the extension "Visual bookmarks" or "X New Tab Page". There are hundreds, if not thousands, of such add-ons.
    5. Okay-Google Feature: You say OK Google and immediately any phrase you want to search. Implemented in the same way as on smartphones. Personally, I do not use it, only if from a smartphone. I have not seen this feature in other browsers, but maybe it is implemented using plugins.

    There are also disadvantages of Google Chrome:

    1. In the fall, a weak computer with a small amount of RAM can slow down.
    2. It weighs a lot compared to its counterparts.

    2 - Opera Browser

    This is exactly the browser that I have been using since 2010. He himself appeared in 1994. Then it was one of the best browsers, especially better than Internet Explorer. In 2013, Opera quickly switched to the new Blink engine, which was created by Google. At first, the old functionality of the Opera was redone, which led to the dissatisfaction of some users, but later the old look of the browser was brought back to its original state.

    Now this program is also supported by all known devices and systems. Opera Software itself presents its product as "the fastest browser in the world", and they almost guessed right.

    Advantages of Opera

    1. Page loading speed: A well-known feature of Opera is the Turbo mode, which allows you to speed up the loading of sites several times. The browser also surpasses its competitor Chrome in stability on weak PCs.
    2. Traffic saving: this feature will be useful at the present time, when unlimited Internet has been removed from almost all providers and tariffs. Opera very well reduces the sending and transmission of traffic.
    3. Built-in bookmarks bar: If you look at pure Google Chrome without any extensions, then there is another drawback - the lack of a normal bookmarks bar (not the top bar). Of course, bookmarks are automatically added as you visit sites, but I don't like it, and I want to add the necessary bookmarks myself. In Opera, this is implemented immediately.
    4. Blocking ads and viruses: another browser that can independently deal with some types of ads and virus software. It will not allow a file that has malicious code to be saved to your computer.
    5. Ability to install extensions: as you can see, in Opera you can also install extensions and plugins, although there are not so many of them as in Chrome, but enough for the average user.
    6. VPN: Because of this, the Opera could be put in first place. I think you know what a VPN is. With this function, you can access blocked sites, you do not need to install any programs, extensions, and so on. Everything is already there.
    7. Saving battery power: I don’t know about you, but my Google Chrome consumes more energy on my laptop than all the applications combined. Opera succeeded in this matter and was able to achieve 50% battery life.

    Cons Opera

    1. Compared to Google Chrome, it can skip many malicious websites.
    2. Due to the high technical characteristics, it is likely that it will not open on old equipment.

    3-UC Browser

    Everyone's favorite browser for Android has long since moved to the PC and works on any system. Developed by UC Browser on its own kernel. As a result, we have a wonderful browser in terms of design and speed.

    Advantages of UC Browser:

    1. Works on any operating system.
    2. Works quickly, economically and stably. Minimum brakes.
    3. Possibility to pause file download. Many browsers do not allow you to do this, because after resuming the download starts again.
    4. Compared to Opera, it can compress transmitted traffic by up to 85%, and also quickly load a resource page.

    4 - Firefox

    The Firefox browser appeared in 2002, not so long ago, but managed to gain popularity. I like this tool only in terms of design, but in terms of speed it is inferior to all the above listed browsers. Let's take a look at the benefits of the fox:

    1. Modernization A: Firefox is unique in that it has a lot more extensions needed for various needs than Chrome, and you can also customize it to make it unique. There is also the about:config function, which also implements the browser for itself.
    2. Special panel on the side: this panel is called by the combination Ctrl+B. After that, all vital functions are available to you from there.

    Cons of Firefox:

    Work speed: Until recently, the browser had an audience of 12 million people, but then this figure fell sharply due to real lags and brakes. And the speed of opening the browser itself is simply terrible. Unless with SSD everything will be more or less normal.

    5-Microsoft Edge

    In 2015, at the dawn of Windows 10, a miracle arose - Microsoft Edge. The update of Internet Explorer was deliberately abandoned and rightly so, this browser is already dead. We made a new tool that proved to be quite good, but there is still work to be done.

    Advantages of the Microsoft Edge browser:

    1. Speed: if we consider exactly the launch of the browser, then the leader is without question. At both speeds, you can put it in second or third place. Loading sites is really quite fast and does not raise any questions.
    2. Browser security: its main advantage, which was adopted from its fellow Explorer. Few people knew that Internet Explorer was famous not only for its slowness, but also for the safe use of the Internet.
    3. Reading mode: A very useful feature that allows you to read your favorite articles and even PDF books without straining your eyes.
    4. Create notes: perhaps another unique feature in Edge is the creation of notes directly on the pages of the site. You saw some useful link, an interesting fragment in the article, then you can highlight it with color, circle it and save it.

    Cons of the Microsoft Edge browser:

    1. Availability in Windows 10: or rather, only in the top ten. But users have not lost much.
    2. Browser dampness: In other words, Microsoft is a fairly new browser, so there may be bugs and lags when using it.
    3. Few extensions: in the store at most ten pieces will be typed.
    4. Very few features: Of course, this is temporary, but the most necessary things are in the arsenal.


    Here we have considered the most basic types of browsers and put everything in its place. It is not necessary to believe the statistics of this page and other data, as they change every month. Use exactly what you like.

    Windows 7 is still the most popular operating system used by tens of millions of users. We will try to determine which browser suits them best. Perhaps they chose the wrong one?

    In the new version of Ya.Browser, the developers decided to implement an unusual interface background - it will become animated. Unlike other browsers, the thumbnails here are recognizable site logos, not page screenshots. This makes it much easier to understand. Among other advantages - a minimalist interface. The panels of the program itself take up at least 20% less space than it can be observed in the same Firefox. What else can please is the synchronization of open tabs with other devices.

    Also, you will probably be pleasantly surprised by the answers that pop up while typing in the address bar. For example, when you ask: "What is the weather in Arkhangelsk .." - you will already see that it is raining in Arkhangelsk now, and the air temperature is +19.

    Another plus is integration with Yandex.Disk, mail and other company services.

    Simple and fast. Actually, that's all you need to know about the most popular browser in the world. And that is why it was chosen by millions of users. Tabs open at lightning speed, there are no unnecessary elements in the interface

    It is perfect for a weak computer, because it requires a little RAM. Moreover, the program defines each open tab as a separate process.

    Chrome's place in the Google ecosystem deserves special attention. If you use Android, GMail, Hangouts, Google Drive, YouTube then this is your browser.

    Firefox captivates with personalization options. How beautiful the browser will be, and what it should be able to do, is up to you. Thousands of plugins to help! The second reason to download Firefox to your computer is the security system, which the program developers paid special attention to. Built-in anti-virus and anti-phishing monitors, instant ID verification, tracking protection - all this is already implemented and ready to serve you.

    And if you are a gamer, then you should definitely look at the Fire Fox. The fact is that in online games this browser demonstrates a higher response rate than its counterparts. Also, it has fewer crashes.

    Opera is considered an advanced browser "for those who understand". It has a number of built-in options that will be of interest to web developers and designers. In addition, it is convenient to watch videos online with it - if you have an unstable Internet connection and the speed drops from time to time, you are unlikely to notice it. The same situation with loading pages - they shrink and open faster if the Internet connection fails. User protection is also up to the mark here - Opera will not allow unscrupulous sites to steal your passwords and other personal data or install a virus on you.

    The first thing that catches your eye is two interface options: classic and stylized. The latter offers not square miniatures, but round and different sizes. He looks very unusual. In addition, it is convenient to work with bookmarks in UC Browser - they are arranged in several rows.

    That is, you do not have to scroll and search for the desired taboo for a long time, as, for example, in Chrome. A trifle, but nice.
    No less pleasant is the fact that after installing this browser, you will receive bookmarks from the previously used browser. That is, they do not have to be transferred. A built-in download manager that works even when the browser is closed is another delight to use the UC Browser.

    The good old "donkey" in the latest version has significantly increased the level of stability and security. According to these parameters, it is practically not inferior to its competitors. In addition, the developers have reached a new level of rendering - they set a new record for the time spent on processing animations, web applications and other multimedia on the Internet.