• Enable developer mode in android. How to Enable Secret Developer Settings on Android

    And sometimes Android developer mode is required to perform a number of certain system actions on an Android-based mobile device (say, set a memory card as the main storage or enable USB debugging). What it is and what it is eaten with, how to activate it and how to disable it - all these pressing issues will be discussed in today's material on the IT blog site

    Android developer mode provides the user with additional features and capabilities that will certainly be useful when recording the display when using adb shell commands, installing custom recovery, data recovery and other tasks. The range of features available in this mode is really huge. To look at it, you should definitely look at all this diversity yourself.

    Important note: in the following, the default visual menu scheme will be described, available in almost all phones without exception: LG, Moto, Nexus, HTC, Sony Xperia, Pixel, Samsung. With careful observation, you can see that on individual devices (Xiaomi, Meizu, ZTE), the corresponding menu items have a different name or are contained in a different hierarchical branch of the menu structure. If you can't find the menu item listed in the instructions right away, check out the "More" section and similar menu subcategories.

    How to enable android developer mode on phone or tablet?

    The procedure for activating the menu on all gadgets with Android 6, 7 and previous versions on board is performed in a completely identical way.

    To access Android Developer Mode, repeat the following steps:

    1. Tap on the Settings icon and open the “About tablet” or “About phone” branch at the bottom of the menu that opens. In my case, the menu item I needed was called "Help".

    3. Finally, the final point of our study of the structure of the options menu will be the "Build Number" option. Click on it 7 times in a row, and as a result, the screen will display the inscription "You have become a developer!". This will indicate that we have achieved our goal - the Android developer mode is enabled.

    Note: After a few taps (about 3-4), a message will appear on the screen informing you that Android Developer Mode will be activated soon. This will indicate to us the correctness of the actions performed, so pay attention to them.

    As a result of the manipulations done, a new category will appear in the settings menu - “For Developers”.

    On some models, you will have to manually set the mode trigger to the “On” position, but on most devices this is not necessary - everything works anyway.

    In theory, on a number of devices with a significantly modified version of the OS, this technique may not be valid, but in my experience this has not happened yet. Everything worked great on many Chinese-made devices.

    How to deactivate Android Developer Mode and eliminate the "For Developers" settings menu item?

    About how to get rid of the new menu item and how to disable the mode itself, the network is asked no less than about its activation.

    Standard OS settings allow you to disable developer mode using a simple switch located in the same section of the "For Developers" menu. Nevertheless, when it is deactivated, the menu element itself does not go anywhere and remains still “hanging” in its place. If you want to get rid of it for good, follow these iterations:

    1. Open Settings -> Applications and activate the function to show all installed programs.

    2. Find a program called "Settings" in the list and tap on it.

    3. Now open the "Storage" section.

    4. Click on the button "Erase data"

    5. After a moment, you will see a warning message stating that all information about the selected program will be permanently deleted, and it will not be possible to restore it. This applies to existing work accounts, settings, databases, and other OS configuration items. However, do not be afraid that all this will happen. In fact, nothing terrible will happen, so you can safely click on the "OK" button and confirm your decision.

    As a result of all the actions taken, the "For Developers" menu section will disappear from the visual options menu.

    On a number of gadgets of certain brands, the "Erase data" option is not available for the "Settings" software module. If this is the case, then eliminating the developer mode menu option will only come out when you return the device to factory settings, while losing user information.

    If you decide to use this technique, first create a backup copy of your data in one of the external storages (syncing with a Google account is also suitable). When it's done, open the menu "Settings" -> "Backup and reset".

    In this menu section, select the "Reset settings" option.

    After reviewing the warning message, click the "Reset device" button if you have not opted out of doing so. After that, all user data will be deleted, and you will receive a phone completely reset to factory settings, to which you can “screw” the old address book, a list of downloaded applications and other OS parameters.

    So we figured out what Android developer mode is and how to use it. Its functionality is really great, but be careful with it. As a result of some operations in the "For Developers" menu, you can get a faulty phone, intermittent or systemic errors, or its complete inoperability.

    Important note: The editors are not responsible for malfunctions of your phone and loss of data resulting from experimental handling of the developer menu. You perform all actions with it at your own peril and risk, so you should first familiarize yourself with the item that you are going to change, and not do it thoughtlessly.

    Welcome friends. Today we will tell you how to enable multi-windows for all applications on Android 7, as well as how to make your phone run faster. This is a very simple trick, but you must enable Developer Options to do it. Developer Options is like a secret world for Android lovers to do cool stuff. Not only can you speed up animations, but you can also force all applications to create multi-windows and more, reports . If you are an advanced Android user, you need to know these tricks.

    The developer options have been around since Android 4.2, but until now they've been tucked away in the same place. The good news is that enabling the options is easy, and they work the same way on just about every Android phone or tablet.

    The steps below should work on any device that has a KitKat system or higher. The process may be slightly different, but you just need to find "Build Number."

    1. Go to Settings > About phone/tablet
    2. (Some phones will have an extra step. Click Software Information)
    3. Find the Build Number and click on it a few times
    4. End pressing when he says you are now a developer!
    5. Return to the main page in Settings
    6. You must see Developer Options at the bottom or in Advanced settings
    7. This is it!

    Why do it?

    As we mentioned above, there are some cool tricks that can be done with Developer Options. A trick we always recommend is speeding up animations and transitions. This will make your phone run faster when you open apps and work on the user interface. Every Android user should know this simple trick.

    How to speed up your Android phone

    1. Open Settings > Developer Options
    2. Scroll down, select Animation window 0.5x
    3. Select Animation transition 0.5x
    4. Select Animation speed 0.5x
    5. You can disable animation completely. Once you've done everything, go back to the main screen and turn off the display with the power button. Turn on your phone and enjoy faster animation and interface.

    How to force all applications to use multi-windows

    Android 7.0 introduced native multi-window mode, but not all apps support it. In fact, many applications don't support it, so it's not very useful. But you can force the app to be compatible with the new feature and all you have to do is go back into the secret developer settings.

    1. Follow the steps above to enable developer mode
    2. Open Settings > Developer Options
    3. Scroll down and select Force activities to be resizable(Force apps to resize)
    4. Reboot your phone

    Now you can open any application in multi-window mode. It should be noted that some applications may force close when you put them in multi-window mode. Apps that don't support it will say "This app can't run in multi-window mode," but most of them still work fine.

    Secret Developer Options is one of our favorite things about Android. The average user is not aware of this, but enthusiasts can use them to push their phones to the limit.

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    What is developer mode in android and why is it needed?

    In the settings of your device there is one interesting item "For developers". With it, users can customize the behavior of the system, activate any functions, and developers can debug the desired application / game. For example, in this guide we will how to enable "USB Debugging Mode"(see point 4 in the description of the functions of the developer menu), it looks at the error report, enables factory unlocking of the bootloader and much more.

    Despite the fact that all Android devices have the same settings for developers, device manufacturers may place this option in different sub-items of the "Settings" menu. Now we will analyze how and where to enable / disable developer mode on an Android smartphone or tablet, and then we will tell you what functions and under what circumstances you can use.

    How to enable developer mode on android:

    For clarity, we have attached a video instruction that shows the process of activating the "For Developers" menu.

    If you have developer mode not enabled on android device- try pressing "everything" in the section about the phone, in rare cases notifications may not appear, so just go through the menu, with a high probability you will find that the developer mode has been activated. Otherwise - indicate the model of your device and the version of the firmware / assembly in the comments and we will help you.

    How to remove or disable Developer Options from the settings menu:

    It is worth noting that some of the devices do not allow this operation to be performed, but in most cases the item is hidden with one click.

    Go to the menu "Settings", scroll to point "For developers", go into it and uncheck the box next to the word "Included". The device will automatically return to the previous section and the "For Developers" item will disappear.

    If for some reason you do not have a checkmark next to "Enabled", then you should use the following instructions:

    Open "Settings" -> "Applications" -> "Settings" -> Then go to "Storage" and select "Erase data, Clear cache". This method is suitable for most smartphones and tablets, so if it helped you, be sure to let us know in the comments to the article.

    Next will be useful functions and features of the "For Developers" menu, which may come in handy in certain situations.

    1. Keep the screen on

      If this option is activated, then the screen of your device will never go out if the charger is connected. This feature will be useful for Android application developers who are forced to monitor their offspring for a long time.

      Also, the function may be needed for social networks where “live” updates take place and you do not have the time, desire, to constantly press the screen so that the screen does not turn off. Owners of devices with AMOLED displays should be careful, as the so-called “burn” effect may occur on the screen. The image is printed on the display and cannot be removed later.

    2. Factory unlock

      Unlocking the bootloader on your smartphone / tablet allows you to use custom recovery and other goodies in the future. For example, on a device with a locked bootloader, there is no way to get into the Android recovery menu and return the system to its original form / install a new OS.

      In fact, this setting does not allow you to unlock the bootloader, but it gives you "permission" to perform this action on your device. If you do not plan to perform the manipulations listed above, you should not activate this function.
    3. Running Applications

      Everyone knows that Windows has a task manager that displays which processes are currently running. This allows you to understand what is working at a particular moment and why the computer is not stable, which consumes most of the resources. You will not find such an analogue in the standard settings of Android devices, so the “Running Applications” function can be very useful.

      You can see which apps are running in the background, for how long, and the amount of RAM they are consuming. Do not forcibly try to terminate running processes, this can lead to unexpected consequences. You should not worry, Android has long learned how to manage RAM and users rarely feel its shortage.
    4. USB Debugging Mode

      One of the few features that developers need in the first place. The main purpose of the USB debugging mode is to perform specific actions on your device through transmitted commands from a personal computer. For example, by connecting to the Adnroid SDK, users will be able to install the application through a computer, get the necessary information, and even get ROOT access.

      How to enable usb debugging on android

      To enable usb debugging mode on an android device - go to the "For Developers" menu, find the item "USB Debugging" or "USB Debugging" and activate it!

      Naturally, no one cancels the usefulness of this parameter, but for safety, it is worth disabling USB debugging mode when you are not using it.
    5. Fictitious location

      It's no secret that Android phones and tablets can track your current location. But for sure, few people know that Android has a function that allows you to tell services and applications the fake location of the device. In other words, you should activate the function and then select the program for which the wrong location of your device will be displayed.

    6. Disable absolute level

      If you search, you can stumble upon a lot of questions on the network regarding changing the volume of Bluetooth speakers, headsets and other devices using an Android smartphone. For unknown reasons, this does not always work, the sound becomes either louder or quieter. If you encounter a similar problem and would like to get rid of it, then do not forget to activate the "disable absolute level" function. Otherwise, do not touch this parameter to continue the normal operation of the device.

    7. Visual response

      By activating this function, you will see small dots on the screen, allowing you to find out exactly where the click was made. Useful in several cases: for developers, for people who have problems with point movements, and also when recording video from the device screen for greater clarity.

    In this article, we tried to explain what Developer Mode is, how to enable it, disable it, and what useful features you can use without fear of damaging your smartphone / tablet. Of course, there are a lot of other options in the developer settings, but most of them have no practical value for ordinary users, but are intended primarily for people involved in program development.

    Very often, we may need to enter the so-called developer mode on an Android smartphone or tablet. It is needed, for example, when we want to flash the phone, calibrate the battery or connect the device to ADB on the PC. In general, those who will use DevTools understand what is at stake. So, let's look at how to enable developer mode on Android.

    This function is activated quite simply, but there are nuances. In each of the smartphones, for example, Meizu, Xiaomi or Samsung, it is located in different places.

    In "pure" Android, without various add-ons or shells, regardless of its version (2.3, 4.4.2, 5.1.1, 6.0.1, 7.0, etc.), the setting is in the same place. The path to it is shown in the first method.

    Turn on "pure" Android

    So, let's look at how to enter developer mode on bare Android. You can see it, for example, in the same Google Pixel.

    1. Pull down the notification shade and tap on the gear icon. This is the entrance to our settings.

    1. Scroll the contents of the window to the very bottom and select the item marked in the screenshot. In Android 7.1, it's called About Tablet.

    1. Next, you need to start quickly clicking on the item indicated in the screenshot until you see a notification that the developer mode is unlocked.

    1. We rise one level higher in the settings and see that a new item has appeared here. He is the one you need.

    This is what the developer settings look like on Android 7.1.

    Samsung and Touchwiz

    Let's also think about the many owners of gadgets from Samsung. The fact is that they have a proprietary shell that complements the operating system from Google, and it is called TouchWiz. So, in order to enter and activate developer mode in Samsung Galaxy, you need to do the following:

    1. In the same way as in the case of the “clean” Android, we lower the notification bar and tap on the settings gear.

    1. Scroll the contents to the very bottom and select the section indicated in the screenshot.

    1. Let's move on to information about the software of the phone.

    1. We start repeatedly pressing on the assembly version. Until you see a message about the successful activation of developer mode.

    1. We return to the main settings and see the new item that has appeared. Mission accomplished. You are now a developer!

    The instruction is given on the example of a Samsung Galaxy J7 phone.

    How to enter Xiaomi and MIUI

    Let's consider another option. This time we will enable the developer mode in the Chinese Xiaomi phone based on the add-on for the MIUI 9 operating system. It is the most different from other firmware. Let's get started.

    1. As usual, lower the "curtain" and click the gear icon.

    1. Select the item "About phone" located at the very bottom.

    1. Tap several times on the item indicated in the screenshot.

    1. Stop tapping on the MIUI version when a notification about the successful completion of the operation appears on the screen.

    1. Go to the main settings and click on the item indicated in the screenshot.

    1. It is here that a new section called "For Developers" will appear.

    DevTools looks like this.

    After rebooting the phone, you do not need to enter the mode - it will turn on automatically.

    Results and comments

    This is where we end, but you should understand: opening the menu for developers on Android is very simple, you just need to tap a little, according to our instructions. If you have any questions, we suggest leaving them in the comments and we ourselves or one of the users will definitely help with practical advice.

    Video instruction