• Eutelsat satellite 36 open channels. Russian-language SAT free channels. Your equipment is designed to receive... SAT free channels

    In this article we will look at installing and configuring a satellite dish on the Eutelsat 36A/36B satellite broadcasting from a position of 36°East (36 degrees east longitude). The most popular Russian television operators NTV+ and Tricolor broadcast from this satellite, and broadcast in circular polarization. To receive circular polarization, you need a special KU-band converter. They come in different designs and can have either one output or 2-16 outputs. The main thing is to carefully read the inscription on the label. On the circular polarization heads there is the inscription Circular LNB, Input Freq: 11.7-12.75 GHz, L.O. Freq 10.75GHz. Accordingly, the local oscillator frequency in the receiver settings should be set to 10750 MHz.

    Unlike universal (dual-band) converters with linear polarization, converters with circular polarization have one range of 11.7 GHz -12.75 GHz.

    Broadcasting television channels from a satellite is carried out using several transponders (receiver devices), and there are different numbers of them on different satellites. Each transponder (receiver) has its own frequency, polarization, modulation, data transfer rate and other parameters. Circular polarization can have either a right or left direction of oscillation, and depending on this, right and left circular polarization are distinguished. In most receivers, when setting transponder parameters such words as “right” and “left” polarization, you most likely will not find what to do in this case? When installing the right (R - right) polarization - in the receiver we select vertical (V - vertical), which corresponds to the converter supply voltage of 14 volts, and when installing the left (L - left) polarization - in the receiver we select horizontal (H - horisontal) , which corresponds to the converter supply voltage of 18 volts. Select the installation location and direction of the satellite dish:
    In order to quickly install a satellite dish, you need to know the direction to our satellite. You can find out the direction using a compass, the sun, a GPS navigator, or small-diameter dishes located nearby. Since the signal from the Eutelsat 36A/36B satellite in the CIS countries is quite powerful, you can receive channels from this satellite even on small dishes (0.6m).
    The fastest and most accurate direction to a satellite can be found using the program. This program will calculate the azimuth and elevation required for installing and configuring the dish to any available satellite at your geographic receiving point. You just need to specify your geographic coordinates of the installation location - northern latitude - "N", southern latitude - "S". Likewise, east longitude is "E", west longitude is "W". After entering the coordinates into the program, on the left side of the table you will receive the calculated azimuth and elevation angles (elevation angle) of the antenna.
    Azimuth- this is the direction to the satellite (in degrees), defined as the angle between the directions north and the satellite, found by compass. Elevation angle- this direction, defined as the angle (in degrees) between the direction to the satellite and the plane of the earth at the receiving point, is determined using a program, measured using a protractor. A negative elevation angle means that the satellite is below the horizon and is not available for reception.
    You can find out the coordinates of a place using the Yandex.Maps API service, or in any search engine, enter into the query: the coordinates of your location.
    For example, let's calculate the Azimuth and Elevation Angle for the Eutelsat 36A/36B (36E) satellite, our conditional location is Moscow. As a result we get our Azimuth: 210.474°, Elevation Angle: 41.737°.

    Knowing the azimuth, we use a compass to determine our antenna direction. Be sure to check that the direction to the satellite is free from high-rise buildings, trees and other obstacles.
    We also first need to set the Elevation Angle; the wonderful “Satellite Antenna Alignment” program will also help us with this. Since during installation we will use an offset antenna, it already has a certain elevation angle (within 20-25 degrees). All you need to do is measure and enter the dimensions of your offset antenna (height and width) and the program will calculate the exact elevation angle for this antenna. The calculation is made only for antennas whose height is greater than their width. The antenna dimensions are entered in millimeters in the "Offset antenna" tab. The elevation angle and the angle at which you actually need to install the antenna will also be shown.

    So, we have decided on the installation location and the angle of inclination of the antenna; now we need to firmly and securely mount our bracket on the wall of a building, the roof of a high-rise building or a mast. If we install the antenna on the wall of a building (this is the preferred option), then we first need to secure the bracket using fasteners, controlling the verticality of the bracket at the water level.
    Preparing the antenna before tuning:
    Before installing the antenna, it must be assembled and its geometry checked. First, we screw the arc to the mirror, then install the fasteners to the bracket and install the circular polarization converter.
    Satellite dish setup:
    Before setting up the dish, you need to prepare equipment for setup: this can be either a special SatFinder device with pre-selected transponders, or a satellite receiver with a prepared set of transponders, a head local oscillator frequency set to 10750 MHz and a connected portable TV. We install the antenna on the bracket, set the azimuth using the compass (210° for Moscow), and use a protractor to set the tilt angle of the dish (105°). Using a piece of cable, we connect the receiver to the Eutelsat 36A/36B convector.
    Tuning should begin with the strongest transponders and end with the weakest, achieving maximum readings on the quality scale. Let's go to Receiver menu -> Antenna installation -> Channel search -> Eutelsat 36.0E satellite,select any of the transponders listed in Table 1, and a scale should appear for visual control of the signal. Please note that for each brand of receiver, the satellite setting item may be located in a different place, and the setting scales are also different. It is convenient to have a receiver with a scale that expands to fill the entire screen for adjustment.

    Table No. 1. Satellite antenna transponder parameters:

    Satellite Transponder Visual inspection channel
    Eutelsat 36B/36C 11900 R(V) 27500 TV1000 Russkoe Kino, Viasat Sport East, EuroNews
    11977 R(V) 27500 Moya Planeta, Nauka 2.0, Ru TV
    12130 R(V) 27500 Nat Geo Wild HD, Mezzo Live HD, Perviy kanal HD
    12303 L(H) 27500 Soyuz, TV2-TV

    By smoothly and slowly rotating the antenna in the horizontal direction, we scan the horizon with the antenna, after which we slightly change the vertical angle of the antenna and again repeat the horizontal scanning. All these actions must be performed slowly, constantly observing changes in the quality scale readings, until a signal appears. If a signal appears, you need to stop, slightly tighten the screws that fix the angles of rotation and tilt, and with light, insignificant movements up and down, left and right, achieve the maximum signal level on the scale. Then we firmly fix the screws securing the angle of inclination and the angle of rotation of the plate. Next, we proceed to fine-tune the converter, to do this we rotate it a little in the holder, you can also move it a little back and forth along the holder, while achieving maximum readings on the QUALITY scale.
    VERY IMPORTANT POINT! We need to make sure that the antenna is tuned specifically to our satellite Eutelsat 36A/36B, and not to some other one. To do this, we scan the transponders from table 1 and turn on NTV Plus Infokanal, or another, then a picture should appear (if the channel is not encrypted). If the channels were not scanned or the wrong ones were scanned, then the antenna is configured for a different satellite, and the setup should be repeated. When everything is done, you need to tighten all the adjusting screws, focusing on the maximum signal scale readings. Let me remind you once again that the final adjustment should be made using weak transponders.

    That's it, the antenna setup is complete, all that remains is to run the cable to the stationary TV, connect the tuner, scan all the transponders, sort the channels by topic and enjoy the picture quality.
    Enjoy watching!

    Today, NTV Plus is a leader in the field of satellite broadcasting. This network has a huge number of channels that show programs with various content. Any viewer will be able to find something interesting to suit their taste, which is why NTV packages are considered the best if we are talking about family viewing.

    In 2017, the company operates on several satellites, as in principle it was in 2016. This allows us to provide a stable, high-quality signal in all regions of the country. Viewers appreciated the efforts to improve the signal and often opt for NTV, preferring a proven and reliable provider to a cheap, but frankly speaking, not very high-quality product. TV packages from NTV Plus are designed for different audiences, but their cost is always adequate. All that remains is to configure the frequencies on which the provider operates in order to enjoy high-quality television.

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    What equipment will you need?

    To ensure that channels are viewed normally and their quality does not suffer, users are recommended to use special equipment. With its help, the frequency at which satellites operate is much easier to adjust, and images in HD format are received without problems. Here, by the way, is a small list of what a user must have in order to set frequencies and watch their favorite TV channels:

    • TV antenna (dish);
    • Lnb convector and HD receiver;
    • High quality TV with plasma screen. LED panel, LSD panel, in general, any device that supports HD format;
    • High quality audio system.

    As a rule, this is enough, but sometimes you can use additional equipment. The main thing is that the antenna is strong and can withstand various interferences, which sometimes affect the stability of the signal. Here is a small list of interference that can negatively affect the quality of the picture shown on the TV:

    • In the first case, a lot depends on weather conditions. Sometimes heavy snowfall, especially if snow sticks to the dish, can significantly interfere with signal reception. In this case, even a correctly configured frequency does not help;
    • Tall trees that block the path to the signal from the satellite. There should not be a single tree nearby or along the perimeter for at least 20 meters. In addition, there should be no buildings opposite the antenna that block the satellite broadcast. The signal can not only be blocked, but also pass through, but with such interference that there will be no point in having the equipment;
    • If the user himself installed an antenna that receives the NTV Plus frequency. Of course, no one forbids the buyer to carry out the procedure for installing and configuring the equipment himself. But an inexperienced user may confuse something, accidentally break it, or connect it incorrectly. Naturally, after this no one will be able to adjust the frequencies so that the channels start working.

    NTV Plus transponders

    The company has a pair of main transponders that operate in all regions of the country. For example, in the east, west and south, thanks to the high-quality satellite signal, users can easily receive quality television at an affordable price. There are only two main transponders operating on Russian territory.

    • NTV Plus transponder;
    • NTV Plus HD transponder.

    In turn, the devices under consideration can be divided into several categories, which are distinguished depending on the polarization, frequency and signal speed. Transponders with right and left polarization can be distinguished.

    1. Among the transponders with left circular polarization are:

    1. Among the transponders with right-hand circular polarization are:
    • Channels owned by the MATCH holding, TNT, Our Football, Zvezda, federal NTV, RBC. In addition, there is an NTV Plus information channel. They operate at a frequency of 11785 R;
    • NTV Plus products, the broadcast frequency of which is 11900 R. In particular, this includes such popular information channels as Euronews, and among entertainment channels we can highlight TV 1000;
    • Not only satellite television, but also radio stations broadcast on the frequency 12245 R. This is convenient because no other transponder works with radio stations. Therefore, if the user wants to receive a high-quality radio signal, he must select only this frequency;
    • On the frequency 12437 R the following channels are broadcast: Zhivi, RTR Planeta, Russian Bestseller, Sarafan, Strana, Arkhyz 24, Russian Roman;
    • Frequency 12322 R regulates the operation of such channels as: Auto Plus, Cinema Club, TV India, TV Kitchen, A Minor TV, Men's Cinema, Nashe Kino, KVN TV, NTV-Plus Sports.

    But as for other criteria, they are the same: DVB-S2 modulation, MPEG-4 8PSK standard, encoding - Viaccess, bit rate 27500 SR, FEC 3/4. Just let's figure out what they mean:

    • SR is the flow rate, or more precisely, the density of information flow present in the satellite signal;
    • FEC (Forvard Error Connection) - using this designation you can correct errors or restore the original data of the parcel;
    • Viaccess – helps you access the list of paid channels. For the system to work, you must use the current version 5.0 or 6.0. Others are not suitable because they cause a lot of system glitches, which will negatively affect your experience while watching your favorite TV programs.

    What satellites and TV program packages does NTV use for broadcasting?

    For the Russian-speaking user, there is complete freedom, since many satellite television operators have appeared that offer not only high-quality, but also affordable content. One of the most popular operators, without a doubt, is NTV Plus. The number of channels is determined by a considerable number of satellites. Here are some of them:

    • EUTELSAT 36A/36B (W4/W7). This is the first satellite that began to be used for broadcasting NTV television channels. It is located at 36°E east longitude and casts a signal to western Russia and part of Ukraine. It is not surprising that after connecting such a powerful device, the user audience has expanded significantly.
    • A couple of years later, the Bonum-1 satellite joined the list of satellites, although at the moment it was renamed Express-AT1. It is also called NTV Plus East, since this satellite is broadcast to the Far East, Siberia and other parts of Russia, which are located in the eastern region;

    Users will also be pleased with the fact that most of the channels are Russian-language. But it is possible to set up television in other languages. Almost all TV channels operate in Viaccess 2.5 encoding, but if you install a satellite dish of at least 0.6 m, you need to turn on the DRE 5000 receiver, which will decode this signal.

    At the moment, NTV Plus offers people various channels that are part of thematic packages. Here are some of them and their costs:

    • Basic package – 550 rubles.
    • Extended basic package – 750 rubles
    • Basic extended + sports + cinema + night – 1050 rubles.
    • Basic + VIP cinema – 1050 rubles.
    • Basic + cinema + night + supersport – 1550 rubles.
    • Baz. race + night + VIP cinema + super sports – 1850 rubles.

    As you can see, the prices are quite affordable, and thanks to satellites, every user, even those who live in a remote village where there are problems with mobile communications, can watch their favorite movie. NTV Plus will work everywhere in the same quality as in Moscow. So fans of sports, educational channels, movies and children's channels will be provided with high-quality and enjoyable content.

    Manual tuning of NTV Plus channels

    In order to manually find a specific channel, you need to know what frequency is used for its broadcast. In order to determine this, you will need a special table that indicates all the most important parameters that need to be entered into the receiver search menu. Here it is:

    Transponder Frequency, MHz Polarization Encoding Flow rate FEC
    NTV Plus 11862 R DRE Crypt 27500 3/4
    Bollywood HD, CCTV 4, CCTV RUS, CGTN RUS, Fox TV, Mezzo, Paramount Comedy, Pets, Carousel, Hunting and Fishing, Psychology 21
    NTV Plus 11900 R DRE Crypt 27500 3/4
    Armenia TV Satellite, Da Vinci Learning, EuroNews, Food Network, Ocean TV
    NTV Plus 12130 R DRE Crypt 27500 3/4
    1HD, Mezzo Live HD, MGM HD, Nat Geo Wild HD, Russian Travel Guide TV, First HD, Russia 1
    NTV Plus 12207 R DRE Crypt 27500 3/4
    Amedia Premium HD, Bollywood HD, Eurosport HD, National Geographic Channel, The History Channel HD, TLC, Travel Channel HD
    NTV Plus 12245 R DRE Crypt 27500 3/4
    Channel 8, Azad TV, Bloomberg TV, DFM, Eurosport, France 24
    NTV Plus 12265 L DRE Crypt 27500 3/4
    9 TV, Russia Today, Shop 24, Shopping Live, Russia K, Spas
    NTV Plus 12322 R DRE Crypt 27500 3/4
    365 days TV, Movie hit, Comedy TV, Who's who, Kitchen TV, Men's cinema, Nostalgia, Nu Art TV, Premiere, Egoist TV
    NTV Plus 12341 L DRE Crypt 27500 3/4
    Discovery Science, Zoopark, Children's TV channel, Kino TV, Comedy TV, Channel One, STS, TDK, TNV-Planeta, TNT Comedy
    NTV Plus 12399 R DRE Crypt 27500 3/4
    Discovery Channel Russia, HD Life, HD Cinema, Tlum HD
    NTV Plus 12437 R DRE Crypt 27500 3/4
    Detektiv.tv, Fashion TV, Fine Living Network, Food Network

    But before setting up channels, where the frequency table described above is used, the user will have to reset the settings. To do this, you need to enter the menu, then select the “Settings” section. After that, go to “Default Installation”, select “Channels”, as well as “Antenna”, selecting “Satellite Settings” in this section. The following procedure will follow:

    • You must enter a password that consists of four zeros;
    • Uncheck all the boxes except those on the satellites responsible for broadcasting NTV Plus in your region, that is, EutelsatW4 or Express-AT1. To perform this procedure, you can remove and reinsert the access card;
    • Configure the transponder using the data indicated in the frequency table. But here are the general settings if you expect to be able to search semi-automatically: 12130 R and Lnb levels (lower = 0; upper = 10750);
    • Once you have chosen a transponder and made sure it is configured correctly, you can move on to more decisive steps. Specify the “Network Search” command. You may have to wait, but as soon as the procedure is over, you will be shown those channels whose parameters were entered and for which you paid the satellite operator.

    In addition, it is important to understand that innovations are constantly being added to the list of channels, and therefore the parameters indicated in the table will change. Users are advised to ensure that the information is up to date. The above table was updated at the end of May 2017, so the information contained in it can now be safely used.

    It seems that nothing is free in this world, including television.

    BUT this is still not true!

    TV pay never... and this is my opinion!

    Free television has existed and will continue to exist. Advertisers both paid for the “free” television for viewers and continue to pay…

    Your equipment is designed to receive... SAT free channels.

    There are also quite a lot of paid channels on satellites, which can only be decoded if you enter into an agreement with the provider and receive a subscription card.

    Until you do it - you don't owe anyone anything!

    However... more about the Eutelsat W4 / W7 36°E satellite. and SAT free channels.

    Located in an orbital position of 36 degrees east longitude, it consists of two satellites Eutelsat W4 and Eutelsat W7 36° east.

    The Eutelsat W7 satellite was launched into orbit on November 24, 2009. to help the Eutelsat W4 satellite, which was launched on May 25, 2000. and is known to everyone who receives satellite channels from well-known satellite television operators NTV+ and Tricolor TV.

    The satellite has gained enormous popularity among the entire Russian-speaking population of Europe due to the wide variety of television channels that can be received on a satellite dish with a diameter of only 60 cm.

    Total from Eutelsat W4-W7 satellite 36° east. You can receive about 500 channels in Russian.

    For receiving satellite television channels from the Eutelsat W4 / W7 satellite 36° east. in Ukraine and Russia, it is enough to have a satellite dish with a diameter of 60-90 cm.

    Moreover, the closer to 36° east longitude you are, the smaller the diameter of the satellite dish you will need.


    Eutelsat W4 / W7 36°E
    Russian-language channels with transponder parameters and static BISS keys
    12015R 27500 3/4 EuropaPlus TV, NHK World TV+
    27500 3/4 Channel 8, PRO Money, TV Arm Ru, TV Club, NTK - New TV Kuban, TV 3 Russia, TTS TV+
    11785 R
    27500 3/4 7 TV, Amazing Life, Playboy TV, Russia Today, SET International, War and Peace, Rain, Mini Movie, TNV, KHL Channel, Egoist TV, Expert TVNTV+, Viaccess
    11900 R
    27500 3/4 Info channel NTV+, Viaccess
    27500 3/4 Law-TV, Spas, 24DOK, RT (English), RT (Arabic), RT (Spanish), Home, MANTV, Tatarstan - New Century, Children FM Moscow, Radio Children FM Regions, Euronews, LiveNTV+, Viaccess
    11862 R
    27500 3/4 TDK,First educational NTV+, Viaccess
    27500 3/4 Mezzo Live HD, Nat Geo Wild, NTV-Plus 3D by PanasonicNTV+HD, Viaccess
    12073L 27500 3/4 Discovery HD, Eurosport HD, HD Life, HD Cinema, HD Sports, MTVN HDNTV+HD, Viaccess
    12092R 27500 3/4 Enlightenment, 2×2 , Europe Plus TVNTV+, Viaccess
    12245 R 27500 3/4 BBC World, Bloomberg TV, Eurosport 2, France 24, Nickelodeon, Russia Today, TV 5 Monde Europe, World Fashion Channel, Detsky Mir, Kinohit, NTV World, Our New Cinema, TV ClubNTV+, Viaccess
    27500 3/4 Channel 3, Russiya Al-Yaum, TV Sale, Bibigon, House of Cinema, World, Music of the First, First Meteo, Channel Five, RBC-TV, TV Center, Telenyanya, Kinoreys4 NTV+, Viaccess
    11977R 27500 3/4 Kinoreys5 NTV+, Viaccess
    27500 3/4 Channel 5 (Ukraine), CCTV 4, CCTV News, Fox Crime, Fox Life, ICTV, MTV Rocks, Time: near and far, NTN (Ukraine), Amusement Park, Channel One Europe, RTR-Planet, Top SecretNTV+, Viaccess
    12322 R
    27500 3/4 Hustler TV, NTV-Plus Infochannel, Kino Plus, Cinema Club, Who's Who, NTV-Plus Sports, NTV-Plus Football, Our Cinema, Channel One, Premiere, REN TVNTV+, Viaccess
    12341L 27500 3/4 AXN Sci-Fi, Comedy TV, Gameland TV, Gulli, RU TV, Syfy Universal, TiJi, Universal Channel, Home TV Channel, Kinoreys 1, Kinoreys 2, Kinoreys 3NTV+, Viaccess
    12380 L 27500 3/4 365 days TV, Auto Plus, Fighter, Law TV, India TV, Interesting TV, Comedy TV, Kitchen TV, A minor TB, Lots of TV, Russian Night, TV BoulevardNTV+, Viaccess
    12399 R
    27500 3/4 24 Doc, Fashion TV, MTV Russia, Zvezda, Kinosoyuz, NTV, NTV-Plus Sport Online, Russia 1, Russia 24, Russia K, STS, Spas, TNT, Echo of MoscowNTV+, Viaccess
    12418 L
    27500 3/4 365 days TV, Fashion TV, MTV Russia, Universal Channel, Auto Plus, Bibigon, Home TV Channel, Law TV, Interesting TV, Kitchen TV, A minor TV, Muz TV, NTV, Nashe Kino, Channel One, Channel Five, RBC -TV, REN TV, Russia 1, Russia 2, Russia 24, Russia K, STS, Sport Plus, TV Center, TNT, KHL TV ChannelNTV+, Viaccess
    12437 R
    27500 3/4 DTV, Muz TV, NTV-Plus Basketball, NTV-Plus Our Football, NTV-Plus Sports Classic, NTV-Plus Tennis, Nostalgia, Russia 2, Russian Extreme, Sports Plus, Sports UnionNTV+, Viaccess
    12456 L 27500 3/4 Animal Planet, Discovery Channel, Discovery Travel & Living Europe, Disney Channel Middle East, Diva Universal, Eurosport, Investigation Discovery Europe, Mezzo, MusicBox Russia, National Geographic Channel, VH 1 Russia, Zone Romantica, TDKNTV+, Viaccess
    12476 R 27500 3/4 CNN International, Cartoon Network, Discovery Civilization, Discovery Science, EuroNews, Extreme Sports Channel, Jim Jam, MCM Pop, MGM, MTV Dance, National Geographic Wild, TCM, VH 1 Classic, Zone Reality TVNTV+, Viaccess
    11843 L
    27500 3/4 Love Story, Sochi Life, War and Peace, TV South Don, Screen 1, Screen 2, Screen 3, Screen 4, Screen 5, Screen 6, Screen 7, Screen 8, Screen 9, Screen 10, Screen 11, Screen 12, Screen 13, Screen 14, Screen 15, Screen 16, Screen 17, Screen 18, Screen 19, Screen 20, Screen 21, Screen 22, Screen 23, Screen 24Tricolor, DRE Crypt, DVB-S2
    27500 3/4 My Planet, RBC TV, Mother and Child, 24 Techno, Amazing Life, Law TV, Top Shop TV, Education, 9th wave, Food, Russian Railways, Dagestan TV, Zagorodny TV, Dagestan, KHL TV, Ocean TV, Agro TV, Interesting TV, STV, A minor, Kitchen TV, ChGTRK Grozny, TPO, Galaxy, NSTV, My Joy, Look TVTricolor, DRE Crypt, DVB-S2
    11881 L
    27500 3/4 TNV Planet, Home Store, Top Shop TV, Rusong TV, Comedy TV, NTV Plus Sports, Russian Night, Night Club, REN TV, Temptation, TV InstructorTricolor, DRE Crypt, DVB-S
    20000 3/4 365 days TV, Auto Plus, House of Cinema, Star, Comedy TV, Lots of TV, Night Club, Hunter and Fisherman, Russian Night, Telenyanya, Teletravel, Teen TVTricolor, DRE Crypt, DVB-S
    12226L 27500 3/4 RU TV, Bibigon, DTV, NTV, NTV-Plus Our Football, Channel One, Channel Five, REN TV, Russia 1, Russia 2, Russia 24, Russia K, TV Center, TNT, Tricolor TV InfokanalTricolor, DRE Crypt, DVB-S
    12303 L
    27500 3/4 Bridge TV, Disney Ru, India TV, Film screening, Zoo TV, Home, STS, Muz TV, Fighter, Tonus, Podmoskovye, Soyuz, Top ShopTricolor, DRE Crypt, DVB-S
    11766 L 27500 3/4 TV Travel HD, Movie Show HD 1, Movie Show HD 2, Food HD, Temptation HD, FoxCrime HD, MGM HD, MTV Live HD, Nickelodeon HD, MEZZO LIVE HD
    11958L 27500 3/4 Nat Geo Wild HD, National Geographic HD, Sport 1 HD, Expert TV HD, Tricolor HD, HD Life, Travel Channel HD, FoxLife HD, Fashion One HD, Outdoor HD
    27500 5/6 Tricolor-InternetData
    12111 L 27500 3/4 Nano TV, TV club, Humor box, Musik Box Ru, Spas, Style TV, Chanson TV, TV mall, Shopping Live, TV Sale, World, Rain, TNT, Raz TVTricolor, DRE Crypt, DVB-S
    12149 L 27500 3/4 RT English, Fox Life Russia, France 24 English, DW-TV Europe, Travel Channel Europe, Nat geo Wild Russia, National Geographic Channel, Fox Crime Russia, EuroNews (RT), rap.ru, 9 orbit, Diva UniversalTricolor, DRE Crypt, DVB-S2, HDTV
    11919 L 27500 3/4 TDK, PromoTricolor, DRE Crypt, DVB-S
    * + Open TV channels

    Another table, by channel...

    Channels Time shift relative to Moscow time Satellites Positions
    ORT0 hours
    0.+2 hours
    0 hours
    +4,+6,+8 hours.
    + 8 hours
    Horizon 32
    Express AM 1
    Horizon 33
    Express AM 11
    Horizon 31
    145.0° E
    Channel One - World Wide WebNoNSS 6
    PAS 8
    NSS 5
    Express 3A
    Hot Bird 6
    Russia0.+2 hours
    + 4 hours
    + 4,+6,+8 hours.
    + 8 hours
    Express AM1
    Express 6A
    Express AM11
    Horizon 33
    Eutelsat W4
    145° E
    RTR PlanetNoExpress 3A
    Hot Bird 6
    TV CenterNoExpress 6A
    Eutelsat W4
    Moscow - Open WorldNoSirius 2
    NSS 6
    NTV0 hours
    0 hours
    +2,+4 hours
    +7 hours
    Intelsat 904
    Horizon 33
    Bonum 1
    Yamal 201
    145.0° E
    56.0° E
    Culture0 hours
    0.+2 hours
    +4,+7 hours
    0 hours
    Horizon 33
    Express AM1
    Yamal 201
    Eutelsat W4
    145.0° E
    TV 6 - Sports (code BISS)NoYamal 20190.0°E
    DTV-Viasat0.+2 hours
    +7 hours
    0 hours
    LMI 1
    Yamal 201
    Eutelsat W4
    STS0.+2 hours
    +4,+7 hours
    +7 hours
    +7 hours
    Express AM22
    Express AM11
    Yamal 201
    Horizon 33
    145° E
    7 TVNo

    It seems that nothing is free in this world, including television.

    BUT this is still not true!

    TV pay never... and this is my opinion!

    Free television has existed and will continue to exist. Advertisers both paid for the “free” television for viewers and continue to pay…

    Your equipment is designed to receive... SAT free channels.

    There are also quite a lot of paid channels on satellites, which can only be decoded if you enter into an agreement with the provider and receive a subscription card.

    Until you do it - you don't owe anyone anything!

    However... more about the Eutelsat W4 / W7 36°E satellite. and SAT free channels.

    Located in an orbital position of 36 degrees east longitude, it consists of two satellites Eutelsat W4 and Eutelsat W7 36° east.

    The Eutelsat W7 satellite was launched into orbit on November 24, 2009. to help the Eutelsat W4 satellite, which was launched on May 25, 2000. and is known to everyone who receives satellite channels from well-known satellite television operators NTV+ and Tricolor TV.

    The satellite has gained enormous popularity among the entire Russian-speaking population of Europe due to the wide variety of television channels that can be received on a satellite dish with a diameter of only 60 cm.

    Total from Eutelsat W4-W7 satellite 36° east. You can receive about 500 channels in Russian.

    For receiving satellite television channels from the Eutelsat W4 / W7 satellite 36° east. in Ukraine and Russia, it is enough to have a satellite dish with a diameter of 60-90 cm.

    Moreover, the closer to 36° east longitude you are, the smaller the diameter of the satellite dish you will need.


    Eutelsat W4 / W7 36°E
    Russian-language channels with transponder parameters and static BISS keys
    12015R 27500 3/4 EuropaPlus TV, NHK World TV+
    27500 3/4 Channel 8, PRO Money, TV Arm Ru, TV Club, NTK - New TV Kuban, TV 3 Russia, TTS TV+
    11785 R
    27500 3/4 7 TV, Amazing Life, Playboy TV, Russia Today, SET International, War and Peace, Rain, Mini Movie, TNV, KHL Channel, Egoist TV, Expert TVNTV+, Viaccess
    11900 R
    27500 3/4 Info channel NTV+, Viaccess
    27500 3/4 Law-TV, Spas, 24DOK, RT (English), RT (Arabic), RT (Spanish), Home, MANTV, Tatarstan - New Century, Children FM Moscow, Radio Children FM Regions, Euronews, LiveNTV+, Viaccess
    11862 R
    27500 3/4 TDK,First educational NTV+, Viaccess
    27500 3/4 Mezzo Live HD, Nat Geo Wild, NTV-Plus 3D by PanasonicNTV+HD, Viaccess
    12073L 27500 3/4 Discovery HD, Eurosport HD, HD Life, HD Cinema, HD Sports, MTVN HDNTV+HD, Viaccess
    12092R 27500 3/4 Enlightenment, 2×2 , Europe Plus TVNTV+, Viaccess
    12245 R 27500 3/4 BBC World, Bloomberg TV, Eurosport 2, France 24, Nickelodeon, Russia Today, TV 5 Monde Europe, World Fashion Channel, Detsky Mir, Kinohit, NTV World, Our New Cinema, TV ClubNTV+, Viaccess
    27500 3/4 Channel 3, Russiya Al-Yaum, TV Sale, Bibigon, House of Cinema, World, Music of the First, First Meteo, Channel Five, RBC-TV, TV Center, Telenyanya, Kinoreys4 NTV+, Viaccess
    11977R 27500 3/4 Kinoreys5 NTV+, Viaccess
    27500 3/4 Channel 5 (Ukraine), CCTV 4, CCTV News, Fox Crime, Fox Life, ICTV, MTV Rocks, Time: near and far, NTN (Ukraine), Amusement Park, Channel One Europe, RTR-Planet, Top SecretNTV+, Viaccess
    12322 R
    27500 3/4 Hustler TV, NTV-Plus Infochannel, Kino Plus, Cinema Club, Who's Who, NTV-Plus Sports, NTV-Plus Football, Our Cinema, Channel One, Premiere, REN TVNTV+, Viaccess
    12341L 27500 3/4 AXN Sci-Fi, Comedy TV, Gameland TV, Gulli, RU TV, Syfy Universal, TiJi, Universal Channel, Home TV Channel, Kinoreys 1, Kinoreys 2, Kinoreys 3NTV+, Viaccess
    12380 L 27500 3/4 365 days TV, Auto Plus, Fighter, Law TV, India TV, Interesting TV, Comedy TV, Kitchen TV, A minor TB, Lots of TV, Russian Night, TV BoulevardNTV+, Viaccess
    12399 R
    27500 3/4 24 Doc, Fashion TV, MTV Russia, Zvezda, Kinosoyuz, NTV, NTV-Plus Sport Online, Russia 1, Russia 24, Russia K, STS, Spas, TNT, Echo of MoscowNTV+, Viaccess
    12418 L
    27500 3/4 365 days TV, Fashion TV, MTV Russia, Universal Channel, Auto Plus, Bibigon, Home TV Channel, Law TV, Interesting TV, Kitchen TV, A minor TV, Muz TV, NTV, Nashe Kino, Channel One, Channel Five, RBC -TV, REN TV, Russia 1, Russia 2, Russia 24, Russia K, STS, Sport Plus, TV Center, TNT, KHL TV ChannelNTV+, Viaccess
    12437 R
    27500 3/4 DTV, Muz TV, NTV-Plus Basketball, NTV-Plus Our Football, NTV-Plus Sports Classic, NTV-Plus Tennis, Nostalgia, Russia 2, Russian Extreme, Sports Plus, Sports UnionNTV+, Viaccess
    12456 L 27500 3/4 Animal Planet, Discovery Channel, Discovery Travel & Living Europe, Disney Channel Middle East, Diva Universal, Eurosport, Investigation Discovery Europe, Mezzo, MusicBox Russia, National Geographic Channel, VH 1 Russia, Zone Romantica, TDKNTV+, Viaccess
    12476 R 27500 3/4 CNN International, Cartoon Network, Discovery Civilization, Discovery Science, EuroNews, Extreme Sports Channel, Jim Jam, MCM Pop, MGM, MTV Dance, National Geographic Wild, TCM, VH 1 Classic, Zone Reality TVNTV+, Viaccess
    11843 L
    27500 3/4 Love Story, Sochi Life, War and Peace, TV South Don, Screen 1, Screen 2, Screen 3, Screen 4, Screen 5, Screen 6, Screen 7, Screen 8, Screen 9, Screen 10, Screen 11, Screen 12, Screen 13, Screen 14, Screen 15, Screen 16, Screen 17, Screen 18, Screen 19, Screen 20, Screen 21, Screen 22, Screen 23, Screen 24Tricolor, DRE Crypt, DVB-S2
    27500 3/4 My Planet, RBC TV, Mother and Child, 24 Techno, Amazing Life, Law TV, Top Shop TV, Education, 9th wave, Food, Russian Railways, Dagestan TV, Zagorodny TV, Dagestan, KHL TV, Ocean TV, Agro TV, Interesting TV, STV, A minor, Kitchen TV, ChGTRK Grozny, TPO, Galaxy, NSTV, My Joy, Look TVTricolor, DRE Crypt, DVB-S2
    11881 L
    27500 3/4 TNV Planet, Home Store, Top Shop TV, Rusong TV, Comedy TV, NTV Plus Sports, Russian Night, Night Club, REN TV, Temptation, TV InstructorTricolor, DRE Crypt, DVB-S
    20000 3/4 365 days TV, Auto Plus, House of Cinema, Star, Comedy TV, Lots of TV, Night Club, Hunter and Fisherman, Russian Night, Telenyanya, Teletravel, Teen TVTricolor, DRE Crypt, DVB-S
    12226L 27500 3/4 RU TV, Bibigon, DTV, NTV, NTV-Plus Our Football, Channel One, Channel Five, REN TV, Russia 1, Russia 2, Russia 24, Russia K, TV Center, TNT, Tricolor TV InfokanalTricolor, DRE Crypt, DVB-S
    12303 L
    27500 3/4 Bridge TV, Disney Ru, India TV, Film screening, Zoo TV, Home, STS, Muz TV, Fighter, Tonus, Podmoskovye, Soyuz, Top ShopTricolor, DRE Crypt, DVB-S
    11766 L 27500 3/4 TV Travel HD, Movie Show HD 1, Movie Show HD 2, Food HD, Temptation HD, FoxCrime HD, MGM HD, MTV Live HD, Nickelodeon HD, MEZZO LIVE HD
    11958L 27500 3/4 Nat Geo Wild HD, National Geographic HD, Sport 1 HD, Expert TV HD, Tricolor HD, HD Life, Travel Channel HD, FoxLife HD, Fashion One HD, Outdoor HDTricolor, DRE Crypt, DVB-S2, HDTV
    27500 5/6 Tricolor-InternetData
    12111 L 27500 3/4 Nano TV, TV club, Humor box, Musik Box Ru, Spas, Style TV, Chanson TV, TV mall, Shopping Live, TV Sale, World, Rain, TNT, Raz TVTricolor, DRE Crypt, DVB-S
    12149 L 27500 3/4 RT English, Fox Life Russia, France 24 English, DW-TV Europe, Travel Channel Europe, Nat geo Wild Russia, National Geographic Channel, Fox Crime Russia, EuroNews (RT), rap.ru, 9 orbit, Diva UniversalTricolor, DRE Crypt, DVB-S2, HDTV
    11919 L 27500 3/4 TDK, PromoTricolor, DRE Crypt, DVB-S
    * + Open TV channels

    Another table, by channel...

    Channels Time shift relative to Moscow time Satellites Positions
    ORT0 hours
    0.+2 hours
    0 hours
    +4,+6,+8 hours.
    + 8 hours
    Horizon 32
    Express AM 1

    Horizon 33
    Express AM 11

    Horizon 31
    145.0° E
    Channel One - World Wide WebNoNSS 6
    PAS 8

    NSS 5
    Express 3A
    Hot Bird 6
    Russia0.+2 hours
    + 4 hours
    + 4,+6,+8 hours.
    + 8 hours
    Express AM1
    Express 6A
    Express AM11
    Horizon 33
    Eutelsat W4
    145° E
    RTR PlanetNoExpress 3A
    Hot Bird 6
    TV CenterNoExpress 6A
    Eutelsat W4
    Moscow - Open WorldNoSirius 2
    NSS 6
    NTV0 hours
    0 hours
    +2,+4 hours
    +7 hours
    Intelsat 904
    Horizon 33
    Bonum 1
    Yamal 201
    145.0° E
    56.0° E
    Culture0 hours
    0.+2 hours
    +4,+7 hours
    0 hours
    Horizon 33
    Express AM1
    Yamal 201
    Eutelsat W4
    145.0° E
    TV 6 - Sports (code BISS)NoYamal 20190.0°E
    DTV-Viasat0.+2 hours
    +7 hours
    0 hours
    LMI 1
    Yamal 201
    Eutelsat W4
    STS0.+2 hours
    +4,+7 hours
    +7 hours
    +7 hours

    This page lists NTV-Plus transponders and frequencies for 2018. Satellite television NTV-Plus transmits a signal from satellites Eutelsat W7/W4 36E 36° East, located in the position of 36 degrees East longitude. NTV+ packages are famous for their many channels and excellent picture quality. Each channel of all packages contains a Russian-language audio track.

    Frequency-SR-FEC Channel name V.PID A.PID SID Beam
    11785 R 27500 FEC ¾
    NTV Plus Viaccess5.0 E36B
    KHL TV 321 401 Rus 13101
    TV Center (+0) 322 402 Rus 13102
    Match! Football 2 323 403 Rus 13103
    Match! Football 3 324 404 Rus 13104
    Moscow 24 325 405 Rus 13105
    TV cafe 326 406 Rus 13106
    Disney (+0) 328 408 Rus 13108
    World Fashion Channel Russia 329 409 Rus 13109
    TV XXI 330 410 Rus
    430 Rus
    Egoist TV 331 411 Rus 13111
    Penthouse TV (23-04 Moscow time) 332 412 Rus 31112
    11823 R 27500 FEC ¾
    Fox HD (Russia) Rus
    Nat Geo Wild HD 321 404 Rus
    451 Eng
    Mezzo Live HD 323 403 Fre 41403
    Animal Planet HD (Russia) 324 404 Rus
    414 Eng
    Match! Football 1 HD 325 405 Rus 14105
    Nickelodeon HD 326 406 Rus
    416 Eng
    11862 R 27500 FEC ¾
    Beaver TV 201 301 Rus 1501
    Pets 202 302 Rus 1502
    Hunting and Fishing 203 303 Rus 1503
    Psychology 21 204 304 Rus 1504
    CBS Drama Europe 205 305 Rus 1505
    CBS Reality Europe 206 306 Rus
    406 Eng
    Extreme Sports Channel 207 307 Rus
    407 Eng
    Fox (Russia) 208 308 Rus
    408 Eng
    Mezzo 209 309 Fre 1509
    Nat Geo Wild (Russia) 210 310 Rus
    410 Eng
    Paramount Comedy (Russia) 211 311 Rus 1511
    Viasat Golf 212 312 Eng 1512
    11900 R 27500 FEC ¾
    NTV Plus info 321 401 Rus 16101
    Amedia 2 322 402 Rus 161602
    Saved 323 403 Rus 16103
    24 Doc 324 404 Rus 16104
    Che (+0) 325 405 Rus 16105
    Muz TV 326 406 Rus 16106
    Home (+0) 329 409 Rus 16109
    TNV Planet 331 411 Rus 16111
    Kino Hit 332 412 Rus
    432 Rus
    Our New Cinema 333 413 Rus 16113
    11938 R 27500 FEC ¾
    Match! Football 3 HD 301 401 Rus 17101
    TV1000 Comedy HD 302 402 Rus
    422 Rus
    TV1000 Mega Hit HD 303 403 Rus
    423 Rus
    TV1000 Premium HD 304 404 Rus
    424 Rus
    Viasat Nature/History HD 305 405 Rus
    425 Rus
    Viasat Sport East HD 306 406 Rus
    416 Eng
    11977 R 27500 FEC ¾
    Channel One (+2) 201 301 Rus 1801
    NTV (+2) 202 302 Rus 1802
    TV Center Ural (+2) 203 303 Rus 1803
    TNT (+2) 204 304 Rus 1804
    My Planet 205 305 Rus 1805
    Science 2.0 206 306 Rus 1806
    Gulli 207 307 Rus 1807
    History (Russia) 208 308 Rus
    408 Eng
    MCM Top (Russia) 209 309 Rus 1809
    Bashkir TV 210 310 Rus 1810
    Outdoor Channel International 211 311 Rus
    411 Eng
    TiJi 212 312 Rus 1812
    Travel Channel (Russia) 213 313 Rus
    413 Eng
    RTD 214 314 Rus 1814
    RT English 215 315 Eng 1815
    RTG TV (Russian Travel Guide) 216 316 Rus
    416 Eng
    516 Tur
    Jeweler 217 317 Rus 1817
    Dange TV 218 318 Rus 1818
    CNN International Europe 219 319 Eng 1819
    Test SD 4 (Match!) 220 320 Rus 1820
    Ani 221 321 Rus 1821
    11996 L 27500 FEC ¾
    Da Vinci Learning 201 301 Rus 19101
    TV1000 East 202 302 Rus
    402 Eng
    TV1000 Action East 203 303 Rus
    403 Eng
    TV1000 Russian Cinema 204 304 Rus 19104
    Viasat Explorer East 205 305 Rus
    405 Eng
    Viasat History 206 306 Rus
    406 Eng
    Viasat Nature East 207 307 Rus
    407 Eng
    Viasat Sport East 208 308 Rus
    408 Eng
    Leader TV (Azerbaijan) 209 309 Az 19109
    Russian Extreme 210 310 Rus 19110
    First Educational 211 311 Rus 19111
    NTN (Ukraine) 312 412 Ukr 19112
    Channel 5 (Ukraine) 313 413 Ukr 19113
    Euro News 214 314 Rus
    414 Eng
    514 Ger
    614 Fre
    714 Ita
    914 Spa
    RT Arabic 215 315 Ara 19115
    RT Español 216 316 Spa 19116
    Armenia TV Satellite 217 317 Arm 19117
    OTR (public television of Russia) 218 318 Rus 19118
    Education 219 319 Rus 19119
    Mom TV 220 320 Rus 19120
    Arm TV 221 321 Arm 19121
    Ocean TV 222 322 Rus 19122
    Star (+2) 223 323 Rus 19123
    Food Network (Russia) 224 324 Rus
    424 Eng
    12015 R 27500 FEC ¾
    NTV HD (+0) 201 301 Rus 2201
    KHL TV HD 202 302 Rus 2202
    Horse World HD 203 303 Rus 2203
    Match! HD 204 304 Rus 2204
    Scream TV 207 307 Rus 2207
    Gubernia TV 208 308 Rus 2208
    Yamal Region 209 309 Rus 2209
    Galaxy 210 310 Rus 2210
    Saint Petersburg 211 311 Rus 2211
    Astrakhan 24 214 314 Rus 2214
    Bollywood TV 215 315 Rus
    415 Eng
    12073 L 27500 FEC ¾
    HD Cinema 321 401 Rus
    421 Rus
    12101 E36A
    Match! Game Sports 322 402 Rus
    422 Rus
    HD Life 323 403 Rus 12103
    Euro Sports 1 HD 324 404 Rus
    424 Eng
    Disney Channel HD (Russia) 325 405 Rus
    425 Eng
    MTV Live HD 326 406 Eng
    426 Eng
    12092 R 27500 FEC ¾
    Test card 301 401 Rus 21101 E36B
    Test card 302 402 Rus 21102
    Match! Arena 303 403 Rus 21103
    Match! Game 304 404 Rus 21104
    Nu-Art TV 306 406 Rus 21106
    Amedia 1 307 407 Rus
    427 Eng
    Amedia Premium HD (SD) 308 408 Rus
    428 Eng
    Yu (+0) 309 409 Rus 21109
    2×2 (+0) 310 410 Rus 21110
    Amedia Hit 312 412 Rus
    432 Eng
    12130 R 27500 FEC ¾
    Match! Football 2 HD 301 401 Rus 20101
    Match! Arena HD 303 403 Rus 20103
    MGM HD (Russia) 304 404 Rus 20104
    First channel HD (+0) 305 405 Rus
    415 Rus
    Russia HD 306 406 Rus 20106
    12207 R 27500 FEC ¾
    NTV Plus Our Football HD 301 401 Rus 26001 E36A
    National Geographic Channel HD (Russia and Türkiye) 302 402 Rus
    422 Eng
    Amedia Premium HD 303 403 Rus
    423 Eng
    History HD (Russia) 304 404 Rus
    424 Eng
    TLC HD (Russia) 305 405 Rus
    425 Eng
    Travel Channel HD 306 406 Rus
    426 Eng
    12245 R 27500 FEC ¾
    Auto 24 202 302 Rus 702
    Children's World (06-20) 203 403 Rus 703
    Teleclub (20-06) 203 403 Rus 703
    BBC World News 204 304 Eng 704
    Bloomberg TV Europe 205 305 Eng 705
    Euro Sport 2 North-East 206 306 Rus
    406 Eng
    France 24 English 207 307 Eng 707
    Jim Jam (Russia) 208 308 Rus
    408 Eng
    Nickelodeon CIS 209 309 Rus
    409 Eng
    SET (Russia) 210 310 Rus
    410 Eng
    Sony Sci-Fi (Russia) 211 311 Rus
    411 Eng
    Sony Turbo 212 312 Rus
    412 Eng
    World Business Channel 213 313 Rus 713
    Vintage TV 214 314 Rus
    414 Eng
    Country Life 215 315 Rus 715
    My joy 216 316 Rus 716
    Don 24 217 317 Rus 717
    ChGTRK Grozny 218 318 Rus 718
    World of the Series 219 319 Rus 719
    Bryansk Province 220 320 Rus 720
    First Yaroslavsky 221 321 Rus 721
    House of Cinema Premium 222 322 Rus 722
    Azad TV 223 323 Az 723
    12265 L 27500 FEC ¾
    Story 322 402 Rus 31002
    Fine Living 323 403 Rus
    423 Eng
    World 24 324 404 Rus 31004
    Kuban 24 Orbit 325 405 Rus 31005
    Channel 5 (+0) 326 406 Rus 31006
    Peace (+0) 328 408 Rus 31008
    First Meteo 329 409 Rus 31009
    STS Love 330 410 Rus 31010
    12284 R 27500 FEC ¾
    RTR Planet 330 400 Rus
    430 Nol
    Russian Illusion 331 401 Rus 10802
    Illusion + 332 402 Rus 10803
    CCTV 4 333 403 Chi 10804
    CCTV News 334 404 Eng 10805
    Euro Cinema 335 405 Rus 10806
    House of Cinema 337 407 Rus 10808
    House of Cinema International 339 409 Rus 10810
    Time 340 410 Rus 10811
    MTV Rocks 341 411 Eng 10812
    Fox Life (Russia) 342 412 Rus
    422 Eng
    12322 R 27500 FEC ¾
    Match! Planet 320 400 Rus 10101
    Match! Football 1 321 402 Rus 10102
    NTV Plus Premiere 322 405 Rus
    435 Rus
    NTV Plus Cinema Club 323 407 Rus
    437 Rus
    NTV Plus Nashe Kino 324 408 Rus 10105
    Channel One (+0) 325 410 Rus 10106
    REN (+0) 329 416 Rus 10108
    Who is who? 330 418 Rus 10109
    Kino Plus 331 420 Rus
    450 Rus
    Hustler TV (00-06 Moscow time) 326 412 10125
    12341 L 27500 FEC ¾
    TNT4 321 401 Rus 11101
    STV 324 404 Rus 11104
    RBC TV 325 405 Rus 11105
    Nostalgia 327 407 Rus 11107
    Top secret 328 408 Rus 11108
    Match! Our Sport 329 409 Rus 11109
    Match! Our Football 330 410 Rus 11110
    Bridge TV 331 411 Rus 11111
    Rusong TV 332 412 Rus 11112
    12380 L 27500 FEC ¾
    365 Days of TV 320 400 Rus 10201
    Europe Plus TV 321 402 Rus 10202
    Comedy TV 322 404 Rus 10203
    India TV 323 406 Rus 10204
    Russian Night 324 408 Rus 10205
    A-Minor TV 325 410 Rus 10206
    Multi-episode TV 326 412 Rus 10207
    Male Cinema 330 414 Rus
    434 Rus
    Kitchen TV 328 416 Rus 10209
    Fighter 331 420 Rus 10211
    Auto Plus 332 422 Rus 10212
    12399 R 27500 FEC ¾
    NTV (+0) 320 400 Rus 10301
    TNT (+0) 321 402 Rus 10302
    Friday (+0) 322 404 Rus 10303
    Russia 1 (+0) 323 406 Rus 10304
    Russia Culture (+0) 324 408 Rus 10305
    STS (+0) 325 410 Rus 10306
    Russia 24 326 412 Rus 10307
    TV3 (+0) (Russia) 328 416 Rus 10308
    Star (+0) 329 419 Rus 10309
    Match! 334 420 Rus 10310
    12437 R 27500 FEC /34
    RU TV 201 301 Rus 401
    REN (+2) 202 302 Rus 402
    Carousel (+3) 203 303 Rus 403
    Horse World 204 304 Rus 404
    Fashion TV (Russia) 205 305 Rus 405
    Nano TV 206 306 Rus 406
    Luxury 207 3017 Rus 407
    World of Belogorye 208 308 Rus 408
    9 wave 209 309 Rus 409
    North (Naryan-Mar TV) 210 310 Rus 410
    Arkhyz 24 211 311 Rus 411
    Peace (+3) 212 312 Rus 412
    Channel 5 (+2) 213 313 Rus 413
    Nautical 214 314 Rus
    414 Eng
    Nika TV 215 315 Rus 415
    RGVK Dagestan 216 316 Rus 416
    Moscow Trust 217 317 Rus 417
    Live! 218 318 Rus 418
    Sundress 219 319 Rus 419
    Country 220 320 Rus 420
    Zee TV (Russia) 221 321 Rus 421
    Box TV (Ekaterinburg) 222 322 Rus 422
    TRO 223 323 Rus 423
    Ingushetia TV 224 324 Rus 424
    12456 L 27500 FEC ¾
    Music of the First 208 308 Rus 508
    TDK (television ladies' club) 209 309 Rus 509
    CCTV Russian 210 3103 Rus 510
    MTV Hits UK 211 311 Eng 511
    Discovery Channel (Russia) 320 400 Rus
    401 Eng
    MTV (Russia) 321 402 Rus 20502
    Nick Jr 322 404 Rus
    405 Eng
    Animal Planet (Russia) 323 406 Rus
    407 Eng
    TLC (Russia) 324 408 Rus
    409 Eng
    Euro Sport 1 (Russia) 325 410 Rus
    411 Eng
    VH1 Europe A 326 412 Eng 20507
    National Geographic Channel (Russia) 329 420 Rus
    421 Eng
    12476 R 27500 FEC ¾
    NTV Mir 326 412 Rus
    413 Eng
    360° Moscow region 202 302 Rus 602
    Carousel (+0) 203 303 Rus 603
    Carousel International 204 304 Rus 604
    Investigation Discovery Xtra 330 414 Rus
    415 Eng
    VH1 Classic Europe 331 416 Eng 20612
    Cartoon Network Russia & South Eastern Europe 333 420 Eng
    421 Rus
    Discovery Turbo Xtra 334 422 Rus
    442 Eng
    Discovery Science 335 423 Rus
    443 Eng
    AMC (Russia) 336 424 Rus
    425 Eng
    MTV Dance 337 426 Eng 20618

    There are transponders with left and right circular polarization.

    NTV-Plus 2018 transponders for HD channels

    It is also worth highlighting NTV-Plus 2018 transponders for HD channels. For those people who want to watch TV of the highest quality, the following devices are offered:

    1. NTV Plus HD format with a frequency of 11823 R. This set includes the following channels: Our Football HD, MTV Live HD, Nickelodeon HD, Match! Football ½/3 HD.
    2. NTV Plus format HD 11930 R. This includes TV 1000 Comedy HD, Viasat Sport East HD, FOX Russia HD, Viasat Sports HD, Viasat Nature/History HD.
    3. NTV Plus HD format frequency 12207 R. It includes such channels as Amedia Premium HD, History Russia HD, Eurosport 1 HD, TLC Russia HD.
    4. NTV Plus HD format frequency 12399 R. This includes Cinema Premiere HD, Discovery Channel Russia HD, KHL TV HD.

    In this article we will look at installing and configuring a satellite dish on the Eutelsat 36A/36B satellite broadcasting from a position of 36°East (36 degrees east longitude). The most popular Russian television operators NTV+ and Tricolor broadcast from this satellite, and broadcast in circular polarization. To receive circular polarization, you need a special KU-band converter. They come in different designs and can have either one output or 2-16 outputs. The main thing is to carefully read the inscription on the label. On the circular polarization heads there is the inscription Circular LNB, Input Freq: 11.7-12.75 GHz, L.O. Freq 10.75GHz. Accordingly, the local oscillator frequency in the receiver settings should be set to 10750 MHz.

    Unlike universal (dual-band) converters with linear polarization, converters with circular polarization have one range of 11.7 GHz -12.75 GHz.
    Broadcasting television channels from a satellite is carried out using several transponders (receiver devices), and there are different numbers of them on different satellites. Each transponder (receiver) has its own frequency, polarization, modulation, data transfer rate and other parameters. Circular polarization can have either a right or left direction of oscillation, and depending on this, right and left circular polarization are distinguished. In most receivers, when setting transponder parameters such words as “right” and “left” polarization, you most likely will not find what to do in this case? When installing the right (R - right) polarization - in the receiver we select vertical (V - vertical), which corresponds to the converter supply voltage of 14 volts, and when installing the left (L - left) polarization - in the receiver we select horizontal (H - horisontal) , which corresponds to the converter supply voltage of 18 volts. Select the installation location and direction of the satellite dish:
    In order to quickly install a satellite dish, you need to know the direction to our satellite. You can find out the direction using a compass, the sun, a GPS navigator, or small-diameter dishes located nearby. Since the signal from the Eutelsat 36A/36B satellite in the CIS countries is quite powerful, you can receive channels from this satellite even on small dishes (0.6m).
    The fastest and most accurate direction to a satellite can be found using the program. This program will calculate the azimuth and elevation required for installing and configuring the dish to any available satellite at your geographic receiving point. You just need to specify your geographic coordinates of the installation location - northern latitude - "N", southern latitude - "S". Likewise, east longitude is "E", west longitude is "W". After entering the coordinates into the program, on the left side of the table you will receive the calculated azimuth and elevation angles (elevation angle) of the antenna.
    Azimuth- this is the direction to the satellite (in degrees), defined as the angle between the directions north and the satellite, found by compass. Elevation angle- this direction, defined as the angle (in degrees) between the direction to the satellite and the plane of the earth at the receiving point, is determined using a program, measured using a protractor. A negative elevation angle means that the satellite is below the horizon and is not available for reception.
    You can find out the coordinates of a place using the Yandex.Maps API service, or in any search engine, enter into the query: the coordinates of your location.
    For example, let's calculate the Azimuth and Elevation Angle for the Eutelsat 36A/36B (36E) satellite, our conditional location is Moscow. As a result we get our Azimuth: 210.474°, Elevation Angle: 41.737°.
    Knowing the azimuth, we use a compass to determine our antenna direction. Be sure to check that the direction to the satellite is free from high-rise buildings, trees and other obstacles.
    We also first need to set the Elevation Angle; the wonderful “Satellite Antenna Alignment” program will also help us with this. Since during installation we will use an offset antenna, it already has a certain elevation angle (within 20-25 degrees). All you need to do is measure and enter the dimensions of your offset antenna (height and width) and the program will calculate the exact elevation angle for this antenna. The calculation is made only for antennas whose height is greater than their width. The antenna dimensions are entered in millimeters in the "Offset antenna" tab. The elevation angle and the angle at which you actually need to install the antenna will also be shown.
    So, we have decided on the installation location and the angle of inclination of the antenna; now we need to firmly and securely mount our bracket on the wall of a building, the roof of a high-rise building or a mast. If we install the antenna on the wall of a building (this is the preferred option), then we first need to secure the bracket using fasteners, controlling the verticality of the bracket at the water level.
    Preparing the antenna before tuning:
    Before installing the antenna, it must be assembled and its geometry checked. First, we screw the arc to the mirror, then install the fasteners to the bracket and install the circular polarization converter.
    Satellite dish setup:
    Before setting up the dish, you need to prepare equipment for setup: this can be either a special SatFinder device with pre-selected transponders, or a satellite receiver with a prepared set of transponders, a head local oscillator frequency set to 10750 MHz and a connected portable TV. We install the antenna on the bracket, set the azimuth using the compass (210° for Moscow), and use a protractor to set the tilt angle of the dish (105°). Using a piece of cable, we connect the receiver to the Eutelsat 36A/36B convector.
    Tuning should begin with the strongest transponders and end with the weakest, achieving maximum readings on the quality scale. Let's go to Receiver menu -> Antenna installation -> Channel search -> Eutelsat 36.0E satellite,select any of the transponders listed in Table 1, and a scale should appear for visual control of the signal. Please note that for each brand of receiver, the satellite setting item may be located in a different place, and the setting scales are also different. It is convenient to have a receiver with a scale that expands to fill the entire screen for adjustment.

    Table No. 1. Satellite antenna transponder parameters:

    Satellite Transponder Visual inspection channel
    Eutelsat 36B/36C 11900 R(V) 27500 TV1000 Russkoe Kino, Viasat Sport East, EuroNews
    11977 R(V) 27500 Moya Planeta, Nauka 2.0, Ru TV
    12130 R(V) 27500 Nat Geo Wild HD, Mezzo Live HD, Perviy kanal HD
    12303 L(H) 27500 Soyuz, TV2-TV

    By smoothly and slowly rotating the antenna in the horizontal direction, we scan the horizon with the antenna, after which we slightly change the vertical angle of the antenna and again repeat the horizontal scanning. All these actions must be performed slowly, constantly observing changes in the quality scale readings, until a signal appears. If a signal appears, you need to stop, slightly tighten the screws that fix the angles of rotation and tilt, and with light, insignificant movements up and down, left and right, achieve the maximum signal level on the scale. Then we firmly fix the screws securing the angle of inclination and the angle of rotation of the plate. Next, we proceed to fine-tune the converter, to do this we rotate it a little in the holder, you can also move it a little back and forth along the holder, while achieving maximum readings on the QUALITY scale.
    VERY IMPORTANT POINT! We need to make sure that the antenna is tuned specifically to our satellite Eutelsat 36A/36B, and not to some other one. To do this, we scan the transponders from table 1 and turn on NTV Plus Infokanal, or another, then a picture should appear (if the channel is not encrypted). If the channels were not scanned or the wrong ones were scanned, then the antenna is configured for a different satellite, and the setup should be repeated. When everything is done, you need to tighten all the adjusting screws, focusing on the maximum signal scale readings. Let me remind you once again that the final adjustment should be made using weak transponders.

    That's it, the antenna setup is complete, all that remains is to run the cable to the stationary TV, connect the tuner, scan all the transponders, sort the channels by topic and enjoy the picture quality.
    Enjoy watching!