• How to run a second OS? Choosing an operating system at boot Loading different versions of windows

    How to remove system selection at boot What settings do you need to go to for this? Hello friends! This question is often asked on the site. For example, you installed a second operating system and when the computer boots up, a 30-second operating system selection menu immediately appears, of course, this menu will not be useful to everyone, since many do not need the old operating system and therefore many users try to get rid of the unnecessary menu at all costs downloads.

    How to remove system selection at boot

    In this case, you can go in two ways, the first is, which is used in Windows Vista operating systems, and, and it is described in another article. The second way is much easier and any user, even a beginner, can handle it, so I propose to consider it here.
    In our article I will tell you how to remove the system selection when loading Windows 7, Windows 8 and.

    How to remove the system selection in the boot menu in Windows 7 at boot

    Start - Run

    Another way to remove the choice of operating systems when loading Windows 7

    Start-->Control Panel-->right click on "Computer" and select "Properties"

    then "Advanced system settings",

    Remove the checkmark from the item "Display a list of operating systems", click OK. Apply. OK.

    How to remove the system selection in the Windows 8 boot menu at boot

    Right click on Start menu and Run

    Enter the command msconfig in the input field

    In the window that opens, go to Download. We see two operating systems. The current default bootable operating system is second on the list. We do not touch it, go to the first one and select it with the left mouse, click on the Delete button, then Apply and OK.

    That's it, now when you boot Windows 8 there will be no choice of operating systems.

    Another way to remove the choice of operating systems when loading Windows 8

    Right-click on the left corner of the desktop and select "Control Panel"

    Then System and Security.


    Remove the checkmark from the item "Display a list of operating systems", click OK.

    Friends, I can explain to you in a nutshell why this happens, for example, you installed Windows 8 on one hard drive, and then Windows 7 on another, so Windows 8 commands the loading of both operating systems and all the files responsible for loading are in it, if You remove it or dismantle the disk on which it is installed from the system unit, then you will no longer boot Windows 7. Why? Because...

    1. The partition from which the operating system is loaded is not active.

    2. Or the partition from which the operating system is being loaded is active, but there are no operating system boot files on it. For Windows 7, 8, the bootmgr file and the Boot folder with boot configuration (BCD) files.

    4. If you permanently disconnected one hard drive, then you can restore the boot of Windows 7, 8.1, 10 remaining on the second drive according to our article.

    5. Also you can produce.

    Note: The EasyBCD 2.0.2 boot manager is best used if you have two or three operating systems installed on the same hard drive.

    • If you want to install several operating systems with independent bootloaders on different hard drives, then you need to do everything so that each installed Windows does not know anything about its neighbor located on another hard drive installed in the same system unit. That's all. Another question, how to do it and how to manage computer boot afterwards? The answer is yes, very simply.

    Look at my working system unit, it has four hard drives and operating systems are installed on all hard drives, they all start and work being in the system unit together or one at a time. There are no special boot managers installed on any system: EasyBCD 2.0.2 or MultiBoot.

    SiliconPower SSD (120GB) - Windows 8 installed

    SSD ADATA SSD S510 (60GB) - Windows XP installed

    Kingston HyperX 3K SSD (120 GB) - Windows 7 installed

    Western Digital Caviar Blue (250 GB) Simple Hard Drive - Installed Ubuntu Linux

    The secret is simple, install any operating system on the computer, then simply disconnect the hard drive with this Windows from the system unit and connect another hard drive and install another operating system on it, if you have a third hard drive, do the same with it. And now the most important thing, when you install everything and connect all the hard drives to the system unit, how to manage the loading of operating systems?

    If there are several hard drives in the system, the BIOS (AMI) parameter appears Hard Disk Drives,

    And in BIOS (Award) parameter Hard Disk Boot Priority,

    In BIOS UEFI option Hard Drive BBS Priorities, all of them are responsible for the supremacy or priority of hard drives in the system.

    If in any of the above parameters the first is a certain hard disk, then the computer will boot from it first of all by default, since it is the main one. But to quickly change the priority of the hard drive, it is not at all necessary to climb into the BIOS every time and look for these parameters, you can make everything easier.

    Press the Delete or F8 key at boot and enter the boot menu, then use the arrows on the keyboard to select the hard disk with the operating system you need and press Enter, the Windows you selected will load.

    If you most often use a particular operating system, then you need to make it bootable by default.

    Boot option number 1 is the hard disk the operating system on which is loaded by default in the first place. Click on the parameter with the left mouse

    And in the menu that appears, select the hard drive with the Windows we need. For example, I will choose a SiliconPower SSD with Windows 8 installed, as this is my main operating system.

    And yes, the computer restarts and boots Windows 8 on my chosen SiliconPower SSD hard drive.

    If during the day I suddenly need Windows XP, then I reboot, press Delete, enter the boot menu and select the hard drive with Windows XP installed and that's it.

    This happens for various reasons: the specifics of the work, the desire to learn new developments and other very diverse options. Therefore, in this article we will talk about how to properly install more than one operating system on a computer.

    Perhaps we will consider a couple of the most popular OS bundles. I note right away that I will give only a general description of the installation, without delving into its routine details. So let's go...

    Installing Windows XP + Windows 7

    To install such a bundle of operating systems, we need special software in the form of EasyBCD. If you just install these two operating systems, then the one that you installed last will boot. This is due to the fact that Windows simply “overwrites” the loaders of all operating systems that peacefully “lived” before it and leaves only one for “myself beloved”. Therefore, to begin with, we download the program Easy BCD (download ) and leave the installer on some neutral file disk, or you can download it after installing one of the versions of Windows. So, let's start installing the first version of Windows (7 or XP, no matter in what order). When the first version of Windows is installed, feel free to install the second. But, install it, preferably on a separate partition. After installing the second Windows OS, we boot and install the previously downloaded EasyBCD program into the system.

    The program interface is quite simple and clear. A person who knows the basics of the English language can easily deal with this program.

    When you start the EasyBCD program, you will see such a window in front of you (Fig. 1):


    As you can see we have a bootloader Windows 7, which was determined by default, since this system was installed second and is the current one. Now we need to add a new entry to the bootloader so that when we turn on the computer, we can see the line with Windows XP and, accordingly, can boot from under it. To do this, click on the panel on the left "Add New Entry", then choose in paragraph type the required operating system (in this case it is Windows XP), and click, already on the right, Add Entry.


    Everything, the entry in the bootloader has been added, and when you click on the item View Settings, you will see that you already have two entries in the bootloader: Windows 7 and Windows XP. (fig.3)


    Now you can safely restart your computer and boot from under the desired operating system.

    Alternative when installing Linux + Windows (Xp, 7)

    Such a “bundle” is quite common, since many people want to break away from the “windows” and feel the taste of a self-confident “penguin”. With this installation option, you can do without third-party software, and use the standard Linux tools. To do this, we first install Windows, the good old-fashioned way and without any tricks. Then, the turn of Linux comes up, we install it second, again due to the removal of all “foreign” bootloaders by Windows. I want to immediately note the fact that during the Linux installation process, you will be prompted to “use the entire disk”, you do NOT need to do this, unless, of course, your data is dear to you. It is necessary to "bite off" a separate section. After the installation is complete, Linux will create a boot menu where you can select any of the operating systems to boot. But no one deprives you of the right to install these two operating systems using EasyBCD.

    Installing Linux + Windows + Win 7 + Other systems

    With this option, the most convenient method will be, again, EasyBCD. Only in this case, we need to create an entry in Add New Entry, for each of the operating systems, following the example of creating an entry for Windows XP. On the various tabs of the program, you can proceed to create bootloader entries, for Linux and Mac Os. (Fig. 4). Also, if desired, you can add older Windows operating systems: 95.98, NT, etc.


    When installing multiple operating systems, it is important to correctly configure their startup options. It is usually required to achieve the display of all available systems in a separate menu after turning on the computer.


  • One of the most popular problems is the inability to start Windows Seven after installing Windows XP. It is due to the fact that the boot sector of the "Seven" is located on a separate local disk. Use the command line to fix this problem.
  • Boot into the Windows XP operating system. Insert the disk with the Seven files into the drive. Open the "My Computer" menu and see what letter was assigned to the DVD drive with the desired disc.
  • Now press the Win and R keys. Wait for the Run menu to launch. Type the cmd command and press the Enter key. Wait for the Windows console to open.
  • Type the command F: and press Enter. In this case, F is the letter of the DVD drive. Type cd boot to navigate to the specified folder. Now run the boot sector fixer. To do this, type bootsect.exe /nt60 all and press Enter.
  • If you restart your computer, you will be automatically logged into Windows Seven. To create an OS selection menu, go to the command line to drive D, on which Seven is installed.
  • Type cd windows\system32 to navigate to the contents of the desired directory. Now enter the necessary commands one by one, separating them by pressing the Enter key: bcdedit / create (ntldr) / d "Win XP" bcdedit / set (ntldr) description "Win XP" bcdedit / set (ntldr) device partition = C: bcdedit / set ( ntldr) path \ntldrbcdedit /displayorder (ntldr) /addlast.
  • After completing this algorithm, restart your computer. After a while, the operating system selection menu will open. Highlight the desired OS and press the Enter key.
  • If you nevertheless restarted the computer after restoring the Windows Seven bootloader, then when working with the console, enter the command bcdedit / set (ntldr) device partition = \ Device \ HarddiskVolume1 instead of the line bcdtdit / set (ntldr) device partition \u003d C:.
  • Advice added on February 11, 2012 Advice 2: How to boot a second OS Some users of personal computers, in addition to being on the hard drive of the main system, decide to install an additional one. If you follow all the instructions of the software installation wizard, there should be no problems.

    You will need

    • Operating system installation disk.


  • To boot a second operating system from one hard drive, you need to create multiple partitions. In principle, both systems can be installed on the same disk, but you may lose some data, so it's not worth the risk. Before installing the second system, it is necessary to partition the hard disk into several partitions, if this has not been done before. Use one of the following programs: Partition Magic or Acronis Disk Director.
  • Before partitioning a hard disk, it is necessary to save all important information on removable media (CD/DVDs, flash drives). This action will not allow you to remove the necessary files and directories from your hard drive. In some cases, when creating new partitions, to reduce the waiting time for the operation to complete, you have to format them.
  • When installing two operating systems on a hard drive with a total capacity of not more than 320 Gb, it is recommended to create 3 partitions: the "C:" and "D:" drives will be used as system ones, and the "E:" drive as a logical one (for storing information). It may happen that one of the listed letters will be occupied by a CD / DVD drive. Do not worry, in this case, the disks will get the names "D:" and "E:" or "E:" and "F:".
  • Open the CD/DVD drive tray and insert the installation disc. Restart your computer: Click the Start menu, select Shutdown, then Restart, or just Restart.
  • When the computer boots, press the Delete, F2, or Tab button to access the BIOS Setup menu. In the Boot section, specify your drive as the first boot source. To save changes and reboot, press F10 and select Yes.
  • If you are installing the first operating system in a row, you should select the “C:” drive as the main partition. For the second operating system, the second partition is usually used, usually the "D:" drive. Otherwise, the installation of both systems is carried out in the same way as in the case of a single operating system.
  • After installation is complete, restart your computer. When you boot your computer, you will see boot options such as Windows XP and Windows Seven. Move the cursor to the desired line and press the Enter key.
  • How to download a second OS - printable version

    For business, educational and other purposes, the user may need to work on different operating systems. If there is only one computer at home, then the installation of two operating systems can be suggested as a solution.

    There are two ways to install an additional operating system: using a virtual machine, that is, a program inside which Windows or another OS will be installed, or by installing a full-fledged neighbor operating system.
    The disadvantage of the first method is that another one will work inside the running operating system. This leads to the fact that the consumption of RAM doubles. The second method has the disadvantage that when you start the computer, you must immediately decide which OS will be launched - either one or the second.

    In the article below, we will talk about installing two operating systems in the second way.

    Installing two operating systems on a computer

    The further procedure assumes that one operating system is already installed on your computer, for example, Windows 10, and with further actions we will install another one next to it. If you do not have any OS yet, you should install the first version of Windows you want.

    Stage 1: creating a partition for the second operating system

    You should not form a partition from the allocated space, so immediately close the window and proceed to the second or third stage of the procedure.

    Stage 2: Prepare bootable media

    There is a section, now you need to take care of the presence of a bootable USB flash drive or disk. In our work, we will need the UltraISO program, which you can download from the link below, a USB flash drive (or disk), as well as a Windows distribution kit in ISO format, which can be downloaded both from the official Microsoft website and from third-party resources.

    Wait for the program to complete the procedure, after which the program can be closed, and then proceed to the process of installing an additional operating system.

    Stage 3: Entering the BIOS and installing a second operating system

    After that, every time the computer is turned on or restarted, the operating system selection window will be displayed on the screen. If you do not select anything in it, after a while the operating system will be automatically loaded first in the list.