• Optical laser or LED mouse, which is better? Choosing a mouse for games: optical vs laser. And also find out what the resolution of the sensor should be

    Computer games are something that many people are fond of, they are played by both children and adults. But, computer games, like any other hobby, require the investment of a certain amount of money. And it's not just about buying the most games. In order to demonstrate good results in dynamic computer games and get the most out of the game process, you definitely need a special gaming mouse. Now we will talk about how to choose a gaming mouse for your computer.

    The choice of a gaming mouse must be approached more responsibly than those that are used for work. Otherwise, you can spend a hefty sum on an advanced gaming mouse and end up disappointed.

    The main characteristics of gaming mice are: ergonomics, functionality and appearance.

    Ergonomics is ease of use. The more ergonomic the mouse, the more convenient it is to use. The main components of the ergonomics of the mouse are: the shape of the mouse, body materials, Teflon legs and the weight of the mouse.

    Shape of gaming mice. Now on sale you can find mice of three types: for right-handers, for left-handers and universal. Most conventional mice, as well as most inexpensive gaming mice, are universal. They are symmetrical and therefore it is equally convenient for both right-handed and left-handed people to use them. But, they are significantly inferior in convenience to mice designed specifically for one hand.

    Therefore, if you want a real gaming mouse, then you need to abandon universal mice and choose a model designed for use by your working hand. In this case, you can get maximum comfort during the game.

    Body materials. Lately, gaming mice with rubberized coatings have become popular. These mice are much more pleasant to hold in your hand. They do not slip even from sweaty hands. The usual plastic that is used in the manufacture of mice also comes in various qualities. In cheap models, it can be too rough or too slippery, which will negatively affect during the game.

    Teflon feet. Now almost all mice are equipped with Teflon feet for improved glide. But, in cheap models, these legs are very small and wear out quickly. Therefore, when choosing a gaming mouse, you should pay attention to the size of the Teflon legs, they should be large enough and thick.

    Gaming mouse weight The weight of the mouse also matters. The heavier your mouse, the more accurately you can aim. But with an increase in weight, the speed of movement of the sight decreases. Therefore, the best choice would be a gaming mouse with special weights that can be removed and installed inside the mouse yourself.

    Functionality of gaming mice

    The second characteristic to consider is the functionality of the mouse. This includes additional buttons, sensor resolution, and software to fine-tune your gaming mouse.

    Sensor type. Now on sale there are mice with optical and laser sensors. There are few differences between these two technologies:

    • Sensor resolution. Laser mice always have slightly higher sensor resolution.
    • Sensitivity to the playing surface. Laser mice are less sensitive to the quality of the playing surface and can work on any non-transparent surface.
    • Sensitivity to debris on the playing surface. Laser mice require a clean playing surface. Otherwise, the mouse cursor may twitch when hitting small and moving objects. Optical mice don't have this problem.

    In general, laser mice do not provide any serious advantages. Therefore, it makes absolutely no sense to choose exclusively laser gaming mice, just because “it is cooler”.

    Sensor resolution. Sensor resolution is the feature that receives the most attention. Modern gaming mice are equipped with sensors with a resolution of 5600 dpi or more. The normal value for a gaming mouse is 3000 dpi. In most cases, this is more than enough.

    Additional buttons. Most gaming mice are equipped with additional buttons. In some mice, this is only one button for switching dpi, and in some, the number of additional buttons can reach a huge number. For example, the Razer Naga MMOG gaming mouse immediately received 17 (!) Additional buttons. If you still don’t know why you need a large number of additional buttons, then you should not buy such mice. In most cases, the ergonomics of the device suffers because of this.

    Built-in memory. A very useful feature. Using the built-in memory, you can save the settings inside the mouse itself. This will allow you to use the mouse on any computer, and all your settings will work as usual. In addition, the mouse does not have to be reconfigured after reinstalling the operating system.

    As for the appearance, the main thing here is that it does not impair the ergonomics or functionality of the gaming mouse. Otherwise, you can choose a mouse with any design you like.

    The first and main tool in managing a computer is the mouse. It is with it that we carry out most of our actions in the system, so it is very important to choose it correctly. Today, you can find dozens of types of computer mice in stores, and it is often very difficult to decide on one model, because they introduce so many new features that we only learn about when we bring the goods home. To avoid an unpleasant feeling after the purchase, we recommend that you remember at least a few parameters for choosing the perfect mouse, which we will talk about today in this article.

    What are the parameters to choose a computer mouse?

    Not all of the characteristics of a mouse are important, so try not to focus on the list of advantages that are highlighted on the price tag in the store. What is really decisive, we will indicate below.

    Price category

    First of all, make a choice between the main three categories, which contain the entire range of computer mice of any store.

    • The price of a computer mouse is up to 500 Russian rubles. This price range includes computer mice that are not of good quality, great convenience, and even more so functionality. Such mice should be bought for school computer classes, offices, or those people who rarely use a computer and their tasks are limited to minimal functionality. If you take a computer mouse for yourself, then we would strongly recommend that you do not take new mice for such a price.
    • The price of a mouse for a computer is from 500 to 3,000 Russian rubles. Here is the most ideal price range in which to choose a computer mouse. Even the cheapest option (about 600 rubles) will turn out to be quite a decent device - it will have quite good characteristics and at the same time will last a long service life. Among this price category, you can choose already quite professional gaming mice. That is, if your goal is to save money on buying a computer mouse, but at the same time get a good “tool for daily use” - pay attention to mice from 500 to 1,000 rubles, if you are ready to pay more and get a better product, then focus on mice from 1,500 to 3,000 rubles. Why you should not take more expensive - we will tell in the next paragraph.
    • The price of a computer mouse is over 3,000 rubles. Hand on heart, we cannot recommend you buy mice at this price. Like it or not, but this is a lot for such a device. As a rule, only mice from well-known brands set such a price, but they do not contain anything special from the functionality. New items can also have such a price range. Of course, the assortment in this group will not be very large, but through the fault of the sales assistant, you can fall into such a trick. Buying a computer mouse for more than 3,000 rubles is worth it only if you have nowhere else to put this amount of money and want to impress your friends and relatives.

    Computer mouse manufacturer

    The manufacturer is not the main criterion when choosing a computer mouse, however, there are some nuances here. Here are some of the most popular and reliable computer mouse brands:

    • A4Tech- one of the most practical and popular companies that gamers and ordinary users love. They have a rather catchy appearance, nice materials make it very convenient to use, and a fairly wide functionality in the form of additional buttons, backlight, speed control, etc. - make the mouse recognizable and loved. We strongly recommend this company to novice gamers, as well as active users of a computer or laptop.
    • Logitech- is also a very popular company, which is distinguished by its high quality. As a rule, computer mice of this company are quite high in price if they have rich functionality. There are budget types of mice, they are also good, but at the same time they are very modest, both in design and in options, so they look “paleer” than competitors. the site most of all recommends this particular manufacturer to those people who strive to find a quality product.
    • Razer- a real gaming mouse with all the bells and whistles and modern options. It will not be possible to find it for a low price, so if you are the owner of such a mouse, then you are really lucky. After all, not everyone can afford to spend a large amount of money on such a device. Mice have practically no drawbacks, except for the price, but we don’t particularly recommend buying the most expensive ones, as they are simply crammed with all sorts of unnecessary functions and features.
    • Genius- one of the best companies, if we consider it from the budget segment. It has a fairly wide range of inexpensive (up to 500 Russian rubles) computer mice. It has a very good design, and also has a long service life. A great option for those who want to give a minimum of money and get a device that you can rely on.
    • Apple- we are sure that you have already heard about this famous brand, so they also produce mice. However, they are practically useless on computers with the Windows operating system installed, since they need to install additional programs to work, however, even with them, the capabilities of the mouse will be very limited.
    • Microsoft- Computer mice from this manufacturer will certainly work well with the Windows operating system, but as far as the price range is concerned, not everything is as good as we would like. The fact is that when paying for the cost of a mouse, you buy no more and no less than the brand logo, in terms of other characteristics, it is no better, but even, on the contrary, worse. For that kind of money, you can buy an already "fancy" Logitech. Therefore, I recommend buying only if you are an avid fan of Microsoft and everything that it produces ...

    Connection interface

    When buying a mouse, you should know for sure whether the connection interface will be convenient for you and whether the mouse will be able to approach the computer at all. Here are the interface types:

    • Bluetooth– if you want to choose a wireless mouse, the Bluetooth interface will come to your rescue. This interface is convenient because there is no need to have wires between devices, and the mouse can be connected to almost any device that has Bluetooth (for example, to a tablet computer).
    • USB- the most common and best connection to date. There are USB connectors on computers (almost all generations) and laptops. Therefore, it is best to buy just such a mouse if you are interested in a wired connection.
    • PS/2- this interface has practically exhausted itself, quite rarely you can find just such a plug on store shelves. Of course, we don’t recommend buying a mouse with PS / 2, because even if you now have the appropriate connector on the back of the system unit, after updating the hardware on your computer, it will most likely be gone and you will have to buy a new mouse.
    • Wi-fi– a new generation interface. It is still quite rarely installed on computer mice. Today on the market, mice from the manufacturer HP mainly have such an interface.

    In addition, the listed interfaces can intersect with each other, for example, a mouse can have a USB plug at the same time, or it can use a Bluetooth connection (without wires).

    The purpose of the computer mouse

    If earlier, mice were mainly produced for computers, now everything has changed a little. Namely, now computer mice are available for:

    • Computers (desktop);
    • laptops;
    • Netbooks (a smaller copy of a laptop);

    That is, choosing one or another model, specify whether it really suits your requirements. If you want versatility, then we would recommend taking mice with a Bluetooth connection. Since you can always buy a Bluetooth adapter.

    Computer mouse type

    Choosing a mouse pay special attention on the principle of operation, it is divided into three classes:

    • Optical laser- sometimes it is simply called laser. The principle of operation is that a laser is installed inside, which is your kind of cursor. Such mice are often more expensive, however, better than others in that they are unpretentious to surfaces (they can work both on multi-colored surfaces and on uneven ones), and they are also much more accurate in control.
    • Optical LED- one of the most common, as it has a low cost with fairly good performance. A diode is installed inside and with the help of a lens system the movement of the mouse is determined.
    • optomechanical- an old type of computer mouse, which was also called ball, as there was a ball inside, which, when moving, reported its change of position. The design is very unreliable, as dust and debris constantly stuck to the ball, which was reflected in the movement of the cursor on the screen - its course became intermittent and far from accurate. The price of such mice has always been the lowest.

    Resolution of the optical sensor (measured inDPI)

    In the end, we come to the most important criterion for choosing a mouse - the resolution of the optical sensor. Without going into details, the essence of this parameter is that the larger this resolution, the faster the cursor moves on the screen. For example, on a mouse with a resolution of 800 DPI, you will have to make much more physical movements than on a mouse that has 8,000 DPI (with this model, you don’t have to move the mouse much on the screen at all).

    However, the high speed of the mouse is not always useful, for example, beginners or conservative people like mice that are rather slow in control. On the contrary, give the younger generation high speed. If you are doing graphic design on a PC, then most likely you do not need high speed, but if you are a gamer, then low speed will destroy you in any game.

    Thus, when choosing one or another mouse, try to choose exactly those copies that have the ability to adjust the resolution of the optical sensor. In this case, the buttons are on top or on the side (on the device itself), and you can switch the resolution at any time and do it quickly enough.

    To summarize, which computer mouse should the average computer user choose?

    We list its characteristics:

    • It should be in the price category from 500 to 3,000 Russian rubles.
    • It is better to choose a company A4Tech or Logitech, since the prices are not high, and the functionality and design are quite rich.
    • The connection interface is better to choose Bluetooth, since using this technology we can connect it to almost any other device, and we can also use the mouse at a distance of even 20 meters from the computer.
    • If you don’t want to constantly spend money on batteries, and you don’t want to feel extra weight in the device, then choose a mouse with a USB interface.
    • Before buying, we check whether the selected mouse can connect to your device.
    • Type of mouse device - choose a laser, so it is the fastest and absolutely not picky.
    • If you do not know what resolution of the optical sensor you like best, then take as much as possible, but at the same time with the ability to switch to the minimum. For example: 800 DPI is the minimum, 5200 DPI is the maximum.

    That's all, now you know how to choose the right computer mouse and what you should first of all pay attention to. In the article, we intentionally did not mention design decisions and other points, as we understand that you yourself will pay attention to this and will never make a choice in favor of the device that is inconvenient for you to hold in your hand or outwardly it does not sympathize with you at all.

    To choose a good mouse, it is not enough to come to the store and poke your finger at the first one that comes across. It is necessary to take into account several important criteria that will determine the ease of use of the manipulator.

    • DPI. Optical sensor resolution, or DPI, is the first thing you need to consider before buying a gaming mouse. The larger this parameter, the faster the cursor moves across the screen. So, for example, when using a mouse with a resolution of 800 DPI, the cursor will move much slower than on a mouse with 12000 DPI. In shooters, a player with a high resolution optical mouse sensor will have an advantage.

      Modern manipulators are able to switch between different sensor resolutions on the fly: for example, in everyday use of the OS, the user can make cursor movements a little slower, and in games, speed them up. Therefore, it is worth choosing a mouse that contains a wide range of sensor resolution settings - for example, 800 - 10000 DPI, with small adjustment steps.

    • Response speed. To simplify, this indicator is responsible for the time it takes for the mouse to exchange information with the computer. The shorter this time, the better, so you should pay attention to this parameter when choosing a mouse for shooters. The response speed is measured in milliseconds or hertz (1ms = 1000Hz).
    • Additional keys. This criterion for choosing a mouse is individual for everyone: someone needs more auxiliary buttons, someone needs only the main ones. Of course, you can attach multi-command macros to additional buttons that perform a sequence of actions in one click, but in most shooters you can do without them.
    • Appearance and ergonomics. The mouse should lie comfortably in the hand - this is the main thing. Let it be technologically perfect, but if it is inconvenient for a gamer to use it, he will not get any pleasure from the game. Therefore, it is important to hold the mouse in your hand before buying, evaluate its weight, dimensions, shape, quality of the material, and the elasticity of the buttons when pressed. Regarding the appearance, everything is individual: someone does not like extra tinsel, the presence of backlighting, beautiful stickers and other embellishments is important for another.
    • Company software. Many mouse manufacturers release additional software for fine-tuning the mouse. With it, you can remap keys, record macros, save separate profiles for multiple users. Having quality software is a nice addition to a good gaming mouse for shooters.
    • Other options. LED or laser, wired or wireless, USB or PS / 2 - it all depends on the seriousness of the gamer's intentions. An esportsman will definitely choose a wired mouse (in a durable fabric sheath, with gold-plated connectors) with a laser optical sensor, regardless of the high cost of such models. For an unpretentious player, a more modest LED, and for convenience, also a wireless mouse will be enough: to take your soul away in some kind of shooter in a cozy home environment, it is not at all necessary to lay out a huge amount for a professional manipulator.

    What to buy: The best gaming mice for shooters

    The market of game manipulators presents a huge selection of models for every taste. It is very easy to get confused in this variety, so we have compiled a small list of mice that you should pay attention to in the store.

    A4Tech Bloody V8M

    Budget option, which, however, is not inferior to more expensive models. High-quality assembly, wire in a fabric braid, pleasant dim lighting, well-gliding metal legs, switches with a resource of 10 million clicks - this mouse will serve its owner for a very long time.

    Of the features of this model, we can note three additional buttons next to the wheel that switch firing modes: one, two and three shots, as well as functions that allow you to compensate for the recoil from weapons in games. There is also a wireless version of this mouse, the A4Tech Bloody R8 metal feet Skull design, with an aggressive design.

    Logitech G402 Hyperion Fury

    The world's fastest (according to the manufacturer) gaming mouse with a sensor that provides tracking speeds up to 500 inches per second. The manipulator is made of high-quality plastic with rubberized inserts that prevent your hand from slipping even in the hottest online battles.

    8 programmable buttons and proprietary software are available for customization. Also, a gyroscope and an accelerometer are built into the device, which prevent the sensor from losing contact with the surface.

    Logitech G502 Proteus Spectrum

    A gaming mouse with a wide range of features. The user can adjust the weight of the manipulator using weights, configure 11 programmable buttons, set the color mode and lighting effects (and synchronize it with other Logitech devices thanks to proprietary software), instantly switch between several levels of resolution of the optical sensor, save profiles for various games.

    As expected, the mouse is made of high-quality materials: slightly rough plastic, cable in a fabric braid, mechanical microswitches of keys.

    Corsair M65 Pro RGB

    The mouse is made from aircraft-grade aluminum, which makes it very light and at the same time strong. For additional weight adjustment, weights are used, with which you can change the position of the center of gravity of the manipulator, depending on the style of play.

    A high-precision optical sensor with a resolution of 100 to 12000 DPI, in conjunction with proprietary software, allows you to achieve high accuracy in tracking movements, regardless of the surface. A special sniper button is placed on the side of the mouse body, which instantly lowers the sensor resolution when the player needs ultra-precise aim control.

    Zalman ZM-GM4

    When looking at this model, first of all, the unusual design attracts attention. The futuristic appearance is combined with the excellent practicality of the mouse - the transforming design allows you to flexibly adjust the size of the case to any hand: just take the included screwdriver, tighten a few screws - and the gadget will become longer or shorter, wider or narrower, depending on the wishes of the owner.

    In addition to size and weight, mouse functions can also be configured: you can program buttons, change DPI, save profiles of different users, and so on.

    Mad Catz R.A.T. PRO S

    Another model with an unusual design. Here, the manufacturer has provided even more customization options than in the previous version of our list: you can change the size of the case, the angle of the backrest, replace sensors, add or remove additional pads like a platform for the little finger. Of course, software functions are also subject to flexible settings: the user can reassign buttons, create profiles for individual games, change the sensor resolution on the fly, and so on.

    Mad Catz positions the R.A.T. PRO S is like a mouse for eSports tournaments, which means that it is of high quality, reliability and ergonomics.

    SteelSeries Sensei RAW

    In developing this model, the engineers, apparently, were guided by the principle "simpler is better." Design without unnecessary "bells and whistles", a small number of buttons, a symmetrical shape - the SteelSeries Sensei RAW mouse is suitable for those who appreciate convenience and simplicity.

    At the same time, the model is made in a durable case with a soft-touch coating, is equipped with proprietary software that allows you to flexibly configure mouse functions, record macros and save separate profiles for different users and games, and also carries a high-quality sensor with a resolution of 90 to 5700. DPI, 1ms response time and tracking speed up to 150 inches per second.


    There is no perfect mouse for everyone. However, by using this selection, you can narrow down the selection to a few options that suit exactly your preferences, and find the model with which your gaming sessions will end only with victories.

    Hello dear readers. or a laptop, many will want to get the latest mouse in addition. A mouse is a device for entering information and transmitting commands to a computer. She has a lot of trials to deal with. Every day we persistently click buttons in games, scroll through hundreds of pages with a wheel, which undoubtedly affects the service life. It would seem that it is difficult to choose a mouse for a computer when store shelves are overflowing with a variety of models. Often, even the most experienced user gets confused in this variety and puzzles over the purchase for a long time. Well, in order to make choosing a mouse for gaming or work an easier task, we have prepared a whole list of relevant tips.

    Optical or laser

    It is worth making one classification of modern mice. All of them can be divided into two large groups - laser or optical. Here, the difference between one option and another lies in the different sources of radiation. Let's look at them in more detail.

    An optical mouse uses an LED that operates within a certain range. You can notice it by turning the manipulator upside down. They appeared on the market a very long time ago, replacing ball models. Spread very quickly, helped by affordable cost. Optical mice are chosen by users today, despite all their shortcomings.


    It is worth noting that it can work on almost any surface. It can even be the most ordinary glass. The LED mouse in this case will not be able to work due to design features. The choice of a laser mouse is also made by faster and more accurate work than competitors cannot boast of. And finally, if you turn the laser mouse over, then no glow should be observed. This is the main difference between one device and another.

    Which mouse is better to choose?

    First of all, it is worth deciding for what purposes the mouse is purchased. The list looks something like this:

    • gaming
    • office
    • wireless
    • compact (for laptops)

    What is the difference between an office mouse and a gaming mouse, you ask? It is, and more specifically, the difference in the accuracy of work and the speed of moving the cursor, which often affects the victory in the game. The main criteria to consider when choosing a gaming mouse are resolution and polling frequency. Also, additional keys will not be superfluous, which have a number of useful properties for the gameplay.

    Additional keys

    Gaming mice often have additional keys. This is a fairly convenient option for real gamers. Under these keys, you can use special programs to customize combinations in games with heavy controls, as well as save profiles in its internal memory. Simple manipulations allow you to make the mouse ideal for the needs of any user.

    Polling frequency

    It will mainly depend on the speed of the port. The frequency in a modern USB mouse is approximately 100-200 Hz. The specification of the mouse, as well as the correct operation of the drivers, also have a certain influence. When choosing a mouse for games, pay special attention to this parameter. A low frequency will definitely affect the speed of your work, and discomfort may appear.


    The minimum resolution in an inexpensive mouse should be at least 800 dpi. You can often find models that can adjust this value. When choosing a mouse for games, you should pay attention to the presence of a separate button, which is responsible for adjusting the frequency right in the gameplay.

    Here you mainly need to rely on criteria such as size, ease of transportation. Those who use laptops and netbooks mostly try to buy a small mouse. It is easier to carry and easier to fold, and so that you do not get tangled in the wires, we advise you to choose mice with a mechanism for assembling them. The market also offers quite exotic solutions - transforming mice. Their main advantage is compactness. They are very easy to fold, use and carry.

    Tired of constantly untangling wires? Look into wireless options. As you may have guessed, they work without the use of wires. When choosing a wireless mouse, pay attention to two varieties. The first ones work via Bluetoothe, they must be within range (about 10 meters). The second - on radio waves, the kit comes with a small transmitter that is inserted into the port and provides pairing of the mouse with the computer. Of the minuses, perhaps, we can single out the operation of batteries, which are discharged and require replacement, and, accordingly, additional expenses.


    One of the most important characteristics of any modern mouse is its sensitivity or resolution. Here we can distinguish the dependence in the form of direct proportionality. The higher the sensitivity, the better, the device will work more accurately. If computer games are far from you, then you can choose a mouse without looking back at the sensitivity indicators. You can click on the desktop shortcut without any problems. Gamers need more precision. For normal operation, it is enough to have a mouse with a sensitivity of 800 dpi.


    Before buying, please make sure that the computer mouse you are about to purchase fits your computer.

    The time when wireless mice, unlike their wired counterparts, were very slow or did not work at all, is long gone. Today, wireless mice are gaining popularity, and there are many varieties, from simple and inexpensive to advanced, designed to be used for a long period of time without harming your hands.

    1 Best: Logitech MX Master

    Purchasing a wireless computer mouse Logitech MX Master is by far the best decision for buyers. This mouse has a dedicated thumb wheel for horizontal navigation and connects via Bluetooth or a link receiver to Windows and Mac computers. And laser dark-field sensors allow the mouse to work on glass and any other surfaces with a thickness of at least 4 mm.

    This mouse can last up to 40 days without recharging and this mouse can be charged in just four minutes. This mouse is very comfortable to use and by using this mouse you will find that it is worth the money you paid for it. And as an added bonus, customers can choose a mouse with buttons they like.

    2. The cheapest: VicTsing 2.4G

    VicTsing 2.4G inexpensive portable wireless computer mouse has good performance and is convenient to use. This mouse has five adjustable levels that make it easy to adjust the cursor sensitivity and there is no need to install any drivers when connecting this mouse to a computer.

    Just plug it in and use. This mouse can be connected to a computer at a distance of over 33 feet and has a battery life of over 15 months. This mouse also has a power saving mode: the mouse automatically turns off after 8 minutes of inactivity.

    In addition, the ergonomics of this mouse follows the contours of the palm and does not allow it to get tired while using this mouse, and the rubber wheel prevents your finger from slipping off the wheel while scrolling.

    And with the help of the side buttons, you can navigate from one page on the Internet to another. This mouse works with laptops and computers running Windows, Mac and Linux.

    3. Most comfortable to use: Logitech M570

    The Logitech M570 wireless trackball mouse may not be the best in its class, but its design keeps your hand from slipping off the mouse. The main load during the work with this mouse falls on the trackball, which provides smooth and precise cursor control, regardless of whether you are working on a computer at home or in the office.

    This mouse has a battery life of up to 18 months when used with a set of AA batteries, and 2.4 GHz wireless connectivity allows this mouse to work with Windows and Mac computers up to 30 feet away. This mouse has a large number of buttons and a unique design, and based on this, there are many reasons to believe that using this mouse can significantly improve your browsing experience.

    4. Best gaming mouse: Logitech G602

    This wireless computer mouse is undoubtedly the best mouse for computer games, as it has a large number of functions. This mouse can last up to 250 hours on a single charge and has a shelf life of over 20 million clicks.

    This mouse also has Delta Zero sensors, and its response time is two milliseconds. This mouse features an ultra-durable design that can handle even the heaviest of gaming experiences. This mouse has 11 soft buttons and works with both Windows and Mac computers and you won't find a gaming mouse anywhere else at this price point.

    5. Best design mouse: Anker 2.4G

    When you first see a wireless vertical ergonomic computer mouse, you might think that this device is nothing like a computer mouse. But, fortunately, the amazingly quirky and ergonomic shape of this mouse allows it to move more smoothly, as well as relieve unnecessary stress from your hands when working with this mouse.

    This mouse has more features than traditional wireless mice and can work on almost all types of surfaces. For added convenience, this mouse also has buttons that allow you to navigate to the next and previous page on the Internet.

    This mouse has a power saving mode: the mouse turns off after eight minutes of inactivity and in order to turn it on again, you need to press the left or right mouse button. The battery life of this mouse is up to 18 months. The unique design of the Anker mouse makes it a very comfortable mouse to use, a fact that every buyer should pay attention to.

    6. Best mouse for Apple products: Magic Mouse 2

    Designed exclusively for Apple computers and other devices, the Magic Mouse 2 features distinctive buttons and scroll wheel design and is compatible with touch devices.

    Thanks to the optimized design of this mouse, in order to navigate from one web page to another or view a large document, you just need to touch the desired button or mouse wheel. This mouse has a built-in battery that allows it to work for 30 days without recharging. It charges with a USB cable. It takes 9 hours to fully charge.

    Touch control along with functions such as zooming and scrolling - from all this we can conclude that this mouse is worth using it for work. This mouse weighs just 7.2 ounces and you may or may not like it, but if you like it, you'll be hard pressed to resist its feature set.

    7. Mouse with longest battery life: Logitech Marathon M705

    The Logitech Marathon M705 is powered by a single AA battery with a shelf life of up to three years. This mouse is very energy efficient. Its battery life is 2 times longer than that of any other wireless mouse. But thankfully, battery life isn't the only benefit of this mouse.

    It is characterized by an ergonomic design and shapes that match the shape of your hands. The advanced tracking system allows you to increase the reaction speed of the mouse and provide precise cursor control when working on various surfaces. Three thumb buttons make it quick and easy to switch from one application to another and back again when you are working with several applications at the same time.

    In general, there are a lot of reasons to pay attention to this mouse and the main ones are its low price and battery life, which can often be even longer than your computer.

    8. Best mobile mouse: Logitech M335

    The Logitech M335 Wireless Mouse is small and portable, easy to slip into your bag or pocket, and you can use it anywhere, anytime. The curved and textured shape of the rubber mouse allows for a comfortable feel and good grip even after hours of use. The simplified mouse design allows for easy navigation and scrolling.

    And, despite the fact that compared to other wireless mice, the functionality of this mouse is small, it works flawlessly. This mouse works with computers running Windows, Mac and ChromeOS and connects to the computer using the connecting receiver, which is included in the kit and which is no more than a few centimeters long. In addition, this mouse has a single AA battery life of over 18 months.

    9 Quietest Mouse: Logitech M330

    While mice usually get rid of extraneous noise while working on a computer, the Logitech M330 Silent Wireless Mouse also allows you to work with a click sound that is 90% quieter than other mice. Using this mouse, you will forget about noise and other distractions. And the functions of this mouse are identical to those of traditional wireless mice.

    This mouse is made of high performance material and the wheel is made of rubber. Add to that the fact that a single AA battery life on this mouse is two years, and that this mouse can operate up to 33 feet away with Windows, Chromebook, Linux, and Apple computers, and we can say that the mouse The Logitech M330 continues to be one of the best wireless mice out there. In addition, it is worth noting that this mouse can work on any surface.

    10 Most Versatile Mouse: Logitech MX Anywhere 2

    The Logitech MX Anywhere 2 mouse allows you to work anywhere and perform various tasks. This wireless mouse can work with a computer over a long distance, and its battery life is two months. However, that's not all that can be said about this mouse.

    This mouse also has a laser dark field sensor that allows it to work on glass and glossy surfaces that are at least 4mm thick. This mouse is great for Windows and Mac computers and can connect up to three devices at the same time. Switching between devices is carried out with one click of the mouse.

    In addition, this mouse has super-fast scrolling capability, meaning you can quickly scroll through large documents and web pages without missing a beat. You can also download Logitech software to your computer that will help you customize and change the functions of your mouse buttons. This mouse is characterized by an ergonomic design, and its shape allows you to work with it so comfortably, as if you were not holding a computer mouse, but a wristwatch.

    Let's compare gaming mice of popular brands and find out which one is the best.