• Impulse response of a circuit example. Transient and impulse characteristics of linear circuits. Basic provisions of the theory of transition processes

    A remarkable feature of linear systems - the validity of the superposition principle - opens a direct path to the systematic solution of problems about the passage of various signals through such systems. The dynamic representation method (see Chapter 1) allows you to represent signals in the form of sums of elementary pulses. If, in one way or another, it is possible to find the reaction at the output that arises under the influence of an elementary impulse at the input, then the final stage of solving the problem will be the summation of such reactions.

    The intended path of analysis is based on the temporal representation of the properties of signals and systems. Equally applicable, and sometimes much more convenient, is analysis in the frequency domain, when signals are specified by Fourier series or integrals. The properties of systems are described by their frequency characteristics, which indicate the law of transformation of elementary harmonic signals.

    Impulse response.

    Let some linear stationary system be described by the operator T. For simplicity, we will assume that the input and output signals are one-dimensional. By definition, the impulse response of a system is a function that is the system’s response to an input signal. This means that the function h(t) satisfies the equation

    Since the system is stationary, a similar equation will exist if the input action is shifted in time by the derivative value:

    It should be clearly understood that the impulse response, as well as the delta function that generates it, is the result of a reasonable idealization. From a physical point of view, the impulse response approximates the response of a system to an input pulse signal of an arbitrary shape with a unit area, provided that the duration of this signal is negligible compared to the characteristic time scale of the system, for example, the period of its own oscillations.

    Duhamel integral.

    Knowing the impulse response of a linear stationary system, one can formally solve any problem about the passage of a deterministic signal through such a system. Indeed, in ch. 1 it was shown that the input signal always admits a representation of the form

    The output reaction corresponding to it

    Now let us take into account that the integral is the limiting value of the sum, therefore the linear operator T, based on the principle of superposition, can be included under the sign of the integral. Further, the operator T “acts” only on quantities that depend on the current time t, but not on the integration variable x. Therefore, from expression (8.7) it follows that

    or finally

    This formula, which is of fundamental importance in the theory of linear systems, is called the Duhamel integral. Relationship (8.8) indicates that the output signal of a linear stationary system is a convolution of two functions - the input signal and the impulse response of the system. Obviously, formula (8.8) can also be written in the form

    So, if the impulse response h(t) is known, then further stages of the solution are reduced to completely formalized operations.

    Example 8.4. Some linear stationary system, the internal structure of which is unimportant, has an impulse response that is a rectangular video pulse of duration T. The pulse occurs at t = 0 and has an amplitude

    Determine the output response of this system when a step signal is applied to the input

    When applying the Duhamel integral formula (8.8), you should pay attention to the fact that the output signal will look different depending on whether or not the current value exceeds the duration of the impulse response. When we have

    If then at the function vanishes, therefore

    The found output reaction is displayed in a piecewise linear graph.

    Generalization to the multidimensional case.

    Until now, it has been assumed that both the input and output signals are one-dimensional. In the more general case of a system with inputs and outputs, partial impulse responses should be introduced, each of which represents the signal at the output when a delta function is applied to the input.

    The set of functions forms a matrix of impulse responses

    The Duhamel integral formula in the multidimensional case takes the form

    where is -dimensional vector; - -dimensional vector.

    Condition of physical realizability.

    Whatever the specific type of impulse response of a physically feasible system, the most important principle must always be satisfied: the output signal corresponding to the impulse input action cannot arise until the moment the impulse appears at the input.

    This leads to a very simple restriction on the type of permissible impulse characteristics:

    This condition is satisfied, for example, by the impulse characteristic of the system considered in Example 8.4.

    It is easy to see that for a physically realizable system, the upper limit in the Duhamel integral formula can be replaced by the current value of time:

    Formula (8.13) has a clear physical meaning: a linear stationary system, processing the signal arriving at the input, carries out a weighted summation of all its instantaneous values ​​that existed “in the past” at - The role of the weighting function is played by the impulse response of the system. It is fundamentally important that a physically implemented system is under no circumstances capable of operating with “future” values ​​of the input signal.

    A physically realizable system must, in addition, be stable. This means that its impulse response must satisfy the condition of absolute integrability

    Transition characteristic.

    Let a signal represented by the Heaviside function act at the input of a linear stationary system.

    Output reaction

    is usually called the transient characteristic of the system. Since the system is stationary, the transient response is invariant with respect to the time shift:

    The previously stated considerations about the physical realizability of the system are completely transferred to the case when the system is excited not by a delta function, but by a single jump. Therefore, the transient response of a physically realizable system is different from zero only at while at t There is a close connection between the impulse and transient characteristics. Indeed, since then based on (8.5)

    The differentiation operator and the linear stationary operator T can change places, so

    Using the dynamic representation formula (1.4) and proceeding in the same way as when deriving relation (8.8), we obtain another form of the Duhamel integral:

    Frequency transmission coefficient.

    In the mathematical study of systems, of particular interest are those input signals that, being transformed by the system, remain unchanged in form. If there is equality

    then is an eigenfunction of the system operator T, and the number X, in the general case complex, is its eigenvalue.

    Let us show that a complex signal at any frequency value is an eigenfunction of a linear stationary operator. To do this, we use the Duhamel integral of the form (8.9) and calculate

    This shows that the eigenvalue of the system operator is a complex number


    called the frequency gain of the system.

    Formula (8.21) establishes a fundamentally important fact - the frequency transmission coefficient and the impulse response of a linear stationary system are related to each other by the Fourier transform. Therefore, always, knowing the function, you can determine the impulse response

    We have come to the most important point of the theory of linear stationary systems - any such system can be considered either in the time domain using its impulse or transient characteristics, or in the frequency domain, setting the frequency transmission coefficient. Both approaches are equivalent and the choice of one of them is dictated by the convenience of obtaining initial data about the system and the ease of calculations.

    In conclusion, we note that the frequency properties of a linear system having inputs and outputs can be described by a matrix of frequency transfer coefficients

    There is a connection law between the matrices, similar to that given by formulas (8.21), (8.22).

    Amplitude-frequency and phase-frequency characteristics.

    The function has a simple interpretation: if a harmonic signal with a known frequency and complex amplitude is received at the input of the system, then the complex amplitude of the output signal

    In accordance with formula (8.26), the modulus of the frequency transmission coefficient (AFC) is an even, and the phase angle (PFC) is an odd function of frequency.

    It is much more difficult to answer the question of what the frequency transmission coefficient should be in order for the conditions of physical realizability (8.12) and (8.14) to be satisfied. Let us present without proof the final result, known as the Paley-Wiener criterion: the frequency transfer coefficient of a physically realizable system must be such that the integral exists

    Let's consider a specific example illustrating the properties of the frequency transfer coefficient of a linear system.

    Example 8.5. Some linear stationary system has the properties of an ideal low-pass filter, i.e. its frequency transmission coefficient is given by the system of equalities:

    Based on expression (8.20), the impulse response of such a filter

    The symmetry of the graph of this function relative to the point t = 0 indicates the impracticability of an ideal low-pass filter. However, this conclusion directly follows from the Paley-Wiener criterion. Indeed, integral (8.27) diverges for any frequency response that vanishes at some finite segment of the frequency axis.

    Despite the impracticability of an ideal low-pass filter, this model is successfully used to approximately describe the properties of frequency filters, assuming that the function contains a phase factor that linearly depends on frequency:

    As is easy to check, here is the impulse response

    The parameter, equal in magnitude to the slope coefficient of the phase response, determines the time delay of the maximum of the function h(t). It is clear that this model reflects the properties of the implemented system more accurately, the larger the value

    Let us consider a linear electrical circuit that does not contain independent sources of current and voltage. Let the external influence on the circuit be represented by

    Step response g (t -t 0 ) of a linear circuit that does not contain independent energy sources is called the ratio of the reaction of this circuit to the influence of a non-unit current or voltage jump to the height of this jump under zero initial conditions:

    the response characteristic of the circuit is numerically equal to the response of the circuit to the action of a single current or voltage jump . The dimension of the transient characteristic is equal to the ratio of the response dimension to the dimension of the external influence, therefore the transient characteristic can have the dimension of resistance, conductivity, or be a dimensionless quantity.

    Let the external influence on the circuit have the form of an infinitely short pulse of infinitely large height and finite area A I:

    And .

    The reaction of the chain to this influence at zero initial conditions will be denoted by

    Impulse response h (t -t 0 ) of a linear circuit that does not contain independent energy sources is the ratio of the reaction of this circuit to the influence of an infinitely short pulse of infinitely large height and finite area to the area of ​​this pulse under zero initial conditions:

    ⁄ and .

    As follows from expression (6.109), The impulse response of the circuit is numerically equal to the response of the circuit to the action of a single impulse(A I = 1). The dimension of the impulse characteristic is equal to the ratio of the dimension of the circuit response to the product of the dimension of the external influence and time.

    Like the complex frequency and operator characteristics of a circuit, the transient and impulse characteristics establish a connection between the external influence on the circuit and its response; however, unlike the complex frequency and operator characteristics, the argument of the transition and impulse characteristics is time t, and not angular ω or complex p frequency. Since the characteristics of the circuit, the argument of which is time, are called temporal, and the argument of which is frequency (including complex) - frequency characteristics

    sticks (see module 1.5), then the transient and impulse characteristics refer to the timing characteristics of the circuit.

    Each pair “external influence on the circuit - circuit reaction” can be associated with a certain complex frequency

    To establish the connection between these characteristics, we will find operator images of the transition and impulse characteristics. Using Expressions

    (6.108), (6.109), we write

    Operator images of the circuit reaction to external

    tion of impact. Expressing

    through camera images of external



    ; we get

    0 operator images of transient and impulse nature

    stick have a particularly simple form:

    Thus, the impulse response of the circuit

    This is a function

    whose Laplace expression is the operator characteristic of the

    between the frequency and time characteristics of the circuit. Knowing, for example, the impulse characteristic, one can use the direct Laplace transform to find the corresponding operator characteristic of the circuit

    Using expressions (6.110) and the differentiation theorem (6.51), it is easy to establish a connection between the transition and impulse characteristics:

    Consequently, the impulse response of the circuit is equal to the first derivative of the transient response with respect to time. Due to the fact that the transient characteristic of the circuit g (t-t 0 ) is numerically equal to the reaction of the circuit to the action of a single voltage or current jump applied to the circuit with zero initial conditions, the values ​​of the function g (t-t 0 ) at t< t 0 равны нулю. Поэтому, строго говоря, переход ную характеристику цепи следует записывать как g (t-t 0 ) ∙ 1(t-t 0 ), а не g (t-t 0 ). За меняя в выражении (6.112) g (t-t 0 ) на g (t-t 0 ) ∙ 1(t-t 0 ) и используя соотношение (6.104), получаем

    Expression (6.113) is known as generalized derivative formulas. The first term in this expression represents the derivative of the transition characteristic at t > t 0 , and the second term contains the product of the δ function and the value of the transition characteristic at the point t = t 0 . If at t = t 0 the function g (t-t 0 ) changes abruptly, then the impulse response of the circuit contains the δ function multiplied by the height of the jump in the transient response at the point t = t 0 . If the function g (t-t 0) does not undergo a discontinuity at t = t 0, i.e., the value of the transition characteristic at the point t = t 0 is equal to zero, then the expression for the generalized derivative coincides with the expression for the ordinary derivative.

    Methods for determining timing characteristics

    To determine the timing characteristics of a linear circuit, in the general case, it is necessary to consider the transient processes that take place in a given circuit when it is exposed to a single jump (single pulse) of current or voltage. This can be done using the classical or operator method of transient analysis. In practice, to find the time characteristics of linear circuits, it is convenient to use another way, based on the use of relationships that establish a connection between frequency and time characteristics. Determination of time characteristics in this case begins with the composition

    operator characteristic of the circuit and using relations (6.110) or (6.111), determine the required time characteristics.

    giving the circuit a certain energy. In this case, the inductance currents and capacitor voltages change abruptly to a value corresponding to the energy entering the circuit. At the second stage (at) the action of the external influence applied to the circuit has ended (at the same time, the corresponding energy sources are turned off, i.e., represented by internal resistances), and free processes arise in the circuit, occurring due to the energy stored in the reactive elements on the first stage of the transition process. Thus, the impulse characteristic of a circuit, numerically equal to the reaction to the action of a single current or voltage pulse, characterizes free processes in the circuit under consideration.

    Example 6.7. For a circuit whose diagram is shown in Fig. 3.12a, let’s find the transient and impulse characteristics in idle mode at clamps 2–2". External influence

    voltage on the circuit - voltage at terminals 1-1"

    Circuit reaction - terminal voltage

    The operator characteristic of this chain, corresponding to the given pair “external influence on the chain - reaction of the chain,” was obtained in Example 6.5:

    x ⁄ .

    Consequently, the operator images of the transition and impulse characteristics of the circuit have the form

    ⁄ ;

    1 ⁄ 1 ⁄ .

    Using the tables of the inverse Laplace transform (see Appendix 1), we move from the images of the required time characteristics to the originals of Fig. 6.20, a, b:

    Note that the expression for the impulse response of the circuit can also be obtained using formula 6.113 applied to the expression for the transient response of the circuit gt.

    For a qualitative explanation of the type of transient and impulse characteristics of the circuit in this inclusion, Fig. 6.20, a, b, we connect an independent voltage source to terminals 1-1" Fig. 6.20, c. The transient response of this circuit is numerically equal to the voltage at terminals 2-2" when a single voltage surge is applied to the circuit

    1 At and zero initial conditions. At the initial moment of time after commutation

    tion, the inductance resistance is infinitely large, therefore at t

    at the output of the circuit is equal to the voltage at terminals 1-1": u 2 |t 0

    u 1| t 0

    1 B. Over time

    As the voltage across the inductance decreases, tending to zero at t

    ∞. Accordingly

    And with this, the transient response starts from the value g 0

    1 and tends to zero

    The impulse response of the circuit is numerically equal to the voltage at terminals 2 - 2"

    when a single voltage pulse is applied to the input of the circuit e t

    Duhamel integral.

    Knowing the response of the circuit to a single disturbing influence, i.e. transient conductivity function and/or transient voltage function, you can find the response of the circuit to an influence of an arbitrary shape. The method, the calculation method using the Duhamel integral, is based on the principle of superposition.

    When using the Duhamel integral to separate the variable over which the integration is performed and the variable that determines the moment of time at which the current in the circuit is determined, the first is usually denoted as , and the second as t.

    Let at the moment of time to the circuit with zero initial conditions (passive two-terminal network PD in Fig. 1) a source with a voltage of arbitrary shape is connected. To find the current in the circuit, we replace the original curve with a step one (see Fig. 2), after which, taking into account that the circuit is linear, we sum up the currents from the initial voltage jump and all voltage steps up to moment t, which come into effect with a time delay.

    At time t, the component of the total current determined by the initial voltage surge is equal to .

    At the moment of time there is a voltage surge , which, taking into account the time interval from the beginning of the jump to the time point of interest t, will determine the current component.

    The total current at time t is obviously equal to the sum of all current components from individual voltage surges, taking into account , i.e.

    Replacing the finite time increment interval with an infinitesimal one, i.e. passing from the sum to the integral, we write

    . (1)

    Relationship (1) is called Duhamel integral.

    It should be noted that voltage can also be determined using the Duhamel integral. In this case, instead of transition conductivity, (1) will include a transition voltage function.

    Calculation sequence using
    Duhamel integral

    As an example of using the Duhamel integral, we determine the current in the circuit in Fig. 3, calculated in the previous lecture using the inclusion formula.

    Initial data for calculation: , , .

    1. Transient conductivity


    18. Transfer function.

    The relation of the influence operator to its own operator is called the transfer function or transfer function in operator form.

    A link described by an equation or equations in a symbolic or operator form can be characterized by two transfer functions: a transfer function for the input value u; and the transfer function for the input quantity f.


    Using transfer functions, the equation is written as . This equation is a conditional, more compact form of writing the original equation.

    Along with the transfer function in operator form, the transfer function in the form of Laplace images is widely used.

    Transfer functions in the form of Laplace images and operator form coincide up to notation. The transfer function in the form, Laplace images can be obtained from the transfer function in operator form, if the substitution p=s is made in the latter. In the general case, this follows from the fact that differentiation of the original - symbolic multiplication of the original by p - under zero initial conditions corresponds to multiplication of the image by a complex number s.

    The similarity between transfer functions in the form of the Laplace image and in the operator form is purely external, and it occurs only in the case of stationary links (systems), i.e. only under zero initial conditions.

    Let's consider a simple RLC (series) circuit, its transfer function W(p)=U OUT /U IN

    Fourier integral.

    Function f(x), defined on the entire number line is called periodic, if there is a number such that for any value X equality holds . Number T called period of the function.

    Let us note some properties of this function:

    1) Sum, difference, product and quotient of periodic functions of period T is a periodic function of period T.

    2) If the function f(x) period T, then the function f(ax)has a period.

    3) If f(x) - periodic function of period T, then any two integrals of this function, taken over intervals of length T(in this case the integral exists), i.e. for any a And b equality is true .

    Trigonometric series. Fourier series

    If f(x) is expanded on a segment into a uniformly convergent trigonometric series: (1)

    Then this expansion is unique and the coefficients are determined by the formulas:

    Where n=1,2, . . .

    Trigonometric series (1) of the type considered with coefficients is called trigonometric Fourier series.

    Complex form of the Fourier series

    The expression is called the complex form of the Fourier series of the function f(x), if defined by equality

    , Where

    The transition from the Fourier series in complex form to the series in real form and back is carried out using the formulas:

    (n=1,2, . . .)

    The Fourier integral of a function f(x) is an integral of the form:

    , Where .

    Frequency functions.

    If you apply to the input of a system with a transfer function W(p) harmonic signal

    then after the transition process is completed, harmonic oscillations will be established at the output

    with the same frequency, but different amplitude and phase, depending on the frequency of the disturbing influence. From them one can judge the dynamic properties of the system. Dependencies connecting the amplitude and phase of the output signal with the frequency of the input signal are called frequency characteristics(CH). Analysis of the frequency response of a system in order to study its dynamic properties is called frequency analysis.

    Let's substitute expressions for u(t) And y(t) into the dynamics equation

    (aоp n + a 1 pn - 1 + a 2 p n - 2 + ... + a n)y = (bоp m + b 1 p m-1 + ... + b m)u.

    Let's take into account that

    pnu = pnU m ejwt = U m (jw)nejwt = (jw)nu.

    Similar relationships can be written for the left side of the equation. We get:

    By analogy with the transfer function, we can write:

    W(j), equal to the ratio of the output signal to the input signal when the input signal changes according to the harmonic law, is called frequency transfer function. It is easy to see that it can be obtained by simply replacing p by j in the expression W(p).

    W(j) is a complex function, therefore:

    where P() - real frequency response (RFC); Q() - imaginary frequency response (ICH); A() - amplitude frequency response (AFC): () - phase frequency response (PFC). The frequency response gives the ratio of the amplitudes of the output and input signals, the phase response gives the phase shift of the output quantity relative to the input:


    If W(j) is represented as a vector on the complex plane, then when changing from 0 to + its end will draw a curve called vector hodograph W(j), or amplitude-phase frequency response (APFC)(Fig. 48).

    The AFC branch when changing from - to 0 can be obtained by mirroring this curve relative to the real axis.

    TAU is widely used logarithmic frequency characteristics (LFC)(Fig.49): logarithmic amplitude frequency response (LAFC) L() and logarithmic phase frequency response (LPFC) ().

    They are obtained by taking the logarithm of the transfer function:

    LFC is obtained from the first term, which is multiplied by 20 for scaling reasons, and not the natural logarithm is used, but the decimal one, that is, L() = 20lgA(). The value of L() is plotted along the ordinate axis in decibels.

    A change in signal level by 10 dB corresponds to a change in its power by a factor of 10. Since the power of the harmonic signal P is proportional to the square of its amplitude A, a change in the signal by 10 times corresponds to a change in its level by 20 dB, since

    log(P 2 /P 1) = log(A 2 2 /A 1 2) = 20log(A 2 /A 1).

    The abscissa axis shows the frequency w on a logarithmic scale. That is, unit intervals along the abscissa axis correspond to a change in w by a factor of 10. This interval is called decade. Since log(0) = -, the ordinate axis is drawn arbitrarily.

    The LPFC obtained from the second term differs from the phase response only in the scale along the axis. The value () is plotted along the ordinate axis in degrees or radians. For elementary links it does not go beyond: - +.

    Frequency characteristics are comprehensive characteristics of the system. Knowing the frequency response of the system, you can restore its transfer function and determine its parameters.


    It is generally accepted that a link is covered by feedback if its output signal is fed to the input through some other link. Moreover, if the feedback signal is subtracted from the input action (), then the feedback is called negative. If the feedback signal is added to the input action (), then the feedback is called positive.

    The transfer function of a closed circuit with negative feedback - the link covered by negative feedback - is equal to the forward circuit transfer function divided by one plus the open circuit transfer function

    The closed-loop transfer function with positive feedback is equal to the forward-loop transfer function divided by one minus the open-loop transfer function

    22. 23. Quadrupoles.

    When analyzing electrical circuits in problems of studying the relationship between variables (currents, voltages, powers, etc.) of two branches of the circuit, the theory of four-terminal networks is widely used.

    Quadrupole- This is a part of a circuit of any configuration that has two pairs of terminals (hence its name), usually called input and output.

    Examples of a four-terminal network are a transformer, amplifier, potentiometer, power line and other electrical devices in which two pairs of poles can be distinguished.

    In general, quadripoles can be divided into active, whose structure includes energy sources, and passive, branches of which do not contain energy sources.

    To write the equations of a four-terminal network, we select in an arbitrary circuit a branch with a single energy source and any other branch with some resistance (see Fig. 1, a).

    In accordance with the principle of compensation, we replace the original resistance with a source with voltage (see Fig. 1,b). Then, based on the superposition method for the circuit in Fig. 1b can be written

    Equations (3) and (4) are the basic equations of the quadripole; they are also called quadripole equations in A-form (see Table 1). Generally speaking, there are six forms of writing the equations of a passive quadripole. Indeed, a four-terminal network is characterized by two voltages and and two currents and. Any two quantities can be expressed in terms of the others. Since the number of combinations of four by two is six, then six forms of writing the equations of a passive quadripole are possible, which are given in Table. 1. Positive directions of currents for various forms of writing equations are shown in Fig. 2. Note that the choice of one or another form of equations is determined by the area and type of problem being solved.

    Table 1. Forms of writing the equations of a passive quadripole

    Form Equations Connection with the coefficients of the basic equations
    A-shape ; ;
    Y-shape ; ; ; ; ; ;
    Z-shape ; ; ; ; ; ;
    H-shape ; ; ; ; ; ;
    G-shape ; ; ; ; ; ;
    B-shape ; . ; ; ; .

    Characteristic impedance and coefficient
    propagation of a symmetrical quadripole

    In telecommunications, the operating mode of a symmetrical four-port network is widely used, in which its input resistance is equal to the load resistance, i.e.


    This resistance is designated as and called characteristic resistance symmetrical four-port network, and the operating mode of the four-port network, for which it is true


    Impulse (weight) response or impulse function chains - this is its generalized characteristic, which is a time function, numerically equal to the response of the circuit to a single pulse action at its input under zero initial conditions (Fig. 13.14); in other words, it is the response of a circuit free of initial energy reserve to the Diran delta function
    at its entrance.

    can be determined by calculating the transition
    or gear
    circuit function.

    Function calculation
    using the circuit's transient function. Let at the input influence
    the reaction of a linear electric circuit is
    . Then, due to the linearity of the circuit with an input action equal to the derivative
    , the reaction of the chain will be equal to the derivative

    As noted, when
    , chain reaction
    , and if
    , then the chain reaction will be
    , i.e. impulse function

    According to the sampling property
    . Thus, the impulse function of the circuit

    . (13.8)

    , then the impulse function has the form

    . (13.9)

    Therefore, the dimension of the impulse response is equal to the dimension of the transient response divided by time.

    Function calculation
    using the circuit transfer function. According to expression (13.6), when acting on the function input
    , the response of the function will be the transition function


    On the other hand, it is known that the image of the derivative of a function with respect to time
    , at
    , is equal to the product


    , (13.10)

    those. impulse response
    chain is equal to the inverse Laplace transform of its transfer

    Example. Let us find the pulse function of the circuit whose equivalent circuits are shown in Fig. 13.12, A; 13.13.


    The transition and transfer functions of this circuit were obtained earlier:

    Then, according to expression (13.8)


    Impulse response plot
    the circuit is shown in Fig. 13.15.


    Impulse response
    introduced for the same two reasons as the step response

    1. Single impulse impact
    – an abrupt and therefore quite heavy external influence for any system or circuit. Therefore, it is important to know the reaction of the system or circuit under such an influence, i.e. impulse response

    2. Using some modification of the Duhamel integral, we can, knowing
    calculate the response of a system or circuit to any external disturbance (see further paragraphs 13.4, 13.5).

    4. Imposition integral (duhamel).

    Let an arbitrary passive two-terminal network (Fig. 13.16, A) is connected to a source that continuously changes from the moment
    voltage (Fig. 13.16, b).

    Need to find the current (or voltage) in any branch of the two-terminal network after the switch is closed.

    We will solve the problem in two stages. First, we find the desired value when turning on a two-terminal network for a single voltage jump, which is specified by a single step function

    It is known that the reaction of a circuit to a single jump is step response (function)

    For example, for
    – circuit current transient function
    (see clause 2.1), for
    – circuit voltage transient function

    In the second stage, continuously changing voltage
    replace with a step function with elementary rectangular jumps
    (see Fig. 13.16 b). Then the process of voltage change can be represented as switching on at
    DC voltage
    , and then as the inclusion of elementary constant voltages
    , shifted relative to each other by time intervals
    and having a plus sign for the increasing and minus sign for the decreasing branch of the given voltage curve.

    Component of the desired current at the moment from constant voltage
    is equal to:


    Component of the desired current from an elementary voltage surge
    , switched on at the moment of time is equal to:


    Here the argument of the transition function is time
    , since an elementary voltage surge
    takes effect temporarily later than the closing of the key or, in other words, since the time interval between the moment the beginning of the action of this jump and the moment of time equals

    Elementary power surge


    – scale factor.

    Therefore, the required current component

    Elementary voltage surges are included in the time interval from
    until the moment , for which the required current is determined. Therefore, summing up the current components from all jumps, moving to the limit at
    , and taking into account the current component from the initial voltage surge
    , we get:

    The last formula for determining the current with a continuous change in the applied voltage


    called superposition integral or Duhamel integral (the first form of writing this integral).

    The problem of connecting a circuit and a current source is solved in a similar way. According to this integral, the reaction of the chain, in general,
    at some point after the start of exposure
    determined by the entire part of the impact that took place before the point in time .

    By replacing variables and integrating by parts, we can obtain other forms of writing the Duhamel integral, equivalent to expression (13.11):

    The choice of the form of writing the Duhamel integral is determined by the convenience of calculation. For example, in case
    is expressed by an exponential function, formula (13.13) or (13.14) turns out to be convenient, which is due to the ease of differentiation of the exponential function.

    It is convenient to use a form of notation in which the term before the integral vanishes.

    Voluntary influence
    can also be presented as a sum of sequentially connected pulses, as shown in Fig. 13.17.

    For infinitesimal pulse durations
    we obtain formulas for the Duhamel integral similar to (13.13) and (13.14).

    The same formulas can be obtained from relations (13.13) and (13.14), replacing them with the derivative function
    impulse function


    Thus, based on the formulas of the Duhamel integral (13.11) – (13.16) and the time characteristics of the circuit
    time functions of circuit responses can be determined
    to voluntary influences

    Impulse is a function without any time support. With differential equations is used to obtain the natural response of the system. Its natural response is a reaction to the initial state. A forced response of a system is a response to input, neglecting its initial formation.

    Since the impulse function does not have any time support, it is possible to describe any initial state arising from the corresponding weighted quantity, which is equal to the mass of the body produced by the speed. Any arbitrary input variable can be described as a sum of weighted pulses. As a result, for a linear system it is described as the sum of the “natural” responses to the states represented by the quantities under consideration. This is what the integral explains.

    When the impulse response of a system is calculated, a natural response is essentially produced. If the sum or integral of a convolution is examined, it is basically solving this input to a series of states, and then the initially formed response to those states. Practically for the impulse function, we can give an example of a punch in boxing, which lasts very little, and after that there will be no next one. Mathematically, it is only present at the starting point of a realistic system, having a high (infinite) amplitude at that point, and then fades away continuously.

    The impulse function is defined as follows: F(X)=∞∞ x=0=00, where the response is a characteristic of the system. The function in question is actually a region of a rectangular pulse at x=0, the width of which is assumed to be zero. At x=0 the height of h and its width 1/h is the actual start. Now, if the width becomes negligible, that is, almost tends to zero, this makes the corresponding height h tend to infinity. This defines the function as infinitely high.

    Design response

    The impulse response is as follows: Whenever an input signal is assigned to the system (block) or processor, it modifies or processes it to give the desired output warning depending on the transfer function. System response helps determine the fundamentals, design, and response for any sound. The delta function is a generalized function that can be defined as the limit of a class of specified sequences. If we take a pulse signal, then it goes without saying that it is the spectrum of direct current in the frequency domain. This means that all harmonics (ranging from frequency to +infinity) contribute to the signal in question. The spectrum of the frequency response indicates that this system provides this order of amplification or attenuation of this frequency or suppresses these oscillating components. Phase refers to the shift provided for different harmonics of the frequency.

    Thus, the impulse characteristics of a signal indicate that it contains the entire frequency range, and is therefore used for system testing. Because if any other notification method is used, it will not have all the necessary designed parts, hence the response will remain unknown.

    Device response to external factors

    When processing an alert, the impulse response is its output when it is represented by a brief input signal called an impulse. More generally, it is the reaction of any dynamic system in response to some external changes. In both cases, the impulse response describes a function of time (or perhaps as some other independent variable that parameterizes dynamic behavior). It has infinite amplitude only at t=0 and zero everywhere, and, as the name suggests, its impulse i, e acts for a short period.

    When applied, any system has a transfer function from input to output, which describes it as a filter that affects the phase and the above quantity in the frequency range. This frequency response using impulse methods is measured or calculated digitally. In all cases, the dynamic system and its characteristic can be real physical objects or mathematical equations describing such elements.

    Mathematical description of pulses

    Since the function under consideration contains all frequencies, the criteria and description determine the response of the linear time invariant structure for all quantities. Mathematically, how momentum is described depends on whether the system is modeled in discrete or continuous time. It can be modeled as the Dirac delta function for continuous-time systems or as the Kronecker value for a discontinuous design. The first represents the limiting case of a pulse that was very short in time, maintaining its area or integral (thus producing an infinitely high peak). Although this is not possible in any real system, it is a useful idealization. In Fourier analysis theory, such a pulse contains equal parts of all possible excitation frequencies, making it a convenient test probe.

    Any system in the large class known as linear time invariant (LTI) is completely described by an impulse response. That is, for any input, the output can be calculated in terms of the input and the immediate concept of the quantity in question. The impulse description of the linear transformation is an image of the Dirac delta function under the transformation, analogous to the fundamental solution of the partial differential operator.

    Features of pulse designs

    It is usually easier to analyze systems using transfer impulse responses rather than responses. The quantity under consideration is the Laplace transform. A scientist's improvement in a system's output can be determined by multiplying the transfer function by this input action in the complex plane, also known as the frequency domain. The inverse Laplace transform of this result will give the output in the time domain.

    Determining the output directly in the time domain requires convolving the input with the impulse response. When the transfer function and Laplace transform of the input are known. A mathematical operation that applies to two elements and implements a third may be more complex. Some prefer the alternative of multiplying two functions in the frequency domain.

    Real Application of Impulse Response

    In practical systems, it is impossible to create a perfect pulse for input data for testing. Therefore, a short signal is sometimes used as an approximation of the magnitude. Provided that the pulse is short enough compared to the response, the result will be close to the true, theoretical one. However, in many systems, an entry with a very short, strong pulse can drive the design into a nonlinear mode. So instead it is driven by a pseudo-random sequence. Thus, the impulse response is calculated from the input and output signals. The response, viewed as a Green's function, can be thought of as an "influence" - how the entry point affects the output.

    Characteristics of pulse devices

    Speakers is an application that demonstrates the very idea (the development of impulse response testing in the 1970s). Loudspeakers suffer from phase inaccuracy, a defect, as opposed to other measured properties such as frequency response. This underdeveloped criterion is caused by (slightly) delayed oscillations/octaves, which are mainly the result of passive cross-passes (especially higher order filters). But also caused by resonance, internal volume or vibration of body panels. The response is the finite impulse response. Its measurement provided a tool for use in reducing resonances through the use of improved materials for the cones and cabinets, as well as changes in the crossover of the speakers. The need to limit amplitude to maintain system linearity has led to the use of inputs such as pseudo-random sequences of maximum length, and to the assistance of computer processing to obtain the remaining information and data.

    Electronic change

    Impulse response analysis is a fundamental aspect of radar, ultrasound imaging, and many areas of digital signal processing. An interesting example would be broadband Internet connections. DSL services use adaptive equalization techniques to help compensate for signal distortion and interference introduced by the copper telephone lines used to deliver the service. They are based on outdated circuits, the impulse response of which leaves much to be desired. This has been replaced by modernized coverage for the use of the Internet, television and other devices. These advanced designs have the potential to improve quality, especially since today's world is all about internet connections.

    Control systems

    In control theory, impulse response represents the response of a system to a Dirac delta input. This is useful when analyzing dynamic structures. The Laplace transform of the delta function is equal to one. Therefore, the impulse response is equivalent to the inverse Laplace transform of the system transfer function and filter.

    Acoustic and sound applications

    Here, impulse responses allow the sound characteristics of a location, such as a concert hall, to be recorded. Various packages are available containing location-specific alerts, from small rooms to large concert halls. These impulse responses can then be used in convolution reverberation applications to allow the acoustic characteristics of a specific location to be applied to the target sound. That is, in fact, analysis occurs, separation of various alerts and acoustics through a filter. The impulse response in this case can give the user a choice.

    Financial component

    In modern macroeconomic modeling, impulse response functions are used to describe how it responds over time to exogenous quantities, which scientific researchers usually call shocks. And are often simulated in the context of vector autoregression. Impulses that are often considered exogenous from a macroeconomic perspective include changes in government spending, tax rates and other fiscal policy parameters, changes in the monetary base or other capital and credit policy parameters, changes in productivity or other technological parameters; transformation in preferences, such as degree of impatience. Impulse response functions describe the response of endogenous macroeconomic variables such as output, consumption, investment and employment during a shock and at subsequent points in time.

    More specifically about impulse

    Essentially, current and impulse response are interrelated. Because each signal can be modeled as a series. This occurs due to the presence of certain variables and electricity or a generator. If the system is both linear and time-dependent, the response of the instrument to each response can be calculated using the reflexes of the quantity in question.