• Download the program tom lube angela for android. Download talking tom loves angela for android. Love Story of Tom and Angela

    Tom moves to a new house, and Angela, a cute kitty, already lives next door. Users will have to help Tom fall in love with Angela: you will sing songs, show signs of attention, give gifts and in other ways seek the favor of a flirtatious lady.

    Game process

    The main character is Tom. He moved to a new place of residence, and could not help but notice the dazzlingly beautiful Angela living next door. The kitty did not miss the opportunity to flirt with her eyes, and Tom fell in love completely and irrevocably. He climbs rooftops, sings songs, gives gifts, shows all kinds of courtesies - and all this, of course, only with your help!

    In the game, you have to complete various tasks, and as a reward, including getting the opportunity to chat with Angela. There are also antagonists in the game - they became the cat Ginger, who wants to ruin the life of the cat Tom in every possible way.


    • Interactive control. Swipe and Tom will blow a kiss; shake your phone and witness the earthquake; blow into the microphone and watch the strong wind rage.
    • Complete repetition of words. Tom will repeat your words when talking to Angela. You can even sing songs to him!
    • Chat with Angela. You can chat with Angela on any topic - movies and books, food and travel, school and hobbies, and much more.
    • Built-in keyboard. Type text using the English layout.

    Of course, the game is very good. But every game has its pros and cons. These are the ones I want to talk about. I will also try to fully tell you about the interface and functions.

    The interface is made very simple and convenient, there are no extra buttons, each button is responsible for its function. There are not many of them on the screen: there are only 5 of them.


    • The game is easy to learn.
    • The game features a maniac confusion Ginger.
    • A beautiful song.
    • All features are interesting.
    • If you say certain words in English, then Angela will perform certain actions.
    • Chat is free.


    • Boring game. The game quickly gets bored, as the same thing is constantly repeated.
    • Angela's language is English.
    • Chat is also in English.
    • There is advertising.


    • You say the words to Tom and he says them to Angela.
    • If you click on Tom, different actions will happen.
    • Shaking the device will cause an earthquake.
    • If you blow the microphone, then the wind will be called.

    The game performed very well. Everything you need for a successful game - everything is included in it. Simple interface, nice features. The graphics are made in animation, it will attract an audience of younger ages. The author managed to create a good game.

    If you lack romance and love in your life, then this is not a reason to be sad. Settle in your smartphone or tablet a couple of cute representatives from the world of cats and indulge in passion and imagination!

    Talking Tom climbed onto the roof to see his beloved. Courtship, serenades, compliments, gifts - well, how can cat Angela resist all this! True, Tom has a competitor named Ginger, who is constantly trying to build all sorts of intrigues (for example, if you click on the icon of a pot of flowers, then this same pot will fall on Tom's head), but the lover does not care. Tom will certainly find a way to the heart of his beloved.

    The innovative "smart chat" feature will give you the opportunity to even talk to the characters. Say something to Tom and he will immediately pass it on to Angela. You can send a kiss by simply swiping your finger over the character, and if you shake your smartphone or tablet a little, you will get a real earthquake on the screen. By blowing into the microphone, you will cause a gust of wind, and the conversation mode is called up by pressing the button with the letter icon. The corresponding button will help to listen to the songs of Tom and Angela, and if you want to give your beloved a gift on behalf of Tom, you need to click on the image of the gift.

    Toy Tom Loves Angela is very bright, pleasant to look at, made with love and humor. Everyone who installs it for themselves is provided with a good mood for the whole day.

    When spring comes, all cats and cats begin to show love for each other, and this applies to their favorite virtual characters. When you can download Tom loves Angela for Android, you will learn about the amazing new story of these legendary talking pets. Tom felt the harmony of spring and fell in love with Angela and now he will take care of her in every way, and you will have to help him in all his endeavors. Try with him to pave the way to the heart of your beloved Angela and help find beautiful words and compliments. In addition to all this, you can learn a song with him and perform a serenade for Talking Angela. You will need to choose a variety of gifts and then give them from Tom to Angela.

    When you can download Tom loves Angela for android, get a lot of original features that can be called exclusive:

    • An all-new captivating story in which Talking Tom will find his way to the heart of the beautiful Angela;
    • A large number of actions that will help you enjoy the game with these talking characters and have fun without limits;
    • Opportunities to talk with these funny characters;
    • Sending love letters to Talking Angel and performing wonderful serenades;
    • Variety of gifts and exclusive surprises;
    • Ability to record funny videos and send them to friends.

    Love Story of Tom and Angela

    At the moment, Talking Angela can only speak a foreign language, but Tom must win her heart with ours. Therefore, you will need to use the original beautiful letters to win her heart and knock out another chance for jolly Tom. She will respond to received letters with her cheerful voice, and this will not only make Tom, but you will also feel better. Test your own skills and knowledge with the built-in quiz here. Answer a wide variety of questions and listen to great jokes from these talking pets.

    My Talking Angela is a cool application for Android, the main character of which is an adorable talking cat Angela. She has to go from an inconspicuous modesty to a real superstar. Naturally, not without the help of our dear player.

    Probably, it is not necessary to say that the next toy from Outfit7 can be considered more than successful. Just a couple of months after the release of My Talking Angela, almost two and a half million people downloaded it, and this in itself is the best indicator of success. And, although in many ways this excitement can be explained by the ever-growing demand for games in the Tamagotchi genre, of course, no one has canceled the special charm of Outfit7 products. And the rave reviews from users are a great confirmation of this.

    Features of My Talking Angela

    • the almost complete absence of bugs inherent in other games in the series;
    • new albums, stickers;
    • a huge number of new styles, outfits;
    • new interesting mini-games;
    • the ability to use diamonds to replay mini-games after losing;
    • tight integration with ;
    • extended system of interaction with the character.

    As before, much in the application is available only after depositing real money, however, these are just additional options. The main gameplay does not require any payment from the player.

    Whatever one may say, but this is really a real success. Many users of Android gadgets were looking forward to the continuation of their favorite series of games about talking cats, and the developer did not deceive them. Graphics, gameplay, interactive system, as well as tools for interacting with other players - everything is done at the highest level. All owners of smartphones and tablets based on Android will be able to play My Talking Angela.