• Khon Falls is the widest waterfall in the world. What to bring from this country

    Of all the beauties given to us by nature, waterfalls have the strongest attraction. They fascinate, sometimes frighten, but always delight. There are more than one hundred of them on the planet. There are tall and small, wide and narrow, lonely and collected in one place, forming a unique landscape sculpture.

    In the Caucasus Mountains, in the Teberda Nature Reserve, the Salynngan River flows. In its gorges there is a unique valley called Thirty Waterfalls. In a Japanese park, one hundred waterfalls cascade into the Osugidani Valley. Norway is a world famous country of waterfalls. But little Lesotho, lost in the mountains of South Africa, is proud of its 3,000 waterfalls!

    Most of the population of our planet believes that the largest waterfall is Niagara Falls. And it won't be entirely right. The biggest one is a very imprecise definition. Experts evaluate waterfalls by height, water flow power and width. Let's try to rank waterfalls by their width to find out which one is the largest.


    The widest waterfall in the world is located on the border between Kampuchea and Laos. The Mekong, called the Nine Dragon River by the Vietnamese, is the largest river in Indochina. It begins at the source and with a roar carries its waters down the deep gorge. Where the river comes out of it and floods the entire Cambodian plain, the Kon (or Khon) waterfall is located.

    Its basalt ridge stretches for almost 13 km. By the beginning of the 20th century, Iguazu was considered the widest waterfall in the world, until in 1920 researchers discovered a new waterfall in Southeast Asia, significantly larger than Iguazu in width. This cascade of waterfalls was called Kon (or Khon). It is still the widest by world standards. The height of the waterfall is relatively small, but its rapids, cascades and plums make it the widest.

    Not far from the waterfall, on a safe, flat place, the organizers set up many tents with souvenirs and food outlets. There is even a special photographer. Tourists say that the beauty of Kohn gives peace and tranquility, and the locals have awarded it with magical powers. It is believed that whoever saw the waterfall at least once received longevity as a gift. This cascade is the center of the national park. It is home to rare freshwater dolphins. Therefore, it is a carefully protected national site.


    Describing the widest waterfalls in the world, I would like to mention Seti Quedas (another name is Guaira). It was located in South America, on the border between Paraguay and Brazil.

    Its width was 4800 m. It was a beautiful cascade of waterfalls. Below him was Iguazu. The water flow per minute was equal to almost three Niagara.

    The history of the waterfall is quite interesting. It was discovered by an unknown gold miner. It was not documented for a long time. All this time, until the 80s of the last century, a mass of water fell from a 30-meter height, raising mesmerizing columns of water dust. But on the site of the waterfall, it was decided to build a hydroelectric power station, the most powerful in the world. Within two weeks, the reservoir was filled and the rocks that were interfering with construction were blown up. The national park ceased to exist.

    But nature does not tolerate such unceremonious interference. The last group of tourists viewing the falls from the suspension bridge fell into the raging torrent. All 82 tourists died.


    The world's widest waterfall is located in South America. Iguazu Falls is considered the eighth wonder of the world. It stretches along the border of Brazil and Argentina. Its name is translated from Guarani as “big water”. The width of this cascade is more than 4000 meters (much larger than Niagara Falls). In an hour, Iguazu dumps one billion tons of water mass. It appeared on maps of South America in 1541, when it was discovered by another Brazilian gold miner.

    More than a decade later, a European gold miner accidentally came across it and gave it his name - Mary's Leap. The royal court did not react in any way to this discovery. Therefore, for several centuries the most beautiful cascade remained in oblivion.

    Iguazu was included in the category “The widest waterfalls in the world” only in the 19th century. Modern researchers claim that this is not a single waterfall, but 275 cascades. Over many centuries they formed a wall similar to a horseshoe. The width of some slopes is almost 700 meters. Water dust forms countless rainbows that are visible even on moonlit nights. The national parks of both countries are included in the UNESCO World Heritage List, and in 2001 Iguazu was recognized as one of the Seven Wonders of the World.

    For tourists, whose flow is growing year by year, bridges, walkways, and cable cars have been built so that you can observe the water element as close as possible.


    What is the widest waterfall in the world? Victoria. It carries its waters in the southern part of the African continent, on the Zambezi River. It is almost 1800 m wide. It is considered the largest in the world (but only thanks to a successful advertising campaign).

    From the language of local tribes, the name of the waterfall is translated as “rumbling smoke.” According to existing legend, Scottish explorer David Livingstone was the first to discover the waterfall and gave it the name of the then living Queen Victoria. Water splashes can be seen almost 40 km away.

    In its uppermost part, the waterfall has a natural elevation, which creates a natural reservoir called the Devil's Font. Fearless tourists love to swim in it.


    If you take a poll about which is the widest waterfall in the world, almost everyone will answer: Niagara. It is located in North America, one of its arms is in America, the second in Canada. The width of its cascades is about 1200 m. There are only three of them: Veil, American Falls (US territory) and Horseshoe (Canadian territory).

    Niagara Falls is considered the most beautiful and famous in the world. The water descends with such a roar that you can’t even hear your own voice several kilometers away. There are legends that this is why the Indians called it “rumbling water” - Niagara.

    Inga and Vermilio

    Continuing to describe the world's widest waterfalls, let's talk about Inga. It is located on the Congo River in the republic of the same name. The waterfall consists of a series of cascades and rapids, forming in some places beautiful islands. Its width is 900 meters.

    There is a beautiful Vermilion in North America. The width of its cascades is 1829 m. It is located in Canada, near the Peace River.

    Stanley and Mokona

    What are the most beautiful and wide waterfalls in the world? Stanley and Mokona. Stanley, 1,400 meters wide, occupies almost the entire Lualaba River. And Macona is part of Argentina. This is the only large river waterfall of its kind. Its width is 2065 m.


    Venezuela is famous for the Para Falls, or as the locals call it, Salto Para. Its width is 5608 m. It is located on the Kaura River, where its two parts converge. From above it looks like a crescent. It is surrounded by almost impenetrable green jungle.


    These are not all the widest waterfalls in the world. Perhaps we can finish with the Gersoppa waterfall. It is located in India, on the Sharavati River. This river is famous for its four streams:

    • Raja. He is slow and unhurried.
    • loudmouth. Without much difficulty, it drags a large number of boulders along the riverbed among the rocks, creating wild noise for many kilometers around.
    • Rocket. It is he who sets the speed of the water flow of the entire waterfall.
    • Rani. It's a slow, meandering stream.

    The cascades and descents of Gersoppa stretch for 472 meters. Locals consider the waterfall magical. It attracts tourists like a magnet. The water flow of Gersoppa from the top rushes down with lightning speed, unlike those already described.


    Now you know what the widest waterfalls in the world are. Photos of the most famous ones are presented in the article. They are all beautiful and interesting in their own way. We hope this information was useful to you.

    waterfall on the Mekong river, Indochina

    Alternative descriptions

    . (Kohn) Walter (born 1923) American physicist and chemist; born in Austria; Nobel Prize (1998, jointly with J.E. Pople)

    A delineated place where, when playing towns, grandmas, etc., the pieces are located that must be knocked out; pieces placed in such a place in accordance with the rules of the game; place where the bet is placed (in gambling)

    A type of Japanese fighting staff with a T-shaped pommel.

    Igor (born 1928) grew up. sociologist

    Felix (1864-1941) Russian politician; uch. Revolutions 1905-07

    In some games: separate game

    Card circle

    A cascade of rapids, rapids and waterfalls on the Mekong River, on the border of Laos and Cambodia

    The place where the bet is placed in gambling

    One circle in the toss-up fool

    Card bank

    Gamblers round

    Raft "...-Tiki"

    Place of bets in games

    They bet money on him

    Place to bet

    Tour, party

    Place for bets

    A separate party in the game

    Place for betting in the game

    Party in the game

    One lap of the fool

    A separate party in games

    Party in games

    Part of the game


    . "round" of a card game

    Money place in the game

    Party in some games

    . "parking" of gaming bets

    Party in card games

    Game of cards

    . "the epicenter of betting"

    Place for figures in towns

    . "time" in a card game

    Card game

    Suitable Place to Bet

    Raft "...-Tiki" by Thor Heyerdahl

    Harry, American Film Industrialist (BKA)

    There are bets on him

    An artificially created soul that replaces Ichigo from the anime "Bleach"

    Bank in a card game

    Place for money when gambling

    Card term

    Separate game in some games

    Waterfall on the Mekong River

    Russian sociologist

    . "Round" of a card game

    . "Parking" of gaming bets

    . "Time" in a card game

    . "Epicenter of Betting"

    A type of Japanese fighting staff with a T-shaped pommel

    Game period in cards

    An artificially created soul that replaces Ichigo from the anime "Bleach"

    M. beginning, limit, boundary: boundary, end; row, order, queue, times. This is where the horse of our land came from. Our cattle have gone to hell! The archipelago is at stake, first of all he makes a bet. From the horse, calmly, calmly, from time immemorial it was like this. I will finish it, to the end, to finish it. games, field, place of play, staging, etc. order of kozen, dibs, pins. Don't believe the first horse. Don’t be happy about the first bet, the win. game for money, they are put on the line, bet, bullet, treasury. Your head is on the line. Rock strikes on the line, bad luck follows the line. He puts himself on the line, but wishes others to hurry up! All trouble is at stake, all fate, loss and gain. To knock someone off the line, from their place, to deprive them of power and importance. For the first time, on the line, once, for the first time; or in the first row, order. The drivers are at stake, digging around, casting lots for the line. The end has come, Kaluga. turn, turn; end, destruction, death. Fellowship, brotherhood, agreement. He is not our horse. Either in or out. Konova, everything that is at stake is at stake. Konovnoy, relative to the stake; initial, indigenous. Horse instigator. Get in touch. Psk. hang out in a gathering, have fun, talk. Konoboy m. north. scream, noise, commotion, blaze, alarm. collect a gathering of rakes, naughty men, brawlers. Horse-slaughtering people, rowdy; - berries trampled on the spot are bad. Horse riding sowing. make noise, shout, argue or row; to pound, to beat, to fiddle, to pound. The Cossack is caulking. worry, fuss, fuss. Don't worry, hostess, I'm full. Horse breeding, horse breeding, tver. Psk. Kolobrod, Kolobrod, etc. Horse breeder m.-dka f. instigators, instigator; started, in troubles, games, pranks, etc. (see also horse). A horseman is someone who has a bet, a stake at stake, a participant in the game. Horse, horse, horse, see also above in its place. Who cares, Cossack. in games where they throw a grandma, a stick: throw, throw further. horsed you, threw you over. Horses' teeth, sir. pester, hurt. -sya, Cossack. symb. horse, cast lots. The coachmen ride, along a stick, along a rope; in games, counting, etc.

    A separate game of cards

    Raft "...-Tiki"

    Raft "…-Tiki" by Thor Heyerdahl

    Place of bets in Irga

    » Khon Falls is the widest waterfall in the world.

    Khon Falls is the widest waterfall in the world.

    Khon Waterfall on the Mekong River is located in Laos near the village of Khon near the border with Cambodia. In the area of ​​the waterfall, the Mekon River is divided into many branches so that the total width of the waterfall is about 20 km with a height difference of up to 21 m. There is a park near the Khon waterfall. The waterfall can be reached from both the Laotian and Cambodian sides. Khon Falls is the main obstacle to navigation along the Mekong River along its entire length.

    The easiest way to get to Khon Waterfall is from the Laotian town of Pakse, which has an international airport. We arrived in Pakse by plane from Luang Probang. Being pressed for time, we immediately agreed with the taxi driver at Pakse airport that he would take us to the central cascade of the Khon waterfall (about 120 km one way), give us 2 hours of time to communicate with this miracle of nature, and then return us to Pakse and drop you off at our pre-booked hotel.

    The driver charged us $235 for the service. I offered the option of paying $100 in advance and the same amount upon return to Pakse. We stopped there. I note that taxi drivers can take you to several branches of the Khon Falls. At the same time, the duration and cost of the excursion will increase.

    About 1.5 hours of driving along the highway and we approach the calm riverbed of the Mekong. Then the park around the waterfall begins. We purchase entrance tickets for $10 per person. Then you can walk or ride along the paths of the park on local carts. You can feel the approach of a waterfall by the sound of water and rapids in the river.

    Finally we come out to the equipped observation deck and see the central cascade of the Khon waterfall as in the pictures of advertising brochures.

    You can go down to the water and walk along a wooden bridge made of reeds to the seething stream.

    To the right and left of the central cascade we see the side streams of the Khon Falls.

    Below Khon Falls, the Mekong flow gradually calms down, although there are many rocks along the shore.

    After the excursion we return to Pakse. Our hotel has a rooftop pool where you can swim and at the same time admire the town of Pakse from above.

    Kon Falls is one of the most beautiful waterfalls in the world. It is registered under the protection of a national reserve and is recognized as a national treasure of the Earth. Kon Falls is located on the Mekong River. The width of its drainage area is thirteen kilometers.

    Kon (Khon) Falls is the calmest of all the waterfalls. His disposition is most favorable to sick people.

    The power of this waterfall is aimed at a calming effect, it has magical energy. Many people who visited the Kon waterfall were convinced of its positive effect on the human body.
    Kohn was discovered in 1920 by researcher E. Khokhan and was named after him.

    Kon Falls is a cascading structure; like Victoria, it includes many waterfalls flowing from different levels of the Mekong Plateau. The beauty of this waterfall comes from the vibrant colorful flowers growing along its banks.
    Kon is also a well-accessible spot for observation.
    Its viewing area is well landscaped. Tourists appreciate this.

    Many extreme sports enthusiasts have tried to conquer the Kon waterfall, and many have succeeded. Cohn almost always favors this. But fatalities also happened there. But this happened mainly due to the little or insufficient preparation of the conquerors.

    It is a series of cascades of rapids, rapids and waterfalls, 3 of which have a drop of 15 to 21 m (with a width of 0.8 to 1.7 km).

    The average water consumption is 10 - 12 thousand m3/sec, the highest (in summer and autumn) up to 30 thousand m3/sec.

    The widest waterfall in the world is located in Southeast Asia, in Indochina. Kon, or Khon, is located on the Mekong River 15 km from Don Khon Island on the border of Laos and Cambodia.

    Anyone who has seen the falls up close will agree that their beauty and majesty are almost indescribable. If even a small drop of water can be inspiring, imagine what it will feel like to see one of the largest waterfalls in the world.

    This TOP 10 is based on the width of the falls, not the height or volume. Each waterfall on the list is wonderful in its own way.

    10. Inga Falls, Democratic Republic of Congo

    The Inga Falls are 900 meters wide and are located on the Congo River in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. It is one of a series of waterfalls and rapids that fall from a height of about 100 meters, but intermittently. However, in the main and most impressive part, the water falls from a height of about 20 meters in one breath. There are hundreds of channels on this waterfall, which are highlighted by many large rocks and small islands.

    9. Niagara Falls, USA, Canada

    Despite its relatively short height, Niagara Falls is undoubtedly the most famous waterfall on the planet. Every year 14-20 million people come to see the waterfall. At 1,200 meters wide, Niagara Falls is far from the largest waterfall, but it is the waterfall with the largest volume of water flowing through it. It has three distinct parts: Horseshoe Falls, Bridal Veil Falls and American Falls.

    8. Stanley Falls, Democratic Republic of Congo

    Stanley Falls extends 1,400 meters across the Lualaba River, in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Despite its width, it is not a very visually impressive waterfall.

    7. Victoria Falls, South Africa

    Victoria Falls is 1800 meters wide. It is located on the Zambezi River in Zimbabwe. The river falls into a gorge consisting of lateral volcanic dams that were formed due to river erosion. When the water enters the gorge, the mist and spray rise more than 30 meters high, compared to the top of the falls, giving the impression that the mist is rising from a deep hole in the ground.

    6. Vermilion Falls, North America

    Although this waterfall does not have an impressive height, it is the sixth largest waterfall in the world in terms of width, which is 1829 meters. It is located along the Peace River, in Northern Alberta, Canada.

    5. Mocona Falls, South America

    The waterfall is part of the Uruguay River in Argentina. This is one of the most unique large river waterfalls. Its width is 2065 meters.

    4. Iguazu Falls, South America

    The waterfall is located on both sides of the border between Argentina and Brazil. It has a width of 2682 meters. Most of the river falls in an area known as the Garganta del Diablo, or Devil's Throat, but the rest spreads out across a wide, flat shelf, splitting into hundreds of individual waterfalls. This waterfall can vary greatly in volume depending on how much rain has fallen. At times it is reduced to a fraction of its normal size, but in some cases it increases to 2896 meters in width.

    3. Congo Falls, West Central Africa

    The waterfall is 3,200 meters wide, making it the third largest waterfall in the world. The falling water is truly an unforgettable sight, and it is located among the dense equatorial forests. The waterfall is located in the Ivindo National Park, which was created to protect biodiversity.

    2. Para Falls, Venezuela

    Salto Para, or Para waterfall, 5608 meters. The waterfall is located on the Caura River in the state of Bolivar, Venezuela. It is shaped like a crescent and is formed at the point where two parts of the river converge. The waterfall is surrounded by lush, green jungle.

    1. Khon Waterfall, Laos

    This is the widest waterfall in the world. Almost twice the size of Para Falls, it has a width of 10,783 meters. The falls are part of the Mekong River in Laos, and occur where the river splits into seven major and many other smaller channels. It consists of several different thresholds.