• Editing scanned documents in Word online. How to convert a scanned document into Word format

    Storing scanned documents on your computer's hard drive or external storage device is convenient and safe. However, how do you make changes to pages that are usually presented as an image? We will need special programs, the installation and management of which we will describe below.

    How to scan a document before editing?

    In order to successfully manipulate the file in the future, it is important to correctly convert it into “picture” format, as well as take into account several simple but useful nuances in the process itself. To do this:

    • Smooth out all creases and folds so that they do not appear on the scan and do not lead to difficulties in recognizing letters.
    • For ease of reference, save the file in PDF, JPG or TIFF format.
    • The PDF document can be opened and edited by Adobe Acrobat (or any other program designed for similar purposes).
    • Go to the website of the company that created the scanner, or look for a proprietary program on the included disk (often well-known brands have their own applications for changing scanned pages).
    • To subsequently use the file in MS Office 2003 or 2007, install the Microsoft Office Document Scanning utility. It converts the scanned file automatically, converting it directly into text (the program does not work with more recent versions of Office).
    • It is recommended to scan in black and white rather than color - this makes it easier to analyze the text.
    • The TIFF format is best used for OCR converters, that is, programs that perform optical recognition.

    How to edit a scanned document - working with OCR utilities

    The principle of the Optical Character Recognition method is to read the characters on paper and then compare them with elements from your own database. This way, a solid image is converted into editable text. Vivid examples of programs that cope with this task are Adobe Acrobat and Evernote. To make corrections to an existing scan, simply open it with one of these applications, the entire subsequent process will happen automatically. When the program finishes recognition, it will prompt the user to save the document in one of the available formats.

    How to edit a scanned PDF document

    If the scanned document is saved as a PDF file, we can easily edit it in Acrobat DC. To do this:

    • open the menu “Tools” -> “Edit PDF”;
    • the program starts the editing process, showing a hint menu in the top right corner;
    • by clicking on it and selecting “Options”, you can specify the recognition language;
    • To make changes, just click on any line of the document;
    • a document opened for editing via OCR is accompanied by a special panel with settings located on the right side of the screen;
    • In the “Settings” section, in addition to the language, it is also convenient to select the displayed font and mark the pages that need to be edited (all or one at a time).

    There is an accessible alternative to installable converter programs on the World Wide Web. These are online OCRs that can easily convert the resulting image into any text format. For example, the website pdfonline.com allows you to create a regular MS Word file from a scanned PDF document in a few minutes.

    Creating books and magazines in digital format for reading is possible thanks to PDF editors. This software turns paper pages into a PDF file. The software products presented below allow you to complete the task. Using the latest technologies, the programs will help you obtain a scanned image with subsequent color correction or display text from the sheet and edit it.

    An Adobe product designed for creating PDF documents. There are three versions of the program, which differ to some extent. For example, converting to a format for working with , creating a digital signature and sharing with other users are available in the premium version, but not in the standard version. All tools are grouped in specific menu sections, and the interface itself is clean and minimalistic. Directly in the workspace, you can convert PDF to DOCX and XLSX, and save web pages as a PDF object. Thanks to all this, putting together your own portfolio and customizing ready-made working templates will not be a problem.

    ABBYY FineReader

    One of the most famous text recognition applications that allows you to save it as a PDF document. The program recognizes content in PNG, JPG, PCX, DJVU, and the digitization itself occurs immediately after opening the file. Here you can edit the document and save it in popular formats; in addition, XLSX tables are supported. Printers for printing and scanners for working with papers and their subsequent digitization are connected directly from the FineReader workspace. The software is universal and allows you to completely process a file from a paper sheet to a digital version.

    Scan Corrector A4

    A simple program for correcting scanned sheets and images. The options provide changes to brightness, contrast and color tone. Features include storing up to ten sequentially entered images without saving them to the computer. In the work area, the borders of the A4 format are adjusted to completely scan the paper sheet. The Russian-language interface of the program will be easy to understand for inexperienced users. The software is not installed on the system, which allows it to be used as a portable version.

    So, the software in question makes it possible to effectively digitize a photo for storing on a PC or changing the color tone, and scanning the text will allow you to convert it from paper to electronic format. Thus, software products are useful in a variety of work situations.

    To save electronic copies of original “paper” documents, they are scanned. Sometimes duplicates obtained in this way are recognized using OCR applications combined with scanning programs, and sometimes they are saved as an image. Often, after scanning, some changes are made to the original document that need to be reflected in the electronic copy. You can edit the scan in several ways.


  • If scanning was carried out in text recognition mode, then the contents of the resulting document can be changed even before it is saved - most programs designed for scanning and recognition have built-in text editors. For example, in the FineReader program, popular among Russian-speaking scanner users, each page of a document scanned and converted into text format opens in a separate window with an editing menu, the functionality of which is similar to that of a regular text editor. If the scanned and recognized text was saved to a file, then you can change it with a standard text editor. For this, use, for example, Microsoft Word - this word processor is capable of reading most of the formats used to save texts with OCR programs.
  • If the scanned document was saved in image format, then you should use some kind of graphic editor to edit it. In some cases, the standard Paint application installed by default with the Windows operating system will be sufficient. Open a file containing an image of scanned text, select the area of ​​the image that needs to be replaced, and fill it with a color that matches the background of the document. Then select a size, color, and font that matches the text, and print a new piece over the filled area. However, in most cases, replacing text requires more careful work with the image - copying background areas and placing copies on top of the text in several layers, deforming the typed text in accordance with the state of the original document, copying and pasting individual letters and words of the text, etc. Therefore, a more advanced graphics editor - for example, Adobe Photoshop - is much more suitable for this work.
  • There is another way to replace a fragment of the source text in a scanned document saved as an image. It can be used if it is possible to scan a new fragment with edited text. The desired text can be printed on the same (or the same) paper as the original document, so the appearance of the original and corrected fragments will match to a greater extent than can be achieved in a graphics editor. The scanned part of the text must then be superimposed on the document being edited using any graphic editor - such an operation is provided in almost all applications of this kind.
  • Microsoft Office's Word text editor is installed on most users' computers. This is a convenient and practical program for typing and editing any information. The only annoying thing is that using such software it is almost impossible to open files that differ in format from doc. When this is necessary, the question arises: how to translate it into Word? A number of programs cope with this task quite simply. The most popular of them is Fine Reader. In a matter of seconds, it recognizes texts in various languages ​​from images and easily translates them into doc format.

    Program for scanned documents No. 1

    The user does not need to have a scanner at hand. FineReader is a tool with which anyone can easily solve the problem of how to transfer a scanned document into Word from a flash drive, digital camera or mobile phone. The user just needs to connect the gadget to the computer and launch the program.

    Interface and available tasks

    After starting the program, the computer monitor will display a menu logically arranged by commands. FineReader's main tasks include:

    • saving the document in Word;
    • converting images from PDF to doc format;
    • just scan and save the image;
    • create a searchable PDF document;
    • moving photos to Word.

    At this stage, the user can configure the color mode: color or monochrome, and recognition languages. The following languages ​​are available for processing: English, Russian, Spanish, Italian, German. The user can also use a choice of artificially created languages: Esperanto, Interlingua, IDO.

    If the user is faced with the task of scanning a document containing, for example, medical text, then the program will recognize the Latin font after the required checkbox is ticked. FineReader also sees formal languages. It successfully copes with the recognition of simple chemical formulas. A user who often works with documents in different languages ​​can save his time by using the automatic settings feature.

    An example of how to transfer a scanned document into Word

    Let's consider the simplest problem. We have a document in Russian, scanned and saved on a flash drive. To transfer it to a Word document, you need to:

    1. Launch the Abby FineReader program.
    2. Insert the drive into the USB connector of the computer.
    3. Select the “File in Word” menu item.
    4. In the Explorer window that opens, specify the path to the image that needs to be converted.
    5. Double-right-click on the selected file.

    After all the above steps, the program begins to work independently. The FineReader window will then be divided into three columns. The first one will display all pages of the document. In the column located in the middle, the user can see which program is currently working with. The leftmost column remains empty during the recognition process.

    Upon completion of work, the converted document automatically opens in Word. The user can only edit the text in those places where FineReader could not recognize the text and save it on his computer or flash drive.


    It is clear that to the question of how to transfer a scanned document to Word, the answer turned out to be quite simple. But is everything always so rosy? Often the images are low resolution. And then FineReader gives an error instead of a finished file in doc format. But there is no reason to be upset. Many reasons that interfere with text recognition can be eliminated using the same FineReader. To do this, the program has a menu of “Edit” commands. By selecting it, the user has the opportunity to:

    • change resolution;
    • correct skewed scanned image;
    • adjust brightness and contrast;
    • crop, split and rotate a document and much more.

    Scanner, Document, FineReader

    Speaking about the functionality of the program for text recognition, I would like to say separately about the ability to work with various office equipment and gadgets. So, installing FineReader on the device’s hard drive eliminates the question for the user - how to scan a document to a computer?

    The fact is that one device driver is not always enough to operate any office equipment. The scanner is no exception. As a rule, a disk with a program is included with it, which ensures operation of the device. But the functionality of such software is often limited.

    FineReader is compatible with all scanners from well-known manufacturers. By installing it on your computer, the user can use this program as software for working with images. Documents can be simply scanned and saved; set the command to leave the captured image directly in Word; create PDF files. From them, translate texts into the Microsoft Office text editor. As a result, one small program can easily cope with such a task as scanning a document onto a computer, and can replace cumbersome graphic tools, while ensuring the smooth operation of the entire office.


    If scanning was carried out in text recognition mode, then the contents of the resulting document can be changed even before it is saved - most programs designed for scanning and recognition have built-in text editors. For example, in FineReader, popular among Russian-speaking scanner users, each page of a document scanned and converted into text format opens in a separate window with an editing menu, the functionality of which is similar to that of a regular text editor. If the scanned and recognized text was saved to a file, then you can change it with a standard text editor. For this, use, for example, Microsoft Word - this word processor is capable of reading most of the formats used to save texts with OCR programs.

    If the scanned document was saved in image format, then you should use some kind of graphic editor to edit it. In some cases, the standard Paint application installed by default with the Windows operating system will be sufficient. Open a file containing an image in it, select the area of ​​the picture that should be replaced, and fill it with a color that matches the background of the document. Then select a size, color, and font that matches the text, and print a new piece over the filled area. However, in most cases, replacing text requires more careful work with the image - copying background areas and placing copies on top of the text in several layers, deforming the typed text in accordance with the state of the original document, copying and pasting individual letters and words of the text, etc. Therefore, a more advanced graphics editor - for example, Adobe Photoshop - is much more suitable for this work.

    There is another way to replace a fragment of the source text in a scanned document saved as an image. It can be used if it is possible to scan a new fragment with edited text. The desired text can be printed on the same (or the same) paper as the original document, so the appearance of the original and corrected fragments will match to a greater extent than can be achieved in a graphics editor. The scanned part of the text must then be superimposed on the document being edited using any graphic editor - such an operation is provided in almost all applications of this kind.


    • What program can you edit a document?

    Scanning text is produced in order to convert it from an “analog” format to a digital one. During this conversion process, errors often creep into the text. Therefore, the text sometimes has to be edited. There are several ways to do this.


    Please note

    Use online text recognition services if you need to recognize large number pages. If you are constantly engaged in scanning and text recognition, purchase a powerful paid program.

    It often happens that you need to edit text contained only in paper form. There are currently many programs available for recognition that differ not only in the quality of the results, but also in their extended functionality. Fine Reader is one of the best applications available to fulfill these purposes.

    You will need

    • - text editor;
    • - Fine Reader program.


    Download and install a recognition program, such as Fine Reader. Familiarize yourself with the functionality of the program - many modern versions support the integration of scanned text directly into Word; if such a function is available in your copy of the program, complete the operation by skipping the following points.

    If you have older versions of the program, scan the document you need to edit using the standard program of your copier that you usually use, and save it in .jpg format on your e-mail.

    Right-click once on the saved image, select “Open with...” and in the list of programs that appears, select the Fine Reader you recently installed. If necessary, select the “Use for all data for files of this type” checkbox. You can also simply scan the image using an already open program by selecting “Scan and Read”, and the image from the device will be imported directly into the work area. To do this, first specify in the settings the parameters for the scanner to operate in Fine Reader program mode.

    In the program window that opens, select “Recognize text.” Wait while the program reads the document. If the results of the operation do not meet your requirements, change the scanning and recognition settings and repeat the procedure again.

    Save the resulting document in any format supported by Microsoft Office Word. Close Fine Reader, go to the folder where your document was saved.

    Open the file using MS Office Word or any other text editor in which you are comfortable working. Make the necessary changes to the file and save the results.

    Please note

    Pay special attention to the scanning settings; it is best to set the necessary parameters in advance.

    Useful advice

    Download the program only from the official Abbyy website.

    The Adobe Photoshop graphic editor allows you to apply new layers to the background, which may include text layers. After filling the text layer, an inscription appears on the image, editing of which becomes possible after performing certain actions.

    You will need

    • Adobe Photoshop software.


    Add a text layer to the image. To do this, go to the toolbar, which is located on the left side of the open window, and left-click on the icon with the letter “T”. Then click anywhere on your image and a new text layer will appear in the Layers panel.

    The new layer gets its name from the first letters of the words or phrases you enter. Start typing any text. To move this layer, use the special marker located in the middle of the current selection - grab it with the left mouse button and drag the input form to another location.

    To change the shape of the text layer's block, click the top Edit menu and choose Free Transform. Grab any edge of the image (square marker) and pull to the side. Using this tool, you can perform any distortion of a text block, and, accordingly, the text itself.