• Google play services for chinese android apk. Google Play Services

    Google Play Services) is one of those tools that works completely invisibly. However, if it suddenly does not appear on your Android device, applications will not be able to update, and you will also not be able to use modern features such as contact synchronization or GPS navigation.

    Perhaps, Google Play Services is the most necessary and useful tool for Android, because without it, not a single service can function normally. This platform is the link between Google products and your applications. So make sure you have the latest version of this product today.

    If you have recently purchased a device, there is nothing to worry about yet, because new smartphones and tablets already contain all the components necessary for work. But if your trusty gadget has been around for a long time and has gone through a lot of tests with you, be sure to update the platform. To do this is actually very simple, just download Google Play Services and install them on your device. The file is provided in the usual apk format and is unpacked in the same way as other ordinary applications. In the case of an update, the mobile program itself will offer to replace existing components with newer ones.

    What is the tool for?:

    • Google Services Authentication
    • Correct work with Google accounts
    • Updating and downloading new applications from the Play Store
    • Sync Contacts and Chrome Browser Tabs
    • Access to obtaining geolocation data, simply a GPS navigator
    • Ability to use modern features, such as energy saving and privacy of personal information
    • Thanks to the correct operation of Google Play services, games will become faster offline and realistic
    • Applications may even stop working without this tool

    Thus, it is important not only to take care of the availability of a mobile program, but also the latest version of it. The application does not have an interface, you do not need to configure or adjust anything. You only need to install Google Play Services on Android or update them. Your system will take care of the rest. You can check the relevance of the tool in the Menu section by going to Settings, and then Applications. Select the desired row and view the information about the mobile app.

    Download Google Play Services (latest version) free for android you can follow the link below.

    Android 2.3+

    Android 5.0+

    Android 6.0+

    Application Permissions

      These rights are necessary for the application to function properly.

      Application Permissions

      This is a list of permissions to access sections and functions of the device for the correct functioning of the application.

      For example:

      The program that replaces the standard camera will request access to the device's camera.

      And the photo editor will already request access to the device's memory to manage photos.

    • Access to the list of accounts in Accounts Services.
    • Allows an application to change the IP address and port number for connecting to the Internet.
    • Allows an authorization token request.
    • Allows calling on top of all system window applications and notifications from the application.
    • Allows reading the device startup progress, can slow down the system.
    • Allows reading the Google Services configuration.
    • Receiving notifications, uses the Internet.
    • Allows reading the feed of subscriptions.
    • Allows changing the feed of subscriptions.
    • Permission to capture video.
    • Allows an application to record sound.
    • Allows an application to broadcast sticky intents. These are broadcasts whose data is held by the system after being finished, so that clients can quickly retrieve that data without having to wait for the next broadcast.
    • Allows access to the device's vibrator.
    • Allows reading sync settings.
    • Allows an application to change system settings.
    • Allows writing to sync settings.
    • The application determines the exact location of the device by network coordinates and Wi-fi points.
    • The application can create and edit a Google account, including creating new ones.
    • Allowing the application to modify the list of accounts in the AccountManager.
    • Allows turning the device on and off, as well as other operations via NFC.
    • Allows an application to read from external memory.
    • Allows reading information about device settings and components.
    • Allows the application to run even after the screen is turned off.
    • Access to network information.
    • Allows reading and processing of SMS messages.
    • Allows writing to the memory card (used in applications with a cache).
    • Allows reading user data from the contact book.
    • Camera access.
    • Allows reading and processing of MMS messages.
    • The application determines the approximate location (city) of the device by network coordinates and Wi-fi points.
    • Permission to use navigation APIs to interact with the GPS module.
    • Access to information about the Wi-Fi network.
    • Change wi-fi operating modes.
    • Allows the application to receive a phone number from an outgoing call, including all forwarding.
    • Allows the application to send SMS messages.
    • Access to Bluetooth paired devices.
    • Access to Bluetooth, with the ability to search and pair devices.
    • Enables Wi-fi Multicast mode, which allows you to discover devices on the same network, even if they are connected to the router via a cable.
    • Permission to read information about all running applications.
    • Allows reading the call log.
    • Allows reading SMS messages.
    • Only allows writing to the contact book.
    • Allows reading the user profile (used for relevant ad serving).
    • Only allows writing to the user profile.
    • Allows the application to control the device components: enable/disable the device and components, manage notifications (used only in official applications of device manufacturers).
    • Allows the application to make any phone calls (including SOS, emergency services, etc.), bypassing the standard dialer.
    • Access to Bluetooth pairing, without user intervention, allows the application to receive calls and SMS (only used by Google applications!).
    • Permission to replace the standard lock screen (lockscreen).
    • Allows the application to make phone calls, bypassing the standard dialer.
    • Changing network modes.
    • Permission to capture video in safe mode.
    • Allows the application to record sound from the microphone.
    • Allows reading low-level system log files (This application can access your private data).
    • Allows an application to take screenshots and access the Frame Buffer.
    • Allows an application to send information about your activity (route, speed, date).
    • Access to the sensors of the device: for reading the pulse, pressure, etc.
    • Permission to access the calendar.
    • Allows reading voice mail.
    • The application can add voice calls to the system.

    is an application that you may not notice on your device, but it is his work that makes Android exactly the way we used to see it. Without a tool, you will not be able to update your favorite games, and programs will also inevitably fail.

    After you follow our simple recommendations, the operation of the device's functions will become noticeably more efficient, and updating programs will not cause any difficulty. Later, you will only have to check that the version of the tool always remains fresh and do not forget download Google Play Services if they suddenly become obsolete. This will save you a lot of inconvenience in the future and will give you the opportunity to use the usual services at any time.

    How to download the latest version of Google Play Services on Android:

    First you need to check which version of the services is installed on your device, you can do this by going to the settings and opening the list of applications
    If you have an older version than the one you see on this page, you may experience a number of problems
    Installing the tool is similar to unpacking a regular APK file
    Next, you need to allow the utility to replace the old data with the new ones.
    You do not need to reboot the device or perform other additional actions

    On any mobile device, even a newly purchased one, the Services are already installed by default. True, more and more often there are Chinese device manufacturers who have decided to experimentally abandon Google products. But since there is still no worthy replacement for them, we recommend download the latest version of Google Play Services manually. This will give you the opportunity to use the latest security and power saving settings that modern games and applications are equipped with. They are responsible for the operation of the most important functions of our device, without which the gadget threatens to become a useless layer of iron. So Google Play Services controls important processes such as contact synchronization, email login authentication, location data acquisition, and many others. Imagine how many programs will suffer if the utility is simply disabled! Therefore, it is important not only to have it, but also the latest version.

    One of the most common questions that can be heard from users of smartphones and tablets on the Android operating system is how to download and install Google Play services. As a rule, owners of smartphones or tablets of little-known Chinese companies that do not have a license to use Google's property in their products face the problem. However, this is far from the only reason. Without Google Play services, our device, of course, will do, but we are unlikely. Well, let's deal with the problem together.

    Google services - what is it, what is it used for

    In most cases, the method is effective, and the user can immediately proceed to install the necessary applications from Google Play.

    Open GApps as a way to download Google Play Services

    In some cases (for example, when a smartphone runs on a third-party shell), a simple installation of Google Play is not an option. Here you already have to resort to alternative assemblies of services from Google. Relatively recently, the Open GApps utility has become available to users, which includes the latest versions of Google Play services. It is distributed free of charge, does not require special skills and knowledge.

    First you need to install and run Open GApps on your device. Further:

    1. the program will analyze your device, determining its hardware architecture and operating system version;
    2. we make adjustments regarding which services will be installed (the minimum set includes only Google Play, with the maximum you will get other useful applications).

    Everything, services are installed. Open GApps also allows you to update software from Google, which can be useful to many.

    There are other applications that also allow you to solve the problem with services. There are many. All have names that use "Google Installer". Nevertheless, Open GApps proved to be the best.read);

  • after - download the archive with GApps for the version of your operating system (you can do this on this foreign resource, where updated versions appear regularly, or on one of the thematic forums dedicated to this topic or specifically to your device);
  • save the archive with services in the device memory;
  • reboot the smartphone or tablet by pressing the appropriate combination of buttons (depending on the brand of your device, as a rule, the power button + volume key +/-; you can learn more from ours);
  • once in the Recovery menu, select the "Install zip from SD Card" item, indicating the path to the previously downloaded file from GApps;
  • wait for the patch to install.
  • This method, despite some complexity, works in 99% of cases. If it didn’t work out and install Google services on Android in this way, you probably did something wrong or the GApps version is not suitable.

    Installing Google services on Meizu models and other Chinese smartphones

    Devices presented on proprietary OS shells (in the case of Meizu - Flyme, and Xiaomi, for example - MIUI) often come to users from abroad without the usual Google Play. However, they often do not require complex manipulations to install services. Smartphones Meizu (and a number of other companies) "out of the box" have branded online stores from which you can download applications. Google Play is also hidden here.

    1. on the desktop, find the shortcut for the program "Hot Apps" ("Best") and click on it;
    2. in the User Choice section, find the Google Apps Installer or Google Services application;
    3. install it;
    4. reboot the device for the changes to take effect.

    That's all, we rejoice at the appearance on the desktop of a recognizable Google Play icon.

    Owners of Android devices are probably already familiar with Google services, which in most cases are already installed on their devices. Many ignore them and do not know why they are needed. For this reason, users are trying to disable or remove pre-installed software from their phone, remove "unnecessary" functionality. However, there is also the opposite situation when you are trying to figure out how to update Google Play Services on Android on your own, because for some reason the developer did not do it for you.

    This is a necessary set of tools that is used to keep the features of the stock Android store running. A single set of programs that manages all installed services. If the main component of the entire complex does not work, using Google Play will be problematic.

    In order to avoid software failures, Google developers recommend regularly checking services for updates. Fortunately, the system usually finds and installs the latest version that is compatible with your device on its own.

    If the services have not yet been installed on your gadget, do not worry - they will be pulled up as soon as you install Google Play. Otherwise, you can install the service software on your smartphone or tablet yourself by finding it in the application store.

    These services are also necessary in order to launch the application from the Market and maintain work between downloaded games and programs, otherwise nothing will work. Google services are dangerous to delete, because they are responsible for a list of useful and no less important functions:

    • regular checking and updating of already installed software;
    • support for interaction between the Google server and applications;
    • automatic authentication in Google services such as YouTube, Gmail, Google+, as well as a search engine;
    • secure storage of saved passwords;
    • protecting the user from Internet viruses thanks to a secure connection;
    • synchronization of contacts between Android devices authorized under a single account;
    • the process of transferring bank card data is strictly confidential;
    • allocation of memory resources occurs in the best possible way;
    • maintenance of services responsible for energy conservation;
    • continuous operation of geolocation in real time so that the user can track the location of his device.

    Also, any Android game may require a new version of the service software, so the update process should be given special attention. The software supports new features that are used by developers, namely:

    • synchronization of game data via Google Play Games;
    • using the capabilities of one application in another;
    • accelerated connection in the client-server scheme.

    And all this is possible thanks to the latest version of Google services.

    How to update

    In this article, we will look at two main ways to update services:

    • using the app store;
    • without using the Play Market.

    In other words, through specialized software and directly.

    Through Play Store

    This method does not cause difficulties, because all the indicated actions are done quite simply. Most likely, you already have Google Play installed - it can be found on the desktop or in the application menu. To start downloading applications and installing/updating services, you will need to log in with your Google account - you can create a new profile there or use an existing one.

    When you use your smartphone for the first time, the system itself takes you to the appropriate page to activate a profile or create a new one. If for some reason this did not happen, and you do not know how to enter, follow the instructions:

    1. Go to the device settings and find the "Accounts" item.

    1. Select the "Add account" option.

    1. From the list, select the desired service, in our case, "Google".

    1. Your device will be checked, after which the last step remains - filling in the profile data.

    After logging in, you will be able to use all the functions described above and update the service software.

    Updates from the app store can be divided into two types:

    • automatic, conducted by the system and the Play Market itself;
    • custom made by you personally.

    In the first case, if you checked the "auto-update" function in the Market settings, new versions of installed applications will be downloaded and installed by the system automatically. Usually, the update process occurs immediately when a fast Internet connection is connected - Wi-Fi, or until the user himself enters the store.

    In order to enable the auto-update function, you need to go to the Play Market and follow the instructions step by step:

    1. Open the side tab of the main menu of the Market with a swipe to the right and go to the “Settings” item.

    1. In the window that opens, the general settings will first appear, where the “Auto-update” item is located.

    1. You need to configure the option by changing the value to "Always" or "Only via Wi-Fi".

    You should be careful about the “Always” item, because the next time you connect to the mobile Internet, Google Play will start downloading resource-intensive application updates. Such automatic downloads can lead to the exhaustion of available megabytes of the Internet, excess traffic and, thus, to unnecessary expenses.

    Now, by setting up the auto-update function, the system immediately after connecting to Wi-Fi will start updating existing software, including service applications and Google Play Services. If you do not have the desire or time to install all available updates, you can independently instruct the Market to download the new version of Google. To do this, you need to install manually:

    1. Enter "Google Services" in the Market search.

    1. On the application page, click on the "Update" button.

    If this feature does not exist and you only see the Delete and Open options, then you already have the latest version of the service software. In this case, no update is required.

    In new versions of Android, services cannot be found manually - this is the decision of the developer himself. If you cannot find the software you need, you should use other methods or download special utilities for this in the application store. If new versions are available, the system can notify you about this by a corresponding notification in the status bar. When you click on it, you will be automatically transferred to the download page and asked to update.

    Installation from a third party source

    This is an extreme case and you should contact it if for some reason your standard Play Market does not work properly or your smartphone is left without the Internet and you could not update using the previous method. You can always solve the problem by downloading the free APK file and installing it. You can also download via a computer, after which the file should be transferred to your phone via Bluetooth or via a USB cable.

    Before installing without the Play Market, you need to pay attention to the source from which you are going to install / update services. Some sites may offer virus APK files, so it's best to check the installer for threats to ensure security. After successfully checking and reporting that there are no pests, you can begin the installation process.

    You will not be able to install the program if installation of applications from unverified sources is prohibited on your device. To continue you need:

    1. Go to the settings of your smartphone or tablet.

    1. Go to the "Applications" or "Security" tab.

    1. Check the box next to "Unknown Sources".

    After that, you should be able to run the APK file without any errors. Agree with all installation points and wait until the installation process comes to an end. When completed, you should be able to see an icon from Google Services in the application menu.

    If the update fails

    In case you have problems with the installer in the Android system, or if an error occurs when receiving data from the server, we suggest that you clean up the Google services program.

    For this you need:

    1. Open the application properties in "Settings" - "Applications".

    1. Click on the "Stop" button.

    1. Go to the Place Management window.

    1. Select the "Delete all data" option.

    After this action, all information stored by the program for its work will be deleted from the device. To continue using the services, you will need to sign in to Google again. Thus, you can recover deleted confidential data.

    Also, before installing, check that the internal storage is enough for the update. If there is not enough memory on the device, the installation will fail.

    Summing up

    Depending on the smartphone model and the installed OS version, both all methods and none of them may be suitable. For example, the Meizu phone does not initially have Google services installed, and it is possible that an error may occur when trying to install them manually.

    In most cases, the problem occurs due to an old version of the software or a limitation of the functions responsible for the update. One way or another, all owners of smartphones with Android can cope with this problem. If you can't resolve the issue, you should contact the Google service center or contact the appropriate specialist.


    For greater clarity and completeness of the picture, in addition, you can watch a video on this topic.