• Create soap on gmail. Google (Google) mail - login (registration). gmail mail - anyone can register a free mailbox on the google server - gmail mail

    Gmail.com (jimail or gmail) is the world's largest email site. It belongs to the Google search engine. Here you can create an email for free, and also get a Drive (storage for your files) with it.

    1 . Open gmail.com. Click on "Create an account" at the bottom.

    2. Fill out the form on the right side.

    Name and surname. Here you need to specify your data, preferably real. After all, if you suddenly have difficulties in the future with entering the box, then thanks to this information it will be possible to return access. If desired, this data can then be hidden.

    Username. A very important field - this will be the name of your mailbox (login). It should consist only of English letters, you can also use numbers and dots. It just needs to be designed and printed.

    This is the email address where the emails will be sent. This is what you will need to tell the person so that he can send you something.

    Username selection can be problematic. The fact is that each such login is unique - it belongs to only one person. And a lot of names are already registered, which means you can't choose them.

    Let's say I want to get the login umnik . I type it in the field and press the Enter button on the keyboard. The system does not allow such a name - it says it is too short.

    Okay, so I add a couple more letters and press Enter. But Google again does not like it: it turns out that such a name is already taken by someone.

    Just below the system shows logins that are free for registration. Google automatically added them from my first and last name, and also added something similar to what I came up with.

    You can choose any of them. But I advise you to work a little more and pick up something better - shorter and easier to remember. The fact is that this name can no longer be changed.

    Of course, you can then register another mailbox, set up forwarding letters to it from the old address. But why such difficulties, if you can immediately choose a normal name.

    To simplify the task, after entering the desired login, press the Enter button and see what the system offers. It will show different free titles after each click. Maybe something will fit.

    If the name is free for registration, then after pressing Enter, the field for entering it will not be highlighted in red.

    Many people don't realize at first how important it is to have a good address. Of course, if mail is needed not for correspondence, but for something else (registration on Google Play, for example), then any name will do. But if you plan to receive letters to her, then the address is very, very important.

    Ideally, it should be simple and not too long, so that it can be dictated over the phone. Preferably without numbers and dots. And no "babies", "beauties" and "pussies"!

    It's very funny when a serious guy's business card says puzatik45.

    Password and password confirmation. Here you need to print the alphanumeric code with which you will open your box. It can only use letters of the English alphabet and numbers, the size must be at least eight characters. It is highly desirable that the letters are of different case (both large and small) - this way it will be more difficult for hackers to crack the box.

    Be sure to write this password down in a safe place!

    It is checked: it is forgotten instantly, but you simply cannot enter your mail without it.

    Date of birth, gender. These fields are also required. Information from them will not be used anywhere. As in the case of the first / last name, it is better to indicate your real data. So it will be easier to return access to the box if there are problems with the entrance.

    Other information. Mobile phone, alternate email address mail and country - these data can be omitted.

    3 . After filling in all the required fields, click "Next". If the system does not let you in, it means that some field is not filled in the way it should be. It will be highlighted in red, and just below it is written what is wrong with it.

    4 . A window will appear in which the registration conditions in gmail.com mail will be written. They must be accepted, otherwise you will not receive the box.

    The "Accept" button will become available only after you have read them.

    That's all! The box is registered and Google is happy to provide its address. We write it down in a safe place and click on "Go to the Gmail service."

    Immediately after that, your new mail will open

    E-mail address

    If you carefully read what I said before, then you should remember about the username. I said that this is the address of your e-mail box. But this is not entirely true: every mail on the Internet has one more part besides the login. In the case of Google, this is @gmail.com

    It turns out that the correct name of the email box consists of the username (login) and the prefix @gmail.com. And this address should be one continuous word without spaces. There is no dot at the end.

    An example of a correctly written address:

    It is this full name that needs to be dictated to people, written on business cards, websites and in other places. If you give a person only a shortened version, he will not be able to send a letter - it simply will not reach. But only the address should be your own, and not the one that is written in this picture :)

    How to find your mailbox address

    In addition, if attackers try to hack into the mailbox, it will be much more difficult for them to do it. However, the phone number can be omitted. Instead it will suffice enter a security question and the answer to it. For security reasons, choose a question and answer that only you know. After filling in all the fields, click the "Next" button in order to create your first Google mail.

    Basic google mail settings

    To customize your mailbox, personalize it, and create comfortable conditions for further operation, follow the steps described in the mail-google login section.

    Here you can create your own address book of contacts for quick writing letters, set the language of the mail itself, choose a theme, set the text style and much, much more.

    From interesting and unique features:

    • chains– Correspondence between the same recipients with the same topic is grouped into a conversation list. This makes it possible not to miss a single letter from the correspondence and always be in the know.
    • Notifications- translucent notifications will pop up on top of all windows that a new e-mail has arrived. Very relevant if you do not want to miss e-mail and at the same time doing other work on the PC.
    • Importance markers– the system will display a special icon next to letters whose sender has marked them as important.
    • Categories– sorting letters into certain categories. This makes it possible to separate the most important letters, mark them according to certain parameters and distribute them into folders.

    And, of course, standard, but very useful features that google mail users can find in their mail settings: autoresponder, signature and filters.

    Of course, all these additional settings will help you make the most comfortable use of the mail service from Google.

    Separately, it is worth describing the service that is integrated into the mail - " Tasks". This seemingly ordinary electronic organizer is not as simple as at first glance. It is able to remind you by e-mail or in the form of SMS messages that after a certain time you have scheduled, for example, a meeting. Having set a task even a year ahead, be sure that the service will not forget about it. If your plans have changed, you can delete the task. And there will be no trace of her.

    By the way, about contacts. They can export and import. This is very convenient if you have several mail accounts and want to use the same contacts for correspondence.

    How to send an email with gmail?

    1. In order to send an email, you need open google mail site, log into your account and click on the "Write" button.
    2. A window will open in which you must fill in the recipient, subject and text of the letter. You can select a recipient from your personal address book.
    3. If you have a desire send a document, picture or any other file- click on the paper clip icon.
    4. In the dialog box select file on PC, which you need to send, or paste a link if the file is already hosted on the Internet.
    5. Click the "Open" button. The file upload process will begin.
    6. Download speed will depend on the size file and Internet access speed. You will be notified of the progress of the download by a filling blue bar.

    In case you need send a large file- then it does not need to be attached to the letter. Upload it to the Google Drive service, and send the addressee only a link to it. This will greatly speed up both your sending and receiving emails.

    In addition, sending heavy letters is bad manners. Remember, the larger your email is, the longer it will take to reach the recipient. All yours sent letters you can find in the corresponding folder.

    Video tutorials: how to create and configure gmail com mail?

    Hello friends. We went through the last article. Theme of today's issue or how to register in google.

    For those people who do not yet have their own mailbox there, I advise you to start one. Google mail (gmail) has less spam and is more protected from hacking than all other mail services.

    mail from google

    Of course, any mail can be hacked if you pick up a password. Therefore, I advise everyone to set complex or at least medium passwords, which should consist of letters and numbers, preferably different registers (capital and small).

    I learned about Google mail relatively recently, about three years ago. At that time, I used only Mail.ru, which was enough for me. There are a few drawbacks in the mail (for me personally, you may have more or not at all), a fairly high percentage of mailbox hacking and regular spam mailings.

    I have not had such problems in Google mail yet and I will hope that it will not arise in the near future.

    Let's proceed directly to registering with google and creating mail to gmail .

    Registration by mail

    The first step is to turn on our computer. Go to any Internet browser that you are used to and often use (I have two of them - these are Google Chrom and Opera).

    In the address bar, you need to type the Google site - www.google.ru.

    In the upper tabs, select and go to Mail, which is located between News and Disk.

    This will bring up the Gmail page Google's approach to email.

    In the lower right corner, you can select the language that is convenient for you so that the registration procedure is clear to you and you do not need to use various translators.

    On this page, you can use two links Create an account and Create an account, which redirect to the same registration page.

    We get into the creation of a Google account.

    On the right is the registration form that we need to fill out.

    This is a standard procedure and should not take long. Fill in the column What is your name - first and last name.

    In the next paragraph, you need to come up with a username that ends in @gmail.com.

    In the column Create a password, you need to write your password, which should be quite complex and consist of letters and numbers (you can use additional characters) so that it is not hacked.

    In the next paragraph, we confirm our password (they must match).

    Go to the column Birthday, fill in the day, month and year.

    The next step is to select the gender, if you do not want to show, you can select Not specified.

    In the Mobile phone section, you can write your number. You can use it if you forget your password, after a while an SMS will be sent with further instructions on how to restore it.

    In the spare email address, you can write a backup email. In case of suspicious activity on your account, a corresponding notification will be sent to it.

    Prove that you are not a robot, you need to fill in the captcha and enter the two words shown in the picture.

    If you don't see the symbols, you can refresh the picture and listen to what is shown on it. If you entered a mobile phone number, you can skip this check.

    In the country column, select the one where you live. I live in Kazakhstan, so I chose Kazakhstan.

    The next step is to check the box I accept the terms of the agreement and agree to the Google policy.

    If you want to read them, you can follow the two blue links.

    You can also check the box if you want to see what your friends recommend using the computer and the Internet using the plus +1 button.

    If you are a curious person and want to know why Google collects this information, you can get acquainted by clicking on this link.

    If you have any difficulties or problems when filling out the registration form, you can use the help.

    Account Verification

    After that, we get to the Verify account page.

    Next, you need to select your country and indicate your mobile phone number, if you did not specify it when filling out above. Then you need to choose how to receive the code in the form of a regular sms or voice call and click continue.

    A confirmation code should come to the specified mobile phone in a couple of minutes, maybe earlier. If he did not come within 15 minutes, then you need to try again.

    Mail setup

    After that, your profile should appear, in which you can Add a photo or click Next.

    A congratulations page appears with your email address and a blue Go to Gmail button.

    We turn to the Gmail service and a new mailbox opens in front of us, which we just created. In my case there was a Greeting and four incoming messages, yours may be different.

    If you need to enter your new mail, then you need to go to the Google.ru website or go to www.gmail.com and enter your username and password.

    On this procedure registration in google, namely the creation of a mailbox on the Gmail service is completed. Inside the mail, you can customize everything for yourself, choose the design, put a background splash, get acquainted with Gmail and much more.

    Summing up

    In today's article registration in google - mail on gmail, we went all the way to registering a new mailbox from start to finish. I have several accounts on Gmail, as well as on Mail.ru.

    Registration in google - mail on Gmail

    Perhaps you still have or have any questions related to creating a mailbox on Gmail, you can ask them below in the comments to this article, as well as use the form with me.

    Thank you for reading me

    Working with my consultants, I encountered a very interesting problem, many do not have their own e-mail address! Therefore, before you start your business on the Internet, you need to register mail on gmail com.

    Why Gmail.com?

    Nowadays, there are a huge number of postal services and all have their pros and cons. Of course, you can try each of these services and get yourself mailboxes there, they will all be useful to you later.

    But to work on the Internet, you need to immediately choose the best one. And the email is from Gmail. com is the best service. The main advantages of the box from Gmail:

    Universal entry. By registering your account in the service once, you get a universal password that is suitable not only for your Gmail mailbox, but is also the password for all Google services.

    And this means that you do not need to register anywhere else and remember a huge number of other logins and passwords. One universal key for all Google services. For work on the Internet, this is the most important plus.

    Spam filters. Powerful spam protection. This means that only the information you are waiting for will get into your mailbox.

    Large amount of space. When registering a mailbox, you are provided with a large amount of memory. This will be enough for you for the rest of your life, even if you do not periodically clean your mail.

    Availability 24 hours a day. Google's technology is constantly evolving and system failures are very rare.

    Search. Remember that Gmail is part of Google Corporation, and Google is the most powerful search engine. Finding a lost letter will not be difficult for anyone.

    Grouping letters. All messages in the mailbox are grouped into tabs and sorted automatically depending on the message type.

    Order in the mailbox. Features such as labels, filters, tags and others help the user customize the email inbox and keep the mail in perfect order.

    Communication. The service provides the ability to communicate by voice messages or video chat. Which is very convenient for work.

    Safety. It is possible to set up two-level identification in Google, which increases the degree of account protection.

    This is a small part of the benefits of the owner of a mailbox on the Gmail service, in fact there are many more and all this is provided to the user completely free of charge.

    Let's try to register mail on gmail.com together:

    1. We write down our first and last name.

    2. This is your email address, you can write any name here, but it's better to use your own. For example, moninayuliana or monina75, the main thing is to make it easier and more convenient for you to remember your email address. Many people use the domain name of the blog as an address ... Only your imagination is here.

    Look also at the options that the system itself will offer.

    3-4. Create a password and confirm it. Now special attention is paid to passwords and you will have to choose a password so that it contains both letters and numbers. The main thing is that you remember it.

    5. The field is required, so don't ignore it.

    6. Choose your gender.

    7. Register your mobile phone. You can leave it empty, but I recommend that you fill it out, later when setting up your Google account, the phone number will still come in handy.

    8. The field is optional, but I filled it out and when I had to recover my password, this option helped me a lot. If this is your first mailbox, you can fill in this field later.

    Then we put down the numbers indicated in the picture, select the country and put a tick - I accept the Terms of Use ... Press the button forward.

    If all fields are filled in correctly, then you will be taken to the next tab.

    Here you are prompted to create your profile and upload a photo.

    You can not upload anything, but if you are going to build your business on the Internet, then I highly recommend uploading a photo. Why?

    Firstly, we have already said that you need to promote yourself, which means that people should know you by sight.

    Secondly, we will register in the Gravatar service and link our email, and for this it is advisable to set your photo in your Google profile. Simply put, your photo will be your avatar.

    Third, you see, it is much more pleasant to communicate with a person when you see his face than a gray spot of a mystery man.

    Next, click on the "Create a profile" button and get into the third tab with congratulations. Here you already see your email address and all the services that are automatically available to you after creating your profile.

    Gmail.com is the most popular email address these days. This mail is provided by Google absolutely free of charge.

    Of course, a popular corporation could not create something simple. That is why mailboxes of this service are chosen by users more and more often.

    Due to the wide popularity of the Google service, it is very difficult to get a username you like. A large number of previously created accounts suggests that a large number of names are already taken.

    Therefore, you will have to think carefully in order to write down not only a convenient and unique, but also a memorable login.

    What is very convenient - creating a login involves the possibility of inserting dots, dashes, trailing slashes, etc. into it. This will greatly simplify the task.

    Check that mail is created on the Gmail.com platform, and not on Gmail.ru. Since the second service is paid and there is a real possibility of losing your account.

    So, how to create a gmail mail and register on a computer.

    1 To do this, on the main page of the Google search engine, you need to find the button "Mail".

    Google Mail button

    3 After that, a new window will appear in which you need to fill in all the fields. At this stage, you will have to come up with a name for the mailbox.

    If such a login already exists, the system will indicate this and the user will have to change something.

    Choose a password

    Read also: Our TOP 10: The best programs for comfortable work with your e-mail

    4 The password is also a very important aspect of security. It should be not only memorable, but also heavy enough to prevent a hacking attempt.

    The system will indicate the complexity of the password - an indicator will light up next to it and as soon as the bar turns green, you can understand that the password is strong.

    You need to specify a phone number and an additional mailbox in order to secure your mail.

    Notifications will be sent to additional mail that your mail has been logged in, which, in which case, will help you quickly respond and change your password.

    A mobile phone, in addition to protection, gives access to additional features.

    After correctly filling in all the relevant fields, click "Next".

    5 After the correct execution of the previous paragraphs, it will appear in which the terms of use and the privacy policy will be written. Scrolling down we see the button "Accept". I click on it.

    You will need to verify your account using your mobile phone. To do this, you can select one of two items and the system will either send a message or make a call using a robot.

    After completing these steps, the system will congratulate you on the acquisition of a new mailbox and offer to go to the account settings.

    Do not neglect these settings. They include 3 items:

    • Security and entry.
    • Personal and privacy.
    • Account settings.

    Each item has a number of sub-items. Here you can customize the service "for yourself" making it as comfortable as possible for use and subsequent work.

    Create gmail mail using phone

    Read also: How to make Google (Google) the start page: instructions for all browsers

    1 In every modern smartphone, a program is immediately installed, which is called Gmail.

    Typically, a mailbox is created at the moment when the smartphone is configured after purchase.

    However, sometimes it happens that they are produced in a store, for this they use basic mail with a simple password, or they create simple mail with a simple password.

    It often happens that this option does not suit the user. In this case, you can create a personal mailbox, which will be configured as convenient.

    First, we find the corresponding application, which is described above.

    2 Find the side menu (click on the three bars in the upper left corner. Select the "Settings" item and click "Add account".

    This will open the email settings page. You need to click on Google (the first paragraph).

    After that, the system will offer either to enter an already registered address/phone number, or to create a new account. We choose the second item.

    After that, you will have to wait for some time until the robot sends you an SMS with a code, but you do not have to enter it, since the program will recognize it and enter it automatically.

    After that, you can fill in the suggested fields, such as date of birth and gender.

    4 The next step is to create a login (mailbox name). Will have to think. If such a name is already taken, then after clicking the "Next" button, the system will generate an error and offer free options for selection.

    5 You can choose from the available ones, or you can try to enter what you like, but there is no guarantee that the system will not reject the following. If there is no such name, then the transition to the next item will be carried out.

    In order to get into your account and see the list of letters, you need to go to gmail com and enter your personal username and password. Unlike most email services, here you need to enter your full address, including @gmail com. This is because Google provides the ability to create a gmail com email for a domain for free.

    Anyone on their domain can use gmail as mail for corporate employees or for your website by creating mailboxes for users. In such a situation, the user's domain will follow the dog character.

    By filling in the login and password, click the "Login" button. These actions allow you to open the folder that you set to display by default. By default, the Inbox folder will open.

    In addition, you can set up your mail collectors, such as Outlook or The bat. Google specialists did their best. IMAP settings take no more than 5 minutes. And most importantly, you do not have to enter your login and password every time. They will be stored in a program designed to enter them for you yourself.

    Gmail is a product from the world famous company Google. It's officially released to the public back in 2004, and from that moment on, anyone could create mail on gmail com.

    Few believed that the mail would be the way it was presented in the press release. Doubts were fueled by the date of the announcement of the launch of the first, after the search engine, a large project from Google. First of April anyway. The fact that the global giant is going to provide a free mail service became known the day before the start. The New York Times wrote about this on 3/31/2004. It said that it would be possible to create mail absolutely free.

    A distinctive feature of the innovative postal service has become mailbox size. 1 gigabyte at that time seemed just a fantastic figure. This was 500 times more than the then-existing Hotmail competitor from another American giant, Microsoft. This is what associated the news with an April Fool's joke.

    However, on April 1, Google released a press release. But even this did not convince all journalists and users of the veracity of the news. The news was so revolutionary. But everything turned out to be true. Product instantly ousted its competitors(Yahoo mail, Hotmail) from the market. Not surprising, because almost every active Internet user wanted to create mail on gmail com. With this product, Google has created a trend in the development of the Internet for the coming years.

    In addition, everyone who decided to create mail on gmail was provided with an innovative feature - mail search. At that time, google was the first to implement such a feature already familiar to us. But some ten years ago it was a real breakthrough. Mail gmail com, registration on which has remained absolutely free, is dynamically developing to this day.

    How to create mail on gmail com?

    Gmail account creation process maximally simplified. The gmail mailbox, which is registered by visiting the gmail com website and clicking the "Create an account" button, is your window to the outside world.

    The second option: you can go to the google ru website and select "Mail" in the upper part of the menu and click on the " Create an account».

    The registration form that opens contains only the most necessary questions, which will not be difficult to answer. The specialists of the corporation took care of new users and prescribed the most understandable tips. The key thing to complete is unique login and personal password.

    Since the mail service has been around for more than ten years, it will not be so easy to come up with a unique login. If the desired username is already taken, then the system will offer you derivatives of the desired login which are currently free. You can choose from the proposed options, or come up with a new variation.

    Also, when registering, you will need to indicate your mobile phone and backup mail. Feel free to provide this personal information. This is necessary, first of all, for the security of your mailbox. In case you forget your password, you can easily restore it either to your phone or to an alternative mailbox.

    In addition, if attackers try to hack into the mailbox, it will be much more difficult for them to do it. However, the phone number can be omitted. Instead it will suffice enter a security question and the answer to it. For security reasons, choose a question and answer that only you know. After filling in all the fields, click the "Next" button in order to create your first Google mail.

    Basic google mail settings

    To customize your mailbox, personalize it, and create comfortable conditions for further operation, follow the steps described in the mail-google login section.

    Here you can create your own address book of contacts for quick writing letters, set the language of the mail itself, choose a theme, set the text style and much, much more.

    From interesting and unique features:

    • chains– Correspondence between the same recipients with the same topic is grouped into a conversation list. This makes it possible not to miss a single letter from the correspondence and always be in the know.
    • Notifications- translucent notifications will pop up on top of all windows that a new e-mail has arrived. Very relevant if you do not want to miss e-mail and at the same time doing other work on the PC.
    • Importance markers– the system will display a special icon next to letters whose sender has marked them as important.
    • Categories– sorting letters into certain categories. This makes it possible to separate the most important letters, mark them according to certain parameters and distribute them into folders.

    And, of course, standard, but very useful features that google mail users can find in their mail settings: autoresponder, signature and filters.

    Of course, all these additional settings will help you make the most comfortable use of the mail service from Google.

    Separately, it is worth describing the service that is integrated into the mail - " Tasks". This seemingly ordinary electronic organizer is not as simple as at first glance. It is able to remind you by e-mail or in the form of SMS messages that after a certain time you have scheduled, for example, a meeting. Having set a task even a year ahead, be sure that the service will not forget about it. If your plans have changed, you can delete the task. And there will be no trace of her.

    Today, email is an integral part of any communication. It is very convenient to use, because you can instantly send a file of almost any format to your interlocutor or receive an incoming one. It is very important to create an email address and that it is easy to use and reliable. Therefore, this article will help you learn about gmail.com mail.

    Using this mailbox is easy. In order to enter the server, you must register your own Google account. In this article, we will describe how to log into a mailbox. In addition, we will tell you how to configure and edit it in the future, as well as how to secure your gmail mail.

    In the event that you have not yet created your own account on the Google server, proceed to register it. Then come back to this page to learn how to properly log in and set up your gmail email address.

    Reasons for testing difficulties when entering mail

    Following the creation of your own account, the server will automatically authorize you. That is, you will immediately enter the saved gmail mailbox. However, in order to successfully use it, you will have to enter and exit your own box every time in order to secure your correspondence. It is especially important to log in and out of the "mail" if you entered it not from your computer (from your work, for example).

    Since there are people who are faced with the problem of logging into the mailbox from Google, we were interested in what exactly this is connected with. We tried a variety of computer equipment, and also worked with completely different software. But we did not have to find out any difficulties: we entered the mail from any device in the standard way. Based on this experience, we came to the conclusion that, perhaps, some steps are not reproduced correctly.

    Sometimes incoming users don't separate gmail.com and gmail.ru emails. The first is from Google, the second is from a completely different server. Therefore, you need to make sure that you are trying to enter the saved box from Google. In addition, sometimes the mailbox interface changes, which also causes some difficulties when you try to log in. But in fact, you need to abstract from the appearance of the service, since everything happens in a standard way, despite the updated interface.

    Gmail mailbox: how to log in and log out?

    If you want to use mail and log into your gmail inbox, do the following:

    If you need to log out of gmail, look at the top right corner of the page. You will see your own photo there. Click on it and click on the "Exit" menu that appears.

    Google email settings

    Today, there are very convenient functions in the mail (interface, way of working), which you will definitely want to change at your discretion. For example, you have the option to create a permanent signature, change the appearance of labels, or choose a different theme for the appearance of mail.

    In order to change the gmail settings, you must do the following: pay attention to the upper right corner of the page. There you will see a gear icon. Click on it and click "Settings". This is where you have the opportunity to transform and change the category you want.

    Connecting contacts

    Mail from Google server contains a very handy feature. It allows you to create, save and enter the necessary contacts in a specially created address book. This feature gives you the opportunity not to litter your head with all the email addresses of your interlocutors. In addition, it is possible to enter and enter additional information into the contact. For example, mobile number, date of birth, address of residence.

    If you decide to add a contact:

    To log in and change contact details:

    1. On the line of the left settings menu, click "My Contacts".
    2. Select the contact you want to edit.
    3. After that, you have the option to create any changes to the contact information.

    It is also worth noting that in the case when you send a letter to an email address unknown to the system, the gmail.com server can automatically put the corresponding address in your contacts. By selecting "Contacts" from the menu, you can easily add changes to the information about this contact.

    Migrate email and contacts

    Maybe you have a ready-made list of contacts in another email box? But mechanically importing each individual contact takes too long? Then this setting is for you. Mail from the Google server contains a feature that allows you to transfer your contact list from almost any other mailbox. In addition, it gives you the ability to import all your correspondence.
    It is convenient to transfer letters and contacts from Yandex, Mail.ru services. But it is also possible to do this from other emails. For this:

    1. Click the gear icon located in the top right corner of the gmail page. You need to go and click "Settings".
    2. Select the "Accounts" category. Check mail from other accounts (using POP3). By following the instructional information that appears on the setup screen, you can easily transfer contacts or emails.

    gmail email security

    If you think that you are an ordinary person, a simple user and no one wants to enter your mail, no one will encroach, then you are very mistaken. Today, there are a huge number of attackers who hack mail for personal gain. Undoubtedly, if your mail is used exclusively for everyday correspondence with friends, then there is nothing to worry about. But in the event that the mailbox is linked to other important accounts, especially financial ones (for example, WebMoney), you must secure your own mailbox and funds so that no one can enter it. Many servers make it possible to link important personal pages with a mobile phone number. However, most of them continue to sync with the email address.

    In the event that you value outgoing information that is synchronized with your "mail" and want to prevent gmail from being hacked, you must properly configure your gmail.com mailbox. Enter "Settings" (top right corner after clicking the gear):

    • First, make sure "Use http only" is selected in the General panel. If there is no outgoing checkmark, then you need to put it. This is necessary in order for the data to be sent in encrypted form. In the event that the checkbox is not checked, and you are using mail in a public place with free access to a Wi-Fi network, there is a risk that attackers will intercept information in unencrypted form and be able to enter email;
    • those using email clients will be forced to change their connection type settings from simple to secure (TLS). On the connection settings panel, you need to click on a secure connection type, and also change the mail receiving port (POP) from 110 to 995, the sending port (SMTP) from 25 to 465. Usually, the ports change on their own after clicking on the TLS connection;
    • for those who do not use mail programs, it is worth disabling this feature: go to the "Forwarders and POP / IMAP" panel to check the "Disable POP" and "Disable IMAP" checkboxes;
    • you need to enable dual authentication. Its presence serves as a distinction between mail from Google and mailboxes from other servers. After establishing dual authorization, to enter the mailbox, you will need to enter a password sent as an SMS message to your mobile phone number. This greatly enhances the security of your email.

    How do I turn on 2-Step Email Verification?

    For this:

    • you need to enter the "Accounts and Import" panel, click "Change password recovery options".
    • on the outgoing page, enter your personal mobile number. In addition, there is an opportunity to specify another email, through which you can recover a forgotten password (linking another email is also not entirely safe, so I recommend not linking it);
    • Click on "Other Google Account Settings"
    • on the page that appears, in the "Security" branch, click "Change" two-step verification. In the new window, select the "Proceed to setup" option;
    • Enter your current mobile number in the initial field. It will receive SMS messages from Google with confirmation codes. In the event that the phone number is already synchronized with the account, skip this field, since the number will already be there;
    • select the Trusted PC option. It allows you to enter the confirmation code from the selected computer only once every 30 days.

    So you've enabled 2-Step Verification!

    Application passwords

    Following the establishment of 2-Step Verification, any applications using your google page username and password will stop working. An error will appear in the form of a message: "Invalid username or password." For them to work as before, you need to generate and change application passwords. To do this and have the passwords saved, do the following (after two-step authentication):

    • click "Create passwords" or click on the link: https://accounts.google.com/IssuedAuthSubTokens ;
    • on the page, enter the name you like for the password;
    • click "Create password". The creation wizard will give you a password. It must be saved by you, as it will no longer be found. It is issued only once. Naturally, it will later be possible to change it to a personal one. His name doesn't matter. It will work with any application;
    • then enter this password into applications, replacing it with the password name of your Google Page.

    Use with pleasure!

    Google is the world's largest search engine, with over 40 billion queries per month. The main difference between the most easy-to-use and affordable system is the presence of numerous interconnected and constantly evolving services.

    One of the most popular is gmail.com mail - logging into Google mail opens up the widest possibilities of its functionality to users. It is not surprising that today Google mail has overtaken in popularity many of the most famous mail services in the world.

    Why gmail?

    It would seem, how can a search engine mailbox differ from stationary services? But the capabilities of gmail.com can surprise many "advanced" users. In addition to the usual functions of collecting correspondence, the ability to mark it and distribute it into thematic folders, gmail mail offers a lot of other "usefulness":

    • An excellent filtering system allows you to sort letters by dozens of criteria automatically.
    • Import contact list from other mailboxes.
    • Thanks to the reliable protection against Google mail spam, many people prefer to collect correspondence from other services in this mailbox.
    • Access to mail is possible from any device connected to the Internet.
    • Unlimited use of all search engine products without separate registration.
    • Providing 15 GB of free storage for photos, letters, documents, etc.
    • The ability to create corporate addresses, receive round-the-clock support, organize free video conferences.
    • The use of a secure protocol is provided, receiving a warning from gmail mail, which is entered from an unfamiliar IP address.

    How to get access to all these charms, how to properly set up your mailbox?

    Creating a gmail box is elementary simple

    Registration in the service is commonplace, but has some nuances. Firstly, do not confuse it with gmail ru, which has nothing to do with Google. In general, getting a gmail com email address is a bonus for users who create an account in the system. If this is not available, just go to the page of the gmail.com mail service - entering Google mail will be accompanied by a proposal to correct this "defect":

    1. After clicking "Create an account" you will see a web form where you need to carefully fill in the fields.
    2. To begin with, identification data is entered: first and last name, information about the field and date of birth, phone number, alternative mail address, country. The main snag at this stage is to come up with a login, because that's what your future mailbox will be called, and a strong password. Google mail is very popular, so you have to use as much imagination as possible to come up with a simple, unoccupied name. The same goes for the password. Although gmail mail is well protected, a simple combination may not protect your inbox from being hacked.
    3. Now you can attach your photo, select the interface language.

    It is recommended to enter real information. The phone number and address of an additional mailbox will help you easily restore access in the future if you lose your password or hack your mail. Upon completion of registration, an email with a code will be sent to an alternative mailbox to solve possible problems with logging in.

    If you have gmail.com mail, logging into Google mail is easily done from all system services by pressing the button located in the top menu next to the username. Also, when you enter gmail in the browser, the entrance to your mail will be available.

    Login to Gmail.com

    If you have gmail.com mail - logging into Google mail is easily done from all system services by pressing the button located in the top menu near the username. Also, when you enter gmail in the browser, the entrance to your mail will be available. The mailbox can be used from any device.

    Login to email from computer

    • Go to the service page, enter the name and password that you specified when creating your Google account. You can log in with a different username if you wish.
    • Click "Login" in the upper right part of the page if you saw a listing of mail services when you entered.

    Go to google mail from android

    To use mail, add your account and update the gmail app if it's not up to date.

    • Log in to the application and in the menu that opens (three horizontal bars with an arrow), select "Add account".
    • Here you will need to enter the type of new account and follow all the steps according to the instructions.

    Login to Gmail with iOS

    To access mail, you need to add one or more accounts.

    • After logging into the app, select your account from the menu with the three-bar icon. If you are using an iPad, this step is skipped.
    • In the account management section, you must select the "Add account" item and enter your login information.

    Getting to know the interface and setting up Google mail

    When you set up a mailbox on gmail.com mail, logging into Google mail will allow you to very quickly configure the necessary functions. Let's start with the interface. It is familiar, as understandable as possible and does not change for a long time. Convenient tools include:

    • Separation of letters by purpose. You can distribute correspondence related to social networks, forums, alerts, or leave it in an unsorted folder.
    • Ability to organize Skype-like videos and regular chats. If your browser does not support it, which is automatically checked, the standard Html version will be loaded.
    • 15GB storage is provided by default, but can be upgraded for a small fee.

    Remarkably, if you registered on gmail.com mail, logging into Google mail does not at all cancel the use of other mailboxes. It is very easy to set up forwarding of correspondence to a new address in any other mail service. You can get acquainted with the main features that gmail com mail offers, such as transferring the list of contacts and correspondence from third-party mailboxes or about the search engine's social network, in letters sent to your address immediately after registration.

    Google mail sorting settings

    To sort emails conveniently and quickly, Gmail Mail offers effective tools:

    • Labels. They are functionally similar to folders familiar to everyone, but differ in more advanced features. Initially, you will see a minimal set located on the left side of the page, which is expanded and customized for your needs.
    • To get started, go to the "Settings" tab, located in the drop-down menu in the form of a gear. In the "Shortcuts" section, by changing the activation "yes / no", you can hide, activate or delete the necessary menu items. And by clicking the button at the bottom of the window or directly from the letter, it is easy to create a new shortcut folder.
    • If you don't like the specific icons in gmail com mail, change them to regular text labels in the general button label settings.
    • The innovation of mail is the organization of the nesting of shortcuts without installing add-ons. To configure any shortcut, just click on the arrow located to the right of it. In this case, you will be asked to choose a color and customize the label according to several criteria.
    • If you delete one of the shortcuts, such as Inbox, the contents of the folder are not deleted, but moved to the Archive and remain available in the All Mail folder as well.

    Of course, no one canceled the manual "scattering" of letters into folders in the process of reading them using the familiar "Move" button. Google mail functions allow you to avoid this routine and make your work much easier.

    • Filters. This tool is indispensable when it is necessary to automate the process of sorting correspondence. To use the wonderful Google mail filters, you also need to enter the settings menu under the gear icon.
    • The window that opens shows the existing filters and a link that will allow you to create an ideal, logically organized mail.
    • You can filter messages, for example, by topics, by recipients (both recipients and senders of your own and attached mailbox), by certain terms, etc.
    • Next, specify what to do with the filtered correspondence: send to one of the folders, archive, mark, apply a label or forward, delete, etc.

    If you have already used a similar service, there should be no problems with creating a convenient sorting algorithm.

    Gmail.com mailbox security

    The indisputable advantage of the service is the ability to track suspicious attempts to access the box, as well as setting up alerts in such cases. This can be done via the "More Information" link in the "Settings" section.

    • If the correspondence that you exchange or store is extremely important, it is worth sacrificing convenience and properly setting up mailbox security. In the "Security and Login" section, it is recommended to create a two-step verification. At the entrance, you will need not only to enter a password, but to confirm access with a code sent to your phone.
    • Carefully check the settings of the tabs for extra links in the signature of the letters, included without your knowledge of the autoresponder.
    • Make sure that there are no unknown names in the account access section and extraneous addresses in the settings for sending emails.
    • Check your POP and MAP settings, filters, etc.

    Of course, this is not all the features of the gmail mail service. You will always find more detailed information about the huge functionality, settings of various tools and security on the system website and in the extensive help section.