• Android won't boot into recovery mode. What is recovery mode and how to enter it? Recovery menu how to open

    The Recovery menu is a special service mode of the Android mobile system. Available on all smartphones and tablets. It is used to launch if the user wants to quickly clear all information in the device, restore factory settings, change the firmware, and also in some other situations.

    In the event that Recovery on the device has never been changed, it is called STOCK. If this menu was flashed, then it is already called CUSTOM.

    Among custom recovery, CWM and TWRP are considered the most popular due to their functionality.

    To enter the recovery menu on a turned off device, a special combination of pressing HOME, POWER, VOLUME + and VOLUME- is used. In this case, on different devices you need to use different of these buttons.

    Below in the article you can find a way for your device. By the way, there are special programs for launching this menu. One of the most convenient, called Quick Boot, we will consider here.

    A universal way to enter the recovery on Android

    Today, for many models from different manufacturers, the same key combination is suitable. Therefore, it makes sense to consider this method in the first place. Perhaps it can be called a universal way.

    The procedure is as follows:

    1. Turn off your Android smartphone or tablet.
    2. Press the power button and then short press the volume up knob.
    3. The device will go into Recovery.

    1. With the device turned on, hold down the on/off button for a few seconds.
    2. A menu will appear on the screen with some parameters, where there may be a “Go to recovery” button or something like that.

    If on your Android these key combinations do not lead to the desired result, then see below for all possible combinations specifically for each popular device line. For all other devices, one of the universal options described above is suitable.

    Recovery on Samsung

    If you have a device from the popular Galaxy line from Samsung Electronics, then one of the following methods will suit you. Keep in mind that all key combinations apply when the smartphone or tablet is turned off.


    Recovery on Sony Xperia

    If you are the owner of a device from the Sony Xperia line, then turn off the device, and then turn it on and when the indicator lights up or the SONY logo appears on the screen, hold down the volume down or volume up key. On some models, there is also a click on the logo.

    This option is also possible: turn off the device, hold down the power button and wait for a few vibrations, then release the ON / OFF button and quickly hold down the "Volume +".

    Recovery on HTC

    First of all, the user needs to switch to Bootloader mode. In most cases, the battery is removed and reinstalled for this:

    Recovery on Nexus

    With the device turned off, hold down the following key combination: volume down and on / off (power).

    Now find the Recovery item and go to it by pressing the power button.

    We go into recovery using the Quick Boot application

    There are also special programs that help you switch to Recovery with one touch of your finger. The procedure in this case is not at all complicated. Just open the Play Market, search for the application and install it. I decided to introduce you to one of the most convenient called Quick Boot.

    After installation and launch, select the Recovery item in the program menu.

    The device will successfully reboot into Recovery mode, and you will be able to continue working with the partitions that you need, depending on the task. For example, if you need to restore all the factory settings on your device, you will work with the Wipe data (Factory reset) section, the Apply update from section is used to update the firmware, etc.

    How to work in the recovery menu

    Navigation here is done by pressing the side keys to increase and decrease the volume. The on/off button is briefly pressed to confirm the selected option.

    Tip: if you are not sure of your actions, it is better not to experiment in this menu, as the consequences will be irreversible. Android mobile devices, unlike PCs, will not issue warnings about possible problems.

    What's in the recovery menu

    This menu contains the following sections:

    1. Reboot system. When you click on this item, Android will reboot in normal mode. In case you just logged into Recovery out of curiosity, use this command to exit.
    2. Apply update from . This section is used to update the installed firmware from the existing distribution, install patches, etc. In this section, you can select the type of update from the following list:
      1) Internal storage - from an existing option, including from system memory, file storage, memory cards;
      2) External storage - from some external device;
      3) Cache - from the internal system cache.
    3. Backup/Restore . Each device stores a backup image of the system. Clicking on this item will start recovery from this image. That is, the system will be completely updated to the state in which it was after the purchase.
    4. Wipe cache partition. The contents of the system cache will be completely deleted.
    5. Wipe data|Factory reset . Selecting this item allows you to reset all settings made by the user for the entire period of operation. The device will completely return to the preset factory settings. Please note that during the reset process, all information entered and saved by the user will be lost. Including all files, folders, music, videos, etc. However, the speed of the tablet usually increases by an order of magnitude after resetting the settings.

    Every Android device has a specific mode called Android Recovery. It is used to restore the correct operation of the phone. In it, you can reset all smartphone settings back to factory or originally installed. In addition, this mode is used to flash the phone and get Root rights. How to enter the recovery menu on Android, you will learn further from this article.

    The ways to get into the recovery depend on the brand and specific model of your phone. The first thing you want to do is dig into the manual or search the Internet for information about the exact model of your phone. Here we will indicate several relatively standard ways to open the recovery menu for different devices. But first you need to do something else.

    The first thing is reinsurance. Making a backup

    Backup - from the English "back up" - this is the common name for the process of backing up data on your phone. Why do it? If something goes wrong and your data disappears, you can still recover it. What can go wrong? Sometimes flashing the phone or opening access to root rights, instead of improving the functioning of the system, on the contrary, “breaks” it. Therefore, if you are interested in how to enter the Android recovery menu in order to upgrade it in the future, make a backup first.

    Most often, this option is hidden in the "General Settings" section. Most likely, you will see the inscription "Backup and reset". As you can see, if the phone is working properly, it is not necessary to enter the recovery menu to reset the settings. You can do this in normal operation as well.

    How to enter the recovery menu on Android: basic button combinations

    If you need a recovery mode because your phone refuses to behave well, then, naturally, we will not be able to reset the state to restore the system through the "Settings". Usually, in order to get into the recovery, the volume buttons and the power button are used.

    The combination of these depends on the model and brand of your phone. You will most likely need to press the following at the same time:

    • "Volume up" and "Power";
    • "Volume down" and "Power";
    • "Home" (button at the bottom of the screen) and "Power";
    • both volume buttons, "Power" and "Home" (obviously, the creators of Samsung assume a very virtuoso finger control of the owners of their devices).

    What is Android Recovery?

    After you entered the recovery, most likely, you will see the picture that is shown in the photo.

    This is an example of a standard recovery menu preinstalled on the device. Depending on the model, Android version, and brand of your smartphone, it may look different. You will navigate through this list using the volume keys, and use the power button as a confirmation button. This list contains the following features:

  • updating the system from external media;
  • factory reset - critical system restore without saving any data;
  • clearing the cache (downloaded information) of all applications on the smartphone;
  • installing updates from the smartphone's memory;
  • the same system restore using the backup you made;
  • device firmware from an external memory card.
  • Custom recovery menus

    If you downloaded a special recovery menu to your phone, then it, unlike the pre-installed or "native", will be called custom. The main reason for the existence of alternative recovery menus is the more advanced functionality of custom versions and various additional features, for example, installing unofficial firmware.

    The most popular custom menus are Clockwordmod Recovery and Team Win Recovery Project. If the first one is similar in control to the usual recovery menu - using the volume and power buttons, then when the second one is working, the touchscreen remains active. As in the main mode, you control the process by touching the buttons on the screen (see photo below). This is undoubtedly convenient if the screen works without errors. If the "glitch", due to which you need to enter the recovery, is on the screen, difficulties will arise.

    Debugging via USB: how to enter the recovery menu on Android from a computer?

    In order for you to have the opportunity to enter the phone’s recovery menu from your PC, first do not be too lazy to find and download a special program to your computer that makes this possible. But even before that, look for the "USB debugging" option in the settings of your device - you will find it in the developer section. Then download AdbRun on PC. And already from it, knowing the commands for the console, you can control some of the functions of the recovery menu.

    Now, if suddenly the Android recovery menu does not open in the usual way on the phone itself, you can connect the device to the computer using a USB cable and manage from there.

    We leave beautifully: how to leave the menu

    If you entered this mode out of curiosity, and now you are worried about how to exit the Android recovery menu so that it does not lead to irreversible changes to your data, we will dispel your concern.

    Most often, exiting is much easier than entering the menu. In most well-known recovery menus, this item will even be the first on the list - Reboot System Now ("Reboot the system now"). Even if this fails, you can cheat and do what all users usually do in the first place if the phone "glitches": reboot using the power button, remove and reinsert the battery, or in the end just leave the phone to discharge - afterwards it will turn back on in normal operation.

    Instructions for installing a hacked bootloader and custom recovery (without deleting user data when entering it) on LG G3s (D724) running Android 5.0 Lollipop (v20a).

      Drivers and programs



    This method assumes that the device has superuser rights. If they have not been received earlier, you can use this instruction.

    Installation instructions

      Make backups of all user data and copy them to a PC.

      Install Terminal Emulator for Android from Google Play on the device for flashing without a PC. Also in this case, points 3, 4, 7, 11 and 12 can be skipped.

      Create a folder named " Android' in the root of drive C.

      Enable installation of applications from unknown sources.
      To do this, go to the menu " Safety» from the system settings and activate the item « unknown sources».

      Install on BusyBox smartphone.
      Then run the application and give it superuser rights. In the program, select the latest version of Busybox, and leave the installation location as default and click the "Install" button.

      Open command prompt and navigate to Android folder by typing " cd C:\Android\».

      Make sure the computer finds the device via ADB.
      To do this, enter " adb devices' to the command line. On the request that appears on the phone for permission to debug ADB on this computer, you must click " Ok", while selecting the item" Always allow from this computer". If the device is visible, the text " List of devices attached” and a list of all devices (for example, xxxxxxx device). If “offline” is written instead of “device” or the list is empty, then you need to update ADB, check the drivers / cord, change the USB port / computer.

      Now you need to enter in the command line (from a PC) or the Terminal (from a phone) to install the hacked bootloader:

      • « adb shell
      • « su»
      • « dd if=/sdcard/aboot.img of=/dev/block/mmcblk0p6»
      • « reboot»
    • To install custom recovery, you will need to enter in the command line or the Terminal:

      • « adb shell» (no need to enter in the Terminal)
      • « su»
      • « dd if=/sdcard/recovery.img of=/dev/block/mmcblk0p17»
      • « reboot»

      For automated installation of recovery, you can use the application Flashify. In the program, select "Recovery Image" → "Choose a file" → recovery file in .img format → "Yup!" and agree to the warning.

      To enter the recovery mode, you need to turn off the device, then turn it on while holding down the Volume Down key until the LG logo appears. Then release the Power button and hold it down again. The data reset menu will appear. In both cases, answer the questions with "Yes" using the volume keys to navigate, and the power button to select. The phone will reboot into a freshly installed TWRP Recovery. It is also possible to get into recovery using the utility

    Like any operating system, Android has a special boot mode where the device turns on but the system itself does not boot. This mode is called Recovery Mode, or in Russian recovery mode. This mode is present in any Android device and allows you to perform a reset, change the firmware, restore the firmware from a backup, or just in case of a freeze. It is noteworthy that, unlike root rights, the use of Recovery Mode is not dangerous, therefore it is not blocked by the developer in any way. This function can be used by absolutely everyone and completely officially. Let's take a closer look at how to enter the recovery on any device running Android, and what each menu item is responsible for.

    Recovery Mode gives access to the system functions of the device

    Ways to enter Recovery mode

    On the device itself

    Standard way. The principle of entering Recovery Mode is the same for all devices - when you turn it on, you need to hold down several buttons. Most often this is the volume up, but there may be such options:

    • Samsung - power on + volume up + "Home".
    • LG - turn on + volume down.
    • Google Nexus, HTC - turn on + volume down, then tap Recovery.
    • Certain models of Lenovo, Motorola - power on + volume up + "Home".
    • Sony - power button, after double vibration, hold down the volume up.

    If for some reason you cannot enter Recovery Mode using standard means, try to clarify in the instructions. The listed combinations work in almost all cases and will work both for entering the standard recovery menu and custom ones. In addition, you can run even when the tablet does not boot or the system freezes.

    If you have root rights, you will need the installed Terminal Emulator app (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=jackpal.androidterm). After installation, you will need to allow superuser rights and enter two commands: first su, and then reboot recovery. The device will reboot.

    Via computer

    A prerequisite is the enabled debugging mode via USB (Settings - For developers - Debugging via USB, or select the appropriate item when connecting to a PC). Therefore, if this mode was previously disabled, the tablet does not start, you will not be able to use it.

    You will need the ADB Run program (http://cloud-androidp1.in/Android/PC/Project_Site/AdbProgramm/), a cable, and a working device.

    1. Connect your device to your computer.
    2. Run ADB Run.
    3. In the program menu, press 4 and then 3 in sequence.

    The device will reboot into Recovery Mode. You can follow the procedures you need.

    How to use Recovery Mode

    As we have already said, there is both a standard recovery and a custom one, or a user one. Many experienced users claim that the possibilities of the first one are rather scarce, so it is better to install an unofficial one for it. We will talk about them a little later, but now we will analyze what Recovery Mode menu items you can find on your device.

    Install zip from sdcard - install an archive with updates saved on a memory card. Through this menu root-rights are obtained and firmware is performed.

    Wipe data / factory reset - wipe data / factory reset - complete cleaning of the system partition, resetting all settings to their original state. All apps and settings will be removed, but media files will remain intact. Used for critical errors, system crashes, or when a new firmware is being run. Particularly effective remedy in cases where the device does not turn on.

    Wipe cache partition - cleaning the system cache - a system partition that stores temporary files and all program settings. It is advised to perform when the firmware changes.

    Backup and restore - system backup and restore from previously created backups.

    Mounts and storage - for correct operation, all system partitions must be properly mounted and connected. Often, this procedure is performed automatically, but sometimes something has to be corrected manually. You can also clear one of the partitions. We advise you to use this method only in case of specific need, otherwise the file system will not boot and the tablet will not work.

    Advanced - additional settings, including rebooting Recovery Mode, clearing the dalvik cache, resetting system application permissions. Most often used by professional programmers.

    Management, unless otherwise indicated, is carried out through (navigating through the list) and power (selecting a menu item). In some cases, the selection occurs with the volume up, and scrolling with the volume down. In any case, the system necessarily indicates exactly how to manage the menu sections. There are developments with touch control.

    Unofficial Recovery

    As mentioned above, the standard Recovery Mode very often has somewhat limited capabilities, so it is best to use third-party, unofficial developments. The most popular are two of them - ClockworkMod recovery (CWM for short) and TeamWin Recovery Project (TWRP for short). Both developments have excellent functionality and allow you to modify or change the firmware very quickly and conveniently, get root rights, reset the settings to factory settings or restore a backup copy.

    Each mobile device running on the Android operating system has a Recovery mode installed, which is a special system startup mode with a certain set of functionality. Today we will tell you about how to enter the recovery on LG smartphones and why it is needed for a simple user.

    First of all, Recovery Mode is used to install official firmware, create and restore a complete copy of the operating system along with all the information and settings of the smartphone, clear the cache, and sometimes reset to the factory state. When a firmware update is received over the air, it is installed from under the recovery mode, without starting the OS itself.

    In its stock (factory) state, Recovery mode has the following set of functions:

  • Apply update from ADB - install updates via ADB commands
  • Apply update from external storage - install an update from external storage
  • Wipe data / factory reset - delete data and reset to factory settings
  • Wipe cache partition - deleting the cache
  • Apply update from cache - apply update from cache
  • It should be noted that the use of Recovery Mode does not invalidate the warranty service, and the procedure itself does not portend anything dangerous for the performance of the mobile device.

    How to enter recovery on LG

    Entering recovery mode is quite simple and does not require special skills. First, turn off your smartphone. In the off state, hold down the "Power" button and the "Volume Down" key until the "LG" logo appears, and then release them and hold down again. Ultimately, a menu should appear on the screen of the device on a black background, as in the main picture at the very top. That's actually the whole process of this operation. The choice of the desired action is carried out using the volume rocker, and the "Power" button confirms the choice made. If you entered the recovery mode for review and want to exit it, then simply select the "reboot system now" item.

    For more advanced users, there are custom recovery options that offer more options, such as installing any firmware, including custom roms, as well as selectively clearing phone data and removing unnecessary pre-installed applications. The most popular of them are called Team Win Recovery Project (TWRP), Philz Touch and ClockworldMod Recovery (CWM). The first two are controlled by a sensor, while the latter uses only physical buttons, as is the case with the factory Recovery Mode.