• The called party is unavailable, which means. How to get through if this type of communication is not available to the subscriber? The following reasons may contribute to this. The subscriber is unavailable what does a megaphone mean?

    It often happens that, having dialed the number of the right person, we hear in response a very unpleasant phrase: “The subscriber is temporarily unavailable...” A completely logical question immediately arises: “What happened?” What is the reason for the lack of communication with those who urgently need us? And if a similar situation is repeated quite often, it begins to irritate. So let's find out why this happens?

    Fast communication is an advantage of mobile technologies. When connecting two phones, malfunctions can occur either due to a breakdown of the device or lack of contact. When transmitting a signal, the route between the user's device and the base station is the most vulnerable point. Depending on this distance, the signal level changes. In addition, you may hear the phrase “subscriber unavailable” if the mobile device is located

    in the basement, elevator, deep in buildings with thick walls and reinforcement, or on the ground floor. Not the best place for mobile phones is a road tunnel and stage. Here, too, very often the subscriber is unavailable. In addition to these “radio-opaque” places, there are a number of others.

    Mobile operators often build their networks with insufficient safety margins. The reason is that it is unprofitable; a large system with a small number of users is unprofitable. Therefore, especially on holidays (New Year, for example), it is not possible to make a call due to the heavy load on the network. However, there are very few days like this, and everyone is probably already accustomed to this situation.

    It often happens that a subscriber is unavailable due to a breakdown or maintenance. In this case, the loads are transferred to neighboring bases. The latter are not designed for a large number of users. Therefore, the connection with the subscriber is lost.

    Network congestion also occurs due to operator marketing campaigns. These could be unprecedentedly low prices for certain services (low prices for calls within the network). The result of such an event is overload and the inability to connect with the subscriber at some moments.

    How can we solve this problem? Additional equipment can handle it. To avoid a voice saying that the subscriber is temporarily unavailable, MTS, for example, supplies its stations with the most modern equipment that has enough resources. In addition, this company is reconfiguring existing networks. This is being done due to the emergence of new high-rise buildings, as well as microdistricts.

    Trying to cope with the “subscriber unavailable” phenomenon, Beeline, another mobile operator, is also developing projects that improve the quality of the connection. In addition, to improve service, base stations in new areas are located as close as possible to the problem area.

    No network is immune from failures, and if a subscriber is unavailable, perhaps even for a long time, there is no need to panic or get annoyed. There are certain standards that operators must meet. For example, successful connections should not fall below 95%. No one guarantees 100% communication. But for the most part, operators provide a sufficient level of communication.

    What do you mean the subscriber is unavailable?

    When an automatic voice says that the subscriber is unavailable, it means that the phone you are calling is turned off or he has turned off the signal so that no one will disturb him. Perhaps he is in the forest or some other place where he cannot receive communications.

    The subscriber is not available. sometimes it sounds on the phone for reasons like this.

    The phone is turned off (the battery has run out (charging) or the owner of the phone has intentionally turned off the phone.

    Perhaps the subscriber is outside the network coverage area (there is no telephone tower nearby)

    The subscriber is unavailable - this means the person you called cannot receive and answer your call for the following reasons:

    1. The most common occurrence is that someone’s phone runs out of battery and turns off.
    2. The man turned off the phone himself so as not to be disturbed.
    3. The person is in a place where cellular communication does not receive a signal.
    1. The phone is turned off - the battery is dead or something like that.
    2. The subscriber is outside the network coverage area, perhaps in a tunnel, basement, or where there are few towers and the network is lost.
    3. The caller's phone may have the call forwarding feature enabled.

    When we hear on a mobile phone that a subscriber is temporarily unavailable, this means that the phone is either turned off or is dead. Another reason for the subscriber’s unavailability is that he is in a place where communications cannot reach. This often happens in forest areas, in basements.

    If in response to your call you hear

    then we can assume several options for the development of events.

    The culprit for this outcome may be a dead battery. You can also assume that the person you are calling may be outside the network coverage area. A person could also intentionally turn off the device.

    In such a situation, a service will be an excellent assistant when you receive an SMS notification if a subscriber appears on the network who was last unavailable.

    The subscriber is unavailable - this means that at the moment you will not be able to contact him, because he is out of coverage area or his phone is turned off and you will not be able to communicate with this subscriber. Sometimes there are network failures, but this is quickly restored. After such words, you can type a little later or wait for an SMS about its appearance on the network.

    Subscriber unavailability may be due to the following main reasons:

    • there is no connection with the operator’s tower - the subscriber is outside the network coverage area
    • the subscriber’s phone is disconnected - it’s simply turned off or the phone’s battery is dead.

    Cellular communications are so called because the signal is transmitted from tower to tower, which are located in cells at a certain distance and, as it were, transfer us to each other along our route. If your phone is outside this signal, it is inaccessible, that is, there is no connection. If you turn off your phone or it’s dead, the same thing, you’re out of the zone.

    Yes, there are several reasons why you can hear on the phone that the subscriber is not available. Perhaps his phone is turned off, or it may be that his phone does not receive communication. This happens to me when I surf the Internet on my phone.

    What does “subscriber temporarily unavailable” mean?

    A message about the “temporary unavailability” of a number from any cellular operator in most cases means that the phone is currently located in a place where cellular communications are unavailable, or in an area of ​​so-called uncertain reception. In the city it could be a subway train; basements or underground passages; specially screened areas (some concert and theater halls, for example, are specially equipped so that calls during a performance are technically impossible). Outside the city, far from populated areas (including in holiday villages), there are also places where the signal can be very weak and sometimes disappear. Airplane passengers also find themselves “temporarily unavailable.”

    If the phone you are calling is discharged and turns off spontaneously, you will also hear that “the subscriber is temporarily unavailable.” This is considered an "incorrect shutdown of the device." This definition also includes all other cases of device failure as a result of falling on asphalt, into water, and so on.

    For some operators, a message about the subscriber's unavailability can be heard even if the owner of the phone turned it off with his own hands. But most often in such cases, the answering machine reports “The subscriber has switched off the phone” or “The subscriber’s device is turned off or is outside the network coverage area” (the latter message can also be heard if the phone, as in the case of “temporary unavailability”, is in the area with an uncertain reception).

    Another reason why you can hear about the “temporary unavailability” of a phone number is the SIM card being removed from the device. This happens when a phone is stolen, or when the owner of the phone, for example, went on a business trip to another city and changed the SIM card to a local one.

    And the last reason why you can hear an auto-informer informing you that the subscriber is temporarily unavailable is overloaded communication lines. This can happen on holidays (for example, on New Year's Eve, when after the twelfth stroke of the clock everyone starts calling each other with congratulations), in places where large-scale public events are held, or in areas where there are large traffic jams.

    The best thing to do in a situation where you cannot reach an “unreachable” interlocutor is to call back later, in the hope that the subscriber has returned to the zone of reliable signal reception.

    The subscriber's phone is temporarily unavailable, what does this mean, why

    Almost everyone who uses mobile phones and regularly calls family, friends, and colleagues has repeatedly heard “the subscriber’s phone is temporarily unavailable” when calling, or received a message when the phone says “network unavailable.” So why does this happen? Why is the mobile network not available on my phone? What does “subscriber’s phone is temporarily unavailable” mean? Let's find out! We will tell you what it means that a subscriber’s phone is temporarily unavailable and why this happens?

    Why is the subscriber's phone temporarily unavailable?

    In fact, there are several reasons why a subscriber's phone is temporarily unavailable. This does not depend on which cellular operator services the SIM card - Beeline, Megafon, MTS and Tele2 phones may not be available, and also regardless of the phone manufacturer, for example Samsung:

    In a situation where the subscriber's phone is temporarily unavailable, it is best to just wait a little and call him back, or try to send an SMS, or contact him in another way. In this case, when the subscriber appears on the network again and becomes available for a call, the caller should receive the message “This subscriber has appeared on the network.”

    How to make your phone inaccessible

    Making your phone inaccessible is as easy as shelling pears: you just need to turn it off, or remove the SIM card, and you can also simply set “airplane mode” in the phone settings. In addition, you can change the number and install another SIM card. It is worth noting that these methods make it possible to make the phone inaccessible to all subscribers. But to make a phone inaccessible for one number, you need to blacklist it and add it to the list of prohibited ones. Just like that, you can make your phone inaccessible.

    The subscriber's phone is temporarily unavailable: what does this mean?

    What to do if when you call any person it displays “ call back later" or " Subscriber is temporarily unavailable", what does it mean? Why does such a message appear on the operators MTS, Beeline, Megafon, Tele2?

    In this article we will deal with the questions:

    1. The subscriber’s phone is temporarily unavailable, call back later - what does this mean? Why is this happening?
    2. What can be done about this?

    The subscriber’s phone is temporarily unavailable - what does this mean?

    What does the phrase mean: “The subscriber’s phone is temporarily unavailable, call back later,” which we sometimes hear when trying to reach a certain person? And why does he give it away?

    The reason is that the mobile network of the subscriber's phone operator is not available at the time of the call. This can be found in all Russian operators: MTS, Beeline, Megafon, Tele2. In turn, there are several reasons why this can happen:

    1. Poor or no connection. If you call a person whose phone is turned on and it displays the message: “The subscriber’s phone is temporarily unavailable, call back later,” then the reason may be a poor connection or its absence. This can happen if the subscriber is far from a populated area and from the location of the operator’s towers. You can also encounter a similar phenomenon in places where something interferes with signal reception: in the subway, basements, elevators.
      From personal experience I know that a bad connection can occur even in an apartment. My previous mobile operator Tele2 had no connection when I entered my apartment in Krasnodar. And she only appeared if she held the phone to the window. Moreover, this phenomenon was constant.
      You can often encounter the problem of not being able to reach a subscriber on holidays, when the operator’s mobile networks are heavily overloaded.
    2. Phone is turned off. Also, the message: “The subscriber’s phone is temporarily unavailable, call back later” may appear if the person’s phone is turned off. The reasons could be either a person turning off the phone on their own, or the fact that the phone could simply be dead.
    3. Phone problem. One of the common reasons why it displays the message “The subscriber’s phone is temporarily unavailable, call back later” is a malfunction of the mobile phone. This can be either a simple glitch, which can be fixed by simply rebooting the phone, or a very serious problem, which is simply impossible to fix without contacting a service center.
    4. Incorrectly installed SIM card. This can happen if the SIM card is installed incorrectly, or has moved out of the SIM card slot.

    The only thing you can do in such a situation is to follow the advice and call later.

    I hope the article " The subscriber's phone is temporarily unavailable, call back later : what does this mean, what to do"was useful to you.

  • Modern life spoils us. Everyone has already developed the habit that you can contact a person at any moment via mobile phone. Therefore, when the device tells us that the subscriber is out of the network coverage area, there comes a moment of confusion, frustration and even anger. The number is unavailable, not everyone knows what this means at Megafon.


    When callers report that a subscriber is unavailable, this may be due to problems with the phone or network. Here is a more detailed list of reasons for the lack of cellular communication:

    1. No operator has 100% coverage. The network may not catch in certain places: the subway, basements, underground passages, on an airplane.
    2. There are rooms equipped with special screens. This is done to prevent mobile phones in this area from receiving communications. Examples of such places include theaters or concert halls.
    3. In the countryside, the concentration of towers is not so high - this means that the signal may be interrupted, and in some areas even absent.
    4. Line overload can also interfere with communication with the subscriber. This phenomenon is observed on holidays or in traffic jams.

    Now let’s find out what problems with the phone can become an obstacle to communication:

    1. Lack of SIM card.
    2. The device is discharged.
    3. The device has broken down due to impact or water.

    Action template

    There are several scenarios of behavior if the phone tells you that the subscriber is currently unavailable:

    1. Try calling this number back later. There is a high probability that the subscriber will return to the network coverage area or charge the phone.
    2. Send an SMS message. It will notify the user that you called him, and the content of the message will help him orient himself about the purpose of the call.
    3. Leave a message on the answering machine.


    Those who want to always be in touch regardless of the circumstances can subscribe to an additional service from Megafon - “Voicemail”. Its operation resembles a regular mailbox. Callers who were unable to reach you have the opportunity to leave you a voice message. Such messages will be collected and stored until you listen to them. You can activate this option completely free of charge. The daily fee for use is 1.7 rubles.

    To activate the option you need to execute the USSD command *845#call. After this, be sure to call service number 222 and listen to the information. You will be asked to set a password and create a greeting message for your answering machine.

    The next step is to set up redirection. If you do not install it, then the answering machine will not work even in activated mode. You should dial the combination **forwarding condition code*+79262000204.

    You listened to the available encodings when you called 222.

    You can listen to the messages left:

    • by calling short number 222;
    • on the official website of the Megafon company.

    You can deactivate the Voicemail service using the combination *845*0#call or through the operator’s website. After disabling the option, you need to send a request ##forwarding code #call. This is done to cancel call forwarding. This function can be disabled in the smartphone settings. If you are going to leave the designated network coverage area for some time, then you should use the service. With it you will not miss important messages and will be up to date with events. It does not require any special financial costs, which makes Megafon subscribers very happy. With it, you can listen to messages even if your mobile connection fails, via the Internet. It is very comfortable and modern.

    A person gets used to good things very quickly and for a long time. Previously, it was somehow quite normal for most people to live without telephones at all, although if they needed to call relatives in the nearest city they had to go to a call center. Now, if you can’t get through to your mobile phone the first time, some people immediately panic when they hear: “The subscriber is temporarily unavailable.” What does it mean? What's happened? Where did you go? Panic may even set in. Let's try to understand this issue.

    The simplest answers to the question

    First of all, you need to understand that a mobile phone is an ordinary device, stuffed with electronics, which has a battery and an on/off button. Therefore, the reason for the lack of communication may be that the phone is simply discharged or is turned off. In this case, you will not get through to the subscriber at all in the near future.

    But the most annoying thing is that the second or third time the number is dialed, the connection occurs, and no one speaks any messages. Many people feel angry towards their operator and want to change him. In the meantime, the reasons can be very different. And you don’t need to worry too much when you hear on the phone: “The subscriber is temporarily unavailable.” What does it mean? It could mean anything.

    Some information about the principle of mobile communications

    It turns out that the mobility of a modern phone is its weak point. If there is no connection between two conventional devices, then there can be only two reasons: lack of contact between them or a breakdown of one of them. In our case, everything is more complicated. After we dial a number and press the call button, the radio signal goes to the base station, then to the switch, where it undergoes secondary processing and, together with other calls, is sent to your operator, to the switch. Data about all subscribers is stored here and the ability to make a call, location, tariff plan, and so on is determined.

    At the next stage, the call goes to a subscriber on the same network or is redirected to another. There he makes almost the same journey. When the person you are calling answers, a connection is established and then the signal follows back. It may seem that the route is too long and problematic, but this is not at all the case. We have before us a very reliable system that processes thousands of calls per second.

    Still, what does it mean: “The subscriber is temporarily unavailable”?

    Errors may creep into the designated route. The radio channel between your device and the base station is the most vulnerable point. An indirect indicator of communication quality is the level of reception on your phone. When it is small, the likelihood of error increases. Why and where does it fall?

    The signal strength decreases due to obstacles between you and the base station and your distance from it. In some places, the signal may disappear altogether: in elevators, basements, on the first floors, in the depths of large buildings that have metal fittings and thick walls. Stages between metro stations and road tunnels are also not the best places for mobile communications. A failure can also occur from the re-reflection of electromagnetic waves from various radio equipment, base stations and telephones in dense buildings. In this case, operators increase the number of transmitters and use an increased frequency range. But nevertheless, problems with communication are possible. Therefore, when you hear “The subscriber is temporarily unavailable, call back later,” follow the advice - call back later.

    Other causes of problems with mobile communications

    Sometimes, fortunately not too often, switches and base stations are overloaded. This happens on major holidays, weekends, in places of public events or in the area of ​​a large traffic jam. And if the last two examples are local in nature, then the first two are global. There are many other reasons that are so clearly invisible and occur less frequently. Communication between the switch and the base station is transmitted in the form of signals via digital transport channels: these are wired, optical and microwave communication lines. They can be affected by various factors, for example, lightning strikes, rain, power surges, equipment malfunction, construction work, and so on. During work, workers tear optical cables and cut down the antenna feeder. All these lines have backup protection, but until the switching is completed, there will be no communication for some time.

    If a subscriber is temporarily unavailable, what else does this mean? The software on your switch or your phone may freeze. Fortunately, operator equipment rarely fails for this reason.

    There are two other important factors in connection problems. The first is that some subscribers actively use the telephone as a means of accessing the Internet. In this case, it can sometimes be difficult to reach them. The second case, when the subscriber is temporarily unavailable - what does this mean? Sometimes it’s not good: the phone was stolen and the SIM card was thrown away.

    What to do when it is impossible to reach the subscriber?

    Very often, after assessing the situation, looking carefully around or at the phone display, you can make guesses about the cause of communication problems. It happens that a person wanted to make a call while being far from civilization, but did not look at the fact that there was no signal reception level. Get closer to a populated area and try again. Do not make calls in the subway or other similar places. If you find yourself in heavy rain or thunderstorms, wait until nature calms down. If you see that your mobile phone is frozen, reboot it, and the connection will appear. And the most important rule: if the subscriber is temporarily unavailable, call back later. And let's hope that with the development of technology, many of these problems will disappear.

    Where does the connection disappear, or Why do we hear: “the subscriber is unavailable”?

    It often happens that, having dialed the number of the right person, we hear in response a very unpleasant phrase: “The subscriber is temporarily unavailable...” A completely logical question immediately arises: “What happened?” What is the reason for the lack of communication with those who urgently need us? And if a similar situation is repeated quite often, it begins to irritate. So let's find out why this happens?

    Fast communication is an advantage of mobile technologies. When connecting two phones, malfunctions can occur either due to a breakdown of the device or lack of contact. When transmitting a signal, the route between the user's device and the base station is the most vulnerable point. Depending on this distance, the signal level changes. In addition, you may hear the phrase “subscriber unavailable” if the mobile communication device is located in the basement, elevator, deep in buildings with thick walls and reinforcement, or on the ground floor. Not the best place for mobile phones is a road tunnel and stage. Here, too, very often the subscriber is unavailable. In addition to these “radio-opaque” places, there are a number of others.

    Mobile operators often build their networks with insufficient safety margins. The reason is that it is unprofitable; a large system with a small number of users is unprofitable. Therefore, especially on holidays (New Year, for example), it is not possible to make a call due to the heavy load on the network. However, there are very few days like this, and everyone is probably already accustomed to this situation.

    It often happens that a subscriber is unavailable due to a base station failure or maintenance. In this case, the loads are transferred to neighboring bases. The latter are not designed for a large number of users. Therefore, the connection with the subscriber is lost.

    Network congestion also occurs due to operator marketing campaigns. These could be unprecedentedly low prices for certain services (low prices for calls within the network). The result of such an event is overload and the inability to connect with the subscriber at some moments.

    How can we solve this problem? Additional equipment can handle it. To avoid a voice saying that the subscriber is temporarily unavailable, MTS, for example, supplies its stations with the most modern equipment that has enough resources. In addition, this company is reconfiguring existing networks. This is being done due to the emergence of new high-rise buildings, as well as microdistricts.

    Trying to cope with the “subscriber unavailable” phenomenon, Beeline, another mobile operator, is also developing projects that improve the quality of the connection. In addition, to improve service, base stations in new areas are located as close as possible to the problem area.

    No network is immune from failures, and if a subscriber is unavailable, perhaps even for a long time, there is no need to panic or get annoyed. There are certain standards that operators must meet. For example, successful connections should not fall below 95%. No one guarantees 100% communication. But for the most part, operators provide a sufficient level of communication.

    What are the differences between the phrases: “The subscriber is temporarily unavailable” and “The subscriber’s device is turned off”?

    In which situations does the first phrase sound, and in which does the second?

    Miss crazy sexy marvelous

    If you ran out of money some time ago, then the subscriber is temporarily unavailable..
    If you turned off the phone, or went to Bobruisk, where the phone cannot catch the network, then the device is reported to be turned off or is out of the network coverage area.. =)
    So may you have a positive balance and position in the access zone! =)

    Dima VP

    Temporarily unavailable when the signal from the phone cannot find the base and is checked, the subscriber’s device is turned off, this means the same signal is not available, and when the money runs out in the account, the following phrase will sound: “The subscriber’s device is temporarily blocked”

    What are the differences between the phrases: “The subscriber is temporarily unavailable” and “The subscriber’s device is turned off”?
    These phrases might in one sentence through OR and indicate what was said - the BS does not distinguish between these events. And this is the most correct information. But not all OPSOS.

    Evgeniy Kharlan

    If these 2 factors exist, then it is time to move to another cellular operator, even if the money in the account has run out, then the subscriber has the right to talk to another subscriber for his cash account. But if this is not possible, then it is time to leave this cellular operator, you need to show that cellular operators depend on us and not we on them, there are no services from current clients. I have already solved the problem, with a complaint to the Tele 2 office, I decided to my mother, who is now visiting in Kuzbass, after she comes home to offer her to switch with Tele 2 to the Mobile Operator MTC. Because the Tele 2 Mobile Operator makes life difficult for its own customers, which is why I cannot call their subscriber on their own network at my own expense, but must transfer money from my account to the account of another subscriber, it’s extremely simple not convenient!

    “The number is unavailable, leave a message on the answering machine” - what does this mean?

    • his phone is turned off;
    • he is not in the access zone;
    • the person entered my number in the emergency situation;
    • or does it just turn off?

    Chupakhina Tatyana Borisovna

    I can’t speak for all subscribers, but when my contacts’ robot displays such a message, I know that people are simply not in the access zone and when a subscriber appears on the network, I receive an SMS about this.

    I don’t write anything down on auto-tweet because I know people don’t use it.

    Help to

    Let's think logically:

    1. The operator directs you to the subscriber's answering machine.
    2. It turns out that his number will turn on someday, because he must somehow listen to voice mail.
    3. If the subscriber were outside the coverage area of ​​the cellular operator's network, you would not hear the voice notification.
    4. When a person disconnects, you hear short beeps, as you do when the person is already talking to someone (that is, when the line is busy).

    It turns out that the most likely thing is that the subscriber’s phone died and he turned it off on purpose. But the SIM card is fine.

    Why "the subscriber does not answer"?

    This can happen for several reasons, for example: the subscriber does not answer because his phone is turned off, or the subscriber simply does not hear your call. The most common thing is that the subscriber simply has the phone on vibrate. The subscriber may also not want to answer you.


    What do you hear on the phone? Then it will become clearer to you what is happening. I know many varieties of this “no answer”

    1. The usual beeps sound and a melody plays. This means that the person does not hear you or does not want to talk.
    2. Message like "The subscriber is not answering. Leave a message after the signal." About the same thing, a person has a voicemail.
    3. "The subscriber is temporarily unavailable. Call back later." Or "The subscriber's device is out of network coverage. Try calling later." Or "The subscriber is temporarily unavailable. Try calling later" No comments. Somewhere there is no connection or the phone is turned off for some reason.
    4. Your number is on the black list, then short beeps sound, as if busy. No comments here either.
    5. "The line is busy" or "Try to call later. The caller is currently talking." Everything is clear, wait until the conversation ends. And the subscriber will either call himself or be able to pick up the phone if he is ready to have a conversation and hears perfectly.


    First of all, the subscriber may be in transport; in our transport phones have poor reception. The subscriber can go out of town, to the country, to plant potatoes or dig up beds. The subscriber may be at work, at a meeting, not all managers are happy when the phones of their subordinates in their pockets begin to ring in different voices. And the phone can simply get hooked.


    the subscriber is unreachable, he exists de jure, he does not exist de facto, judging by the silence on the air, he does not make counter contacts, or your subscriber is out of reach, or the phone is discharged, or the subscriber is on the verge, or is running as fast as he can to the phone from afar. ..


    The subscriber may not answer for various reasons.

    Let me give you some of them:

    • the subscriber does not want to talk to the caller
    • the subscriber does not hear the call
    • the subscriber lost his phone


    Russians, help, how to understand this phrase: the phone is turned off, discharged, disconnected for non-payment or out of network coverage?
    Please explain!

    Levyj levyj

    If it's an answering machine, then it can turn on either after a certain time of normal beeps, or immediately when the subscriber is offline... If a person has not set up an answering machine, then it is simply temporarily unavailable and the operator is trying to impose a voice mail service...)
    And when it’s blocked or disabled, that’s what they say...

    Julia nord

    In our country, it’s usually “unavailable”, which means the signal does not pass through: in some places in the subway, in remote areas of the city, or in buildings with jammers. You can disconnect, you can say a message, he will then listen to it on voicemail. I usually have this: Well, where are you going?

    Hello friends! If it is important for you to constantly stay in touch, then the phrase: this type of communication is not available to the subscriber will confuse you.

    Most often, nothing terrible happens, but we will look at what such a text means in more detail.

    Let's find out how to understand what this answering machine phrase means.

    The following reasons may contribute to this:

    1. If the subscriber has a negative account and the incoming service is disabled.
    2. With the score close to zero. This happens when you are in roaming.
    3. In case of voluntary blocking.
    4. If there are problems with the SIM card.
    5. Due to network failures.
    6. Due to signal problems.

    Let's take a closer look at why the answering machine produces such a message. In some cases, it is still possible to contact the subscriber.

    Let's find out how to get through in the following situations.

    No money

    If you receive a message “this type of communication is not available to the subscriber” due to insufficient funds, then in some packages or from another operator, incoming messages may be disabled.

    You can also top up your account with a small amount or pay a subscription fee according to the tariff.

    Locking option

    If the balance is negative, incoming messages may be blocked. This can happen when you are in roaming.
    Even if the number is blocked and if the answering machine says that you cannot get in touch, there are other ways to contact the subscriber.

    Your interlocutor will be able to respond to SMS if there is no way to get through. This option is even available for free when traveling abroad.

    If the user is roaming, you can send SMS.

    Network problems

    A network failure can occur with any operator, like Tele2 or any other. This is due to problems in telecommunications infrastructures.

    In rare cases, messages about communication difficulties may also indicate equipment failure.

    If the service is available and there are no problems with money, then make calls with a short interval. Operators often fix the problem quickly.

    In such a situation, you can also send SMS.
    Try these steps:

    • contact support;
    • wait until the problems are resolved;
    • look at the coverage map.

    Problems with the SIM card

    Communication may not be available if there are problems with the SIM card. In this case, it will be recorded by the operator, but will not work correctly.

    In this case, you need to contact the subscriber in another way. If the fee has been paid in full and the problem persists, the card should be checked and replaced at the post office.
    If the number is not in use and a debt has formed, it is recommended to check the expenses on the website and deposit money to get a positive balance.
    You can inform the subscriber that his card does not accept calls.

    What to do if your phone is turned off

    If the mobile device is turned off, a voice message is issued that the subscriber is out of range or that he cannot receive a call. If there is a service "they called me", then the subscriber will receive a message when he appears on the network.
    You can send a message or make a voice recording to your answering machine. If the negative balance is not repaid for a long time, then paid and free services may be turned off.

    You can also leave a message or wait until the network appears.

    Bad signal

    The signal unavailable message may occur when the signal is not reliable. For example, in 2 G coverage areas. In this case, you can view the overlap map on the provider’s website.
    The subscriber may also be unavailable when moving in border areas. This happens when a train moves through the territory of another state or in areas covered by cell towers of foreign operators.

    To maintain communication, you need to activate roaming and top up your account.
    Such problems may also arise when using an LTE 4 G card. If the subscriber does not have such capabilities, then there may be no connection.

    Problems will also arise if the subscriber is outside the coverage area.
    In this case, it is worth changing the phone settings and calling the subscriber in 2 G format. In new devices this can be done without problems, but there are some restrictions in the settings.
    I hope that these simple recommendations will help you quickly determine what the problem is.

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