• What to do if your computer crashes. The computer turns off when starting games: possible causes and solutions to the problem

    It has become quite common for the computer to turn off while playing games. What could be the reasons for this behavior? What should you do in this situation? Is everything as bad as it might seem at first glance? We will find out about all this now. In addition, it is worth exploring several useful tips that will help you avoid this situation.


    So, you are faced with the fact that your computer turns off while playing games. Here, as already mentioned, there are many different reasons. True, we will start with the most obvious and common. Particularly on laptops. This is nothing more than the most common overheating of your hardware.

    So, if you are wondering: “The computer turns off while playing. What should I do?”, then you should worry about ensuring good “ventilation” for your machine. In the case of desktop computers, you can simply open sidebar system unit or install a good cooler. For laptops, as a rule, special stands with cooling are sold. Once you can “cool” the heated parts in a timely manner, the problem will go away on its own. True, not everything is always so good and smooth. Let's explore with you why else the computer turns off during games.


    Here is another very common, but not so dangerous problem that most users face. The thing is that the computer turns off during games due to lack of updated drivers in the system.

    In general, this “collection of libraries and programs” is what the “OS” needs in order to see your equipment and work normally with it. In cases where it is missing or is a very “ancient” version, you cannot hope for successful operation of the computer. For the most part, it will begin to cause the toy to fly out, as well as the “machine” to turn off. Not the best outcome. Especially if you are using a new computer. So, the situation will have to be corrected.

    To do this, you will need to install drivers for all connected equipment, as well as update them where they are already available. After this, you will notice clear progress in solving the problem. But what to do if the computer still turns off during games? Let's figure out what else could be the reasons for this behavior. Although there are many of them, you can handle everything, right?

    System failures

    Another very interesting situation is the occurrence of system failures in the computer. This is why it may start to turn off. True, it is quite difficult to judge the presence of these. Especially if problems arise only when launching toys. Thus, if your computer turns off while playing, you can try to troubleshoot crashes and problems in the operating system. Maybe this will help improve the situation.

    As a rule, system rollback is very often used for this undertaking. It is carried out using system capabilities directly from operating system. Among other things, you also have the right to install some application that corrects system failures and use it. Then there will be no need for a rollback.

    Usually the whole thing comes down to banal scanning and automatic corrections. Once the operating system is up and running, you can try your luck and try playing a little.

    Does your computer turn off while gaming? Then let's find out with you a few more options for the development of events. After all this problem very common among modern gamers and fans of computer toys. So, let's correct the current situation.

    Application conflict

    What should I do if my computer turns off while playing? Well, since we have already examined the rather banal and obvious reasons for such behavior, it is worth moving on to something more difficult and sometimes even dangerous. True, for now we will focus on difficult, but safe for you and your data cases.

    If your computer turns off during a game, then you should think carefully about what else you have running at this time. It is quite possible that applications simply “crowd out” each other and conflict. And this, in turn, causes various problems, including complete shutdown our "machine".

    To be honest, it is quite difficult to predict which specific applications are conflicting. So, you can simply close everything that you do not need for the functioning of the operating system before starting the game. Graphic editors, communication programs, download managers, and so on - all of this should be disabled. Only then try the game again. Did it work? Great then. We can assume that we have dealt with the question: “The computer turns off during the game. What should I do?” All to no avail? Then it’s worth thinking further about what could be the reason for this behavior.


    Our next reason can be met by almost everyone. The point is that modern users, as a rule, prefer to use pirated copies of programs and applications. This behavior leads to various failures and problems. This is why your computer turns off during games.

    True, to say for sure that this is so is a rather bold and unfounded decision. If you only use licensed copies of games, you will have to look for the problem elsewhere. Otherwise, it will be enough to simply reinstall the illegal content and change it to a license. Then the problem will go away.

    To be honest, now few people agree to buy a variety of toys for the computer. So, if you don't want to do this, you can reinstall already existing version applications or download a new one. After that, see if the computer turns off during the game or not. If the problem goes away, then you don’t even have to worry about other scenarios. But in cases where efforts have not brought results, of course, you will have to look further to see what’s what.

    Hard drive

    Our next point is very relevant for laptops. After all, it is with them that users quite often suffer, wondering: “The computer turns off during the game. The temperature is normal, there were no failures. What’s the matter and what to do?” It is likely that the origins of the problem lie in the hardware of your computer. Namely, on the hard drive.

    A rare, but not the most pleasant reason for the computer to turn off during games can be this particular piece of hardware. Equipment malfunction, damage, improper operation - all this can play a cruel joke on the user. It’s good if all this happens on a desktop computer. Here problems, as a rule, are eliminated very, very quickly. But on laptops everything is much worse.

    Take your “car” for repair and explain the current situation. You can think without remorse hard drive, if before shutting down the operating system, you received a message from the series “save important data with hard drive"or something like that. In this situation, it is our current hardware that causes the computer to turn off during games.

    It is not recommended to replace the part yourself. Especially on laptops. If in cases with desktop computer You can still make an exception, then it’s better not to joke with the portable option. The master will select and replacement of hard The disk on the laptop is of better quality and more reliable. But that's not all. We can give a number of other reasons why such an event occurs.


    If your computer turns off while playing Warface or any other game, and all the previous options did not work, then you might consider infecting the operating system with some kind of dangerous virus. The thing is that it is computer infection that often becomes the root of all problems.

    In this case, you will have to check the computer and then organize its treatment. Use an antivirus, enable deep scanning, and then click on the appropriate buttons in the program to perform certain actions. As a rule, this is what will help you return everything to its place.


    Now we know what to do if the computer turns off during a game. To be honest, it’s better not to engage in amateur activities if this operation repeats constantly and with all applications.

    IN in this case it will be better if you take your computer to a specialized service center, where they will help you figure out what's what. There, for a small fee, they will repair your “machine” and eliminate all problems in the operating system.

    Like any other technical device, your computer may behave contrary to your wishes from time to time.

    For example, during a game you can switch off spontaneously, and at the most tense and crucial moment. Needless to say, the situation is not the most pleasant. Let's figure out why a computer may turn off spontaneously and what needs to be done to fix this problem.

    First, let's see how the computer behaves after trying to turn it on again - does it work as if nothing had happened or does it turn off again?

    Computer turns off immediately after turning on

    There may be several reasons for this.

    1. sinks Reset button. Check the position of the button after pressing - it has returned to previous state or not. If the button is stuck in the pressed position, it continues to send a shutdown signal to the computer, and as soon as the processor boots, it immediately begins to shut down again. Return the button to normal position, and the problem will be fixed.

    2. The processor overheated during the game and did not have time to cool down while it was turned off. In order to eliminate this malfunction, you need to understand its causes, which are directly related to the cooling system.

    3. Video card overheating. The causes and solutions to this problem are the same as when the processor overheats.

    4. The power supply is faulty. This can be found out if you replace it with another one that is known to be good, and the computer will then operate normally.

    5. Swelling of electrolytic capacitors. They can be easily recognized on the board: they look like small barrels with a flat top. If upper part“barrels” are raised and swollen - they need to be replaced.

    Eliminate CPU overheating

    The processor of a computer is its most important component: without a processor, any computer becomes just a piece of meaningless hardware. During intensive work, the processor generates heat, and the higher its load, the more it overheats.

    In order for the processor to properly perform its functions, it must be constantly cooled, otherwise due to overheating it will simply fail, and you will have to buy a new one - and this is not a cheap purchase.

    “Manages” the cooling of the processor powerful cooler, driving a stream of air over it. To make things go faster, a multi-fin radiator is glued to the processor plane with special thermal paste, which draws excess heat onto itself and dissipates it through its fins. But over time, dust accumulates on the cooler and radiator. If it is not removed, over time it clogs all the cracks and heat dissipation deteriorates.

    To prevent the processor from overheating, you need to periodically use a regular vacuum cleaner or a can of compressed air remove dust from all the “insides” of the computer on which it has accumulated. This should be done carefully, only with the power off and, if possible, without touching the surface of the boards with the vacuum cleaner pipe. After removing the dust, you need to remove the radiator, remove any remaining old thermal paste from it and apply new one.

    Perhaps there was so much dust that it caused one of the coolers to break - on the processor, video card, power supply, etc. In this case, you need to replace it with a working one, otherwise even after cleaning. New cooler should be no less powerful than the old one - if it turns out to be more powerful, that’s even better, as long as the power supply has enough power.

    Other reasons for computer shutdown

    In fact, a computer can turn off spontaneously during a game for a variety of reasons. For example:

    — the power supply power may not be enough to ensure the system unit operates at full load;

    - the UPS is faulty - the battery needs to be replaced or there is a fault in the control unit;

    - insufficient voltage in the electrical network - its level can be checked by measuring it with a conventional tester, and if the device shows less than standard 220 V, you will have to buy a voltage stabilizer;

    — the extension cord or filter through which the computer is connected has failed;

    — one of the connecting wires has failed.

    These are just some of the reasons why your computer may turn off.

    If you have checked everything mentioned above, but the problem is not resolved, then you will have to call a specialist for help.

      but I noticed that the cooler on the video card does not work

      as a reason
    • Overheat.
      Video chip detachment, video memory glitches.
      Insufficient power to the system in general or the video card in particular.
      Glitches in RAM.
      Errors on the hard drive.
      OS and software errors

      Choose any reason. And it will be possible to determine more accurately only after diagnosis.

      Look at the peak value in the BIOS. If 95+, then set the value lower. If it is 70-90, then most likely the temperature sensor is burned out.
      And yes, 70-90 is too much in any case. Even when buying a machine for gaming, it was worth thinking about appropriate cooling.

      Of course, this is most likely overheating. But there are other reasons - isolated ones.
      So - play, if it turns off in the future, it means you need to either clean it or avoid heating it with some other possible ways, for example, keep the computer only on a flat, cold surface.
      If this does not happen again in the near future, then there is nothing to worry about.

      And, by the way, in BIOS you can configure critical temperature which turns off the computer.

      Don't play?

      You can also try lowering the graphics level in the game and disabling other programs in the background, for example: Skype, browser and uTorrent.

      Laptops are not for gaming at all. But if it turns off during weak games, then you may need to clean and replace the thermal paste
      If he is covered in dust, then he can pass out even without games.

      Check if the capacitors on the motherboard are swollen?
      If not, then most likely the power supply.

      The dragon's fiery breath overheats the computer. This is an idea for complete immersion in the world

      In the settings, uncheck the option "turn off the game completely when placing commands"

      The cooling system is clogged with dust, which is why it gets hot, and turning it off is a protective function to prevent it from overheating.
      If the laptop is under warranty, definitely take it to the warranty service.

    If you encounter a problem such as involuntary shutdown computer, then you need to know the reasons for what is happening, which will tell you what to do next in order to get rid of such sudden PC shutdowns. We would like to immediately note that both a computer and a laptop can turn off on their own, and most importantly, this does not always mean some serious problems with the hardware; perhaps it is simply the effect of a virus. But let's talk about everything in order.

    6 reasons why your computer turns off on its own

    1. Virus. One of the most common causes is a virus that causes the computer to shut down on its own without your instructions. To do this, you should scan your entire PC for viruses.

    2. Overheating of computer components. Carry this out, as a layer of dust can cause overheating, and also pay attention to the coolers, they should all spin quickly.

    3. There is a fault in the power supply. One more common cause If the power supply is damaged, it can burn out due to voltage surges and excessive load from the components.

    4. Malfunction in RAM. Characterized by this type The problem is that before turning off the computer begins to freeze and all functions slow down. To exclude RAM from the list of reasons for turning off the computer, we recommend inserting another one in its place, and also contacting specialists at the service center.

    5. Motherboard failure. Spontaneous shutdown PC will be caused by either a crack or chip on motherboard, or combustion of the capacitor. In general, this happens due to impacts on the system unit or its fall, or because the motherboard has already “outlived its useful life.” Of course, we cannot rule out marriage, but it is quite rare. Again, you won’t be able to independently determine whether the motherboard is to blame for this without using special equipment.

    6. Poor contact. It is quite simple to identify and correct this breakdown - check the tightness of all cords, starting with the outlet, because there may be a problem in surge protector. All plugs must be tightly inserted, both outside the system unit and inside it.

    If your computer turns off while playing, it’s time to service its hardware and software. Both of these can cause problems.

    The reason for this may be a number of software and hardware factors.

    We will talk about the reasons for abnormal shutdown (switching the PC into mode) and ways to get rid of them in this article.


    "Crooked" repack of the game

    There is a high probability that the problem is caused by a low-quality game installer downloaded from the Internet, because not all gamers purchase licensed copies.

    If other gamers complain about a similar situation, delete the game and download it from trusted sources, download a repack from a trusted author, or better yet, spend some money and buy a disc or an official copy of the game, supporting its publisher and developers.

    When downloading/purchasing games carefully study their system requirements. When the specifications do not match them (the PC is too weak), the components will work at their limits, which will not only reduce their lifespan, but will also cause them to generate a lot of heat. And without good cooling this is fraught with rapid overheating of the central or.

    Overheating of the processor/video adapter

    Modern games are very demanding on the PC hardware shell, and running such an application on a computer with an outdated configuration, even if it is possible, the hardware, operating at maximum frequencies, will quickly heat up.

    When the temperature sensors reach their limits, they will signal an immediate interruption of the voltage supply to the motherboard and the computer will turn off during the game.

    Thus manufacturers computer components protect them from premature failure due to overheating.

    If the system does not shut down in time and the PC runs when or exceeds the maximum allowed, electronic component it will simply burn out.

    Overheating may occur for several reasons:

    Contamination is quite easy to deal with at home.

    To do this, we arm ourselves with tools (a screwdriver for unscrewing the case cover, napkins, cotton swabs or a piece of cloth for removing dust).

    We unscrew the side cover of the system unit and carefully remove all dust, especially accumulated on the cooling elements (cooler, radiator).

    If possible, at the central and graphics processors, which should be done at least once a year and if you are confident in your actions.

    Otherwise, it is better to contact a service center with a specialist or a friend who has the appropriate skills.

    In most cases, the problem is precisely dust, hair and other debris that clogs the fan and sticks to radiators/heat sinks, which impairs their thermal conductivity, as well as exhausted thermal paste.

    In the second case, it turns off due to a violation of the integrity or operation of its component(s) in abnormal mode; only radio-savvy users can do without contacting a specialist.

    It’s difficult to find a broken transistor at home, but it’s easy to visually detect a swollen capacitor, and even a beginner can do it.

    On independent replacement element, it is better not to decide and trust the specialists.

    They will check the power supply and replace it if the performance characteristics of the old one do not meet the required ones.

    Driver conflict or malfunction of one of the CPU cores

    Outdated or, on the contrary, new drivers may conflict with games or other applications, and also contain errors (especially new and beta-testing drivers).

    If the previous instructions did not bring positive results, download latest versions drivers for the chipset and with official pages developer.

    Applications for updating drivers, especially when using Windows 10, better not to use, as well as the update center for this OS. We download and update the software manually.

    An error that causes power loss may appear in the event log.

    To find it, follow the instructions below, having first ensured that the PC turns off during the game.

    1. Let's go to.
    2. Switch the rendering method of its icons to icons.

    1. Calling the applet Administration.

    1. Double click on Event Viewer.

    1. In the vertically located menu in the left frame, expand Windows Logs.

    1. We switch to the “System” section and in the central frame of the same name we find an event with a red round icon and the name “Error”.

    To make it easier to find, we sort events by time and focus on approximate time turning off the computer the last time you started the game.

    1. Opening "Event Properties" and study it.

    Based on the information received, we conclude about the culprit, which a beginner will not always be able to do, but with the help search engines You can at least find out what the file that causes the PC to interrupt is responsible for, if it is not related to drivers.