• What does available and not available mean? What does “This type of communication is not available to the subscriber” mean?

    In this article I will tell you what this means " This type connection is not available to the subscriber”, what are the reasons for this phenomenon and how to correct it. For many of us, mobile communications have long become an integral attribute of our lives. Every day we make or receive calls, exchange SMS or MMS, simply communicate or resolve many business issues. At the same time, there are situations when calling a person close or familiar to us, we receive automatic message that “This type of communication is not available to the subscriber.” Assuming problems with the operation of our phone (or the quality of communication), we begin to check the balance of our account, reboot our phone and take many more chaotic steps aimed at solving the problem. Next, I will tell you how to fix this problem.

    What does “This type of communication is not available to the subscriber” mean and what are the reasons for this message

    Before considering the meaning of the message that the type of communication being used is not available, you should first of all focus the reader’s attention on the fact that problems with communication are observed not with the caller, but with the one who are they calling. The latter is usually blocked from making voice calls and receiving incoming calls from the operator, and the reasons for this may be the following:

    I think you understand what it means “This type of communication is not available to the subscriber” and when it appears this message.

    How to get through if this type of communication is not available to the subscriber?

    So, if you receive an automatic message that “this type of communication is not available to the subscriber,” then most likely you are calling one of the numbers MTS subscriber (Mobile Tele System) who has (or has blocked) incoming calls blocked for any reason. For other operators, usually the message I am considering has a modified lexical form like “This number (or subscriber) is not in service” (Megafon); “The number you dialed is temporarily blocked” (Beeline) and so on.

    Action 1. First try wait a little, calling back after a while. If this is an operator failure or simply your subscriber is in the metro where the signal level is weak, then with a little patience and patience, you will be able to get through to the person you need.

    Action 2. If a subscriber's number is blocked for financial reasons, the most simple option there will be a solution to the problem top up the mobile account of the person you are calling. It is quite possible that the latter is currently experiencing certain financial difficulties, and if you want to urgently contact him at important matter, then it will be easier to simply top up his mobile account. Today operators allow you to do this without special problems, using both terminals located nearby, and using SMS, online banking, and so on. Moreover, if your subscriber is roaming abroad, it is worth topping up his account with a qualitatively larger amount than would be necessary for calls within the country.

    Action 3. It is also worth trying alternative ways to contact the subscriber. Use various Internet messengers, email, SIM cards of other operators, calls to the mobile phones of his family and friends, in short, those methods that will help you contact the person you need. At the same time, by blocking incoming calls, operators often leave the possibility of receiving incoming SMS, so if you need to notify the subscriber about some event, you can try sending him an SMS message. IN best case scenario you can even receive a reply SMS, since the fee for the latter, even in roaming, is not so high.

    In extreme cases, you can call hotline your operator, tell us about the specifics of your problem and ask if the operator currently has problems with communication and what you should do in this situation.

    If an error occurs when they call you

    Well, if they can’t get through to you, receiving the mentioned message “This type of communication is not available to the subscriber,” then you should look at your account balance, and also make sure that you haven’t accidentally blocked incoming calls (you can cancel the blocking by typing ##002 on your phone’s keypad # or an alternative code that is relevant specifically for your device).

    If you are blocked for financial reasons, you should contact the nearest contact center of your mobile operator with your passport and the amount necessary to pay off the debts in your account to correct the problem.


    In the vast majority of cases, the user receives the message “This type of communication is not available to the subscriber” when calling an MTS subscriber number that was previously blocked by the operator for financial reasons. To unblock the possibility of incoming calls to this number, it will be enough to pay off the financial debt on the specified mobile account, which will allow you to make and receive calls via to this number V standard mode. It also doesn’t hurt to check your device for accidental blocking of incoming calls - if this does happen, then use a special code to unblock the latter on your device.

    What does “this type of communication is not available to the subscriber” mean?

      Information on this topic You can check on the MTS website or with your support operator. But I can't guarantee it will help you. A friend of mine has an MTS operator and he has the phrase this type of communication is not available to the subscriber pronounced in various situations. Logically, it should mean that a person does not have enough money. And since incoming calls are free in our country, it means he is abroad and does not have enough funds to receive a call. But when my friend stupidly rides the subway and is unavailable, I also hear this phrase when calling.

      Probably almost everyone is familiar with the phrase This type of communication is not available to the subscriber, which we hear when we call this or that subscriber. More often, of course, this happens if the person you are calling has run out of funds in their account, or their balance has gone into minus. So he can't receive calls. It is also possible that the subscriber you are trying to reach is blocked. So everything is fine with your phone and SIM card.

      The phrase This type of communication is not available to the subscriber in most cases can be translated as follows: Would the subscriber want to top up his balance? Another very common option is temporarily blocked by MTS.

      In order to understand what the phrase This type of communication is not available to the subscriber means.

      (Sorry, this type of call cannot be setup) you can view this information on the MTS website. It describes all types of blocking, messages issued and methods for removing blocking. So, in order to unblock the specified phrase, you need to:

      • top up your account to an amount sufficient to pay for the necessary services;
      • pay the invoice.
    • If the answering machine reports that this type of communication is not available to the subscriber (in English it sounds like this: Sorry, this type of call cannot be setup), then this means that number blocked. In this case, both paid and free services are not available to the subscriber. You can unblock a number by topping up your balance. More information about the types of blocking and how to determine the blocking can be found on the MTS website.

      This type of communication is not available to the subscriber (standard MTS excuse) if the called subscriber has little money in his account or a negative balance.

      Anyway, don't worry, there's nothing wrong with your phone.

      Try calling your subscriber 2-3 times again, you usually get through.

      The mobile operator MTS (Mobile Tele Systems) has long introduced the practice of blocking subscribers with a negative balance, provided that they do not use the credit limit service or have gone beyond the provided credit.

      If you call an MTS subscriber and hear in response the phrase this type of communication is not available to the subscriber, it means the person does not have enough money on his balance mobile phone. As soon as he deposits money into the account, you can call him without any problems.

      Yes, everything is simple here...

      Any operator in the world has a certain type of service, which is divided into areas and dates; the ability to perform something using mobile gadget of this operator. All these services are divided into paid and free, but both of them must first be activated before they are available for use...

      Let me use an example: there is such a type of service as fax transmission. Almost all operators have it disabled by default, and if you suddenly want to send a fax to someone or receive it, then you first need to activate it, to do this, find out from the operator whether it is paid or not... Until it is activated, when done, you will receive an SMS or in a robot voice they will say:

      this type of communication is not available to the subscriber

      the same thing happens if you have any type of service disconnected, for example, for non-payment or at the end of the validity period...

    • This type of communication is not available to the subscriber

      People also write that the message “This type of communication is not available to the subscriber” may appear if the subscriber has a negative balance. The specific amount depends on the tariff plan. And if the subscriber is in the subway.

    • This message may occur in several cases.

      If you run out of money in your account.

      If the activation period for any service has expired and it needs to be renewed or paid for.

      If you are in a place where the signal reception is very weak or not received at all.

      It’s possible that something could have happened to the SIM card, so if you hear this phrase quite often and you can’t fix it, contact the office mobile operator, or better yet, change the SIM card (if you ask, they can even issue a new SIM card for the same number).

      MTS in lately very often uses the phrase This type of communication is not available to the subscriber on the answering machine. This phrase means that the subscriber has a negative balance, and this type of communication is not available to him. Also, such a phrase may mean that the subscriber was blocked for not using MTS services (if you do not top up your account for a long time, do not call or send SMS, the SIM card is blocked, this happened to me with a SIM card from the MTS operator).

      I heard this answer when I called the number of a SIM card located in a 3G modem. Those. this number is not intended for receiving incoming calls, in other words, THIS TYPE OF COMMUNICATION IS NOT AVAILABLE FOR THE SUBSCRIBER. Everything is logical!

      At the same time, SMS and outgoing calls are allowed (via Connect Manager you can dial a number and make calls via a computer)

      Sometimes the phone handset will say this type of communication is not available to the subscriber. This usually means that your account has run out of money or you have gone into the red and you can no longer make calls.

      Sometimes there are problems with calls.

      You should either check your balance on your phone, if it is in the black, then call the desired subscriber again, preferably calling from a different location (take a couple of steps).


    Sometimes you can hear in MTS “this type of communication is not available.” What does it mean? This means that not all telecommunications services are provided and available to the subscriber you are calling.

    Typically, this situation arises for a number of reasons, and this can be either with the consent of the subscriber or forcibly. You can receive such a voice message from the operator for the following reasons:

    • if the balance on the personal account is negative, incoming messages are often disabled, as they are provided on a paid basis;
    • when blocking a number: permanent or temporary with the knowledge of the owner of the number;
    • in some cases, if there is a malfunction of telecommunications equipment in the region where the subscriber is located;
    • if the SIM card is damaged;
    • if it is difficult to obtain cellular signal within the network coverage area.

    A similar voice notification “This type of communication is not available for MTS subscribers” appeared in the practice of the largest provider quite recently. The practice of providing free services for incoming calls is already a thing of the past. Free inbox is only available on select plans. Accordingly, if the quota within the monthly fee is exhausted, incoming messages may also become unavailable to the subscriber.

    In another case, such a message is issued when the phone is voluntarily blocked, for example, when traveling abroad. This measure allows you to suspend the provision of services for a certain period; it is provided free of charge for two weeks. The service is then provided with a daily subscription fee.

    No money

    So, you are faced with a situation where the subscriber you are interested in does not have incoming call services available. Of course, you are interested in the question of how you can reach the person you are interested in. If incoming calls were only available, but literally just like that you stopped calling. This may mean the limit is exhausted and a “minus” appears on the account.

    In this case, the service on the number will be resumed when the account is topped up. If you top up the subscriber’s account, your inbox will become available – call your friend or relative right away and don’t worry. Send an SMS with your phone on and open list numbers, your friend will definitely receive a message.


    Another reason for such a phrase that subscribers may forget about is blocking. Operators can block the use of the phone if the account has not been replenished for a long time or there are debts. When there is a negative balance, it comes information message, it is recommended to top up your account to receive incoming calls and avoid blocking.

    The reason may also be voluntary blocking by the client. This is usually necessary to avoid overpaying for unnecessary services when going on vacation. Try dialing the number you need after 14 days (this is the period free use voluntary blocking service) or send an SMS. If the phone is not blocked, but in roaming, the subscriber can receive a message.

    Network failure

    In some cases, using a card in your home region or roaming in Russia, you cannot use the service and call other regions, or they cannot reach you. In this case, you often hear that the desired interlocutor does not use this type of communication. This may be due to an accident or network repair, and not because it blocked the phone.

    Send a message just in case if you cannot wait long for the repair work to be completed. The SMS will be delivered as soon as possible.

    SIM card

    If you are with a friend or when your own phone is working and you are calling your mobile phone or calling a friend, you again hear the phrase about temporary blocking, with a probable positive balance, and this continues for several days, in such situations you need to check the operation of the SIM card. We can go on and on about how the company is to blame for poor telecom service, but perhaps the lack of communication is the fault of the person who owns the phone. If there is a sufficient amount of funds, when the payment has been credited in the required amount and on time, and there are no repairs, we can talk about a faulty SIM card as a result of mechanical damage, prolonged exposure to water, etc. How to find out and fix it:

    • call the support service back from a mobile (0890) or landline phone (8 800 250 8 250), find out your balance and information about the lack of repair work on the line in your region;
    • Contact the MTS salon with a request to check the card, it will be replaced if it malfunctions.

    After this, the connection can be used without restrictions.

    Phone disconnected

    Usually, when the phone is turned off, the voice answering machine reports that the subscriber is unavailable because the device is turned off. How can this be fixed? Obviously, you won’t be able to get through instantly using a mobile phone. You can contact us by sending an SMS on the website or from your number. If the service items include receiving free SMS, and the subscriber has enough money in his account when the device is working, he will receive a message.

    SMS as a type of communication always works if the number is available on the network. You may not be able to make a call, but you can send a request to get in touch in one way or another. The only negative is that the subscriber will receive the message only if he turns on working phone within the acceptable delivery time.


    If you have poor reception on your phone and it sounds voice message When calling a cell phone number, viewing the company's coverage can help. Moreover, this is typical even for those cases when the balance is not negative. Possible for confident reception You need to top up your account and activate roaming services.

    In an example it would look like this:

    • Uncertain reception may occur in remote regions with only 2G coverage;
    • a message about the unavailability of the service may come in areas of uncertain reception when crossing the border of the Home region or Russia. This is typical for border zones, when coverage and addressing location are not accurately determined;
    • possible when using LTE standard and USIM, in some cases, when establishing trans-standard 4G/2G communications, malfunctions may occur. Call back again or temporarily set your phone to use 2G only.

    These tips will help you get through to your contact person. We wish you good luck and pleasant communication.

    For many people, staying connected is very important. Often they ask the same from their close people and just acquaintances. Therefore, when they are faced with the fact that someone’s phone is not answering, it confuses them, especially if instead of the usual beeps, an auto-informer sounds. The worst things often come to such people’s minds. But most likely, everything is fine with the relative. You just need to correctly interpret the answering machine phrases.

    One of these autoinformer messages is: “This data is not available to the subscriber.” This phrase can be heard for a variety of reasons. And the first thing you need to check is the amount of money in the caller’s account. It is possible that there are simply not enough funds to make such a call. You also need to cancel the ban on outgoing calls using the combination #33*0000# or 002#.

    If after this you hear in response that this type of communication is not available to the subscriber, then this is due to the called number. There may be several reasons. The most common of them is a negative subscriber balance when roaming. In this case, until the money arrives in the account, you will not be able to reach him by phone. True, he will still be able to receive SMS.

    Another reason could be accidental or intentional established ban for incoming calls. In this case, you just need to cancel it, and the subscriber will be able to receive calls. To do this, you need to dial the combinations #35*0000# and 002#. If in this case the system responds that this type of communication is not available to the subscriber, it is possible that his number is blocked. To resume service, you can take your passport to the nearest office or contact center of your mobile operator. A specialist will be able to quickly resolve this problem.

    But it also happens that this type of communication is not available to the subscriber, and specifically to the one who is calling. It is possible that his number was simply added to the Black List. In this case, you can only do one thing - call from another phone. If you managed to get through, then most likely it is so. Unfortunately, until the subscriber himself removes the number from this list, nothing can be done.

    If all the reasons have been eliminated, but the situation has not changed, and this type of communication is not available to the subscriber anyway, you need to reboot telephone set and move the SIM card to another mobile phone. If this does not help, then you need to contact your mobile operator for help. There may be a problem in the network and the problem needs to be repaired. You just need to be prepared for the fact that it will take some time to solve the problem that has arisen. Although, of course, any cellular company does everything possible to resolve issues as quickly as possible.

    In any case, do not be afraid that the subscriber is unavailable. You can always find out what this auto-informer message means on the company’s website or by contacting its consultants at the contact center or the nearest office. And after that, take all the actions they recommend. It will probably turn out that everything is solvable, and in the near future you will be able to easily contact the called party.

    Today, mobile communications have become an integral part of the life and work of any person touched by the hand of civilization. But you have to pay for communication, and if an MTS subscriber, when dialing a number, is overtaken by a treacherous phrase like “There is not enough money in your account...”, the procedure is extremely clear. But when he hears “This type of communication is not available...”, the further algorithm for solving the problem is not entirely clear, even to the point of panic. In fact, there may be several reasons for such an operator reaction, and the subscriber must navigate them.

    The first reason is intuitive.

    MTS, like other mobile operators, usually informs its subscriber that he has exceeded the limit by personal account, which automatically means it is impossible to make outgoing calls or surf the Internet. The service voice message when trying to make a call is in some way similar to the notification “This type of communication is not available...”. It is therefore not surprising that the first consideration that comes to mind is the lack of funds to make calls. Moreover, oddly enough, this message does not refer to the subscriber who is making outgoing call, but to the one who accepts it.

    Most often, a similar situation can happen if the receiving party is roaming. In this case, both interlocutors are forced to pay for the call, and if the account balance is not commensurate with the current tariffs, the calling party will receive a corresponding notification. Statistics show that usually replenishing the balance immediately solves the problem.

    Reason two - automatic

    The next case that directly or indirectly causes the voice message “This type of communication is not available...” when trying to call from an MTS number is blocking the target subscriber. The reasons for such an action can be different: either the subscriber himself voluntarily blocked the number, or he does not have enough funds in his account. By the way, specific reason The system does not name blocking, limiting itself to a general disclaimer.

    If we look at the operator’s comments on this matter, it turns out that the robot automatically generates a notification without going into details. Such an incident can only be resolved by unblocking the number personally, or by topping up the account balance to enough to make calls.

    Reason three - technical failure

    Despite the fact that the equipment and the principles themselves mobile communications are constantly being improved, the notification “This type of communication is not available...” may also indicate that personal problems subscriber, but about a failure in the MTS network itself. It is logical to assume that if the system crashes for some reason, then technically the ability to make outgoing/incoming calls, send messages or surf the Internet is not available.

    Considering the incident described above with the moment of blocking, the system in this case will not go into details, limiting itself to a general disclaimer. The only difference from previous cases is the practical impossibility of influencing the problem in any way - you will have to wait until the technical glitch is resolved by the support service.

    Reason four - identifier

    Another reason for informing an MTS subscriber that “This type of communication is not available...” is the difference in the intended purpose of the SIM cards used. The fact is that most of the operator’s clients use SIM cards that are initially aimed at making voice calls and, at the same time, wireless access to the Internet.

    At the same time, the company also sells other SIM cards that are intended exclusively for organizing web surfing, for example, as part of the “Home Internet and TV” service. Such identifiers are by default unable to support voice communication and there is no way to solve the problem that arises, except perhaps by purchasing a new universal SIM card.

    Reason five - banal

    The next annoying misunderstanding, which leads to an announcement for an MTS subscriber like “This type of communication is not available...”, may be a simply disconnected device of the intended interlocutor. In most cases, the notification has a slightly different, more familiar content for everyone about “being out of network coverage” or “temporarily unavailable.”

    But, as mentioned above, the notification is generated automatically by the system, without operator participation, so surprises are possible from time to time.

    Reason six - network

    Well, the last objective reason that “This type of communication is not available...” for an MTS subscriber may be the network signal, or rather, its low level or complete absence. As a rule, this situation causes various kinds of failures for operators, and therefore it should not be surprising that when trying outgoing call an already well-known phrase will sound.

    Message “This type of communication is not available to the subscriber” sounds on a mobile network in cases where, for one reason or another, the subscriber’s voice call service is completely blocked. Situations when the operator blocks incoming messages voice calls, maybe several. We will look at them in this article.

    Let’s say right away that if you hear this message, this does not mean that you have been included in the “Black List” or that the subscriber is dropping your calls.

    The balance is zero: the operator is blocking incoming messages

    The problem of combating the reluctance of subscribers to pay for communications is part of the “corporate culture” of telecom operators. And many subscribers, having a negative balance on their account, did not top up their account, continuing to work “for reception”. Therefore, the operator invented such a preventive measure as “blocking for financial reasons.”

    If your subscriber’s balance is negative (note, not zero, but less than zero), incoming calls are blocked, and the “type of communication” becomes “unavailable”. There can be two options for solving the problem:

    • If you need to get in touch urgently, you can simply top up your subscriber’s number. It is enough to pay a hundred rubles so that the number is unblocked and you can make a call.
    • Contact the subscriber via alternate communication channels, including SIM cards of other operators, electronic channels, etc.
    • Try sending SMS. Blocking of incoming SMS by the operator is not practiced.

    Call barring while roaming

    • Or he doesn’t have enough money in his account (not enough for even 1 minute of incoming calls)
    • He independently set a ban on incoming messages because he did not want to pay for them.

    By default, the connection is active when roaming. But incoming calls are very expensive, in some countries the price is several dollars per minute. Therefore, the following scenario is quite possible: a person has gone abroad, and you call him. Then the call is disconnected, and after you call him back again, you hear that “This type of communication is not available to the subscriber.” This just means that the money in the account instantly disappeared, and now the subscriber cannot receive incoming messages.

    In this case, you should also use SMS and send a message. Or try to call other numbers, if available.

    Voluntary number blocking

    Mobile operators provide a number “preservation” service, the so-called “voluntary blocking”. This service allows you to avoid blocking a number for financial reasons, as well as other sanctions for the subscriber’s inaction. For the voluntary blocking service, 1 ruble is debited every day.

    If a subscriber has activated the voluntary blocking service, he is subject to the same restrictions as when blocked at the initiative of the operator. Accordingly, voice calls become prohibited for him. Therefore, the solution to the problem is to try to call another number.

    How do I know if I'm blacklisted?

    By and large, this can only be determined by indirect factors. The only thing you can know for sure is that the hang-up signal “This type of communication is not available to the subscriber” is not used to block subscribers on the black list. If you hear the message “The subscriber’s device is turned off...”, this may indicate blacklisting. The best way checks - call from another number.

    If instead of the usual beeps on the phone you hear “ this type of communication is not available for MTS subscribers”, then the first action of most people will be to check their own balance. But the assumption that the account has run out of funds and, what good, will have to, will not be confirmed.

    Cases when the phrase about an unavailable type of communication for an MTS subscriber implies debt

    Your money is fine, but the person you called is clearly in debt mobile operator. By calling back to any other available number, you will be convinced of this: the call will go through without any restrictions. But the subscriber, when dialing whose number you heard a similar phrase, not only paid, but also free services are not available. In order to return to communication on the MTS network, he needs to top up his account to an amount sufficient to make a call or send a message. And if the subscriber’s tariff plan has a minimum positive balance, then the amount must be paid taking into account the amount of the specified balance.

    Cases when the phrase about inaccessible form communication for an MTS subscriber cannot be associated with debt

    The words in question may also be heard if the person you called has turned on voluntary blocking. This happens when the number is not used for a long time or when leaving the country without using a Russian number in roaming and other cases when a phone with an MTS card becomes unnecessary for some time. It may also happen that the phone is lost or stolen, for this reason the subscriber has blocked it, occupied it and is temporarily unavailable for calls.

    It happens that you hear a similar phrase when you call a very close person, for example, a husband or sibling, and you know for sure that he did not go anywhere and did not turn on the blocking. Moreover, the debt on the mobile account could not lead to the disconnection of incoming communications, since the “On full confidence"or simply a loan. However, in this case, the phrase does not mean anything other than disabling the subscriber’s paid and free services: just as the user of an MTS number cannot call anyone, neither can he. This is most often due to the fact that a person simply forgot to pay the invoice for the previous month. Therefore, in order to correct the situation, you just need to pay the amount that was formed based on the results of the previous month.

    For many people, staying connected is very important. Often they ask the same from their close people and just acquaintances. Therefore, when they are faced with the fact that someone’s phone is not answering, it confuses them, especially if instead of the usual beeps, an auto-informer sounds. The worst things often come to such people’s minds. But most likely, everything is fine with the relative. You just need to correctly interpret the answering machine phrases.

    One of these autoinformer messages is: “This data is not available to the subscriber.” This phrase can be heard for a variety of reasons. And the first thing you need to check is the amount of money in the caller’s account. It is possible that there are simply not enough funds to make such a call. You also need to cancel the ban on outgoing calls using the combination #33*0000# or ##002#.

    If after this you hear in response that this type of communication is not available to the subscriber, then this is due to the called number. There may be several reasons. The most common of them is a negative subscriber balance when roaming. In this case, until the money arrives in the account, you will not be able to reach him by phone. True, he will still be able to receive SMS.

    Another reason could be an accidental or intentional ban on incoming calls. In this case, you just need to cancel it, and the subscriber will be able to receive calls. To do this, you need to dial the combinations #35*0000# and ##002#. If in this case the system responds that this type of communication is not available to the subscriber, it is possible that his number is blocked. To resume service, you can take your passport to the nearest office or contact center of your mobile operator. A specialist will be able to quickly resolve this problem.

    But it also happens that this type of communication is not available to the subscriber, and specifically to the one who is calling. It is possible that his number was simply added to the Black List. In this case, you can only do one thing - call from another phone. If you managed to get through, then most likely it is so. Unfortunately, until the subscriber himself removes the number from this list, nothing can be done.

    If all the reasons have been eliminated, but the situation has not changed, and this type of communication is not available to the subscriber anyway, you need to restart the phone and move the SIM card to another mobile phone. If this does not help, then you need to contact your mobile operator for help. There may be a problem in the network and the problem needs to be repaired. You just need to be prepared for the fact that it will take some time to solve the problem that has arisen. Although, of course, any cellular company does everything possible to resolve issues as quickly as possible.

    In any case, do not be afraid that the subscriber is unavailable. You can always find out what this auto-informer message means on the company’s website or by contacting its consultants at the contact center or the nearest office. And after that, take all the actions they recommend. It will probably turn out that everything is solvable, and in the near future you will be able to easily contact the called party.

    What does it mean that this type of communication is not available to MTS subscribers? Many people are confused when they hear such words for the first time and cannot understand what happened. They try to call back and get the same answer. Was it blocked by the operator, did something happen to the SIM card or some other reason, how can I find the answer? One question that worries me is what to do first to restore mobile communications. We will tell you in detail about common causes and solutions.

    Main reasons

    In its practice, the MTS company often uses such methods of blocking SIM cards for a number of reasons, but they still believe that the main one is - zero balance on the phone for a long time. In this way, the operator is trying to stimulate customers to periodically top up their mobile account.

    And that's not all, not only is it impossible to make an outgoing call if negative balance Strict restrictions are also imposed on incoming calls. The only way out of this situation is to immediately top up your main account.

    The following common factors indicate the reasons:

    • a negative balance on the number, which even blocks incoming calls;
    • the owner has blocked the SIM card on a temporary or permanent basis;
    • network failure when technical work in companies providing communications;
    • problems with the SIM card (it is old, its surface has worn off);
    • poor coverage area, weak signal for connection.

    Negative balance

    The phone has zero balance or the balance is in the minus – this is a fairly common reason why the operator completely blocks the subscriber’s SIM card. The only correct solution would be to immediately deposit cash to balance.

    • The subscriber uses a tariff without subscription fee, then to unblock incoming calls, you should top up your balance with a small amount.
    • The tariff is on a prepaid payment system; to unlock the number you will have to top up your account with an amount equal to the monthly fee.

    To avoid an unpleasant situation, many Mobile TeleSystem subscribers subscribe to the convenient “Autopayment” service. The function produces automatic replenishment balance of the attached number, so you don’t have to constantly check your account and worry.

    Blocking a number

    When making a call, the answering machine reports the unpleasant news that this type of communication is not available in two cases: the user did not try to top up the account on time or blocked the SIM card on his own.

    1. The company permanently blocks the number if reminders to deposit money into the account are ignored for a long time. Such non-compliance with the terms of the contract leads to its termination.
    2. The number is temporarily blocked by the user. Many subscribers take such measures in order to save money. For example, when traveling abroad, an MTS client does not want to use tariff services in roaming, there may be other reasons why a subscriber blocks his card on his own.

    Note! If you need to disconnect a number, but don’t want to miss necessary calls , The operator recommends activating the option to forward all incoming calls to a new active number.

    Network failures

    A breakdown in the telecommunications company's internal network is not uncommon for these types of answering machine messages. A possible factor in network failure is the user’s remoteness from the city, in a place where there is not much good area coverage and weak signal.

    In order to figure out what actually prevents you from making a call when your account balance is positive, we recommend periodically calling back at certain intervals. If you still cannot make a call, you can contact technical service support and clarify the current situation.

    Note! You can try sending to the right contact the message, as soon as the network appears, it will be delivered immediately. Automatic notification about the delivered SMS, it will inform you that a network has appeared.

    The subscriber is out of range

    Everyone who has ever tried to call a disconnected number has heard this answering machine notification - the subscriber is unavailable. In this case, there is little that can be done to call the desired contact. Just be patient and wait until the disconnected number deigns to connect.

    If the “I was called” service is disabled for the desired contact, then you will not be able to wait for an SMS notification that he has contacted you. The only solution to leaving a reminder about yourself with a request to call back is:

    • send SMS;
    • use the voice service.

    As soon as the subscriber turns on the phone, he will immediately receive the left messages. The exception is numbers where all services are disabled or with a negative balance.


    In some cases, it is impossible to do without roaming services; in many tariff plans these services are provided by default. But perhaps it is tariff package the subscriber did not provide for such services. Therefore, in order not to lose your mobile connection while traveling, carefully double-check the availability of all necessary service options and connect if necessary.

    The inability to receive a weak signal means that the subscriber, in at the moment is located in a not very convenient coverage area. These may be border regions; during a trip, for example, a bus or train crosses the border of another state, on whose territory telecommunication services of foreign providers operate.

    The following reasons should be taken into account:

    • weak signal reception is observed in remote areas with 2G coverage;
    • In almost all border zones, signals overlap; poorly defined coverage knocks the number out of the network;
    • If one subscriber uses an LTE 4G or USIM card, and the second uses other standards, for example, 2G, then in this case the network failure is guaranteed. Before making a call, you should set the same standard between contacts.

    The SIM card is used in a modem or other device

    Very often, active users of Internet resources use smartphones and tablets as a modem. Using a valid SIM card with Internet access World Wide Web on devices that do not support telephone communication, naturally leads to the inability to accept incoming calls.

    This situation occurs among regular Internet users; they rarely use cellular communication, but they activate TPs with the highest traffic volumes, which often do not provide a package of minutes for calls. The solution to the problem is to select and activate in the tariff additional option for telephone conversations.

    Note! The MTS provider offers active users of Internet services to purchase separate SIM cards for modems that do not accept incoming calls.

    All listed options act as reasons to hear an answering machine on the phone, with an unpleasant notification that this type of communication is not available to the subscriber. You should not immediately give in to panic; after waiting for some time, you should try to call the desired contact again. Many people turn off their phone when visiting a doctor or salon; the connection can be disrupted on the subway. If the attempt is unsuccessful again, try to contact in other ways, through social networks or email.