• What is imba in world. Imba - what is it? The meaning of the word "imba" and examples of imba in "DotA". Imbs in other computer games

    Hello tankers! I would like to know your opinions about some of the tanks of this game. Here is my personal opinion, I will be glad to comments!

    I. The most disgusting tanks. I hate them. and will power). I wish the developers would at least introduce lowered levels of battles for them.

    1) M3 Lee: still a bad sediment on the soul. Absolutely useless tank with no pros and no benefits at all. I went through it with a premium, and then played every day until the first victory in order to get the coveted and long-awaited X2 experience. He completely ruined his already not very good statistics (28% of victories on this "wonder tank"). When it passes, I recommend drinking something soothing. Here are its cons:

    Poor gun in every way
    -6 crew members
    -helpless in battles with 6th levels (and he often happens there)
    -weak armor (only good against Pz.1C)
    -no turret
    - poor speed and maneuverability
    - immodest dimensions

    2) Amx 40 and Amx 38(very similar): a team burden and a frag for enemies. I recommend shooting only gold. It is easy to twist, easy to pierce and easy to hit. They are good in the top on city maps, but it is almost impossible to earn a medal on it. Minuses:

    Armor is only good against machine guns and level 1-2 guns
    -weak guns (for both tanks)
    -slow as snails
    -many vulnerabilities in the armor
    -very often critical (especially AMX38)

    3) T1 Heavy: huge but weak. This tank in general is not so bad, but only if you are in the top. The rest is helpless and vulnerable. You feel flawed when you ride, for example, with kv-85. Personally, I sold it and got to T29 through the M4 and Jumbo branch (and I advise everyone too, because on the M4AE2 Jumbo you get used to playing with a tower). Here are its pros and cons:

    Good frontal armor (level 3-4 rarely penetrate, 5 - sometimes)
    + good cannon (typical hole puncher, but good only when you are, again, in the top. 6th levels only need to shoot at the side or use gold. The parameters are as follows: average accuracy, low damage (+ - 135 damage), but fast-firing (16.7 shots per minute) and a little punchy (128mm - bb)
    + screens on tracks (very often they save from land mines, which saves in battles with high-explosive tanks and some self-propelled guns
    -weak armor in general
    -often burns
    -small one-time damage (90% loss if you are 1v1 with KV-1)
    -big size
    - helplessness at the bottom of the list

    II. Imba. You can even say that to some extent, cheating tanks. Tanks that cause fear and surprise, even when you are 2 levels older. Would like to see them rebalanced. (changed after patch 9.4)

    1) Rhm.B-T. Dishonesty triumphs! Excellent, and even a little cheating pt-shka. Why? Too many advantages, even in comparison with classmates. Clearly needs rebalancing. Comparing it and, for example, ISU-152, you understand that Rhm.B-T. better in many respects. Advantages and disadvantages:

    2 great guns to choose from - one is identical to the BL-10, the second is the Ferdinand gun
    + the presence of a tower (rotation by 360 degrees!)
    + low silhouette and good camouflage
    + review in 400m (you are just invisible with optics \ stereo tube)
    + very good mobility
    + good radio
    -lack of armor

    2)IS-7 Soviet level 10 TT, the most popular level 10 tank in the game from the most popular branch. It has already been changed many times, and now they have come to the "standard" of this tank. I put him on the imb list, because. I think it's unfinished and balanced. Here are its pros and cons:

    low silhouette
    + excellent forehead armor without vulnerabilities
    + good side armor
    + powerful weapon with 550 alpha
    + the presence of dynamics
    + good walkie-talkie and visibility at 400m
    + normal armor penetration (I don’t know why many people complain about armor penetration. 250mm bb and 303mm sub-caliber ones are not bad! Moreover, almost every tank has weak points in the frontal armor, and in battle they decide with direct hands and not penetration of the gun)
    - the cannon is very oblique and takes a long time to converge (0.4 spread, convergence 3.4 sec (100% crew, valve, Combat Brotherhood and aiming drives - will be + -2.8 sec)

    III. Tanks to raise the player's statistics.
    Much here depends on the player's skills and on his favorite classes of equipment, as well as on the manner and style of combat. We are all individuals, each needs an approach. Here are my personal favorites and stat boosters:

    1) Hetzer. Many will not understand, but this is my favorite Fri. It can be played well with 6 levels. Let's move on to the pros and cons:
    +Excellent frontal armor: 60mm at a good slope gives 120mm of reduced armor! And if you are on a hill - 100% non-penetration or rebound.
    + Excellent high explosive 105mm. Half of the ammunition load is gold, half is land mines. Odnoklassniki are almost all one-shot, and it’s better, no matter how it turns out, to be land mines right in the forehead (I mean the T-28, M5 Stuart and SU-85B (and it’s better for her to hit the felling in the forehead, to the right of the gun). Golda is for the 5th and 6th , to whom a landmine inflicts no more than 150 damage.The main thing is to know the weak points!And it's better to hit the sides - 400 damage is guaranteed!
    + Good walkie-talkie
    + Good maneuverability and dynamics: spinning in place like a top! It is simply impossible to spin, but the speed is gaining quickly and confidently!
    + small size
    -Weak side armor
    -view only 280m

    2) T-127. I just recommend. Yes, it is premium, but in this case, you should not be greedy and spend 100 rubles on this miracle. This is just a small miracle that forgives mistakes, gives medals and raises statistics up in a matter of days. This is the best tank for me. A sea of ​​pleasure and a sea of ​​happiness!
    + strong armor for your level! Cannot be penetrated by many guns! Danger - only Pz.1G, but there is also salvation from it - put the tank in a rhombus! This greatly increases the effectiveness of the armor. And at long distances (Malinovka, for example) it does not break through at all (except for land mines, which cause tiny damage, and a pair of level 3 tank destroyers with top guns)
    + quick-firing gun with excellent one-time damage. Classmates cry burning tears. Only 5-6 shots - and you have benefited the team! And this is with a reload time of 2.15 seconds! And one-time damage is 40-50 on average! The accuracy is average, the convergence is good - 2 seconds in total! Hitting an enemy flying past is a sweet deal!
    + Good dynamics, confidently keeps the speed and accelerates.
    + preferential level of fights, only 3-4 levels. You can always hit 2-4 frags even if you are in a 4 level fight! I have never had a feeling of helplessness in front of the enemy, only Hetzer causes fear.
    + good review
    + cheap maintenance - repairs are just a penny! And shells, even gold ones, are very cheap! Never went negative.
    - slow turning speed
    - weak radio
    -small armor penetration by bb shells. I recommend carrying 15-25 gold shells with you - they can even penetrate the 4th levels! It helps a lot! I also recommend using gold against LTP, T-127, AMX 38, T18. These are armored nuts, bb they are hard to break through!

    3) Jagdpanther. Excellent level 7 tank destroyer! Raised the statistics and reached Ferdinand in 2 days! Well, just gold, not a tank. Accurate, fast-firing, penetrating, nimble - the perfect combination!
    + 2 great guns to choose from - 8.8cm and 10.5cm
    + penetration 150-250 allows you to shoot most enemies in the forehead, even level 9.
    + high accuracy, mixing and rate of fire
    + excellent dynamics
    + View of 370 meters
    + Armor gives frequent ricochets
    - still weak armor (80mm, given approx. 120mm)
    - Transmission front

    Despite the constant balance changes, in World of tanks there are still tanks that are more fun to play, and which allow you to more influence the outcome of the battle or even fight for victory, left alone against several enemies.

    The best tanks in world of tanks by levels in 2018

    Today's article provides examples of the best tanks in World of tanks at different levels, according to the author. You may notice that your favorite tank has been undeservedly forgotten, you can write about it in the comments.

    Overview of the best tanks in WoT

    1. good tool
    • With high precision
    • With huge damage
  • Reliable protection
    • Strong circular armor
    • Thick frontal armor
    • ricochet silhouette
  • Good mobility
    • High top speed
    • Fast acceleration
    • Excellent maneuverability
  • low visibility
    • good disguise
    • Excellent review

    Of course, fulfilling all the conditions at the same time is impossible, the tank may be, but have too weak weapons, which will not allow it to become the best. However, the presence of several positive qualities will indicate that we have a worthy combat vehicle.

    So, let's start the review of the best tanks in WoT.

    The best first level tanks in World of tanks

    It is difficult to single out favorites among Tier 1 tanks, but at high ranks one can distinguish excellent vehicles such as the IS-3, T-54, T-29 and others, but first things first.

    Among the players in the battles of the first levels, players on vehicles with upgraded crews can stand out, who have been playing on tanks of the first level for a long time, for example, there are quite a few such players on a Soviet tank MS-1.

    The best tanks of the second level in World of tanks

    At the second level, anti-tank and artillery self-propelled guns become available to players, and among them there are vehicles that differ from others for the better. This American tank destroyer T-18 with a well-protected forehead, which most tanks of the second level are not able to penetrate, in addition, the T-18 has good mobility and a good top gun.

    SAU T-18

    • ✔ High precision gun
    • ✔ Thick frontal armor

    Best tier 3 tanks in Wot

    Among the tanks of the third level, it is worth noting the Soviet premium T-127. This tank is well protected from the front, with sloping armor, a good gun, and good mobility. Excellent armor allows you to fight alone against several enemies.

    American Tank destroyer T82- an excellent combat vehicle of the third level, it boasts high one-time damage, good dynamics and maneuverability, excellent visibility.

    The best tanks of the fourth level in World of tanks

    At the fourth level there are several cars that you will always be glad to see in your team.

    British tank Matilda

    This combat vehicle is better protected than heavy tanks of the fourth level. Being at the top Matilda able to decide the outcome of the battle, remaining even against several enemies. Of course, you have to pay for good armor with poor mobility. Getting into battles with opponents of the fifth and sixth level, Matilda is not so good, but can still be useful due to a good top gun.

    Anti-tank self-propelled gun Hetzer

    The German tank destroyer is the nightmare of many tier 4 tanks, because they cannot penetrate this vehicle head-on, while the Hetzer can easily destroy them with one or two shots. Playing against higher level opponents for armor ACS Hetzer you can’t count on it, but this machine will still be able to hit enemies, acting from ambushes.

    The best tanks of the fifth level in World of tanks

    Among the machines of the fifth level, one can distinguish Soviet heavy tank KV-1. Which, with a competent game, remains impenetrable for many rivals of the same level. The poor mobility of the KV-1 tank requires a careful choice of the direction of attack, because it is impossible to return through the floor of the map in order to break the capture. Among the advantages of the KV-1 tank, one can note the availability of several good guns - the rapid-fire project 413, the universal F-30 85mm, and the high-explosive U-11 122mm.

    American tank destroyer T49

    Anti-tank self-propelled gun with a turret that allows this vehicle to be used as a medium or light tank. The T49 self-propelled gun is equipped with an excellent top gun. This good mobility Tank destroyer T49 sometimes misused by players, you should not go alone to the enemy base, where the T49 will be quickly destroyed.

    M-24 Chaffee

    American tank Chaffee- an excellent firefly, which can also attack enemies from a good, quick-firing weapon. After the introduction of new light tanks, the top gun was taken away from Chaffee, now this one is not so good, but it doesn’t even get to the tenth levels now.

    The best tanks of the sixth level in World of tanks

    At the sixth level, the KV-1S tank stood out with an excellent D2-5T gun, but it was divided into two combat vehicles - the KV-1 of the fifth level, and the KV-85 of the sixth level, which have less impressive characteristics. .

    Hellcat in World of tanks

    American Tank destroyer Hellcat has excellent dynamics and speed. Its top gun is capable of dealing 240 damage with 160mm penetration. Armor on the Helket is practically absent, it is worth noting only a well-protected gun mantlet, which, together with good vertical aiming angles and a mobile turret, allows you to shoot from behind hills and shelters without fear of a return hit.

    FV304 - new generation self-propelled guns

    On the sixth level, there is also a favorite by many players self-propelled art. installation FV304, with high mobility and a quick-firing gun, this machine shows good results.

    T 34-85 in WoT

    According to our readers, the T 34-85 should be included in the list of the best tanks in World of tanks in 2016. Indeed, we undeservedly disregarded this combat vehicle. T 34-85 is a universal fighter, without pronounced weak characteristics and with skillful use it is able to turn the outcome of the battle.

    Best Tier 7 Tanks in Wot

    There are quite a few good combat vehicles on the seventh level, but the American T-29 and the German tank destroyer E-25 deserve special mention.

    T-29 - play from the tower

    Tank T-29 when used correctly, it can be considered the best heavy tank of its level. A powerful top gun, good vertical aiming angles and a thick front of the turret are the best features of the American TT to be used.

    American heavy tank T-29

    • ✔ Good weapon
    • ✔ Thick frontal armor

    The main thing when playing on the T-29 is to hide a weakly protected hull, showing the enemy only a tower. The T-29 performs well in hilly terrain, when shooting from cover, and can compete with Soviet vehicles (which are good in cities) in battles in urban areas. .

    Inaccessible E-25

    Premium Tank Destroyer E-25 has a bonus when balancing teams - it does not get to the tanks of the ninth level. This makes the game more comfortable on it, but it cannot be said that it is unbalanced. The only problem is that the E-25 was removed from the sale.

    The best tanks of the eighth level in World of tanks

    At the eighth level, one of the most dangerous opponents is German tank destroyer Rheinmetall-Borsig Waffenträger. The low silhouette and excellent top and stock guns make this vehicle one of the best in the game. It should be noted that for a good game on Rhm. Borsig is desirable to give her under the control of an experienced crew with good visibility and camouflage, in addition, you need to choose the right position, because weak armor will not leave you a chance in case of detection. If you think that the main thing in a combat vehicle is a weapon, then Rhm. Borsig is for you.

    Armored KV-4 World of tanks

    Our readers consider the KV-4 one of the best tier eight tanks. Good armor and a penetrating top gun are excellent qualities for entering the top of the best tanks in WoT.

    Pike nose - IS-3

    Soviet IS-3 may not have any outstanding data, but due to the combination of characteristics, he deserves to be noted in this list. Good armor, powerful gun, good mobility. What else do you need for a good tank? The IS-3 has it all.

    Heavy tank IS-3

    • ✔ Good weapon
    • ✔ Strong armor
    • ✔ Ricochet silhouette

    The best tanks of the ninth level in World of tanks

    Among the machines of the ninth level, one can distinguish Soviet medium tank T-54, characterized by a low ricochet silhouette, good mobility and a good gun. Particularly dangerous are the T-54 tanks in a group, so find yourself an assistant in a random battle or play the T-54 in a platoon.

    Medium tank T-54

    • ✔ Good weapon
    • ✔ Ricochet silhouette
    • ✔ Good mobility

    Object 704 - carrier BL-10

    In addition, I would single out the Soviet Tank Destroyer Object 704, equipped with the famous BL-10 gun in the game (a few years ago, this gun was the most powerful among its counterparts on tank destroyers and tanks). Also, the Object 704 is well protected from the front, its armor plates are located at rational angles, which gives hope for a ricochet or non-penetration. The combination of these characteristics will let you act on the second line of attack, being in the thick of things.

    Tank ST-1 at the ninth level

    In 2016, our readers consider the Soviet ST-1 one of the best at the ninth level. This tank can be equipped with a weapon that is used in WoT on the IS-4. At the ninth level, it is very strong, and allows CT-1 to break into the ranks of the best.

    There are quite a few good vehicles of the tenth level, these are the American T57 Heavy and T110E5, the Soviet T-62A and Object 263, the German JagdPanzer E100 and Waffentrager E-100, the French Bat Chatillon 25t, the British FV215B. The style of play on these tanks is different and it is difficult to single out the best vehicle.

    The best tanks in WoT in 2017 - the opinion of the players

    Many WoT fans have named their favorites in the comments. Let's see which tanks we underestimated. Among the best tanks in 2017, players most often named: medium T-34-85 and T-34, heavy ST1, KV2, KV4.

    The marked tanks are really very good, the T-34 and T-34-85 are universal fighters who have good mobility, a lethal weapon for the ST. They are able to provide worthy resistance to any enemy, and in capable hands they become machines for destruction. These Soviet STs have long been valued by the players, in 2017 the situation has not changed.

    The Soviet KV-2 has a 152 mm gun, unique for a Tier 6 TT, which makes it a very strong opponent, but only when fired skillfully from a large-caliber cannon.

    KV-4 and ST-1 are distinguished by good armor and good armament, which allows them to be included among the best.

    We have considered many tanks, many contenders for getting into the list of the best have been proposed by our readers, but not all vehicles in WoT are good, there are others that we have identified in .

    Imba - comes from the English term imba, in full - imbalance, which translates as unbalanced. What is imba? This is a bug or ability that breaks the balance or gives a huge advantage to those who find and use it.

    Such an advantage can be expressed in the strength of a character that no one can defeat, or in skills that allow you to make a profit in a short time.

    Many players want to find such a bug or pick up a set of abilities that will bring them a lot of money and make the character unkillable. But such a “grail” is almost impossible to find, and if it still succeeds, then the developers destroy this imba.

    Imba in the game can be the result of character leveling, the ideas of the developers, or personal luck.

    Various skills

    In the case of picking imb skills for the game, you have to put a lot of effort and spend part of your life to become the best of the best: get top equipment, as well as a hero with a maximum level and fully upgraded skills. An easier and faster way is to invest your money and smash everyone left and right with a max level fire sword bought for, say, $5,000.

    In games with a non-target system, such a definition can be given to the most dexterous and masterly person who controls his character.

    For example, in Counter Strike, imba is to headshot with a shotgun when the enemy is very far away.

    There are many skills in online-RPG, some of which can also be unbalanced. Such skills are also called "ulta" (from the English ultimate) - each character can get them when they reach a certain level. Such a skill can deal massive damage, grant temporary invulnerability, and so on, depending on the chosen class. It’s hard to call this an Imboy, because all classes have such an “ultimate”.

    However, this is not always the case - sometimes there are imb classes that have a skill that upsets the balance. This happens with new games or with updates, but after a while, the imbalance is eliminated through various restrictions that are imposed on imbo characters by developers.


    Imbo gear is a unique piece of equipment that has no stat reduction and no limit to its abilities. It can be an artifact, a legendary item, or an item from a set. It is almost impossible to get such things alone, but after getting them you will get a very big advantage over other heroes.

    You can read more about gradation and quality in our article.


    There are many more ways to get imba. But you must remember that an advantage in one thing will entail a weakness in something else.

    Let's give an example - an archer who developed only an attack and has excellent damage indicators will lose in defense, life and other parameters. Therefore, we advise you to treat such distortions with caution.

    And if you find a bug and happily use it, then sooner or later it will be found, penalties will be imposed on you, and the bug will be eliminated. Be careful.


    "Yes, you're just an imba, destroyed with one blow"

    "Where did you get such an imbo weapon?"

    “This imb class is already tired, when will it be removed”