• How to create an email account and send an email. How to create an email address

    Today we will look at how to create e-mail on the Internet and configure the collection of letters from the mailbox on the user's computer.

    Email is very popular service contemporary computer world. Many people use mailboxes for messaging every day. Of course, this is not the only application. Email, because in the computer era with its help you can implement mass mailing different kind digital information including promotional materials. In this regard, full-fledged mailing list services have also been formed, which greatly simplify the delivery of the necessary data to a huge number of subscribers. Creating mail “on a computer” means setting up a mailbox in such a way that letters are collected without visiting a mail site on the Internet.

    So let's take a look:

    I. How to create a mailbox

    Register for free Mailbox can be found on many Internet resources. Most Popular mail services are given in the article "". For example, consider creating an email on a website. mail.yandex.ru .

    Go to this page and press big button « Start mail». On the first step of registration enter the first name, last name and the desired (unique) login in the appropriate fields.

    On the second step need to come up with strong password, confirm it and write a response to Secret Question. After entering the characters from the picture, click the " Register».

    Congratulations, now you have your own email.

    To start working with it, click on your login in the upper right part of the page and select the item " Mail».

    If you don't want to visit the site mail.yandex.ru every time you check your mail you can configure the collection of letters from the newly created mailbox to HDD computer through a special mail client. Consider this procedure using the example of the popular TheBat client.

    II. How to set up the collection of letters on a computer through a mail client

    Download latest version this program from the Internet (for example, here http://allbat.info/release/). Run downloaded setup file and follow the prompts of the installation wizard. Confirm license agreement, select the installation mode " Complete” and press the button “ Install". Wait until the files are copied and launch TheBat mail client.

    Will begin initial setup applications. In the first window, you will be prompted to set data protection, which will allow you to store all postal information in encrypted form (if only you use the computer, you can skip this step).

    On next page select " Create a new mailbox” and press the button “ Further».

    Enter any box name, not necessarily what was written on mail.yandex.ru, and leave Home Directory as " Default».

    In the next window, to access the server, select POP3 protocol, in the server field to receive mail enter pop.yandex.ru, and in the SMTP server field enter smtp.yandex.ru. Check the box " My SMTP server requires authentication” and press the button “ Further».

    Enter your username (no prefix yandex.ru) and the password that was used when creating mail on the resource mail.yandex.ru .

    If you do not want to delete messages from the main server on mail.yandex.ru then check the corresponding box. Specify your method of connecting to the Internet (usually via local network) and in the last client settings window, click the " Ready».

    The main window of TheBat program will open.. To receive mail from your mailbox, you must use the corresponding button on the panel or press the key on the keyboard F2. To send a letter, select the menu " Letter» — « Create» or press the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+N.

    Now you know how to create e-mail and configure the collection of letters from this box on your computer. In TheBat client, you can add several mailboxes that you register on various Internet resources. All mail will be displayed separately for each account, and fast access to any email will save your time.

    We answer all questions in the comments.

    Not having your own postal address (e-mail) in the virtual space today is almost the same as living without a phone: for many people, access to you will be difficult. The presence of a mailbox does not oblige you to anything: you can get yourself free mail and check back at least once a month. Just in case, there should be such an address: it is convenient to leave it to new acquaintances whom you met on long journeys, as well as to people whom you know only in the virtual space.

    Benefits of email over traditional ways sending correspondence are as follows:

    • to make a new e-mail and get comfortable with the interface, it will take a maximum of half an hour of time;
    • letters to recipients will reach in a few seconds;
    • if you make a mistake with the address, the system will send a letter back to you and tell you why it could not be delivered.
    • all friends' email addresses will be stored in one place - the electronic address book.

    How to make an email address?

    Firstly, it is worth noting that today there is no point in starting a paid mailbox. The most promoted mail platforms (yandex, mail, gmail, etc.) offer an almost exhaustive set of services. So let's see how you can make free email.

    The first thing to do is to decide on the mail platform. The most popular of them (listed above) have stable job, a large volume of the mailbox provided for use, the most convenient interface for work. That is why, a huge number of users, when deciding how to make an email, opt for these platforms. Although there are many other mail servers(in particular, each large organization has its own), which you may find more convenient.

    Registering a postal address

    To let you through to your mailbox, the system will ask you to enter your username and password (if you already have one), or register. The registration procedure is extremely simple: you fill in the fields in the questionnaire, come up with a name (login) in English transcription and a password so that no one but you can enter your mailbox. It must be said that coming up with a login before making an email is not always easy. The fact is that each mailbox name must be unique so that letters arrive exactly at the address. But everything meaningful words for many years of the existence of mail servers, the inhabitants of the world have already been dismantled. And to come up with such a login so that you can remember it yourself, and the system accepts it as unique - the task is not simple, but quite interesting. Sometimes the system itself offers options for unoccupied names, from which you can choose the most suitable one for yourself.

    After all the fields are filled in, you need to click the "Register" button, and on this work on the question "how to make an e-mail address" can be considered completed. The system will register you within a few seconds or show you which fields are filled out incorrectly. After the correction, you need to click the "Register" button again. Having received your own login and password, you will need to enter them in the appropriate fields to enter the mailbox. After that, you can get acquainted with the interface and, if necessary, read background information, which the system automatically sends out as the first letter to everyone who has just registered.

    After registering your email address will look like this: your login@mail platform name. For example: [email protected] or [email protected] etc.

    Finally, we recall that letters must always be answered, in the virtual space, as in ordinary life This is considered a courtesy norm. After all, the person who sent you a letter may think that it did not reach (this also happens).

    Getting your own e-mail is extremely simple. To do this, you only need to choose one of the many free services email and register there. To date, there are many free mailers, such as pochta.ru, hotmail.com, rambler.ru, mail, gmail.com and yandex.ru.

    In our article we will tell you how to create an email on a computer, however, before starting registration, you should decide on some criteria. These include: volume e-mail box, the stability of the resources, the degree of protection against spam and hacking attempts, as well as convenient functionality.

    How to create an email on a computer yourself?

    To create your e-mail box, you need to find the "Register" button on the selected site and click on it. Different mailers may have a different registration form, however, it is often provided step by step instructions. A beginner just needs to stick to it.

    Assigning an email address

    To assign a personal email address, the mailer system will prompt you to come up with a login. Such a login should consist only of numbers and Latin letters, and only “_” – an underscore – is allowed from symbols. The login should not contain popular words, and it should not be simple, otherwise the mailbox will be vulnerable to spam mailings. In finished form, the email address looks like this: login-symbol@- mailbox address.

    In addition, during registration, the system prompts the new user to come up with a password. The password should not contain easily calculated information, such as, for example, own surname and name or date of birth. You will have to come up with a rather complex combination so that it cannot be deciphered. For security, your password must be longer than 6 characters.

    Final stage

    After your registration has been completed, the user will have access to the created mailbox. Now, when you want to enter your email, you need to enter your username and password on home page to the appropriate fields. Also available special programs for mail such as The Bat and Outlook. They will come in handy for people who conduct intensive correspondence, as they are able to provide continuous access to the mailbox.

    Creating and configuring email is a very trivial task and should not cause any difficulties, but users still keep asking questions. Many of them have only recently acquired gadgets and experience difficulties even in such seemingly elementary tasks. E-mail on a mobile phone has become an integral part of modern life. business man. The purpose of this material is to explain to newcomers to the Web how to create e-mail on the phone and use it in the future.

    Postal services

    To begin with, you should decide on which of the hundreds you want to register. Among the popular ones, one can single out Gmail, "Yandex iCloud.com. All of these have the same principle of operation, without any features.

    The first thing you need to do is register your own mailbox, for this you need to visit the official website of one of the mail services (it can be Google or Yandex, at your discretion) and go through a simple registration procedure.

    In most cases, you will need the following information:

    1. Name and surname.
    2. Login (name of your mailbox).
    3. Password.
    4. Number mobile phone.

    This basic set, it is possible that you will be asked to enter a spare box or information about your website, you may need to enter a special code to confirm that you are a person.

    As soon as you fill out all the indicated forms, you can exhale - the box is ready.

    How to create an email on an iOS phone?

    The next step in setting up mail is connecting it to your phone. If you own an iOS smartphone (gadgets from Apple), then they must have been registered already at the time of the first inclusion. If so, then you already have an iCloud mailbox set up and ready to go. You can safely from the phone and receive a letter. If this did not happen or you want to connect a different address, you will have to do it manually. For this:

    1. Go to Settings > Mail, contacts, calendar > Add account.
    2. We are looking for the provider you need in the list, for example Google.
    3. We enter the registration data and wait until the box connects.

    If the list of providers does not contain what you need:

    1. Scroll down and select "Other > Add Mailbox".
    2. Enter your registration information (your name, mailing address and password).
    3. On the next screen, enter your IMAP information. Consider the example of "Yandex":
      • in the subcategory “Incoming mail server” enter imap.yandex.ru;
      • in the subcategory “Outgoing mail server” enter smtp.yandex.ru

    This data may vary depending on where the box was registered. In most cases, it will be enough to replace yandex with the name of your mail service.

    How to create an email on an Android mobile phone

    In the case of Android, the principle is the same. By purchasing a new device and registering, you will receive an account Google entry, and with it the postal Gmail box. So those who have passed this procedure, may no longer think about how to create email on the phone. If you prefer manual setting or want to connect a mailbox other than Gmail, then for starters:

    1. Look for the Mail app on your device.
    2. Click "Add a new account" (if IMAP and POP3 are offered, feel free to choose IMAP).
    3. On the next page, enter your registration information:
      • your mailbox address;
      • password;
      • data IMAP servers and SMTP;
      • port, information about which can be found on the official website of the mail provider in the "Help" section (for "Yandex" it is 993 for IMAP and 465 for SMTP).

    Using Third Party Email Clients

    The simplest and fast method for setting up mail, there will be a download of a special one that will help you both create email on your phone for free and use it to the fullest.

    To find one, just visit one of the app stores, in the case of iOS, this is the AppStore, in the case of Android - Google Play. In both, you can find created for specific providers.

    In most cases, these programs are designed as simply as possible and are ready to work from the moment they are launched. In addition, this option is perfect for those who do not yet have their own mailbox and are just about to start one.

    To access Yandex.Mail, you need a Yandex account. If you don't have it, follow these steps:

      Enter your first and last name.

      Come up with or choose from the suggested options a unique identifier (login) that you will use for authorization in Mail and other Yandex services.

      Attention. After registration, you will not be able to change your login.

      Create and remember a password to access account. The password must be strong so that intruders cannot access your personal data.

      Enter your mobile phone number. By this number you can recover your password and receive notifications, and you can also use it as an additional login. If you want to add a phone number later, you can do so on the Phone Numbers page. If you do not want to provide a phone number, click the link I do not have a phone and choose Security Question and indicate the answer to it. This information is required to recover your password.

      Enter the characters from the picture (this is protection against automatic registration).

      Note. If the characters in the picture are hard to make out, click on the Other code link.

      Make sure that the item that you accept the terms of the User Agreement and consent to the processing of personal data is checked.

      Click the button Register.

    After registration, you will receive an email address that consists of your username, the @ sign, and the domain name yandex.ru (or one of its domain aliases). For example, [email protected]. Domain alias is determined automatically during registration.

    You can change your personal information at any time, ask a different security question, provide alternative email addresses to contact you, or edit your list of phone numbers.

    How to change login

    You cannot change the login you created when registering on Yandex, but you can register a new one. To do this, click the link Sign out of Yandex services in the account menu on the right upper corner page, and then on the page that opens, the link Start mail.

    Attention. If you have registered a new mailbox and want to have access to your old emails, you need to set up a mail collector from the old mailbox. If you want to send emails from both addresses, you can add the old one as an additional address.

    How to come up with a strong password

    Good password- one that is difficult to guess or pick up.

    Never share your password with anyone to access your account. How more people know your password, the more likely it is to be discovered by an attacker.

    To compose complex password, use:

      both uppercase and lowercase letters;

    • punctuation marks:

      • allowed ` ` ! @ # $ % ^ & * () - _ = + ( ) ; : \" | , .< > / ?


        only ~ and " are not allowed.

    What passwords are weak?

    What should not be used as a password:

      Passwords you already use on other websites or apps. If someone finds out, for example, your password to social network, with this password they will try to enter not only Yandex, but also other social networks, postal services, online banks.

      Regular words ( margarita , begemot ) as well as predictable letter combinations ( qwerty , 123456)

      Personal data that you could indicate somewhere on the Internet: name, birthday, passport number, etc. Even the mother's maiden name, which no one seems to know, should not be used.

    Special postal address

    If, when registering in online stores, on forums or other resources, you do not want to indicate your real email address, add a + sign to your login and any word by which you can recognize this site. You should end up with an address like this: [email protected]. An email sent to this address will go to the Spam folder of your real mailbox.

    A special postal address on Yandex will also be useful to re-register on the site. For example, if you forgot your account password on this site and cannot recover it.

    Phone number instead of username

    The phone number linked to the account can be used as an additional login. To do this, on the Phone numbers page, enable the option use phone number as login.

    Each phone number can become an additional login for only one account. At the same time, only one additional login can be connected for each account - only the main phone number can become such a login.

    Let's say you made the number +7 987 123-45-67 an additional login. Now you can:

      Enter a phone number (numbers only, for example 79871234567 ) wherever you need to specify a Yandex login.

    Features of mail with an additional login

    To send a letter to such an address, the number can be specified in any format (without spaces) - Mail will recognize both +79871234567@site and 89871234567@site.

    Emails sent to this address will be sent to your Yandex.Mail inbox. The address will stop working if you disable the additional login or unlink the number from the account.

    If the phone number passes to another person, and new owner will connect it as an additional login, the email address will also go to it. How to avoid it:

      If you have lost your SIM card, restore it in the cabin mobile operator.

      If you have changed your number, unsubscribe old number and bind the new one on the page