• Promotion for low-frequency queries: once again about the “long tail” of the search. Proper use of low-frequency queries What is wrong with the promotion of high-frequency queries

    Since we started talking about the semantic core of queries, let's continue this direction and move on to promoting sites for low-frequency queries. "Long tail search" is another name for this component. Let's touch on a few points that need to be considered.

    First of all, let's figure out why we need to take low-frequency requests into circulation. We will interweave here both foreign experience and in relation to the Yandex search engine.

    The concept of "search long tail" has existed since the beginning of Internet marketing, and from the very beginning, Internet marketers have been looking for ways to reach the largest possible audience with a large tail involved to cover the maximum possible length of the "tail".

    The other day I read a wonderful article on the website of the well-known company "Hitwise" (despite the fact that the article was written a year ago, it is still very relevant) in this article, using real examples from the study, it is shown how long this so-called "tail" from the search engine can be requests. In his article, Bill Dancer gives some figures from his research:

    The most popular keywords make up only 3.25% of all search traffic!

    Moreover, even the rest of the queries that we can attribute to the top do not have a significant advantage in all search traffic:

    • TOP 100 terms: 5.7% of all search traffic
    • TOP 500 terms: 8.9% of all search traffic
    • TOP 1,000 terms: 10.6% of all search traffic
    • TOP 10,000 terms: 18.5% of all search traffic

    What comes out of it. Well, for example, if you somehow miraculously gained control over the first thousand search queries on the most popular search engines (Google, Yahoo!, Bing, Ask, etc.), then you still won’t be able to receive all search traffic, even most of it.

    Therefore, the tail of unpopular low-frequency queries is very important, because most of the search traffic is distributed along it. Moreover, the scale in which the ratio of the "tail" to the "head" is expressed is simply amazing.

    Take a look at the graph I took from the article mentioned above:

    Even this graph does not really represent the whole situation related to the "tail" of the search, it is limited by the following factors:

    • Hitwise operates only in the US market, and, accordingly, the research was conducted only in the US segment of the Internet, and not all users were taken into account. I guess the tail is even longer than it seems to us.
    • The graph does not show some of the sites from the so-called "black" segment of the Internet (erotica, porn, tablets, and so on).
    • The graph displays only the latest information for the last three months.

    Although it doesn't look very legible on the graph, the y-axis is shown correctly, and it stretches along the entire list of keywords. Don't forget that it's only 10,000 words at the top of a list of 14 million items.

    In order for you to better understand, I made my own graph, which shows the same statistics but in a slightly more "artistic" form:

    And now a replica of the first, original graph. I tried to make it as simple and intelligible as possible, I think now it should be clear to you what this "long" tail of the search is.

    On the graph, you can see the popularity curve of search queries, the colored zones mark sections with different levels of popularity.

    I draw your attention to the fact that although Bill in his article attributed some of the first 9,000 of all 10,000 most popular search queries to the "neck", I would say that it is still the head. Such is my opinion.

    In conclusion, I want to say that the phenomenon of the "long" tail of the search is true, but according to the information that we have, the "head" and "body" are simply microscopic compared to the "tail".

    So, we heard the opinion of foreign marketers and optimizers, and now let's move on to our reality and our Yandex search engine.

    Who or what is today the main enemy in website promotion?

    There is nothing special to talk about here, the main factor is the timing of website promotion. For competitive requests. To demonstrate this factor, let's look at the dynamics of the promotion of competitive real estate queries:

    As we can see, although the dynamics are positive, for the most part, this is only the tip of the iceberg, and while these requests are being promoted, the customer must receive traffic, must receive calls and orders. Promotion of competitive requests for an old site can last 5-8 months, and for a new one, it can even be predicted from 1 year.

    I’ll make a small digression, the dynamics of promotion should always be investigated, you can immediately tell exactly what happened at one time or another with some of the requests, let’s say in the chart below I noted the introduction of the “you are spam” filter from Yandex to the site selling equipment.

    Even if you were not aware that any filter had appeared or some change had occurred, then by the dynamics of the project development you will be able to restore the order of your actions and understand where the mistakes were made.

    Also on the dynamics you can see how correctly the search engine determines the correspondence of the request to the promoted page. Now let's look at the low-frequency component of the project, I gave the HF schedule a little higher, the topic is real estate:

    I circled it specially in red to show exactly in the perspective of the overall development of the project. What are these "bursts" in positions? This search engine could not determine the most relevant page for this query during this period. That is why it is desirable. After such a distribution, as we see on the dynamics, the positions "settled down" on one, necessary, landing page.

    Of course, whether you can do this or not depends on the budget, as well as on the total number of low-frequency requests, somewhere you will have to combine several requests that will not push each other out.

    The more low-frequency requests, the more difficult it is to keep track of all of them, although here it is not the mechanism of work "by positions", but the mechanism of work "by traffic" that is already activated. In the graph below, just a project that is moving only in the low-frequency component, several thousand pages, it makes no sense to monitor positions for all, and it will take 1 removal of positions for several days

    If monitoring 200-300 queries on a commercial site is a common thing, due to the fact that customers are not always ready to work on traffic, then working with a semantic core of 500 queries is already more difficult.

    And any information portal or site with a large amount of content should work just on the low-frequency component. Let's take a blog for analysis, because. here I can tell you in more detail than on commercial projects, the data of which is better to hide

    After the new year, the project began a more active stage of promotion, at the moment there are 600 requests in progress, for which positions are removed 100%, as well as some requests from the low-frequency component that are not monitored.

    There are competitive low-frequency requests, there are non-competitive ones, but each of them brings its own 10-20 visitors per month, in the end. Here is an example of statistics for several such queries.

    Naturally, when the complete semantic core is in the TOP, it will not have an effect on hundreds of visitors from search engines, but on thousands and tens of thousands. At the moment, the core is in a small stage of development, due to the recent start of work on it, and the project has little traffic from search engines, although the dynamics pleases more and more every day.

    Of course, I will not once again make calculations for a blog on traffic from search engines. A blog, like any information project, must be properly oriented - this is a very important point when working with traffic. A little higher, I wrote how important it is to determine for each keyword - your landing page.

    But there is one more important remark - for information projects. It is not only about identifying keywords, but also about identifying key topics for promotion. It is the topics that will be the often low-frequency component that must be correctly segmented.

    For a blog, the right "directions" are tag pages. Let's say there are translations of articles, which means there is a request for this direction, what should the user see in the search results and what does he see?

    Only one article is visible in the search results, and not the entire spectrum that is on the page

    This is a typical mistake when working with low-frequency queries - not correctly defining the "direction" in which there is a selection of materials. Although in relation to my blog, this is not a mistake, but an intentional action, .

    After correspondence with the support, I decided to return the tag pages back to the index, because. it will be more useful for users coming from search engines - see collection of materials, and not one material on the topic. Only the return has to be careful, I need the main page with the tag in the index, not additional pages with numbering, so it is important to correctly compose the file here robots.txt so that unnecessary materials do not interfere with the issuance.

    Why do many optimizers exclude pages with tags from the index - because you can get penalized by the search engine. But the problem is not in the pages themselves, but in the content that is located on them. If there are no , which I wrote about and , then pages with tags will not do any harm.

    Duplicate content - you do it, not pages, shorten posts to announcements, then there will be only partially duplicated content.

    Therefore, to promote information resources for low-frequency queries, you need to:

    • Solve the problem of duplicate content.
    • Define referral pages to promote a specific topic.
    • Define landing pages for each low-frequency keyword.
    • Get rid of the problem of "competition" of referral pages and individual pages with keywords.

    Every day, users ask Yandex about 100 million requests. Approximately 3 million of them are formulated as a question - that is, they contain an interrogative word. For example, [what to do]. The share of such requests is slightly increasing every year - users are increasingly communicating with Yandex as with a person.

    The most constant search questions are [how to lose weight], [how to download music from a contact] and [what is love]. They are asked every day an average of 6,000 times. In half of all cases, users are interested in "how" and only in 1.6% of cases - "why"

    This means that we will compose the core of queries with such a variation of keywords that will allow us to get the largest number of targeted transitions from search engines, and it will include: " how to lose weight", "how to stop drinking", "how to quit smoking", "easy way to quit smoking" and so on.

    If we take the full development of the semantic core for this project, then the number of requests for receiving targeted traffic will exceed 300 requests. What will be enough, with an investment of $200-400, to get traffic of 40-80 thousand visitors per month!

    In this note, I have given not so much data on low-frequency website promotion, but quite important data. It takes a lot of time to reveal the whole topic of promotion for low-frequency queries, this is a separate, very important topic worthy of separate consideration.

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    Reading time: 13 minutes

    We will send the material to you:

    From this article you will learn:

    • What are the pros and cons of website promotion for low-frequency queries
    • What are the stages of website promotion for low-frequency queries?
    • What mistakes are made most often when promoting a site for a low-frequency query

    By promoting your web resource exclusively on high-frequency ones, the owner runs the risk of never getting into the coveted TOP-10 of the issue or spending huge amounts on promotion (and still not being able to take the best places). Therefore, you should pay attention to low-frequency queries, promotion for which does not require an increase in the budget, and the effect is no less. If everything is done correctly, website promotion for low-frequency queries will bring the resource to the TOP place and provide stable traffic. Read more about this below.

    Requests- words or phrases entered by users into the search engine, which can be both very popular (in this case, we are talking about high and medium frequency of their input), and rare (low frequency).

    Specific numeric frequency values ​​will be different for each topic. And to determine whether a request for a given phrase is high-, medium- or low-frequency, various statistics services will help.

    The reference point is the main thematic word of the site. If the number of requests for the target phrase is more than 50% of the number of requests for the main word - this is a high frequency, from 50% to 10% - medium, 10% or less - low.

    It is understandable that most companies want to move on HF, providing more traffic. Therefore, new sites should definitely not focus solely on high-frequency ones, because they will have to compete with a huge number of more experienced sites that have already gained a rating. And there are only ten places in the TOP, and even here being below the fifth line can often be fraught with problems with traffic, let alone positions in the second ten.

    For example, dreaming of getting to the top of the search results for the phrase “buy a school uniform in Moscow”, the owner of a web resource will have to compete with hundreds of sites, because there are a huge number of shops offering suits for schoolchildren in the capital. And for sure, many companies have good opportunities for promotion (for example, they have a whole staff of cool SEOs, solid budgets). So is it worth it to engage in a tough fight that will be beyond your reach? The competition in HF is huge.

    At the same time, competition on requests is not the same as their competitiveness. Low-frequency search phrases cannot be called low-competitive, and high frequency does not equal high competition of the request. These are different concepts.

    To provide your site with high-quality promotion for low-frequency queries, you will have to make a lot of effort. It will take time to process a large number of search phrases.

    Also, the list of disadvantages of this method of promotion includes:

    • complexity of cost forecasting;
    • the need for constant work on the web resource;
    • a small number of users (to solve the problem, you need to type a large number of low-frequency phrases with a long tail);
    • Difficulty reaching a large target audience.

    If there is a need to adjust the structure of the Internet site (adding new headings, sections, and so on) - and it occurs very often - it must be accompanied by text optimization of all promoted pages, which can be several dozen.

    Selection of a semantic core based on low-frequency phrases is a laborious process. And the creation of additional content can lead either to labor costs or to financial expenses if this work is entrusted to professional copywriters.

    And yet, the advantages of low-frequency promotion are much greater:

    • Low competition

    Only in very competitive topics, where there are few low-frequency phrases, they can be competitive. More often, we are talking about low competition, which eliminates the need for external link support to promote the site in the TOP of search engine results (of course, if internal optimization is done correctly).

    • Low cost per phrase

    Low competition allows you to promote low-frequency phrases without large financial investments. Moreover, many low-frequency players themselves reach TOP places due to the quality of the content.

    • Gradual investment

    When promoting low-frequency phrases, you do not need to immediately seek serious funds. It is quite realistic to start with a small investment and expand the group of covered requests gradually.

    • Traffic increase

    Low-frequency promotion makes it necessary to expand the text content, and therefore the generation of new pages that become additional entry points. Website traffic increases - accordingly, traffic grows.

    • Stability of results

    A large number of variations of search phrases allows you to eliminate the blockage of the site: a problem that has arisen with one key will not affect others in any way, and the difficulties of one page will not affect the overall situation, and the web site will continue to generate traffic.

    The sufficiency of relevant search phrases provides a very significant competitive advantage: it is often simply impossible to find out what queries users get to the site for, so it is difficult for competitors to overtake a web resource promoted by low-frequency phrases.

    • Sufficiency of content

    There is a lot of content, it is unique, it contains a lot of variations of occurrences of low-frequency phrases. And in the case of a combination with competent linking, you can count on amazing results even without acquiring external links.

    • Continuous development of the site

    A developing web resource receives a positive assessment from users and search engines. With low-frequency promotion, the site will develop constantly, because high-quality content is not added all at once, but as soon as it is ready.

    • Wide audience reach

    Resources that are in constant dynamics, unlike static sites, can count on a much wider coverage of the user audience. For example, a high-quality blog of an SEO optimizer may be of interest not only to his colleagues, but also to marketers, advertisers, potential clients and other users. Low-frequency thematic phrases are constantly changing, but the increasing relevance of the topic guarantees an expansion of audience coverage (follow the “ipad” low-frequency phrases).

    • No need for deep analysis

    The conventional wisdom is that promotion of low-frequency phrases requires their selection based on in-depth analysis. Fair enough, but a different approach is possible, which consists in developing the site and filling it with quality content on the main topic or related issues. Further development plans can be built on the analysis of attendance statistics.

    • Process parallelization

    High-frequency promotion is rarely carried out by a large number of people, because in this case it becomes extremely difficult to coordinate actions - any wrong movement can negatively affect the position of the resource. And promotion for low-frequency phrases can be carried out by a large group of specialists, including those working remotely and not related to SEO. Content can be created by different authors, each responsible for their own topic or section.

    • Lack of promotion experience

    To promote a resource for low-frequency phrases, you do not need to have an encyclopedic knowledge of SEO methods, just the basics. But you can’t do without the ability to create texts or competently use user-generated content.

    • Other benefits

    The list of advantages of the low-frequency method can be supplemented by the possibility of obtaining free external links (due to the large amount of unique content); no need to generate unique anchors. Also, low-frequency speakers help increase traffic to those sites that consistently rank in the TOP for high-frequency phrases.

    So, to move on low-frequency phrases means to get traffic; small but stable.

    Suppose there are two young resources that have chosen different promotion strategies: one for high-frequency keywords, the other for low-frequency phrases.

    After a certain time, search traffic will go to the second site - this is guaranteed. And let only hundreds of users come in the region, but it will come. And the first resource, most likely, will not even break into the top ten, not to mention the very top of the rating. Therefore, it will be necessary to invest in promotion. Will the costs pay off? Unknown. You can invest a lot of money and get at best minimal traffic or get nothing - this is an inevitable risk when working with high-frequency phrases.

    Low-frequency promotion does not carry this risk. If competent optimization for low-frequency queries is carried out, the resource will inevitably be in favorable positions in the search results, and traffic will flow steadily.

    You can exclude the item “Purchase of links to a resource” from the expenses. High-quality unique content and internal optimization will bring the site to the TOP. But you can manually get links if you know how to do it.

    Having learned a little and understanding what uniqueness and nausea, the occurrence of keywords and relevancy, duplicate pages, and so on, you can save money on a promotion specialist, which is actually not a mystery behind seven seals.

    It's even easier if your web resource is powered by WordPress. Experienced and qualified webmasters in free publications talk about the technical settings of the portal on this platform and its promotion.

    Any web resource, the owner of which wants to attract additional visitors, can be promoted by LF phrases. The age of the site does not matter, the topic can be anything: low-frequency speakers are guaranteed to attract traffic to any portal (if, of course, the work with them is done correctly).

    Promotion in low-frequency phrases will provide a good start for young web sites, help not only to get the fastest results at low costs, but also lay the foundation for future promotion in high-frequency and mid-range.

    It is also profitable for large and experienced market players to move through low-frequency phrases: narrowly targeted low-frequency queries bring the target audience to the resource, which is more likely to perform the target action (accordingly, the conversion rate for low-frequency phrases is higher, and the cost of collecting key phrases is a profitable investment).

    It is possible that it is the woofers that will become the very golden key that will open the doors to your resource to a mass of potential customers.

    The use of low-frequency phrases allows you to cover the maximum audience questions and make the web resource as relevant as possible to user requests.

    How to find and collect low-frequency queries in Google and Yandex

    1. Learn semantics (method one)

    • Google Keyword Planner

    In the search bar, type the thematic phrase of interest (for example, “how to clean a sofa at home”).

    The service will show a number (let's say 1314) indicating the number of entries per month for a collection of words - that is, a wide frequency.

    Now let's put the phrase in quotation marks, separate each word with an exclamation mark and see, for example, the number 546. It shows the number of entries per month for the exact phrase you specified. Monthly statistics change, but it is quite possible to focus on the resulting indicator.

    Check the number of web resources in the search results yourself according to the list of queries that match your site.

    Let's compare the high-frequency "couch cleaning" and the low-frequency "how to clean the sofa at home" in Google. According to the first - almost two million results in the issue. Here and advertising dry cleaners, and miracle vacuum cleaners, and useful tips, and cleaning products for upholstery made of different materials. Therefore, without financial investments in promotion, one can hardly seriously count on getting into the top ten of the issue.

    According to the second, the results not only decreased significantly (178 thousand), but they are also more narrowly focused: first of all, these are articles with advice on a specific issue.

    That is, the second request significantly increases the chances of a content web resource for housewives and craftsmen that target users will notice and choose it.

    Recall that depending on the niche, the most preferred indicators for low-frequency phrases may also change, but most often 100 entries per month are called the maximum maximum. At the same time, it is important to remember that a lot depends on the quality of the content, so you should not take the indicator as the only possible limit and do not move on requests that exceed the named value.

    In the example, the promotion phrase is not optimal. By optimizing a page for it, you can spend several days writing an article and not get the expected effect. It is better to spend a few hours looking for good keys and guarantee a successful promotion.

    Let's enter in "Yandex" the key "cleaning the sofa with soda" - three results, which confirms the low competition. Raising a resource in the search results is not difficult if you make minimal efforts to optimize for this phrase.

    2. Use keyword analysis services (method two)

    Let's consider in an example the algorithm of working with Websiteprofit (shows the number of portals for specific phrases). In general, there are a lot of services for the selection and analysis of keys, you can choose any.

    So, the key is entered in the field. A phrase that includes several words must be quoted. Check the InTitle checkbox, and Yandex will return only pages whose titles contain the specified key.

    Now you need to create a project, enter keywords and phrases, for each of which the service shows positions in the search results. When you clearly see the lines occupied by certain queries, it will not be difficult for you to choose the most promising keywords.

    So, having dealt with low-frequency key phrases, you should write texts for them. Each optimized page should contain 1–3 LF keys, one of which (characterized by high user demand) stands out as the main one, fits into the page title and, if possible, into its description, is mentioned in the first text paragraph.

    It is advisable to select additional low-frequency speakers, the number of searches for which is so small that it makes no sense to create separate publications for them, but it is worth entering into the existing ones.

    Think about the main topic of the publication, imagine what aspects of it can arouse reader interest - and a lot of requests will immediately appear. So, the topic of preparing photos for printing can be expanded through separate stories about filters, composition, and more.

    No need to oversaturate the text with keywords. For a small publication, there should be no more than three of them; with an increase in volume, you can enter additional key search phrases. Special services allow you to check the admissibility of the frequency of occurrences (the "Document nausea" parameter). Measure is important in everything, optimization is no exception. Unique titles and descriptions containing the main key are very important, but the quality of the texts must be closely monitored to avoid overspam. Content is for readers, not for search engines, who are already well trained to recognize the various tricks that publishers use. Although, of course, there are specialists who can not only stuff the text with keys, but enter them organically.

    Promotion through low-frequency channels often necessitates changes in the site structure in terms of adding additional sections, blocks, and other things. These works are necessarily accompanied by the optimization of each promoted page, and there may be a lot of them.

    Working with semantics for low-frequency queries requires a lot of time and effort.

    Unique content is another challenge. You can create it on your own, spending only time. If you order articles from professionals, you will need to invest money.

    The cost of promotion on the LF depends on the characteristics of the resource being optimized: state, subject, content, and much more.

    On the other hand, the first results of promotion for low-frequency queries are most often visible within a couple of weeks after the optimizers complete their work.

    What do we have to do:

    • Correct meta tags, the first in line is title. A unique title with direct occurrence of keywords is necessary for each page. The listing of keys (keywords) and the summary of the page (description) are not so important for promotion in the search, but the importance of their role in shaping the user's attitude to the site as a whole cannot be underestimated. Information blocks in the search results are often formed from the description.
    • Work on content. Texts should be interesting to users and readable, while containing keywords for promotion and words for linking. Keyword density is not as important as the clarity and ease of reading texts.
    • Use H1–H6, STRONG tags to help structure publications and increase their readability. Search engine robots do not attach much importance to these tags.
    • Create links between indirectly related parts of a web resource containing keys (internal linking to low-frequency sites, most often there are several links). The ranking of one page increases due to the weight of another.
    • You can use external links, increasing the natural link mass and thereby speeding up the site's entry into the TOP of search results for low-frequency traffic.

    By adhering to these recommendations, you can work to promote the site for low-frequency queries on your own, optimize the resource and provide it with high positions in search results. And yet, it is better to trust professionals who have experience in promoting bass and guarantee the result of their work. They take into account all the nuances and carry out the required activities at the highest level.

  • Each site publication needs to be optimized for one or more low-frequency players.
  • Thousands of webmasters are promoting resources for low-frequency phrases - try it yourself.

    A little cheat sheet to help:

    1. Possible promotion strategies are conversion landings, a large request pool, user-generated content. If necessary, you can use elements of each of them.
    2. We begin to advance by collecting broad low-frequency semantics, filtering it in accordance with the goals of the site. Navigational and commercial requests are sure to remain (even with extremely low frequency). The competitiveness of queries from the semantic core needs to be checked: we exclude highly competitive ones!
    3. Under the request, you need to create (without automatic generation) content: a publication, a product card, a separate page. Keys should be included in the title, product names, image descriptions. Check the texts through "Turgenev" - the service will give indicators of naturalness, readability, spamming, assess the risk of falling under the "Baden-Baden" filter. Pay attention to internal linking.
    4. Minimize errors. An artificial semantic core is a firm "no", as well as low-quality content, the main value of which lies in the occurrence of keys. Do not duplicate publications for requests that are close to the topic - combine them on one page and present the reader with the most useful information.

    Array ( => 26 [~ID] => 26 => 22.10.2019 21:34:24 [~TIMESTAMP_X] => 22.10.2019 21:34:24 => 1 [~MODIFIED_BY] => 1 => 22.10. 2019 21:34:24 [~DATE_CREATE] => 10/22/2019 21:34:24 => 1 [~CREATED_BY] => 1 => 6 [~IBLOCK_ID] => 6 => [~IBLOCK_SECTION_ID] => => Y [~ACTIVE] => Y => Y [~GLOBAL_ACTIVE] => Y => 500 [~SORT] => 500 => Articles by Sergey Nezhnikov [~NAME] => Articles by Sergey Nezhnikov => 12013 [~PICTURE] = > 12013 => 17 [~LEFT_MARGIN] => 17 => 18 [~RIGHT_MARGIN] => 18 => 1 [~DEPTH_LEVEL] => 1 => Sergey Nezhnikov [~DESCRIPTION] => Sergey Nezhnikov => text [~DESCRIPTION_TYPE ] => text => Articles by Sergey Nezhnikov Sergey Nezhnikov [~SEARCHABLE_CONTENT] => Articles by Sergey Nezhnikov Sergey Nezhnikov => stati-sergeya-nezhnikova [~CODE] => stati-sergeya-nezhnikova => [~XML_ID] => => [~TMP_ID] => => [~DETAIL_PICTURE] => => [~SOCNET_GROUP_ID] => => /blog/index.php?ID=6 [~LIST_PAGE_URL] => /blog/index.php?ID=6 => /blog/list.php?SECTION_ID=26 [~SECTION_PAGE_URL] => /blog/list.php?SECTION_ID=26 => blog [~IBLOCK_TYPE_ID] => blog => blog [~IBLOCK_CODE] => blog => [~IBLOCK_EXTERNAL_ID] => => [~EXTERNAL_ID] =>)

    Read the article 201

    Low-frequency queries when promoting a site deserve special attention. This method is interesting for its budget. In addition, promotion in the low frequencies guarantees the attraction of pure targeted traffic, an increase in conversions, and all this in the face of fierce competition.

    It's a paradox, but a low-frequency query that is entered into the search line less than 1000 times a month can bring real results in a matter of weeks. This method can be applied to young sites or online stores that are just starting to increase traffic.

    What is interesting LF promotion

    Low-frequency queries consist of several words and answer a specific user question. Recently, due to the imperfection of the issuance, people began to enter longer phrases in order to save time and obtain relevant information, as well as actively use the highlighted search engine tips. As a result, the phrases increased to 5-7 words.

    In the light of such events, the promotion of the resource for low-frequency queries has become more labor-intensive, as the volume of phrases has grown significantly. But despite the fact that this method takes a lot of time, it still has expediency:

    1. The method does not require large financial costs.
    2. Guarantees stable results.
    3. Leads to increased traffic.
    4. Short time to achieve results.
    5. No need to buy links.
    6. LF becomes the basis for further advancement in HF.
    7. Each page of the site attracts its own traffic.
    8. Has low competition.

    There are some clarifications regarding the latter indicator. Despite the low frequency, many requests are highly competitive in their market sector. Therefore, before assembling the semantic core of the site according to this principle, test the request well.

    The main mistake of beginners and webmasters is the promotion of a young site for high-frequency queries. The competition for such phrases is huge, so in order to break into the TOP, it will take a lot of effort and money. And the winner in this battle is the one who has more budget.

    Preparatory work

    In order for the method to start working, it is necessary to collect as many key phrases as possible. When selecting keys, you need to immediately determine the range of queries within which you will work. The frequency of phrases should be periodically rechecked, as the issuance indicators can change both up and down. To keep labor to a minimum, stick to the middle of the output range.

    Search phrases, if they are similar in subject matter, can be combined within the same content. Separate pages should be created for individual requests. When creating an online store, use the keys in the product description.

    When compiling a semantic core, you need to pay attention to those phrases that can attract a buyer. For transactional requests that reflect the desire to perform some action, for example, " multicooker Vitek buy”, separate pages should be created. For dilution requests such as, " online store + Vitek multicookers”, creating a separate page would be pointless.

    As part of low-frequency optimization, it is necessary to check the site for duplicate pages in the index. If such content is found, it must either be removed or closed from search robots. When working with the site, you need to configure the CMS to automatically add pages and change .

    To speed up the indexing of new pages, it is important to correctly configure the sitemap update. It is best to set the automatic mode. If you are working with a blog, then for such a resource it will be useful to create a tag cloud, expand the section menu, and form a publication history.

    Working with pages and content

    Website optimization for low-frequency queries includes a number of activities:

    • Each new page of the site is created for a specific key phrase that has a direct entry. At the same time, much attention is paid to meta tags and the title. At the same time, the presence of keywords in the content, as well as the creation of a short description of the page () is not so important for promotion. On the other hand, the information snippet is formed on the basis of the created description, so its presence is still necessary.
    • When working with texts, attention is paid to correct linking. This is done to create a semantic connection between the pages of the site. Active optimization of the context for keywords is optional, the main thing is that the text is readable and has the correct structure. The article should begin with the content, have subheadings H1-H6, lists, tables, highlighting important fragments.
    • To increase the page rank, relinking of transitions is carried out. Pages that are close in meaning are linked to each other, as a result, the weight of the first one increases.

    The presence of external links also affects the search results of the site, but such methods should be used carefully, and it is better to refuse them altogether, since the methods of "black" SEO optimization are not welcomed by search engines, and you can fall under the filter for them.

    How to correctly compose a semantic core for low-frequency queries

    Creating a semantic core is a selection of keywords for which the site will be promoted. The main working tool in this matter is the Wordstat service. It can analyze any phrase. For example, you are interested in search results for the phrase "custom-made wedding bouquets with delivery." Enter this phrase in the search box and almost instantly get the result.

    Low-frequency queries in Wordstat

    As you can see, the phrase being tested has a sufficiently low frequency, and you can start moving along it. Please note that the lowest frequency queries can have rates no more than 300 times a month.

    A suitable phrase needs to be checked for the degree of competition. To do this, you can use the Mutagen services (it is paid) or Websiteprofit (free). In order to optimize costs, consider the second option.

    We go to the site and enter the request of interest in a special form. Check the Title box if you are interested in heading statistics. Next, click check.

    Yandex heading statistics

    Based on the search results, it becomes clear that the tested query is completely low-frequency, since such a phrase occurs only 387 times in the headlines, which is negligible.

    Search results for a low-frequency query

    Now you can create a page for this request. The number of keywords inserted into the text depends on the size of the article. The more characters, the more comfortable the keywords will be placed. When working with content, pay attention to the title and . Try to place the main request in the first paragraph.

    In addition to the described services, you can also use:

    • Kay Collector,
    • SlovoYob,
    • Pastukhov base,
    • MOAB,
    • Google AdWords.

    But keep in mind that not all of these services are free. The first two services solve almost the same task, namely, they are engaged in the selection and sorting of key phrases. Key Collector has a wider functionality, but such a resource can only be used on a paid basis. SlovoYob is a good free analogue that does the job well. Such services are very useful for a more accurate study of the semantic core.

    Service SlovoYob selection of key phrases

    To summarize: the effectiveness and advantages of the method

    As part of the study of this method, it must be said that even a beginner can use this method of website promotion. Moving along this path, your resource will be constantly under development. Adding content as search queries come in makes the resource invulnerable from the point of view of competition. Moreover, at the initial stage of development, this method does not require a deep analysis of the content. It is enough just to add articles to the site and periodically analyze the target audience. Over time, you will automatically form the right direction for the development of the resource.

    With low-frequency promotion, a detailed study of “white” and “black” SEO optimization is not required. All that is required of you is to create competent and interesting content that will be most useful to users. As a result, the result will not be long in coming.

    For a more detailed study, I suggest you look at video lesson about this theme:

    If you still have questions, ask them in the comments to the article, I will definitely answer everyone. I will also be grateful for the repost.

    There is a lot of information on the Internet, one way or another related to the promotion of web projects in search engines. But in most cases, it is told about bringing the resource to the TOP for medium or high-frequency queries or how to promote the site yourself and from scratch, but how to properly move the site for low-frequency queries?

    The main feature of website promotion for low-frequency queries (or in other words, LF) is the emphasis on internal rather than external optimization. Competent optimization and internal linking can well promote low-frequency and low-competitive queries, with little or no use of external links.

    We optimize the site for low-frequency requests

    Competent internal optimization can play a decisive role in bringing the site to the TOP for low-frequency queries. Let's analyze the main points of optimizing pages for low-frequency queries:

    • The page must have a unique Title containing the keyword of the request being promoted.
    • To optimize for low frequencies, it is not necessary to use the keywords and description tags.
    • The page should contain an H1 level heading with a direct or dilute occurrence of the key.
    • Use of H2, H3 level headings, etc. not necessary.
    • The page must contain multiple occurrences of the key in different word forms.
    • Related articles should be relinked. For example, an article about buying an elephant in Moscow and an article about buying an elephant in St. Petersburg.
    • To speed up the exit of the page in the TOP, you can place a link to it from the muzzle. For example, in the "Popular Articles" section.

    Subject to these points, your pages will almost certainly be able to reach the TOP for low-frequency NK queries (provided that the content on these pages is unique). But the result will have to wait long enough, perhaps more than 2 months.

    How to speed up the promotion to the TOP for low-frequency queries?

    After we have optimized our pages, we can think about an accelerated output to the top for low-frequency queries. You understand that traffic from low-frequency speakers is very small, so large material investments in these keys will be at least not profitable. It is suggested to do the following:

    1. Create a multi-page satellite. Even if it contains a rewrite or a synonymize, in our case it is not so important.
    2. Place links from the satellite pages with the necessary anchors to the pages of our site.

    This method is absolutely free, but it may take some time, which not everyone has, so there is another technique:

    1. Purchase links in SAPE. It is worth buying the cheapest links from sites containing no more than 1 link and added to the system in the last month.
    2. The number of links should be purchased at the rate of 5-20 links per page.
    3. For links, use direct occurrences of keys.

    This method will require some financial costs, but it will allow you to quickly bring your site to the TOP for low-frequency queries.

    If none of the presented methods suits you for any reason, you can use automated systems. This method will be the most costly from a financial point of view, but it will save a lot of time.

    Keywords (queries by which users search for your services/products) can be classified according to different criteria: competitiveness, cost, accuracy of entry, and others. But the most common is the method of classification by the frequency of requests. Traditionally, the keys are divided into:

    • high-frequency (over 1500 requests per month);
    • mid-frequency (from 500 to 1500 requests per month);
    • low-frequency (50-500 requests per month).

    Each business area and region has its own range, but on average, this alignment can be taken as a basis. You can read more about the anatomy of key queries.

    Yandex.Wordstat, Google AdWords, and some others help you pick up keys and sort them. How to work with these services, and in general, how to select keys for a site, we described in detail in the book "How to make a semantic core for a site". The book is free, so read, do not be lazy.

    Many people focus their attention when promoting a site exclusively on high-frequency and mid-frequency keywords, believing that only they can increase website traffic. This is not entirely true.

    Let's take a closer look low-frequency promotion.

    low frequency promotion is a method of website promotion that uses highly specialized, highly accurate search phrases with a low display frequency (< 300 показов в месяц).

    Most often, these are requests that have a so-called long tail. We take the main mask request, for example, the request “buy a laptop”, add various “tails” to it: “on credit in Moscow”, “inexpensive in an online store”, and then we get a large number of low-frequency requests.

    Low Frequency Request Example

    An example of a low-frequency "long tale" request: buy a laptop on credit in Moscow- only 43 impressions per month.

    Note that the main traffic flow, as a rule, is formed by low-frequency speakers.

    Therefore, to move through traffic, they use a large number of low-frequency queries (they pick up tens and even hundreds of thousands of such queries). Low-frequency promotion is considered more stable, less costly and trustworthy.

    Let's define the advantages of low-frequency queries:

    • Attracting the attention of target visitors. That is, an exact hit on the interested user and high conversion rates.
    • Low competition. There is almost no competition, which makes promotion easy and fast.
    • Promotion timelines. The result of promotion for low-frequency queries is usually noticeable after 4-6 weeks.

    But it is worth noting the disadvantages of promotion for low-frequency requests, namely:

    • Each request separately attracts few users, to get a good effect, you need to collect a sufficient number of low-frequency requests.
    • It is necessary to keep under control a very large number of low-frequency requests.
    • It is difficult to reach the entire target audience.
    How to move on low-frequency requests?

    First, through internal optimization, which includes:

    • compiling a list of low-frequency keys by which you will advance;
    • writing and placing texts (articles) with the inclusion of selected queries;
    • placement of LF keys in alt tag attributes ;
    • placement of low-frequency keys in the headings of product cards (for online stores).

    Secondly, through links:

    A reliable method to get safe links for low-frequency speakers is registration in site directories. One registration allows you to promote from 50 to 150 requests. When promoting low-frequency queries, the effect is always present, and following the positions, traffic also grows.

    1. First of all, young sites.

      Start with low-frequency requests, and when at least some traffic appears and behavioral factors begin to form, then it will be possible to connect mid-range and high-frequency requests.

    2. Online shopping with a large assortment.

      Optimize product cards for low-frequency queries by promoting each product separately.

      For example, a clothing store should write “Cocktail dress blue” (25 searches) in the headline of a product card for a dress, and not just “Cocktail dress” (2480 searches).

    Be sure to include low-frequency queries in your semantic core, promotion on them will bring good traffic at minimal cost.

    Good luck with promotion!