• How to change color in photoshop. Replace color command in Photoshop

    Hello again, my dear readers. Today I would like to tell you how to replace a color in Photoshop with another in a separate area and even in the entire picture. After all, you probably have often had the desire to repaint something just to see how it would look. But in order not to make a mistake, it is better to first do this on some kind of layout or photograph. Then you will already know how and what it looks like. Let's see how to change the color of an object to a specific one using the example of repainting the car in the picture.

    First way. Color replacement

    Let's look at the simplest case, when our background is completely different from the object itself, i.e. cars.

    1. So, upload a photo, picture or drawing into our editor and now go to the familiar “Image” menu. Next, select “Correction”, and then “Replace Color”.
    2. A color replacement window opened in front of us. What are we doing here? First, let's make sure that the active tool in this window is a regular eyedropper (without signs). Now just left-click somewhere on the hood of the car.
    3. As you can see, we have a small drawing in the window. What is colored light shows us which area will undergo a color change. Now start dragging the Hue slider. Do you see? Some of the color starts to change as you move that tone. Don't be upset that not the whole car is painted over. We'll fix it.
    4. To begin, hold down the left mouse button on the “Scatter” slider and drag it towards the larger side. Just try to make sure that the car is painted over as much as possible, while the background remains untouched. In this case, there are no yellow tints in the background, which allows me to set the maximum spread to 200.
    5. Has the desired object changed almost all its color, but not completely? Again, no problem. Activate the internal tool “Pipette+” and left-click on those areas of the car where there are unpainted areas in the drawing.
    6. Voila!) As you can see, everything worked out and even our background was not damaged. And by the way, you can also move the “Hue”, “Saturation”, “Brightness” sliders to achieve the desired shade.

    Look. It looks like it should be. And this function can be used in different areas, for example, to replace the color of clothes, or to give an unusual but specific shade to vegetables or fruits. In! Try making a blue watermelon. I assure you. It's easy, very interesting and useful for consolidation.

    Correcting Misunderstandings

    Let's look at a slightly more complicated case. Let’s say I again want to change the color of the car, but this time it’s different. As you can see, the color of the car is the same as in the background. Well then? Let's do everything the same as above and see what we get.

    But we’re doing a bad job, the background is so similar to the color of the car that neither the “Pipette-” nor reducing the spread helps. If we want ours to be purple, then our mountains will also be similar. What to do?

    In such difficult situations, you will have to do a little manual work. There's really nothing wrong with this. You'll just have to use the one you know. Yes, yes. We erase unsuccessfully painted objects or backgrounds with pens, thereby leaving only the object itself with a certain color, i.e. in our case a car.

    Even better, before you start changing the color, duplicate the layer and perform all the actions on the created copy. And unnecessary details can be erased with regular . This will be better if you suddenly want to change the color later.

    Second way. Blend Mode

    Well, since we’re talking about repainting a car in Photoshop, I can’t help but mention another good way to carry out this action. True, here you will also have to work with your hands, since you will have to change and paint over everything. But we can easily replace the color in Photoshop with any other.

    Let me load the same car as above.

    1. Let's take and how we would like to paint this car. Well, let’s say I want to see it green, then I’ll choose this specific color.
    2. Now create a new layer by pressing the keyboard shortcut SHIFT+CTRL+N. And then take a look at the Layers panel. Do you see any blending modes there? The default is normal, but open the drop-down list and select “Color” (By the way, the “Color Tone” mode is also suitable, so you can select that too). Great. Well done.
    3. Now choose the size, shape and hardness of the brush, and go ahead! We paint the car. Just be careful not to touch too much. Well, if you hit it, then use an eraser to correct it, no big deal.
    4. And now, if you want to change the color that you sculpted, you need to go to our again familiar “Image” menu and select “Correction” there - "Hue/Saturation". But I advise you to immediately use a simple key combination CTRL+U.
    5. Well, in the newly opened window, you can also move the hue, saturation and brightness sliders to change the hue. It's simple.

    Well, how do you like the lesson? Was everything clear and interesting? I hope so. Personally, when I learned about changing the color of an object in Adobe Photoshop, I was simply delighted. If, of course, something is unclear, you can always clarify or ask. I will be glad to help as much as possible.

    I would also advise you to look cool video course on photoshop. The video lessons are simply awesome, the course goes from easy to complex, everything is told in human language, nothing is missed and at the same time there is no unnecessary “water”. Everything is spot on. So be sure to check it out.

    Well, I say goodbye to you today. I will be glad to see you in my other articles. Well, in order not to get lost, be sure to subscribe to my blog updates. I won’t spam - everything is just to the point, honestly. Well, you practice. See you in other lessons. Bye bye!

    Best regards, Dmitry Kostin.

    11.02.2015 27.01.2018

    In this lesson I will tell you in detail about ways to change colors in Photoshop. I will describe all the steps in detail, accompany them with pictures to make it clear and clearly explain where and what function can be used.

    1 way

    The first way to replace a color is to use the ready-made function in Photoshop “Replace Color” or Replace Color in English.

    I will show you with a simple example, a simple picture. Let's take the icon and open it in Photoshop.

    Trowel on a yellow icon. We will replace yellow with any other color that interests us. To do this, go to the menu Image – Correction – Replace Color (Image – Adjustments – Replace Color)

    The Color Replacement Function dialog box appears. Now we must indicate what color we will change; to do this, activate the Eyedropper tool (see arrow) and click on the trowel with it. You'll see this color appear in the dialog box at the top, which is labeled Highlight.

    At the bottom is the Replacement heading - there you can change the selected color. But first, you can set the Scatter in the selection parameter. The larger the parameter, the more colors it will capture. In this case, you can set it to maximum. It will capture all the yellow in the image.

    Configure the Color Replacement settings - with the color you want to see instead of the one being replaced. I made it green by setting the Hue, Saturation and Brightness parameters.

    When you're ready to change the color, click OK.

    So we changed one color to another.

    Method 2

    The second method in terms of operation can be said to be identical to the first. But we will look at it in a more difficult image.

    For example, I chose a photo with a car. Now I will show you how to replace the color of a car in Photoshop.

    As always, we need to indicate what color we will replace. To do this, you can create a selection using the color range function. In other words, select an image by color.

    To do this, go to the menu Selection – Color Range (Select – Color Range)

    Next, all you have to do is click on the red color of the car and we will see the function that defined it - coloring it white in the preview window. The white color shows which part of the image is highlighted. The spread in this case can be adjusted to the maximum value. Click OK.

    After you click OK, you will see how the selection has been created:

    Now you can change the color of the selected image. To do this, use the function – Image – Correction – Hue/Saturation (Image – Adjustments – Hue/Saturation)

    A dialog box will appear.

    Immediately check the Toning option (bottom right). Now using the Hue, Saturation and Brightness parameters you can adjust the color. I adjusted the color blue.

    All. The color has changed.

    It was - it became:

    Today we will talk about another way to replace color on an object, namely the command “ Replace color"((Replace color), Image - Correction - Replace color).

    Let's look at the dialog box.

    At the top " Selection" there is a tab from the "Color range".

    Using an eyedropper, a sample of the color that needs to be changed is marked on the picture sample. The plus pipette adds an area, the minus pipette subtracts.

    Setting the parameter " Scatter"(Fuzziness).
    Using the slider, you determine the boundaries within which the color shades will change. With maximum variation, the replacement will include almost all shades of the selected color present in the image. With minimal scatter, only those pixels that exactly match the sample will be replaced.

    PS4 now has an additional option LocalizedColorClusters, designed to define areas of the same color. Its use allows you to more accurately highlight the color in the image.

    At the bottom " Replacement" of the "Replace Color" dialog box, there is a tab from " Hue/Saturation", with the help of which, based on the name, a color and shade is selected for replacement.

    Let's look at color replacement using a specific example.

    Step 1. Open the image in Photoshop. We immediately create a duplicate of the main layer.

    Step 2. Let's go to Image - Correction - Replace Color. I want to change the color of my T-shirt.

    Step 3. If you have CS4, then immediately check the box next to LocalizedColorClusters. I increase Scatter to the maximum value. Using an eyedropper, mark an area on the image. Next, I choose the color I want to change to. I click on the colored square labeled “Result” and select the shade I need.

    It can be seen that in the shadow area the color is not highlighted enough. I choose Pipette "+" and click on the image in the fold area of ​​the T-shirt.

    The T-shirt was completely dyed, but at the same time, unnecessary areas, for example, the face, were dyed. I choose Pipette "-" and click on her face.

    As you can see in the image itself, the lips and ears are still painted; this defect can be corrected with the help of an eraser.

    This color changing method works most successfully on contrasting images. Also in images where there are few related shades to the color being changed.

    And finally, one more piece of advice. If the image still contains several areas of the same color, and only one of them needs to be changed, for example, then before using the command Replace color, you should highlight the area that requires color replacement. Any selection tool can help you with this.

    Good day everyone! Today we will learn how to change the color of an object. Sometimes it becomes necessary to change the color of clothing in a photo to highlight some details. This very useful skill will be very useful to you, since replacing colors on an object allows you to refresh your work and give it originality. It's simple, and today's episode will contain different examples.

    If you suddenly decide to tune your car in real life, and don’t know what color is best to choose, then you can try Photoshop here for starters. Repainting for real is expensive, but on a computer it’s just the thing. You can see the result and make the right decision.

    There are several ways to change the color of an object. We will consider them. The first way is to use the built-in color change function, or color replacement. Let's get to know him first. As usual, load the image and duplicate the layer. Next, open in the top menu “Image” - “Correction” - “Replace Color”.

    A window will open in front of us in which we need to select the color to be replaced and the color that will replace it.

    Let's start by checking the box in the first line (if not checked) for localized color sets. These are the standard colors available in the program. Next, choose the color that we are changing, for example, the red color of the insect. Click on the pipette (the first of three icons) and press the pipette on the insect's body in the square window below.

    At the same time, the replacement shade will appear in the window with the name of the color. Please note that the next line is “scatter. You can set it to "maximum". The higher this setting is, the more colors it will capture. At the bottom of the window, options for replacing colors are shown.

    You can use the slider, moving it from right to left, choosing a color, or you can immediately click on the colored square and in the color selection window that appears, set the desired one, for example, blue. Next, use the sliders to adjust the saturation of this color and brightness. Having done all this, click OK and get the result:

    The ladybug turned from red to blue. The second color change option is slightly similar to the first, but the operations are carried out differently. This procedure can be called color selection. Earlier we talked about car tuning, so let’s take a car as an example. Load the image and go again to the top menu “Selection” - “Color Range”.

    A window will open in front of us, slightly similar to the previous one. We also set the spread to the maximum, and use the “Pipette” to click on the red color of the car. It turned white in the viewing window.

    Having completed all the necessary operations, click OK and, as a result, we get a picture of a car in which the red color is highlighted with a dashed flickering line. We ensured that only the necessary areas of the picture of a certain color were highlighted. And we did not resort to classic selection tools like Lasso and others.

    Now go to “Image” - “Correction” - “Hue/Saturation”.

    The settings window will open. In the “Toning” line, put a tick. Next, use the slider to select the desired color tone. In my version - green. We adjust the brightness and saturation as you like.

    When you have reached the desired option, click OK. After that, remove the selection and get the result. The car went from red to green. If this color does not suit you, we do the same thing step by step, but choose a different color.

    These are such simple operations, and the results are impressive. Fast and accurate. You've just gotten an idea of ​​computer color matching. If you also know the computer code of car paint, you can try to select real colors.

    Change the color of the object to white

    In this example, we repaint the object white. Let's take the same red car as an example and repaint it white. First, let's go to layers - new adjustment layer - black and white.

    As a result, a new layer will appear and its adjustment window will open.

    Here we move the sliders, especially the top red one, since the car was red, until we get the desired result.

    How to change the color of an object using a sample in Photoshop?

    You can also change the color of an object by creating a template or sample of the desired color. We create a new window in the program, in which we paint the background in the desired color, for example blue.

    Next we move on to the picture that needs to be recolored. Here we select selection - color range. Now use the eyedropper to click on the color to change. Use the eyedropper with the + sign to add selection points and click OK. If, as a result, not only the desired object is selected, but also neighboring areas, do it as follows.

    Select the lasso tool, and from the top menu use the add to selected area and subtract from selected area buttons.

    Using the lasso tool, outline the unnecessary areas (with the subtract from selected area button activated). As a result, unnecessary areas will be removed.

    Having thus performed the necessary manipulations, we will obtain the desired selection, namely a clearly red car.

    Go to image – correction – select color.

    A window will open in front of us.

    Here you first need to open the source drop-down menu and select the picture with the created blue color in it. She will appear in the window nearby.

    At the same time, the color of the car will change. Now, by moving the Luminosity, Color Intensity and Attenuate sliders, we find the desired color option

    Once you get the desired result, click OK and remove the selection. The picture has changed color. Well, for clarity, here’s a short video in which the sky above a girl’s head on the beach is repainted using the Eyedropper and Gradient tools.

    Replace the color of an object using the Eyedropper tool

    Above we talked about how to change the color according to the sample. In the described version, a created Photoshop document template was used. However, you can select the color to change in the edited picture itself. To do this, there is an eyedropper tool, which is located on the toolbar (sixth from the top).

    If you need to create a color scheme that will be the same as that of the image, then the eyedropper is just designed for this. Having selected the eyedropper, you need to click on the desired color and it will immediately appear in the primary color selection square. If you do not click the mouse button, but hold it down, you will see that a sample ring has formed around the pipette.

    If you move the cursor with the eyedropper over the picture, you will see how the color on the ring changes. The upper part shows the selected color, and the lower part shows the original one. So, these are actions with the eyedropper tool. Now how to use it to change the color of an object. To do this, you will need to perform a number of operations. The first is to select that part of the picture whose color needs to be changed. For example, in a photo with a red car, you need to repaint the side mirror in one of the color schemes of the entire picture. For example, let's take the black color of the bumper.

    Select the quick selection tool or any other tool that is more convenient for you and select the area. Since the object in the example is not complex, I used a magnetic lasso.

    Now select the eyedropper tool, click on the black color of the bumper and see that the desired one has appeared in the primary color square.

    The result, of course, is not the same as in the options described earlier, but if you work on correcting the resulting image, you can achieve more realistic results.

    Good luck in mastering the program!

    Beginners often think that Photoshop’s “smart” tools are designed to make their life easier by eliminating tedious manual work. This is partly true, but only partly.

    Most of these tools ( "Wand", "Quick Selection", various correction tools, for example, tool "Replace color") require a professional approach and are absolutely not suitable for beginners. It is necessary to understand in what situation such a tool can be used and how to configure it correctly, and this comes with experience.

    Today we'll talk about the tool "Replace color" from the menu "Image - Correction".

    This tool allows you to manually replace a certain shade of an image with any other. Its effect is similar to that of an adjustment layer "Hue/Saturation".

    The tool window looks like this:

    This window consists of two blocks: "Selection" And "Replacement".


    1. Tools for taking a shade sample. They look like buttons with eyedroppers and have the following purposes (from left to right): main test, adding a shade to the set for replacement, excluding a shade from the set.

    2. Slider "Scatter" determines how many levels (adjacent shades) are to be replaced.


    This block includes sliders Hue, Saturation, and Brightness. Actually, the purpose of each slider is determined by its name.


    Let's replace one of the gradient fill shades with this circle:

    1. Activate the tool and click with the eyedropper on any part of the circle. A white area will immediately appear in the preview window. It is the white areas that need to be replaced. At the top of the window we will see the selected shade.

    2. Let's go to the block "Replacement", click on the color box and set the color with which you want to replace the sample.

    3. Slider "Scatter" adjust the range of shades to replace.

    4. Sliders from the block "Replacement" finely adjust the shade.

    At this point, manipulations with the tool are completed.


    As already mentioned at the beginning of the article, the tool does not always work correctly. As part of preparing materials for the lesson, several experiments were carried out on replacing colors in various images - from complex (clothing, cars, flowers) to simple (one-color logos, etc.).

    The results turned out to be very contradictory. On complex objects (as well as on simple ones), you can fine-tune the shade and area of ​​application of the tool, but after selection and replacement you have to manually modify the image (eliminating halos of the original shade, removing the effect on unwanted areas). This moment negates all the advantages that a “smart” tool provides, such as speed and simplicity. In this case, it is easier to do all the work manually than to redo it using a program.

    Things are better with simple objects. Halos and unwanted areas, of course, remain, but are eliminated more easily and quickly.

    The ideal use of the tool is to replace the color of an area surrounded by a different shade.

    Based on all of the above, one conclusion can be drawn: it’s up to you to decide whether to use this tool or not. It worked well on some flowers...