• What are Subscriptions on VKontakte? What are they for? What is a subscription in a contact?

    In January 2011, on our contact pages we saw a new “subscription” option. Innovations are always accompanied by a lot of questions. What subscriptions in contact mean and where they come from is not clear to everyone.

    What are subscriptions in contact

    Let's consider the history and evolution of subscriptions in contact. After all, the very appearance of subscriptions is shrouded in mystery, and since that moment they have already undergone significant changes: the old subscriptions remain, but you cannot subscribe to someone again... What happened and where did the subscribers in VKontakte disappear?

    Innovations January 2011

    The trick is that previously it was possible to become a fan of a member of the VKontakte social network who has a rating of at least 200, and you could turn out to be an idol for someone if your rating is more than 200. In January, they simply simply replaced the name “fans” with "subscribers", and "idols" to "subscriptions". After such innovations, anyone could subscribe to your page in contact, and you would see it under your avatar. Under it it says “my subscribers”; opposite it will be a certain number of people who have subscribed to you. By clicking on this button, you will see who exactly is your subscriber. And most importantly, the ability to subscribe does not depend on a person’s rating!

    Innovations October 2011

    In October, the administration of the social network surprised users with yet another changes. There is no longer a “Subscribe to updates” button on any person’s page under their avatar. But the “Add as friends” button remains. As soon as you click on it, you automatically become a subscriber of this member. After he views your friend request, but does not want to add you, you will remain with him as a subscriber. You can do the same with your friend requests on your personal page. By leaving a person in your subscriptions, then, if you want, you can add him as a friend at any time.

    Why is this new VKontakte subscription system made? Initially on pages of popular people such as Leonid Veselov, for example, a huge, meaningless number of users asked to be friends. I had to constantly convert them to subscribers. Most, just in case, were added as both followers and friends of celebrities by clicking on both links. Why create such confusion?!

    It’s interesting that you have the right to hide your subscribers from other members of the social network. Go to the settings in the "Privacy" tab and select who will be visible in the list of your friends and applications.

    What does subscription mean in contact, and how to subscribe

    So, if you have never used the fans and idols function, we will explain what a subscription in contact means. By subscribing to the page of any person, you will see all the changes to his page in your news feed.

    Previously, many people wondered why follow one of their friends if news about this person’s page already appears in the feed. The fact of the matter is that there was no point in adding friends to your subscriptions! Now, thanks to the new friend request system, there will be no such confusion. The subscription function in a contact means that the news feed displays changes not only from friends, but also from people you are interested in who are not included in your friends list. Let's say that famous people who are registered in contact cannot endlessly add all their real fans as friends.

    How to subscribe to a contact you are interested in:

    1. You need to find the page of the right person and go to it.
    2. Under his avatar, find the “Add as a friend” button and click on it.
    3. If the user does not add you as a friend, you will remain as a follower. Now, among the updates of your friends, all the updates of this person will appear in the news.

    Who follows me and who I follow in contact:

    1. Open your page in contact, and on the left under the list of friends there will be a list of “Interesting Pages” - these are your subscriptions, that is, those people whose updates you have subscribed to.
    2. If you want to cancel your friend request (that is, subscription), simply go to the user’s page and under the avatar, point to the link “You are subscribed to...”, here click “cancel”.
    3. You can also find out if anyone has subscribed to your updates. To do this, under your avatar, see if there is a “my subscribers” button. If it is not there, then no one has subscribed to your updates yet. And if the button exists, then the number of people interested in your news is marked opposite it. By clicking on “my subscribers”, a person will see exactly who has subscribed and wants to follow him. You can also go to the “My Friends” link and look at the “Requests” tab.

    Having only recently registered on VKontakte, the user may not understand what a large number of subscribers gives. And, to be honest, not all of the regulars know this. But many intuitively strive for more friends and subscribers! And for good reason.

    In fact, a larger number of followers on a social network affects not only the authority of your page in the eyes of others, but also the functions that are available to you on the site. And not everyone knows about this.

    But let's talk about all this in more detail below. This article will make you a VKontakte subscriber professional.

    Revealing secrets

    In fact, sometimes, a larger number of subscribers is much more profitable than the number of friends. But what do subscribers in VKontakte give? Here is a list that will help you better understand the social network system:

    By the way, did you know that Pavel Durov has the largest number of VKontakte subscribers? Today he has more than six million of them. So, for comparison, Dmitry Medvedev has a little more than two million. By the way, we dedicated one of the articles on our website to this. We recommend that you read it if you don’t know how to do this.

    In addition to all of the above, I would also like to say that the number of subscribers affects the internal search results of VKontakte. The more of them you have, the higher you will be in searches for queries like “First Name Last Name”.

    In addition, of course, the more people follow your page, the more significant it will seem. The same as your opinion expressed on this social network. Such is human psychology. If we see that a person is popular, then his opinion is more correct.

    Today we will talk about the most famous social network. networks in CIS countries VKontakte and her failed project “Boom” with paid subscriptions for the functions of saving and listening to background music on Vkontakte, and I will also explain how can I get a paid subscription for free? for life from this application. I think that there is no point in representing VKontakte, which cannot be said about its brainchild - the “Boom” application for Android. Boom- a player, although with fairly good functionality, which is used on all Android devices, but also receives very negative reviews from almost more than half of VK users. Yes, he can save, listen, share music, view the wall, download music from there, but you have to pay for it, and this is not very good news for us.

    And so that listen to and download music from VKontakte for free, we need:

    1. Open page with the "Account" section on a PC
    2. Pre-downloaded app
    3. Linked card with money for subscription (Don't worry, it will come back right away)
    1) Go to the Boom application
    2) Go to settings (3 dots on the top right)
    3) Click "Change tariff plan"
    4) Buy a monthly subscription, indicating your prepared card with money
    5) IMMEDIATELY go to the prepared Google play page
    6) Go to the "Account" section

    7) We are looking for our
    8) Click on the 3 dots on the right - report an error
    9) Select as in the screenshot

    10) Next we write the reason, something like this, write your own

    11) Click "Submit"
    12) We are waiting for an SMS that our money has been returned


    Among the many social networks, the VKontakte resource stands out. Initially, it was created as a place of communication for active youth, and a little later it began to be filled with various useful and interesting services. For example, the network now has one of the largest music archives on the RuNet. The success of VKontakte, among other things, can easily be explained by the fact that its development does not stand still. The design is regularly updated and new options appear that make the processes of communication and information exchange even more exciting. One of the most interesting services are the so-called subscriptions. Let's try to understand what VKontakte subscriptions are and why they are needed.

    Subscription service: what is it?

    The VKontakte “subscription” service appeared quite a long time ago and confidently entered the lives of most users of the resource. But many still ask the question: “What are VKontakte subscriptions?” The main purpose of the option is to be able to quickly find out about changes that have occurred on the page of a person you are interested in. The definition of “change” includes status updates, newly added photos, and wall posts. Now that it has become clear why VKontakte subscriptions are needed, we will introduce you to the principle of their operation.

    How does this service work?

    Subscribing is easy. To do this, just send a friend request to the user you are interested in. In this case, everything will be processed automatically, regardless of whether you have been added as a friend. Of course, based on privacy protection, any user can limit access to information by subscription. In this case, you will receive only those news that he specified in the option settings. But users do not have the option to completely prohibit others from subscribing to themselves, except perhaps for the option of blacklisting a specific subscriber. In all other cases, you must remember that any VKontakte member can subscribe to you.

    What is the service for?

    If we have not yet answered the question about what VKontakte subscriptions are, then it is worth explaining that the main idea of ​​the service is the ability not to lose a person from your visibility zone, remaining an observer from the outside or an active interlocutor. This option is relevant for celebrity users and their official fan clubs, for whom it is important to disseminate information about ongoing events and share news. Often the social network VKontakte is used as a platform for the presentation and distribution of various goods/services. What does a VKontakte subscription give to online entrepreneurs? Thanks to the service, they have the opportunity to send their subscribers up-to-date information about new products, promotions, and posted presentation videos. Now that you know exactly what VKontakte subscriptions are, all you have to do is figure out how they can be useful specifically for you. All the new emerging services, of course, make our communication on social networks not only pleasant, but also useful, and in some cases, quite profitable from a financial point of view.

    Nowadays, on the social network VKontakte, as well as on most similar sites, there is a practice among users of subscribing to other people for one purpose or another, for example, to increase their profile rating. Despite the widespread use of this procedure, there are still VK.com users who do not know how to correctly subscribe to another person’s page.

    To begin with, you should immediately pay attention to the fact that the subscription process is available to absolutely any owner of a personal page. Moreover, within the framework of the VK social network, this functionality has a close connection with tools designed for friendship with other users.

    In total, VK.com offers two types of subscription, each of which has advantages and disadvantages. Also, the choice of the type of subscription to another person depends on the initial reason that led to such a need.

    Since you are directly interacting with another person's personal profile during the subscription process, that user can easily undo any actions you have taken.

    Before proceeding with the main instructions, please note that in order to subscribe to a person on VKontakte, you do not need to meet the following requirements, depending on the type of subscription:

    • not be on the user's blacklist;
    • not be on the user's friends list.

    Be that as it may, only the first rule is mandatory, while the additional one will still be violated.

    Method 1: subscribe via friend request

    This technique is a subscription method when directly using the VKontakte Friends functionality. The only condition for you to be able to use this method is that there are no restrictions in terms of statistics imposed by the VK.com administration, both for you and for the user you are subscribing to.

    In both cases you will be added to the list of subscribers. The only difference between these inscriptions is the presence or absence of a notification to the user about your desire to add him as a friend.

    If the person you successfully followed has approved your friend request, you can notify him that you do not want to be a friend and ask him to keep you on the subscription list using instant messaging.

    Adding to your buddy list gives you the full range of subscriber features.

    In addition to all the above recommendations, it can be noted that every user you follow, regardless of the method, can remove you from the list without any problems. In such circumstances, you will have to perform the steps in the instructions again.

    Method 2: use bookmarks and notifications

    The second method, which allows you to subscribe, is intended for those cases when a particular user does not want to leave you on the desired list. However, despite this attitude, you still want to receive notifications from the page of the selected person.

    The method can be combined with the first method without any unpleasant consequences.

    In this case, it is extremely important that your profile meets the first requirement mentioned earlier.

    1. Open the VK.com website and go to the page of the person you are interested in.
    2. Under your main profile photo, find the button «…» and click on it."
    3. Among the presented items, you first need to select "Add to bookmarks".
    4. Due to these actions, the person will be in your bookmarks, that is, you will have the opportunity to quickly access the page of the desired user.
    5. Return to your profile again and through the previously mentioned page menu, select "Receive notifications".
    6. Thanks to this installation, in your section "News" the latest updates to the user's personal page will be displayed without any significant restrictions.

    To better understand the information presented, it is recommended to additionally read articles on our website about working with bookmarks and the functionality of deleting friends.