• How to congratulate with a postcard in contact. How to send a postcard Vkontakte: a guide for inexperienced network users

    You will need

    • - VKontakte account;
    • - appropriate postcard - file in PNG format, JPG, GIF or any other of your choice.


    In the menu located on your VKontakte page at the top left, select the item "My messages" and click on it. Select the person you want to send your postcard to.

    Click on a conversation or message from the list. At the bottom of the page in front of you (under the dialog) a window will open for entering a new message. Below it on the right is the "Attach" button.

    In the message box, write any of your congratulations and wishes to the addressee of the card. Send a message (to do this, click on the blue "Send" button on the left).

    Similarly, you can attach to messages music files, videos, text documents, geographical maps and so on. You can also select the "Gift" item in the drop-down menu and present one of the cute pictures offered by VKontakte to a friend.

    If desired, you can use a ready-made postcard taken in one of the specialized applications. social network. To do this, in the upper blue panel on the VKontakte page, select the "Games" item. In the search field that opens, enter the word "Postcards". Choose any application you like and click on it. In the window that opens, click "Launch Application". Now you can choose the right card for almost any occasion. It remains only to hang it on the wall of a friend.


    • vkontakte how to send a postcard

    Postcard is universal way congratulate a friend or a good friend. If you are not a natural speaker and storyteller, then it is better for you not to experiment with complex writing or acting congratulations. Write a congratulatory postcard and attach it to a gift.


    The choice of gift is yours. If it is a traditional envelope, it should also be accompanied by a postcard. Why? If several such gifts are presented to the hero of the occasion, the next morning he may not remember who gave him and how much money (after all, the person is interested). The fact is that on envelopes with money your name is not accepted. And if you, when presenting the coveted envelope, unfold postcard written by you, and read the congratulatory text, the birthday boy will have enough time to look at the envelope and remember who gave it.

    In its classic form, a postcard consists of three information blocks: an introductory, descriptive and final part.

    The introductory part is a solemn appeal to the hero of the occasion. Usually addressed by patronymic, especially if the birthday person is older than you. However, you can also turn to a close friend in your own way (like “Sanya”, “Seryoga”, and so on).

    Next comes the descriptive part, in which you need to describe the positive characteristics of a person, his successes and achievements, some of his biography and much more, for which there is enough imagination. It can be the organizational skills of the birthday man, a remarkable mind, generosity, hard work, and so on.

    Do any of your online friends have a holiday coming up? Learn how to congratulate him in Contact.

    We select congratulations

    You can send a greeting to a friend in several ways:

    • personal message;
    • publicly on the user's page.

    Personal congratulations

    If you decide to send a congratulation through personal correspondence, then in this case no one except the recipient will be able to see it.

    There are quite a few options for congratulations: from a simple congratulatory poem to a video postcard. You can pick up a beautiful poem / greeting or prepare a postcard, musical greeting or a greeting slide in advance, and then attach it to the message.

    Another interesting option congratulations can be a video greeting. You can create it on various sites. As an example, you can use the site cool-editor.com. Working with the application is quite easy. You need to choose a suitable video, upload and edit a photo and, adding it to the video, get a link that should be sent to the birthday person.

    public congratulations

    Unlike a personal message, a congratulation pinned to a user's wall can be seen by all of his friends. Here, in addition to text message attach a video, audio greeting or a picture / photo.

    Postcard generator

    There are quite a few on the social network VKontakte various applications, with which you can make beautiful postcard. You can use both ready-made options, for example, from the application vk.com/app1803950, and your own, which can be uploaded using the "Add" button in the same application.

    Various sites will help you create your postcard on your computer. For example, on the site sdelat-otkritku.ru you can make both a regular and a musical postcard.

    Remember, whatever congratulation you choose, it must be unique and made from the heart. Then it will be truly appreciated. You should not copy large poems from the Internet, you can just write a couple of lines with which to express your attitude towards a person.


    More information can be found in the section.

    Everyone has long been accustomed to the fact that real printed postcards, which can be purchased at the post office or the Soyuzpechat kiosk, have long lost their relevance. This situation occurred because the popularity of the Internet led to a mass enthusiasm of society for social networks. They are like huge traps absorbing more and more people, becoming part of a life in which everything is like in reality: acquaintances, communication, congratulations. Let's take a look at one today important point regarding congratulations, namely, we will answer the question that worries many novice users of the Vkontakte social network - how to send a postcard. Yes, the one that is a virtual gift with meaning and for a specific reason.

    Methods for transferring a photo file (postcards)

    In order to understand how to send a postcard "Vkontakte", you need not so many things:

    1. The very first and, perhaps, the most important thing is the need to create your own account in this social network, because without it, it is impossible to do anything there at all.
    2. When a user's page has been created and there are even several friends subscribed to it, the newly-made owner of a new account has questions of the following nature: how to send a postcard to a friend "VKontakte", how to post a post on my page, why I don't get anything.
    1. Send files to the social network from the outside, that is, by downloading them in advance on the Internet and having them in the memory of your computer, tablet or phone.
    2. The second way is to borrow a publication you like on someone else's page of the same user of an extensive social network.

    And now let's dwell on each option in more detail in order to figure out how to send a Vkontakte postcard.

    Sending from outside

    The method is pretty easy. To begin with, it is worth deciding on the theme of the postcard and, having scored the appropriate query in any search engine in the "Pictures" tab of the browser, choose the most suitable for specific case. Download the image to your media, and then, going to the page of the person to whom the surprise is intended, click on the "Personal message" tab. There is a paperclip icon in the lower right corner. It means to attach a file. By clicking on it, just look for the postcard or file you downloaded in advance, select it by clicking, and then send it. All. It is done. Now you know how to send a Vkontakte postcard from your media or downloaded from the Internet.

    Everything will work out

    And in conclusion, I would like to note that you should never be afraid to try something new, especially when it comes to social networks. Remember, those who invent and develop websites always take care of users, trying to make interaction as easy as possible.

    Related materials:

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    Everyone has long been accustomed to the fact that real printed postcards, which can be purchased at the post office or the Soyuzpechat kiosk, have long lost their relevance. This situation occurred because the popularity of the Internet led to a mass enthusiasm of society for social networks. They are like huge traps absorbing more and more people, becoming part of a life in which everything is like in reality: acquaintances, communication, congratulations. Today we will analyze one important point regarding congratulations, namely, we will answer the question that worries many novice users of the VKontakte social network - how to send a postcard. Yes, the one that is a virtual gift with meaning and for a specific reason.

    Methods for transferring a photo file (postcards)

    In order to understand how to send a postcard, you need not so many things:

    1. The very first and, perhaps, the most important thing is to create your own account in this social network, because without it, it is impossible to do anything there at all.
    2. When a user's page has been created and there are even several friends subscribed to it, the newly-made owner of a new account has questions of the following nature: how to send a postcard to a friend "VKontakte", how to post a post on my page, why I don't get anything.
    1. Send files to the social network from the outside, that is, by downloading them in advance on the Internet and having them in the memory of your computer, tablet or phone.
    2. The second way is to borrow a publication you like on someone else's page of the same user of an extensive social network.

    And now let's dwell on each option in more detail in order to figure out how to send a Vkontakte postcard.

    Sending from outside

    The method is pretty easy. To begin with, it is worth deciding on the subject of the postcard and, having scored the appropriate request in any search engine in the "Pictures" tab of the browser, choose the most suitable for a particular case. Download the image to your media, and then, going to the page of the person to whom the surprise is intended, click on the "Personal message" tab. There is a paperclip icon in the lower right corner. It means to attach a file. By clicking on it, just look for the postcard or file you downloaded in advance, select it by clicking, and then send it. All. It is done. Now you know how to send a Vkontakte postcard from your media or downloaded from the Internet.

    Everything will work out

    And in conclusion, I would like to note that you should never be afraid to try something new, especially when it comes to social networks. Remember, those who invent and develop websites always take care of users, trying to make interaction as easy as possible.

    Application “Postcards VKontakte! Congratulations on the wall ”one of the most popular apps, allowing to congratulate friends, among similar projects in the VKontakte social network. The audience of the application “Postcards VKontakte! Congratulations on the wall” has four and a half million users. With this incredibly simple and intuitive application, any user of the VKontakte website can send Greeting Cards to your friends and acquaintances right on their walls. To do this, you just need to install the application “Postcards VKontakte! Congratulations on the wall” to your page.

    After that, with his personal page on the VKontakte website, you need to enter the application “Postcards VKontakte! Congratulations on the wall. In the application settings, you need to allow it to publish on the walls. You will see home page application “Postcards VKontakte! Congratulations on the wall. In the “Category” section, select the required category of postcards from the list. Then click on the inscription “Add recipient” and in the window that opens, start entering the name of the recipient, literally from the very first letters, the system will tell you the names and surnames of your friends. Name right person select with the mouse and click on the “Add” button.

    Next, select a picture from those that are presented below, confirm your choice by clicking again on the “Select” button in the window that appears and click on the “Publish on the wall” button, another window of the “Add a post on the wall” application will appear, in which we again click on the “Add record” button. That's it - the postcard didn't appear on your friend's wall.

    After you install the application on your page, another item “Postcards” will appear in the “Add” menu on the wall. Now, you can use the service "Quick publication of a postcard on the user's wall".

    You can also choose pictures for publication not only among those offered, but also those that are on your computer. To do this, select the "Upload a photo from a computer" tab. Click “Select a photo to upload” and in the window that appears, select the file that you want to send to your friend’s wall.