• Mail mail registration create mail. What is email and how to make it

    Greetings, dear readers! Do you want to quickly send letters and files over the Internet? Then let's take a closer look at how to create mail on Yandex from the very beginning. This will take very little time.

    What do you need to prepare before registering a mailbox?

    Before creating it on Yandex, it is advisable to prepare the following data:

    • login;
    • password;
    • phone number.

    Login is a nickname (fictitious name, pseudonym). It must consist of Latin letters and numbers. Dots and hyphens are also allowed. A couple of examples - vasya1967, angel-web1. There is complete scope for your imagination; you can choose any name you like. The only thing is that each login must be unique. Let's see how to check it further.

    Each created email on Yandex is password protected. It must be at least 6 characters long, consist of Latin letters and may contain numbers and special characters.

    Entering a mobile phone number to open a new mail is not required. There is an alternative - indicate the answer to the security question. I'll show you in the picture later.

    Step-by-step instructions for creating an email

    Have you already got your first ideas for a beautiful login? Then let's get started. You can register for free on Yandex in the ru zone quite quickly. Open your browser - this is the program through which you view different sites.

    Open the Yandex search engine and click on the inscription “create a mailbox”, as shown in the illustration above.

    In the form that opens, enter your first name, last name, and phone number. It is better to enter real data, so that if you lose access to your email address, there will be no difficulties with. The phone number will need to be confirmed so that the system knows that you did not make a mistake when entering and the mobile phone is in your hands. Now let's check the previously invented logins.

    As you can see, it will not be possible to create an email using the first login, because it is simply busy with another person. What can you come up with here? You can add or remove letters and numbers to make your nickname unique.

    There are no difficulties with the second “name”, it is free, you can continue registration. Let's move on.

    It is better to choose a complex password for your mailbox so that it cannot be hacked. For example, “yavasya” is too simple, but “Ya1vasYa#18” is already normal. To avoid mistakes, you will need to re-enter the password in the field below.

    What to do if you don’t want to enter your mobile number? You just need to click on the inscription, as in the illustration above. An alternative option will appear.

    Choose from the list or come up with your own security question. Try not to guess the answer. If for sure, then the answer may be a meaningless set of letters, but it's up to you. Next, click “create mail”. If all fields are filled out correctly, registration is completed. Otherwise, you need to look at the errors that will be indicated and correct them.

    It's not difficult at all, is it? I hope that I answered your question about how to create a new email in the Yandex search engine step by step and for free.

    I congratulate you on your new successes in the global network! Do you know how people make money in it using the same social networks or in other ways? This can be learned. Interesting information on this topic can be found here.

    How to log in to the mail?

    To open your mail on your computer you need to follow a few simple steps:

    1. Open the browser if it is closed;
    2. Login to Yandex;
    3. Enter your username and password and click on the “login” button.

    See how simple it is? In fact, this is not the only way to authorize. The contents of the email box can be viewed using special . They will be discussed in the following articles.

    I will conclude here. Share your observations and achievements in the comments. To keep track of new articles on the blog, just subscribe to material updates. It won't take much time and you will be among the first to know about new publications.

    Mail.Ru home page

    At the bottom of this form there will be a “Register by mail” button, which is what you need. You will be taken to the mailbox registration page, which contains a registration form.

    To start registering, click on the link

    There is nothing difficult about filling out the registration form. It contains mandatory fields, without which the mailbox will not be registered. The remaining fields (opposite which is the phrase “optional”) are filled in at the user’s discretion.

    Personal details

    Be sure to indicate your first and last name, as well as your date of birth. But no one checks this information.

    This is what the registration form looks like

    1. Your first and last name will be displayed when sending emails.
    2. To indicate your date of birth, you must select the required parameters in the drop-down lists.
    3. You can specify the name of the locality by selecting the desired option from those offered in the drop-down list or by starting to enter the first letters of your option. If your option is not in the list, then you should select the closest settlement from those that are on the list. However, this field is not required to be filled in.
    4. Gender is indicated by toggling the button.

    If personal data was entered incorrectly during registration, the mistake can be easily corrected. To do this, after completing registration, you will need to go to the “Personal Data” section in your mailbox settings and make corrections.

    Mailbox name (login)

    A login is a unique combination of letters, numbers and certain symbols that is located in front of the domain. The Mail.ru service provides the following domains to choose from: @mail.ru, @bk.ru, @inbox.ru, @list.ru.

    Choosing a mailbox name is a serious matter, since it is impossible to rename it. If you want to change your login, you will have to delete the created mailbox and register a new one.

    The mailbox name can contain 4 – 31 characters.

    When creating a login you must use:

    • Latin letters;
    • numbers;
    • symbols: "-", "_" and "." The specified characters cannot be adjacent. The login cannot begin or end with them.

    Chances are the name you're planning to use will be taken. You will be provided with a list of possible options based on your personal information. You can select an option from the proposed list or continue to select a login yourself.

    List of possible login options

    If the name you need is occupied in one of the selected domains, you can check it in the other three domains by clicking the small triangle in the field on the right and selecting another domain from the drop-down list.

    It should be noted that in the login the case of letters does not matter, that is, the mailbox name can be typed in both lowercase and capital letters.

    It is prohibited to register mailboxes with names that are similar to Mail.Ru service names and that include the words support, suport and admin.

    When a green checkmark appears to the right of the login field, it means you can move on.

    Composing a password

    A strong password guarantees the security of all personal information contained on Mail.Ru. If you intend to constantly use your mailbox for serious purposes, you should take seriously the creation of a strong password and its safety.

    The password can include 6-40 characters.

    Allowed characters are:

    • Latin letters;
    • numbers;
    • characters: ! @ # $ % ^ & * () — _ + = ; : , . / ? \ | ` ~ ( ).

    Unlike the mailbox name, the case of the letters in the password is important, meaning it makes a difference whether you use uppercase or lowercase letters.

    The password cannot:

    • include Russian letters;
    • consist only of numbers. The password must include numbers and letters. In addition, you need to use both lowercase and capital letters.
    • match your login and personal data.

    The optimal period for using one password is from 3 to 12 months, after which it is advisable to change the password.

    The password generation service from Mail.Ru will help you create a strong password that complies with all the rules.

    Never tell third parties your mailbox password. In addition, you should know that Mail.Ru never asks its users for mailbox passwords. If you receive such a request, know that these are scammers’ tricks!

    To make sure you entered the password correctly, you must enter the same password again in the next field.

    Data for password recovery

    Completing the following fields is necessary to ensure that you can recover your password if it is lost. There are two options to choose from:

    1. enter your mobile phone number. From the drop-down list, you need to select a country and enter the phone number to which a message containing a confirmation code will be sent.
    2. enter an additional e-mail. Any other already registered mailbox will be useful if the password for the new mailbox is lost. Using an additional e-mail, you can recover your password by sending a message to it with a forgotten password.

    After checking that the registration form is filled out correctly, click “Register”.

    If you indicated a mobile phone number, you should enter the code received via SMS.

    You should enter the code from the SMS in this form

    If the phone number was not specified, then you should enter the code from the picture.

    Click "Done". If everything is filled out correctly, then registration will take place, and you will go to the newly created mailbox, where a congratulatory letter is already waiting for you.

    Login to your mailbox

    Login to the mail is carried out using the form already familiar to us

    In order to log into your registered mailbox, you should:

    1. Go to the main page by typing “mail.ru” in your browser or search engine, or by following the link http://mail.ru/
    2. On the main page of the portal, follow the “Mail” link, or use the filling form, which is presented in the upper left corner.
    3. Specify your login by selecting your domain in the drop-down list and enter your password.
    4. Click the “Login” button. If the data is entered correctly, you will be taken to the “Inbox” folder, where you can view messages, reply to them and delete them.

    If, after entering data, an error message appears in front of you, you should check:

    • the username is entered correctly;
    • correct choice of domain;
    • language and case of password entry.

    If you check the “remember” field, which is located under the “Login” button, then in the future you will not need to enter your login and password every time. The transition from the main page to the mailbox will be carried out automatically. But you should not do this if other users are using this computer.

    Greetings, my dear readers! In today's online world, you can't do without email. Almost all online services require you to enter an email address when registering. Without it, you will not be able to register anywhere. This article will tell you about registering email on various email services.

    Email History

    The history of email dates back to 1971, when the first letter was sent over the ARPANET. With the advent of DNS, familiar email addresses like:

    user @ example. com, Where user– denotes the user login, and example. com– this is the address of the mail service or server.

    The year 1996 was marked by the emergence of the free email service RocketMail. In 1998, the Russian mail service Mail.ru was launched; Yandex.Mail began operating a little later, in 2000. Google's free email service, called Gmail, launched in 2004.

    Now think about these numbers: every day, humanity around the world sends and receives more than 87 billion letters. This is if you count only personal correspondence. In the business environment, this figure is higher; more than 108 billion work emails are sent daily. In one second, 2.3 million emails are sent around the world. These numbers are amazing in their improbability, but they are true. Statisticians also estimate that the share of spam messages ranges from 87 to 90 percent.

    Email Security

    This issue is quite serious, since if an attacker takes possession of the email password, he will be able to gain access to all accounts on various services in which this email address was used during registration. All services provide the ability to recover a password, and they send letters with a link to change the password to an email address. This way you can gain access to almost all user accounts.

    This is why it is very important to choose a secure password for your email account. What is a “secure password”? A secure password must comply with the following rules:

    • length must be at least 8 characters;
    • contain uppercase and lowercase letters of the Latin alphabet;
    • contain numbers;
    • contain special characters and punctuation marks;
    • should not be predictable;
    • must not contain known sequences such as Pi or the Fibonacci series.

    If you follow all these rules, it will be impossible to guess your password. Also, do not forget that each service must have its own password, different from passwords on other services.

    You can use various generators to generate passwords. For example, I use this service: http://online-generators.ru/passwords

    Many email services today provide users with advanced security options for their mailboxes. These could be functions such as:

    • attaching a number and recovering passwords using it;
    • ban on simultaneous sessions from different computers;
    • login to your email account only from certain IP addresses;
    • two-level authorization - to access the mailbox you need to enter a password and confirmation from an SMS message or a reserve list of codes.

    When using the last point, it will be almost impossible to hack your mailbox. This will require not only a password, but also access to your mobile phone.

    Now let's move on to the main part of the article. I will tell you how to register for the three most popular email services in Russia.

    Registering an email on Yandex

    Yandex has the simplest email registration algorithm. To register with Yandex.Mail, you need to complete the following steps:

    1. Go to the website https://www.yandex.ru and click on the “Create mail” link in the upper right corner.

    1. Enter all the data in the input fields: first name, last name, login (it will be generated automatically, you can also use the above-mentioned service to generate it - http://online-generators.ru/names), mobile phone number and click on the “Get code” button "

    1. You will receive an SMS message with a confirmation code. Enter the code in the required field and click on the “Confirm” button

    1. A message will appear indicating that the phone has been successfully verified:

    1. Now you can click the “Register” button, which is located at the bottom of the registration page.

    “Register” button in Yandex.Mail

    1. If you do not want to use a mobile phone number, then click on the “I don’t have a mobile phone” link.

    1. Select a security question from the list or ask your own (1), enter the answer to the question (2), enter the characters from the picture to prove that you are not a robot (3) and click the “Register” button (4).

    Now you have an email address on Yandex. Your email address will look like: [email protected]. You can fully use all the capabilities of Yandex mail.

    Video tutorial on registering on Yandex:

    Registering an email on Mail.ru

    Registration on the mail.ru mail service is slightly longer than on Yandex.Mail.

    1. Go to the website https://mail.ru and click on the link “Registration in mail”

    1. When registering, you will need to enter your first name, last name, date of birth, city, create a username and password for your account, and enter your mobile phone number. After entering all the data, click on the green “Register” button at the bottom of the page.

    1. After this, you will receive a message on your phone with a confirmation code that you will need to enter. After this you will be taken to your mail account.

    1. If you do not want to enter a mobile phone number, then click on the “I don’t have a mobile phone” link.

    1. Now you need to enter another email address that you have access to. This is necessary so that if you lose your password, you can restore access to your mail. After entering, click on the “Register” button.

    1. To confirm that you are not a robot, you will need to enter the code from the picture and click the “Done” button.

    Registration is now complete and you will be redirected to your email account. Now you can use all the services of this free mail on Mail.ru.

    A video tutorial about registering on mail.ru is below:

    Registering an email with Gmail

    1. To sign up for Gmail, go to https://accounts.google.com/SignUp. Fill out all fields: first name, last name, username, password and confirmation, date of birth, gender, mobile phone number, spare email address (if necessary), robot verification. Don't forget to check the "I accept..." checkbox at the very bottom of the form and click on the "Next" button.
    1. Google will congratulate you on successfully completing your registration. Click on the "Continue" button to go to your account settings. You don’t have to configure anything and go straight to http://gmail.com.

    Temporary email address

    There are situations when you don’t want to give out your email address, or you want to register for a service, but also don’t want to “share” your address. There are temporary email addresses for this case. When registering, you can indicate this address and spammers will not get you.

    You don't have to register to get an email address. You just need to go to the site and you will be given a free temporary email address, the name of which is located at the top of the page. For example, when you enter the site https://temp-mail.ru, you are immediately given an email address and you are immediately taken to the folder with incoming letters.

    There are a lot of such services and most of them are free. If you don't want to clutter your inbox, use temporary email on dubious sites.

    This concludes today's article. I hope I explained everything clearly. If you have any questions, please leave them in the comments.

    Good day!

    A mailbox (or e-mail, mail, “soap”) is now a very necessary tool for almost any computer user. Without email now, you not only can’t register on most sites, but you can’t even send a resume to work/study ☺.

    There are now dozens (if not hundreds) of services where you can register an electronic mailbox. And I think that it would be very useful for beginners to collect the most popular of them in this article (with a brief listing of the main advantages of each service). Thanks to this list, you can go through these popular services and find yourself a fairly short and memorable e-mail.

    I hope the information is useful. So...

    By the way, maybe someone will find the instructions for creating a mailbox on the Mail.ru portal useful -


    One of the oldest and most popular services for mail registration. In addition, the mail address from Mail.ru is one of the most successful, because... "mail" translated from English means "mail".

    Has a number of advantages:

    1. free and unlimited mail (the mailbox can contain hundreds of letters, the service does not limit it in any way);
    2. In addition to "@mail.ru", you can create an address like: "@list.ru", "@bk.ru", "@inbox.ru";
    3. good security (two-factor authentication);
    4. availability of a cloud drive (for transferring large files by mail);
    5. very powerful filters for clearing spam and composing letters (for example, all letters from one recipient will be put in one “stack”, and not hang in a list of 10 pieces);
    6. phone application (work with mail directly from your smartphone);
    7. you can collect letters from any of your other mailboxes (this way you will see all the letters in one place - i.e. there is no need to manually open all your mailboxes);
    8. built-in automatic virus scanning of all emails;
    9. there is a built-in editor for documents, tables, presentations (relevant for those who do not have Word or Excel installed on their PC, very convenient!);
    10. large address book;
    11. more than 100 mail design themes, and much more!


    Mail from the world's most popular search engine Google. In addition, one of the few with a Russian interface and the international ending “gmail.com” (it’s just that earlier letters from some sites did not reach ru mail and Gmail was very helpful in this regard).

    The main advantages of this email service:

    1. a fairly large volume of the box: you immediately get 15 GB of space, which can be filled with any messages and files (more than enough for a start. On many paid services they give even less...);
    2. one of the best anti-spam filters (plus you can customize these filters yourself);
    3. mail is always available, 99.99% of the time. Still, Google technologies, these technologies simply would not have become the first in the World ☺;
    4. quick search among hundreds and thousands of letters in a mailbox (for example, it is very useful when you want to find it using a single word from a letter (you no longer remember where it came from or who sent it);
    5. after creating your mail, you will automatically gain access to many Google services (convenient!);
    6. grouping of letters: the mail itself automatically arranges letters into various directories (Social networks, promotions, alerts, etc.);
    7. the ability to edit Word and Excel documents online. You can also download from the depository the necessary additions to expand the capabilities of basic mail;
    8. very high level of security.

    Yandex mail

    Very good and free mail from the famous Russian search engine Yandex. Most of the features are identical to previous servers, however, there are also a few “highlights” that competitors do not have...

    Main features:

    1. other than your usual address" [email protected]"you can use a shorter address" [email protected]", and also use your mobile phone number as an email name, for example, "mobile [email protected]" (I haven't seen this on more than one service ☺);
    2. convenient customizable filters (you can mark emails as important on the fly, you can block certain senders, etc. Even a beginner can configure all this!);
    3. collecting letters from other mailboxes;
    4. a lot of beautiful themes for design;
    5. sending a letter on a schedule (convenient when you want to congratulate someone, for example, on a birthday, but don’t want to send it in advance);
    6. there is a light version for those users who have low-speed Internet;
    7. automatic built-in translator (convenient for those who communicate with users abroad in a language other than their native language);
    8. There is an application (and, by the way, a very good one) for smartphones.

    I.UA - your mail

    A very multifunctional email, mainly for residents of Ukraine (the server is very popular, millions of people use it, so I simply could not help but include it in this article ☺).

    In addition, on it you can find a very short, easy, beautiful and memorable e-mail number: @i.ua, @ua.fm, @email.ua. For such a beautiful name (which is easy to remember and dictate) it’s worth registering here ☺.

    Main features:

    1. very beautiful postal address, like: @i.ua, @ua.fm, @email.ua;
    2. a simple interface, designed in a minimalist style (all sorts of frills, large pictures, etc. - everything is removed, only a business style and fast page loading);
    3. The mail interface can be switched to: Russian, English or Ukrainian;
    4. there is an option for mobile access to mail (address: pda.i.ua);
    5. a fairly large mailbox (1 GB), with the ability to send files up to 8 GB (if the file is more than 20 MB, it is automatically uploaded to the I.UA server, and a shortcut link is inserted into the letter to download it);
    6. good protection against viruses and spam;
    7. the ability to automatically collect letters from other mailboxes;
    8. there are functions for sorting letters, for example, letters “for work”, “games”, “from forums”, etc.;
    9. autoresponder function (for example, when you are away somewhere, you can set up alerts to everyone who writes to you: that you are not yet, and you will answer when you arrive);
    10. notification of new letters via SMS to your mobile phone (very convenient if you have a simple phone on which you cannot install the application);
    11. plus much more (viewing all attachments to a letter, quickly downloading all files in a letter in a single archive, powerful search for letters, etc.).


    The once most popular Russian search engine (and with it the email service). At the moment, the popularity of Rambler is declining, and one of the significant reasons: there are restrictions on the size of the mailbox (its maximum size can reach up to 1 GB, which today is not so much...).

    It is also worth noting that there is a limit on the size of a sent letter of 25 MB - you cannot send a photo or clip in such a volume. In addition, when sending letters you need to enter a check number, which can be very annoying if you send dozens of letters a day (on the other hand, there is less spam, less need to set up any filters, etc.).

    Otherwise, a very good service, perfect for business correspondence. Convenient and friendly interface, designed in a minimalist style. When registering, by the way, you can choose alternative domain names (not only “@rambler.ru”): “@lenta.ru”, “@ro.ru”, “@myrambler.ru” and others.


    Once upon a time, QIP was a very popular instant messenger for sending short messages on the Internet. Now the popularity is not what it used to be (there are social networks, mobile phones, various Skype, Viber, etc.), but it’s a pity, it was a good time ☺...

    By the way, the messenger still works, and the site also offers an email account. It will be convenient for those users who use QIP itself (commonly called “ICQ”): a notification about the arrival of new mail will pop up in the tray. In addition, the address like “@qip.ru” is very sonorous and beautiful, it is easy to remember and not difficult to dictate.

    Main advantages:

    1. You can choose a very beautiful and sonorous email address, because... there are dozens of different domains: "@qip.ru", "@pochta.ru", "@hotbox.ru", "@land.ru", "@nm.ru", "@newmail.ru", "@webmail .ru" and many others;
    2. receiving email notifications directly in QIP (in the tray, next to the clock);
    3. good anti-spam filter;
    4. spell checking, error correction;
    5. the ability to search for letters throughout the mailbox;
    6. there is a mobile version of mail;
    7. the service is completely free.


    A very popular foreign postal service (in our country for some reason they don’t take it seriously...). What about mail - it is very, very good, below are the main features:

    1. HUGE box size: 1 TB (that's 1000 GB, if anyone doesn't know). There is nothing like this anywhere else, in my opinion ☺ - you can send an entire hard drive;
    2. convenient and thoughtful design, everything is at hand: sorting, catalogs, smart views (automatic mail cataloguer), contact list, diary;
    3. it is possible to create filters, enable/disable autoresponder;
    4. good compatibility with some foreign services (letters from them will reach this address, unlike many Russian mailers!);
    5. very high security default: Yahoo! will force you to change passwords (from time to time), link your phone (and another e-mail if you have one), etc.;
    6. there is a convenient contact editor (easy to use even if you have hundreds of them);
    7. it is possible to import contacts from Google, Facebook, etc.;
    8. there is a built-in diary that will help you mark all important things and not forget about them;
    9. built-in messenger for quick and short messages.

    For additions on the topic of the article - thank you in advance to everyone!

    Good Luck ☺

    Hello friends! Pavel Yamb is in touch. Tell me, do you communicate on these social networks? How do you exchange messages? Do you have an email? If not, and you came to the Internet for a long time and seriously decided, then it is impossible to do without an email address. So what is email and how to create one?

    Mail is necessary for sending messages over long distances quickly :). In the modern world it is impossible to live without information exchange. Before the advent of the Internet, letters were transmitted by regular mail, and even earlier, by pigeons. But time passes, and modern technology has improved the process: letters are delivered to the other side of the planet in a matter of seconds. Of course, this became possible with the advent of the Internet and, in fact, e-mail.

    It's funny, but no one intended to create email on purpose. Everything worked out naturally. American programmer Ray Thompson developed a program for sending short electronic messages. Each sender was required to have its own address. Thus, in 1965, convenient Internet mail was born.

    There is no need to write a message by hand, put it in an envelope, put a stamp on it, take it to the post office and wait for the letter to reach the addressee, and then wait for an answer - but I found these times. E-mail is a modern type of communication for transmitting text files, graphic and video messages over distances.

    Almost all Internet users have email accounts. Virtual mail has its own name - e-mail. E-mail is the same mail, only in a modern format.

    What is its convenience:

    • Letters reach their recipients in just a few seconds
    • You can send pictures, messages, and video files by email.

    How to create an e-mail

    It is impossible to register on any forum or social network without an e-mail. Therefore, we create our own email account on any of the free email services. The differences between them are small, and registration follows the same principle, in a few minutes. We choose the one or ones we like (no one forbids having multiple addresses) and begin:

    • http://www.mail.ru/ - ;
    • http://www.yandex.ru/ - ;
    • http://www.gmail.com/ - ;
    • http://www.rambler.ru/;
    • http://www.km.ru/;
    • http://www.rbk.ru/;
    • http://www.yahoo.com/.

    The list goes on, these services are simply the most popular. After completing registration, you get access to additional features of the service: you can create a personal page on the Internet, an electronic wallet, receive your own ISQ number, create your own blog, and finally. Each service has its own list of useful options.


    So, let's start with the account. On the main page of the mail service, click on the “Registration” link. Next, select “Create a mailbox” or “Create mail” - the text depends on the service. On the page that opens, fill out the registration form. In case of difficulties, the system will tell you what to do next.

    When registering, please provide true personal information: last name, first name and patronymic, date of birth and phone number. This way you can easily recover your account if you lose your password or to find friends online. Don't be afraid to expose yourself online. The Internet already knows everything about you :)

    The email must be correct, that is, written correctly. Name length – up to 64 characters. When registering, however, it is safer not to use dots and symbols, because some services take them for errors and display a message about an incorrect address.

    Don't want strangers viewing your data? Settings allow you to hide them after registration is completed. The service's help system will help you get a hint on how to do this.

    Reliable data is also necessary to use the electronic wallet. Under the name Crocodile Gena, it is unlikely that identification will be successful, and the result will be problems with money transfers.


    The basis of registration is choosing a box name. The main requirement is uniqueness. The address consists of:

    • the name of the mail site on which you create mail;
    • username, that is, you creating your address.

    An “at” or “dog” icon separates both parts. The address looks like example.ru - the site name, and pavel - the username. We take the choice of login seriously: if you don’t like it, you won’t be able to change your name and you’ll have to register a new mailbox.

    By the way, the “dog” was created by the same Ray Thompson. The icon was used by him to separate the name of the mailbox and the recipient's location in the domain. Thompson taught the program to distinguish these details automatically. And choosing an icon didn’t take much time: the programmers had already used the “dog”. A few years later the icon became extremely popular.

    Required fields are marked with an asterisk and a “*”. Have you entered the data? And now - the most interesting and difficult part, choosing a name for the mailbox. This kind of work takes a lot of time. Popular names are already taken, and coming up with a unique name takes some work.

    In many email services, account registration is allowed on several domains, indicated after the “dog” in the address. If the selected name is occupied in the main domain, then it may be free in the additional domain. You can check the list in the registration form.

    Alternatively, your mobile phone number. This name is certainly free. Or the name of your company. But there may be problems with transmitting the address over the phone: the spelling and sound may vary.


    After choosing a login, we will begin to select a strong password and a security question to limit access to your address. We set the answer with the expectation that only you can answer. This will prevent access to your account for outsiders. Too obvious data, for example, the name of a pet, known to all friends, or the name of the street where you live, especially since it is better not to take the date of birth or name.

    If nothing original comes to mind, you can deliberately make a few mistakes. Use illogical combinations of uppercase and lowercase letters and special characters: instead of “a” - “@”. Replace "o" with "0". Now it will be very difficult for unwanted guests to find the “key” to your box.

    If you have a corporate email account at work and your position allows you to create an email for free, then why not take advantage of this opportunity? Contact your organization's computer administrator to find out how to create your own mailbox. Just remember that after you leave, you will lose access to this mailbox. And during work, your correspondence will be available not only to you, but also to the same administrator.

    Paid or free email

    You can also register your own unique domain, for example vasya @ masin.net. An example of such a registration service is http://www.general-domain.ru/. But registering a personal domain is paid. True, the fee is small, and when running your own business, such an address is an additional solidity.

    To solve problems with the main address, we create an additional one. When registering, we indicate an additional address. The password for the main one is sent to it if it is lost.

    The difference between free and paid services is in the level of account security, mailbox volume, size restrictions and methods of combating spam. The Gmail service created by Google is considered one of the best in the world. If you still don’t have this mail, then here’s how to get it and set it up.

    To make the user's life easier, enough client programs have been created. Almost their only task is to make using email more convenient. Provides useful tools for copying, storing data, and sorting email correspondence. These programs are free and paid.

    One of the most famous paid ones is “The Bat!”
    A free alternative is Thunderbird, an excellent service from Mozilla that is in no way inferior to the paid service.
    An email client is included with any operating system. So, for Windows this is Microsoft Outlook.

    How to find out your email address

    In order not to lose your own postal address, you can first write it down and save it. You can look at the address during registration or see it on the main page of your mailbox. It is often displayed at the top of the service page as “email” or “My page”. All incoming and outgoing emails are displayed here. But in any case, you should not rely only on your own memory: it is always better to keep the address written down in a file or on paper at hand.

    Offers that are of interest to the owner of the box are sent by email. Only sometimes you didn’t subscribe to the mailing list, but you receive a dozen absolutely unnecessary letters. This is spam, a problem known to all email owners.

    Congratulations, you have received... spam

    Offers for the purchase of goods, for the provision of charitable assistance - everything that is not sent out! But after transferring the specified amount to the account, it is fashionable to forget about the money: it will go to the scammers who most often deal with such mailings. And on top of everything else, now they have access to your wallet.

    It is also better not to open letters with offers to download useful programs or interesting files: they may contain viruses. Harmful emails usually have bright headlines: “Congratulations,” “You Win,” “Here’s What You Need Most,” or “Prize.”
    Making personal information available to scammers or breaking your computer are tasks that spam viruses are tough on.

    And even more so, you don’t need to send out such letters yourself with calls: “Send this message to three (five, six, and so on) friends, and you will be happy.” We send such “lures” to a folder labeled “Spam”. That's where they belong. There is no need to allow fraudsters to become assistants, even if unwittingly.

    Email is a great opportunity to erase boundaries and reduce distances. It is impossible to do without email when working on the Internet. I think you agree with me.

    What mail do you use? Pavel Yamb was with you. See you in touch!

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