• How to record conversations on Skype. Recording a Skype conversation

    More than once I have been asked to tell you how you can record pairs (or even with a large number people) podcasts that take place on Skype. This is for real good question, because there are several options, all of them have their own pros and cons... In addition, podcast conversations are often more interesting and lively, and Skype or other voip telephony is often the only communication option.

    There are two options for recording Skype conversations. We will consider them separately.


    First option. Recording a Skype broadcast into one track.

    What happens in this case? Everything you hear in the conversation will be recorded. The broadcast of your conversation with all the ensuing consequences is being written.


    • ease - by pressing the “record” button and then “stop” you will get an almost finished podcast
    • simplicity - no need to bother with installation
    • in the case of an interview or just a guest on air, this option is the most acceptable - your guest will not need to do anything other than talk on Skype
    • security - by running such a recording on both sides, you will be twice as protected from force majeure and loss of the podcast
    • the sound quality will not be higher than the quality of a conversation on Skype, and this is usually lower than studio
    • All artifacts, glitches and other sound problems during a conversation will be recorded and it will be very difficult or impossible to remove them correctly
    • It will be difficult to process the sound, since both your track and the track of your interlocutor will be in one file, i.e. it will not be possible to apply any effect to just one person’s voice
    In turn, this recording method is divided into two options - hardware and software. I won’t focus on iron, because... I have no experience in this matter. In this article you can read about this topic, or - there is such a device - “Wireless Phone Recording Controller Part No. 17-855”, with its help your Skype conversation can be recorded on any device, even a simple cassette recorder. This thing, in my humble opinion, is very inconvenient, so let's look at software solutions that are much simpler to implement.

    All you need is one small utility, usually launched before the call. Here you can choose between many. Take for example EasyVoipRecorder. In addition to Skype, it is capable of recording conversations on GTalk, 12Voip, MSN, VoipVise... you know, the list is actually very wide, about 95% of all Voip traffic in the world is subject to this small program.

    This is probably why it is not free. You will need to pay $19.99 in symbolic coins for the opportunity to use this software.

    Well, to feel completely satisfied, I’ll give you another list of similar programs for the Mac platform:

    • GarageBand using LineIn And Soundflower. explains how to do it (English)

    Option two. Record each participant in the conversation on their own track.

    In this case, each of the participants in the Skype conversation launches an audio editor or recording program and records their own voice.


    • the quality of the final podcast is much higher than in the previous version
    • ease of installation - the track of each participant can be easily edited separately
    • each of the interlocutors must take care of the recording program and the file
    • one person must do a lot of processing or at least installation work
    It won’t be possible to describe much here, because... The method is very simple to implement. Just launch any recording program or audio editor (Audacity is fine), tell everyone you're talking to to do the same, click the "Record" button and start a conversation. It is not at all necessary for everyone to press the button at the same time; during installation this does not matter much.

    Yes, by the way, I don’t recommend using heavy programs like Adobe Audition. I encountered one problem - if you actively work with hard drive or in a browser, such a heavy program can introduce artifacts into the file. If you listen to the first couple of episodes of Radio-U, you will hear rare “glitches”, repeats or half-second gaps in my track. After that, I began recording exclusively in lightweight Audacity.

    Happy collective podcasting!

    There are situations when you need to record and save some important conversation in (Skype) to listen to it again.

    The cases when this may be needed may vary, from receiving simple tips, to a serious business conversation. And, in order not to forget anything, sometimes it would be very useful to record this conversation in an audio file and then listen to it again.

    But how to do this?

    There is a special free program for such a task, installation and use, which we will consider in this article. The program is called MP3 Skype Recorder.

    Download MP3 Skype Recorder

    To download the MP3 Skype Recorder program, go to the official website of this program and click on the button Free Download:

    Installing MP3 Skype Recorder

    Run the downloaded file to begin the installation.

    The installation process of MP3 Skype Recorder consists of just two steps. In the first window you need to agree to the terms of use (check the box and click on Install):

    And in the second window that will appear after the installation process, you need to click on Finish:

    Just in case: At the beginning of the installation, the system may display the following message:

    This means that the components are not installed on the computer Microsoft. NET Framework required to install this program. In this case, you need to install them first.

    But I left the checkbox to minimize the program window in the Taskbar.

    In field 6 I set other recording parameters - you can set the same ones for yourself, since these are more optimal recording values.

    Now, when I need to record some important conversation for re-listening, I simply launch it through the Start menu. The program is minimized to the taskbar tray and is ready for recording, since its settings already include green on ON.

    Next, after the end of the conversation, I close the program using Exit and when I need to re-listen to some conversation, then there is no need to launch MP3 Skype Recorder. I just go to drive E to the folder MP3Skype and turn on the selected audio file for listening, for example, using .

    Perhaps in your case there will be other settings. So, for example, if you often communicate on Skype and you need to record and save some conversations almost every day, then it may be better to do automatic start program at system startup so that it is always on. And after conversations there is no need to press Exit.

    In this case, the program will record ALL conversations that take place on your computer via Skype, and only then you can delete unnecessary ones in the save folder for these recordings.

    Hi all! Today I’ll tell you about how to record a conversation on Skype and why it’s needed. Although, since you came to this page from a search, then you already know why you need this. In general, in this article I will tell you my experience of using a wonderful program for recording conversations on Skype, which is called MP3 Skype recorder. This is a convenient and free program that will not be difficult to install.

    Why record conversations?

    But first, let's figure it out, why do we even need to record conversations? Here everyone has their own needs and let's look at the main ones. Someone wants to record a conversation with an employer in order to competently complete a task and, if necessary, listen to what was said to him. Someone is developing their personal brand and your blog with the help of interviews, and here it is important to understand that without recording a conversation on Skype, this interview simply cannot be posted online. And some just want to save the conversation for history. In general, the needs are different, but mainly it is used for interviews for further promotion.

    If this is applied to the information business, then a Skype conversation in the form of answering questions can be an excellent finished product. That is, we prepared questions, agreed to talk on Skype, and at the end received a ready-made mp3 file that can be given for a subscription. Well, this is one of the options.

    Which recording program should I use?

    There are quite a lot of recording programs, but I have been using MP3 Skype recorder for 4 years and it has never let me down. On at the moment The program interface has changed and in this article I will not only give you a link to download this program, but also provide detailed setup instructions. After all, not everyone knows how to configure this program to work. And let's get straight to detailed instructions on installation.

    How to download and configure MP3 Skype recorder

    First, we need to download the MP3 Skype recorder program from the official website. This program completely free and available to everyone. In order to download the program, go to the program website and click on big button, as shown in the figure below.

    or you can directly click on this button

    Next, run the downloaded installation file and launch it. Follow the installer's instructions and generally follow normal installation programs. Attention, Skype must be disabled or the program will still ask you to close it during installation. Then run the program, it will appear at the bottom of the tray on the desktop.

    When you first start, do not forget to give access to Skype for this program. will appear at the top of the Skype window special message, allow access and go to settings. The program settings window looks like this.

    By clicking on buttons and links, you can set required settings. At the top, the square buttons are responsible for Turning On and Off, and you can also go directly to the folder with call recordings. The folder is created by default, but you can specify your own folder by specifying the path in the appropriate field by clicking on it.

    In general, make the settings as shown in the screenshot and everything will be fine. Be sure to set the Mode parameter to MONO mode. This is necessary so that any of your listeners can hear the recording. If there is stereo recording, then the sound will be recorded on different channels for each participant in the conversation and thus, if the listener has a computer in mono mode or one speaker is running, then he can only hear one participant. And if everything is recorded in mono, then such incidents will not happen.

    If the Auto start option is enabled, as shown in the screenshot, then all conversations will be automatically recorded and placed in the specified folder. In principle, this is all about settings, downloading and installing the MP3 Skype recorder program. I hope that this article and this program will be of great benefit to you. As always, I will be waiting for your questions and comments on this article. Good luck to you and all the best!

    Would you like to write down your mom's facial record when you provide him with an update? How about capturing a deep learning group discussion? With Skype (version 8) it is possible to record your Skype calls, Skype directly in the application. Calling Skype recording is completely cloud-based you need to perform productivity space or device storage as recording.

    Key features of Skype call recording:

    • Call recording is currently only available for Skype to calls, Skype.
    • Immediately start recording a Skype call, all users in the call will be notified that it is being recorded, so there are no unexpected situations.
    • When recording a video call, Skype will combine and record all video streams (including your own).
    • If provided sharing your desktop during a call, it will also be included in the recordings.
    • After you stop recording, end a call or leave a group call, recording stops and recordings of the last call are taken into account on your behalf in the Skype conversation in which the call was made.
    • Skype call recordings will be available in the conversation for 30 days. You can download and save recordings locally at any time for up to 30 days.

    Record a call on Skype

    Saving a Skype call recording

    Ways to share Skype call is recorded

    Other Skype call recording options

    • Select messages- select this, as well as other messages in the conversation.
    • Removal- Remove recorded call from conversation.
    • Report- record a call report from another user about a violation or spam.

    Skype (version 7) does not natively support call recording; However, some of our third party developers have created applications that connect to Linux, Mac and Windows Classic Skype clients to do this. Some of these are listed below*:

    Program name Supported OS Website Links
    Amolto call recorder
    Advanced Callnote call recording Windows or Mac OS X
    eCamm call recording for Skype Mac OS X
    G-records Windows or Mac OS X
    iRecorder Windows XP or later
    MP3 Tool Skype recordings Windows Vista or later
    Olga Windows XP or later
    TalkHelper Windows Vista or later
    Tapur Windows and Mac OS X
    Vodburner Windows and Mac OS X
    Xsplit Windows XP or later

    If you are the developer of one of these applications and would like to request that we change some of the data in this section, or you would like to add applications to this list, please contact the service.

    *Third-party applications have not been returned, verified, certified, or otherwise approved or supported by Skype. Applications may have third party providers' own terms and privacy policies. Skype does not control and is not responsible for the download, installation, price, quality, performance, availability, support or terms of purchase of third party applications.

    Skype is the most popular program for communication via the World Wide Web. Using Skype, you can communicate with interlocutors, create conferences, and much more. But sometimes it happens that you need to record a conversation and save it to your computer. The recording will provide an opportunity to listen to it in the future or use it as evidence. The main problem with recording a conversation is that Skype does not have a built-in recording function. There are many different programs, with which you can record conversations on Skype. The developers have released a couple cool programs: Amolto Call Recorder, CallTrunk for Skype, Evoca Call, Vodburner, Pamela, iFree Skype Recorder. They are all similar to each other and the choice is yours. This article will describe how iFree Skype Recorder works. Why her? She doesn't have extraneous noise when registering, and it's free. This article will help you learn how to record conversations on Skype using one utility.

    Description of the iFree Skype Recorder program for recording conversations on Skype

    The first thing that can scare you when installing a program is English language. Yes, it is entirely in English, but it is easy to understand. Using this utility, you can record all Skype conversations, including conference calls. There are two types of entries: full version, when you can record the entire conversation and the recording of only one of the interlocutors. Absolutely all recordings are saved to your computer in mp3 format. To run iFree Skype Recorder you need:

    After authorization is confirmed, “Ready for Recording” will be written.

    That's it, the program is ready and you can record a conversation on Skype.

    Possible problems with the iFree program

    The most common problems with the program are “Searching for Skype” or “Waiting to access Skype” errors.

    There may also be an error “Your skype refused me to access it. Please visit the page." Don't worry, such problems are easily solved. To do this you need:

    There should be no more problems and recording conversations from Skype will proceed without a hitch.

    Instructions for recording sound on Skype

    The IFree Skype Recorder program can record in two modes: automatic (sound recording turns on and off independently) and manually (you need to control the recording yourself).

    iFree panel:

    After you have studied the main window, you need to consider how to record a conversation on Skype. As soon as you turn on the sound recording, the message “Recording in progress” will appear. The pause and stop buttons will be red. This means that recording can be paused or stopped completely at any time.

    After you've finished the call, find your entry in History. To find a folder with recordings, click on the “Recording folder” button. The folder can be changed at will to any other one on the computer and all entries will be saved in it.

    Instructions for recording a video conversation on Skype

    Video calls are the most convenient way communications on Skype. With the help of video, you can not only hear, but also see your interlocutor. The “Screen Camera” application will help you record a video conversation.

    Record a video conversation on Skype without special application impossible.

    First you need to download the program and install it on your PC. After you have downloaded and installed the application, it is time to record your first video from Skype. On the main program window, click the “Screen Recording” button and select the area on the monitor that you want to record. The area easily moves across the screen and you can change camera locations.

    All that remains is to make a video call and click on the “Record” button. To stop the video, press the F10 key.

    Upon completion, you can save the video in the format you need. There are three options for saving videos. The first one is “Create Screen Video”. Saves the recording to your computer. The second is “Burn video to DVD.” In this case, the recorded conversation on Skype can be downloaded to disk. The third is ready-made settings that will help you upload videos to different video hosting sites. There are other programs for recording video conversations via Skype, the choice is always yours.

    Recording a video conversation in Skype on Android OS

    It would seem that we have already considered all the possibilities of recording via Skype, but there is one more interesting option– recordings of conversations on Skype on Android. If you have the device itself, a special mobile Skype applications and Internet access, this is quite simple to do using the Screen Cast Recorder application. Run on Skype phone, call the other person, go to the Screen Cast Recorder application and press the red button, which indicates the start of recording. At the end of the conversation, you need to press the red button again, this will be the end of the recording. The file will be saved to your phone in MP3 format and the folder you set.

    So, in order to record a conversation, you need to download a program for recording on Skype. You can record a video conversation from a computer or laptop, and even from regular smartphone. Using the advice in this article, you can easily record whatever you want and listen to it at a time convenient for you.