• What version of flash player does Yandex browser use. Why doesn't Adobe Flash Player work in Yandex.Browser

    Flash player in Yandex Browser already available after installing the browser on your system. Those. You don't need to specifically install Adobe Flash Player. But for a number of different reasons, flash errors sometimes occur. This may be a consequence of the actions of viruses, the installation of some software that damaged system files, etc. There are many reasons.

    Step-by-step instructions for solving the problem

    1. In the address bar of the browser paste browser://plugins/ and click ENTER. The page with plugins will open.
    2. See if you have one Adobe Flash Player connected. If you have more than one player, then leave connected only one from your list. Usually, with such a problem, two players are displayed - built-in (older version) and external (newer version installed on your system). When you disable the built-in player and leave the Yandex Browser external flash player on, the problem usually disappears.
    3. Be sure to restart (switch off and restart) your browser and check if everything works. If not, leave another flash player enabled.

    If after checking all used players the problem remains, then disable all players, go to the official Adobe Flash Player website at


    and download the latest flash. Restart your computer before installing it. Next, without opening any browser, run the installation of the flash player. After installation, restart your computer again and check the performance of the flash player in Yandex Browser.

    Unity and Windows XP

    About the end of support for Flash technology in 2020. This means that the Flash Player plugin, which is still required for some sites, will no longer be available for installation and updates. This news affects all modern browsers, so today we will once again recall the history of this technology and talk about Yandex.Browser's plans.

    And then came the age of the mobile internet. A phone with Internet access appeared in everyone's pocket, and new requirements began to be imposed on sites. And not only did they have to be comfortable to watch on a small screen, but they also had to be light and fast enough not to drain your phone's battery in a matter of minutes. And here Flash did not fit well. Unsurprisingly, support for the plug-in for Android devices ended rather quickly, and it was not there initially on iOS. As a result, the mobile Internet has become the main driver for the development of web technologies that do not require heavyweight plug-ins.

    Now HTML5 and WebGL technologies have almost completely replaced Flash on all devices and platforms. Although they are not fully capable of recreating the capabilities of the plugin, their cross-platform, speed and cost-effectiveness turned out to be more important. And now it is already difficult to find a modern site that would not work without Flash Player installed in the browser.

    Unity and Windows XP), so we do not plan to force blocking of the plugin in Yandex.Browser. Flash Player will continue to be supported in Yandex.Browser as far as possible and demand.


    About the end of support for Flash technology in 2020. This means that the Flash Player plugin, which is still required for some sites, will no longer be available for installation and updates. This news affects all modern browsers, so today we will once again recall the history of this technology and talk about Yandex.Browser's plans.

    Flash technology has played an important role in the development of the Internet. With its help, millions of users around the world could watch videos or play games directly in the browser, and developers could create interactive sites with complex animation. People were only required to download and install a special plug-in, which over time began to be built directly into browsers for computers.

    And then came the age of the mobile internet. A phone with Internet access appeared in everyone's pocket, and new requirements began to be imposed on sites. And not only did they have to be comfortable to watch on a small screen, but they also had to be light and fast enough not to drain your phone's battery in a matter of minutes. And here Flash did not fit well. Unsurprisingly, support for the plug-in for Android devices ended rather quickly, and it was not there initially on iOS. As a result, the mobile Internet has become the main driver for the development of web technologies that do not require heavyweight plug-ins.

    Now HTML5 and WebGL technologies have almost completely replaced Flash on all devices and platforms. Although they are not fully capable of recreating the capabilities of the plugin, their cross-platform, speed and cost-effectiveness turned out to be more important. And now it is already difficult to find a modern site that would not work without Flash Player installed in the browser.

    Last year, we abandoned the practice of embedding a plugin in Yandex.Browser - now Flash is offered for installation regardless of the browser. Although the complete disappearance of this technology from all sites is inevitable, we want to give users and developers time to migrate to alternative solutions (as was the case with Unity and Windows XP), so we do not plan to force the blocking of the plugin in Yandex Browser. Flash Player will continue to be supported in Yandex.Browser as far as possible and demand.

    About the end of support for Flash technology in 2020. This means that the Flash Player plugin, which is still required for some sites, will no longer be available for installation and updates. This news affects all modern browsers, so today we will once again recall the history of this technology and talk about Yandex.Browser's plans.

    Flash technology has played an important role in the development of the Internet. With its help, millions of users around the world could watch videos or play games directly in the browser, and developers could create interactive sites with complex animation. People were only required to download and install a special plug-in, which over time began to be built directly into browsers for computers.

    And then came the age of the mobile internet. A phone with Internet access appeared in everyone's pocket, and new requirements began to be imposed on sites. And not only did they have to be comfortable to watch on a small screen, but they also had to be light and fast enough not to drain your phone's battery in a matter of minutes. And here Flash did not fit well. Unsurprisingly, support for the plug-in for Android devices ended rather quickly, and it was not there initially on iOS. As a result, the mobile Internet has become the main driver for the development of web technologies that do not require heavyweight plug-ins.

    Now HTML5 and WebGL technologies have almost completely replaced Flash on all devices and platforms. Although they are not fully capable of recreating the capabilities of the plugin, their cross-platform, speed and cost-effectiveness turned out to be more important. And now it is already difficult to find a modern site that would not work without Flash Player installed in the browser.

    Last year, we abandoned the practice of embedding a plugin in Yandex.Browser - now Flash is offered for installation regardless of the browser. Although the complete disappearance of this technology from all sites is inevitable, we want to give users and developers time to migrate to alternative solutions (as was the case with Unity and Windows XP), so we do not plan to force the blocking of the plugin in Yandex Browser. Flash Player will continue to be supported in Yandex.Browser as far as possible and demand.


    About the end of support for Flash technology in 2020. This means that the Flash Player plugin, which is still required for some sites, will no longer be available for installation and updates. This news affects all modern browsers, so today we will once again recall the history of this technology and talk about Yandex.Browser's plans.

    Flash technology has played an important role in the development of the Internet. With its help, millions of users around the world could watch videos or play games directly in the browser, and developers could create interactive sites with complex animation. People were only required to download and install a special plug-in, which over time began to be built directly into browsers for computers.

    And then came the age of the mobile internet. A phone with Internet access appeared in everyone's pocket, and new requirements began to be imposed on sites. And not only did they have to be comfortable to watch on a small screen, but they also had to be light and fast enough not to drain your phone's battery in a matter of minutes. And here Flash did not fit well. Unsurprisingly, support for the plug-in for Android devices ended rather quickly, and it was not there initially on iOS. As a result, the mobile Internet has become the main driver for the development of web technologies that do not require heavyweight plug-ins.

    Now HTML5 and WebGL technologies have almost completely replaced Flash on all devices and platforms. Although they are not fully capable of recreating the capabilities of the plugin, their cross-platform, speed and cost-effectiveness turned out to be more important. And now it is already difficult to find a modern site that would not work without Flash Player installed in the browser.

    Last year, we abandoned the practice of embedding a plugin in Yandex.Browser - now Flash is offered for installation regardless of the browser. Although the complete disappearance of this technology from all sites is inevitable, we want to give users and developers time to migrate to alternative solutions (as was the case with Unity and Windows XP), so we do not plan to force the blocking of the plugin in Yandex Browser. Flash Player will continue to be supported in Yandex.Browser as far as possible and demand.

    About the end of support for Flash technology in 2020. This means that the Flash Player plugin, which is still required for some sites, will no longer be available for installation and updates. This news affects all modern browsers, so today we will once again recall the history of this technology and talk about Yandex.Browser's plans.

    Flash technology has played an important role in the development of the Internet. With its help, millions of users around the world could watch videos or play games directly in the browser, and developers could create interactive sites with complex animation. People were only required to download and install a special plug-in, which over time began to be built directly into browsers for computers.

    And then came the age of the mobile internet. A phone with Internet access appeared in everyone's pocket, and new requirements began to be imposed on sites. And not only did they have to be comfortable to watch on a small screen, but they also had to be light and fast enough not to drain your phone's battery in a matter of minutes. And here Flash did not fit well. Unsurprisingly, support for the plug-in for Android devices ended rather quickly, and it was not there initially on iOS. As a result, the mobile Internet has become the main driver for the development of web technologies that do not require heavyweight plug-ins.

    Now HTML5 and WebGL technologies have almost completely replaced Flash on all devices and platforms. Although they are not fully capable of recreating the capabilities of the plugin, their cross-platform, speed and cost-effectiveness turned out to be more important. And now it is already difficult to find a modern site that would not work without Flash Player installed in the browser.

    Last year, we abandoned the practice of embedding a plugin in Yandex.Browser - now Flash is offered for installation regardless of the browser. Although the complete disappearance of this technology from all sites is inevitable, we want to give users and developers time to migrate to alternative solutions (as was the case with Unity and Windows XP), so we do not plan to force the blocking of the plugin in Yandex Browser. Flash Player will continue to be supported in Yandex.Browser as far as possible and demand.

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    Adobe has announced the end of support for Flash technology in 2020. This means that the Flash Player plugin, which is still required for some sites, will no longer be available for installation and updates. This news affects all modern browsers, so today we will once again recall the history of this technology and talk about Yandex.Browser's plans.


    Adobe has announced the end of support for Flash technology in 2020. This means that the Flash Player plugin, which is still required for some sites, will no longer be available for installation and updates. This news affects all modern browsers, so today we will once again recall the history of this technology and talk about Yandex.Browser's plans.

    Adobe has announced the end of support for Flash technology in 2020. This means that the Flash Player plugin, which is still required for some sites, will no longer be available for installation and updates. This news affects all modern browsers, so today we will once again recall the history of this technology and talk about Yandex.Browser's plans.

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    Flash Player support in Yandex.Browser

    And then came the age of the mobile internet. A phone with Internet access appeared in everyone's pocket, and new requirements began to be imposed on sites. And not only did they have to be comfortable to watch on a small screen, but they also had to be light and fast enough not to drain your phone's battery in a matter of minutes. And here Flash did not fit well. Unsurprisingly, support for the plug-in for Android devices ended rather quickly, and it was not there initially on iOS. As a result, the mobile Internet has become the main driver for the development of web technologies that do not require heavyweight plug-ins.

    Now HTML5 and WebGL technologies have almost completely replaced Flash on all devices and platforms. Although they are not fully capable of recreating the capabilities of the plugin, their cross-platform, speed and cost-effectiveness turned out to be more important. And now it is already difficult to find a modern site that would not work without Flash Player installed in the browser.

    Last year, we abandoned the practice of embedding a plugin in Yandex.Browser - now Flash is offered for installation regardless of the browser. Although the complete disappearance of this technology from all sites is inevitable, we want to give users and developers time to migrate to alternative solutions (as was the case with and ), so we do not plan to force the blocking of the plugin in Yandex Browser. Flash Player will continue to be supported in Yandex.Browser as far as possible and demand.

    - one of the most installed browser plugins. All those who want to have access to web applications developed in Flash need it. Without this plug-in, you will not be able to watch videos and play games online, because the vast majority of them are based on Flash technology. To enable the plugin in Yandex Browser, you need to follow a certain procedure.

    Potential Adobe Flash Player errors

    In Yandex Browser, the Flash player is built in by default. However, regular browser updates can lead to a conflict between the new version and the plugin itself. In such a situation, you will see a message asking you to update the plugin at the moment when you want to watch the video.

    What is the reason for this problem? Often this is caused by incorrect settings in the web browser. An outdated version of the player, problems with DirectX and the absence of DLL files in the system are the main causes of problems.

    You need to understand that the Adguard ad blocker cannot lead to this. It can block the embedded commercial, but not the main content.

    Flash Player Update

    Something as simple as uninstalling Adobe Flash Player and then installing the latest version might be the best solution. Every user can cope with this task, even with minimal experience.

    First of all, make sure you have the latest browser version installed. You can do this in Menu -> Advanced -> About Yandex Browser

    You can also just install the latest version of the browser on top of the one already installed. To do this, download Yandex Browser and install it following the prompts.

    After completing these steps and before starting the next steps, you must close the browser. Then go to "Control Panel" and "Uninstall Programs". At the top of the list, you will find Adobe Flash Player. Click on the "Delete" button with the plugin highlighted. It is recommended that you restart your computer after completing your work.

    Now open your browser and download the new version of Adobe Flash Player. Once the download is complete, close your web browser again.

    1. Start the installation process.
    2. Agree with the license agreement.
    3. Make sure "Allow Adobe to install updates" is checked. The installation will not take more than a few minutes.
    4. At the end, you need to click the "Finish" button.
    5. Restart your computer.

    Plugin activation

    After the above steps have been carried out, you need to enable the Flash Player plugin.

    1. Launch your browser, open a new tab in it.
    2. In the address bar you need to write browser://plugins.
    3. After opening a new window, find the "Read More" link and click on it.
    4. In the list that appears, select Flash player for Yandex Browser.

    As a rule, the plugin should already be enabled by default.

    The detailed description of the plug-in will mention the version of the plug-in, the date of its publication and the location of the computer. Most often, it is located in the system folder on drive C.

    In the event that you fail to achieve a working state of video files and applications developed on the basis of Flash, then the problem is probably in viruses. To check this, you will need to run a file system check with an anti-virus program. After it completes, see if the issue is resolved.

    If all the above steps were ineffective, it remains only to carry out the following actions:

    • contact flash player specialists (you can find contact information on the official website);
    • describe the problem (browser used, what message is displayed, etc.);
    • describe previous actions taken;
    • wait for an answer.


    Yandex.Browser was developed in October 2012 by the Russian company of the same name in order to make life easier for users of Yandex services. This software very quickly found its audience, whose representatives still use the browser from Yandex.

    When developing the Yandex browser, the developers took as a basis the well-known Blink engine, which is actively used in the Chrome Internet browser, released by the American company Google. Due to such circumstances, it can be said with 100% certainty that Yandex.Browser in its original form has all the standard functionality of Chrome.

    People who are faced with the problem of Flash Player not working in Yandex browser most likely simply do not know that this extension is installed in the default browser, without the possibility of removing it. Thus, if Flash Player does not work for you, you simply need to update or reinstall it.

    Installing Flash Player on Yandex browser

    In most cases, installing Flash Player in browsers such as Yandex or Chrome is not required. However, sometimes system errors occur that lead to the malfunction of certain plugins. Of course, in this case, a full installation of the extension will be required.

    Please note that in a small number of cases, if the Flash Player fails, it is possible to disable this plugin by system.

    Method 1: enable the extension through the settings

    This method of installation, or rather activation of the Flash Player, consists in changing the corresponding parameter in the "hidden settings" of this Internet browser. You should follow a certain scheme of actions in order to easily get to the desired page and, by chance, do not disable other extensions that are vital for the browser.

    Please note that if Flash Player is activated, but Flash content on the sites still does not work, you should immediately go to the second method of installing this plugin.

    In some cases, this solution completely solves the problem of installing Flash Player.

    Method 2: Installing and Reinstalling Flash Player

    The second method will require you to take a few more steps. In particular, you may need a special program "CCleaner", as well as access to the official website of Adobe Flash Player.

    After all the above steps are completed, the installation of Adobe Flash Player can be considered complete. If you did everything correctly, then after starting the computer and opening web content with flash elements in Yandex.Browser, all content will be displayed properly.

    Yandex.Browser is a browser created by Yandex. The Internet browser is built on the basis of the Blink engine, which in turn is used in the open Chromium web browser. It is the second most popular browser in Runet at the time of this writing.

    Like Yandex.Browser, it has a built-in Adobe Flash Player, so if this platform is not installed on your computer, flash-based videos or banners will still be shown in the browser. Another thing is when a crash occurs or someone who uses your computer intentionally turned off this plugin - you can turn it on yourself. How to do it?

    Open Yandex.Browser and directly in the browser line write the phrase browser://plugins (without quotes). Press Enter.

    After the page with plugins opens, launch the flash player by clicking on the "Enable" button.

    If you can't open the plugins page this way, there is another solution.

    Open Yandex.Browser and click on the button in the form of three stripes, which is located at the top of the window. A menu appears, in it we select the item "Settings".

    We are looking for the subsection "Protection of personal data" and click on the button "Content settings".

    Here we find the subsection "Plugins" and click on the item "Manage individual plugins".

    The plugins page will open. In order to run Flash Player, you need to click on the "Enable" button under this plugin.

    If you see two plugins from Adobe Flash Player and both are enabled, one of them needs to be disabled because they conflict with each other.

    If the flash player still does not work, try disabling and re-enabling the plugin using the above method.