• How to enable push notifications on android 7. Push notifications do not come on Vkontakte on a computer: problems and solutions. Who sends messages

    Push notifications allow a web resource to go beyond the browser and are an incredibly powerful way to interact with the user. They can do simple things like alert the user to an important event, display an icon and a small piece of text that the user can then click to open the site. There is also an option to integrate action buttons in the notification so that the user can interact with your site or application without returning to their web page.

    On a mobile device, push messages look like SMS text messages or mobile alerts, but they are only available to users who have installed the app required to display them. Each iOS and Android mobile platform has its own support for push notifications.

    Why are they used?

    Push notifications provide convenience and value to web application users. For example, users can receive:

      sports forecasts and news;

      useful messages such as traffic reports, weather reports;

      check, change and flight information.

    For publishers, push notifications are a way to communicate directly with the user. They do not end up in spam in the mail and are not forgotten in the Inbox folder. Click rates can be twice as fast as email. Such messages can remind you to use the application, whether it is open or not. They can also be used to control actions such as:

      promotion of products or offers to increase sales;

      improving the quality of customer service;

      converting users of an unknown application into loyal customers;

      sending transaction receipts and more.

    The main thing is that the web resource is correctly added and activated.

    Adding to the application

    The app publisher registers with the OS push notification service.

    The OS service provides an Application Programming Interface (API). An API is a way in which an application can interact with a service.

    The web resource publisher adds the SDK to the application. The SDK is a code library specific to the OS push notification service.

    The publisher of the site uploads the application to the appropriate store for a particular OS.

    User activation

    The user visits the OS app store, downloads and then installs it.

    The user opens the application. Unique identifiers for both the app and the device are registered with the OS push notification service.

    They are passed back to the application from the OS push notification service. They are also sent to the app publisher.

    The resource owner receives and stores these registration data, including unique identifiers.


    The application publisher composes a manual message through the user interface. Or the owner of the web resource sets up automatic sending of messages via the API. The publisher determines the audience to which the push message will be sent and decides whether to send the message immediately or on a schedule.

    Push notifications can be targeted to segments of your user base and even personalized to specific app users. This is the main advantage over SMS text messaging. However, they also require user identity management. And they need some kind of interface to write messages, target them, and send them. Publishers can build this infrastructure themselves, or they can hire a provider such as Urban Airship or another service to take advantage of the related services. Increasingly, app publishers are paying for these services so they can focus on building a great app and maintaining a cross-platform push notification service that requires significant resources and ongoing maintenance.

    Platform providers also provide features such as:

      Reporting and planning.

      Mobile marketing automation.

      Collection and segmentation of custom attributes.

      Data management.


      Cross-platform support.

    The main thing is that the user can read the sent push message in time and correctly.

    How are notifications displayed on users' devices?

    Mostly, users see the notification as a banner or pop-up alert as they use their phone. This warning is displayed regardless of what the user does. Most mobile operating systems also show push notifications together in the same view. In iOS, Apple has a Notification Center. Access to this service is organized chronologically, and users access the notification center by looking at the top of the screen. Android devices display unread messages on the lock screen.

    iOS allows users to customize push notifications on an app-by-app basis. Users can turn sounds on or off and choose the style that iOS uses to display the notification. Users can also control the red "badge" showing the number of unread notifications on the app's desktop icon. Android uses a default banner view that users cannot change at the OS level.

    How to turn on push notifications on iPhone?

    To enable push notifications on an iOS mobile device:

      Tap Settings.

      Find and tap the site you're looking for in the application list.

      Click Notifications.

      Turn on the "Allow Notifications" option.

    Now, whenever you receive alerts from a web resource, an icon will be displayed on the application icon indicating that you have new unread information.

    How to enable push notifications on Android?

    To set up receiving push notifications on this OS, you need to:

      Open device settings.

      Click "Notifications".

      Find and highlight the desired site in the list of applications.

      Tap to connect "Allow turning on notifications" (other toggles can be configured to suit your preferences).

      Open the selected web resource.

      Activate the "Settings Notifications" sliding menu icon.

      Enable permission to alert and update mailing lists.

      Touch the Done icon.

    If you don't see the selected web app in your phone's notification settings, you may not have given permission to send notifications on first boot. To fix this, uninstall the app and then download it again.


    Push notifications are a direct way to communicate with users. Site owners should understand the value of such communication. If they do not, push notifications will be ignored or disabled, which will negatively affect the ranking of the resource.

    Modern technologies do not stand still, including operating systems. With each new update, they get more and more tools and useful features. Therefore, many users often ask various questions about a particular option. For example, a push message. What is it all about? Why is it needed? We will talk about this below.

    What it is

    Many personal computer users are familiar with such things as notifications from the system or antivirus program that alert them to some kind of problem. These alerts usually appear in the lower right corner of the screen. These are the very first push messages. Later, the developers of mobile operating systems transferred this idea to mobile devices. This is how the push message was created. a short notification that usually appears at the top of the tablet or smartphone screen.

    Who sends messages

    Naturally, applications. They notify the user about a particular event, fact or problem. For example, games most often report new promotions or replenishment of the player's energy. The user decides which applications can send push messages and which cannot. Setting up these notifications is not as difficult as it might seem.


    So, a push message (what it is, we have already figured it out a bit) is now most often used on mobile platforms. Which ones exactly? First of all, on "Android", which is the most popular mobile operating system today. By the way, who is the developer of Android, the first to put into operation a push message. What does this mean? It was the owners of tablets and smartphones running a mobile phone that were the first to feel the beauty of instant notifications from applications.

    Apple and iOS

    As for the famous American "apple" brand, they are not far behind their competitors. A year after the introduction of instant notifications on Android, Apple also launched this useful option on iOs 3.0. It is noteworthy that a little later it was implemented by the company's specialists on the OS X operating system. That is, all "apple" laptops ("Macbooks") can also receive instant notifications in the notification area. For example, from social networks. This is convenient because you can reply to a message to friends or track the latest news on your page without going into the application. And on mobile devices, this is often used.

    Wap push messages

    This is also one of the types of notifications. But their main difference from instant messages from applications is that links to various Internet resources are displayed in these messages. Having opened such a notification, the operating system prompts you to select a browser with which you can open the page. Unless, of course, the user has previously defined some browser as the standard one. By default, in this case, all links from wap push messages are opened in it. Many companies that send mailings to their customers have already switched to this notification method. Which is convenient for both users who do not need to read text canvases, and senders who thus increase their customer base and views on the site.

    Apple. How to enable push?

    Having appreciated the beauty of instant notifications, many are wondering how exactly to turn them on. It is not so difficult. So, how to enable push notifications on iPhone, iPad, iPod? Everything is pretty simple. First you need to enter the settings (gear icon on the desktop of the device). Then scroll to the area where all installed applications are displayed. After selecting the desired one, the settings of the selected program will be displayed on the right side of the screen. There is always an area where you can choose the notification method. Opposite push, you need to stretch the scroll until it changes its color to green. Additionally, you can set the settings and sound so that alerts are not only displayed on the screen, but also emit a signal that can be heard if the device, for example, is in your pocket. Notably, all push notifications can be viewed by dragging the top of the screen down. This is relevant when there are a lot of notifications from various applications, and the user does not have time to read them for some reason. You can disable "push notifications" in the same way as you can enable it. All manipulations are performed from the notification center, which is located in the settings.

    android gadgets

    Most users of mobile devices are familiar with them, so for many it is not a secret how to enable push notifications. Android allows you to send an instant message from almost every app. There are, of course, exceptions, but this depends not so much on the system itself, but on the developers of the program. Or due to the fact that an old version of the application is installed, where this option simply did not exist yet. Having opened the desired program, the user needs to go to the settings (most often they are displayed in the form of three horizontal stripes or gears), go to the part where notifications are described. This is where push messages are enabled or disabled.

    Is it really necessary?

    Many users do not want to receive a lot of notifications from minor and not the most popular applications. Therefore, you can simply disable push messages in the settings so that they do not bother you. But in useful and popular applications, on the contrary, turn it on. So, notifications from social networks, email programs, and some games are most often in demand.

    Fans of the social network Vkontakte often face the problem of the lack of push notifications. Windows with quick dialogs do not pop up, which introduces some inconvenience. Problems can be different, we will try to talk about them and deal with the methods of solution.

    Problematic moments with notifications in VK

    In fact, dealing with each problem is not difficult. Among them are the following:

    1. Social network site updates, server congestion and other technical issues. You can often meet with this when there are global changes in the social network. Many features are not available, including push notifications;
    2. Global account settings failed. Perhaps you yourself or your relatives could accidentally or intentionally knock down some parameters in VK. Solving the problem is associated with checking individual parameters and returning the desired values ​​to their original position;
    3. Change settings in private conversations with multiple people. The appearance of messages is very often annoying and intrusive, so some users turn off individual elements and complain about the lack of pop-ups;
    4. The browser does not support java scripts. Of course, this is a rarity today, but problematic moments arise. There is only one way to help! What exactly, read further in the article.

    Technical points: waiting and updating

    In this section, we will try to solve the problems with points No. 1 and 4. As for the first, everything is quite simple here. System updates and reboots are temporary and will require patience and waiting. How long will these inconveniences last? It all depends on the specific situation:

    1. If a major revision of individual elements of the site is carried out, then the process will take up to 8 hours. During this time, individual modules will be rebooted, connections will be established and the functionality will be checked. To keep track of updates, we recommend subscribing to the official development group on VK;
    2. Server overload can also be a problem when working with notifications. Now the developers have reduced the load on the site, but sometimes it is possible to encounter a phenomenon, especially in summer. There is only one solution, the expectation and hope for self-correction of the situation. In case of "red errors", we recommend clearing the browser cache.

    About applications for working in the web environment is another story. Some programs do not support java scripts or are simply blocked in the global settings. Use other software, reset everything to its original values, or reinstall the latest software. We figured it out, now let's move on to the parameters for Vkontakte.

    Incorrect or broken settings

    Often the problem appears due to incorrect or downed parameters. The issue can be resolved through the following steps:

    1. You need to go to the appropriate section. This is done by clicking on the icon with the name in the upper right corner;
    2. In the new "Settings" window, you will need to find the "Notifications" section, after which sliders will appear on the central screen. They must be in the right position. If this is not the case, correct;
    3. In the case of mass dialogs, it is necessary to check whether the corresponding function is enabled directly in the dialog. To do this, go to the desired chat, find the three dots at the top, and select "Disable / enable notifications."

    The problem is solved, in some cases you will need to log out and log in, clear the cache. We hope the tips helped and you eliminated the inconvenience. You also need to pay attention that VK uses notifications by mail and via SMS, we'll talk about this in future articles.

    Apple is responsible for the correct operation of push notifications in iOS. Any third-party application that wants to send notifications to the user must use an Apple server for this. The scheme is as follows: the developer will raise his own server that accesses Apple's Push Notification Service (APNS), which in turn sends notifications to users on their devices.

    Therefore, if a particular application does not send you notifications, then the problem lies in the crooked hands of the developer, who cannot properly configure the interaction of his server with APNS. If you have stopped receiving absolutely all notifications, then try the following instructions.

    Sign out of your Apple ID

    Apple uses your Apple ID to identify devices. This is how the company understands where to send notifications. The first thing to do if you're having trouble receiving push notifications is to sign out and sign back in with your Apple ID. You can do this in Settings > iTunes & App Store.

    Reconnect device to iCloud

    A similar step should be repeated with the iCloud cloud service, which is responsible for synchronizing data between devices and with Apple servers. You can do this in Settings > iCloud.

    Reboot device

    There are not many tools for solving problems in iOS, reboot is the main one. Recall that a reboot is different from a normal power off/on. You can reboot your device by long-pressing the power button and home key on older devices, and long-pressing the power button and volume down on iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus.

    Check Do Not Disturb Mode

    If the system is set to Do Not Disturb mode, then you will not hear notifications at the specified time. Make sure you don't turn it on all the time. This is understandable if there is a crescent icon in the status bar of the device.

    Check app settings

    iOS has a very flexible notification system that allows you to customize each app the way you want. It can send push notifications, it can show notifications only on the app icon, as banners at the top of the screen, it can show or not show notifications on the closed screen. In a word, there are a lot of options, all of them can be viewed in “Settings”> “Notifications”. If the application was accidentally blocked from sending notifications when you first launched it, you can always change this setting in this menu.

    Check the mute button

    Absurd, but, as practice shows, extremely useful advice. The small toggle on the side of the iPhone doesn't affect push notifications in any way, but it does disable system notification sounds. Thus, if you accidentally switch it, you may not hear important notifications.

    In the world of information technology, only a small part of all inventions is used. But most things are designed specifically to make our lives easier. That's about one of these improvements and will be discussed in the article. These are push notifications. What are they and where can they be used? Push notifications - what is it? iPhone, Android, feature phones - where are they configured and how to enable/disable them?

    Meet Push Notifications

    What is it? This is the name given to brief pop-up notifications that appear on the screens of touch technology (tablets, phones) and inform about important updates and events. If desired, they can be used as a simple form of dialogue between the seller and the buyer, which has led to their widespread use in marketing.

    So, if we consider the option with the application, then the main task here is to inform about updates, new content (or just a reminder that it has not been used for a long time). How to make push notifications for an application? To do this, you must use the application programming interface that exists for a particular phone (in fact, for the operating system used).

    The reason for the emergence of this technology was the desire of specialists to support the circle of users of their developments. Setting up push notifications is not difficult. At the end of the article contains information about the features of their inclusion / disabling on different operating systems.

    Use Cases for Push Notifications

    Where can this technology be used? Let's dwell on the statistics that push notifications can boast of. What this will give us, we will consider later. So:

    1. Most of all (41%) they are used to notify about the release of new applications or updates to existing ones.
    2. Then (24%) there is a newsletter about special offers.
    3. To inform about new content that has appeared in the program, it is used in 14% of cases.
    4. The least purposeful (12%) are used to send advertising and / or referral links.
    5. The remaining 9% fall on other types of informing.

    If Push notifications do not come from those you follow, and nothing has changed in the settings, this does not mean that they will not exist at all. Maybe the cause of the problem was just a broken connection. If you are a developer, then something was not configured correctly in the applications themselves.

    New marketing channel

    Before looking at how to interact with this technology from a user's perspective, let's take a moment and talk about the concept of push notifications in marketing. When using such a design, care must be taken not to cross the fine line that separates cooperation from intrusiveness. If these lines are read by a marketer or a person receiving an appropriate education, one should remember that valuable information should be provided in this way, which will be positively reflected in subsequent interaction.

    Push notifications should contain timely and relevant content. So, in an application that is aimed at children, advertising coffee will be very out of place, which, in turn, will surely lead to a loss of popularity.

    Usage example

    Popular is the use of such technology for a brief notification of the action of friends. Considering this, we can think of "Twitter", which informs its users about changes in the profiles of friends.

    Some companies use GPS to determine where their customers are, and if their outlet is nearby, they send out a notification. Timely receipt of the message is important. The implementation feature is that push notifications do not require Internet access, because often all the necessary information is stored in the application itself (as a rule).

    Features of use

    So, if a decision has been made to use push notifications as part of a marketing plan, then it will not be superfluous to make sure that they meet the following conditions:

    1. The content provided must be relevant and relevant.
    2. It should be possible to unsubscribe.
    3. It is desirable to link to social networks so that users have the opportunity to discuss.
    4. It is necessary to correctly select a quantitative policy - no one wants to receive 20 notifications a day.

    Now you can move on to the activation of such technology. For ease of understanding, the procedure will be broken down depending on the operating system that is installed on the mobile device. So how do you set up push notifications?


    This is the most popular operating system, which received its status thanks to free distribution and constant improvement. How are push notifications enabled/disabled on it? To disable it, you need to perform a series of actions in the following order:

    1. Go to phone settings.
    2. Go to your account, then to notifications, and there you will see information about Push.
    3. Choose the desired settings, restrictions on receiving - in general, do everything the way you want.

    But what if there is a desire to enable/disable Push notifications not for everyone, but only for one application? There is also an algorithm for this case:

    1. Go to settings.
    2. Go to an item such as "Notifications".
    3. All applications installed on the touch phone will be presented there, and you should select your object by clicking on it.
    4. Disable or enable the function of receiving messages from this program.

    As you can see, there is nothing complicated in performing these actions, and this is not only on the Android operating system. Push notifications are just as easy to enable/disable on other devices.

    iPhone and iPad

    How to turn it on and the iPad are no different here. Here, operations with this technology will be considered according to the previous principle. So, to disable or enable messages received from specific programs, you need to perform the following sequence of actions:

    1. Go to the main screen of your device and look for a button that looks like a double circle, which has a prototype of a road that diverges in two directions at an angle of 90 degrees.
    2. Find the "Notifications" button and then the app you're interested in.
    3. Near the "Allow notifications" item, you will see a button placed in the slider. To enable/disable notifications, click on it. If it is white, it means that receiving messages is currently prohibited. In the case when the button is green, you are already receiving notifications from this program.

    How can I disable these messages completely? To do this, follow the following sequence of actions:

    1. Go to settings.
    2. Go to your account.
    3. Go to notifications.
    4. Go to the Push section.
    5. Customize as you wish.

    Here's how to enable push notifications on iPhone. Given that their settings do not change too noticeably, problems with changing parameters on different versions should not arise.

    Multifunction phone

    It should be noted that in this case, you can work with Push notifications only on certain models, and this function has not gained wide application here. But if you are the owner of such a piece of equipment, then we suggest that you familiarize yourself with how to enable / disable such a phone add-on. Please note that the path may vary depending on the model, so if you do not find what you need thanks to the instructions in the article, then you should look elsewhere:

    1. From the main screen, tap on Menu.
    2. Select "Settings" and look for "Push Notifications". They can be placed in a separate submenu or located in the “Phone or Communication Settings”.
    3. Customize this technology to your taste.


    So we looked at Push notifications, what they are, why they are needed. Finally, let's remember the previously missed points. Push notifications are quite valuable from a marketing point of view and, when used wisely, can bring significant benefits to a business and make life easier for consumers. But in everything you should adhere to the golden mean.

    Push notifications are also valuable because if some application does not require constant distribution of information on its own behalf, then this can be used for advertising purposes, providing an opportunity for other developers or enterprises (companies) to inform users about new events. But it is important to take into account in this case the thematic nature of the information provided.